The Signal, 1896-7-9, Page 377.'i,ie!,, ,. THE SIGNAL: GODERICR, ONT. THITRALIAY JULY 9, 1896 3 Dentistry. M. NICHOLBON. L D *. 004Mf1sCumrirsil aunt t a t US.ruw.a ass WS" a Weis* Tomes ittllerMmea T M. MABE1.. D Y , L.D.S.,—t N Li. TL1, SL'MutUN.-.Lsteet and approved mstheds Ar .1 dense operrleme wiser,. ties el the natural teeth a specialty. Mee overi* su Midas..'. dry geode Moro. cher mer aW..tfit. sodt►.Semite Wan ii.ERULL, D.11 .8., LD.8.— iota. amilein teeth se er Wm hams. era Dir. w Wok seely la want i ae t• Da. HUNTER, PHYSICIAN. 8UR- gem t.. OSm-8rum streetthe nevi detirt,.. lidslyos=ted b) Dr. Mol... Night >retrinllbstd LMOM.. UT LAX.. IABUER OF MARRIAOS T1 . histo. oadgei.i. O*L 3M3-ly Legal - Li e ae- M. CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLI O . cu.r.2t,saveyanca•r. ex. (>•Im—oor. Harlltoo..d dt Andrew-[.•, opp, C. berme Hetet 111-17E KNEST HEATON -- KARRLSTER, kloltdtr. Notary 1'ubiio. £Ob .. s Peek, Westdtreet, Mw-ly CI. a1P1oN.Q.C.. BARRISTER, SOL 174. triter. Neter" ftc. U.sce herr Medical II.L Mgasre, Uodertck. • f• u. JOHNSTON, BANNISTER, SO- ict:or, commission. -r, etc, Mosey to lona, .Maass : cu. Hamilton and tit. An O drew'.. -eta oderteb.Ont. 50i 1 UFTUS K. DANCEY, BARRISTER, J detiettor, Cusvq.ai«, iso.. eu. M. to loan a: lowest rates lirtw's own* Colborne Hotel. Uodrrich, 011111.°11111% N. LEWIS, BARRISTER, PKoO- (J. ter Is Maruti Warts of mimeo Yoe -south Celborse !oral, 1313 C. HAYS, BARRISTEII, SOLICIT IL. OR, to °Moe Nrtb«t., next door Sio\si OSP. Private /nous to land at i , nest rates of Waren. 1%0- `1 ARROW £ PROGDTOUT, BAIt- lJf Amore. Attorneys, 8olioltore. Ike., Dole. rt.ta. J T. U.rrow, 1..C., W. Proudfoot. I `1AIIE1tMN, HOLT & HOLMES, V Barristers. eouott rs t• (`bare«!, to Uodorieb. Y. C. Criss[., 4.0.: P. Holt ; Hadley Holmes tIG. WARD, CONVEY ANOER, . fta, sad oommiesbeseer let taking and re- m, a lag reaeinlranose of bail. &Mayne a stittrteatlpss• depos itioss or solemn dealers - gum le r swimming .ay .Donee, suit or pro - mediae to tae High Court of Jamie*. the Coon of Appeal for Outa:.u. or in any County « Ltvisua Court. All tisasactiuos oarstuly sad promptly executed. Itwdwoe and P.O. tddrese--Dssasaao- Oat 1110 -tt LDY. OM AMIRWMiM. VI ONEY TO LUA!I. - 1110,100.00 11 Private Tunde to load at 1t w 05- easily. It y. M. U. CAAiYUN, Horemb Yook opposite Colborne Hot.&. Uoderek, 107.13 YRIVATIh FUNDS — PARTIES DE - strew et *Mamma mom) ou find -class area sezurity can do so at tt per cent. by on- ly ins to J. A. Mcl)ON Ao It Rc xso Ila. Prise bold Buildings. Toronto, - wy5tln �I $EAGER, CONVEYANCING AND . Insnrame e0os. o vertoneartit:a Hotel 0od«soh. RI ON EY '1st ) LEND ON MORTGAGE lrl st sj P« meat. Nets. dlsrotmted, t'. iAAUttR. teHoe oppoutte Mamas'. lLoul. Uod.- rlcb. J. T. NAIfTEL, FIRE, LIFE AND . acoldent Insurance reset' at lowest at ✓ es. Ofsce (:or. Nortb.vt. s ad dquare, Uod- retch. 7e.- efi00,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO CAM/ROlt HOLT it HOLYL . Gale- d oh odydoh ten �,4ONKY TO LEND. —A LAR 11 amount of Private Funds for invest -meat .t lowest rases a Mt-cla« Mortgage,. Apply o BARROW t PROUDFUOT RADOLIFFE, GENERAL IN Loo Gamma, Reel elrstuias: adcoinppennt tnd i repressated. Money to tend ea straight beans, at the lowest rats of l.treet in e ar way to snit 1111 Duresser. Oe e-- Bee - sad door from Muer.. Wer attest, Bode` leo MIPOISMILDDINIr)[a.Ututt. i '1 ODRRIUH 1111O11AFI08' INeTl- l. TOW LIBRARY AND RSADINU- MOOM, ser. of Rot MIMS and Square (up Matra. Oise teem I te e p.tt,, and tress 7 to 10 e.n. ABOUT 9000 VOLS IN LIBRARY. I.aeding Daily, Weekly wad IUwlrstsd Papers, Uts .wr.u, mid., ea ilr. mann' TRLli=T. ONLY ibrary sad Handing Room, •ppUeetis.s toe marbersklp neatest] by Likrartua, fa room J H. COLBORNE. H. HAMILTON. Librarian. Oodrle► I91i 1N MUIPM001110,11111. THOKA8 GUNDRY, AUCTIONEER and Loorsmes� �Apsot. 0e4si. Oat. art mamaodes Kualatees. Oe. S **- Agentteeded to 1n say parte/ *Moon. 00.1, UJ URN 1 NOX, GENERAL 1Uo- te i ustser sad Land Velem esr�n Redrlek. •+.g had .aaes Idabl. V e••tYo' isgads. ba is in a pests be 'massifs_with Wane% msista den all toe m pr [ranted te himOrion. Orilett at 13.rto's 1les.l, r wt w wall te hie sddre.t (leder ch P. OO earet.ly $tteald te. JOBN KNOX Comity AuMMser mom PlrttlssfonaL Ef t;. STEELE -tem atronreem, mane ria, .$A000Te1•Alr, VA1. Atlte< (>ffeee--awr. Handless sal NeweatimeN-im Before habitue biscuits brush tiro ever with a 11111e meet mils jest Were they w pee b the eves w ae Is sake them a geed seise. LOVE'S WAY. A by de I lime yes. sweetheart mins 1n .Doth, 1 MOWN say. Love Dame to mow stealthily I sever row hie weir His eats. f.,....,eps warmly pressed The pethe.s t., ..y hoar 1 .sly .aro him stewing [hero, Aad I knew he'd near depart. How oat 1 tell whet brought him when I know not now he owe ! I only busty anti towed balmy The metric of inns pins. 8o mein are mon bsa.tdul • Ah, well, perchance 'tie true 8o roomy aro mese boar, dear' Sweet, no mese skis is rota HOME NOTES. HINTS FOR HOUSEKEEPERS ()Id fowls stake ex.11ent broth Scald dry h.dd.ok before cooking. Always keep obese, io a 000l place. English rabtts aro most nutritious. Raw eggs are excellent for invalids. Nuts are hard to dyte.t without melt. Never use milk that hos been frozen. Veal should Dever be served underdone. Never boil or fry coarse pieces of meat. Never pat marrow from booms into soup. Colas quite freed, 6.h is beet lett sloe*, Reject .tele vegetables as you would pois- on. Herring contain • oonsiderable amount of tat Cook celery in broth toll nearly traooper est English salmon a the moot nourtehiny fish. Ham. may be kept well packed in dry oats. On no account keep vinegar in earthen Excellent for lighting fires -dried orange - peel. I)octors say ood is the hardest gbh to di- em t. i•goer. To keep milk sweet put in . little fine salt. Uee coke for kitchen fires when practio- ahle. The knuckle of veal is the beet part for soup. I've plaster of Pru to seal up bottled fruit. Eat sparingly of all ktnds of dried fruits. duck'. ears give a rich flavoring to cus- tards. if you want light pastry, mix with a knife. Hominy is • popular dub with the Amer- icans. .Apples tor dumplings should not be oored. Soak watercress in brine to kill the i.- eel`te. Young dory -fed pork is most unwhole- some. Inions purify the blood and stimulate the liver. Veal, *Len large, is apt to be coaxes and tough. Revive • dying tiro by. • sprinkle of moult '.ug.r. Experts soy that rice water is Very nour- whiny. Meat for soup .Fou' i to placed in cold water. Lamb's liver should he . Ioattrd with salt watt r. Oatmeal ab can water ..od soon becomes musty. Coe boiti.r easily. f.emon•jni-. ravyes g: time trona kitchen table.. i.prfnkle potato slices with flour before frying. don't peel young rhubarb - wiping i. sof- fioiant. Ensure gond soup by slow and continued boiling. E.closs a leg of mutton in a cloth before boiling. Hot alum water is a . troyr. Earthenware bowls making. Over ten per cent. cooking. Vegetables after cooking should be dried at once. Von oan keep wap fresh with oarboaate Of end.. Boil carrot. and turnips for forty-five o neness. F..verc drop of milk should be boiled be- fore uta lndi,estio may be rete' sd by a spin an a bioyole. Oyster shells in the tea -kettle prevent " furring " Ov.r000ked meet lases maoh of Do nour- iehneat Beet marrow r puddings. Old sap will float in water—fresh ones will eimk. Before 000kiag a dook,poer boiling water *resift it The Maass fe the most wholesome for- eign trait Haat pot in a oeol even becomes sodden and teach. 1m seeking pantry the Ism it is handled the better. Hens.-redieb is Oahe immures freedom tress sown. Frying pm Mould be smeared with salt after mine. Ofd h. u.hoold be soaked fee a day b. - hr* bUW.g. Kitsba. ,. ss Medd be well siee05d every week. Yea shoed o a silver epees for esteem Mumhreesm Beaus sled --sips- sem be easily named le bsrax- 8pi..► j.ies le twfd it selectee seep and uremia Organs require he/ WU.g — remove eeeegms fid Lisle* Mont be ss.fled twelve beers be- tars j.0 iM obtMlad by MlMsindg through Rab IsN bde with beach- rodded will en- ireiy mdeste ear► worn hub Medd be Ohm ase ee amply stem- = simply with bread. ser woe vegan water to make fah wale capital insect de - are beet for oaks - of meat Is lost in preferable to suet in wi t Seri gpsig.e i• ant wade whanevr N Y steMbeg dosed Mon a gdsk Who fire Mode etre eld.ed More b ehee w1Y sloe them haler Thos Imes se Isms and sail Med the. Nes bee been eqw seed Imo ode. Ina N am IM moi Ir fhb p.fpma To keep meat hem impeding in het wroath• press dews slightly to Odgers ea the take a ears of beetise." two moose et mswles while yen w Mos m Y • , lamp *agar, and two Omen of halt ; these together ler a few mlaeW, and veld amen' with • brash the meat to be pro- ewv.d. 0.t fake..—Make medlu-iaed oatswl into • *ti/ pasts with bray" water , roll it oat this, sad bake in a slow ores. Da set let it gas brow.. Who Booked, dry before lis Asa. Keep le a tin ad warns u an oven before Males. bail The proper effort is to pat the mw@e<r M- wbss to manse. main seethes broadly, and thus taste.11y allewi.g the features to relax and assume their statural expression agate. Ges- ture to du eco until Lea have tired this mei of tissues. You ase readily uted•retaad tut the pressure of the brgere while the ns.0I . aro in owtraotion offers the desired nesse- moo, which to neueeeary to the rapid d.- vel..pmeat of the musoelar tissue, and ebtob is also egwhaleat to the romance whorls a dumb bell or other weight would give fa d.vvlo,.bg my other part of the body. P jr ebe amend exercise once more allow the features to be drawn into a male ; but tbw time, instead of permittnr the owners of the wtouthto be curved upwards, as in the arse exercise, have them drawn straight out towable the metro of the cheeks. Now, with the balls of the thumbs pieced on the obeeks,and pressing towards the me - nen of the mouth, **.tract and retas else muscles alternately, dr.wing the owners of the mouth straight out to the *metre of the cboeks towards the bail ot the thumb. sur• not to make the pressure of the :tomb so moon against the muscles that when they are in contraction they will be unable to form the thumbs ha •k each tome as they do so. Repeat this moven.ement until you bare tired the muscles. Another exrciw that will aid very me- terally io improving the face is to exrone the muscles of the chin. Again, stand be- fore your mtrror, Miss Vanity, to be sun you are doing the right thing,prses the low- er lip upwards by depreseing the chin, as in the sot of pouting, as firmly as you out, and crook the forefinger so as to make a half circle of It : put the half -wide form over the point ot the chin just below the mouth, and prase downward lightly with the finger, while a' the some time you are pressing the lip upwards .troogly enough to push the linger up with it. 1-ou must remember, after ooetracting the muscles firmly ennuvh to force the finger upws le, to relax the lip instantly and al- low it to mount. its natural c nviition again, and repeat the movement until you have tired the muscles of the chin. In this ezercis•• he sure to keep the teeth closed to pr say false movement of the lower jaw. Mast faces that are .t all thin are apt to he very hollow at a point between the up- per and lower jaw at the back. 1 he exer- ci.e for developing the..• muscles will b0 • very goo i one tf practised thoroughly. They aro the mune'-. that press the low- er j.w against the upper teeth, and to de - vel. -p thorn we matt give them plenty of Ow this kind of work Take twn pieces of indiaruhher. about • .mart.f of an Inch .+true, and ire• rt one on each side of the mouth between the back teeth. Cins. the teeth on thein as If you were engaged to that matt American and shominal-le hahit of cum chewing ; Weed 'he teeth r•nly lot f.r enough rpsrt each tint. re admit of the tuhtwr. 3Mie, kept in pl•en Repent this movement of the lower jaw Dot+I you tire 11•• .nue leg, Twn rf thine small rehhere whiob aro [D- a'r'ed in thy .art or . tin holier for lead pencils are just the'hings for this work, tie- ing the right size The teeth must be closed strong' on them each time, By thus raising the lower jaw sootiest the upper no. soh greet throe, the muscles be- come well developed .sod thereby fill out the h•.lIows, which are no unwetormc and en un- becoming. .Another exercise that will aid very ma- teri.liv in plumping out the cheeks is to put the forefinger in +he mouth between the cheek and the teeth, and press the cheek outwards in every cnnoeii ahle way you can, and all pert* of it, and espeeb sly hark as far se poesii le. • Chance M be limrmed Fir Neahtae, The ergot Hungarian Es1baiiu i. wake mood .t Hada Perth a few weeui ego, nem many attractions to the sightseer, sad w .t least who'll has oevr been tboatbl of in 050500(400 with soy prey ions exhibition— the opportunity to be married free of Deet. Not.ithoteadieg the objectless raked by the clarity , supported by members of the imperial Family, a rent warntge dittos, throe owe a se .1h, say betrothed couple mor be married according to the mill aeronomy, in the exhibition grounds, sad have [stet. Owes booked in the register. The oommittee &suite them, with ell their friend., for s week's (..ling, and lursi.h thea[ with aarriegee and horses, toed, and sleeping room.. Thew weddings wigive the .shoes to the exhibition . perfect Wes li of the ou.tomte in all parte of the country, and lacy will make the Dosage of the village street pictures of reel lde on high festival day -s. The tint marriage to he performed in the exhibition in that of a Maxon oo0ple from Transylvania. Wieners Esrey Canes. Until this spring it has Dever 000urred to the mannish young woman that she ought to oomplete the effect of her 005(41010 by carrying a cane. Now she has take* up the idea with enthusiasm, and almost every day them may be seen on fifth avenue gentle- manly young meat In neat tailor-made omtumes, derby hate and carrying canes - In England Queen Victoria has set the Mahlon, and the royal preoedent is being actively followed in all the English towns. No sooner were the oases imported as nor. .lass than the New York women huttoed to adopt the fad. Now they profees to tied them remarkably- convenient and a safe- guard from the dreadful predicament of not knowing what to do with one's hand. There is somewh it of au art in properly carrying a oaoe,but If well managed It lends a jrunty air The canoe that have been seen w far are meetly Diann woods and are ver) slenderly constructed. The handles are usually crooked and a silken cord and tassel gives the feioinine touch. In a tew of the canes seen abroad, there i. an attempt at elabor- ate mounting, and evi-n a few jewel -studded handles have been seen. LATEST FADS. Mime of she fa$est Pashbas 1. France's Capital. The Isteet fad is to have petticoats and corsets to match, and yeet.rday- one of my friends snowed me a charming Dorset of white silk she had just got from Peters,00v• ed w:th fleur-de•li., with a petticoat of the same lined with pink silk, with very full pink silk pleating@ forming a balayeuse. The skirt was trimmed with a deep French tlonnoe edged at the top and bottom with marrow ruches ot wt-ite silk put on in scal- lop., and there was something charming in the coots it that made the visnble and invis- ible put of this toilette harmonize with the same little white silk ruches. and these are largely seen on everything Half the skirts of the summer g05 are fnish.d with these dainty trills, very airy and dehcate,of pinked -out silk, or of tulle, or of mou.e,line de eoie Speaking of corsets reminds me that 1 «e that some of the American papers are treat- ing their readers to the periodical legend .bout the revival of the (:reek waist. The t;reek figure, meaning by that such a figure as one sees in the Venus de Milo, will never be revived, since generations of corset • wearing have bred . race of women whose bodies are very different from those ot the (:reeks. 10 lutes of beauty have *hanged as well, in winners of which go and see F•1 gaiere's statute, •' La 1)aoseuee,io this years Salon. Look at the curve of the pipe os pronounced e, to be almost • deformity at the manner in which the abdomen tx flat- tened, almost strangled, as it were. He who runs may reed a lemon against an in• ' tremens of torture wttiob leaves such last- ing effecte ae that, and preach it. And the crusade against the corset is not new. It sprang up forty or fifty years atter Cather- ine atherine de Medici. introduced into France the image of the 'steel busk supported by me. tank brumes, and the same arguments that oo. gods brought to bear on the subject m that day by a disinterested old person nam- ed Riolan one and., a little brushed op and armored to suit the tote of the day, in the minmtee of last years "Societe de Medeotne Publicise," in Paris, Hut in spite of all that 1s to Its said against the Dorset its enemies bare over imveated anything to take its plain. A properly-Atting Dorset, so made os to support the 6gam without pies sing oaduly anywhere, sad lightly booed so as to bend supplely with every movement of the body, is not only a thing of besot}-, bot can be absolutely a jay forever.—Harpr's Bazar. LAUGH AND BE PRETTY. • uiam>,1e tzeeglse tsar teener vtpg t . We see dsmb-belle, Indian clubs, and .bot weight. galore to .tremgtbee .ad im- prove every knows sad meows aside to Nie body, hem our nooks uee.wards, but what Meat the souseme of ear toe ! They, tee, ems be improved, sad are quite as eaesep able el develepnwt as easy modes et the bedv. ti. pbyieal oboe inetr.eter will tell ye.. Hotbeds el hose are rued gad plump, yet est bwidsl r eves pretty. They .-e all Bea and ae ossele, Thee sent be j r .s.wg* piempar from the deve'epmest et se'wdr Yemen. M bring eat Nater*'s beautiful cares, tied le obviate either flab- biness ee vslWar his Now, there are a Iw eitendeft white, if 'praelised Mesa Women daily. or ova ave mtautee, will de slue te moos .05'. Melte than all the le3M.e in the verld. U 7+• leek fe the terror tad smiled 4. you will read wenn weigh to IaaRlhR omen ire tela the way they bosh tip, w an emelt Mesh, erectly o - der the epee. Aire the boohoo white team at gash emir of Me Nib is the eget* .t I1 yea via atria mad develop Mao �� Nat "mar ehsuh• wif sitar 35* fhse eastern ani heap pee "tans sad NmMg Is oe7or• -glr ever. BM to return M Me etsseOsa Woo the tedttftle, TYgt esmesass the hr•Rbfng -s..lo Oi Snake as passials by= , egg ler sulk erry lbws *a tips jilitrillevel.. Awl h.gaee of sash Mad 5455 seek sposolA • i JOON MABEL • Druggist. Peterhof.' Dor SM -1 bare been [rambled wit* Nssref. gle mere er leu ter as years. Fer the past se years my ..Verlags bare been latero, us. W last winter, when you advised me to try s be: et "Tesepletoa's Mak Powder." Atter taking three et tour powders an p5ia left. 1 sentineled them, however, until three bora, were taken, and have had no recsrresce et the pain for sheet wise or ten months, and w5dd strongly advise anyone pattering tress art sew.[ petalsi et troubles to try "Temple. se's Pink Powders.- Teen truly. 0. J. JOPLINO. Bridge.rtb. Out. UM POWERS ME A POSITIVE CURE FIS rIUATW, REUI4i1A, SCIATIC', U IIRelC Sold in Goderich shy .1 F:. DAVIS. COI for BUTTER and EGGS have soil a few DRYGOODS STRAW HATS which I .in selling at a reduction in prices At the Cash Grocery. H. .1. HORTON, ear. 10est.wml+t aa4 Square. PANCAKE BREAKFAST Is the thlag fee this einem et 1h. year, 11 7.e have over r••eesd this Were. ,ea will whew you have tried some of mer PAN- CAKE CEREALS. s•PNesswted with seine of Mer PURE MAPLE SYRUP w Fl nae COFFEE Vasil taw ION Eggs pggsagrs, MORE 000DS.. LEGHOR NS, WHITE SAILS, VERY NICE FLOWERS. i11 of the Latest Designs. Bee our Large Stock of UNDER WEAR. MISSES YATES. In Buying a ISI CYCL E, it stays W BUY THE BEST. And doubly so when the best costs no more than one not so =TIE Common Sense is one of the best wheels manufactured in Cana' In. The Ladies' Wheel being constructed on principles to give the greatest possible comfort in riding. A number of second hand wheels, in good repair, at low prices. FOR SALE BY GEO. W, THOMSON, POTMAHOFF TEA. We This new blend of tea for family use is now an sale at our store have also the finest in FRUITS and VEGETABLES and keep on hand full lines of best Family Groceries, and the most reliable in Dairy Produce, Seasonable Fruits and Vegetables. STURDY BROS. The Gropers, on the Square. A Little Knowledge to the fact that the.% is not a dangerous thing when it directs your attention Forest City Business and Shorthand College, London, Ont. is giving the mo.t practical and business like course in Canada. Everything strictly high grade. Write for catalogue and College Journal. School re opens Jan. 2, 1896. J. W. NA7 Mt2,VELT, Principal. EDDY'S SOLID BACK GLOBE WASH BOARD. A GOOD WASH BOARD. Solid and Sour.) frame, made to withstand s ears of use. - Back one inch thick. - The best heavy Vielle Montagne Zinc (guage No. 8) not tin. Back and Zinc setinto grooved sides. Warranted by the Makers. The E. B. Eddy Company, Ltd., bull, Canada. CASH FOR WOOL. TARE YOUR WOOL TO TEE • Goderich Woolen Mill where yea ass get f.0 value ter year oohed Meese it envisage foe oar popular IWOQI, i,1 Q<)OL)g We have spool a Were r Otis'e est stead se. Legato 9 l where we will be SoM M i t ewe yes eo "re MAM.I pr*.. it p ie it ea.► fee wen. We w pm. CUSTOM WORK eB 1r begs l. M tM •rsF iewwihIIIINON/ ;ss/ Masatwt.•k.F T.eet% num.., rO.Mh I.r may gr5Mty ./ Wed. drimmembor ebe p1.... MANOR'% all NOEL 0. A. NAIRN. 1 G. M. COLLINS.