The Signal, 1896-7-2, Page 8THE SIGWA.L : OODRR1CB. ONT., THURSDAY, JIILY 2, 11116 THIS $I.00 BIBLE for 75 cents. GII,Ie., Prayer Hooke, and Hymn Hooks at marked down prices' FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY I A Bable for Si, .00 Full Mor000, Hi-ferences, a Han141owe Appearance, Sub- stantial Material. The best Bible for the money we haw ever leen able to ofi.r our cu•troutere. PORTER'S FsOOK STORE closer Summer iiiotithe at f oulork. Telephone Exchange open until S oclock, wli re EveD1Og Newspapers will Ise distributed. AN OPERATION AVOIDED. A'MITHn FALL tASF4OF 4.bK.AT l9PORFAXtE. EI:\•ti'LI A• 1N IML EA 1. DLt LLU•% INT,. A k' .N 0..• neat-nto..Tons Pile LA nen ;I{AT.•.SLV Ay o1'ek/TIOS/OCLI, rW au 1.11.11. A ]I/.utrt• 1. Iona o N:11.11 ‘1%:.• 1 HL I•AtNrt a, ul•aaATIos t s • 1• • LaYAaY. Fro, ins Smith. trei:roJrut. A famous German medical scientist once remeti.ed that the world is toll ot men and women who are sick because of their ,kept• imam. The wisdom ot this remark wag never more eelf-evtdent than u us today. trill. ILII slants I was obis to go to week smile; S,M by J. E Davie. 7531 FIVE Ot' THEM DROWNED. The swaps nail -ad audios M a Para lkei .tart.d net fere week's Steams. Mass.. June YJ. -What ens utend..l p lie a week's enl(Q'abl • out- ing was brought to an &brunt and sad closer at Lake Ma,4*PO$X thtr after- noon. Assistant Pastor Joseph Mal - well. Chotrma$ter Frederick Brackett. Clerk (George It. 1►La'ra and le choir buys of St. John's Eplecoli.t1 Church, l'harlr.rl,w'n. tam*. to Sharon to -day to tamp out at Lake M&Sa.Woag for a week. The% arrived about L'' Jt) p.m. anal Pitched their tents on tn.- r:tores .t the lake. After dinner Mr Brat.kott and six "f the toys went out in a biter They paddled around the.•dt• •)f the Punct in hhall,W w•a:ere t•1'tg not over 40 f.-.4 trots the short, eh. 0 a Mlle boo named Parker fill overbuild. There are =undoes wore, sit sufferers who Frank Col. aired 1 :. imtnedtatel9 would rather suffer than use any medicine lumped atter him. swam a&ore. Rat a not prescribed be their favorite doctor. To now and by ti . ear • : 1: arty. J tCr these people. p•erhaps. the story ot Mr. Parker boy. but In the• rontur"•-n re - Thai E. 1'hilbp, of Smith's Falls, may sultfnie from the acddeit the beat •vats convey • moral. The following u the storyI userturned and Mr. brad. •t anal the outer four boil were thrown Mt*, lee as riven by Mr Phillips to a Record report- waive. None of the Party msv•• th. Ci x er • "Several years sato 1 began to fate oto weight. lest my appetite and erysipelas started in my face, and then a running son broke out on my cheek. 1 consulted three phyacisne and they al! said it would iso se - meaty to res.o%e s portion of the bone. All this time I was unable to do any work sed was •uiTering intense mental and ph3sioat alfonJ when I chanced to reel in the IGw:ord about Or. Williams Fmk Pills and resolved to try them, thinking they would do me no harm .o* way. 1 had not used one box when I felt that were helping me. 1 con- tinued amt atter inking eight hot• -s the run- ning safe on my cheek completely healed, and the operation the doctors mid was oec weer was avoided. 1 regained my weight and sok coos more possessing • good appe- tite. In fac' 1 wan made a new man, so re- markabiti wee the change. %, a now con. 'eider I'in k 1'ilt.shousehold neeessitv.' NIr. Phillipe was a respectable and wall -to-do fanner of Wolford township until last spring when he sold hit term and as now being • retired life in Smith's Falls He is about tint' yeah et age, though looking younger, and a living witness of the won- derful curative properties contained to I)r. Williams' fink Pills. This great medical discovers has reached the high position which it holds through the power ot its own boy could swtin. and lief .re help could reach them ftlnnt ehure, all flue were drowned. Ask,stanc.• was suram•:t:.•d from Hotel MaF<ai,as and the to .tint over, teeo%rted ehorth aft.v. '1'ne camp was at once broken up and the grlef- etricken survivor!. return -•.1 home this after noun. The names of the drowned are: Frederick Brackett, Thomas Par- ker. tiaras Laker. Winless P. Atkins and L'.njaruln ltlbbe. 113 PEOPLE DROWNED Tart Rem/ RIM a 1rasMlas pasty ala - Lake Wbaw.N ser Mader Lemma. Shan on... Wle..June 2!'. -Word reach- . -1 het.• of the drowning of six persons at Shawano tusk, during a gale last evening. A part) ,tun-latlng of O. A. Itisum and wife. Herman Drackrey .And wife, Louis flukey, waif.- and chill. Futcher, Miss Emma Garbtecht of Shawano. and Mine Margaret Croix of Rt. Nesting. Manitowac Count.'. starts from Cecil about 5 o'clock In O. A. Itlaum's yacht. en route tor a few days' outing on the north phore of the Take. %%ben about three miles from shore the I...at was vaporized by a sudden 1.4411a'1 and the party precipitated Into the merits. By as timely use the weak are water. Mr. Hleum and Mr. i)rackrey made strong : pale• wan cheeks .te given al Clans tt th. latter vd incht fur child I i rosy hue : lost vigor is renewed and tM I hours. the holding the child In suffering ones are relieved from paw, If his arms, when they were rescued by were ant -scud Your dealer does not keep 1/r Williams' 1 partici, term r , es fort help. The bodies of the other six hare not been recovered. Pink P111e, they will be sent by meal ell 1112. rept of 50 coots . box, or six boxes fee E5 50. by addressing the company at Brook- ville, (ht., or Schenectady. N. h. Remem- ber that lh. 11 imams' Pink Pills cure whoa other medicines fail and do not be persued• od to take either a substitute or an unite 1100 Varna A very ple• sot event took plass in 1.ocl.ricb Teamed) os' Wedneoday erste' Ing bit, when .1 E R. Harowell, the popular te.cher and principal, of Vara public ochooi, captivated one of I:od.rieh Township's forest damsels, in the person of Mies Franca Elliott, third daughter of Gabriel Elliott. THREE TRUE FRIENDS Wks keep /:very Premolar .benratlem ..wt.hed : alder, .Lease Teke. /logs : Or/ad.d Id/1R•tleo nes Ismail s -wise Crest mem Amer Ms$ t/seNlre. We oan get at the heart of this matter by letting other perple tell the truth ot what these wonderful South American remedies nen do, and hays done. John Marshall, of Varney, county et trey, nattered as rely those can 50ser who have been troubled with .01.tiw. A relative suggested that he try South American Rheumatic Cure, whiob presaged so much. Result -inside o1 three days he wee able to walk • distasos of nearly 4 miles to Durham for the purpose of procuring another bottle of this remedy. H. 000tieoed its use, and to.. day he testifies that he knows nothing more .f the troubles of Abu p&nfel phase of rheu- matism. Some dream ooseista of the gathering of solids and bardened substances la the ga- ts-. The troubles oannot ev pesmaneuIy resoeed, exspt as these particles are dis- solved. A powder or p11' will sot do this. South Amerman Kidney Cure possesses the particular *lemmata that get .t the seat of this dleo.ea John G Nickel, one of the best knows farmers is W alleee toweehlp, sshered fres kidney complaint, carrying with it awful psis► Nothing did him any good, email he tried South Amerioe Kid rosy oars. lite words w- "After taking only two donee the pais was entirely gems end I have sever Mos bothered with It Nem. I led ea wed as I ever did. Lot sere ernes me te Sbipiey fest 'Rios an! I will gladly give Meta partleaMre of ay ease. if the world looks blue to my*** it b to Ns 4yepeotle. Yes. to veers Hand Reid, fJheri.y, 0.t., .wfferu1 mash from liver ...pets sad dyoptlpele He says --'•AI Mass my lie wee es tsador i =old sot bear It pend et ton.h 4 from lbs wbMde 1 wisd • s/' s many r. i' . without myh.MK t wee esu elj ld to deep my week, epi se • deal resort was t.d.Md to try RNA Amoeba. Idtrartas Sire i had OJy1•YRr( Y4TE .IYMtOtAbLAND. MILLINERY We' have: all the Latewt De- signs in Hats TRIMMINGS and just the right styles to suit you.. We probably have the fullest line to select from in town, and our prices are always reasonable, so you may be sure to be satisfied if you deal with us. Your inter- est is our interest and we rely more on a small profit and a satisfied custom than the revbrse. See our Window of Cheap Millinery for this week and our 25c Sailors. J. T. ACHESON. Regular reettng of Huron Lodge Na 62, 1.0.0. Fe. tins I Thursday) sweeten. Soma fifty ticket. were .old in (iodoriob for he choir excursion to Sarnia ea Setae day. I be frame of the voa.sted dwelling being en .led tor Slow Dark on VietOrta-etu neatly o.tmolete, and the beicklayen will soon .tart on the outside. A k.atletran rot off a goud yoke the other day anis be informed • friend iotorested in rmcieg that some bones had arrived for Dominion 1)ay, the bones being those fixed N the round about. /car/ fire. tow wweeplas the Ifertbsem rant= et the Island. St. John•s.N.F., June Vi.-I)r•-adful fer- ret Errs are sweeping over the north- ers Wrtvrm of this Island. On Fri- day >M families were rendered home- less at lt.otwd,rlville. On Saturday n:eht Piliry's Island was swept by fire. The Methodist Church. Court House. Retvatlon Army barracks and 35 houses w. re destro).-d. Women and children almost naked had to writ refuge In. . ...en boats in the harbor. The Gov- ernment 1. sending relief. was! t4PllAL. Tile Arfratlar $ep.bIIe see a•peslaa EP sew rirld. M l.veatmlrat. New York, June 29.-A special den - patch from Buenos Ayres to The Her- ald sa)e. Th. Argentine Consul at Montreal has returned herr for a ,tort visit, during which he will make an Investigation with a viewof opening up fields for the Investment or Cana - Alan capital. 1t 1e propel/fled that C. esu shall compete with the niftier States in certain lines herr. Mil TIME AT Qt-F.Died B LAW NO. 10 OF 1896, 1i�) Or THft TOWN OF t,ODERICH, to authorize the extension of the Water- works system of the sad municipality by connecting it with t' e . +ter. of L.ke Hume air aPun .e of sup- ply and to erect • stand pier and for suet p11r- pnes to bent ow the sem 1 t 112 000. Whereat* the pretreat sappl> or water for the waterwot k. to use in and owned thy the Mid mnnfdpaiftt. of the town of Uode•irh le ln• selid•utory end .t has been determined by the mauleipal eoonetl of the ssi'1 lawn to ex- t. d the epee .o as to rotein n the warere t 1..k1..ke Heron and to a imidieh the ureses• y 61 - IOW is the Time to make your purchase of Farm Implements tam now prepared to take orders f..r farm implement. of the choicest kind an the market at the present tonic and at the very lowest rates. comprletng the Not.;o Bros. M'i'g Co. ! alt lin. of Binders Mowers 1 Hayrakes Plows 1 of all d•ookehe.crlptloas.utt Plow('ompao) plow, 4'010 and ltoot ('ultlya(Ore Cultivators -Abe beat v the market Adams & San !I Paris Wagon Wagons Work, A full .ice of wagons. allow. •1 to cK• :tie treating wagon in the Petco.• Bugg les �tclatighlin /'serf+xe p.nr 1tt.h.,w. r u.l li.. sit .. a cede a Du1,.i.•e in the Prov.nee. �X,c•u.:.•kuaranfeed. ?Le shove linen Parties. wishing ..0 ;Meg in wit! &w..v.Iled a to their advau .ge to call at my eh .r. as 1 n ..memI.-e s•,.:.fnctIos with goods to the above liars. ea het you cannot make any mistake b) c -ll rut a. J. KNOX, tt-ri'g bashes and .thecoLner.no'...,.d age- 7t-( Aretfur the ebur! piiam-es t0 nuke the watery of the sebl Late - - ----- Hur.•n enviable f• r the purl•"•• s of the raid weeerwet is ar d to e.er: as. and pipe and for awe purpt see to burrow (he eu.....f .12.01111 up - oft the credit of the said munistoall y And w tures the &conn! of the whole ra- table wooer%) of the es .! m.ntr.paItty 00- onrdmic to the last revised • •d equalized aF svesu.. w roil a LOW the 411.111 •,1 *...we,:itt,y. Aud wherein the amount of the exie tai dehentlir. dent of the ea id municipality ie now ibis limn of $1la.:.;:.54 .L.1 iso y.. ..gest or it- trrw41t 1•. arr ar Aril 0* a -n' the tonal emruu• of 'he debt intended to be .rewire by tL.. el.aw fume porno-el.u foread a • the .aid sues ..1 112a� And . erre.. the total swain( truult+sd to h. +•. isrr. ansa• ll by a .a• I.1 sir WOO Ib. tazeble property w.'h•n Ibe.aI.1 a un..•ip..l if ,t r paying Atte mid new debt and Ion meet 1a the Buil. of $11D,52 t.r prior pal and tee sum of 81.0,{ u for interest. urinal. the tots) ,in .1 sro.yl years afterdurithe pen u( i Plumbing, Fitting, thirty awn next. .etre the passing sit this by 1aw for the payment of principal and .ntoreet. 1 Ale it tkareforo enacted and it is here.) Eave-Troughing, reacted by the municipal •wunc4 of the said corporation of he towa of uoderich Alt& it shalt awl ay 1r lawful for the said council to and Tinning burner• •bes.id water-work..y5tem with the , Med waters of the said lake Hume. and tor .a. b yarrowstr'lay all net. emery piper. em intact all other necessary works and ay( i- .w•w to make the said waters of lake Heron •v-tlable se a source of surnntwt suppl) t„r the e.'d water works system. so that the tie.' amount to be expended ehe•.dore dot•, no. . . .nerd. in the whol ter said sum of $12.1.1►I 2. And ,l is further enacted .1,1 it rw> 1w• lawful for the rna)o1 and Ir... o ... of tb- mid tern. to borrow from any person. or r. rporation willing to lead the same the ..aid .um01$12.u110 f0, the purpose -aforesaid re -pee - sole in third }ears from the date of the final passing of this b law th hereou iot ro %cording the pie of Hire per ceottper annum m and to issue oral thon fu sums the lase uree hai..•f A Oe SIGNS O F SPRING • said corporation fur sums not lana than 1111 A,00 each. with coupons attached to the pan) ."eat of interest which said debentures shall be signed by the mayor. and the thesaurer, of the said town. and sealed with Inc oorporet• seal of the said oorporetioo. money loaned upon .o, d the lender elect rity of the 'aid debentures into the ebrancb,othe r •sesey of the Sank of Montreal .t Hoderbk. to Ata epaetal credit of the said Wiwi, of (i05rieh. as follows : "Town of 7oderich water-werkn account" sad the 'same *ball t.e parable out Daly nn the jelnl cams. ..f the mayor and trwurer for the time :mi. and shall be ex- elssivelr applied for the purposes aforesaid. 3. And for the repayment of the said Pm of $11,6011 and Interest. there sheet he a.oaaed and levied over and above all other rotes •sd tales upon the whole taxable pr'perty with- in the said •Ulelpetlty dories sorb and every year for the •hire, years ex• after the Peeling of th:o bi law the sum of 511111.414 being the emu et IBM for Interest ma the farther sum of 34*0.ti for principal to teem s *ref ler Mad for the repayment ef th. mild loan with• 1. Media aforesaid. It et es the bylaw ltJd•1 day .10.11 of y A t 11 t 1 6 and of WE' WE IN IT That is to ea) CATTLE BROS. have bought out the business of JOHN RALI'H,onHAMILTON 3TRE1 r, sad tarn' a fell line of Stoves, Tin and Granite wear, and are prepared to give tender for CARPETS! Now, and guarantee to give you eati.fac- tion in each and every line. • Our retriwr.tnre are the beet in the market. (2.11 and sec them. et Leave your onion at John Ralph's Old Stand, Hamilton -St. CATTLE BROS., Plumbers and Tinners. /:rerrtklae la Orad/tree. M the Spos ag sr Ike (creat 4.w.4. tees Titre IN reit. 4.uo•t.,•r. Jun. 29.-4leveral members of the F:x.•rutl%.• Committer or the Canadian ithe,'Imen s Assoclattoa all.•1 upon Vice -Admiral Er- rk1ne on hoard H.M.S. 'Turco -int to- day The admiral was very much 11.•110.1 with the. program of the cos Ing eters events, and said that Ara Meet would reoperate with the oeota- titr towards making the meet a mo- t oar, The war ship s string band gave a public concert os' the terrace tris evening. A meeting of the C.W.A. IZsecatM Committee was hoed to-tigbtt;hoa aft mob-eommlttees reported arrangements Oompleted. Hundreds of wheennen are pesrlas la They are being 1.ot.d atter by a special cote mittoe. Mr 1` e.mpb.iL proprietor of tie I1ontenac livery stables. has placed • face) large and ementt...it buddies for the storing of bicycles of Visiting wbeelmen. Tboma.ttds et wheelie w111 be handled In this .lOef�Owsa Messrs I'aIa.b•n and tee renowned racers from 1 34 a -. ha*. boon entered for cos 'Hare are at present Tt and ever 100 .atria. 4, That the votes et the elect.. • er . he wild mastclr+lhy mottled to roti epos Iboil bylaw Will be taken ea Wednesday. Aho Idols day of July. 1*1. commencing at the hoar of nine *Week h the Newsom ad c1 wag •t ewe .els* 1e the anemone. sad erten tail shell M taken Is the various places 1n which the ptdl la Aho Isar mssiripal election wee held. tamely. subdivision No. 1. Meet, talent's mime oksp ' Sod (Lrph0l. deputy ni arateV Mba %. l wlling.ubdiviesom No. 1. Thomas VIdea,.'m feed store. Charles Sates. deputy returning Meow. Pentam.ubdivisios IIs 3, tows h.1t, James /fir, deputy 1.1111. lac °dicer. Pelting •ubdlYWon No. t. Pass - 0.555 i Jabs y, 9.1deem dtetosay re 11nrntsrr atasor. NNitar wYdlv(Nee No. 0, Phillips' .korapirtld Marwick deputy meant- ime a/eer. Penteg eabdtelefem No. e. Srapbyl• timelier. Mem. William ,trophy do air estimator aglow. Sabdiamos No. 7. Jams time dwafllsg head. Jells Pals dee- sty r«oraleg .loner. 'Het the clerk of the said oerpe sties Mall attend at the tows hall. le abeesY taws, ea Tbotedar tie le h day of July lis. at Mem .'ilei: la Aho femme. te ear up the sorbs, et sees mins tor.ad viable the by law. and the stayer will aimed at the sM Moe team clew Weisel Is the is .r... et pastramiTuesday t .1 of Jparsons 10 lege lora the modem peaks plasm ass at the =I car lag el theists CROP 5y the Mork cm 1Wf d fMhmeat�hea+pM.e..sl�ar�.f tb1. bylawreNee1Jei rr.ylolmhSy pemss4 tie tits day ie UM Oman 1 p, , i . N. ON 1Kver. Take t tall •� - • QQtrorMsr�lk w ppmed W�p w: aft lam w meat eel *OW et tit. 1 led ethanol Shores* mir Memel ft /rawtell die fret i� q �PlIe tsit �d..y*d J rs.1..p..{�.�&sgS�tht.Y[veil. of took M* etim�!s t5. p 1... 5. b Clerk. after # wit n11109inft11 8prnng trstie in Carpets, W .1 $a nnanta, which we are offering at war bargain- Note the priors and lengths. 11 14 16 15 11 16 18 10 23 16 9 12 8 9 yards fill. N 66 1, de yards frame Go .. ., " .. Tapestry, .. „ 46 " 81 Wool, /t yards 3 4 3 2 6 10i 14 „ 44 66 t6 yards .t " Union, .. ., Brims'''. 91 25, for 1 25, " 1 25, " 1 25, " 1 25, " 1 25, " 1 25, " 1p �2�5, " SSe., u � , " 85c., " itch' " t15c., ,. Si 1 00, '• 85c., " 95c., " 1 25, " 85c., " 85c., " 7501, " 65c., " we have the •big 95e. 95c. 95c. 900. 95c. 95c. 95o. 95c. 66c. 65c. 62c. 62c. 65c. 62c. 67c. 70c. 65c. 70c. 95c. 65c. 65c. 55c. 45c. COLBORNE BROS. The Great Carpet Warehouse of the Cogent*. WE INVITE you TO l'ALI. AND EXAMINE Ot'R GASOLINE AND COAL -OIL STOVES Also let us send one bona. f.,r you to try for a week a.el if you are not satisfied, to feel under no oh ligation by re- turning. S .3PEf1 & LEE. PAINTS. QLLS BFUTSHES SEE MY STOOK! 1 think I have the hest value in these lines. I will give you low quo taticns on all HARDWARE this season. Prices in many lines have gone up recently, but hating bought tutor, the advance, I can do the very best for you. Having anticipated extensive building operations this year, I have de termined to make big sale„ on small profits. Tim elopat aseortmot of NEW HATS We are edk.Maa N ilm public. he h•Aoy with .nun ea .h. ksr $iris. attire. and by y a M'OfIM ■ VT. ..w efoek et all the latest , bine. Oshawa Cass. , 5101517, me.. at 0. a SHANE & QO 'S IMPERIAL RESTAURANT Avoryous Is .wars of the lad that epetng with ell Its beauties le weds* up ea, bat eveer}�e Some I skkaaew whose te pteoare omme boa the IMPIRIA~ RESTAURANT PARLORS sad try liorfaabon ALLEN'S Ira Cr , W 0}vaCrossandand�ratturinl s., Le Fountain Dei is Oar saver dadred. Everything mad 1. tkts d widish V sorsa sed pmts. y se substitutes. NOM sow Is oak= es have sass and tW, and r w loft to I..suelrwt beads TAT OiJ 1 PRIUMI I'OaClRUZ. sea sea our lea aasr shalom mesusn *hmeed seor w beg. A. R. Alia. • R W. McKENZIE. THREE POINTS 1. WE SELL FOR CASH. Kindly remember we do a strictly Lash business. Not because we doubt your honesty, but because, having the ready money, we get lower prices : because then 2. WE BUY FOR CASH, whieh means that you get the advantage, .s we are thus enabled to give you 3. THE LOWEST PRICES. And our low prices nave swelled our business to its present size. NEW LINES THIS WEEK girl's Orford Seto., sines 7 to l0, worth 760. kr 60a Idioms' Tan Oxfords, pointed we and tee a0p regality 111.00 fee 750. ladies''Segela Oxf.rdo, Hoad►.ran solo, pasta leather tip, J. D. Kiss maks, for $1.25 A big lot of Ladles' Dsagela Oxfords is McKay .ad Turned sake. tipped and plait Ami. sizes 21, 3, 81 only. regular $1.00, $1.25 mid $1 36. for 75o. Roy'' Rag laced Roots. pebble lap, pigged sole, all said leather. sixes 1 to 6, regalia 111.15. fee Wk. Maw.' Boobs Calf, lased, tinted or sowed sole, whole foxed and tan capped, wart& $1.75 for 11 16. Mon'. bevy Seed plow bees., doable pegged sok. all said leather. worth 11.100 foe 75a And if tiny over rip well cow ttialt Free. No risk to hey her.. livery B.yee rupyoleoatad. and yen aim hems a my el them •r gel year mmey hulk 1145.745.1 mit, and have ao ansa looks iliWOWIS Repairing dons promptly. 8. So P LLOOS good Sows Tvaysla as Isst as 1seM. News spreads (rashly. s.4 trb= a end Was Fa se..d it ..ells ars sass Is.rsd by be ry�e t sr sow. ilia ....Pt. 10 Lo�se feel Mwwt.a pspmisrib d Mrs Oben- els as an bibelisfaa_ _ 511155 makes oldest week p..shte r May weather. The Int um who realised els wind ala rain prwd warmth gdekv Mid his friends a that they tee height gjey bila hsg..she sea- dir. It might scum irgerrlible this this fah - Iia s light la weight sad cal 55.51 ter ka se mach b•ithfmi bat wbs roe realise that Its helot • __apish asses. ler esiii.yw a� why • l• Mlwlghtidya�M ma�•ups eatN has she sa$spal bel d N. Twelve eetirl•Ns waft ha _al la the Onset Sew sgw.r.