The Signal, 1896-7-2, Page 7TH IGNAL : GOD CRICK ONT. THURSDAY. JULY !, 1896. 7 SCOTTS Emulsion The cream of purest Norwegian cod-liver oil, with hypophosphites, adapted to the weakest digestion. -Almost as I palatable as milk. sears. elm as heart are geed Mind., yet I make oveby themselves disagreeable te theMatey 1yef etba Mss AU of es have • eat d ve l selamef -Iowa and w ....et great dote* el eel who eumbeally lifers with ..d yed,,yee. der ups, •sp.ially if ha dee. tee is an offensive way. he •grer.offensiveman is always eeer'teens end ••ttrtderate. M. keeps oat .f disputes •.d res seedeste, seeks te give att•ea.m *sly l ptsssmM thtagr, as(, i1 drives to •".1esd*m, dem w is as amiable manse,. ' He try er my w be as good read faith/ el •'. heart se the grte diepetaat, who is epi l be beast( of him hank...., bot the l easby that make. w •erwYe is his out. Weaved meaner. 8.ms people go .• far .s te depredate selttenene as • .o.ce•nt.. te I kjp.oitoe. hit it is reaily • stwfetetaties of la •.esid•r.tMa for other& It in, of mares, *Kivated by hypocrite& aid these who aro •zossei•sly pane may be se.peossd of in- siaoerity, bet that i. ass • geed reales why eiders people • .o•Id boa see it to make ourselves agreeable. The otherwise good mon who leeks polite - sees or •rew'e • graft repellent m•...r really sacribos. • part of hie gate, for very how people will 4 so v r kis good ululates .odor hie rut testy' mans.,•. Those who do ay have petieeoe to bear with bins. keewi.g these his heart s right, but where well imago by h.. reamers, and Ieding him deagrwbl., will avoid iss*maoy with him. It iv not eseagl, therefore to b. jest ..d kind -barged ; a.. should also be agreseble in meaner, lied it requires very little r•Ii,rt to be The fou.daMes of agreeable insa- aers is thonglittal oa.side,aidos of others or true polis seas. Thin dose not imply an y s•e.•ry sacrifice* hanker sed boaes. y. °• It dose not Nyman that when a oo.tr•dioYoa is made aeosseary it shall not be expressed o.,urteowly •hod inolT.oaively. Every e.s should cultivate this kind of politeoe.a for, in so far as it helps to tyke ore agreeable, it •ztesdo hia opportunities for nsefutuees, rad helps to give full play to his ether good q tali ties. Twe !lass --•O sesta end Stab SCOTT dt BO W NE. B.OlsvIElk OIL MISCELLANEOUS. Mee Cee.Wy ea gee e.. It matt be plese.ot living is Readers& to judge by the report R,ob•rd Hardier Devi* b i.ge hack " There le nothing greets that grows in Hoed.rme," he rays " That is not eeturuted end 'Jive with huge and all ander of Win re that creep an,{ crawl and .flag and bit. If you walk 20 feet in the t•uebes you have te beat with rode as if you were • deet narpet Aad whoa the bisects have once laid their ohms on you you feel at night •e if sl•epiag in • bed wieb rod proper ' .areas•. •' The hardest thing to train • wild beset to do is to perform with a weak, defence- less seimal,' remarked •s old einem read messeerie hand the other day. **1 r..... tier we several years *go as effort being wade to p•wMi• • very docile lion to IM dews with a lamb. tt The idea woo certainly • good ore, but it took several I•mbn and •leo several weeks before the lion. which woo •II leg to jump through a bnrniag hoop, ahem death on be- ing •bot. eta., oould be persuaded to allow • Iamb to eater its care with impunity. , Twice be killed a lamb in the promo*" of his trainer. sad the ssooed time he near. ly killed the trainer, who, rather recklessly tried to vet away the raises. Finally, the boo wield tolerate • Isiah is its cage jam as Iner s tie keeper steed over it with as iron bar. Bat the ellen was es evidently forced and the perfen.•sw ao utterly lack• tag is smoothanss sad interest that it was atsedooed after two If three attempts," Pave* WM Live Ley.. The ohtef &. u ry of a hie Ula Weerane• companv gives it that commercial travellers sed opiate live leaser than sten is any other 5tstisene, sntwitbsiadiag the hazard. which &st.sd tr•seportaties by rail sad water. Nest to them Dome dentine, tatoines, sad pro*•.sore, *eluding music teachers. After these is lo.ge•:ty are batters, oler- preen, and mieekmarles. Th. Toot may oo- oasioeally furnish tend for the larder of . . tutored savage*' kw them are • ant-nt• risk. severthele s Next •ower Whore eel o•ptalsts,wbo seem to live jest • trifle long- er thee butobe,, and market men, Lseryere and j.w.11ere follow, rod they are suoo.•dsd os the list by eserob5.ts, pad. tan, milks* and pawnbrokers. Then come g.rdamv, laborer., civil en- gineers aid oseve sen. rrk•ps the treat- ment which osevsere are apt to receive in the ordinary coarse of their business sheet - ens their lila I q coats newspaper men don't live so long se the people adore meotiosed. Hasa bookkeepers and beak o.abiere, as well as artiste sad architects, are ahead of them. They Deme u later with the printer, physician, and geetiesean who in sot *aw- ed is any •.five employment. Thea follow the apothecaries, and photo- grapher", and after them in order bakers, oivar make., estate w*t., army ofboerm and soldiers, p'I)o•m•, easierc, and n•..1 ofoers. Shortest lived et ail seem le be the auctioneers, boardin/•haemi `aereekbarbere and drivers. Ta. tha•tlty et NMI* ipasmti*, It might reasosahly be wppo.d that good people would be *web* and bad People disagreeable, but them by me meas dzed rule. There are marry notable ex - spikes, especially annex bad people. who are often delightful oompaniosa study to pie that they may cove,T piece up their feel.* of eisraetee. There e se re. - son, however, why good people .stead not follow their crimple in *hie respect N le -e they act naturally they .re aerietble. hon• sees good m.n, with worm evspathi.e and great kisd.see of heart, rem to think tee It ier 1••r their ewe prot.otiorr te pet es • gro , repellent maser. Thayer' STILL IN RIS PRIME. North Ht•tl.g.• of deet Inhabitant Sale sad Hearty. J•i1&a Moore. of Bancroft. Ont., cue at tier oldest n 'd beet-kpown r.eidente •f Heetinier County. ran boost of aoo- derfwi health and vigor for bis age. ' Although 1 •m over 84 year of &Be' he .aye, " 1 het se young as ever I did." Mr. Moore. however bad a narrow es- esp. from death •boat • year ago. lifts au had wit\ Isdigeetln.." be write*, that the dcetere gave em up. 1 tried various alleged remedies but found them So goad. On* day our popular druggist. F C. Humphries, sept toe k sample of Dr. Ob••e'a Efdavy-Liver Pills to try. The Melt wee tnarvelloss. Atter takiag two 1 was able to get tap. Thee i Piet for • box. I .odd soon mit ea7. thlmg. la • short this 1 was ase t• walk tee "aka to $.mare/$ and haat Oltk toes" 4. ammo's Hf itany-Ll r er Pills will. without fall. sere all kidney. liver, stejr••b Sud bUed trembles. Few sale by all deslerw. Tries 05. meets. One pilMl • dew: one ern • dose. Edmase's. .•ten ! Cm. mn.rrlettwesrr, 'I -oat.. C~se'• Wrap el Uwe, sad Vara Pie tine fa ***We dhersveg der Wee "Thom and ea.mseaptlme ft b plea. 4t. 1st* sod .sate` IM s..sa HID HE KNOWN. WITH DR. AGNEW'S CURE FOR THE HEART AT HAND, DEATH FROM HEART DISEASE I8 les• POSSIBLE WUNDIStt 01 THIS woa..D-yAY.D rST.Ic1AN's t'ATAsafAL TOWDII. Sucrose, boo followed all of Dr. Agsew', With all the emphasis possible, this u the case with his ours for the Heart Its effectiveness is marvellous. The very paroxysms of death may seem to have staled the patient, and yet relief is secured with the taking of • mingle dose, and the oestis.•sca of thaw of Ole remedy moos oars" the worst ease of heart disease. Gee. Cribs& costo® officer, Cerulean. Oat, says : I wee troubled with severe heart disease for several yssra The slightest excitement fatigued la I was under doetee's care fog over six swaths. being unable to attend lo h business. No relief ease to ins, and it was .sty after I hod smeareely dared to hope for erre that I sed Dr. Agnew's Caro for the Heart, and in • oosp•r•uvely short time it removed the disease •lteg•thet." With careful azurite, 000eervat50, yet r•emratsto, is benedu, the Rev. Jobs D. Scott, D.D., Pr.byterton minister of Ham - dams, a ssIy ose of the many leading ohs, genes of Caned* who, haying seed Dr. Agnew'. Catarrhal Powder, bas freely tes- tified over him ewe signaler* as to its un- ooe tioa•I beelike. It may be oily • oold is the head, or the ease may be • more ag- gravated phase ef catarrh, that bee baffled other res -dies. but shim nspie rad pleas- ant remedy will give relief i. 10 minutes, sad entirely remove the difficulty. Semple bottle mid Blower sent by S. G. Deteboo, 44 ('baroh-.t, Toronto, on receipt of 10o in sal- ver or stsmpa Sold by J E Davie, 3t HOT CORN. Magistrate -Is the primmer known, oon- stable! Coactable-1'ta, he's well known to the pellicle, veer worship. Prisoner (mv.g.1)-Gera ! 1 ain't on es speaking terwag o' yes. "Why dem she wear tet dufignriog r ' Diedgering ! Mr deer boy, you should w her without it !" " And you will sever forget me !" asked the girl of her lover, • grocer's assistant " Never,.. he said, absently. " le *hero anything mon today !" Alberts -I ase that Miriam •ad Mr. Bertshetle's eseages►eot a oto Albetb•s-Yea. He bought a bicycle that wasn't the sate make es bee., " Ose of my salt beadaehes." you will hear people frequently say, as if the owe - plaint wee hopeimely incurable. As a at - ter of fact, Ayr. Pills not mealy relieve sick 5eadaehe but effootsally remove the payee .t tai. drtremtag •unpinint, and •o bring shoat • permanent osre, A keeband agreed to give his wit. $15 • week te remain in numerative silence, de - 2 e. ter each superfluous word .he .es.sw� She now owes him nearly enough te pay the National Debt. • high military authority hat ezprem•d hie *Woe that M the .ext great war the r.vIry will ,e in hared... oerrieree, and tut irf ..'Loy ea bikes, while the artillery will b. so heavy that it weal i • in the field at all. May -It was tee bed Mat Mier Nevis. disappointed the authorise at the •we•e• perfnrm•.e•. Fosse -Bat she didn't. She was able to appear, atter •11. May -Yes: hot it wee generally anppo•ed Mast she would sot be able te appear. " It a very kind of you. -ai.s," said the tramp, " to give me snob • rood Ma- ar. Don'* eneatiea it, poor era." said the kindly -hearted wow. " Bus I will repay yea" maid the trump, astefolly. " i91 teU all my pale that ye. • e • dimty-bsareed lowest thin ain't never !sews haw es amok setlds' dew, es Ma.y'll give year Mose the go-by sad won't sever bother yes' aidHe e (hietery)-Pkhaw 1 All trews esee Rime -TM why M She weri de yea spied es web time trying be led the ase you went le wry f Meeh/ -few die popes new bask gN V tale willitien 1 BeMf-may. mamma. 1 load papa may int that that hook wee Loa d,y be Warse I ie be the hash tab rad iee the we He -You are the only seams 15.ve seer loved. 85.-D. yes expose me be bellows that ! He 1 de I *wear N in Wm. Seo --Th.. 1 MW.,. yea- Any man who would .zpeot a wew le believe that ma- w have bees mere is the -,s.7 .1 wt•- " Can 1 gee *myth's, es the web r• asked the s•ai5brander biaer se be permeated • . ales ebreanta,tsr a► the tip of the Three Boli. " Abate leer year.. I Wald think." re - plod the deesetive, whip had Mao waiting far the mM.5g geode be tars ap. Her lather (eom5g euddo.ly is* the room) -15, what's thin ! H., Lever -I was telling Yrs dada • Ater . H'ar Father- W nth you- arm amend her bet waist Her Lover -Kr -yes, .r, it was • love story. " Did you me Bro•kees '. b asked ea the bill-oolleolor oame in. ' Yee, ver ; I west in and told him I won a bill-ooll.oae." " And what did be say !" " He said he was ter, and that it'd leave my bill he'd tab. plo :re is adding it to be collection." CRISP AND CASUAL. Weep. rook nett to the blgbsee assess of ants is point of insect iocellye.oe. It is sated that is Para there are some 80- 000 dap, or '•e for every thirty inhabit - amts. It takes about three meooeda foe • mai- awe to go from oar end of the Admit* cable to the other. It ham been oomputed that the average growth of the fingernail M about oar -thirty- second of an inch per week. The longest paved street in the world is Waahmgtoe-.t, Boston, whiob s 17i miles long. The shortest ie the Rae Ble, Paris, shite ie barely 20ft. long. The Japanese are food of bathing. In the city of Tokio there are 800 public bath- houses In which • pereoe cars take • bath, bot or oold, for • nom equal to oar half - peony. The Czar gave orders for 10,000 free dia- pers to the poor of Mosoow on the oorew- tion, and darter the populist fete., looting shout three week., 5,001 more dinoere were given duly. The flake of Weetesinieter is the father of more ohildr.e sham any other individual whose name figures in the peerage. There were gegen *Wren born of the first duch- ess, and there are eiz by the sewed. Nearly every B•itieh warship carries eight, and every antis* lour fully -equipped divers. whose duty it a to repair soy ddam- age.uet•ased by the vessel below the water °baring the propellors, sed recovering the la Fraao• the rate for • btoyolo ls one penny and no more. from any statics on the Use Mo 5.y other The Freoch teaa.it oos paim have foresight enough to ase thee • very great increase in fares mast result from nameable rates on the wheels. At the opening of an electric exhibition' is New York. the Governor pressed • "old- en key whiob fired masa' in New York, See Fresoisoo sad New Orlse.s, by power furnMbed by Niagara The roar of Niagara was transmitted by telephone te New York, and made audible in the ezhibitio.. Oar of the semisweet oompstitions ever beard of woo deaided recently in Birming- ham. It woo ea oyster opening oompett- twe. Experts at the bummer' were invited is • trial of skill, the trial to last five min- utes, ..ad the first prise, f10, w.. woo by • cook la oar of the leading restaurants. Coins made of plate -glass ooloared to hole wood .re attracting lineation is Wage. They are .beeper than wood's ns, se they can be made for 2. per res - foot. They are soli to be more dor• thea metallic caskets and can be her - lastly sealed. They will shortly be pf•otured, it is mid, on • very large le. o artiole @bowing hew the Rontgee rave t surgeons &posers la the' West.' la of the oases anentio.ed the pottiest was wean, who bad no • needle into her L The purges* weld w detest ite ewe until hewas r hand wphoto r. phed the rays, whew a slight shadow trod the w.meabwte of the meal, SO4 it eneeessfelly extradited. rem) Ch eoffi sing able met moa a A sena one • w bas P e with sated was Bird the the vai 000. the lag in resehed .t "anima Amortise ated Col* rare each. •mosg excise* IRONS died Hy park, Bois d teal parka *soled are is thud* Fon throws Perin ar Jar Mahon** Khan, the agent of Ammer of Atghaai.ea. in Bombay, is bearer of gifts to the Queen which are lied at thirteen Laths of rupees, or f130. - The gibs are an aeksowl•dgm*t ol hospitality .sown to the 86•he•d. dur- be Whet The gifts w mid to nosed vane anything et the kW that see ever the Cows. Elephants, which w killed off la Africa the rat. et 66,000 • year. cannot long this wsolesele botebery. The biomes W been .lmset eztersein- and with u the European bine and is sow go ars too be wortTheh from to .500 le a e•mpantively few years three, Where, may be .zpeoted te become sad all t� will be left to haters Hone will he photographs, .kdete.., tailed spathe .., de Park, the meet dietisotive Leaden were &early 400 aoree. The Paris • B*logs' *vire 2,200 sorsa 0... Park, the men deMnefiv. et New Yerk wvwa 800 sane Colloetively--tool tug these parka in the soburb-there Lowe 22,000 serge of park lend. In- ne as park' the aMghhoriag forests of tainehlesma, with 42,000 acres, sad 8a with is 172,000 5 16' perk aver./. of Aleve everywhere in Frame*** prima. pal theatre •f the Mown kdeags te the meni.ipai ..undl, which partly wowpe t4 self few the eaplhal seek by the rest. charged to the temp a er, lsosees, The .t- jest, however, .4 a Frew* town ooa.eil in set to We • peat ego rf its theatre busi- ness, but le provide the ratepayers with • hand.'.., ensadb.e b.ildi.g, where they ran ee be ass • play without fear of big .tlfied, sad which they ere wrist eat setmnaae with seen feel./ of ofvio Meet Resides keep "• man •f straw' as reetteerdble la return for thew of bis sew be draws • salary .1 about A900 • yea,. I. the event els pros.. Sutiea. Ib• etas et straw has es sealed fire. If the *limes. a yali..t the paper, ha has Mo p to primes Besse time sem the ow el straw el the "Nene Treys" wee eta- Mused * hew easedba' wee the Orae pion d werkhah. had dews for .see 7505,tag i.rlg5 haw We drawing hi d bem lery •. Mims regularly Sams Lends, dent in% w sew wring the awl elese ime wba.wbasa� e t law w VW med. nasi etch the third 1. abashed t. the lereeeen The 'Mimi the hamlime. Br obverts esivsM Is se Um al..l�..esay a ter w , le tate'. Mo the Moots The i.seaset the Lomb is busied MUNNIPAL COUNCILS it. as well se the •re.e..di.g perils. h v ASHnai.0 (:oa.M1 mmjse • c..............,„ against the (4 ease roll es greeted that their Iud a tee huffily • - --.-i is ooep•rtsoe self others Thea Webster, Da•.d johaeten.Gea Carrie, Wm. Vrut- m•• and Jare.Robissen. The roll woe adopted withost•ny redu•eioa *dory. Auetu appealed 1 baro . port of hot 25. L- R &esesged to suyart tie d.p•r.' • solaced. Appo.l not greet,' hte he bad mot complied with Separate Sokol Aot. Chaise* wore issued for 15. Allowing aeousta It Twansley, repairia4oulve,t S. R 9 sad 10, 06 50 ; A. Welfare. plank for bridge eon •.Looe. *.5.5.51e to pews. A jerk, and le e out. l• M the *wee at tl•.dri.gym that sees asset shall be weighed .1 the Ord eseveeieet opportaaity •iter having bees shows hie bedroom en he arrival, red able Piet Woes kw dewier*. A book 1. kept is whish the •.tegr.phe, weeghte asd deem of the gee* at the time of weighing ars re- oorded..ad this bulky volume forme • moose uteeeet*sg ooll.o•ie. of .ategrsphe. The same. of •early all the orowa•d beads .ad easy of the Wadley ezeime res of Europe may Ise head is it, wail. the •ability figure largely, and art, meioses. literate., and the drama are repremented by their leaden. Oar .t the leading Brits* •hipb.Ndere prepense to abandon the wiaeweriseeniar oar•mosy at future lasncbing of vessels from hie dank., hot be will eah.tisete 4., it smother rod eve. prettier idea. kiereatter, instead of breaking the bottle ef en the vessel'. noes, the fair lady loose a o•gefol of .wih herd., whit& will fly in all direstione se Ole ship begins te move, typifying the diverse nature of aet.m.rea This idea, which a borrowed from the J•p- as.e., boohoo Itberty end economy. The birds are given their freedom, .ad the wise ie saved for other th-..pilline porpoise. FARMERS FUN. The good fermi r .see seer, • barresilag .ig5 e. A former may bet ,thl,@s sod yes brise many an sere. Sometime. • former looks as seedy se hie Marra in th. Spring. The farmer .bn.M always sleep int bed, but . ever 1. • oeler' had. 1 , • farmer Dore in the 5.11 is worth mere time owe on the tow The tvmer'uerop differs from • ohickee's and is geoerally .note •.latbla 1180♦ • farmer w .mall nnta'oes ..11, although he ratites ver) l.ree ones for the market. AFRICAN HEROES. The iooident of the thirty-two 5'it:.h eoldlen singing the National Anthem as their death chant w @is tboueaod M•t•bele overpowered them, receive@ powc setting from L•zzie Jewett, to The ('.n•diao Mage - Ain.. We quote the first and Met pair of .froze, : Singing the " Death Song " With voices clear and strong, Loud rolled the words along, " God Stye the Queen." Staging at the hour of death, Sieving with the dymg breath, Singing, though .11 bops bad left, God Steve the Queers." Only thirty-four were they, British veterans worn and grey. Many thousands fought that day, There they bravely fell. Fighting tell each shot woo gone, Though two hundred were to one. Oh, their work was bravely done, Bravely done rod well. Wsitiag not for farewells add, Kneeling oe their gory bed, Singing till .sob moo was deed, Died the Thirty-four. There they died, a noble band, Died on Atrio's burning sena, Faithful to their native land, Died the Tbirty-four. Loyal Kagliehmen wars they, Leja on their dyior day To their dear horse. tar away, Loyal to their Queen. Thus they sere,, the Thirty four, San/ whets they 000ld Setif no more, Sang till life itself was o'er. " God Save the (Dees..' Wattles ter Wised. Small Boy (on river bask)-i)o you know 'bout weather ! Old Gentlemen -I have studied meteors olgy a little. Small Boy -Well, I've be* etandia' bore 'moot an hoar wraiths' for the wind to blow bard. and it won't blow a bit Do you think It will ewe ! 1 shouldn't weeder, my little sten $The sky looks very streaky. But what :do' you want of wind !" 1 want to have . swim." "'� �•+ " It dose not require wind to go swim- " No ; but mamma woo't let me leo ta. That's why I want wind. " _ . ' I don't understand." . " Y.. doss ! len • wood time sines you were a bey, isn't it ±" " Yew :. geed while,' " Aad your esem'ry isn't very rood, 1 @ 'pass," Perhaps nor I •..grimy ranee* reosll any 000eeotios between wind and swim- frs�- Why, don't you era! It • wised cots W ong and blows my bat into the water I can go in after it, and m•ennm won't my e word. She paid three asd nisepesoe for that hat " Des's wear • boot or glove unsiehtly. Des's wear a thing that need. reps*. Deal. please, ferget to brush your hair. Don't ever wear too large a obeok Des's skew too snob of snowy neck. A REMARKABLE CASE. Me urnatleset ef 20 yeast' Handing radleally cured by States •anaparilla- Me& Sarah Browning, as estimable resident d the Ambitious City, was fee twenty years a ,offerer Loos acme rb.r tame, and her restoration to health is so remarkable that we present tie rase ter the benefit of sur readers, sun elf whets are dsubdess sufferers Ire. this palatal complaint which arises Goes bled passe. Mrs. Browning says i " i used only e s bottle .f Scotts 3areaparil]a mad received such benefit that I a:atlawsd *55*.; ealy' at intervals Mr nese swathe, That is sorsa to eeths age, sad the � las net returned. i had spent a fortune is various " treatmeat• . sad was told by else ./dice* man that a guru was fab peesible as 1 hod suffered tie loop.' ficetefled ti ibeli..d tures ley m`k pure. It • flesh by deiblermiogr _ is die ineeeamtai beide. he the weld te4.i' dpepepsis. nerve". busbies. riseuumatiesi. sciatica, aii= wed' R.. Gun w bill to ono ti apeenteL • 10 $4.30 ; Jae Lae, repairing bridegroom* 10. 54 ; 8. Treleaven' repairing ditch eon. 6,50e ; S. Sberwood,drua, tee. 10, 112 00 ; Jse. 1.111.. removbte sed repsiriog asl•ert 101 3, eon. 10, $3 60 ;firs I hck.oa, cedar ter oelverte, $3 ; A tohie. regainng cal - vert end grovel R.I. sad 4, roe. 11. 53 ; Thor, R'eh.rd.oe. 'reel. $4 40 ; L Fay, r'palrieg S 8654 7/; A l' R.0 It ate te 66 yard. }f grev.l •t P"wtIlbrrt 115 18 ; Jae. 151' , rep.iriog 9 R end 4 $1 50 ; Wm. MoNab, siriag rood e) Tsvlor'. mill :6 ; ter grovel, O3: culvert at Crag 5i•g on nr'Ot r450r5, bur.pv5.g soul. 51 60 ; Js. Fol•7. klMkieg on Ise*'. ..du 87 1 J... H•'ilend, `rvp.irine read, •.a 2. $1 : J M O'RiebO *liking Mari ko It .1us7$--Take *0 o�wtbtllt Lncy ►• H'ire tif agp•l•••d K Pott Cough rad Cold$ rile, repeirt -; James Irr Wm. MoArthetetiosary, 1 Girvin. •s wards. of 15..nu y waned oa the aliened. asking that Zee or" erf 1' C 5 'nprt.tion h. eappl0.n,stgd Ally . 1pa (hes 1 Wm. Stewart, repair* ford, $11 yen Harris. Cewa@•nrs; 'foo Thos. Met adopt the Ilam mode I)..'s troll Veil/ draw epee the reed. Don't ever I.year waM1 tie tightly, + o. PYHY-pECTORAL Positively Curse COUGHS and COLD fa a surprisingly short egos. It'. a •d ..Ubewrleimy. teed 8.d a r, sowbi g sad besting lair epees. W. C. McCoa•aa a Sow, boat5ts. Qas., 0. s.s.Wier mama.t.h..t . rirevrrr.r.tflan.kb* y 5..N • *Saari WO.wS.r -r • M.. J. H. Hut-., mea Yw•ttr l , uraalo, writes • geoweal and .11=71 Palaila .1.mi so .anal hos One Ormum.. +.r Le I .0 y er the h r .'earns M.M ..'Mor tOee ,least t. ti• tams alma .tib n.• a. Woo 5515.,,, �1� eek ar.a� ..euv.r.aw e arwe tll551$., 111 As. DAVIS a LAWRENCE CO, 1 tete Sole Proprsetur. Her rr.at. great: The /ewes woo aa• lWIf A the reeve if v1 set Weevils*"matter. .1 M. &shorn,Sialtti obue- oil in eonseo'ina with*. si 54 Os.I tario E'eotreo Reilw•y,M., wkba the necessary steps be takes as tolls** bap of rig t of -way to the c'rmp•nv r Heil sdjouroed to meet .vein nn the •27' of Jany- Il' ST..TIfI.R (l.,k. �• pldlarresee. A we" knos, L,ly,wbo e. j„yea'he prig- I 'lege of the entree at a recent Drawl Room, ant hopele.r:y bloLked in the st ol o•rr1apes of fl -e 'sweet company goidy to the Palace Pe•tieg her heed oat of '50 wfedow, .he oiled • policemen and remon- strated with him : " Perhaps you don't know who i am • I am the wife of • Cabinet Mtniet'r.-- " I sin very sorry, madam.- was the re- ply of the impotent -shit., mini.,. "t the law, " hot I Wold nor let woo pas' even it you were the wtfe of • Wesleyan miriater." ray's Syrup (3id S ruce um Red TIER OLD STANDARD A$MZI;DT POR COTTONS, COLDS, ASTHMA sod an Adeedoom (gibe pun.. •mte you got our. Sltsp, set.o Laa ,la awl pa a bens. d nst! everywhere.. Mom WATtioN 1* Cep. Pteovrttstewt>t I:♦ moAt?I2SAL 1 IT"t,l GREAT WASTE S Soap Foresees all the good Mere can beInagood Soap. 1n .bort, IT IS PURE Nothing is added to cheapen nit or redoes Its quality ••- V:)°' 5 et 0. 44044 00-•• . e*" 4 ,.i v.S*0.0 `t %* 0. 0,440,04.: 4.1 0e 0e ,4.q•lI' e• s �a e♦ . BOOKS POR WRAPPERS For every la "Saoligh." wrappers .crit to Leese Boos., Ltd.. Toromo a .ssf.l pe er-boend book will be sent, or a eloti-bound for yo wrappers. ���JJ �J . THESE BRISK UTTLE PILL$ ANC tbAeyty WHAT 15 Aaw.•a .tree/ e All s, COrseaPAyaON, BPCA NtArraCMr. NltiOua &TIAea. re. DyNeMel foto tats aT moa, • Ws 000o•s Mtacn.. "e...ws»•. TerteeTe. Otey. Coal & Wood Yard The undersigned begs to inform the public that he keeps on hated all grades of HARD SOFT COAL •Ni) BLACKSMITH COAL. PRICES OF W000 REDUCED. Ne5et•1 •ttw•ttw eves te OUT SPLIT WOOD QII and Qat prices and see ample*of�� Oise and yard, NELSON -8T., eater Ihrese 14... R. D C. STRACAN. Of Paint to poi on n Por .-article. it will ter, h•, • a .hon t :.o.,• at.4 •-oat e• s-ly as much ae. r..d.. . wt tee'h• lett ewilllast for years an.l.',k h. Kht .1 .hr a -5.e Tree Eo0oomy u 1., the w e f ..r id oracle. An ouch we can recommend SOM ERV ILLE'S ABSOLUTELY PURE WHITE LEAD f:uarenteed by the White Lead Association of Canada. and reootnmesded by our prede- ressore toe leers se the beet whits load os the market. DAVISON & CO. Good Good. and Right Peons. PATthTS! CAVEATS. TRAIN NARIS 440 COPMNINTI Obtained, and all business 1n the U, 8, Pantie Office attended to at MODER! TS PISS. Our Dace 1. oppa.lto the L'. 8. Pallet Oe• Bee, rad Iry man o Pate 1a les dam b.. these -.sot' eras !PIEHINQTON. Amid MODEL OR DRAWING.. Log We as- elsws a to pateaaMl1iy 01 free WE OS we maks O QR'/ B9 TA IN PA TENT. W neer, heny , to the Postmaster. the S x Order D1v., and to officiate of On U. 8. Peeeet Odea For otrealer, advise Wine and refereeesa to actual onsets la yew awn Mate or County write to C • MOW a err.. Oppewlte Patent Ofdoa W&ehtagt3m:D 0. 7-11 FOR TWEN I Y -SIX YEARS DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOKSBEST FRIEND LAIt$gaT SALE 1N CANADA- OODPRJ 7B 8TBAM BOILER WORSE. A. S. C H RY STA L, sismossorie w•b.l zsaaaesetar of •11 tied' of re BOZLFRB, Smoke Stacks. Balt Pans, Sheet iron work., etc., etc., And Dealer 1.- �d�•m. Maeh5.ry Castings, Ata All vises of Pipes •ed Pipe Fitting.. Seeas and Water 0.s,.., Gbb. valves., coma �..eme vOsestaMM7 es Nmad and L- Pp�1''lMssea at Lowetee • spseW line of Steel Water end Hein kr sea of farmers sod mems. iirmort p -..U, as.esded te. qty P. f1. Dee A aederteeh Oat. Vertu -Oppose. a T. i. banes, 0ed orb