The Signal, 1896-7-2, Page 4Zhc .Fent),
to 1•Cm •Imab
OSee of P.M1eat$es - 1 awe 's. Mann wrest,
Ooderlak• s(((tabs.
Tense •1 itioft000ft40,0o 1
icon TOW b. to ate resew
?brae menthe. ..,,, . ....... r
Alts Si
Uses ser, 1 d0
I...0 of 1.. . •.t'.1.
Tc.', Leber b.dandle. -••uetpt of the d,•e
',YAM,. inn or. wale ape 1. '• -••0
alar1:0 fell ),Ito art.+ar. , b
Whet • otweere .ef extelr•rr le •'
t old and the sew ..!.!:utas Jerold be - este
t.Ivereees Knee
ether mewl .Ar. r ,e.•..e., ., 11a
per ray Aro 111....111,r. earl I e.e.s wet IMM
'lar ewerssh•sleeel inerr•Me. Nearer.. by
• o••
otail' r
ales cauls I Ns nee, aaA node, ,a per
ie Lee, ',aunt'. dt •.y se
Neeet.n. v... , i••••r•itVP 'Va•te,' sad
BSalnew (•h. . 't'_ ., A not ex. ra.'!os. 1
lite e non n.retl,11 peer twula.
tee leis • a sal e� fee a^r 'e
e re. ,y t rl r r .rt m•eee. , Y'e.1 r • b-
• •month. Lereer a••'•• In man efts.
Any •peseta(nati. e.. the ohle.•t n/ at.'e) t• to
pro'v 1. tee pe emery benc?t of .ay dee-
• u.1 or 00a•reer, 1e t,r •n •'Teat' ,t at:
veer I•etsent sod r4irsed ac; .r.11naly
I. al notices In see i Ira tae seat ilei
word, pancakes Ie-• than Hr.
laical notice. .e n. Unary rosea(' tette r.o
c.,.•a per woe ' v.. n •tine for ter t••*' a e
N.t.eee for chuntars and other religious .red
besevolest Ieatitatloae half rata
Onberrther who fell to receive inc Maxie
regularly by mall. will c •nler a favor by ac-
quainting( us of the teal at a. early •n detour
panel bre.
P.b1l.Mr'. '(.Sire,
J. C. L. Tonsil, of Ooderleh. has twee ap
pointed Loral Travelling Agent for the town-
ships of Godertob. Colborne, Aahfiele and Wa-
Loyd postmasters over the district ere Um
empowered to receive eub.orfptton. to Tun
AU communications must be addressed te
Tim 9osXAr,
fNapbone anal. •ods5lei. esu.
•ODi IUCH. 'TH U RSIDAY. JULY I. 111111.
=it SNAP SNOTS !ta Are=
-After the• storm comes a calla.
-Well, lits shake hands all
•ectad• 1`
- - The gerrymander doesn't count in
-Old V ox; PoPrzl still lives in
--There is every indication of a full
crop of by.-eleeiisaa
Farewell. a long farewell to aU
my greatness." -Hoc. MONT•elog.
I There's one thing sheet the To-
ronto a :lobe that we like it's newt Ma.
--Did you notice that the .lays
have begun to shorten ince the Grits got
--Tt reek'* government has neither
heed nor TA11.1.nY 00W. )?rouse Oar
- I.ACkIER has at his hack a suflici-
ent'Dumber of first -oleos mento make thrte
or fear good Cabinets.
-The submerging of the Torras
crowd will be beat sad grams for s-Pron-
ter Sir MA, i.. BOW ata.
The fruit crop of 1 896. under the
LA R' ea dei minietretion,has every prospect
of being bettor than in many years past.
Jim CORKRTt and Bore TUrrrn
were both downed the same week. Which
shows that a ewelle:i head aoeth beteg, •
-When M. (' ('tMxKOV said that
" a Ski.' L vwtery had been gained tit West
aeon," h� knew whist he was talking
-Wasn't it the Hon. Toe DALT
who moo quoted : "The mills of thusds
grisd •slowly, but they get there putt tee
-As it was to be expected, Tt-PPIIR
sod his crowd ere loth to let go, bat as
BILLY Y. i.AAx Would My. "Their bear
has conte.'
- 11 1 it not been for the infamous
gerrymander the Treece:rue would Asa
have had • eorporal'e roard in Ontario
The rwrytneoder must go.
Ilumn is the chit. county in
Canada that geode three It form member.
to the Commons and tbree'to the Legisla-
ture. We are unique in Hares, we are
( sur esteemed Ottawa eorr'espond-
est hes evidestly been overcame by the tare
of events at the capital, as we have net
heard from bum for two weeks. We hop
he doesn't intend to go oat with the Terra
-The gentlemen in the Govern-
esses, employ, who showed themselves '• of
feneive partisans "when their party was in
power are new orooaeag, •' What will the
harvest be*" How dos. that ranks yen.
Tor Cowan of Celt, and H. A. L. Wang,
of Rt Mary's.
- Por the good work alone by that
smt.ena vtiM--- the Hee. Beit linuetwn-
nAw, In the Reform inar'ult 1. the reos.t
*treats Tea Sioe.i, would like Mees that
g o•Neoswa shelved h a inrwties p. 4Mw-
w wper(asead.nd et the Tay (heal, fer ia-
aew.«, with W, per all .1 the assn( rel
reoNpte se hM pt•ells. Wb.'tl ....d the
meths "
hie *enthuses for till. math& •..
cud Mat. Deugtas le reprti...ndsd.
Mr. M. Y. Davis. o ustractor Mur tbs
C*Kswaal (Mask was le town to day.
- He He states that the sew stretch of too -
1 made by the uoUostnw.oa of Shaine
Th. Tupper Cabinet W111. It I'elands dam will be ready for NM...-
uut on Destinjds Day, while the new
'.ridge &crass the ('sail at Male Moehn»
w11I be ready for lraltlo, My the coil
lieruexlon est the dams. aavlgata,n • iI
be gr .44 facllttated
tO la
Is Saki. Stop Out
rr.'r-isatin ro, tee a-•
rr.tretast ( ler., a■ stejstree at
*tie I.depr.drare Rheas b the
5''emWO •irs 1■ las
the iasisa
'. 1 .er.aads.
Ottawa. June 2y. -The Cabinet held
anutber session today . Messrs.
or Cos-
uiutn, Macdonald and Peen were nutun
present. Claims for appotments
arc blowing In from all parts ..f the
lh tnuuuo, .and even frum uutalde.
')'here are men herr frum all harts of
the ontry with axes tv grind and
ot•hemce to put through and appint-
menta tu secure After eighteen years
of Racemes.- (be hungry crowd are not
PA.'p, eased. The Miniteers are filching
fevers right .tu.l lett They are trying
10 create va...tuc,s by ruperannuatien
la order to till the mouths of the
greedy. Avthose ose Wbu ate hereto day are, the :uUow•ln$. Major tieat-
Us, Lunduu, lir Henry, South Brant.
Mr. J. .1. Stewart. Halifax; .Ml. Rose -
mond. North Lanark; Mr. Claucey,
of LlOtbwell; Mr. Pope, of. l:umptun,
Mr. Hazen, ex-M.P. fur at. Joan; Ili
ut Anl.
uaul.s; lir. rrrgUaun of
It• }.t rt w; All. I1 u1; 1 1(3..1i, Mr. �. ti.
Connolly and lir. ManM.L.A.
Malec', M.Hun. ip
Itugh John Macdunald of Winn eg
arrived to night :old Cul. Prior wIli be
11, re to rrn.rruw. 'The talk of the (Pie-
t milli tet hanging on until the House
mugs has r.0 t.'t itlaUun except In the
Whey desire of dlaiappu-uted politiciansa
to make trouble, 11 puatbre, ' fur the
Lew AuUtl.t.stretion 51r Charles Tup-
per knows lust it he were to trump
power Ion at= weeks the Weird' ir' WOrl d
aid, be bowling around the doors o1 the
Privy (Jounce. He will resign to Enos
nee or next day. In all preuebtllty-. At
keit that Is the present Intenio
There will be another Cabinet Cuutecl
1 he tory press are now saying that
the Q. (reye wuerab ao. epee d the man-
deplent u[' the teshops, ane that this
Is the reason that the Liberate won.
It w111 nut du. Here Is what a repre-
rentativr t.•ucbec Liberal told his 0011-
stituents In the thick of the tight after ru
the ufidement watt issued: Mr. C.A.
hoflrlun raid: "1t had been said that
Mgr. Lat.g. vin express.•d approval of
the Remedial (till. 1 respect Mgnn
r. La-
gt•vin, .'1d I believe him a high au-
thority upon religious Questions. But
1 /lo nut aroma him to show me the
law. (Carers.) tt hen he has oecasion
for legal advice. let him come W .ne,
He may co=tsult Mr 11 he likes; but 1
shall not consult hint. Was 1 sent to
Parliament by the electors of the
County of Vercheies to vote according
to the Judgment of another" 1 was
sent to vote and to act according to
fm� na
v own Judi/went. and to follow the
dtcteteu( y own conscience." These
remarks of Mr. °carrion were well
reive-d. says The Muutreal Star re -
1)01 -1.
A special patriotic service was held
at Stewartot. Presbyterian Church
yt.eterday In hukor of Coronation bay
and the approaching holiday In honor
of the eminu.n. Rev. it. E. Klwwles,
Paster. pr. ached a patriotic sermon,
invitee many reasons for natkrual
thanksgiving. During the sermon he
made reference to the recent elections.
He said "While a sanguine mind
may easily diet:over "navy 011.111W. for
national exultation. yet it 'seems to me
that the cause pre-eminent nae been
revealed In the recent eictluns, whu,ee
result is Just diseloreel. Whatever
either Liberal or Conservative may
have felt of gladneap or ('if gloom at
the result. all must alike rejoice at one
feature to which I am about to refer.
That feature is the couraa.eous Inde-
pendence of the Catholics of Quebec :,
their a.dnnlrrble disregard of nier-
arciy deal . m. This is the moat mg -
unicorn so. 1 the times which this
generation nus been Privileged to be-
hold. A new and better era has been
ushered In. Our brethren of Quebec
have given us a grand aolution of the
problem which perplexed all serious
mlt.ds, and whose gloomy portent had
darke:.e.l with the passing days. They
hay,.sleeved out in response to the
her..ii• words of him who led them Into
the ..pen Main .,f liberty, and we traap
their hands with words of hole for Inc
giorieus future of an undivided Can-
one of the most difficult taste welch
falls i the 105 of the Sergeant -at -Arms
on the ale. tion of a new House of Com -
awns is the allotting of the seats ut
menthe's. In view of a change of Gov-
ernment, the task Ik rendered all the
more dlftcult now. '1 he principle
which bas governed in the past has
been to give the old members their
c hoive of seats, aJMtting eft what are
keuwie as the front benches, coming
specially under the supervision ut the
Government and leader of the posl-
lion respectively- it is nut at all un-
Itkely that a few Liberale win has'
to find places on the Conservative side
:es ern as Use Patrons and Independ-
ents, but a difficulty hap cropped
n up
• that sonle old menthes e, kutat•ly
Charlton, Mr. Scheer and IJr. Sproule,
dealre to !stain e. -ata which they nave
held for a number of years past. Dr.
Sproule had one of Inc front seats on
tit CunservaUve side, and if he de-
sires to -be considered a ('c.naervatyve,
as every one knows him to be, and a
good one at (bat, hetonght to go over
and est with IUs poetical trlenda Sim-
Larly, Mr Char'ten, seat- d ..n the front
Op,aodtion bench. will nob be 'sermons
grata to the oneervatives. 1f he re -
theme In hie own seat he would have We an ex-Yhrlster on s right and Dr.
Bergin on his lett.
The three front rows on the Opposl-
tk.n benches have been reserved for
reelected Corteervativcp, and after
there come the sew rnen,ldeaera. Clarke.
Osler and J. Ross Robertson, together
or1 the fourth row of the Oppo lUon
ttenohes. Clarke Wallace, who orru-
pled Fecund peat on the ant Mltslster-
sal row, has applied for a Simi ar seat
to the lett of Mr. Speaker, the seat
held by George Casey for a number of
Mr. Forest of Nantes, France. had
an Interview with Prof Robertson on
behalf of . large French cnmpace
which V ,.eking to up en export
trade In butter and horses from Can-
ada to France, T . Agricultural Corte
mtssbner MA promised to furnish full
informal/op to the company.
The Department of Marine and FIsh-
eries has rscmlv.d a report of Capt W.
H. Smith, who, In nonjunctfon with Ix
°apt eugf.a, R M., asd Rapt. a.
Thomas was appointed a case
matins to .nqulre into insAmmerstrandi g at tae Amer Retgravda
asson off Stack Point, near
St John Harbor N H., O0 May Wall
Capt. Mt's
.1rd • &dredged is
UM, media a serious sad untertueate
estiiAake a e navigation of kin ewe
sal, bet la serthIlleeletles of his Wag
and tslthtul .sthe reeeir.anedu
ea teas ease VIM la fast by suirigentepo
-The Huron Trod shwa have a
LasreosataMve is Ns Lamina Wawa'. Ne
•r•y is (nitric mese meas
Warta Mss •Issisas.Id, had the
▪ Nmambas ambas of Zama, by *sorb .1 ce►-
✓ car-
visa.paefYosetilts1T expwle ss sod esmise•
mar t♦ Y Y.C. Carmelo. Ls Is • miss
isWdna etas wawa sa • lewd lllprtaha,ad
as masses Moo p5115a1 alar saybe amok
will M te Isawmpbslime the same of
a& ball IA11Mes . r Ohsada. sad that
SIM Sile Y. C Casgtlr.
Carleton 'RoilOiures
yy ore: ItoclugtatstPuikkaS
1137 votes: Me -Kellar (Ilea), 'lit votes,
Heinrich. (Cute.), SS votes; Buller
revue, 10 votes, plurality for Hudgins,
Judge Most gave Judgment this moru-
h.r In the Dlvtslon Court case or
tstardaley v. Jordan, the dispute over
an Italian greyhound, welch had been
(weird at the last court. It was that
defendant was entitled W the dug. In
giving Judgment, Hie Honor did what
he said he always did ween any per -
connected with the case appratacn
• d hint tae had been seen by one 01
the lieardaleye slate the cads was heard,
a • ry improper thing, His honor cots -
see real.
se. LI( Wales .NUINalials.
rrresler excretes and Mr. a1Nkere ad m
fe.a.IWls. MI$0 Um Leader.
Montreal. June 211. -Mr. Leerier st-
rived in town Gila afternoon from Ar-
thaba tkavllle. He wad 'net there on
eeturday by Premier Field,. g ut Neva
Scotia and Mr. J. Israel Tarte seed the
auntie'( situation war discussed. Mr.
James Sutherland. M.P. the t.lbera:
whip. joined the party here. ,fir. Laur-
tei and Premier Fielding vivre Inc cen-
tre t tv tligat +ut,uw. tut Wisdsur,
which was crowded with Wirt*Clans,
.lr. telelding•s address here tact L
camper nn W tndrur hall created a ane
uuoresaon. and many cu....
,uelight admitted that he would he a
creat source of strength If he Joined
cr. (.tuner's Cabinet. As lie gas tome
this tar with .Mr. Laurier, rue pRoba-
bility is that he will be tine off the
new Ministers. Prefilter illalr 01 New
tsrunswick and Premier Alembic of Oh-
lertu are expected here tu-morrow
A great dual of talk took place
vert uver the report teat air Curries
Tupper Would not unto defeated
1n the douse, and 11401 there was &
',lav 10.. capture a number of the seats
new held by Ltnerala. One of these
seats is Argenteui1,and 1t was repurt-
ed twat Mr. Abbott had been elected
uy tee' as the deputy returning omeer
at a WU where Mr.Chrtalw had a ma -
away did not initial the bauuta. The
report, however, was untrue, as a mes-
*tinier frum L& cute to -night says Ute
raw. wing utticrr has deelered Mt.
Certifies. Liberal, elected by 71.
Montreal Conservatives are unani-
mous in sewing they hone that Sir
Charles will accept the inevitable and
resign. holt. 1.. H. Davies is now on
the way here and will arrive to-mor-
JrK LI(-ILDLt 410 11 ANIGOTtfD,
layper/es Ths1 the Lew Dreamier Will
se•ee Oar les.e as sir It Weld '..trier,
Montreal. June `1. -'See Mal,) -Your
correspondent learns upon excellsnt au -
titter kV that Lord Aberdeen' lust no
time. as soon as 11 became known t1 &
)run. Mr. Laurier had curried the
country. W tecummendirlw ale (.ahem(
!ruder to Her Maseuty for, knit
send that It is the imprewton in vice-
regal circles that when the new Cana-
dian Prime Minister takes hla place
at the Speaker's right In the Huuae of
Commune be wlU do so under no other
title than that of Sir 'Wilfrid hurler.
A must Important piece of inforrua-
ler. Devito no MO May W.
St John, :7.8., June 21. -Hon. L. H.
Davies pass. J titrougb here this af-
ternoon en route from Montreal. At .he
depot a very large crowd of prominent
men met the Maritime Prov'n _a Lead-
er. He was given hearty cheers as
the train moved out for Montreal.
1. S. 4MIILLZ•tt r ASAP LOAtall.
• 0ae4sm Cwmpaay's Depa..s v was
lesrwa/ by s F'a4ml peeweer.
Huston. Jun. 21 -The Ant tent ant
Honore:4e Artillery Company, l7.
strung. with a number of ladles, sail-
' ed at noon to day on the specially
chartered Cunard steamer Ber'vl& for
their annual field day trip, which this
year ie to London. where extensive
preparations have been Made for their
entertainment. Before leaving they
marched from Fanuell Hall to the
State House, escorted by mliltla com-
panies, and were addressed by Act-
ing Governor Wolcott, who presented.
In behalf of the Commonwealth, a
stand of Maaaaciusetta colon to the
command, making an appropriate ad-
dress'. which was feelingly responded
tu by Cot, )Walker of the Anceentn.
Large crowds lured the streets, and
congested the wharf to site the Air
ciente off.
At City Point, South Boston.. this
afternoon. a wharf. upon which a
large number of perse,os were viewing
the departure of tie Servile with the
Ancient and Hssorsbles on board,cot-
lapsed. Thirty persona were precipi-
tated into the water. Two were drown
ed, and all the others saved. Several
were badly hurt. and It Is stated that
two w1U dna
4.1 LXYLJIIN 111110111$14D.
Beery menektey a weit-sinmen maser,
Pates Away M MaasbosSos.
London, June M. -Henry Dendtley,
ItjA., LL. D., died. at Manchester to
Mr. Dunokley was born at Warwick
Dec. 4, 1.13. and was educated a1 the
llaptlst Academy at Accrington and
the 1 aiverslty of GMpgow- In Idis,
the year of Mia gradua.Uon, he became
mini/eter of the Baistlet Church at Sal-
ford• retiring from that position In
Int to undertake the editorship of Tb.
Manchester Examiner and Times. of
which he basme oil -proprietor a tee
)'ears later. His wad aownOeted with
this paper until 1151, when the paper
WOO transferred to new proprietor,.
He Wad a r•ontrlbutor to acme of t0e
leading periodicals.
Troops t!t asailli Atria&
London, June 21. -As a result ot
Saturday's Cabinet meeting the Sec-
ond Battalion of the King's Royal
Rides now at Malta, has been ordered
to the Cape ot Good Hope
in the House of Comtnnns thi. af-
ter.000. Right Hon Jeeeph Chamber
lain. Secretary of State for the Colo -
nitre, stated that • battalion of ride*
had bees mewed to ('ape Town to rem
plane the troop whilch had been °r-
eseed to primed to Maskonalaad.
L1 Mow Oboes M arwpp'. Patten.
�rme0. June 110.-A eta-
t>d M 14 HttD• - wasanwelMd
t at tiel Vuis Ruegel belonging
to Herr itngtp, who mad- a speech
1weigteg wpm' the cordial r. tattoos be -
hewn' Gemnisaw as.. China Li Hung
Clashes •ftepv1
rda *0.0..4 the gems
Sss lbetory�isadi' bwllLe nof the
iremurs TIIkNKS
When Told Officially of HJ•
Nowllhatlon at St Louis.
Twin tthaswww wr a Tress •.•••wens
rdlay so Waw i 1111.00.0 Is M
(*0555./ 5. tlrebry -MO 14. as
ea w %seas Maier
Canton. 0.. June re --Governor 3a-
Ylniry was to -day officially notified of
has nomination by the Republican con-
vention. ID (lie reply, be said: "Great
are the Ise. -.s involved In the arming
election ALIO .-tier and earnest the
people fur the,., right determination.
Our domestic trade must be wum tracts,
and ole' Idle working people employed
W gaiutul 000upatwas at American
wages. our home market must be re-
stored to its proud ran. ul neat 1n
the world, and uur furelgu trade, su
plecipltately cut off by adverse na-
Owlet legislation, re opened un tali and
*quttabre terms ter uur surplus agrl-
cWtural and manufacturing products.
"Prutectien and reciprocity, twin
measures of a true American policy,
should again summand the eat nest en-
Cuuragem, at of the tiovertlment at
Washington. Public confidence must
he restored, and the skill. the energy
and the capital of uur country 0nd
ample employment at hurtle, be sus-
tained, encouraged and defended
against the unequal competition and
serious disadvantages with which they
are new contending. The Government
of the United States must raise enough
me oey to meet both its current ex-
P1.u*es and increasing nerd.. its rev-
enuer should be raised so as to protect
the material Inte-rerts of uur profile.
with the lightest possible drain up ,n
their resin/ices. and malutain that high
standard of elvllizauun which has dis-
tinguished uur country for more titan
a century ut its existence- The national
credit, which has thus tar fortunately
rcabted every assault upon 1t, met
and will be upheld and strengthened.
1f sufficient revenues are provwed for
! the support of the (Jovernment, there
will he nu neceaitty for burrowing
murrey and Increasing the public debt.
"Luring all the years of lteput.11ean
control, following resumption, there
wad a steady reduction 01 the public
debt. while the gold reserve was
sacredly maintained, and our cutrency
and credit preserved without depreera-
Lien, taint or suspicion. It we would
restore this piney, that brought us un-
exampled prusperity fur mule than 30
Mars under the most trying conditions
aver known In this country, the pul-
1 icy by which we made and bought
more goods fat home and sold more
abroad, the trade balance would be
.quickly turned In our favor, and gold
would come t0 W and nut go frum us
in the settlement of all such balances
' in the future.
I "The money of the l need States
and every kind or form of 1t, whether
e of paper, sliver or gold; must be as
good aa the best in the world. It
Must not only be current at Its full
' fare value at home, but It must be
counted at par in any and every tom-
, menial (entre of the globe. The sa-
gaeaous and far-seeing policy of the
great men who founded our (3overn-
nrent, the teachings and acts of the
{ wisest financiers at every Stage In our
history, the steadfast faith and splen-
' did achievements of the great party to
'which we belong and the genius and
integrity of our people, have always
demanded this, and will ever maIntsln
it The dollar paid to the fanner, the
wage earner arid the pensioner must
• continue forever equal In purchasing
1 and debt -paying power to the dollar
paid to any Government creditor.
"The platform adopted by the Re-
publican National Convention has re-
ceived my careful consideration and
has my unqualified approval. It Is a
Matter of gratification to me, as I
ant sure It must be to you and Republi-
cans ever ywhere, and to all our people.
that the expressions of its declaration
of principles are so direct, clear and
emphatic. They are tou plata and
pcsltive to leave any chance for doubt
or question WI to their purport and
meaning. Rut you will not expect
me to discuss Its provisions at length
or in any detail at this time- It wtikhow-
ever, be my duty and pleasure at sone
future day to make to you.and through
you to the great party you represent, a
more formal acceptance of the numina-
tiuo tendered me -
No one could be more profoundly
grateful than I for the manifeetatbns
of public otnfldenoe of which you keys
so eloquently spoken. It shall be my
atm to attest this appreciation by an
unsparing devotion to what I esteem
the beet Interests of the people. arid In
this work I ask the counsel and sup-
port of you, gentlemen. and of every
friend of the country.•'
d 'DsamM Owevaa, • (.teslas tiger las0uitlr4
Mesh Death fav 1 haat l,se. 5g
b a Worn Troth.
Hamilton, June 9. -(Special.) - SS
cel Curran, a ctgarmaker.who board-
ed with Flynn Bros., at 11.1 Mary -
street, wad kU1ed by a Beach train
on the northern division of the G.T.R..
near Pitch's Crossing, about t o'clock
this afternoon. It is said be was sit-
ting on the edge of a trestle, prepar-
Ing to set a ash net. and the train was
nearly past when he arose and was
struck by some protruding part of the
rear car and thrown violently against
a pent. He lived but a few minutes
after the accident occurred. William
Flynn and John Allman, two of his
aproc:atee, were not far (PI and at lee
time. An Inquest will be conducted
by Coroner White.
INN► A.. r1 110N-.•4'.
• Med Draw b tar seesktyw tad
11.0.1. roan Foy"( It 1irpore ,
New York June 211. -The bout of the
evening- the *tar attraction. was a 12
round contest between Jack Downey
of Brooklyn and Frank Erne of Buf-
falo. which ended In a draw. The lads
had already fought twice. the declaims
qqDa both occasions being a draw, Re-
Nrae Indithardt eras unable to pick t
sllstatr atter 11 rounds had been fought
and the rivals had to be content with
a third draw. It anything. lime bad •
Shade the bent of a fast and well-oo♦
tasted battle. but the donation wee rate,
Rene came es the worm( pusfahed of
the ewe for the Mat round, Irbil. Dew -
try was stroma and fres(( Dews.,
radial with h4 Bahl on I.rriW. Jam
Wee wont beds at him with a sting -
Mist blow ow tae wind. Doorstep osi sh-d
t!a astrals lad with a right tad his
eta the head sod fnllei ed this s.0 with
• ..thew sight en the tale �o�
Ifo. found it to.Dnse5. to land. 11.00e
aDow�ney� igatt a masted britt Illegee
f'i'st sA (aft- wkfle liar tabbed=
ate Downey
any All the eye with • left 7�w�
sidneisd W the redeem had lard eree h
be a5eraatee thews Isst before the belt
This is the way we put you Is. the ,win : 117 giving yos a Will more
and taking a little Zeus the anyone else. We are showing Kiva Vain* in
Freta 4) to >f 1.65-
Suwmer Corsets for 414c.
Chitdrete's Sunnite' Waists -house -
thing new- for 2'k.
Ctnling Coreets, extra value
8Cor -r Firma
We are 'Wiwi: Factory Cotton at 4c. per yard- It wont coat you
anything to see it. You will sate money if you wish to buy.
Come in We want to get your goodwill for life. Anti when you are in
tat .• a look at uur f.ustre Skirts and Print Wrap,'er.,
Corner Square and West St.
Cash Store.
Ui:JT1I A7' .4 BA 1. (:Awa.
Little W r-Teeir•01d /roadie apr5lylr
killed by a Ball Throws by a
Deans* Pastier.
Detroit, ]dk•II., June M. -Freddie
Springer, only 4 years old, wad taken
by -Me mother to see a baseball game
yesterday. His Lather. Frank Sprng-
et. was playing In the game, and had
lir .!lied four innings, when the ball
thrown by the pitcher struck Freddie
on the headire dropped to the
wound Instantly and was carried into
the rarest house. but died shortly af-
t.: wards without gaining conscious -
Fatal 00Irr gapM.Ma.
Houston. Tex., June 29. -Shortly at -
ter 3 o'clock this afternoon a boiler
In the office of The Daily Age explode
ed killing Engineer Henry Lyons,
Misr. Mettle Loeb, a dentist:apher 1n
the office of W. G. Van \'Leel'. Vme-
Pre ident and General Manager of the
Atlantic system of the Southern Pati-
adne Railway. and Edward It. Emery
telegraph Iperator In the same onicst
and seriously injuring lir. Van Vied
hemmer t'armess Wein,
Detroit. June 2•. -President Burk of
the Windsor. Detroit and Sou Line
yesterday received a telegram farm
the captain of the ('anadlan paste -neer
s:eamer Majestic, dated Cutler, 0. -
or -gran Bay, that the steamer Carmoua
had gone on John's Island near that
pace. She is not exposed, and it la
though can be easily released.
A. Careful Buffer
Our Great
Clearing Sale
is now in program. Tremen
dons reductions in I:eneral
During the
shall pay the
first half of July we
1st -class BUTTELL
Select EGGS,
25 percent. of which will be paid in
M'g r
Will eslsat hie goods carefully, have hie
teethes mach right, sod pay the right kind
of a pries far them. You may rest assured
whoa you place your order with es your in-
terests will be modally protected.
No one shows w an extensive • line as we
de, beautiful .00de,aod sold at • figure that
will .sable you to save money
The Balmoral Cafe
The prettiest and head furnished
Utie Wert of Tomcat, - - - . -
et Tia Halmos( wee be obtained
of porfset make aad flavor, M the dish or
the e malt. foe■Mal• le slimy,eb.
=morel the pates of beverages.
are noted tor thele Parity. Mawr .ad
Prean sass.
served at .tl haws.
J1 Laws Pleat. sad nosily tattles.upplled
with le... s're1L, La•ebwa..ea
Sawnabls FRUITY
of Na 1 quality always la slosh
=041:71.b. Jda he•w.ti
Wall Papers and
Window Mims
SSi-N E00K$ Si .urrz.LES
�� Fsmlwf`
ruita TAT'S
All kinds of
r.I1 ne •rare. hasped np. and mains Oyer.
Opine% the thing for smell Muse&
Osil sad see it at
j.. WORSELL j II.,
See This!
Iouday, July Oth
ft/ P,e OFp Chinaware
Tuesday, July 9tl' TM
20 P.G oar Wall aper
Wednesday, July dth
16 Pea on Taney rods
Thursday, July 9th
90 p.c. on DODS.
Friday July 10th
Saturday it
Odd lima at your