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Wall Paper.
Lest talk by the dealer, and
more looking by the customer, that's
what we believe in.
We have al I the Latest De-
signs in
What's the use of enJles.l talking of designs atad artistic coloring,
these are things Chet appeal to the eye, not to the ear.
Of course we heir a few words to my about prices.
We are stillselling the 6c. and 7c. kind for 5c.
Pretty Bedroom and Hall Paper, 7c. and 8c. ,
Drawing Room and Parlor Paper, 8c. and lOc.
Ceilings, Pori ers, and Friezes, designed to match.
Bookseller and Stationer.
i think 1 IiavP the hero vitluo in these lines. I will give you low quo-
taticns art all HARI)WAItF: thio season. Prices in many lines have gone
up recently, but having bought before the avance, I can do the very best for
you. Having anticipated extensive building operations this year, I have de-
termined to make big sales on small profits.
1 rOflrourown Correspondents
There 1. Information Mere 1 hal Cannel be
gonad Anywhere Else - %ew..f the
t'..aty apertalle !Reported
roe The Waal.
Sir, IOil, May 30.
The following is the monthly report for
S. S. No i, Colborne
Fifth clam, Ethel 1)ustow; see fourth,
Maggie Kirkpatrick, Lime (..liddo., Alex.
Dope : Luo. fourth, George (:Iddon, Clar-
ence I)u.tow: third claw, Willie Kirkpe,t-
riok, Allan McManus ; second class, Willie
1Veuoo, Oliver ('ook, Wille Thompson.
M. Y.'('•••>►a i..
K'iin►.h.tt, May 27.
The Court of Kevisioo for the Towehip
of Colborne, was held in She Township Hall.
The members hat int .1ue1,bd, the following
appeals were brought before the court, viz :
John Rosner appealed of too high asses -
meat. The court made • comparison of the
adjoining forma and decided to take no
action. Mn. Stitt appealed of too high as-
sessment. it was moved, seconded and
earned that her aeaeement be reduced $100
After making a few dight alterations, on
motion of .Johne and A. A. 1 curia. the roll
was sooepted as correct. The Court then
formed • council for despatch of regular
business Members all present. Reeve in
the chair. Minutes of lest meeting reed
and signed The fol•owine, a000unta wase
paid. vii • Clothing for N m. Ven.to0., $18;
supplies for road meohine, $1 20 ; Wm
Howell, emery as assessor, 855 ; Aago•
Md '.non, 41, days operating road machine
$S. t,5 : Wm. G. Bogie made applwatioo to
have lent No. 13, L R. W , changed from
School Sea. No. 5 to Ashfield Tallon, the
clerk was intruoted to notify the parties
concerned. The council then adjourned to
meet again .lues. 30th, at 3 o'clock rat.
F. W. McDOSAug, ('lark.
Nasus The tonal agency In Unnpanos
tor 'TIM $ e, .i. ie at the olsee of J. O. Ward.
J.P.. oorveyseoer. he.. who will receive or
den to. enbaortptlosw, advertising and job
work. and as authorised to glee r.ecelpte for
wanes paid tor the same
Ti r•.u.ev, June 2.
1'•a dere•• The( 'oveervettveshold •meet-
ing here tonight.
John Helmet). of North Oakok., is visit-
ing relatives here.
Master Milfnd Pentland left last week,
vie Goderioh, for • Tong visit to relatives In
Oa Monday night lack Frost put in se
uaweloome appearance. We hope be
sill defer future visits nett' some time next
Arrxvt.rvu C vTy ('.:., u R Lock-
hart sad R Meld, reeve and deputy of
West Wawa.o.h are attending • swim of
the county onaooil.
lite r''. ---We regret to have to state that
John Burke, et cedar Valley, is very ill
trees inflammation of the bowels. We hope
to hear o1 his speedy recovery.
A'.. i tit,. Un Mned,t , the 7.5th, 1), C.
Munchen and 1) Ma( orenick. of t;oderich,
e•ejoyel themselves in angling and were
imoo.ssfnt is hooking • number of speckled
NrH (Stns,•.- Richard Mallongh and
family have moved on to the property which
be recently purohwd from the s'.dieate.
We .reed te them • heart) welcome, and
wish them meow.
1s10. -,'rt. We regret to nate that
Min. A tllrm Keiser ie i11, affected with an
astaek el nnageotisn of the longe Her
many heads hope she will Soon be restored
M her weeted health.
CHe'R. H Nerre.—The elesaat.at of the
i.erd's sepw will be dammed fa Rrek too
eNrsk M ISaday, Jens 7111. to oometoae•
as the uveal teas. Preparatory meek* will
be held ea Friday, assm•sutag et 2 r a.
Ontrvat.ne sir. — The newer... friend.
IAA relatives .f Mise Ess Wk who
M. be. trembled with ef the
Imes and pleurisy, will be pleased to know
that the young lady is gradually reoovring
sad. nothing preventing, will soca be all
right again.
1'1,i1.t —John Reid, of Puetlncb, Out,
returned to hta home after • visit to his
nodes, Robert, .lames and John Reid, 5t1i
000tasston, Ashfield... • . Mn. Richardson,
of Tavistock, is visiting her sister, Mrs. 1,.
Smyth, and other relative In this neigh•
COC KT ..► K►) I>tu\. —In patetismo* of
adjournment N eat 1V•wano.h ret in the
tewabip hall on Saturday, May 30th, as a
court of revision. All the members were
pree.ot. No appeals were present, but as
property had changed owns, there were
several chance as to ownership med. on the
roll, them having taken place since ah..ess-
meot was made. Ou motto°, the roll was
Pi.i.tri. At. Mestrno:.—A meeting in the
tntere.t.of the Conservative o•ndid•te was
held here last eveatog, which was well at-
tended by • mixed mdieno. of Libsr•le and
Conservatives. The ohatr was ably occu-
pied b1• J. M. Roberta, and the speakers
were Robt. McLean, 1' Heston and Ur.
Holmes on the Conservative side and U.
McGillicuddy and M. G. Cameron in the
Reform mt.ret. The questions of the day
were duly threshed Dot, and at the close
cheers were given for the queen and Meese.
Cameron mad McLean. There was • lack
of the usual lionervetive enthusiasm at the
meeting and the name of the new premier
didn't appear to have any charm tor the
audience, as at the meouoo of his nem* dur-
ing the disous.ion no applause was sceord-
ed. It wasn't thus when Sir. John reigned
DrI.EI.ATEA.—On Saturday last the fol-
lowing gentlemen appeared as delegate.
at the last session of the oouocil of
West Wawanesh : S. Caldwell, of At.burn,
requesting the oousoil to peas a bylaw per
muting the citizens of Auburn who reside
in the municipality of West Wawanoeh to
take stepe towards eet•bluting the village
of Auburn as • polo:* village, sed to levy
on the ratepayers of the said village resid-
ing In the municipality of West 1Vswanosh
their portion of the expenses in the inaugur-
ation of end police village. Messrs. R. J
('nwford, .1.M. Roberta, .1. P. , and William
Morrow, of i)useannon. sppesrd oo behalf
of the Huron Electric Railway, beseeching
the (oaocil to paw • bylaw granting the
right of way on the highway in West We-
wanosh to construct • line of electric rail-
way and to operate thereon. The 000ncil
000sidered it favorably. Charles a;irvio,
sr., appeared on behalf of the ratepayers om
and along the eat side ot the northern
gravel road known se the western boundary
between West Wswanoah and Ashfield, be
leeching • special grant to improve the rod
between Glee's Hall and the southern boun
dry of West Wawsnoeb, whioh wa con
aniseed tmvorably.
Mus At, June 1.
Mem E. Fulford spent the Quaa's Birth-
day st Noodatock
The Queens Birthday of 1896, kept oe
Monday, saw stir and bustle hen. Visitors
coming from (aoderiob to ere friends and re-
latives , .use of of our rseid.nta going to
Dungannon and Port Albert, to see the Ina
in progress and join in the merrymaking
which was checked by the downpour of
rain, which tame at the °lose of the day.
ToapA,, ,laws 2.
1'isieuxu His Coi.Laia Cot1K+x --.1. 1).
Ander«sa, who in the sumer of 1892, as e
student, was pastor in °barge of Leanne
and lisle Presbyterian churches, has new
traduced. l'ermissina was given the Pres-
bytery of ..lontreal to take. on trial, eertuu
student@, among the samba, heat ,leis 1).
Anderson, It A. , sod the follewiag day be
was bowed by the Presbytery. A ohaege
in the Presbytery of Ottawa wished to gall
Mr A.derson. but he gave them es e
oeurag.m..t, as he intends assist west.
W • baps hie let easy be settled near ss,
and we Das seam me him and hear base
preach the glad tidings, and that the future
before him may be asked
with essay 'Mayes for oho Mas
t,r's garner. Hie period We was his Mss
week as • ates..wger of the Gospel. aid far -
east sad faithful were his saemsaa
The Read Mashies r.emtly passhsad,
we mada.t@ad, by the T. peaasll,
did weak w the w1 all Bettered. How, a
and just the right styles to suit
We probably have the fullest line to select from in
town, and our prices are always reasonable, so you may
be sure to be satisfied if you deal with us. Your inter-
est is our interest and we rely more on a small profit and
a satisfied custom than the reverse.
See our Window of Cheap Millinery for this week
and our 25c Sailors.
the end of Jame Lisklarer'e farm ea Satur-
day 1..t. The machine was u. charge of A.
itaokiunuo, eh., duetted the work.
Thecounty Parliament met at 3 r. M. c
Tuesday, %Vardee Strseb.o, of Grey. pre-
sdioe. Preheat reeve Girvu, Runes, Wil-
ford, Kerr, Kennedy, Young, H•teden, Cox,
Proudfoot, Mcliwan, Dunnage, McDonald,
Matheson, Mooney, Gotta, Mcllweeo, Eit-
her, shepherd. M.:Pb rsoa, Uelbrtdge, P.t-
tenos, Lockhart, Spender and Saunders ;
and detonate Ktckley, McKeez,e, Cooper,A,
A. 1 Dig, Carling. Churchill, Holt Hyslop,
Jae Turnbull, Robt. Turnbull, Geiger,
Southereo, Stewart, Bingham, Archibald,
Kirkby, Watson, Errant, Merritt, Hicks.
MeLean, Cruiok.banks, Kddy, Robertson'.
Medd and Holmes.
The roll ot members hermit been milled
and the minutes of the Jany. meting moa -
armed, the warden addressed the council in
matters connected with the House of Ref-
uge and other subject.. A communication
from Sheriff (.thhons aski.g the council to
purcha.e . new tlag wa. referred to the ex-
ecutive con,mittee.
A c..mmanioation from S. Caldwell, re-
g.rdmg •u eeesemeot in the village of
Auburn was sent to 'pone! committee.
The report ot the inspector of prisons
was read and eat to the property commit-
Petition. from trustee. of S.S. No. 11,
Grey, petition& from the trustee, and rate-
payers of the towneh!p. nt Hay sad Step-
hen, regarding school section boundaries,
dories, sod petition from trustee and rate-
payers of 8 S. No b, Grey, regarding
school section boundaries were read and heat
to the education committee.
.Jailer's report we. reed and referred to
the property committee.
Report of auditors red and hent to Ga-
lilee committee.
('ouuty treaarer'd report read and refer-
red to 6oanoe nom.
On motion the council adjourned to meet
on Wednesday.
The council met at 10 A. u. the warden an
the chair.
Miuu•es of Tu.edey s session read, •p -
pr ved sol signed.
A large number of accounts was heat •o
the fisance committee.
The county oommiasioner'a reyort w.i
reel and sent to ffa.aoe, road and heti,,.
and property oommittem.
(t'OrrTlNVID NEXT Wits.,
SCHa/t. 13•omit. —The regular monthly
meoti.g of the public school board was held
Monday evening. Present Jas. iluch•nan,
chairman, and trustees Acheson, B.11, Col-
borne, N.oholwn, sad Reid, the Inspector
and Principal. The minutes of last regular
metteg were reed. approved and sivned.
The Principal's report for the months of
Metall, April and May were read and filed.
The reports ooatsined *semi r000ino.eed•
tions from the principal, which were order -
et to be carried into • fleot with the exoep-
tion of two which were referred to commit-
tee to report on. The number of pupils on
the roll for May was 627 (319 boys and 308
girls) and the average wwteodiesoe 547 (288i
boysand D8} gills). Miss Skelton &eked
permi..inn to stied the fall term of the
Normal School and her r• q•ieet wa granted
Accounts were teed from A ti Cornell,
/3.50 and Harper and Ise 111 97 sod ord-
ered to he Dud. S. P. H.U. was appointed
the B. ti. representative on the High
School entrance board. On motion, the
Heard adjourned to meet on the e vening of
Jar 29th.
Ito are Nr ggeoee% and peso.e as we wit .on
Shining the Warta/ Wee of
Wall Paper sad Chinaware at Cod
Thea we have the following lines at exc.p
Denali, low %gores
AM Misebesed sad Tray Mahe and my.
*lag 700 mea imam tai the Posey Owls
Ds�I.. of press mem hewinvest-
well THZ FAIR.
1011, li the Time
Io make your pu. ' e.s of
Farm Implements
lam now prepared to take order.
for farm implemeots of the choicest
kind in the market at the present
time .td at the very lowest rates,
comprising the
1 Binders
NatOn Brea. M'tall Ca
bIna. or Mowers
Plowst'ookshutt Plow Company's plow.
.f all descriptions.
Cultivators torn and ties
the Cultimarketraton
the bet '.
Wagons Adams k Sone Paris Wagon
Works A full lire of wagons,
allowed to be the leading wagon in the
BuggiMcLaughlin Carriage Coalmine
es lashes . t utl lite of tLe thoic-
et buggies an the Proviso,.
Allgood. guaranteed.
Partite wishing anything in the above Ilnes
will .:weer • fled it to their ad..m ew tocsin at
my shop, as I 'sustain e. eat,efaction with
goods in the above linee, eU that )uu cannot
make any mistake by c.limg on
'O -1I Agent for the .bov•
That is to say
hove bought out the business of
and carry a full line of ' ves, Tan
and Granite wear, and ere prepared
to give tenders for
Plumbing, Fitting,
and Tinning,
and guarantee to give you satisfac-
tion in each sod ever) Ione.
Our refrigerators are the beet in
the market. Cell and see them.
tar Len your orders at aloha Ralph'.
Old Stead, Hamilton -St.
Plumbers and Tinners.
The stemma esserneast ot
W. mm iAsted to the public.
Ds h hisses, with mature as
ire dens Mr Spring attire. and bay
peemJta ernle4i tear.
Wee sow Monk of all the Latest
la e. shirt. Coll.... Cutts.
iesseltweer. Hosiery. eta.. at
0. E SHANE & O0 -'S
sae t. aware of the fact that Rowingw115.11 t@ bectios 1. dainties arca as, but
.vanes does.' kaow when to procure
.sm.Ming retreaded on • het day.
PA*WRR and try
Portend= Ins lkeaa, Water Ices, Ices
Cream Soda and Refreshing
Fountain DRaka
le my flavor dewed. Rveryt5ng need t•
the pea}votion a which is g.area1wd we.
Peeltively se .nbgtems•
Is mewing and s•rvl•g thew della.esK
sweat save States to have everynit.g
h Mal
tidy. d i .et left to lite
Came amid see w manta yammer. the best
abet shalom semen tw ead mem can buy.
Ca is ! Carpets ! Carrots ! Carer !
Carus !! Carus !!
It sr. Udo rah ,oeo1e is tw., i w. are way people 1• seemly that
wry a Meeh of OarMM a�ee.ilaB h dist. VarWSeibsad 8to... ae0e
try 84.10., sad as setts/ what ether MMI* M ..atrary,11 yea
te My Dare t. where yea gem gee the Largsa Aasrtmaat. the Bea and Leumi
sad by all vide the Clews Prism, ears is the sleek N oleo Nem. 0wr reap ewes
ernes a 10 OW Hemp M the herd live Frame Bedaada
Or ficemels sad Tapestry Damn are et the ...wet gramme sada= with
benders to match. and the seism w simply b Yea 'Maid see ear >leesa 1. a
Oar new Ansi/Mac she IMO woe shirr i■ thio sewn, delight@ everyone she
gess them. They w gam M be ..hers fee the 8prag Trade.
Qtr All- Ween le three plies edea two pine are ahead et marine the
market is quality. d..tg..ad Weriag. Union Carpels this year look asses. as geed se
Weds .t miss ease... The gtr wiaa trade we have meats me Wray to Weems ear
Wok sad we if. new m e baster pestelem Mea eve be mea M. r.gtue.meam a the
hada. When you wet Carpets, give es s leek. We are sabred ties we sea gB ye.,
Deism we your .dvamage end perhaps eve yea mossy tee by baying hent ea All Oar -
pas made and laid if required. We em make • 30 10 00 yard Carpet fa aims ewe home
with ear mew Carpet Meanie -
We have the largest Meek of Oil Clothe sad 1/.eleams .ver .hews ` Oderleb, as
pewee M mitt eveyea..
Our Lace Curtain Stock is than ever. It is needle= to quiets prism:
Oar Chenille Stook of 13.,1.10. tad Table Covers, direct from the mek.n, ems
erytbiag for gmelly and prime. Rage and Mate at a oar best .peoielttes, also some
line of D.m..k. suitable far Wallas..
We want yea M see oar Table Linen, sad Table Napkins duos from Hensel, Inked.
W. want you M remember our Art Sinew sad An Yttslin.. >♦11
Or ge.eral Spring stook is better thea ....1 in wee liars. Is Prints, Chamhms.
Zepbenn, Boesch Oiaghams, Nags, Spot Mistime, we are .head of other sea.osa
7374,33813 C+OODB
A large wormiest in many of the mew fabrics °Designee' of tie sew Sash Royale,
Black and Colored Lustre.,Serra and Suiting Metrl.
We ban • lot of Celor.dMaterials, doable width goods, that we w edmiag
for about lilt prix.. Tweeds. Clothe, Measling. and Wonted' in gnat variety.
Th. Great Carpet Warehouse of the County.
See our specials this week.
Children's Oil Pebble Button Boots
Sizes 7 to 10, 75c. II to 2 95c.
Ladies' Glove Grain, button or laced, rivited sole and
solid leather, selling at regular wholesale price,
Wise Oxford, toe capped, turn sole, tan or black. Best value yet for 95c.
Boys' Basta Calf, whole foxed, fair stitched and pegged, solid leather insole,
for only !)1.00.
Men's whole foxed, solid insole, pegged coley laced or gaiter, for $1.25.
Men's tan laced Boot, narrow toes, McKay Seweddand geld at $1.50, wortb
Cash selling makes cash buying, and these low prices are the result. We
invite you to see our stock. No trouble to show.
Selling agents for the KING VENTILATED BOOT,
the coolest boot mads
Summer Millinery. .
The undersigned having received a large importa-
tion of Spring and Early Summer Millinery, is prepared
to supply the sweetest of ,
Bonn °ts, Hats and Trimminis.
The goods are Fashionable, of Superior Make, and are in
Color, Design and Texture unexcelled.
All of the latest Designs.
See our Large Stock of
Oor. Square and
.Awarded four
times successively
f o r Commercial
and .artistic Pen-
manship in an-
nual competition
agaf,nst all Can-
West st over C.P.R. office.
.awarded t h e
Diploma of Pon -
or for the best
and most origin -
a l Methods o f
H o w to Teach
Positively only One Full Course given in (Jloderl k.
91st and dressed Method* thoroughltaught t@
l'godhead, >l�pewl long, 1Penakaaildp
aw, Aritiae4e, eta. i
Per Illeetr.ted onespeeatns.M tardier lahreatlee colt es address
34 J. O'SLT3�LIV.A N_ O.E. M.,.A
aNanzo f�?ala a Ozer-