HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-6-4, Page 7*gm...91U THX SIGNAL : GOD !CRICK ONT. THTTRSDAY JUNE 4, 1896. 7 conditions In some conditions the gain from the use of Scott's Emulsion of cod -hirer o 1717-riFir. For this reason we put up a Soc. size, which is enough for an ordinary cough or cold or useful as a trial for babies and children. In other conditions pin must be slow, sometimes almost im perceptible.heslth can't be built up in a day. For this Scotts Emulsion must be taken as nourish- ment, food rather than medicine. food preparedfor tired and weak dietions. Serra lams. amts, 9••• r ga.• FOR THE CHILDREN. Nobody' kin v w out in the mow. Nobody's kitty had nowhere N go. Nobody's kitty cried : "Mi.w, meow Mow ! Somebody pity amp D., d.. de t" Se somebody peeped from • triadow high. She saw little kitty and beard bur on. Somebody pattered d.. -o stair by stair, With hies, Mee .yes as' with gongs hair. Sem.body gs►her.d the. was terse b. Nobody's kitty so cold and as thin. Nobody's kitty woe semahody'. pot, Ha ! he ! My tale L sot ended yet. Sozaeb.dy's dor)tgie barked "Bow, yew. wow ! So 1'.. N be w•twui y'r dews. mew "' "Flo !" said his matron ; ••fie ' that M sot tree ; I've room a my heart for kitty sad yew" MISCELLANEOUS. Rob Aurdotto aeware this good his wool soigne fashion : ''May a CA daps,! On swan he may Re may sad Iw,te , bet 11 we.nta got .yak Chri.ti•eef him. S1rsIy,Cbriet' yea may dance. bat tisanes will Dower thy you as • ('hristies. What pert' u is that y• a .•k tie q..estes « nM CYr*•t.n.o who don't dace sewer ask lees, Chrtst- i•aa dance if you .0 tare wittiest it. Jain babel, with Rain Herodias, mad Herod. awl circle to t, left Ret don't be .orerieed if yen • .' mienksn for • twat. That et the aids y are on." -The Reli- gious Herald. bettor &able. A wolf is lkiag shoot looking for op- po..snity eati.fy hie hanger, sante is sight of ns.wber of sherh.rde enm.ee4 in d' g their verses, " Wbes the then her di.ew their wroue•." said the wolf. bins a lamb, the wolf gots his rights." ewers/.a of the ass'. Gaye. Photography bas Italy determined the deptke to which the suet rays ego peso trate through water, and the result that at • depth of 653 feet the darkness was &boat equal to as exposer. on • olair but moor - Wm eight. The esp• •ed plate* at thin depth goes no evtd..et of tight •.tion. -Popular Salome . To Chase Planter cyan.. Plaster of Pirie figsres ad bam are apt to Emeses Ma 1 sad discolored. The beet way to otw•e them is N make a strong solu- tion of sleratee in water, stave the Mures is�it, and throw the water over them. Plans holly haled my be rubbed with a sett then. Rims i. diem ,aesstas watt. nod lot them dry without wiping. ids aid of sosr.t.lm- fsTbere is w w a tooling with meralgia. It is • dimes Nat giros we.) only to the moot powerful remedies No remedy yet discovered has gives Ile freed results that ievariahly .head the employment of Pot east Nervib... N.nabw is 1. positiv* ape rifle for .11 mane pais. and eight to be kept on hand is every heady. Sold every- where, 25 canto • bottle. Coat Tar Weed a retina Colon ucelleatiy adapted to the themes koala of poetise can bo made by olnpleyieg acid to, instead of oil as a vehicle. Coal w pais» sower a larger .setons by me - fourth then se peal weight el nil cele@, require no varnishing mad dry very giddily. They may be spplted ea fresh plaster, damp wells, o.zaost, wood m metal, nod. moreover, peens dWnhetia propertis, dao to the carbolic and they ..stain. To Cine Gold ease••. Pat the than lute • easel glee, bottle with warm water ..d • little camphorated obalk. Serape is ..me geed amp, cork the PAST YOUR ?RIMKnot la g�af�y hat In Your eMV alt sot good. Yoe Fes herd• kr 7 know what is the matter with= 0o too. os to1s os tb dsdtna. !Noels miss the old Matte spirit Toa stowed is farm, years. The west of all this le that your eeastltstios hi wars out and your Wood le bad. net b.tb ttrkt by tip ems of Cha..'. Kid. 12•744•te Pill. One boa wW ams DN 7sPNd► &ism O hrrh. leeefsl► nmate fir M emeses nervtiea tWood. M m maplalak of l pen1Mnia Illemands sufferers ham test fled to tie offieiey of Ch mVu eile-14,r Plus !bei erg IMO b S. m ms the hent Or pill • Saw ass east a dew; 15 0.51. •boar s`NP•attfrPoe othe Mt► •Himargs. iise� � lees heads and @bake it lee • means er two v*ils5Yy. The frigates erten the glees polishes the gold, asd the soap sad Milt irtram prile4S et grew and dirt free the Iaterdies d • ebsm of the meet mtrieab patters. O. talo./ it est et the mettle rase pis pleas, cold wase, wipe it M its brightens Mil seeptis yea ..d .keen the dampens hs. ewspee.ted Pir the Threat. M. everybody has • remedy 1.e Nebliag la the throat„ bet here is ow that is u«I- lat• Sgm.e i law • Ms she j.ies of two Imam and add a equal washy .t water mad • pinch .f powdered alga tete this Mir al the sager it will take, ties sot over the ire .ad lot it boil sp ems. Half . tea- epees/al ewer few stom..ts, er Men yes Mee • meths" .osgbia., will .sari atop it. The same ef the tithing le the el�aragatlos of the palate, which tonnes the diem sad mess JY �•isg. The sasses of the lames andpen it .t ones. teak Waw.. Silk waists are quite planar' made --a little felons is the saddle of the front, ad situ is the hack shirred both . •bounden and waist, mad full bishop Mario with marrow miffs. O. some, strap, of the ma twat stifis.d awl limed wick pretty silk, some from the Amidst et an to the waist One o two eesamestal butane are put ea each strap, or they ars edged, with marrow row jig or with sea ee awe rows of white, arsm-oaored or Mach nes. Oa some, w ain ribbon two mad • 1t•If inches wide, form the strap, mid is a full tow on the eh.sidur.-Ww.k eogeess kfr trtrtlsykrag Waves. Some i mporimm.td have bees meds to allow that noapsndswill redoes • nes almost as well as oil. This wee first tried on the 8e•sd1•, m • Spbrm en the Adapt» A 1•rp t o••city of reap nod water was M- ohamed over sib. bow sod the offset wee n ewly 1.N•4ta.ss., the height of the waves bei ea diminished that tbo vestal could he mimed without ' 'haulty. The 1Wmer fetegal, ssUtsg the Adriatic, was smolt b • mean sad .sad soap and water with Mite ens result. Six reads of soap worm dissolved is two barrels of water. Thor mohair's, wbes dripped over the bow, male a quiet apes of •beat ton ysrde wide, wonting the wave, from breaking over vemel to • marked extent. -Ibid. Mea 1. Fame. An old colored ma wba wheel" rubbish out of alleys In • eotbside residence du- triot oossidere biases!! pretty well knows mesa the people from wbo. back door he psshs ache.. this moms» recently ow of tba gm.N.saes who employ the African walk ed oat rate bis back yard and "poke hst4- iarly M the ash weepier. "What is your Mame!" he asked, is addressing the eolue.d mea. "Giiree Weebiegtes," was tbe re- ply, "Wash amen -Wash a.1* t," repeat- ed eke ge tlem.. ; -•rt aeons to ma that I hew. heard teat same hetes" "Orem you have," rejoiced the Afr•icaa. '•I have bees wheelie/ asbee out of them alley, tor 'boss Ns years. "-ChM** Nitre. • new Care tee Mpbib.rta. Col•mbi•, Ma, May LS. -The exFoei. masts that have been guise as at State nai- versity Electrical i•brntory testing the effect o1 the Ro.tges rays epos diphtheria Muni all ooafirm the theory that the germs may be destroyed by the nye The Iasi .xp.rimost was made with live gwa,•pigs. probably the first experiment of the tied apes a living animal ever made a Ni. misery. Two rein pigs were 1.0oal•ted with • culture of diphtheria. Ose of the pigs was szpoe.d to the Ra.ttre• rays for four hours. After 72 hours the pig showed no age, of diphtheria, and was put as live- ly as baton, but the pig whish was sot ex- posed to the rays died within 28 hours after the nineties. THE EYE OF THE HEART. -- "I'd ham him, aye, Mow him 'mid tbessead-..' she mid, "Althessh Mese poor eyes asssot tea" The sound of his vols and the lilt el bb tread Weald .like be sweet musk to me." 8o all day she at by the do,r of bit bat While she dreamed of ber lad far away, Aad she sever hemes-ed her poor, patient For her hops bloomed anew, day by day, The renes bed faded for may • year ; Tb.y told her the hey of her heart Had lose aims forgotten the mother mice dear, Bat sear would his image depart, "1 know le will she would murmur, He would sem forsake me, wt be ; And my peer waiting heart saes again will be glad Whoa my laddie comes over the ass" A stream walked up to her cottage mase day. Said ha ••I bring news from your on. He rests b his rev., out at m, fur &gr She mailed ore this wards were half dose, "It's wise ye may be." she oz0Wzaedas she MOO And d&.psd him with transports of jay . "No metier so Mind, laddle, .11 the world • Mows As not knew bar oars d.rtlng boy "' ALL FOR ALL. The ostein of hand *Mikis( dates bask to the time el )leery 11 The .1...s sables now is eparaske aerem the Atlantic have most upwards ef C14.000,- 000 A Sensitise who bas been Maw the re- alm of Lenora is seem' •fry fish t►.t 019.000met amarbstebe scion above ea Matted, Ile James Paget rseontl7 stated Mail ea'. ef 1,000 ..dial animas whose weer he had foamed, rather else Mag 900 loft the preh_les or died early. The hoarding of treasure by the people el I.dis ick strewn by the fan that is Shot soustry the goad mid ether ernammats user t}rbt 14I are .sllmated te be worth ever tiitit,080,000. Parwoy*d as Wheelie -A pm•za.Mtlyp Apr Mee is w latest Beefs develep..e$ sd(M. World's ..embers Me d A mapifioset gime neo b tutees ea • Mere d q•sdr ysle wenn tesdw maim power from the limbs d the prepr, sten, who b .send leer behind 1M gam At Millet the whole dblr Is brlllM.tly lighted y.leetrf e a'. IMF =MMM the Wry -Eery Par may be Morn I. rpm d se�Ysssh4e preSesdw t edsntflr a.earagy sat -.ants 1 wee• foams passim hes, the Mei Me MSNez t b 4 the are Y somber base MINK Rains mammas be pmmsl,p Natthe t sNabeaIswarme,p I1ieetfy miry hoe Mat leaps N. 'oaSet , Ise Mood Mas/ 111. farff. isms bs'wl► enemll meg pig 5516 a flies••• WierZralle 44 him is the.prlag is dead before the mama Jet -an .aoa s1 T and them that lave Beer do solemn Mowery I sem after the spring eras the dMAb .f • bee b s,sa v Wy esddes--abq have bees kaisers to Ia1 is thele firm CYCLING PROVERBS. Pow eyelets ride esey. Lees sr, Iowa my hike. Small Metes in poor Mynas. Lave and leers N ride • bike. Never the old to Imre le rtdw Bike armies dein seM se hetes Too liebdy ea, too heavily d. real heart some woe a reward. Bikes doe, Iamb as 1ok.mithe. A ride well begun is hall .ceded. Lock before yea leap N year sesta Old riders are stns es sew Wtea Te • rickety bake all roads are bad. A Imp lit b este elm save a 6e. A sties is good for • sole -a Woomera The permit of the bayon is is tin riding. A motion rider makes • fat ehsrebyard. A good bicycle ones mods • good rider. A oat may look at • blossomed yeast Expense** to the beet epok• is your wheel. 1f wishes wore biopsies, beggars would worth. Neoessit y wan the mother of safety bin eyelets. IsisHur..uout in baste and mad your beams aat A bike between the logs is worth two is the store. A mile 1n the tlwrsh% is worth two is tbe eveoing. CURED OF SCIATICA. THE EXPERIENCE OF A BRUCE CO. FARMER. wt'r►MauD e0 Smt•1a1L1 THAT 115 w1CAw1 AL - wort • HSLrLnit calrpL1-I0 *sup ROLE TO ■e ••01'T Hie 0005 •s WILL u 1050. Prom eke Walksrio• 1.1 escape, Dunne the past few years the Telescope bee marinated essay su1metste giving the particulars of owes from the use of Dr. SVillmms' Peak Pllla They wen all es well •Rthenue•t.d as to Inve so deabt as )o their uomplea truthfulness, but bad say dost t remained ite last restage woul 1 b•ve been removed by • ours wbiob has roosting sono soder our personal observation. It i. the cam. of Mr. John Allen, • promises" memo farmer is the towe1bip of Greenock. Mr. Aller co ..I1 knows is Walkerton and the vioimity &djoaing it, that • brio( 0ooeest of his really remarkable recovery from what seemed .n incurable dimes will be of Merest to ear ready rt Darts the earl part of the summer of 1896, wink working to the bush, Mr. Alla was seized with what appeared di him to be rheumatic Cialis the book and .boulders. At first regarded it as only • poring attack, and tbosrbt that it would disappear in • day or two On the 000tnry however, be dally ooatiaoed N grow worse, and it was not before he had to give ■p work alto - From the beck the pone shifted to r right leg and hip when they finally settled ad es completely habilis' did be become that be wee amble to do mors than walk mon the neem ad that only with the aid of crotches. Of misuse bo oosalted the doetor., but seas of them seemed able N de him may goad. People is speaking of his case, always spoke pityingly, It bang rascally thought that he mad posed from the world of •etivity, ..d that be was doomed to live ad die • cripple. We .re free to coshes that this was oar ows view of the matter, and oar surprise, therefore, ea be readily istagbed when memo few weeks age 0o saw the sdf-ase Jinn Allen driving through the long ea ick bop of s large lead of genie. arssk however, as was a :e @ameba se first, H hams. still greater whoa, ea .rrivi., at the grist sell, M proseded to jump sizably fns the load, and then with she greatest apparent ems beta a unload the heavy ham d g Curio, te know what it was that grain. brought NM wonderful thmams, we took the first esseasiest oppert..ity 1• ask bite " Wei." said he in reply, " I on as well • was i ever w. sad I abtrib.te my ogre to Dr. William' Ptak Pins, and 1 nothing sloe." Mr. Alla that gave se is a very frank maser the whole stay of his oink . em ad Me eon, the thief points .f whim we bays oat forth above. After me.eating two pbyeima•s sad {.ding se relief, he ..tiled dews to the omelettes that his omen wee & Masse me. He lest eseddeme ta medicines, and whew it w ..rested that be "Meald rive Pick Pills • trial. he at fret • beol.toly refused. However, his friends persisted, sed Many he agreed Se give them a trial. Toe of net was7 1 bus meet .Anise serenades, a the Pills have drives away every tow et his pains and be is able to NO abseil his week es send. As Right be ezpssed Ur. Alpe is lead is by prates d Pik Pint, amid was quite willing that tee hos el hb ease amid be gives ps dishy, ►ws.g that It might a&teb the aye ef semen.* who w .hslisely armed Dr. It Mims' Pink Pelle an diemstly epos the blood .a4 serves, building these maw sad Mus dei dames hem the system. !here less be.bb dor to either of toss Swims wine Mak P111. will W eters, .ad r M.drsde et aim they kava reamed CesSn t heath after all ether remedies hOn< Mk fee D.. WWhma' Pink Pelle mad bake.nbhg else The mesetiae eta dorr a dosed r hems to weepper s.e.ad 6@144. bow the fedi 1104. mark. " Dr. IPak..' !ik 'Plan ler Pale People aloha W from an dealers it wt met oe rasdge of S0 amts • hon er dx fer mete Wennp6p bey O. r. WU- The inly whine essuan tress tamale m 'hese* aim the who& Is the Made ed the Minn whish ham sig boss mid mad them .weed by vmdnsi we. erssnalt einem Ise ahs w d their ms- s. Tho tl♦aena times were tttsee,N•s la Ad Ms Mase rig teas as sig Wo.dbese. Taranto, May 17. Ka/My weather arrived ye•terd.y, sad although It was a day Magma Um., It was nem the less welouate w tsos- limrlis hag dried Ms Nitbwinds sad a warm sus a14tsbf7e aW N tree& out ad - the only street of the ran to be seen was a freshening up of It= The track was taut, and m es such, wets not At a pr'eoWm. As was natural on the day after the big botlday, the attendance was not up W the top notch ; .ewer- NNea. there was a lair crowd. Th. drags aa4 private molar -trains ear• rlod iseathare real their friends to the track white there was a large turn - oat of tandems pend carriages, and ibe street cars were liberally patronized. It was a rainy suod afterr...u•s sport though eereties was hardly iv t The track had s petal detnut o Ulf; Mane aa J. with the eioeptioq ut • day for tbefavorit tats. it was a sued easeful, ate Malthus. e O sa were so . raoe. w e"choice !a the oys,em as well played. S ed. Starter apautok deopetched his &Iris qulckly. l.. inni'_'raj L.vwring tlalwenei.p, wtu aS nntagw* oaueed by the refusal of Lord Nelsen to break." Tie anise« were tame, outside of a•_=dia•R as all the other races wen "Awoe •...��r�7 � _ s Dom Pgree• at rix furlongs, .farted the bah rolling. it had see starters, with =Ms 70a0a ■ top Leavy favor... Halalug as (Hely supported Dy the stab:* follow bid. acid dielight...l hb becks+ by brtnging Mom, the mosey. Tory were seat away to ep tel stark with Miss Yours& lo front. clonal/ followed by the others. lu tit .0 e rine the Bregraci hone draw away. and was by halt a length from the favorite, Mae beat Alamo two lengths for the plane. M.ttaa tied !'rine.. Iday were the only toe port in ILL 'ppeenece for the Breed - .re' tl s.. acid ter bookies bold Mr Ha o drle•s 5.11; at ems -u pr"hloative 01Ja taut there rare fes Wer., wall., a fro of W. .sail betters tuna a Omer, on t'rletr's May51 .1 to 1. 'its.- ferurlte, el - he,. ,. led Buss 'tart to antah, staling p,..eed up Ly 10 D•ugU1. The Jockey Club llandJrnp, at a nine. proved the et rut or the day, ru:,tt.,. on &.rwtnt of his we.* .,t. was made •.. odds. ea favorite at even.. and i to t. entwine •taadlttg 15..1 Lis owner declared to wla with Ra$lwr, wlUv ()esrie.,•ur, r.g,rd- Is• of his heavy Impost, am as Mr. Bea- ino d4,*J 1d to w... with him. had nanny folio wera. Mr. Boyle thought that tis repr..eet•uwa Lord Yelena, had au et- 1elIt t charter. and amity of his Mend' played the horse. Whets they were anally Deet away, Lord Nelson and Hauteur were le front, and made the running Wt over halt the Journey, when the/ were yolued by the isagraau pelt At the bead et the stretch ()uaadssrur appeared to be wsn- ale& easily. hug Babito same tt+.ugk as Use astable. and Lewis, who had beet DU whin, had to take the whip trona Johnston on 8111. Goon, but It was too late. for Su- bitu ease strews end wen bya lengthamid e a half, t)ouuo.seur beetles his stable tem- pa0sou a aetk Lr the plea•e. Bilk Gown was apparently the .Drat hors a the err, and aim so doubt have won, hail )Ir. Seagram: sot declared with Connoisseur. though. d coarse, Johnston tried at the Isiah, when ha maw tbst Connoisseur was beaten. Dot lost ground In giving his whip 1. Lewis The Green Heaters' Steeplechase resulted In a r.aawa7 saes for the favolla All fllue. orbs led from fatart to 61@44, wtu- alag 2bo bl tau lenglb. from Lawrence. wbUp.o neat Cuekatoo!togawewas newel lengthsstru.g'y for the place. pea Our some reason er other. M a0u freely payed at throes and 1"14 w.5. 1!e running was woeful disappoint- ing 1. W backers, Mr. iiayro never bbeeling srrioosls in the r&�. (dna D_ at 1 to 1 bear her only two semprtlasn, Parbaklle� and Fiddle. ►a the took rue the fawrrie :tie trout at 1•eforhtali McGlone and wee osels7 by tares Meath, from Par- Imekia, tris woo Ns bemgths la front et Udine. The Mat nae west to Dr. 551154 as- sessed brother to Kingston wbo ws Wyly played by the Latest, and was a• the way. Roesmar, 1* as •zciting anlab. Mat doss ideal • deck ter the p ace. OiRAyGI 01L1D LODGE. Mir. ■. Clark. watkw Watosmod b taus agoisses ss attl.gweed. ColIngwood, May it. -Tate Royal Black Chapter held a session this morning and at noon adjourned and marched to the station to meet Grand Master N. C. Wallace. When the Grand Master appeared he was cheered by a large crowd. and afterwards pre- sented with an address from the Royal Black Chapter, eulogising him for the stand he had taken on the Manitoba school question, and expressing tbq fullest loyalty and devotion. Mr. Wal- lace replied briefly, denouncing in strong terms the attempt of the Do- minion Government to coerce Manitoba. After a procession through the streets, the session of the Orange Grand Lodge wan opened In the City Hall. and Grand Master Wallace de- livered bis annual address, which re- ferred to the usual committees. During the afternoon the delegates were watomed by the Mayor on behalf of the town and by the Meal and dig. tract Orange lodges. rreeeemetvo •tela« • maims. Chicago, May 1S. -A Panhandle switch engine rem lotto a wagon below,.. Trig to the Howe Gnat Loudon Circus at to-euwet and Centro -avenue at 2.14 o'clock this .morning, smashing the wagon and bnjurfai its five nrrtrpantM, 'ism of them probably fatally. 5.,111 la Mester. Friend -And are yen new out of Tisza ». Cesvlesoest-No ; the fleeter esye he will pay rte two or ihroo .,or. visit. -Peck. Laid Low by Indigestion. 1 was se run down I had t. g loo up work. Iloott's Sarsaparilla the kind that aurae. Indigestion or dyspepsia is the bane d thousands, and is one of the most de- pressing of afflictions. It arises from as impure or impoverished condition of the blood, which weakens the digestive and assimilative organs, rendering them in- capable of performing their natural func- tions, and if neglected the sufferer loses flesh, complains of exhaustion after alight nagrtioa, and becomes tepidly debilitated Mr. Wm. W. Tbompsmi, a promises& resident of Zephyr, Out., is a letter dyad Armt nth, togs, aye :.. I t gives me grist e to testify to the fact that Sten'. 11a ken ceased a meet remark- able change-.ia wy condition. 1 was as mach pees down i had to give up work sad felt as it life were pet worth living Mr. Dafoe induced tee to try Stoat's Sii- ssparilla, sad after taking four bottles I ma sow lolling as I formerly did years flea. sad I mat to my for the benefit of than safaris' from isdige.ttoe and feel. Mg, M use shag phrase, ' completely kasck5 out,' don't despair until you give Scoli s Sarsaparilla a fair trial.' en% Sarsaparilla le • blood fool, k eetwelase all veal orgasm to SehesiMy Normal aetiwe aablipg them a ws an reassess. god am. Sold by dreggrigto at Et, Mt there b s114r dee sends. 71e Med fist area. RAM's HORN WRINKLES /seats. •ad snaky. Tbss, ase ea vaa0No.s in the devil's ear vias Wadies destroys mere mole t b. love .f evil Aetreer (lak.ew • lree..•w .a.rort r in • tragedy) -Wit ris ean my te..t.rt be! vtee from the (:101.ry - Wt- i• smug is • the Kofatpplat, 5.11.•8 W plea Sum..Dep.ords gave the met care to 14.. fattest Me.p, Let the meted h. id o6n, ..d the devil will ro. the Na.. CYCLING NOTES. Beware of the fere part of • theap borne. sad too hied pert of a cheap stele, ead •11 parte of • cheap binycle. "Pedalean" aed "pedalemes" are the terms when the Parisians sow @.hong te Jssirsate eyelets of tete two mesa. Streams to say. taw wheel now forms no tsoowaJ.rablm porting of the .0hie• doh - ems *spatial forwarJed te the miltimsYlr bir(gales are tt«.d m lore number b JoL•s• w• ors. Jou. I. Afr to 1 to Goad the.. aro• 4,000 au u•e i•y ► 1 .1..s... in 'het pl•o.. A Taper I.u'•hshed is Paria, devoted t.. all ere lapel'« &rnitesn, ..1 L.0* saw o reset• ttosw .i 41 ' .5.r steed J.ffer...• 5.8 stared a, • ..• thnn..aa..l sue • &•yaw r..:. •. 1.k,.- t. it; o`,i ',.'r*. d • machine sad bugsage *ow. ..z ) pooled. Ter rayl -s au•hontaes bare impo.ed • tax ..0 r,.,e1• nw,.i ter pleasure en , putt. The tar n to. free,* 11 1.1.e u..ubt"t..i• used ).., 1, tor • nes- .•• purpuato, t .. a .e. rely taxed 6 trams (51) A e"...i toe N.. 1'• rk poo n.ro bar. nod 15- . i p r.., ' nt ut union w heel. m m..'ng thole rr•tn,t., ha, r h. 'o ..t. 5.,, •- proved se poor that it is feared they w; 1 Lave to .bmad ,o toe use Of their W4o.... HGoI'h .,'t h•pp.o.e. .re. Irish... stn til•... .t any r..«. 1..rr• can h• but little n•1 y,...5 wit..• nt it lv . 1 . v" ti e alt try fall measure of *treagtb and energy • M1.., • ...,...n . • k. • p0 ". •.1t loot by t L.- u.r 01 A ter •. Sarsaparilla. le ul• a be y.Nee. U.... "r ■ Ito hie wife, r.10-" cg very 1.r. Law a •....y try part)) - 11 1 &'ever n . lr tau ►toot nu'. so dr..Jful y Ls. , wVey N its -Oh ' 1 did rot wish to dw'uru e,u a 1).e yttp..at.nn of our armee ('lertryu..u's 16Th. (:or.!y aur the fret .0 Mo..•I/y u.ML4 to Ler 4u.tad, returnee very late from the .10)-'t'h•rr ape er..ae yu.• 0 atey ens W Jr.e•11uil7 1.Le. 5.l • ( 1 rayon.,. - R . 1', y u .or 400re.t, 1 dirt. 'I. Waal I•• •415 a, 1. )_•..L t..: prepu/a- tl"r .1 y• r• .•0- •a 1', ate You Can't Do Without Soap! '1// PYNY - PECTORAL Positively Cures COLIGHS and COLDS a serprselegiy short time. les e 'ri- deable austabily. tried aod use. soothing and issaitag os its Ahem. tict.TOws.s. Sou, Illosachsaw. Qat., awn sa • low ryoo.hclopol rood /110• tem awl aim eues W. 4o ii•Cosslmo of • 1.0•4040411•4 oold. tall Vona Ss.. 'lc COMO. Writes As•amerel .410 sad leer tem /mt. ai.:70040 warts Cru". au wit. bov raw, askew mem k. as a ob. ismase new as us, le door hone.. II le Dora* or y0•440 sod posioo Ilbasho 1111oralo. la rte. DAVIS a LAWRENCE CO, su. hole Proprietors Tab* ft always -Take se ethos For Coughs and Colds Gray's Red 01 Spruce Syrup Gum THE OLD STANDARD ULM= POR COMM. COLDS. ASTMILII and all Affections of tbe Lump De awe you get Oaiire Syrup. "Vta Claire that corm age. sad pre • Male. acid Kamm WarSod di Co.. Feamittrowa Oil 1.40N1MRICALe. IT'S A OP.7AT WASTE Why Not Get The ,eest? Hag NO EQUAL .. . Per parity Per classing power Per t.klag eat dirt Per dlaeelviag grease For ming Mabee Per preservl g llaads Therm are tome of the masons why ... t'suNucrr» Soap has the =est sale in the world, has been awarded 1f Gold Modals and o4. •1IIIMEI IIII 1111111 Beware! Whenever in need of kidney treatment always be true to yourself and refuse any substitute or imitation of the or- iginal and genuine •IIIIMINI IIIIMI DODDS KIDNEY PILL5 _J Coal & Wood Yard The undersigned begs to inform the public that he keeps on hand all grades of SOFT HARD I AL BLACKSMITH COAL. Pomo oF vi000 REDUCED. epaid attsaUrra ova, to Mir gig T WOOD Oall and get pricea and see samples of wood. Offloe and yard, NELSON -ST , sow flanlin lam Rotel. Of Pate: .14 Oro Ou a Pour Article. much se a good eoe mile the hat r will het for ,re se- brityh, •Il vb. time Tres goatarozy is L. the u.r of • mod arital'. AA Garb ere oeu reoommond ABSOLUTELY PURE WHITE LEA D Guaranteed br the White Lead Association of Cateada. aod recommended by our Mude reason for f oat• as the best white load on the DAVISON et CO. Good Goods and Rata Prim. PATENTS CAVEATS. TRADE BMW AIN COMMITS Obtained, and all Madames la this U. 8. Pate» Moe wooded to at MODERA rasa Our *Moe ie opposite the 11. 8.. Patios Ot. Mk sad w sac Obtain Patesta la lam Unie Mad 1,001:1, OR DRAWING. We ad• rise as to patentability tree ot Marge ; mad we make .•VO GNAWS UNLESS 111108- TAIN PA TRAIT. Ws refer, hors. to that Poettaastor. the lium if Mosey Order Div.. aad to °Mona 01 gbh G. 8. Patent 011es. For oirounr, &dens nem aad rot to soma Wenn la mar awe Nate or ty. write to tat FOR TWENIY-SIX YEARS DUNN'S BAKING POWDER GODZRJOH A. S. CHRYSTAL, ateaufaetwer el ail Wads of El 0 I LIG REEL Baia. Stack*, Salt Pena, Sheet !roe Asa Dealer Raglans, Mathiestry Castings, ha. All Ms" of Pipes sad Pipe Fittisge, Stem sad Water Osaireek Disla Valeta. Mask Vaasa, leopiraters, Osten and la. Constantly es Hand at Loma A limo of Steel Water imid Beg ler am a farmers asd ethers A. IL 0111211TA.L. wilow-oppaw. a. It. R. Maas. liseesieb