HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-6-4, Page 66 • THF 1;11GWA1.: GODERIOB. OWL. THURSDAY. JITNE 4, 1896 AYER'S Hair VIGOR >,a *Leos mescal ember se the bait, had shoe pore,{. M ataltar out. Nee. IL W. Itiwisk, 4 Dishy. Y. a., sages " A little more than two years ago my hair began to turn ni and fall out. Af- ter the use of foe bottle of Ayer's Rat? Vigor my hair was restored to its original Dolor and ceased falling out. An occasional application has since kept ape hair in good condition."—Mrs. H. F. F=xwlcz, Digby. N. a Growth of Hair. "Eighte.,Ja ago, 1 had the vario- loid, and lost my hair. which prevl. ously was quite abundant. I tried a variety of preparations, but with- out beneficial result, till I began to fear I should be permanently bald. About six months ago, my husband brought home a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor, and I began at once to ase it. In a short time, new hair began to appear and there is now every prospect of as thick a growth of hair u before my illness." - lirs. A. WEBER, I'olymnia St., New Orleans, La. AYER'S HAIR VIGOR raarAlZD aT 64.1. C. ATEA • CO., LOWELL, MAtt., U .S. A. Aver's Pills cure Biel Hwa/selee. CONVINCE D. "Now tr'I me, al. erre,. t,uth for troth— I enwetines Iter you they have bean I. boy hand. or in e*I Iles. )014th. Au..tber tctfl',. Y /.:.lord )t,nr own. "Fueglte nae :f 1 Urn. t.. 1.100 From porf.cm f.ul.— bat ae not it ! I only wonder, if, ).thou., Yoe ever loved, a little bet He thought of Kate, whose brlil,.mt mind Oaoe mare t0 .Ifs 11* heron -et meet ; He though, of Maud, whoa. hair bad head The Irtt mods µ.hut ul baa rest. He though. of Lithe, N.11 and Sue, (11 re"i Ie M.y lord ..uey has, Aad then he d... as Inters do, Aod pr...d b;m.alf • truthful man. With injured air and nnnrofol eye He sadly turned away hive bead, " It sou cs. think "--site heard lows toms, (10 ! so=eo--a. ! I de.'t !" she said. A\ IIS►\ I:sT PLATFORM. Where the Liberate Stand. There 1. we • eamleg is Ih. /tellers a. ..yal..r.le.e-s.v.ry Flask 1. 1 learsad leelt•Meaed-0.. Pot Polar, IK tosaada. K Canada and the United Memo en adkestag eptt.tttto, with wear mateal i0Mre set it le timetable {bast we 06464 k. Lha tort triesdly reletioa. .ad h•..d and ltMal Wade i.t11fc.ares hawses Oust. That .►, , &swa w Mike of the D.m4.M. •"A •A. E.•Orli wash' ►e maNri.lit d- .0.,01 by •b• e.l.btiabl g of ..oh .ki- ten-: That . b. psr.nd .f the old reciprocity t ii.e.ty wee w•e of .caked Prosperity w the Ila+• L•► N. rt't A.nerecas mitosis ; That the pr••t. et ceder wbl.•b the Gee .• moose[ app.* .•I he rho +wary is teal re .....Jot twat -arms. for a we.ty with the Vested SI. na was neitleding and dtelPeeet ear' inter'*' to m.el-n4 the el.o•or r• 1 hot o.t smears rs t ff it., has bra n.. - by 1 . . .. . sin • trete Y. but [het, ... the o ssuary. it or mita tiro that 'he r '+set Ceveraonent, .'M1.rolled . 1 Mr ere l) Me• epelise Med .' Mt.loe•, are sot dome.n. of *..aria. such • treaty. That the bust step toward, oblmiaiag the sod M view, is tie place • pay is power who ors .i...esiy classroom of p.emettag • treaty ea terms bo.or.bls to both .seat - Mee; That • fair and liberal reciprocity treaty would develop the great natural reeoetees of Canada, would enormously i.ere.•e the trade ..d oomwNos between the two OMNI - trim, would teed te e.00urage bitume 1 re- larioas between the two peoples, wtlald es - M•• *May clauses which have in tit vest provoked irritation and trouble to the (ase- ereeteats of both eouotries, ..d wadi pew mom these loudly relations biasses the Empire and the Republic whioh afford the tile. guarantee for peace sad prosperity ; That the Liberal party is prepared M enter Leto oego4•ttoos with • view to ob- taining such a treaty, ioolediag • well eaa- e idored list of manufactured articles, and we aro satisfied that •.y treaty so arranged will receive the .as..t of Her Majestys t;over.meot, without whose approval no treaty oma be made. 3. PURITY or ADMINISTRATION- IX/NORMS 00aa17^TIo11. That the Coevest*oo deplores the gross corruption in the management cad .xpendt tun of public money which for years past has existed under the rule of the t'omeervs- p•rty, Mod the revebtlow of which by the different psrlumeorary oomm mew of in. quay have brought di*graoe upon the fur Dame of Casada. The Gov.rument,wbioh profited political- Ic by these expenditure' of public money• ul which the people have men defrauded, cad which. nevertheless, have .ever punish ed these guilty parties, must be held re• n ooaible tor the wrong doing W • arraign LM Government for routing in Oboe a Min later of the Crows proved to have mounted Very large °cntributions of money for else• 1100 purposes from the toads of • railway co ,which whale paying the pohtia.1 oomtri• butious to him, • member ot the Covera- ment,with one hand, was reoetviag Clovers - meat subsidies with the other The conduct of the Minister and the ap- proval of his oolle•gues after the proof be- came known to them are seloul•ted to d.- ✓ redo Canada to the estimation of the world and deserve the 000d.oia•tioo of the 4. • DEMAND ',TUFT ECONOMY - D.CRLA'ID PIN DITt'sa. t%• sennot but view with alarm the large iaorew of the public debt and of the oou- tro'llable annual expenditure of the Doman ion and the 000eequent undue taxation of the people under the Governments that have been continuously In power since;g78. and we demand toe .trlcta.1 economy to the administration of the government of the 0000try. 5. rug RINPONNIRLI .;OvIR' MLYT-INDa- I'R'DICNeR 01 PARLIIMINIT. That the Cosmorama remota that by the action ot Munster* .ad their supporters is l'erliameot, in mos awe in which serious °barges were made Leaned a MIoiater ofithe 'rows, lnvesttgatio• was altogether refund while in another o•se the charges preferred wesealtered and then referred to a commu- n ion appototed upon the.d•Ise of the Min- istry, contrary to the well settled practise of Parliament ; and this Cooveotionithrm.: That it is the ancient and undoubted right of the House of Commons to inyuiro into all matters of public expenditure, cad into .11 charges of miecoodunt 1a .den . pwinet Members of the Crowe, sed the re- ference of such matters to royal enmmis- n ious created upon the advice of the accused is at variance with the doe re.poouh•lity of Ministers of:the Rouse of Commons, sad tends to weaken the authority ot the How over the F:xsootiee Government, .ad this (Animation affirms est the powers of the people's representatives in this rdgsrd should on all fitting 000ssious be upheld. 6. rut I.ANI. roll Till N[TTLI&-NOT Ito TH E following is the Liberal poli. y as adopted by the Net:coal t'oo,eottoo at Ottawa is June W., the Liberal party of Canada, in Con- vention assembled, declare : IMO the customs tariff of the Dominioa should he based, not se it se now, upon the protective principle, but upon the require- ments of the public servioe ; Thst the ensUag fa•iff, founded upon •n an. Dead principle, lied used, se it ham Men developed momploilell. trust, and combina- It has decreased the value of faros and other landed propertf It haa oppressed the names to the enrich• meat of a lea ; It has checked immigration ; It has caused great lose of population ; It haa impeded C0111.71•1r0f. IL has discriminated against Great Reit ▪ In these and in many other ways it has occasioned great public and privets iajury, all of which e•ile must continue to grow in inteanty as long aa the prosiest tariff sYstem That the highest laureate of Canada de• mood a removal of this obstacle to Our 0011flitY's progress, by the ailoptioo of a mond timid policy, which, while not dolor Winans. to say class, will promote domes, io and foreign trade, and hasten the return of prosperity to tour people ; That to that end the tariff should he re- duced to the needs of hottest, economical mod efficient gcverement That it Amid be so &dictated as to inalc• frea„ ag to hear as light as pronabie upon, • soomMties of lite, sod should be so ar• magod as to promote freer.trede with the &• item sad the Coated 'Mame We believe that the result. of the protoot- Hemmed" of persona who honestly supprat - ea it, and that the country, is the light of •emeriease, is now prepared to &solar" for a sound Boost policy. The issue between the men polities' par- tial on this questios 000 °wady dmin.d. The Oovernmesit themselves admit the failure of their &eel peltoy, and now pro- fess their mllimeases to make some Assurer? but they say that sash must be homed asly es the stem of proilmothea se radically assirsad. and asjamit to the masien of the people. asd &elms est aseaviessno *teat my tariff shims= Mind so Mat prosetple must fall he allied any soh- stoottal relief frees the burdens %odor white the esmetry labors. This Wows we sahmeamisoly atosept. egos It we awalt with Use foliose oemedems• Nis verities of the shatews al Oniada. Tliab„ harden regard to pesspostty of That in the opinion of this Conventual the soles of publio lands oi the Dominion should be to actual Nattier* only, sod not to speottlatore. upon reasonable tones of settle. meat, sort III such MVO& 1111 ma he reason- ably moupied and cultivated by the settAer. 7. (wrong Tilt DOMINION IRANCHISI ACT - FAVOR Till PROVINCIAL FRANCA ISL. That the Framable* Act aims its intro- duction has cost the Dominion Trossury over • million of dollars, bendes satiating • heavy expenditure te both political parties; That each revisioa involves an additional expenditure of &further quarter of a million; That this expos/liters has preveatod aa amiss' revasiosi, as originally intended. in the abeenoe of which young voters eatit'ed to the franchise have, is aserieroue buitae- see, been prevested from exercising their ▪ 'I hat it km failed to eerier* uniformity, which woe the prMotped reason ainimised for partizan revisisg barristers appointed by the e That it has produced groom abuses by Th ot the day ; That its penvistona am Wm liberal thee those already 'misuse Emmy Prirrimeas of the Dominios, sad that to the spines of Univelitiou the act should be repealed, amid we should revert to tbs Pembina, That by the Gerrymander eats, the eke. loyal divines' ler the raters of seseabere Se the Reese of Comae= have boss so marie es to prevent a tan exprentem el the eginies of the «entry in She general else - tines, sad ea mean io the peril mew im power • strength est of all prviserelem greater thee the oeumber et elenerseeppern hog them weadd waives& To mit as end •• this abase. to stake the Rome of Osmoses, a fah expsnost lett Zama. sad to Cv. the Howie y of seemena. owirilleetrabie he terminal et else - tend diviner, eassey boundaries dieeld be preserveL tied hat la sa ONO pares et MI- hereat +maitre. *Maid be put le este oleo - tonal div sloe. 9. Tall eaiAre D&LOHTI-Aa$RO Toa 00t1.11TOT10w. The pro.eat eeeeNtwtios at the Swale is i♦ssundemest with the /eds.sl prieeiple is ear 1)er.m 01 reverwMt, and r l• Mbar reep.et* def.ostve, as it slakes the 8..•$. (.depeede.t of tits p. aide ..d scones idied by N•. pahho optative of Ow enotry, and should be eo amended as to hrlog it into h.•woo, out the pri.oipele of wpd•rgov• Nameat 10- 44t'a11TIoY ase ra0111,Rlo, - A DONUISOPI rLLaMIOrra That where,* pabito attest/as is at pro. *sat muck direct., te tM on.adersIMe d the .dmNsdet ly • • •t *vile of i.Nmperaear 1t is dee who, that the mi.d o1 the p. 1. eho.id he clearly ascertained on the r ins of probtbitioa by saws* ot • Doninies Plebiscite. Clinton : TYr. Shaw him bought the home aid let e. Outarie-st reeestlyT 000alslfltl by Dr. Appleton. It le eart.ialy as eligible site Mad h'vtlotelarly .dapr.d y Leans+ for • detour's edea Whether the pushes, as... that the deter touted* to get married is sot mated is the deeds, heat we isdi•e to the °piston that ere long he will palrw.ds a very popular young lady of tows M its pro1otbs with him, and we witiM to WNW' oar oe.gratul•tiose to ad - V1111016 Tb. Mardi e1 Socialises. A friend of ears .otio.d • box of olg•rs which he had only lychee into the day be- fore was b.lf empty. Teroiog to his eery Mat -man be said •''1hi. o rally *.lea • bit too f.r. Jao.pb my man. We awoke a great deet too m0ob !" A Tear e/ Taalay. Lady (applying the term—Aub ! what • pity ! The baadsomeet gentleman is tbo oomo.ny has got • .plash oo hie waistcoat ! All the gentlemen preeeut look down in 000a•ern••io0 at their ve.' Tbs [averted 'fewer. "Did you not may that there was • tower on your *.tate'" we once asked • simple- into/led per.... "Hors it is." "Why, that's • very deep well." "And prey what is a well but • tower taroed wrong end ap'' The tallest aaglse et War. The rapid de -elopement of m.. ..e, y for um In navel warfare has suggested to the fertile brain of • pupal at the Militate soh •.1 the cre•uoo of a "Torpedo-boot—xeretorer- esroichtenitdeogt rndbobr.rk*putaoaober," —which may be denortbed as an appliance ter intimating serious damage us the sinkers of anntbilato, a of torpedo -bent destroyer• WHEN FIRST THE MAID I LOVE WOOED. When first the maid I love, I wooed, I gave the rem to bops a• d 1 -cion ; She smiled at my elated m. d, Aod told me " love cam cot of fashion.' In dainty verse• next I tried To move her by my pretty wit ; She tamed each ardent page said* And clearly would have none ot it. I took her to my (tithe. • bank, And showed her vsul • of *hist., gold ; I laughed •1 lo.e sod lauded rack, And there again my tale I told. The dawn of love was In her eyes- - Her answer wM not hard to gases ; I taw her lissom fall and rise— She blushed and softly .aewered " Yee. - IBest ter.,....milor Wash Day makes Clothes sweet, clean, white, with the least labor. Its remark - able lasting and cleansing properties make SURPRISE most economical and rtaxaro- MILL. llucIlallalls & 9hloas SASS, DOOR and BLIND Dselsae law lase. R LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Lad bsltder'u m terlal of evert ls.Niptisa School Furniture a Specialty. TF YOU WANT A SPRING SUIT en a. of First -ease Make G Sod Material and Latest Styles, —CALL UPON— HUGH DUNLOP. The west.'. t'aNbte Mixt to Saadi of laesa erl Doctor What Isjood ter clsansln9 the Scalp and Hair, I seas to hard tns4 ave/ythillf vie as in despair .moat Why�P very besttkiaSis PALM. TAR SOAP itis splendid for W%skim eit kind it ?rout dryncy3 Das puts an tad to Dadra *ad Freshea3 the hair ocely. 23 a /OR s Wig g WafT GV RF CONSTIPATION, ITSI DYSPEPSIA, ' ICK HEADACHE, C6U+ATETHE UVM. ippjONE PILL AFTER EATING INJURE! e00D DIGESTION. CE 25 iTS.T.cDODO heal. BOOTS AND SHOES We have now in stock a finer variety of Lady's Buttoned Boots and Oxford Ties both in Black and Tan than has ever before been placed upon the shelves in Goderlch. In Men's, Boys' and Youths' we have all styles, t and nd prices, both in Black and Tan. WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE SLATER RHOS. WM. SHARMAN Jr. Business Change Photo Business anti taken Frc rn Having purch-ied the Mr_ R_ I'_ Sa11 w6 porseesion, I invite the public to inspect our work, and ASK YOUR PATRONAGE. Having secured MR ADAMS, late of Toronto and Stouffville, we are prepared to do just such work as the public demand (Jur methods of finishing are the same as in use by Simpson of Toronto, and all work will be guaranteed throughly up-to-date. Our exhibit of photos in Toronto during the past Winter at- tracted the attention and received the admiration of all lovers of good photos. We make a specialty of every photo—no exception. Orders for Photos from Mr. Se'/otos' negatives will be promptly lilkd. W. R BELDEN. WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. HARPER & LEE. PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH, Pare WHITE LEAD, BRUSHEg, Do you want a pure Ready -Mixed Paint Yea Then buy only the Berea and ¶IW?EII P IIIED PAINTS THE BICYLES Season of 1896. ARE YOU IN IT? Excelsior Egg LOOS FRCP. von 12 If you are not. you ought to be, for the eisolas eassoo /Walt la be • anew Somas far Hayed/ow In Goderlsh than any of Its pre - All Colors to choose from. All aim of cans from one-half pint to one gAllon. HARP")it--A LICE. A RIDING ACADEMY tho training of Whesinsims sad Wheel mimes ha' been estabbalval la Boderioh, and tit moose that atteuded it last you warrants mo essitinuing the work. Perim BaUsfac Ban. Tomas r ar A BAB Ilse of dret-class Morelos for Now la tie time to get your wheals toads ready for tie essmon. iverythiag la the repair Use kept es mod. • nd nose but skilled baud e JOHN YULE, TIE Knoll Molehill WASHER IT IS NO PICKLE. You simply treat the Eggs vrith PRESERVER, and lay them away -AT DOWN A SUPPLY WHEN THEY ARC Call for book giving full Inforciatioat free Bicycle Livery. IlDismitas-in FOR RALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. HERO ! Old Reliable oe Deck. TNE BEST AND ONLY SCRANTON COAL • glee Cheupeet Coal AM mead h Ude smartie& All ova weighed es the Markin Reales. es that you're ears yes got rear weight LEX Patron ise True Tem Oseabiai Pasts's, Ramsay Ms has Iowa swabIldwil se stye he weasel mispent,.. lizts. .41m,,...,...::::::",......;:: it samor ••• bashiews prinetplai and la tiasa•Wilins Isla' ail thee Z.'7*= show you how TA RILS THE LEAD eyee all ether Washers. It sesipated of all kinds at eAlow 1093 and ear- ried off the First Flwidunt Gel/ Medal. It is easy and pea. No - GIVE IT A TRIAL - /Sondra your manse esd She gears dem you live on, and I will ghee an/ it works. It will semi pee seehtme. H. 1141a. AT MUNRO'S 1896 .. For SPRING and SUMMER . . 1896 Parasols Umbrellas Gloves Fine Hosiery ss usual. sperialty. 5 per Pent. Oar 50e Oman pramemseed Nee Ihe h- enries at the piss. Dash. warp Nash Legirem herd-lialab bine amd soluired heroin • hill reap of Shoes Drapries, Ars end NMelsehem makes.) Swim and immesh with h Ambles better emit damper ham ever. off for Gash, or 30 days. A. MUNRO, Draper. Subscribe for THE KOHL $1.00 Tear limo"