HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-6-4, Page 5• THE SIGNAL : GODERION. ONT.- THi1RSI)A Y JUNE 4, 5 W. ACHESON & SON. Special Sale i^ Lace Curtalns. 20 pairs 60 inch Scotch Nett Ince Curtains, 81 yds long, regular 12, at Swiss Curtain., 31 yds Long worth 18.60 at Lobelin Art Drapery, 36 inches wide, regular valve 30c. Newest New York stuff, at 20 pieces Turkey Red and Black Fancy Print, warranted fast color worth 10c. at New Union Carpets, yard wide, worth 40c. at Heavier Quality, New, regular 45c. at All Wool Carpets, worth :75c. at Inspection Invited. W. ACHESON & SON. 11 35 12 75 St►,. Sc. 32c. Sic. 55c, BORN- AND=R80N.-At the Mmes. o: sthe on a alair of wadmesd.. May ' s. Jas. A. sad Me. Aad.esoo. OIED- PAYN Cb*04 Sea Saturday, May Jath. HOwiLI.-la Oodertch oo Tmemday. June .ed ti tnest Harvey J. Howell. aged wt years TM fuser.' will take place from hie late re- ddens, South Street se Thu slay, Jane tth. at 1 e'cIoak p.m.. to the Colborne Cemetery. Fetuads sad aequatataaoes will please accept this iaNm.ctw. ME TALK OF THE TOWN. )Frons tie RsoortsP'. Not sboeh u To've a mei* ia: a' Tr dna. t rode Te test M t a eerier. Amass Te Tanta' 11.41., aa' t.810 MRI "mist IIs." -ave. The rp••ine White Lead. spec,10d by s,et i tects.adall 1. onrporat'oes i. tae Rennie* ilephent • Wit to Lead. For sale at R. W. Mehr. tie's. Market Square. ;Ott *' made Omegas eau be met by • change of .Wt.. All therefor* who are about to take summer trips should call on Prldkaa gad ed t.in 000liag sults tor .may lands. Rimini._ -Df. Hunter has removed he Oboe to the residence (Greatly occupied by [h. McLean on Broom -et., ..or Vattern -et. Bi.-T.-i.a SHORN. -The .sweet thing 1. bicycle shoes is the Elk oboe. Rsttrap ped- als oau't out it and they are waterproof. 1'ollook sells thea TIAIK9.-TM thanks of Tin Sit;r.L are der to that well -thews Colborne farmer Harry Motrin, for . very flee roll of Jany betty. May hie herd sever decrease. Fps TIM TALL tiaow,-President Q•rk. A. M.O. Allan .red Joe. C. Martin were mooed the poet weak making the animal *envenom for the great North -Wooten' Ex- hibiting'. 1)oo, io% DAT. -We understand that the Lookaow bead will otii.br.1. Dominion Day with • tournament. Lacrosse, Base- ball .sd football to Cohen sad ether games. will be held. 1 0 0.F. -TM kcal ledge will mast *- tight 1..medsr the o.ssties el lambs a ball, •.d sort Thursday weenier CU.mn will seed • team for the purpose of metes - rine the third. Ton CANADIAN 011011R,- Oa S..d.v morning owes Onset Goderieh No 32,C.O. F will atterd dires moms at Kan .harsh, whoa Rev. Jame A. Aadn.oe will preach the nasal Nemo.. R.t'ITA.. -Mie Ella 0. Fisher, our well- keowi thither et !median, will, assisted by het •lees, pne.ws ea oA..il.et program e the .,eol.R et Friday, JINNI 12th, if Ma L.•'s Opera Hoorn Tee Lunen:meg FaaAs.-Aa the days pass, sow of the damage ted deetreetkn mused by let tholes thine mese be heed. In the harbor perk • tree gr wtag en the edge of the bank was struck near the root .red a,arly out in two, .ad buildlags ..d tree were mimed in several parte of the tows PI.ATs WITH Mum TAsTR.-A Toronto Paper reporting • program at the Comer - watery of Haste in that city, says that Miss Learn Ac1sea'e violin solo ••Reveve," was played with snob teem, good t ohnulne sad USA TIUNITT S.NDAT.-LAM Sunday. Trinity Saaday, then woe hely eseunuaioa in St. Georp'. at 8 A. m. , and at oleos of numbing cervica. At the $ o'clock srviea • largo aerobe of the r.osetly-eo.grmed clam were present. I11 HOLT ORDAIN. -C. A. Seager, B. A., Trinity COIL, Tomato, was yesterday or- dained by His Lotd.bip, Bishop ot Toronto,' at St. Alban's Cathedral, and has been ap- pointed assistant to Rev. J. C. Roper, M. A., St. Tbos•s' (Aural'. Termite. EzrmcrID Facer. -Oa the nights of Fri- day and Saturday many of our low.gp.ople expiated free. While sem' prepared to meet the awash by ravening Leader plants With say kind of article obtainable, others built fires to protect their growing crops. BOARD or HEALTH. -TM weakly mew lag of the Board was held in the clerks of- fice oa Monday evuat.g. Present Drs. Holmes and J. R. Sheathe, F. Jordea and Secretary Ribbell. Garai matt we wen discussed, alter wbtch the Board adjourned to meet at the usual boor sett Mouthy everting. Cyrus?* IN Toy/N.-The following wheel - men ,peat Saad•y is Godrioh : L. G. Van Remand end L C. Jacksve, Se.torth ; G. Wilson, Luokaow ; Sam Beattie, Brussels : D. Scott, Chatrt ; Robert E. McHenrie, Jobb Ritchie, H, 0. Bell, C. F. Reiman, W. A. Job.., Thea Dodds, R. R. McLeod, gad S. K Wallace, Weariless. 9rluur. Mimeo. -Tore was • special meeting of the town council to consider the wetter of the ml.br•tice of Destinies Day. Attar oeswdenble dlaoamice, an offer from Wm. Bowden, of Exeter, be get up • mle- teaties as Dominion Day, ooeditio.auy eu being granted fres w of the Agzioaltaral Park ea thet day, was accepted. GARDEN POSIT IN AID or ST. PmTER'. Centre. -A Gerdes Party, the proceeds to bld is the building of the new St. Peter's thumb, will be gives en Thursday evening. late 18th, ea the 'monads of the Kiel, residua's, ooameudsg .t 5 o'oleok. Re - freemason will be emend and (Mary article offered for sale. Adobe. s to the grounds, tee neat.. 3t CON FIRM ATION.-Oa Wedaeeday evening of lest week St. George's cbere\ was crowded, the enemas bene the p,ther1RF hate the aura si t►irtyiiz msmbere by the Myth, .n of hitch HIE Lordship Eiskep Baldwin perteeaed the there ritu- al, addressed the clans tad afterwards pressed as *Me merino& Bishop Baldwin le well thaws is thin part of Ontario ase elegant speaker std him alone of Wedgies - BARB WIRE. Is going up in price soon, and we advise Grder at once. WIND Wand DO R$CR E4 alzes, and pr'kea away down. PAINTS, OILS VARNISHES The manufacturers' guarantee on every package. SPRAY NOW. But be careful ' Apply the proper ingredients in proper pmportions. IQ 11 and get particulars. ATER LIME For Cisterns, Garden Walks, Cellars. etc. farmers t4 CALCINE PLASTER and Strong. FARMERS . Call and see ;a new design for Fencing, which ezeels anything yet for Durability, Beauty and OHEAPI<». SA H E ROSE* Me can show you bow. It is easy and ousts little. ALEX. OD. ALLEN. 141 191h. 1t1N. day la roe way altered the fi eY.g 'a Ged► risk se to the power el the iaBtisk theme e ra gelim The muse by she their was a It seg •eo•mp•etseat to the imperious ser.-- Annaas.-Oa Friday evening Minn 8. Achieve ;was preowned with nn add..., signed by members .t the dliere.t depart - meths et Marts work. 8h will M mash P eyed 'a the thane, oe the was • tireless worker She left.. Monday for her Mme n ear Holmen ill.. Bowe. -The bowliaa gamma opened s Friday •fteraooa the Meg 1•wn el the Skating and Ciuli.R Asmooiatiee being the thee .1 operatives. A M.D Alia. aid R 8. Willer playklg theism D. C. Sea.eha ..d D. McCermi•k. Two mama et 1n ends each wore played., the 8traebee's rink 'riming the Ant by ...shit, ..d the Allan risk the other by two. A Biu Pates PAww.-Thi fall saloon ad- vertisement of R e. Smith la this thee will be read by budged. et ear oat .f town readers, 11e prime offered for farm mo- dem la eve0denbly above Toronto quot- ations .id .real! crowd their busy place el resins throughout the day .ad wreathe Spmi.l prion la millinery and all thew of general dry goods. ltemembr Bsfseday Jam 6th. Cow KILL/D.-0. Tbbrsd•y • sow, the property of Albert Renshaw, was ran over by • 0. T, R. ethic* just at the foot et Molkrmeet'e steps. Oso leg was oat d .od another lett hanging by the hid.. Nevertheless, the .anal tried to .limb the hill by using the broken laths. The owner ne hearing of the accident called in the ea- sist.aos of • butober, who soon pot the in- jured beast eat of mixable from eagles.. W sur' WHEEL TO GODRRtr-H. - Robert Well.,of Stratford, who made the run from that city to (,oderbh twice is cue day, bas been d hired by the executive of the C. W. A. • prof, siccd rider and transferred to that claw, and lobo E. Harding •ad Alex- Sorimeen ir, both of Stratford, are joined with Wells in the alums. G.S. Baldwin was at the same time eu.pead.d and his ave 1 be 1- Ily settled et • future emoting of the authorities. Nem RANK BUILDING. -The old block se Log known as Ball's corner, is being pulled down for the purpose of .renting • new hank. It is understood that Buchanan. & Rhymes have the o•rpentering .std Jami..00 Reid the brick work, and that the block ie to be ready for 000no•tion by the end of Jih1 he Rank of Comm.roe will be mils - sal and an ornament to the Spurs, its internal architecture and littines will be up to data 1kimINt(N DAV. -Dominica Day wiU 1» oelebrated in renal style in G•derioh this year, thanks to the energy of the Citizens Committee. Extensive arrangements are being mad. for bons rage., baseball and other games on the Agricultural grounds'. Everyone should watob for the bills and fall p.rtioul•re in • few days Watch for the soldier boys msrohiuv to m+rtial music au aloe, the line, the whistle of steamers and something to attract everyone. CocsT or Rgvistor.-The Court of R.- VI/Wo met om Wednesday, the 29th at 10 A. W. Pr+evet--H. Dunlop, E. Campion sad M. Nicholson, H. Dunlop in the 'Amis. After di/patine of several oaths the oourt thinned to 7 t• w , when John Create was present. Tho alteratives made were as fol- lows : Redactions -Mrs Wielder, 8300 ; W. T. Kiely. 1500 : Mrs. 8. J..batoa,$100; and Jag. MoCreokee, 11 on dog. Changes of property were made in favor .f A. H. Cuff, A. MSI). Allen. J. E. Lewitt, R W. Struthers and W. Barrows. DLATH Or HARVEY HOwgd.L.--O. Tues- day, the 2nd rocs., Harvey J. Howell of South -.t, died after ea illness of three weeks, in his 3415 year. Deceased was • strong, hearty eau until some few weeks clam, whoa he had an attack of la grippe, which the past week, developed into low Lever of ea with, • oh•rsoter that recovery messed beyond bops. Th. lam Haney J. Howell was been in Brant oo. •ed removed to Colborne is 1169, where he lived until 8 rare since ea the family farm. In Godwin be was employed putting in the w.Mrworks bed ter two yens was town es tesotor for lsbs•g in private ..rims. About two yesre Met he the been employed at the Organ Factory, where be was meth .deem- ed. He leaves • width, tad two oblides= of tender year. to mow kis death. A RUNAWAY. -A gateway of Friday mused by the breakiag of • horsy shaft, orated quite • sak.Nlod, the on ip its of tbearr1r., Mr. and Mrs. Joseph MoClusky being throw' violently to the ironed. The animal had only jest left Eufoti'a store, whit' in some as tamentsble meaner os of the shahs broke, sad the mensal portions .teikt.g the boree'. Imp made it nemeaaee- abl, the result of its wild gallop beim the evertar.ing .f the v.hi*M, .ad the animal getting clear away. Stew* to relate, the eooupante of the busy were almost aslant, Mt the br.s was ea.sidetably Iaiursd about the lege, the henries beteg evidently sassed by tb brokse pari. Of genres the voids* was as amok damaged as to be seervieeable, sea Mr. sad Mrd. MoCl.sky were drives hems by • arab..• of Hemilte...t Vote &IORR Y.Ata AHD ?mums. -Os Sunday. M•rW Therese, of erne .l., did after a then utt es, ..d a Monday frig see Asher lift Orme to be pigmeat .l the ismer. that. the des. ed gentle.s was wsp knows i. (J.1105, M. frequent nate to kis sea bee bevies made klm many Maeda. H. wee bona in E.gI..d 1. 1805, and moil be loft far Oa.ada he was • Meath tangier M L mehmeira The 6mlly elided d (5. - .da i. 41, and 1a the fallowing yr hir partner was called hams, ted hs hes bees . widower .i..► S.settled M Clerk, Dar - ham O...sp. b.1 le 1E74 ..M ens tad awed to Sleeve* when Its h.s raided with W ma, Atha, elm The Lean..i vis s met .e.wmieg me). and highly es- teemed by .1 tpko haw bin. A thither d the Met edee.ew.b lar 45 yeas. mad • threw t.mpleasee !wets .0 W Ma He was widely thews ki N.rek Earth gad Ilse* Ram De.-nd limes thew sea Jahn. Sher. set A erste end the doeginer K SNAPS FOR CASH. BUY THE.41 QUICK. 5 pieces Lreos Gingham fast colors, 6 ends Dew Goode worth 20c for worth 10c for 5c. 5c. per yd. 20 pieces Crum.' best Prints worth 5 ends Factory Cotton worth 7c for 12ic for 9c per yd. 15 °sate. 6 pieces Flans tellette woith 10c for i0 ends Factory Cotton worth 8c be per yd. ter 6c. Fine Ready to Wear Clothing. 10 Men's Suits worth 14.50 for $2.90. 10 Boys' Suite worth =6.00 for 12.50. Many other line. equally is cheap. HIGHEST PRICE FOR GOOD BUTTER AND EGGS. Commencing SAT URDA Y, 6111., JUNE BUTTTER I5c per Ib. EGGS Me per doz. Godsnch, 3rd June, 1896. .JAMES A. REID. BICYCLIC 01 11 I Amo' PARIS GREEN INSECT POWDER We have them pure .ad fresh. TANOLEFOOT STICKY FLY PAPER. Try Or.r Ow. I OIgON FLY PAPER 1Wow kr1i ,fit ACRN tvN e ITL, etssT...l BICYCLi CEMENT. • FATAL Aorlpsww -Oa Tbored•y dam- _ Traveling Golds - woo ('hoe. Payne .6115 workug ea the ---.------ - Convent root loot his footing *AA fell to ti ground reo•tv.or sorb .n•i.,s• irjsriee this he died within forty eight hour.• A. tar sen be gathered it appears that deceased w..•bout to clean the north convent crime, sod got out to the to fat the south aids to the purpose of raeobtrg it. H.tbeo amend ed to the ridge to tM strove wind then blow iag, and •• he stepped acmes • strong gust caught him. and burled him down oa the roof A. deo.amed (ell ne tried to ,rasp the Mingles but the sled kept him moving and as he failed to o•'eh the ease trough, he gave • loud cry. and then, se our informant states, there was cloacae. Io • 1.w minutes .l ter the fell Doctor. Taylor and J. R. Shea goo were in attendance, and under medical supervision, Payne was carried into the Convent when a partial exam io.tiooshowed that she spine was badly iojnred, several ribs broken, and that there was the prob- ibility of severe interval iojones After two hoers the twjured man regained ove- sciouanees and it was then definitely de• terminad that he was paralyzed from the breast downward.. the same events, Payne was carefully moved to his Mme where he succumbed to hi. isjurie.. Payne was • well knows pinwo•g* in t;oderiob, his activity in seeking work and doing( it with • will whoa toned, always being a model lesson to tho.e who live by the sweat of their brow. De ceased was an soave member of the Caned. IAA Order ot Chosen Friend., in whish bei.boi•I society he held • oertifeste for 11,000. He leaves • widow and nine child- ren, 4 boys and 5 girls, all with the excep- tive of two being in or beyond their tome. The funeral took place trom the family regi. deuce, St. Andrew'. -.t. to the R. C. mese- tory. where the interment took place. Rev. Fr. West officiated at the house and at the grave and Mears. C•n.pbell. Graham, P. Ford. P. Lynn, P. O'Rourke and M. Rielly nosed se pall bearers. The casket was mv. er.d with ehoim Bowra Aimee the floral emblem. were • wreath .vet by the Cho... Friends and an seder teem THs SIGNAL staff. • GRAND TRUUa atiLwAT. 11 Mixed as Mail and Express Mixed tholes, Mall and izprer ✓ Reiland Repress mutemaad Riterese THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT Gootw.Da, June 3rd. Lei, P'.11 Wheat. bowl .hndo.d... .. 75 to ID Fall Wheat Iola/ 00 to w Flour. tamp. per cert....,. M to 15 r. •11, par n .......... _.. N to le Fl/loseoor.v•i1eaR parseseri M to to Beau. Of tea ............I M eel N aborts, tea 1 N eel M Sereealagm Ise.. 1 N tel 110 New Oats. r boob ........... _.11 to 11 _.. Ob Hay. te• esMI te 111 ... _ 11 11 toot M P.%bash. ,......... .....-o li to 1e • la b 11 Eutior, aq.tbd9 dia.- 0 07 t. 00 ..... 1016 M 100 se M 0 15 10 :1 00 16 b l3 to 10 10 ol/tel0140 0 10 to 111 0 10 to It Lamb -Skim uv. aero TO ADVERTISI1iRe. Notice of .hansom inset be Lett .t this OSee not later than S.tarday moos. The Copy for changes w rist be left net later than Nee jJ.y noon. 4..aal Advertisement' .doer' Rp M noes Wednesday e( wok win*. DEPART. ILA am. 1.48 p.m. 7.40 p.m. 0.6, p.m. 11.36 a 1.50ptn. 34fpm. Loot. IVATCH LOST. -Olt SATURDAY eveaimGedehngked s email .adfee rotdw.Ich,unticaw. nailer aril be suitably rewarded on leering Mass alt TIu Saoom- 011lsa. ;2 It ma mon. Vaoaat ANTEr►-A (:1NERAL SERVANT. Appy t. MRS. GARROW. WANTED -A GENERAL SERVANT. Apply to Y"'i. KAY. vlctoris-et, WANTED -A B)Y TO LEARN THE t - braleet. Apply to E. J. CUB RAN. Weet-ek It W ANTED -A GOOD GENERAL SEM rant. Apply to MhS. GALT. at M. C- Camerve's. It Ca IRL WANTED. -A GOOD GIRL TO Wilt in kitchen work. No washing/ Gond wages. Apply to Mr. W'A1. H. sial moral Restaurant. '' The Bedford Areae. Ooderieh. 71 It Far Ballo or To Rent. D ESIDENCE PROPERTY FOR RALE -- 011 F . Cr ..vett. On.ierfrh. On• tart". would be eu.d in Oee or more paroels to emit parchamra Molts brick hones 71 M Ni feet, with • brick addition 15 by 12, a toren room. bath room. dooete, etc. ('sal and wood house. Alerts variety of fruit and ornamen- tal trees. Xxtent of ground .bout two and obs -half .ores. Akzo three-fifths of an erre with frame ban. .ear O. T. R. station, adjoining the mew Fur- niture Factory. Apply to 70.11 J1J8 WILLIAMS. GOOD HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. oe Lighthouse -et. oeuvesdoat to square Past -Once. Harbor. ko. iso . }} acro : choice hearing fruit tree, and small fruit.. House, good , .me. in complete repair. storey and a half ; N home esd Summer kltohee. halls, closes. butte ' ebbe, wood and oea! shed also timbreapaply telll sell on ROBERT 4 YOUNG. NO. Llght- hoase-et.. OMer'-• 16-1. FINE DWELLING HOUSE FOR SALE. -That large and commodious brisk vee eared hoose. situated en E alt, near W.I. leis,. within easy reach of Lake Bost, and at pt'eest socupled by the ower. it onotaloe mum ecce., with large remotion hall. and 5.1h room fitted wltb hot and cold water. The premises comrfes two quarter act hl.qt.,, one of which to 1n sewn with One er..mo•tsl trees. and the other Is laid out 1a • ! a•rdsa with steeliest selection of .mall Melts. the oerw F. H. MPICXN .Z. God apo 0.�� TO SELL OR LET. -A BRICK HOUSE earner of Biala sad Stanley streets, coo Weber e' roma.. hard mad eat water. Good sailer. How heated wltb Int air. For further Mntdcukareapply se Mrs. F. 011n1Eu'7H. VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY FOR 1 LLE -TM brick residence overlooking tbe river and lake formerly occupier by the tato A. M•ol)eraett eeq., Master In Chaisel. One of the most vlea►lesad deNrablepro- pa*the latow.. 1. The tw..aoey frame dwelling Yews on street imisodlat 1p erjolnlnt the Brlt- Ezob•ate Hotel .t present occupied by, Mr. Andrew Werdelj, 0. The dw.ulaR three sad alienist: menthe sear the G. T. 8. station• formerly occupied he the kite Judge Teas..Prins and of � p17 to [ RRRROW t P0ORVDregbl. mF adslte..ob. For Sale N., ter wrappplegPRR5FpOaper or putting SUITABLE e•epet. Ann at shim gam. Rooltal. Mae l Wye FISH ▪ Pe, will Wye an lairarte :1,111,4,2"..��hAlts�r pteWa�luamms�y JUDO GOOD GRAZING FOR HOR IIIT Ver mar/• s. 4sw. AM ter fl st nether ball of nod - seer P.O. I !lt AND PUPILS thittle as wet :s a M Csr' • r Pnb111r NsIIss pU$LIC NOTICO. BOARD OF ENALTR. TOWN OP' BOOB R L Angeles le 5. di meter wIllhittChtharien the 1, sed ethos b bar.br e all marl U55..T eo .sets ath seilessed with the ish► ,e ter; a Fthe be Mlle RUBBER CEMENT eso BICYCLIC TIRES h Iia. tubes. Heady te ferry. A '1 Bee .t sew Bprhg Weed M dleisoa Our ewe r as a le, Oa s tee bre J.WILSON'S --- Gash Pp.mfell.. Dreg Mer. 1/1011Mi1' STANDARD Or PARIS GREEN sea INSECT POWDER i!' b .ad Pure. pJtF SCitIFTION. . A aPCIALITT. (r, WILLIAMS, Ma.* ..si! a delta oureolelng ('hem111. GC *4'4.7'- 1 s,erp1 ET ON GLA_ 1t your sight shows signs of tailing. Surely you would not become blind. A little timely attention may sate your eyes. it is vice to let us examine them. No charge for the examination and hest lenses supplied at reasonable prices. J. I. DAVI 1e Phm. B. I)ruggi•t and (iptician. GET THE GENERAL EFFECT Take a 'general look at our it will interest you . many things will especial- ly attract your attention. And our prices fur - prise you ; our parlor muftis at $:T, and better Imes on up to 45.1 a/1 equality good value. Also our bed room suits with beet mirror for 19.". wonderful value for the money. We lead In style, quality and low prise I vaLarsiiittr promptly attended to at all hours. night and day. !SMITH ft FI RNITI'RE AND U 'N: AK- 1NO NMPORI UN. Victoria Block. New staohloo Show. New MACHINE�ySHOPS-ALL KINDSPllttr04lAse fr Work done .t R.r"---•'- parariag Implements formals. laerp sew and 4lan rhead.01 bought eiMitglM and s�Bpdal�snae�sirr sale. aSteady-Victoria I� atr.wsimam . J. RAXYRR R1JNC1MAN. F. SMEETH'S PLANING KILL SASH, DOUR AND BLIND FACTORY. i take this opportunity to laform ilk. that 1 am M111 is the business notwll .Il rumors tote* contrary. and .m gq do every clam of work in my line eros maiden • window frame to erecting • 3 -story mansard50114 5 with roof. Irotimatee furnisher end competition invited. The turalahing of building foetert.l, coca tit latk toggles and Inose • somata. F. SMEKTH. YMlli. J.ly sty MN. Hotels THF. COLBORNE iiOTKL BEING thoroughly tainted gad eeru"ebbd, af. ford• exeallent a000aamedattes es the travel- ling public. and the farming community. At the Colborne thing will be toned that part.lm to a Rrst.rlaae hotel. ORO. BUXTON. etre 50 em Loan and !gavials, bloolety. T r 18 NOT WHAT YOU 11ARA BD'D 1 WHAT YOV SA v11:,11ANni YOU RIO.. THE HURON AND BRUCE LOAN AND iN V RSTMENT COMPANY. louceroaa-Canlerse Hell d Holmes, ra Do•rT..-i.terass Compound every sat menthe at tour pr meat, par •seam ea eons trees sae dollar upwards. D•podtor• will fled It ke their 'Avenues to come and see us. Lo*Rs-limy be secured as ear *line delay on the seesrity of 'weaved a..flert .by the a.dserta posocood _• or WreThe st (Io.rtYtMtsger ' NItODO thaw it. Oael HOItACE HORT N. Prandial S. H. OOLBORRN PRACTICAL HORSE -SHOEING A /11110P.- NOTICE TO THE PURLIC.- 1 be ua/r.ls'M Meth. beytki eat W I. P.a.ineteo c 2 e-She}.lar sad ass.rsl' re- pairing Shop, at Cora. ner Gety a f� .4 ?r.fitthe y ete.Ms. Is sew prepared to do all !loss et liking. Horeesboeine and geaera! re- palriae. Rerese shod ea the meet approved prtaolpba Trotting Horse sad Gent Inns'. Wears a sperimlt . lie. hterf. asd forging horses carefully •treaded te my own ._pr.bte.. Al.. Corea. Q..r1R Bawl Creeks and ell Ober err of W tell .nor.. fully treated. 0epl.g to gale a fair then of Hot pahe.nge. se ail ti. week will he gearan- tee4 Pe-pestf.tly yoaes is aL RA ERY THOMSON. nun's. &4IES ANNA L SHAW, TSA ti i woe Keds tr10 Tberf 1s s .ad