HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-6-4, Page 3THE SIGNAL: GOD/RICH, ONT.. THl1hSnAY JUNE 1$96 3 en NIONOLkm u. d.-DiaiTAL re rein Mew w •iir.ik r . head erred sad •.awry/ ysv w haM ps• ly s► tis. et t•- a. L. M. 114A1lli1..D. D�t,t� *, mt..D.t&.,-UYAT [Af1Lir�ilr deety - �tt • 1 "'rev" ..heir eoa►sttees Preserve - alas thestriasseteedi • speotelty. visa ever it try a,.d• were, ear set entre Sc sed Me Square _ Ai JM. TURNBU LL, U. OS., V D.B - • Deat•1 Nant..n. win its. Dia.•.1 litmus'''. e .. L.0 lf sod Ieia. YNbt.l t..eb e.aat.d u.. void .r.1.. isar bore •mooi•i .starts• .elves le the �pfee��er� sties d the rural tee h. trips no Me1.e•ab sew kook Mier Msdlisl. R. MUSTER, PI.IYPIU N SUR aaaa, •e. O 1.► o .yeah Meat- s I•flMlt s.l [soare �ltlli i.l 4Yly _aM'1a1ll• IUG•alM u% LAXER ISSUER OF MARRIAGE et • Lawson. nisei•;h, '.mi. ala.y U. CAMERON. BARRIMTER. SOLI 111. cies. svesasee tee US. ls_eer =tee 1 tee s••t;eSt Aadpsw we s . tioabvsa YMeI 71•y Li KXIII HRA ION - BARRISTER, L Seltdter. bleary Vann Aobsseay Mir Weer Street. >dw-ly E. CA alPIUN,Q.C., BARRI/ARR SOL.. niter. Notary. La Ones cher Medlinl ILL. "teens Ned.rteb. JOHNSTON, BANNISTER, SU - 111 ichor. osmmWiess.. etc, Messy 1 lose. :' toss : Ser. Huller and St drew's-cots. Moderteb. Out. ON LAulrrUl lL. DANUIkt, IIARIt1elTlaR, Sobeitur. Cesveyeeeer, to .. eta Moray to loos at lowest rates. Sortwis p i.ats eslteer.a Bets1 ti.4.rtoh Oat >il-U L \. 12W18, BARRISTER, Pitt )0- .114. for 1. Karat.* newts et Ouster Aloe- Monk Odke.s. but. >Sti O. HAYS, BARRISTER SULICIT- .R'. Ok tc. Hie. North.t . vest deur Savant Oise. Priest* rands te Mad at Irwin rates of lateral. Inde c AR O W s &Bi C Lllx ?, BAR, ‘..4 rimers. £Stores)4 Senators. Ism. Sods rf.h. J T. es -too. ,J.C.. W. I tAlliltJI*, HOLT & ■OLMiS, V Barristers, •.Mortes. is Orrery,tee. ysdoriab O. Oameree . Q.0.; P. Uslt G. N N ARD. O''VEYANOER, J U. te.. sad e.m.i.amim ter errs sod re - ✓ ostra r.sstwlx•som of ..U. •!dartis et elr.iauaew dmeolatoss or edema driers - Inas in er oar sates, suitor pre. asodtag 1. re Ower d Jenne. the weDiverse s of Appease Ce ter �ris, woo ramay tad erensoipattC�oan t SM P.O. •d t Du.slosses tloL had P.U. Lr0•Hr EMU lYatMr•Ne 1t 1 ON EY TO WAN. - 00.000.0011 Private reside to teed •t M per Deet •s- . sarr. M. O. CAIazRON. 1ltdte.'e block. Meade Ostlers, Hudd. Oed.ieL tri-tt IIID ATE FUNDS' - PARTIES DK 1 streusel ebt•ists's snows es the -class ars •e: tirt1 ons do so •t N per nest. by ape Ij.rt�tt t• J. A. MclooN Allot keen 114. tree Mkt BuUdLytw Toronto. era' I t (MEAGER. CON VIYANCI.NO AND la•srsrres oleme elandlsoldsclb.',Potel b Serlrb. itor 1 ON EY TO LEND ON MORTGAGE aSAOfti t. tips opposite Merin Weewoes. Notes p Pada. n ob. 1.1 • J. T. NATTEL, FIRE, LIIt'E AND 4.. • lies/dost- Iasoresoe nae.* • at lowest Nit.. 011e -Geer. Northam eel ligYwe, tied • seek. 74- 1400,000 M1600,000 TO LOAI1. APPLY TO • CAMERON HOLT t MOLMiB. diode - Mr. 'rye DOST TO Lill D. -A LAROI set Primes rtmete ter 'merriest st lowest rate en g Mehela Morteaase. Appls • BARROW t PROUD/OOT RADOLIYTE, MINERAL :IN Lorded pewees. O.ly Ares .hese eespeal Kase/ Rest Seer sad rgewted. Mens to Lend es straight hes. et the lowest rats of (55.1. o .I•(. 1. .e.4 was nfrees satIgua ., Wait i ireet Good tf liesdaitat' Instituto. 11ODB1LIOH MBOBANi"s' INSTI- l-z TUTS LIBRARY AND RIADINO- BOOM, see. of Use eyed mud Suter Isp OM *rem 1 to t rest., and trent 7 te IS p.m. ABOUT 3000 VOL'S IN LIBRARI, Loser, /ri1y, Weekly vest IUu.kafd Pa/..rsAf a,sMNsi .r, c. , ew Pao. 4RMBSfal:l111' TIOKIT, ONLY.1.te enistlaa tree ms of Librrey and Serdlrlr 1d • . fu mem membership resolved he 1•KNL H, HAMIILTON. ss �` `„ MY Ilth hal. .__ Aart1oseertnR. THOMAS GUNDRY, AUCTIONEER �eel lsminao. cart.Ost. •si limen _•ad "'stn ILe dna 0 e.. Muti.i I.r. C.. Bales at- tended he Is w pan so w count . tMty JOHN KNOX, GENERAL Asn' Softest load Land v Oed.neb. Ost. Havleg had eq*iMee d die bs.tlesesrtnrtrade, be • 11/edtlmi N Cele miner eestr.stt..d. �se� Sole lod1a11 51it W.e1oi .E omens Aye .11b.iisi PMiiM/tonal eft tltolpinek, emartouvesee, vAL41•1011. Sin -Cor. H•miltes sad NeergsMa*.41113. le South AoN,•I a it sorts the railway ooesp•si. 116.000 • year he remove Me "'session Slat pm'm n at ets ea the ptaost en YOU WILL REAP. Yen may leer • little .cabs That gibe world is *sly .eases. That the harvest des'* dep.d apes The grids • MI'or pleat.. Bet there's es .•I I tame ryas, By all settees ti in heave, That wheel errs the time a harvest Yea will resp tel yin heir ears. Ever, brash yes it.. year oeeeter le just so leach ••'ph m. trade : Beery es enter you have pasted Le • Oestester you've settle. Everytole.• Luer non.. w pruned 1. • donor load ugly, Ev.-ry thought you view fee brume Honer is • bettor d.,. NEWSPAPER STORIES. Sar new Trutt. The followtog quaint ia.ortptlw is irons • temb.toee ie Ackworth churchyard To the memory of Hasse' Cempfie, wile et Joe•ph Crania. of that p•rw.b. Diad August 18, 1837 ; Aged 28 yeast Her m•eisere mild, her reaper Garth, Her Wriest, seed. ad set tee oiuoh. The Weather ter fettle. This is the time when colds are in the fs.ahiun-everybody who is anybody has ..oe, if not himself there's one in the family. For no oouiplsiut tinder the sun are there more remedies than for • cold to the heed, but of the thotmauds Chase's Catarrh Cure is (bet best. "In twelve hours I woe eared of a bed oold is the head by Chase's Cure.' writes Mise Dwyer, Albumin, Ont. 26c, of all drug - gide, with blower free. The re•aesie neves,, A village pastor is tV ortmeberp, bsinr greatly exercise' is mind •t the want of wbr sty among his psr'ehiosen, bsrsagoed there se follows from the pulpit : "If • Beg were hoisted on the roof of e•ob of you p.s.ants tb.t goes to hod riot Wawa on Suodey night, the whore village weal be ablest with colors es the Mee day The orsstt•Iles ps•ssate trooped out of the dberoh ; but nett day • 8.e wee truly flattens( in tR• breeze over the psreeesge, plaosd then by •s ashooeo baod. That was the ps asst.' reviews. tlssaeled. It is possible to 6od 000wiom for th.ak. fulness under the most sive. se cumin Broom A tried story Is told of en old are gam blower who was dying. The oasts wse visiting him. "Would you mind, sir, taking our orate M to ply the 'Deed March' creme . ask ed the sick men. "Certainly I will," Chapman,'. mid the °erste. "Thanks*, sir; nose of that ere twe.dl.- dew Heethoveo, you know, err ; only Han- del' " "Tem sure he will do It," responded the oto rate. The old mos ley placidly for a whir, sod thea etos.imed with fervor : i'How thankful 1 hs that 1 eheu't hews to blur for biro whoa he plays the loud port •t the end." Me Wasted te Reeve Comnse sial travellers. sometimes celled "drummers," have '•chaired • reputation, perhaps usdsserved, for hug oar of state - amok Thee we read is The Wasblogtos Star that • osm.sorei•1 traveller of the more fleshy type had jest finished • etre ling .tory lobes the Ietemer, a new acgoart- aso., remarked "That remade me of olio of It000b•.- see'e yarns.' "Ms.obaosee." •newered the drummer, ".he is he •" "Why, don't you know about him' He is the moot oolowl example of mmd.olty dist eivilia.tion bas prodooad.' A .o.ent of •ileeos followed, beck in by the commercial traveller. Exams ma,' be mid, "would you mind Ionia. a what bo.m be travels for !"- Youth . Companies. The eisseer's Advice. Tom met u old tread who was formerly • prosperous yolked lumberman sp i..ertb• ere Minnesota, but .hose bed habits of drinking brought him to • pretty 'herd up' oosdmtiee, although he has Mem reformed and is doing bettor. u How are yes `" asked Tea. " Pretty well, thank you. but I have jest sees a dimer to have him examine my threat " ' Wbat'e tb.Natter !" " Well, the doctor couldn't give e s •ey eseeuragemest. At lomat, he Gould set Aad .hat he wasted " Whet did you expect him to fled'" " l asked him to took dows my threat for • mw -mill awl farm that bed gone down there i. drink." 'Aid o... es ere uytbiag of it "' " No. hot he advised use if 1 ever bed en- other mill to run it by watss. ' ITS FAME SPREADING. A new Remedy 1 Sesas.l See N Ses/a.bs sad the nersbwese. Wils,ipgo, Jus. 1. -Tb sada et the reader wove of Midgema whisk sweeps over this pontos of the Dominos le the storied are netio••ble in the *..resew ..oast of the druggists' sales. Teets hes bees quite • run es the kidney remedy mew so well 5..w. seder the .nen of Dodd'. Ramey Pills. The reamer from Briehto disease of Arthur C.1- -, ofomeru•*. tbrougis their Imes, as aeeeeut of whiab sppssred iu the p.p•ea, rive a es.ra dsb1. et Impetus to t orfs, .4 the remedy has bosoms ladle/peas- able i. many Maniere hemehelds, His f•.e bawler penetrated into the r*nsNrt porn of the provisos mad North Wes Territories. THE FIRST PHOTOGRAPHER. Jans gleber ee iebwter. who :Sled Is 5144. Johann Hennes !Idaho, the fps pbMe- /napher. • profaner of medicine is the Ud- versty of Hallo, wee here ./ C•IMta, is the Duly of Mydebseg, May 11, 1687. Wh.a e4 mesal, •.d befer. he ..e 18 years of age. Osrybua. the pry el his .•Ilee basks` lose ehreek with Isis ability. Hls father wee • tailor at Oelhita Is 1791 lose Sista ►�•. the eludy M eremite! 1•.- gtt*gnt�sf t 1794 he was admitted intoIts Qy of Halle es • modest .f wsrire. can the. NOW York A... Hewes braised by Prole Mehl, Righter .ad 5.15.- 15.,he. al /he same limn gay* se.m at- tseties w •s54*urbas res••r*b •d to Rao - Men lora 1. INS be .eslptrd as appals, - masa es toralise b tie ailed el/Ms s.lest shy, sed warted b N dor awes yeah, .4 , the searres /M t emend ets1.sa dad �Sti.. Ifs gItl.- * es gene res*. in 17311, appointed hes e( elevation' ..d .Ilan. w 5155 I .&.eamiy of Hal. 1. 1738 wee Mei- h ated • foreign member of the Aedemy of deie.eo., .• 81. Petersburg, es sueoseser te Bayer, ..d 1. 1737 he war professor d ear- hated a .- lege se Halle. He died Oat. 10, 1744. 8d.1ee wee the int se print en e( say 'bleed by the •prey of light. la 117`x7 he peered miscue et sliver epee sheik. Proved that Ito darkersgpe 1m esslighs was ' 4.. to tight •sd ass se hart • sees M print- 1 ed apse the doper* the IOW; of • ol.os .f e strung tied resod the eenawisg .law This was the Ire. pbel.er pb .vv bks• b the world. hest he pambd printed metier roma the glass. cows .hag the dtped*ar sad photographed wards rid .st.sooe. conspires, ase.sed est "I was so moots run down, I had to f ive op work, and 1 felt w if lite was not worth living," writes Wm W Thompwo Zephyr, Ont. „I took Scott's Sarsapar- Have Y o e Called ill• and •m now feeling be 1 did year. e go."' Scott's 8ar.eperille t.,oes up the I entire system, punfes the blood, and 1 e radicates rhea'. .tic and scrofulous puns- NEW SHOE STORE sous. Ash for Hook's widget it. r••)•«••♦• • D I " MEATIIoI • • I PLASTER" i1�rlow- lawaled mama .r.w.er: wee T -1. ..-y am • t_hJaall ev.rteet•id.si.r•s.irl, • haaCases s o ..r•.t. 6 reigi er • ashen.liteelk • PriesDuds • i em ase Os. lads fro. I i.o4 Promisees. MOersar ZII ••MI••ma • • • • •3 • • • - CRISP ANG CASUAL. Perin has 1,000 pretenienel fortes. tellers. The diet supply et pi•tiarmeetree armee the Ural Yowtei s, i. Ramos. Of the 136,000 teas of Ash takes es less de79,000-mereW yearly, time f --lase The Jaime... despise women who '.Dome intoxicated. (besequestly it as rarely that • women of Japan is seen drunk. Widows' caps are se old es the days of Jades 0....,. An idiot .f Tiberius eon - g raded .11 widows to weer sue u.der the penalty of • heavy Ase sad impryo.mwt. There hes reoe.tly bps oss.irsoted • Imp, probably ter Leger then asytbang of tet hied hitherto hears. It is respond of 3.000 pieces, in six fest high .ad .measures 10 7 fest in du.meter. It is fed with I.rd oil, the ooi.*umpuon of which as said to be very mai Frog bunting 11 sow prohibited by 1•. is Belgium. The Helgiw hunters, however, matinee their amphibious ououpstles is Holland, and from `.iso -vu Gent have re- cently sent as one half day es wry M 20,- 000 frogs' 1e.e w 105 to Paris. Those deli - came. fetch b.t.eee twop..m sad three- pence spire, •.d semr of the hunters and the toolbar very rems.erstive. A contrivance bee recently b... invested which makes it cal. for • wom•n to carry her parse in her haod, as pretty nearly every woman doe.. To one and of the purse is attached a t•ag, which is slipped over the middle Super, aid to the. other • *ort of bracelet, which fastens securely around the wrist. With the purse thus rebored to the person • thi•t orate very well get •way with it miler he hatsrs the Lady too. Life was very insecure in m.disevel times .oil it was eeo.l for people to deep os • bed which was surrounded by .ides of board, with strove pests •t the four oorsore. These rides contained sliding doors, wbiob oould be fastened inside. Whey toes retired to rest they took s weapon with Mems. if attacked in the night they were aroused by the noose meads by thee or•shoe in of lour wooden defences, end were ale to defend thomes' ves. Whim thee law became streag rough to protect human life, the sides of the bedewed were gradually dispensed with bat the roar poste remained. The box like hed.te•d *till survives is the rural parts of Soothed, sad is almost necessary where the earthen Ao.n sod imperfect .sili.gs muse tnoob damp. They don : mote rob wedding cakes sew se they did in the days when Quests Vie Loris entered the matrimonial .tate. She had two wedding ate., the second of which weighed .early 300 sound., wee foart..e imam think ..d twel.e fest in oiroumter mass. On the top was seen • figure of Brit• amnia blessing the bride nod bridegroom, who were .otnewbat incongruously dressed in the costume of .noi..t Roma These lifers. were nearly • for high .ad were of rum. moulded in anger, At the feet of Prtnos Albert wee the Agan of a deg, denot- ing fidelity. while •t Her Majesty's feet were • pair of turtle doves, denoting the felicity of the marriage *tate. A large Cupid was .leo sees writi.t the date of the .•rri•ge is . book, and .t the top of the .•ke were m...y bouquet..1 white flowers, tied with true -lovers knots of white satin ribbon. Aimee the deoorations of this wedding -cake may rho be msestlo..d four white Betio e.g. es white were Witted the Koyel Armor. BENMILI.BR WOOLLEN MILL As usual I shell be rrocard is p.rcbeee WOOL et the highest market price for oar. or will mobsters tor my tos.at'•otured anode& My stook of STOCKING YARNS HORSE BLAJHET8 FLANNELS TWSEINIpa�n�d���� B BLANKETS is sew eons mat let.. and teed •no- towed of Hd11 ILSICCSS .ad free free e ased? et mil deoerfptlon. 'Pike's terve, I shall PAY CASH ler west et the highest tries 1s the market, JESSE GLEDHILL. Beaea ller A.rfl til, i.I, tido SWUM PIM AI>r1THOIIG BOOS. & CO, ?amp Familial Pill 'okra CAOE 1RIOU , Ol'1TT_ rwtar SSPAST1StlT m A Was stet* of very choir Pupa. Mae- faetarrl fres ..based M..keka quartered with ►cart• ort eat Pumps ere msaufotawl le • .saber et styles to pet, everybody sad every piece. Terry ow wader pumps Oar deep wells. oolmwsr( tem praps. ste. ogo fee esbeM- 7etds. h mr04a1 PUMPS twas bT POUPS M .prayhg Tv.abtag watering Mg evtb- wdMbeNo. hem • deI•soeal mpea moiremad itsere weed Str sopsum weed or tesor M.. home M SATIN nt�TWSG,�40 Ir La WV mum Mf< Waal .asa witii0% MAT. EN0, •asni mos me •"'ii�ie r tm.d .arufrly eeeesdad tr s Mw pes.ptfr ARMSTRONG BROS & Co Neat door to M,.... Vlore' Millinery Rtes Yet ? MY STOCK is ALL New, Seasonable, wed up-to- date in every respect. and will be sold at the lowest pn. el that a rrpys, SPOT CASH can procure lint Class loots and Shoes for. REPAIRING promptly attended to at reasonable prices. «You ARR INVITED to call and examine my stock J. McNAUGHTON, Cash and One Price Shoe St, e. Ely lair had been base see very tomb ler .mm tea faasnste. Nazism meat ala leYear I thea/la I WNW �esps tmeall�epee the pw.p..prw. of !attest; .gad weeni le 54 sb..ps: mem .to res beer cad lass est rwsrw ts me t dam le mem se her sire r.w.d sr herby demo t Me ar. cad i w rses.rsed t 1s til e.aadca.e >E rfot• yaw.s. Oen*. sa.e..egsw tet. km. ■mer*.t eleven iimatedr sad MIK Sias Handag amt males Ike life grin -an Sold in Godericb by J. E. DAVIS- CASH for BUTTER aid IGGS 1 have*1511a1.. soh .•h At the DRYGOODS STRAW HATS at • t,dutt.r, in prices �cra Cash Grocery. H. J. HORTON, ser. 115011real-.4 Sad *gsaee. THF STAFF OF LIFE. Adni'erstlea sod substltutlon to food pro ducts teats of late years become se grave u evil, that b-overnsmests every where here been Waisted to nell to the sorties of $n elyete to ohne their spread wad revs tb. Urea of the One of the mew important articles of food ssq.estloo•bly is BK1AIt Tor pure wholesome Bread, It must be med. from Malt and Hop Yeast ; for this reason 11 hrst he stomsoLK.�etewoorble d.hires of os. best • sad Yeast pronounced to pare the srM0tereted yeast. sod is used by the beet bakers Is the 005047. IN MY BAKERY Yoe esu get for one cent se much Bread made from Hop Yeast ta you can for throe omits Oren the pressed reset. which ore `ftmef.g public• but . h'eb de mods sed sense' give the tame sweet flavored broad YY BREAD IS MADE FROM THE PURR MALT AND HOP YEAST AND NO. 1 MANI1OBA PATENT FWUR. wbeiIt.d prows for yourself. 1t Is the most and sweetest *tread that ora be produced et say yeast on the market- My ova esparto In the fern business hes Proved there N be fact.. Di. OANTELON, PANOAliE BREAKFAST le the Oleg for able stea-d of the yew. if Tea have ..ver re alts.d the leasee. 705 win whoa yes b..• tried ewer of eon PAN- CAKE CEREALS. seppLmested with mine of ear PURE MAPLE SYRUP w Fk►Q!Z COFFEE We eW the Meet Geode presewab4. C. A. NAIRN. MAMMOTH WHITE ENSILAGE CORN [Will grow on any soil, and St�zd or any weather than any corn in that market. I hare just received a carload of the above-named corn froth Illinois Sad as it is the best grower and most prolific in the markets. orders should be 1.48 at once. The true-to-tuwe Seed Store. T J. VIDEAN, In Buying a BICYCLE, it pays W BUY THE BEST. And doubly so when the best costs no more than one not gam - Common Sense 110 is one of the beet wheels manufactured in Canada, The Ladies' Wheel 62.3m being constructed on principles to give the greatest possible comfort in riding. A number of second hand wheels, in good repair, at low prices. FOR SALE BY GEO. W. THOMSON, POTMAH0FF TEA. This new blendl of tea for:fa.ily use is now on sale at oarAstore. . We have also the finest in FRUITS and VEGETABLES and keep on hand full lines of best Family Groceries, and the mast reliable in Dairy Produce, Seasonable Fruits and Vegetables, STURDY BROS. The Grocers, on the Square. A Little Knowledge to the fact that the is not • dangerous thing when it direct& your attention Forest City Businos8 and Shorthand College, London, Ont. is giving the most practical and business like coarse iu Canada. Everything strictly high grade. Write for catalogue and College Journal. School re opens Jan. 2, 1896. J. W. WEB ..'Ett.VELT, Principal. THIS MANa Doesn't have to get to leeward or behind a wall to li, hat his cigar. 1.0 has un �•.. s/M `i \d taa.itie to sfuill: Cie wind; Um greater the blow, the brighter it burns i. Stine eeI� E. B. EDDY'S CASH FOR WOOL. TARE YOUR WOOL TO THE Goderich Woolen Mill .ase you ass gel fell valva for your rotted fret. le .rntrage for our popular WOOLLEN C00D8 We her *pn..d • eters is 1)tek.es'e .M dud en Kissers Street, whams w .ill be p in dhe de either give you the very highest pries la goods er cash for weal. We •1'o pre - CUSTOM WORK le ell the bu...be., cud se Rest ClarLsr. Sedating ted M•tufaeturtag Tweeds, nemesia awake end Bk.bta, as the very twee* piri.ps. 111'Oesh lar nay gwa.1lty .t Wert r'r--- .r the p..w >Dleklaa'A Old Shari. Q.M. COLLINS.