HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-6-4, Page 22
175 GfilUAT
Family Medicine d the Age.
Tabes Iwtagwaay, It Gia
biw,*... _ and P.4. ke the
alum• .✓ tlbl. Mast &Wets Qat
Wed CJd laally. It Corea
Gots. Dada" &woe. tZt
T..dd.hti iahl fa the ism M5
Msemsatheas. Model feet
ts. w.wale were. osielwe to err rrs eremcombo
t1! `t% own•ei�il+rrrYtr ei= a.�. rms
w ear p•s.•ed dee ate M • .wY►e•
w now mimosas Me mast liar
.• seer aims o.sdnmeso b mor-llrw
Moon M ••• art erre; se • zoom et rimprsq ss
zw� w a iiinutrr• semodulo s.rms• err Ma r Ma Dm *
'1 `Sown •-• ._ 'nom'" ■o. only I•. ..o -rams
Ya' eora w urn wt resp imam Mu
• husked bar yes-1MW. yet - M
Ilatesees been way.'
.. Yes. solo..
"Yet 1 Ilk. We Mr. Welk." Rielly's
hats hest • shade golehmr, •• Ho mama
. • re yes what she Ravi d 8eser.h ate. Sed
whsl I haw es eftm petered v.5 s and yet
-.d yet -he is hie fathers w r
Upon 1F t ores, , P. . ". tag lots.
Him lagoon* a"d 1 •w•.•
The dome's .slug ;
Our 000voros IIMa:Iy • • s an.1 Ilona,
Co.. heade may lou.-.. p.rn.pe. eh • kwws,
I .sI, see the Me.b that gl ,wn,
I,• beauty bod.o..
Aad thew nay arm about bar wart
1N pawed .:.silt to my teem
Without o1.pieti •n-
Exo•pt • wry, sal• 5..w sad then,
gop.clally at n.oment. • h..*
The mov,msete of oar f.How. nee
Forbode tnep•oi Itis
1 whrpr to her, .. 1 leu.
81, s.s eu. r. tnu 1,111.,
Sat world wadi
wa liSh. an.w.re ont, het, vote wares•,
Her bead .,toss• , ,,.y 'moulder hast,
She DOOMS nu save. y word 1511*,
Aad --slumbers sweetly.
I take my rights, and. with • kir,
I roues her wetly, while in efts
She maniere "Harry" '
My rl.veur. s spoiled 1i now would seem
I've formalised matter for a dream
Of whish sew her get. the cream -
No more I'll tarry.
The drowsy molder. 1 seethe ;
Sho's left as hasty leave 1 take,
All eapreseoe.d.
I'm desilleeise.. 'N tree ;
I haven't lotted Mies 1*Rma*
8. very "fresh' wed "gram" aid "new'
As I expected.
1• w.. •heel who ►..fib tre,
greet t rest • we eh wee tKw•rd.
/issevered tes M aliases .hail. .eld aider
the sa htee, •sod who saki is, ohm maim
.see tbesaads efts N may hist.
see. Rat .dss.ly In ileglairl .r Aatatr•lls.
wham Joseph Teen.tl'• same was .sat1s•sd
ease Mb•. hl he a .•lest that be sass the
soned ~let sheet whys sad a Mir L..i
Ness made M hemi. both se his mares sod
later who • dying tramp ssto.ed that N
was Me gumbo that ..will-.ight whirl
killed the keeper
"Joseph Turmoil was wealthy. aid W
married • 4.st girl a vbbrie, who hod
bits hies • 4sslb6.r SON she died. Need I
g. as, Emily t You will have gnawed U
WC Hs e.mo to R..eme, Seo took the
mime of Hest/ Vase, .wing to harks W
some estates left him, s he told he Irked@
io reality. to throw any shame ode netgcoh-
t . ems of the *ems
"There is me fee• sew of any disoovey
w dissgres•h1• thing b1111. I felt
n ervone the first year sr awe, bat new the
eoly two who know d Ma are yes sad 1,
for .vem rho good el4 ..pats a l.ad. 8•
you see l was impriese•d ssjoetiy attar all
but it tarred est • geed thins for a is the
end Asti, mew you have wealth and Meaty
I wasted, for my ewe •sabitio., tem ss. yes
• lady by title and position, and the Earl
of Seeeroh ooald have se dam ooutees,sor
you • more dssira►e bad•nd."
Melee pale sad agitated, bet idling
sew. for was sot her hither free of teat Now -
(D1, .via +r n.i,t,ntional, .rime width
had made her feel ss seek as he rad the
story !
"So yes fink I mid choose Lord See
drft r" shed ds.
"Nay." replied Mr. Vena "I have bard'
ly der. yet How the ted and she... for
Yoursit. As yen knew now, all I have I
owe to that good .splai.-.y freedom. my
wealth, my fair ham 1 prow .did
God tomes I have tried never r forges his
.ad h;. wife. Rattly. 'teat captain's mum
was Aubert Wde, and this Mr. Hubert
Wells is he sen. 1 found out .11 easily by
my .gents I have ..ver repaid the Meer,
Dever Neo, not the member either. for what
they did My ow*, dearer d•rliy ooad,U
she obsess -•d I half suspect it will he
•5rsable-••cele.s with me oar ambitions
hopes, and repay the es, for his lather's
sake !"
Hs stopped aid looked at her. Redly
Vu's eyes wandered thoughtfully oat to •
long IMOD over the saelit sea Therm she
tamed with a calm smile sad whispered,
"Yee, dearest papa, •sd she .111"
•shod blame yes both," said be, "Tb•
capr•ia,tboseh for away, win leas delight-
ed Ml•a"
" TM gill g•sad, h.ff l bar sed e.tewh►-
meat, ler her father was as pe a5 death,
aid shook visibly,
•• Wks r it, papa r said abs.
" Bit dons. my I.ye" replied Mr. Vaso
• Ie boa ealy oewe, se 1 telt aerials some
day it weeid. God boa Mrescht K set is
KV . tea I meat tall you sew. Des'I be
:•d, Emily. It is tie moms of my tel.
whisk I've hidden for thirty-five /oars ;
sow os .est share It, 1 feel 1 sbosid w,s
be ohm right it 1 let von loom today
without telling yes of it When Toe have
heard my Nary, you .sol oboes for your-
self, tad be assured moor ebMN.., whin" Mar
it is, 5111 pease e. As for whet you will
hoer. U w1U reseals your semis and mire ;
1 shall keep its before, and I end beg of
you to do the servo all your lite, eves from
your hmba.d."
Smtly eat is doubt and tear, Nate that the
kind father who bad so loved bar would
sot tell •sythiag to distress her, It M could
help i1; and yet mama 55 to what meek as
awful ..snit meld be. The ~tee d Colton
an Is • ober with his face away free the
hgbt, watching intently that dear, sweet
tads of ha d t. ,ter, upo* whin" Mho tall
.alight shone
"Thirty -dye years ago • aosvlst. hip was
sank( frim booted for Botany Bay, ander
the oomm.ad of • brave eater and Grew.
There war* so tower rum forty masviete coo
board--despert• follow d every desurtp-
tiao: theme, MMRi w•ymes, smsaleyers, ell
kinds of values. Amami* Nam was one
whose case bad excited moot interest at
home, since many people beloved him Woe
not -morally, at any rate -of the oris• M
was said to have committed. Amongst •
gena of po•obets oto ai/bt he, their sup-
erior on rank, bad had the misfortune to
shoot one of the keepers wM bad watched
for them and •tteeked tem. The shot had
killed tb• keeper, bet there was some doubt
Y to whom Ria it bad semi frost s.d.wbes
the convict to questMs was arrested and
*barged, the keepers more be bed fired the
shot. For himself be ham' not whether
this was so : emersl of aim fellow -pastors
' amid be was to' oo.s$, sad then the real cul-
prit had .soaped. Hie .rtes., however,
mea one of penal servitude at Boast' Bay
for life -probably the doubt algae saved him
from ham hanged. -
"Naturally he spirit was galled ; he he -
came raceme, wild, sever* in aspect as be
temper, sad he reputes -we s the osviut-
ship was that of the wont criminal s
board. He rebelled at his gales., at kis
food. at him confinement, mid became ready
for any ' uk deed. Tie ceases sons came.
The vassal was off Mho Caps of Good Hope,
tome miles away whoa he first got know.
lodge of • projeot•d mutiny, is which the
o•ptun, c ew sad Smiler* won all to be
murdered; sad the soossaul mutissering
ooeviote were tits to steer for some almost
uakwwa point in Africa and lend there.
"It was • desperate solemn, •sd with the
mutiny be WY thoroughly in minion, but
sot with the murder. He "ma sot yet as
blank s that, and tried hard to dissuade his
Gros oompanioas from it. but in vain. As
they persisted is their pl ens, be felt that all
be could do was to keep quiet till the time
for tris o•ee,but Mho captain and his wife
bad been really hued to him, and be deco: -
Maid they should sot die. Yet he would
sot ',stray h • oompaalos, like • oow•rd.
"0* themeth of September the attack
was mads He stood near the captaia's
Dubin to protect its sleeping inmates. Wine
the mutineers. having salted the watch on
deck and killed item, OW rushing dowa,
he ordered thea ten" from that sable; they
refused to go,•.d • fight mesa. TM cap-
tais Moore Bawd. the diem was given.
sad after s desperate residence tie rebels
ware ovarpowsred sd pt is irons. TM
o•pteio hogged of u:• guards to set tie am. -
vies who had saved his lila, .t Ubsrty; Mt
they declined, preanding that in reality he
woo as had as the rest. So be was still ohm -
"It wail ea touching at Perk that the
captain's opportunity gismo- Raving se -
oared the oo-operation of his 515151 •n-
tertrin.d the whole at the guards to dinner
and made them hslakeely drank. 1a the
m.saefmi ase of his party ooatrived to se-
wn pot ee ea of their hew, .d Is • very
few .test the esvid'o eros bad Men
unloa•sed, sad hews free. The captain
himself Bane and sheer heeds with him ere
he sant him of to the est whin" was wait-
ing for him.
'"I home," sal he "that what I have
dao* for yea is risky, ted may and ..some
than if my pars a diseovsr.d, bat yea
saved my life. es I will take this rink to
save you from the msnbing peal sarvitrda
AU 1 have to may to yes is, gm away from
Ms coast, alter you •re leaded. as cos s
you can, obese, year name and appearseee
s .nab as yea ;.DS; go iia memo basset
hailer*., sad, though it is set Uk•ly.it over
I hear of yes •g•la,let itles lswash •way
as will do yon reedit and repay me ter Riv-
hg you your freedom.'
"Tee tear' steed . the .55vkd'. eyrie s
he thanked his bsdaste awl gimped he
"'Sir, 1 dal take year advise My little
hit of geed was almost pee by the treat-
ment I have Nifr.d-- it 1 61.'1 think I
k eel that reseasep.r, but eves if I did,lt
was purely ssidstal, Yee hove peeved to
mi that all the kiedser ad gratitude aro
sot yet rose •.t of the world, and I ►.p•
some day l M able he stew yes how I M'
prostate it.'
'With. • few .Rite. .ore the batt
had limed like es tie mals awl. as
.5110,4 ft rams te the alp. sad them d. -
EMILY VANE est at the drawing -
room window which overlooked the sea sad
the Clevel.ad Hilly, bat she sew neither
sea Dor hill.. She and her father. with the
servant.. ha.l been sow some five weeks at
Sanborn, in • lams house whiob Mr. Vine
had rented for the summer. Henry Vane,
Fwq., rooted • good-sized .•awls IN B.1
grave, where he had lived for the past
eight years damn the London •woe ; •ad
an moat• Dear ?tattoo/Pam. •mid pio-
ture.que .o•nsry, where he gsera Iy re-
sided when sot is bods. Raab .um -
mer, however, he rented this house at
leltburs; ter sot only Emily, but
Wessell to.., was *harmed wale the
quiet, beautiful Yorkshire watering plane.
From .11 of a hook at will be at once sur-
mised that Heat y Vane, Keil., was • man of
His mousy had been vquired abroad,. and
though of be tacitly pothole, or little, wee
knew, by eomete, he woe moll received by
moms •xoellmt houses ; for ma • titled per-
son does aot o.n lightly to offend ow
whose income a forty thouae.d • year.
Emily Vow saw Dither sea war lulls.
Her thoughts were wholly 000ayted by two
letters is frost of her. itoth had Dome that
..r.i*R. and both were proposals for her
hard. The Ent of them was from the Karl
of Ssaoroft, who for semp tine had bees
paying Mies V.*. noticeable •ttestios.,
tied who, both as regarded p•r.ow•l quali-
ties •.d pomi10., was indeed so lad match
for any Emilia madam. H. was yet young
sod fairly wealthy. and for some meeahe -
is foal, ,ism. Rosily had "Deem out" -bad
bees • vieti51 to her beauty sad .bat...
8M adaitted to hereon that Lord 8esoroft's
prepwl me sit Nee to he lightly set aside
The other letter was from Mr. Hubert
Wold. Easily had we him about six
menthe ago, at • •owatry home eisee which
time be had hes her devoted admirer.
815 fr.akly mesfsssad to bowel' that she
liked hi., Chas she liked hie moiety. and
she know that he loved bor. But Hobert
Wells was sot rich, tad had no particular
poetics. H. bad only blest tour hundred
a year, whish be fatter. keg quoe dead,
had eft him to live typos.
Rosily Van, still sat. looking the at the
proposal, tee at that. Sloe had, for the
past week er twa, expiated both, and se
..willed sod doubly was Me, that .he
had pees settler suitor • shame of prep:. -
tag per.es•Ily. Rat saw it W DDms--bate
Is nee smeraleg 1 The ordeal had to he
hood, the desires to as mad. ! Her pride,
her love for *5.r father. Mr wish to raise the
same Vass, mid "!8.•.roft" ; yet there
was • .wall .ease ead.r5e.th whir whis-
pered " Hobert."
i■ her perplexity see piek.d up the lets
tere,sod went ami her father in 15. study.
Lady Vase's mother had died at Isar birth ;
Mr father was her .1nssna .milder► As
Rosily .nter.d be roes op and kissed her
evitegiv. Hem, emeslttwg Mss hair, mid,
quietly :-
"Whin"Nthe awe iItthe, Iwo* r
The b...tlal Rie1 pea w hem with eyes
bslbdawm-d with ten% se she widowed,
hbtehiwgly ' -
Whist over try papa Ikea Me always
Ames, far the ham"
Mme we beard ta•M Dr. M..rree woe in -
Mr. deeded.. to Seethed ea
IOW is bene waw simpemp Amen
eta meek ead Oseadte. mice M the etre
weds hem 86. Jew.,"
"1 Meet Y 5sYr t to these q.swlleaa w
▪ be raid,"ami tf I de set Rpt Is %bo e
• 11 be .este emetlatje is this .wasp and
tsar* will be Nose is We.l.*1 I may vw
dew. Mora'
• Jean OUT mita,.
Mr. Fester, who had mese • had halt
le u5.. get up .ad ms& • j.ko sheet the
&satev •0..55.4., els Addles Lease Wes.
bet Maty them all the um•. Theetimater
did was set Me mint.
Thal'. the 5aswer, is it !" he said, dry -
Whenever I look 1. s sry's files. --
W hat piot•res these say be-
Asd view the dimes of bye -gone days.
Thi. ms *ling puzzles mi :
Why the .lisp and sones I would most m-
More vanished sleet away ;
While the times I bare made • fest of soy -
Ares fresh as yesterday '
"1 ham tot seven •o• •ssw•r."lied
Mr. Rester, who was saw tt•.5dedl/
• e• -met
Dr. lestasss walked to 1hs et the
"I sever shrink an • tuby t. give
• aanewer to any got.eek.t by
faded •r •pp•sees" be mid. H• sow
pleased that is was velar of tie 8esate '.
Wag to / improper artium to maw -
ler. is votisg la Mho Hoerr d Commie"
It was tee *Males of the majority d tin
Hoa. the. 5.o faeilew for movie. drain-
age threeeh railway property were a. gond
and lstxpmry se .mead he .xp•eted. ld.
detained to Riva any pledge se r the s•eraa
that the Revmnmett would penes. for tae
resew that he amid aim pledge ►a eel-
Ie•gnss of the Oaten. Di••e clap the cat-
tle es.dioe, be said Ibat the Beaver hoe
had reprepested that it seal sot gat mf
Orem sande to make ap the yawls' elegem
se he allowed it se marry •Mian s51te.
There was. he admitted. se emaretlest sit.
Maisie' that there saw so quara.tlaleg at
.11 is the carrying trade. H. bad bawd
inetrastioe• that se mixed cargoes wheal 1
he token set d 8t Joke. but Nat She
C•n.dia. and Americas cattle should be
shipped separately.
8.sater Meaner - Yee iva the onto
Daly in April. TM mixing had beim keine
os all Whaler,
Dr. Mestere* paw the S.tafer so •ppor
t•sity r reply to hisehat brought the sw t
Rag to • h..• y .•s.1.ies by o•lling tw
three °beers tor the Qs ss.
Ms bays the Ilea be Power imperiled lbs
e5. nada, tattle Twills
I)vvxvttu, May 22.-1t S.o•tor Mc-
Callum had b.m the most irreeoaoilube of
Liberals isdmd of the good Cosmervtive
that he a be could set have smoked the
Goveragemt more vigorously than he did at
the Materiel meetta5 bare the other Dight
With • ratllw perversity that surprised
and •s.oyed the party we••pre, M threw
• wet Mask•t over the Montages bee., .f -
ter, as they thsegbt,it bad hem satisfactor-
ily developed. mad brought to Mho surfeoe
"Is was she mem after *ha that, with
snow made he ahss►iiewty. J•s.pb Tar-
" Well. am deer. •oppe s I were se may I iter. thwbersoe mewls% breed op el 8.11•-
L ud Iihaeraft f 1 ham always waked ish M Peel ea the fits• rseh d /M y -Y /w.e
Th. Globe : A a.wvm.po.doat *1 TM St
IAD T5.graph gives the talon lag history
of the popsleitiss of New Sres.wfok :-
Poosls• Ia-
Y ear. tea. •
1724 /74,176 1
1834 119.451 45.281
1841 154.000 54.543
1851 193,800 38.800
1861 252.047 58 947
1871 ...- ----- 285 594 36.547
1881 321 232 35,639
1891 321,263 13
It seems iser.dlbls, but at the rate et 11 -
grew of 1881 91 it would take more than on
Moment veers to achieve the increase toed"
betimes 1871 cod 1881. It Now Braseriek
neon to move faster than 3 1-10 prsoas a
year it will have to vote for • progressive
0. .. .asst.
the spirit at enmities whieb. up to the
time of ha •ppesrasee bad remained gaim-
ma& A snakes feature et the demsstrs-
tioa ws then men •atheism was unyoked
by Mho v.lnetble 8sestor than by sitter Dr.
Mun5g.• or Mr. Faster or by the miotics
of Sir Charles Topper's name. By the tone
that the Minister., J. P. Whitney sod Wil•
Lice McCleary, had spokes, is w 5 verging
ca towards mid.i5bt Sat the crowd re-
mained a Mar Smarr M.Callamend pros.
fatly to sheer hie. It had sot bot anti-
oipDad, se orahsrdox b.. Me halberts boss,
that he wield have aright M* peers for
the (yovr.mest and the violates Ministers.
Bet he Sold 10 Ministers that while they
were pr Leming *boar trenda1p for the
farmer just before gaup to the shrikes.
they had, daring the last armies of Parta-
ansA, shown that they thought a great deal
more far she railway ssmpaniss than the ag-
risslesres*. Be had Mina Parlament a
hill, whirl, If adopted, would have pa 1ha
farmers into a polwias a drake Mak fart.
ammo railroad property. The Haldim•sd
sad Wettest .ad other .assay ..moils had
petessd is moor of the memare. bus it was
uta adopted bemuse of des .pp .Miss et the
G.versmest, Mr. Moslems bi5R axiom
these who bad voted against it.
"Yes tan speak about the atrestemf the
fanners." said B.s•.r McCallum. pointing
ha lagers in the Minister. "bet I question
very'mach whether yam have the hatreds
of Me tamers at heart as meek as yes a
yes have I want • pledge *hat yea win
atpport the bill, sad I want it bore m-si e
If I do wet get i* I will fellow you is etlt.r
web. i5 this s.enery anti) I gat it, tad
I will ell the farmers herr yam w mise
" 1 mak to great Os.rvative party of
this seesttry to be always truthful 1. pie-
tism taste hams the •Matas I wild ask
yes (tensing a Mr. Fester,) ter I believe
you Imre the saki Whetstone d *gaselier*
during the .hsosea d Dr. M.sivns. U
there a goa.aaNs, at the peat d 8t. Joh,
N. mower.
• o•rr•wtt uta.
•• You say here in thew ' Fars ter the
Rester' (baling up • enepelen Amongst)
Nat Mere a ; yes say yes haw gees aliens
as she pert et Rt. Job.. (Ne rawer.) An
yes e.kag ,nor the interest el the far -
ems thew f (No www.) lose Fall Mee
Goves,wsat subsidised the Ike d mlssmite
to tram base= 8s. Joke d arerpeef r
glee lee aero • dames M ship their ►
W is Me Walser. Tis. 1M poet et Si.
Joke wore re woe dam an we meld le
haws Me Bake minute raeowd.wa have
les 1ipsise C---Mse ted Awakes eat -
Me 1m the some seed altheasy 1�s�sr
Mem. d they 1 Y me that woeslh.p (sy
r ielti tksy Res Msro se C. males mega
1 ken Ciba 1e Ike mss. bet I .ts sot Item
weddary anyMkeR obese it het fss thea
•eed' Rea ham pmt Were the pqb es
dime what yes me bey M the Orem..
AU delta. Trete.
They tell the story in Deltas of • recent
An Elsctslo Oar Palle Through
a arida* at Victoria.
8 me A..rt..s wester., whits .•.rent
.5 1,•• .g op 5.a seeksuddn.ly mw a kelp
geek b.. 1 weer ..y1► •to the ear. Wins
LIMP boll e,,... •g•,ih15e..r..U.4is•o
455.5• td re, -.sr.-' . ata se the reptiles
46,4 ewe, ea the r • H..•5 to ....pe. the
• M ham. lobed . wove . r noose will their
•Diva e. It .. i nn.sed the the boll sf
biherfM+• g
mishap welshed GI.. Of tress.
.M wan w( • ••g • wester elate f• Ms
.tit d• e5. y.4 by tie blest
Ike aero romes- •..Rete Gana. to
tleism.es a Yaw Men. es Ma
Wester atrrda, Intl .-
sena et .ha steneee
Y Toll aa.ws.
Victoria, WC„ May W -The most
terrible sadden/ that ever took pied le
tam vic a1tj 000urred about 2
*clout this afternoon, when an elec-
tric oar tall through 15. Point Eller
Bridge into as arm of Jams Bay.
A steam fettle at klacaulvl point
was on the program today as part 01
the oelabramoa of the tluee0'e Birth-
day. and nearly the whole population
cd thus CM bed gone out to winless is
tale electric oars running out to for
ammo of the balUs had been overcrowd-
ed an the to.•atwn. Every car was
full not only In51dr, but Y many as
could do w dinging on the outside as
The tar to welch the a.ctdent hap-
pened oontaln.d about 90 persons.
Ewen the root wee oocuped
In orostrtg the Point Ellice Bridge
It idt the track. crashed chrough the
railings end fell Into the wafter 75 feet
below. The tall was so sudden and
unexpected that all the passengers
ears ta.rrid with 11.
The oar fated for a nutmeat and
then was earned dowa by the weight
of the metal work attached to IL Those
Insets were unable to escape and were
drowned llkie ase la a trap. Some .,t
those on the outside escaped by swim-
ming, but meas. stunned by the fall
and unable to swam. were drowned.
It 1a bettered that 60 or CO persons
revival meting in one d the rural dismiss
of W bitelleld musty. In the middle of the
serviw the pretober said :-
" W 111 Brother Staab plea.* lead in pray -
,Seven mea arose .ad began praying a!
This embarrassed the preacher and he
said. hurriedly :-
"I mesa Brother John Smith !"
At this waoaaoemeot one set down sad
five mon got up tad began praying. The
member saw be mistake, said ootbisg,•nd
let the 11 pray it out among ths51s•Ive.
West late. • My Popular.
Chief Justice Waite, is bis boyhood, nae
very popular maty hie --seei•tea Hs had
0o money, bat had what wee better than •
gold purse, • heart that ,meld tool H.
symp•tb.sd with eves the beasts and bin.
This sympathy with others arm. Cow•
walking ander the *made. d Use elm tree at
1Namee, in company with sewn triads
beard wins birds eying, and fooad that a
young bud had falls from the amt. He
.topped and replaced aha bird is ate asst.
That instances of outvoted sympathy made
him a popular boy and yet • mere popular
man. Then are enemy Toledo lawyers who
ramal the warm words of advice he would
eb•.rfslly give to lie dims, sad assay
wsblessma eases submitted to Wm wore
._Redly settled without • lawsuit.
Popularity is the r.00gdtion that the
world moss to sympathy sod unselfishness.
It comet M bsegbt with ofo.wy. Polity -
ants mass • bey popsl.r. A .mtbean
kaowa mother g.•11sm•s by maims .n
'whiter please . Yrs 5.554.5)5. more that
to toenair' • gentleman in the soul on 1
maria✓ at . boy. • popular boy is • lover
.b space, or est doer szse.ise That is
Bu be leeks epee the pay ground s
pluses for the amours d be fellows, sad be
gess then to the ail that he may MIp them
to eejoy themselves. • Iliad bay a always
Cs.✓ Af mesa a • mom •ipt•m-
ayeplby wile ethers • ttsu..s boy
a ppsar, while • spendthrift who proves
bi.ssH is high seam d Mar and W • re-
•-g.rter the rights d ethers a always pop-
ular.$aalsm.. in all it tree trsusisg. makes
• boy popular. The bey who a ssr.fal of
his mater Is impulse. The bey who will
sa,sr Wass. We vurd, ad who will pedp
his homer he W .w. Inwt ted sharp net,
will have .said -se d his fellows. The
by who defends Me wink will mm day he
moms • item ammo; the torose. A bey wM
Mess, hooses and ebayb ba parent@ will al-
ways be popular among oil GISMOS of Nes
All that tends to premed* the geed that is
in m5. bays sad be lilt Mee Tessa .t our
youth ahem the bevel d merm pbyst.s we-
esss and hopping, seatrik.tes to their wel1-
tam palls phwelfare-The Penh
Meet combs sea be send le • few Man
or M ney ram M • few days by the me a/
Ayer'. Cherry Peelers/ With sash •
preempt sad sere mast* as this at heed,
then is s• s.sd d prase/kg theages for
woolio meatha i5y Ibis �y is
year hew.
• Chip et tide OM !root
Hendee.* r (adi.nieg the dam)-g.w
simpk sad._biles a the les•s4if.1, aid
detailed �iediriplis wNn" PW , the
gives es .f the Mw a w4io\ M
eailemes (aide le his nigbb.r)-Med
likely he titrated te ms11 K -
"Wbish de naganntT•
yen les mast, year papa or
Fast msmms t
Utile Marto- i love gape meet
Metbre-Why, Charlie I 1b.gbs you
heel ms soma f
Aeeius-Oset Mlp it, .seta. We sass
mast MM together.
were drowned, batt It 1s as yet tmpcs-
Wes to ascertain the exact number.
It will probably be several days he -
fore the real extent of the disaster can
De learned.
As soon as passible the work of re-
covertng the bodkes was began. and IS
DOW being pushed vlgorouety forward.
The bodies or the following haze been
Mrs. Fred Adams and son.
E. B. Carm4ohael and elk.
J. B. tbrdoa.
J. Edmonds.
]Miss Nathan.
J. Butte
Arthur Fullerton.
Mrs. Heatherdell.
Infant woo of Superintendent James
Wilson of Vancouver. the C.P.R. Tel.
M. W. Vanboeklyn.
Was Anale Kest
Captain L.veridge-
Mrs. C. I. Poet
Mrs. Lout
Mas Ida Goodacze.
A number et unidentified bodes have
also been reouvered and more are be -
Ins brought to the surface hourly.
It is claimed by many that fully IM
persona weed down with the span and
that more than half of teem perished
The accident occurred so quickly that
nobody has a very dear reoolleotfon
of what transpired.
Superintendent .1. Wleon was drfv-
ins a carriage containing hls wife wad
ave children directly behind the car.
Iib vehicle was swept down sad is a
moment the entire party were strug-
gling to the water. Mr. Wfiaon sue'
o•.eded in metes his wife and four or
his children. The fifth child. a little
boy, was droned. A number or
bodies have been et arried out of the
harbor by the outgoing tide.
Owing to the Swat that .tarty every
kind of craft in the city was engaged
for the day. boats were hard to pro
Cure, and the work of noose wins
somewhat slow. Steam and napbdha
launches were hurried to the scene and
the boats of the various warships in
the harbor were most mottos. Scores
of people were picked up and taken to
places of safety. but many sank be-
fore the eyes of the rescuers Wows
they could be saved.
Up to 10.30 p.m. r bodies have been
taken from the bay. Twenty persona
iknown to have been on the bridge at
the time of the accident are missing
and It is supposed that they have per -
Wiled. Time car register shows I10 tares.
and it 1s probable that over 125 were
On bot- :.l.
Moo taw pyelo.. mid Grow hes..• Is the
5.,gr5•sieM e5. Trewm.rb, wins.
To eirreeh. Ont.. May 24. -Thr most
at -palling cyclone ever experienced In
tills viaaity passed three miles went
of this p.ao. about 9 o'e;o'k last night.
w reeking over •o houses and barna,
killing many cattle and h,rres and dee-
trcying farm machinery, fences .nn"
treas. Wonderful to relate, npbody n ..
1111ed or even seriously Injured ...tr
unoccupied houses, used .. summer
resorts, veal/Med. not a pi. ce of them
as large as • man's hand to be f.aund.
A cow was fitted by the wind and , ar-
rled .early • quarter of • Dille and
dropped with a broken bay k' Who.c
orchards were rooted up and sot 4 nee
115 standing.
Mr. Abel_ Leathers mourns the Inss
of be Jesuit pear orchard 14 !Itch was
over !M years old.
The total bas Is estimated at he
Isms' M.I00 and 1100,000
Alter spending Its fury the storm
passed ever tie Detroit RMver into the
.hate 1 MMrhlgan.
1.161.1•1116 49 DORS D/M.1gt
A pinnens. *Dae►y Boesoill at F).re .aid
a We •i **terse.
117or., May 26.--Maundclrs furniture
History trail burned to the .round st
Memeight, probably from • stroke of
lightning. Ike $12..05.
Martthare, May it. -Least night Mks
1bble farm barn. occupied by (Taros
thregeyy, was struck by lightning and
bursal with Its contents. Lone VIM.
lAgib.mey 51.Y t......
1lemoe. -,1IM, May Y- Dairies the
pawn over this 415tr tit of w Mary
thearer steam km sight besesaas 9
ams a wow*. nalUsilasi
been et /Cm Ares. WM.�t �
Rlsallsgtes, awl killed MtofesaWaig Is tll�a
mtl eras dattia.m<• ION thil lllfl-
herr 1. P' -----
Passes Belief
IRs. Jas. A. Mi.h.leo.. tloresoevWLe,
N. 1ti Straggler tor .eves Lome
Taw Iota
M,.ltl.*ol.. 8%4" I
t MID �op�isa.for
Eat into the Flesh.
spread r .r ems, sad 1
�'0wy for uvea
I ..gas taktng,Aye . ]Iw
a weak or two 11 srotlosd a
Decided Improvement.
Imeoor•gsd la
this retake I parse
veor so
soder aghiebia began tto heal
months my lip began to beat.
ming tis a.nap.rWU$ for sir
the bet trace of the tamer
Ayer's 9 Sarsaparik
Admitted at the World's Fair. a
4.121B'. tflL i pu/se• the 1555..
Sewer and
Culvert Pipes
AM Nim from d l.. 1e w Ia. Alta
feaeeette ni.
00i ADM -AIDE *T. 1.,
Pormai► AT swoon TORONTO.
About ten ' an ego I fret .i,e*me
with !tl eu.. alar ..nd Gout, and dnrlril to
last ten yc•-. 1 bre* :ween treated by several
pbyd-:toe, sand they all ad t iced me that it was
Im- usdble to cure tae here, ant: tb•t the mit
remedy for :no was to go to • warcicr abuse.
1 was connoted to my house Net Deoseber
owing to this thrones, tad was usable to do
any work whai•..r,
I oomsmcored lidded tie KootreayCars .tire
Mr. 8. 8. It ) ckaam, M. P., pm ms •est the
middle of April loot, and atrr.bwto.. woks
Ming this medicine I was
sumctentiy cured to be
Mk to start driving •
bread wagon. which wort
required me constantly petting as def try
The paiw which f always bad le 5.q silos
are now completely fine., • d 1 Nm Dow able lm
work without any pain whatever.
In the pest I have suffered asset lmderrih
abin agony from the dieters. My wooing
health has womder!ofy Improved since taking
this medicine. Sworn to by MicHAKL H.
DWYEH, 31 Looming tita.et, Hamilton.
Send for pamphlet toe. 8. nresca•s Ides.
outs Co., Hamiltons, Out.
Cure Biliousness. Sick Head-
ache, Dyspepsia, Sluggish Liver
and ali Stomach Troubles.
Are Purely Vegetable, •
elegantly Sugar -Coated, and do
not gripe or sicken.
gently but promptly and
,ughlx. "The safest family
.icine. All Druggists keep