HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-6-4, Page 1IIt MIST Is TRH OHLAPld! -•rtp- THE SIGNAL Zbe FORTY-EIGHTH YEAR -2071 THD LULADINCf NDWSPApER, OF HURON OO J TY_ GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA. THURSDAY, •JUNE 4, 1896. NEW AIVERTI$EMENTS- JUN 8. OUR Oared of 8ei•IM•-Fulford It Co 7 Weber Lime --A MoD Allen 5 The Bit lis. - R. H. Sates 4 itlinbest ve bite 1..•d- S. W. Mo - Kends. ..... .... 5 Pans Ores. -C D Wilhelm... ...... 6 1ss.r wens -The Fair. Millinery -J T. Antigen 8 (Jodsaisk Hewn Us.v.--JSaes Rs - see 4 (,\Foals Nes 9-har4 of Reath. 5 Pens inti. -W. C. Geed. 5 Bioyele Sh"es-H. a. Pelaok 6 Siap. toe Cesb-Jas. L and 5 Watch Loss-Slupat. ease 6 Gerdes Party -Se. Pen= 5 Laos (sonatas- W . Arms 6 Friday Morning -Jae. Robins= ... 1 Gorden Party -8• Purr's Church 5 ONLY FIFTY CENTS- i.ti 1e., rrteuds and hWahers Tb... Tela SIGNAL will be gives to now Sub- wrtbes from now unto! Jemmy let, foe the the .m.11 .um of 50 Dente. This does not *over the .oto.' oust of production. but we want to mores= the circulation, and we think we can do at in the way. The issues during the election and tall shows are is themselves worth more the. the. Then ere • tow who have not y.S paid for this year's paper. We would like them to pat at o.oe. We dislike charging them the long prim es msoh as they dislike to pay it, but we mast do it it they do not esek up at 0108. 1) MOGILLICUDD\ LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF. A little mosey des the business at Rob. ina0o•1 The rain the past week made provision for June washings The minuet pl•atis4 of flowers 'ironed the Court House took phos last week. The new dwelling erected by Gee. Prins will be reedy for oeuupation is • few days All the latest novelties, all the latest . tyles, at Robinson's. Contractor C.woy is making rapid pro- gress with the stonework of the new St. rotor'.. The wood storm Isar week blew down • . mall Duce of newly erected well belo.giog to • new building. Jamieson Reid bas just completed the stege cellar for Mm Dark's brick v..•.ted dwelling o0 Vonore -et. It used than before THE So..: appease •gam, one GI oar best known young ladies will have changed ter 0•.ne Leet week the nod weather, though strengthening the room, prevented growth, but the geeial sun of ate present has started every growing plant. Friday morniog,betwees 9 end 10 o'clock, our 50 cent tweeds for 25 mobs ; between 10 sod 11 o'olook, our 50 wit table lips. for 27 °sate ; between 11 and 12 o'clock, our $1.75 golf blouses for 96 Dents, end curtain poles worth 25 .mom tor 17 wets at Robin- son's. A visit round town early Saturday and Sunday mornings showed that blankets, oil- skins, sad in foot •11 kinds of household fabrics hed been utilized se protectors of flowers, vdget.bles osd strawberry plants. However, the thermometer did not drop to the tremas point on either night, • ble0- isgt we should .'1 be thankful for. It takes . riot man to draw • cheque. • pretty girl to draw •tteetioe, • bone to draw $ buggy; and the low prion seed beau- tiful goods at Tb. Fair to draw the p•oplm Remember that foreb•aded buying wiliness you more is one year than pailful pheoking Will in five. P. ArtaATtoNS, Warr Hctt0N.-The fel• lett•e are the .shoes of candidates writ Orf •t the yarens SI•min••tos centres i. West Hoe= es High .school work : God. rich, 115 ; Exeter. 28 ; Rayfield, 11 ; a total of 156. The fees collected areas fol. lows : Godsriob, $586 ; Rueter, 4100 Itwy field, 122 ; • total of $707. The F.dom' tion deterement resolves trots Goderbk, Rill : from Kx.ter, $56 ; Bayfield, 411 ; • total of $397. The Sobeol Boards reosiys as follows : (lod.rioi, $254 ; Exeter. $45 ; Bayfie14, 811 ; • toted of $310. Of the 156 esedidstes writing in West Her= es High School work. 45 were prepsrsd in the Paoli. Schools. and 110 in the Godsriek Collegiate Institute. About 400 ea.did•tss for High School Penises end t'ublie Sam! Leaving certificates will write .t oeetrss he West Herm. Quite • number of medicines pre- pared in the Public Schools of West Hares will write es centres outside the hmelioter- ate w boy Rigs and Public Hebei work F:1Art4ATIONe, F:ANT HMOS.-Tb fol- . I0meg ore the numbers of o•edid.Me writ- 4ag at the virions sx•miuetioo mares m Fast Harm en High School work : (sites, 133: Sesforth, 117 ; Whooshes, 23 sad Brea.. ins 22 ; • total of 296. The f01 *sinned 1• my the exposes. of these *.nwinatless are 0 fellotrs : Ulintes, 0672 ; 81sfortk, E6911; W l.irben, $79, and Bremen 098 ; • Mel of $1367. Th. Rdtae•tis. Department removes for roadie' papers, Me.. fro" CM41101 $.382 ; from Seat rk, $Q94 ; From Wlr,h•m, $43. sad from ilrernele, $40 ; • total of $772. Ties seb.ol beards rsesivefor M•ndi•g • ainisors, paper. Wk. to • all fsa. low.: (,Bates, SDO: Ssatert►. $1130 Wi1,h•m, Safi, and Ileus tie. $36 ; • total of RTAS Of the 2116 seadtdare writes. 66 won prepared n the iPukl% ashram. and 230 is the two Collegiate Inman._ Prom this It will be ems that the Ruhr writing et • gives seats Metal's assay thee weld as prepared ea that =heel Dern. the 6." wank b July •hent 600 eisididalles fee Entrant to Sigh S.h.*n a.d P.Mi, %heel Lovett earl ass. will abs writs n Hue athwtl*asa . be be dnd. jlad Ashen Ho's* ir` a Ts ONi DOLLAR WILL PAY 101 THE SIGNAL Fos Oen Tars OTTAWA LETTER. What le Goias onsit the Caplt " THE FIRST GUN. " "THE first gun " of the Conservative D. McGILLICITDDY, EDITOR. W.Fit S.'S CONVENTION. ", -" b� Mrir.os.. t . OVER THE HURON TRACT. id. o/ *&. *shed .d 511.. .hole famuses --- her hoes converted. la sora the innselse. Rn ons as Sable whim 01 act as in - Friday ev ms • fieoh in the p•.. Ts. IllnitIng In North -/t Mundt. sJ • metie ng was not an overflowing one, by any 'h dt 54bters of three or four noblemen Inab.d Ile attend she *Sheol and a Buddhist need W.111 tithe al"." Mw Freese ler- as.•me, .ad the pr°°eed*.1. from beginning • eve 46.1".. � end he dada's want t.'brwtt••lty, din'% N lid were of • mighty tame •b•rwter. rag ■res. ..sen y IM ebb hi *rash is bis her btbl• There was little or no =thanes= exhibited "iamb -a"' M.rgaa 6a... 141"11-hN Nrreh beerieg her j01pd 6 d= by the sadism*, and the orators on the ee- he she Load of Jap. a. rule e:sga veesea$ -All Masada Jots Mae e .si. awa tae shies -Nis '1144- wanted OTTAWA,3Jelle 1. -Tho tittle is drawing sear whoa you will be gives an op psetmsity ei e•yiug with your von whether m se e we are to be governed for another five years by the uombin•tioa you see saltinees the treasury beaches at Ottawa enjoying the spode of oth.e sod laughing at year modality. Everything points to • swoop- ing victory for the Liberal party. but theno *..ld not muss you to stop working nue m meet until the polls .re aimed. A very .t few votes might turn the ale the other *lemmasway. In the *lemmas of 1891 there were 33 ,• Conservatives eoted with majorities ream- ing from 1 to 77 ; 21 ('os•orvatiyes elected by moieties roaring from 101 to 200:22 Liberals eleoted by m•jonttes ranging from majori- tiesto 98 ; and 18 Liberals elected by majori- s r•mpag from 101 to 196. Keep up the fight sad you well surely win. After work. ins Cr18 years to buret the combination cf eorruptiooru you would feel like bonging yourself of the goveromset'e majority turn- ed en the election lis, your comity, and that whim whthe halloos w.n mooted it was found you bad eleote1 the Coneervii,* o•sdidate by • majority of me or two. If there ever wee • dam is tate history of Ceara whoa every Liberal vote should he reoorded it is mow. Not only the straight Liberal vets bat any vole that rays, down w iib dis- honest 'morainal.. J•)ININ0 NA♦Ir. I sen that the Grand Secretary of the Patrols Order charges that the p•tro01 are in olluaioe with the Liberal party to defeat the Government. Conway they are, or should be. Would Mr. Welob have it the other way !'Ar. we not .11 working to the Are nae sod' Awe not both working to pat de= doeztr•veg.oce and oorruptloo sad to mount • muomam rate ot taxation . Thea at (east, I have always understood the Patron platform to be. I know it is the Liberal platform. The fact is that when •an oandid•te set up by the Geveromeot c best be defeated by • permsthe field is left pp Lo bun, and where it unmistakably aea= da that • liberal can only defeat the Govern - meat o&Ddote ivory effort has been mode 10 edam the Patron candidate to stand to one side. W" learned • lemon in the last *Haimin North Oat•rio, and we should profit by it. i eon understand, of course,se where • Conrvative caodtdee is running guns • the guof • Patron, that be should desonnce oppositir o from the Li bevel part v. Kat it mud as stroke every reasoning elector Mein that • Patron the principles of his order .t heart moot be • supporter of the present Government if the defeat of the Government was left to such men they would haus . perpetusl lease of power. But 11 is not alone the patrons who might o▪ w be charged with collusion with the Lib- eral party. D'Altoe McCarthyMc.rthy is not a Labors', yet he is working with us in this fight in cue, to break up the Tupper -Hag - ' art oomStntIon. So is Clarke Wallies, sod no one will moose him of being • Lib- eral. Both MoCart5y and (Slake Wallace have been long enough •esooi•ted with the oorruptioniem sometime know some/ of their methods, and you my rest assured that they have not geee into the tight without having good grounds for opposing them and breaking up the den. 11 is one of the strongest oombin•tiono *mod ever mod forms to nror-throw • Gov. summed. .1 Canada, and it will suemd. Tbie time we nee Liberals. Patrons, M ss oCar- tbyiland Wsllacsitee all working to the one end : to rid the country ot the gong be= who have beholdisg high carnival at Ot- tam for the past 18 years. .•[T Tp[N OPT. 1 heh talked to you before of their boodl- e(and eztr•vg.nw ; I hen pointed out the polities' sandals wbioh, as • result of their administration, have dw i•oed the eosstry, sod i •m sure that at this late day there is so neos0117 of trying further to impress these facts upon you. I now ask you, are , Conservative readers, why you e stall "bowing your •lleriaaos to these mss modest by their odest hewo n diegr.d you and who b apes their di•bcnsst and oerropt Mn ways imposed the maximum et taxa- tion es yo0 i hare beard men my : (`�a. " • eserttve i was bei. ; • Conserv.- live I .x11 die." Well that emocds very poetical Then i. • yes of teati•rte.t is it that sound. pretty to beer and looks .. perky to read wheel we e it in peat. .hIt thews bow far an so .le.t of our population is wedded to traditions, said bow strong is their faith is the theory that the kine can m 15 del no wrong Rat to thewho ere .e im- buedse with old .eseeiati.I would my you bin been the victims of • misplaced .es- Ildemoe. Then i...ff1.'st endersbefore the marry to justify this meanie& ro" MEM.rMEM.ohmI .m ohsummed Mee show morn e1 eel*-..-. d.t Tory evil sur sbs are aired by els probable .barge .f O.v.ram..t. It ls arkna'y • very dear idb i.au. of hew the result of the sandy/ amebasls regard - edit that q.arer, whir is by no swam m • safe political bar.mee.r. .•pt. Sart.John Tram Waken. Sydney 8mibh, Baylor Radh R . D. C. Seen, .1.Rall, Steadier, Solderer. ..4 • mors of ethers whit mail la the game bon w bem h. piped. Al the gam ease i may easel*s the desire . f Dr. M.*ags., Merest .fAgrle.learst*. gel eat Rs kaon be will be bore a Haldberd, sad sot only the Ohm, Oevw.hsmest will b �kV he ..w ▪ sew dorm Masts with Iliereriek. he will Ane a sure tidinga the . list-O.v n.er- ohlp .f O•serto, wank .10,000 • year, Ise fir Teen. i do w k....f suthee oe mare ulnarly posits te oh. 4.Imd *sore, . ore Ira gramese tie M desire et esegae be M sorb Ib tiklq *hip sad ..SN. beaaseN a • Mud 1. far Ivo yarn be .suss e•n.s did not seam to be able to gel in to..5 with the feeling. of Lbws hearer& The =air was occupied by Dr. HOLige, although it had beta goo.ruly behoved tan town saurian CAMPION would have held the position on the occasion, by virtue kis office. On the platform were Jes. Mfrc.au, Jou RA'.nau (salt mash* carer), Ragan H1ATON,Graux Suarrapw, Dr. 8iwi, ri (mayor), R.C. HAYS, RicuAsp RADCLIFF/I, EDMUND CAe1r1UN, P. McEwA (ods masutwtars. j, W. T. &me, Josey Bows (saner), Dr. Boum. Dr.Ntcaou,oy Sir Jamie Gator and the osedldat.. It was observed that only three mrmofae- tannwere on the plaitorm. Atprevious men - bad been the outflow of the Conserv- stirs friend. to Itss up the maaufsetersce of the tom es the platform, as an evidence that the Seem' Policy bad made them nob. On Friday then were only two salt men and • tanner to bold up this sod of the N. P., but se if to show that the N. P. was in • dolomite slate of health three dootors were on • tendanoe to perform kindly ottiee -or, it may be that they thought the Co. servative oandideoy in West Huron was is • weak 000ditIon. Be that se it my, the N 1'. was not much in evidsooe on the platform, and no responsive chord favorable to it was observable in the audiesoe during the evening. el The afternoon .anion opened ms 2 ..took with Mrs. Leech in the *hair. M tan address en Maria tiara ON There/ay, May 2l, a number of delegates Iron neighboring towns sod sub- urban districts vetted our town is the ia- tersta of forage 0101 1001. u 30 t0 Lohman actin, es pruned ; the .. pro.ding. wore opined by the singing of • hyena •ad prayer Ming lead b', two of the ladies. Then vain* very interesting reports from w the venous ztheriee, mob showing how me o be .000mplished DJ oo-operstive effort in Christian work. My hid adopt- ed the talent plan of tailing money for mis- sions : one member investing in wool and toot/making toot/ work for sale, another in flour 01 end .king 114 selling bread, in various .. ways seeking to moriatheir 000trtbutton- Otter miniseries had made Apulia and pre - clot -Mug to send to mummeries thin the Orth West. A duet was thee sung very pleasingly by Mr.. I'ridbaes a.d Muss Graham after which Mrs. Mason road • very Interesttnr paper 00 the id.ri,.0 of the mimeo ot Metuodum to es mltelr . ' I NU r1ANY or telt, u1Ti.• . AUURCs, Previous W the meeting the representa- tive e1 the Lib. -Con. o.ndidate was men by the chairman et the local Reform Aa.00ia- tio0 and asked if diaoualgon by an opposi- te= speaker would be allowed, to which C141 answer was " that two big gaps would speak to the Coo.erretive interest, and they would occupy- .11 of the time." The re cult proved that the representative must have had • rood ides that the " big gun' " would not be well .barged, and on that so count was win when he declined to allow disou0ion from the opposition standpoint • The chairman's addresswee of a very moderate and unobtrusive character, acd was listened to with attention by the audi- ence. He introdooed se the first speaker the Conservative candidate, who wee well received. The epewb of Mr. )1i'L&.... was brief and to the point. He was born and reared and reached manhood in Goderiob township, and after that came to (.oderioh and grew up with the town. He bed been fairly .00 - armful sod bad tried to help the town along. He stood squarely coo Topper's platform and sodor.ed every plank in it (ooeroion as well as the other plank.). H. hoped to be elected on Jun 23rd. " The big gun " who followed the candi- date was our old friend Jurl. RANSPORi,, of (lisroo-• leading member of the mit nom. bine. Joest recited his ismaili•r address on " Free Trade ea they have it in En/land,'' and raked the oommeroi.1 policy of Old Albion, fon and aft. Poverty, •000rdiag to this son of Masked, permeated the whole of the Old Land on •000unt of ite free trade policy. and hanger and want stalked around on stilts is every locality. Mechanics were underpaid, be sold, and preaoben were d most pauper. ; 250,000 women in London, according to this new light in the political firmament, did not earn over 25 me. • week each. sod the poor people -the hewers of wand sad drawers of water, as be styled them, were taxed to deata on their guns. Vier horses and carriages, and other aeo0- .•rtes of life. After Mr. RANgrooD got through with detailing all the evils that had befallen unhappy England on s000ses of its free trade policy, one couldn't have got • bides the " Bonnie Kuob of Roses '' if they had Dere pat up at annum It was only • wreok of what it had been In ies palmy pro- leotim day., and was only • fisting place for graces, tombstones and epitaphs. 81:JAUIN GRANT was the other alleged " beg gun." end proved to be a smoothbore of .bort mage. Why the old gentleman was ever let loose on the political platform is • mystery 11wpt that Go.s.rvtive talent is gest eg soarce, mad the party sir - agent thought Bir JAume Gould; travel es hie knighthood es 01708 Jos. t111 brovelltag es hie nee. Poria.e the beet Shia, in k(a spoor was wises, in the course of his turgid elegnsoee, be waxed hdtgseat at she idea tbae sortie .beau b.. she hardihood to my that the N. P. bad anything to do with the price of wheat. The prtos was oos*rolled id the peal markets of the world, sad the N. P. bad manse whatever to do with ft. Now, Jests RAtrosior, of -Clara, lee 5..a try- ing bard fog mese* pane be make the fus- es believe Mae the N. P. i. keenest .p the pries .1 wheat ; •ad whoa She deagkty knight made this etateeness It was • /Mass ler ma artist mea. the salt .enbmeak.r was hie and apes hie head Rad 5ie elbow es kb knee, teatime like re who had bow seri- tray lejird by a ww0Y-he friar. " The brat gem " was loaded WNe bleak aseMdge, sod the fume wee .amps Than •n. Sue hexa.° w,ti the very lilt. assertion IA living churoh u always •ggreeetee in ohar.c:er rad miasiou.ry to aptnt, tnet•a0 ' ins the church of the first oeOtury, • hand felof men sod womo,rude end uncultured, but became as the Saviour predicted, His wttov0es even to the uttermost parte of the war H. i The motto ot the honored founder of Metbodem, " Tos world is my perish,' was shown to he the gives seed of the imamos. lady u .»..next of Metbodism,•nd the speak- er Qwte Emir..Emir..w very 000ms history of the move 1 mefrom 1784 10 the present. Theo she dealt with the t% otttan's Mis- sionary Society :a particular, :slating the I degrading teachings of Confucius, Motown- abed and Boddie o,uaeroiug women. So isolated were they that women alone oo.ld help them through the gospel of Christ No one until Christ came recognized the true sphere and miestos of wanes. He made marriage sacred and gave to w a true home. His pure life, his doctrines of pardon and restoration, hoe tenderness in the presence of suffering mode her • loving disciple. Woman hod to shore is the wrongs and cruelties which ultimately broke hu heart. Women formed a part of that oompany who, being filled with the Holy Ghost, be - iron to speak with other tongues in fulfill. meat of the prophesy : " I will pour out of my spirit upon ell flesh, and your sone end your daughters shall prophesy. ' Slee became • recognized factor in the church. It was Priscilla more than any other bane beingwho laid the touodation of the Christian hurch •t Rome. What sewed memories cluster round the name of Saint Helema,tbe mother of Constantine the Great, because of her devotion to Chresti.m. ity. The speaker closed • very interesting paper by an earnest appeal for greater real .ad energy in mi.sios•ry work. Mose F:v Acheson sang • solo very sweet- ly. Mies Picked' paper oo the Sin of Worry iag followed. Said the young lady, God has gives us life. There .re then three eess•otele to the inanimate. of that Ilse, food, clothing sod shelter. May we sot trust to Yom for thin. trot that we should not work and provide for the future but having done our best we Mould trust in our Heavenly Father's pro- mise to provide. Not to worry would not mm forgetful - n em of the future, Our Lord when on earth h ad hie dtsoiples carry • bag win= would represent for us life insurance, bank amounts and stock in trade. We should not as obristi•ns be anxious es to what is going to happen we ars in God's world sod we are his people and He bas pre- mixed that we shall lack no good thing. flinging then followed' and afterwards the retained missionary from .1 •pan. Mies Morgan gays • very interesting address es- pecially to the ohildrsn of the Mission Band. Mins Morgan especially addressed the waren of tie Mission Rand who listened with rept steatite es she related the ore - verniers of several to Christianity, in par- lissar • little bey who was 000verted tbre.gb his sister Nnpiag the hymn " little hands to work for Jesus,,' and who is now Sure himself sip in ons of our 0..adma o.11sges for the ministry. Then .he told of her fist Sunday School elan of some half- deas. pupal& What per.seutiooe the) had to endere and yet how steadfast, and of the gewwth sad progress of the school. Ah. n ted ibe ooaversten of • poor old Jammer wooer who was 000verted through • obeli'. Moe doctor, • .1•pa.0e whose appetite for drink bad been t.►so sway through firth u Jews. Mm Morgan, oo.0ladis,, nide • vary lonohing appeal se the ladies for their sympathies sad prayers. A vary interesting and pregtable after- math was brought to • ole.. by • rene.ers- ti.n meeting lead by Mr*. Road. of Sea - forth. [,1114s t'rni.t.' a[[Tto... Rev. Mr. k,d,e ha chair. R... Mr. Bend of ss•torth oared meet - be by readies the 46th Psalm followed by creregatiesal *aging and prayer by Mr. Min Morgan the spaker of the nes- .aa�Istgwwthe.ed as e intred. ohs Irina by Many of .m have bard raids of woman's semeises of J.pas g mesh has beem said o1 its bereft& Noway. its stead mesntsisa its pee* we w mkt w obsrmag bright sed ee.re.S.a Seme forge% they aro ►..thima„ banes heath's .«hese. Tokio le the emir of ger work .hick is maned se by .seams of boarding means fee Trap Wien Thy w a urease to ea and wale we mfr team • gland thersmgb ed.. es rioath pupil is oM.ned es lave •• bra pryers sad els bilis sass the n thin whoa they Isar the .sheenpryers Ned repealing bible glories .a noisier' the sheet a in her depo.tiM= he was finally) *ea- rned to God .toed i. now • leading Clue - tam. Nothis, so impre ees the girls of oar erode as to tell them of our Clinches home life. Often several of the girls .111 some to me and gay. Sema (reacher), 1511 01 • story. 05, Se..., tell us about your *.other, Rad I tell them of the quietness of the Sabbath, of the Sunday Sobool, of the quiet talks is the eventing with mother, sod than they say with the teen/streamingdown than (Roe., Oh, Sanaa, our mothers we 5.4. n othing of them Sims, are there any had people le C.n•d•. People who do sot love Jesus. Theo they are puzzled and wonder ores I till them this .re mon is spite of timer privileges Oto poor girl said she was so happy jest to see me smile. the sed In •11 her bite she had never beton gees any000 smile. The people in J•pas sr. ready for the gospel. There is muoh to emoours's A good deal bas been done, but there are 300,- 000.000 who have not yet heard the gospel. We h.v. 40.000 baptised Christians. How we need your prayers and support. Our looks, smiles or .ado.m are taken mono, of. The burden seems often greater than we can bear. God hasten the day when Christens the world over shall joie in • grand hallelujah of praise unto Hun who g.v. His life for them. Tog tett of Scripture which decided &lies Morgan to be • missionary wee the 1115 verso of the lzi. chap. lsaieh the words : So tie Lord God will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before .11 the 001tcros. " Rev. Mr. Holmes, of Clinton, closed the meshes by • short •dress on the rules of the Methodist church. Beginning with the query " ('.n they be violated without sin and showed quite oonolu.ivelt that the keeping of the rules meant 000ssoredios to Christ, and penman purity. Benediction. COMING AND GOING. Leonard Sebio.on of Stratford is in town. Mrs. A. .1. Moore :t* visitiog in Strat- ford. Jas. MoMnth, of Clintoo,was in town this week. S. P. Smith, of Clinton, was in town this week. J. W. Watt, of Hayfield, was in town o0 Monday, JThursday. Gregg, of Exeter, was in town last S. Rev. E J. Herrin, of Clinto.,wse in town Saturday. Manger Henderson of the Bicvole Co. is around again. W. M. Sinclair, of Brussels, was in town on Thursday. Dwight Hervey has returned to he home in Essex bounty. J. M. Bent, barrister, of Se•torth, was in Godertch on Tuesday. J. D. Swenson, barrister, left tor • busi- ness trip to H•miltoo. Sir Jas. Grant left by the 2 r. N tram for Woodstock on Friday. Mr and Mrs. Tbompeon, of Sesforth, spent Sunday in town. John F:mmertoo ie crossing the Atlantia to re -visit the old home. Mrs. P. It. Wallace, of Toronto, was in Godrtoh last Thursday. Mrs. Whitney, of Woodetok, u visiting her mother, Mrs. Hy. Martin, .r, Jas. Stewart, South et., has been serious- ly iodispo.sd the past few day.. In.peetor of Inland Revenue, A. Cavan, of Stratford, wv in town this week. Mrs. L. W. Hansen and Mw Duffield, of !Vaughan, are the meets of Nino. D. \I ('or,nuc k 8.,na,. (.nest and Arotis (hokum go to Louden noz1 week to be ezamined for senior tsetraonletion. D. Mc('ormiok and wife sad Ilen.on Whitely registered at the City Hotel, Lon- don, Tuesday. Mr. Homes, of Clinton, preaches in North st Methodist ohureb nor* Sunday, moraine and eveoing. Mrs henry Morrie was in Brampton yesterday attending the m•rri*ge of her i•ieoo, Mies N.II. Pointer. 'Yrs. Biokle of Dungannon, who was the rest of Mrs. Hamlin the past two weeks, left -town yesterday for Kiaorrdisee. Yr. and Mrs. Wen. Moline were in Hamilton this week attending the 'mend of Mrs. Peter efoiere., • former resident of Goderioh. Rev. Joe. Eire is down •t Stratford .t. tesdbg the eemion :of the stationing com- mittee for the London conference, which m..o next week. Mem Martha Payne, of Chasmic, Min Menlo, of Detroit, and John, of Ashtabu- la, won at the family residence tide week, having bees Galled home by their father's death. Yim J. Miles' of Chicago, was in town this emelt. The lady came to steed the funeral of her brother -in law, the Ism (,'bas Pyne, but was not in 11.. for the esr.- nany. Pt0-m w Il .lee= Mr'Kr ROOM -Pieta. .ism 1 --Notate having for Conference the Rev. T, M. Campbell, el the First Metho- dist (5rrsb, P5..., was the recipient of m. •ppr.ei•Mve address mad • parse from the member ei the Rpw•rth League, a whish he has always erten the deepen intern. Gr ye mese ••e•d•. the R•onrding Snow. ark, ea behalf o1 Yr. Campbell's W y Mende, read as addr*m expressing the high arm a whisk be is held and their sneers resin is now o1 hie &analyser removal Item f'ist's. Mrs. Gentile) was amen. bored by eh. cabers of her Bible .lam n very head...n asap and the Wadies pseibie reboo ,by 's • Mas. Dewar Yard. Mr. it Mrs. (amp- . heseel tires surpri.*d, were man ee the remiss and replied n theist rms. -Globe. • Weekly Men•e1 of Oen0sy stew• served np so MM Everybody - rub and nine oatpped aid fo.deased 0..t *veru mettle.. Exeter Yrs. Jas. Willis and am, Willie, spent inadey is God•nch. tluevle : Mr. Farrow, sr., is suffering from emigres" of the toot, and but alight hopes w setae -tamed tor he r oovery. Exeter : Thos. Worry, of Exeter, left on Motaday, for Manitoba. on • prospecting tour, with • view to making • home there. Klyt : Jodie Doyle hes gives 5ia demo in the sem of James Karr vs. oorpora too of Blyth, in savor ot the .41- - F.zeter : Mrs. Robinson, relict of the lee Wm Robinson, of St. Mary., at on• time • resident of Exeter, died at Toronto oa the 12th islet. Ethel : Mss. A. (rook., who hes been fll for the past six or seven wonthe,di.d et her 0otker's rwideno. on Monday. She was in her 29th year and loaves • bwbamd and child. Zuriob : 1 be Catholic congregation have moored • priest tor themselves, Rev. Fr. Theo. Valentin, and has moved into N. Foster's dwelling. He speaks both English and German. Kipp..: R B. McLean, who is well stocked with potatoes, made • generous of- fer of 100 bushels 1:..e to the neighboring towers, for the benefit of any in need,but no one wanted them. Exeter : W. Howey stopped • runaway born. in • novel manner. The animal was running at • rapid gut, several persons fail- ing to stop it ; but Mr. Howey by throwing • handful of duet into the air stopped the horse metaatly. Kuser : William Horn, of the London road, a short dnteaoe south of Exeter, died o. Thursday .renin,. 1)eosamid had bees oendoed to bis hemn the pest eight years, suffering from rheumatism, but • recent seven attack of erysipelas beamed kis d"7. : Ab Wambold died lest Sunday. A funeral service was held in the Baptist church on Tuesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. lar. Narroog, of near New Hamburg. The remains were then oonveyed to Water- loo, whire they were interred on Widnes• day •fterseoo. He was aged 85 years and 6 month& Happen : Mr. Clegg, is not only ored- ited with being • good station stent, but ie oleo • fine (armor and gardener, and knows bow to keep • now. He has • oow making her 14 pounds of butter • week, or 37 pound• of milk at • uniking. Mr Olegg wishes to hear of any neighboring farmers doing better. Myth : J K. Kelly 0111 complete his pre- sent 10 months contract with the corpora- tion on Sunday evening next, and after that date our village will be without the electro lights until the first of August. During the summer Mr, Kelly Intends .renting • new power house, which he expects to be the finest of the kind in this section. Seatorth : Police Gillespie had to pav the peuelty of • violation of the 'move -on by - lair. On Thursday- evening he was stand- ing on the worth oorn.r of Maio and Mar- ket streets, close to Robert t\'illis' *how window. when hie foot slipped and smashed one of the large pass of glans. He didn't have to appear before the m•Yor.but it net him more than seventy-five omits. Blyth : During the program of the leeson •t Trinity church Suoday school last Sun- day- the ropennmodeot asked the scholars if soy of them knew where Queen Vonore lived. Ole small boy held up his hand sad answered '•1:odenoh." The superintendent then said that if the Queen lived in Gode- rich, what was her name' The mane small boy twain held up hu hand and •eswered • Lord A'yrdwo „ So mo••h f ,r vimag 1'I. •5 Serforth : John Livesgstom, er , partsar of the firm of .1 it .1 Livingston, flax ams- ulwtnr.rs, Baden, Listowel and Seaforth, died very su•ddeoly at he rw.idwooe in Lfn- owel, about 10 o'olook 'Thursday H• had been ch•ttin, with inn. friends la • neighboring house, and suddenly put his hand to hie heart and omplained o1 • se- ven path. He hurried home and • phyei- an was summoned, but he died in about 20 minutes. C. E. L. U. The following are the topics for the dif forest young people's societies which meet daring nett .eek • Knox Church \.P.M.C.F.., Tuesday even- ing at 8 o'olook. Topic for .lane 9, "The (craw of Hamlin y.'' i.s.der Mies M. Molitor. North -et Methodist chords R.1. of (.I:., Friday mese' at 8 n'olock Topic for hese 5, "A (:ow.eors•ed Sows ' Leader E MoKrib. Apse ooa.s..eion and roll nail. Vioeori•-.t Methodist cher.► F: 1.. Friday evening •t 8 o'olook. Topic for June 5, "'Tie Ways of the W joked and Their End." A11 ars oordidly invited to attend these wteatin, THE HARBOR. A rumour berg eiroheed than pickerel had entered the river, ono of our most ex- pert anglers tried for them last week, Mos did not get • bee. The pant week wee so stormy that fishiest bean mimed several lifts The e*hee.tr Sophie, of this pert, west by no • ..ry.rn eearee n• Saturday. The schemer Koff.,* arrived la peen es .iand•7 right from .lohan•on's Barber with • aortal nl l.mMr Ger Wm. Raises The embosser (banger roughed bar d*ok 's Seeday sight with 130 bend of owe' few be. Wit• Works, ..d 500 Mme for the North •mmem. Chemise! Os The rag mid end of last week limieted *b* armbr of await anglers. The week se the saw mill is beiue psehd ahead with vigor, and *iia will be board the beaks r1 *he eau.