The Signal, 1896-5-28, Page 7THE SIGNAL: OODKRIOB. ONT. THURSDAY MAY 28, 18M. 7 If? . •paid sewer who .hall be as Osaete a> ywhomit r. wle to rebe lbs hsesamea dimes abe • bean ! soy lino ay be Masud te• aare.yrwbw 11 you want to preserve a s.r% when bemoan .0 hew the Asa • and ownedbsewsw the pset&a If the apples, don't cause a break patties nil M eerie ups & ts4 ' t►. sem Re by Isere ler the pro meed of /sassy see to be mimed. mor meshnete entad isls sr sdimre Mesemid, after the 31a et 1)e - amber is oath year. Geese& slay eager a el 1 segist4 Mt the owvis sty ail aofe�e. penesai r P eres sail Pepe et my hese e( the yJ A -pleas wises shims, tame er iseerposat ed willspe meet be t-mmenaed wttha sea es dope el the beeidest t the liemitaion of tow webs to 1b ser el township Is no - 'dared. The ahesss a. aM a apply to ewe of midget bappe•i.g Were Pe 7th M April el Pb year. The remedy is wholly easiest the simaipakty. A essay w Miler ..anis may ghee nasi is aid .fssap reed rummies tat. • Mosty rued. in the skin. The germs of decay thrive rapidly there. So the germs of consump- tion find good soil for work when the lining of the throat and lungs is bruised made raw, or inured by colds and coughs. is Emulsion, with hypoiZosp)ites, will heal inflamed mucus mem- branes. The time to take it is before serious damage has been done. A So -cent bottle is enough for an or- dinary cold. M mete ad SIMM &rm a IS Coonan. ll+«r. Out RECENT LEGISLATION. FOLL.OWINO the practice of for- mer yea. if le proposed to br406y dost ate Is them Moms eon abases made is :h. lbw, by in. Ptwivaal Iwgi•lt•re, during Ate Irl melee r icy be of general patio amen Registration of Birt he, eta -The Wt hae bees roetaod and uosaoluiat.d. Bak. Shops -Provision is made for the Mtp.etioe sad regulation et seek. Poise Offers in the sip Le obarge of a .anon are authorised M take bmrl. Police Ma,40tr•ee.-TM Bill pope ling Mw.. to pay them .aIriao did et beam Mw. Qe40tirg Tit ler-P.bM&.tioe by .dist. easement when the property is of lase vale Pas $3,000 is dupeas.dd woe. The Ltd'• Ilry Aot.-"Fermi."en sow added to the Mem of purse prohibited from exorcises( thou o.11isg on 8saday. Alcoogei. Perk. -The superintede•t ie to be ex utow health impactor, sad the park rapers sanitary sleep-ctors of the L.a.dl.rd and T..a..'.-8. ;tion four of the as of 1896 is rep..led sad • sew swum substituted which ei. at r. et say doubts es M a @want's not M risme bis Betnne. Fraud by Debt Collators -Perim w- ag oolorsble imit•tiose of any of the far as appended te the Lhvinno Courts Act, age muds liable to • 6a of tu.oty dollars a dog The Manistee! Arbetrataos Aot is 'stead. d to &y muniesp.Lty wb.,:., pass..... • by-law to that effect, whereupoe tb. of6n&1 •rt•►Irotor of Toros. o moons. the sols arbt- ttseer. M.siapal Auditors. -A board of previa - MI mitten, ooseistisr of three Moored ace ai.'.. may be app Opted. wbo may ser m•M.4 of oummimte...rs mdse seam 380 of the ltuataip.l Aot Dewar Aro. -Further provision is made for ems where the was ter Pea live% apart tram ism ►mlanJ for five yes en er men, sad tar sees where the witness was ender ate Mom sheer. 1 eUow. and Book Kaot Aol -County seesm&& or* new empowered to appoint ao issp.otoe rumor this .at, to sod sad mese the toed inepuotors and to Wt a loam inspector whom son. ha bees .ppomted. Sheriff.. -The • thee bourn ore to be from 10 *.e. to 4 r r , nape dieing the keg sod Canasta .setons, when they are to Nese at 1 r it. The sheriffs of Tot onto e nd York are to have a half boliday amen S&a.rday. Jaren at Cron.ri lsqueses are to receive fifty east. i it each day of four hose •.1 $1 per Mss tor asp longer period : ala, u• oats a mite ter travelling h pewee. Jur on no o volepeest are not to be entitled to • fru. Lee lmur.se Acta -Some amendms.e air made heron. Os payment of • Doan muted license f.., Insoranas aorpor•$sos., uudereekfse cosmos of iwraso• with i owe m tmbrs, shall sot be aomp.11.d to register its aeeetm Ldivtde&ly. ifuooesrion Dots. -Provision is made aesimt .vmios of payment of these duns. by disposition of property is .tioipsuon et death, or by purohace .1 anoatles. Prop .rty brought into Osberio from without Um Provisos is made liable to Cho duty. Wages for Labor es Public Works.- Pr) race is made for the promotion of em - • w. w►N th• gostr.aen m.ke default, eel W mmop.% de se them may be 4. - domed frees any ismer payable to the ooutr*ceer, under any legislative crest Travelling Shows or ClrsseSM are required to pay a provisoial, is odditiss to ti o Mu- nicipal houses Salaried D.mt. r. sad pro- visnal .nssuble aro to hem ha amen to mob. . sd elks to every hoe. rasa, mi. h esltard, bort4.dtarai er idumrial exhibi- tions. Berse. ry Lie Disposes - W here in say siloe it appears list a material gumbos aria se to the tree dedeaties el a bend - ere lima assn question is M be niorr.d to REMARKABLE CASES Chronic Lvaltds noised Amen Their slats nods After Giving Dip SW" Laml&Ps. Ont. -Henry t. Nkh.l&. 170 Rectory street, catarrh t• roaotrered. Dr. Aye's eaten$ pro. 25.. 'Predate -Geo. Crowe's Mille. !taking enema % care. Chari'. Olsttiat Truro.B.&-H. H. 8.thsrised. travel' M 10?. p1 . e,7. bad ease ; method % Ch.se's glinLees-Wm- Brenta'. nerd's'''. Na worms % all tone. Chase'% Pills L'Amabie-_Pater Vela Allan. soseoln fee three Chase's Untwist. Ooweyears. n -R Oarebe so B..rtard. dread- ful Intim piles, so yeaagainra. Well a gamin'. O1atret. eOt. elWMTre erg-Neleoo *Ammons, Whim' oared. Chess'. (M.tmont ilnatwe-Else• Ric hernia'. &testy sad PIP. 11.. belle. Oso Mx Qh...'a Will's as. ntpptd with rad oaflert.t from dlakseM aallthletely r.eover4t abace'e PIlle. Matsbasi TwersoM,-•.P.Mr T.yle41 kW' :76.11145S. $0 men : anon Obiesee l•reerto--Mb a *mitt& Od.ap IVAA alieerford street. gabfest od deed sail Il146 t!w »6 _ ti IJi- err. Chemet am.alse w y V s`> asseiesu. sates Key iron. yeasty jdre Nip i@mttee b6m, Relates el Iswie ss Desoamd Peruses. -- be mems el &Asleep el seem, asthma belting seeneity are tetar.d to value the ems i I.pht ons She jades may Ea a value (Js. Lem ass he required M map Par a - amity •t se edema of tea per coat. on .cob vele.. TM iog4ry Ass el 1803 le amended in •rims tempoea The Ake is es Mee he registration of t.otr.m sts M 1 r. N.,on 8at- r4sps dtwiee h.r .statin. MasteepaU- Use ere te r eely. a how pr.psrnss than horseshoe et the exam Imes b.yeotd tbae. moo eiipela.d lee. 8eltrr.M Gonne -Power M remove an •xwitr le ems/wed whore the seta•e does sat eamad *1.000. The peeing el aments helm. Pe .sag.le tele a t. b. Ids epee all ni panics who Tawe bas d The emir* jades of the oonstopert b no Doge: to be, ex•oaaie, jodielrr the surro- gate Omen, Overbeldieg Tant' Aot-The pr000d- u• b otmplenby doing away with the proodare ender ..m... 2, amid provides My roe the sppsi nse.t by the )adg• to • time amid plass ter •a e.qdry The �r�afool loom .mos whisk the lsadlord re- ties t. be set ons is the .ethos of ne time and plea of ►sarins. Amig....le for Beset el eradiate,- atelJ....4. @lade fr the examt.&ties of any pesoom who ie or ha bees an agent, clerk, servant, oMoor er employee of any kind of the aerigeor. Abe ter aempatlieg he prodootan of any person having in hi.@ paganism any book, dooustest or caper re- latte' to the debtor, kis deal's. or prop arty. Chattel Mortgage. -A sari( of fees le prescribed to be obargable a tapas of stia ore ad este. Contracts, whether in writ- ing or verbal, to give • mortgage r bio of male are to be deemed martgagea, or ba145 of sae, and am, a against creditors' saber game mortgages or prroh•esn void, un- less the Ch&.id Mortgage Act u oa pplied with. [aapeotion of Meet lied Milk. - Cilie• and tomes may esttabbee publicslsagkter bases Pam.•.Pam. tees for defraying the .set. the heal board of health to bays oostrol. The 1 ail board mel• employ oomp.teet persons to esepeot ail slaughter boom, meat -pack - tag establishment, animals, careless, and meat brougbt to and intonded for human lead. Also tmpeot milk, end test for tub- erculosis Public Libraries Aot--Softie. 19 is re - pasted and • sew omen sete440hd. Muoieepabties are @.•bbd to osnteibate to a ases•ao.. Townehie (',faeib ay •p point a board of m.sagtsmsnt te be known se •• The Patella Library Board The NO/. warmest wants are e toper limited to the atm ot $46,000 a atestioasd in the set of Pat year. B.rde may appoint their own treasrer. Aes.•.mmsi Act. -Goode ad ohatt s's oe the pr.miesn, et b.lootug to the perm 1 able for t►sm, are mot to be .rbjeet to 111112 are. The rearietion ie not to apply whet the property is claimed by relatives. The Roti ad o6.tak of ea owner, if fond e. toe premises, are to b• lube to douses whether sock owner be naiad for such premien or not- A tso•ot who has sot .v.- .4 with kis landlord to pay tares may pav items to the esll/otor,•ad deduct the mount hem his taxes, The Tres Pisatiag Aft t• repealed .ted • Mgr ase substituted. As i•/potter of trees U.y he appointed. The Prow 'seam Tracer 'Jr M romp to the mmsielpdfiy oe-half of prowess or bene paid by them for tree- pla•ctw. Persons tying er t.suoloR any e.ieo•1 tbrso,or injuries or dem oyiee any tree planted upon any blgbway,er remorse ems without permission. is liable to • ea of $2S and oat, ad is default of paywt thirty days imprieament Half M• 6se M roto tag @former. The Like amities are imposed u ream of shade or ormsenW trw oe boundary line, Asnig.ment• and Proforma by I..ol.. .045. -14 • °r.dtter fails to value hie secur- ity power is gives by Ms judge to bar kie claim es ageism the nets Contestation of elating may he deetdd by rbe judge in • memory Miser. sad without 'rising an •else. A. ..4ga.. ..v distribute aim. is the same maser as • sheriff nadir the Creditors' Reid Aot, and in that oboe the provtd.os of that teat ars. for that papa. to apply. I..p..tote are not to motive any sem above their travelling exposes@ except by r.soltties of the or.ditwe, snob alloy/ - mew not to exceed $4 a day. Tb. Lew Courts-Pnvis►oo is made for the removal e. an exactor or trustee, either for osnse, or apes hie owe When the gam b $1.000 er soder the ap phe•tiea is to be to t4. musty "oat All &otiose against mustoipsl corporations for damages, arising teem tees -repair of road., mom es einem km are to be tried by a nee. without • jury, and is the musty ia when sash road is site ted. When to s iodise oily area be Maned ler • Division- al Coen, if the jedg•s diner the eon w be !'.snood before tiro.. * .Mice regoir- leg • jury ie to he gives within fear days after do .lose of 14*. osdyL ta. arfa..d nee el eine' or whimsies are to be is the dewed= el the wart. The (Mme L•wa-TM kiting et deer is, or immediMtoly after leaving the Peer is prohibited. A liesmt be bat mat be M mined. the fes kr whin s me be $0. At. ta.thd 15th. beam are be he two snippier coupons, fie el whim is to be meshed se e.e deer r port of doer es uNpmesl ad cocooned by •rrrimr en anivisg as pant d destination Although the ►.ting •m-& am...s.s es the 20th et Oeteber, a no- ises is te be shipped and the let d Ne ember. ad sat with•.& • aspen mantel Comet= or part of .s.utfes may be Gm apart is wkieh it skull be subtotal to k U deer. Settlers bre ptrdtbited frees s4Nist mots•, ilk, reindeer or earth*. bolero .ne let of November. 1900. High t ted Casty OmetlaPee -The y- p•intmest of • He,► Cental& l mode is- rm egad the drthe a eke i +..p...9 Masi en- derd- awn -aux 0. Pe serMisse of the maginerete and tit Mea mmendaDon el • sonny padga • osteab& 40 w be paid by the treasurer 75 per Mill el W mast without foaling; fon the of N.6060, by the Mrd et mat. The Mrd d audit amy allow M a emeabie • ensemble mean is Whims tie hie tri/ bet le ease ef emempsey.pra .fo40s le made teres edeas.., set tg eed- toe POO. the dist&s d trims A new 151/ el ham b preemelgeeed, Lsmatsing the Pe in semi mess, •aealiv is the eon d .iflesee. wide le to :he Miner ante Mileage 1e .toed Poises we Seeime• er before Lewises is e&e te he &Beal. MaW, I Aft. -i. towtesbfp. see dived. of me weld&, ssmiat&as Amy take peer .t 1 e. N. 1s shim std tows the ru ng mititer. re •t the doe 1 iii tats ktrtnwhb to Mb b thebona path tote gum el tM dirk el the magi Meaner um•ssps • &lied&) Mso. Nwaspy ere le 4.their line mm4Mg en Pe ow fid rested M the third filesthin . how CLe ty Cert, -The l.riedibei.n b sow barely •slss4.d. Title is bed may b. 4401, where the wane .. leader :M0. Ales N. v*Udley .f • bequest not uw.dlor lied where the yahoo of the mon dem tont awed $1,000. la ligaidated damages or debt •esere•I..l by the sot of the parties r by the •beaten of the defends.* to $600 (formerly $400) sad to any motet e snob aces wire the parties agree to try in She meaty smart. La Weeper oe i.f.ry 1. l..d, where the valise d the Peer dose sot exceed $'100. La ptwtsttship moaners when rho jotot ea* dose not exceed $1.000. le mime to ream • Is1Pu7, et .xesdlsg *400. sed the vale el tee sena dose et exceed 11,000. Is slimse to wafers • lies apes load when Pe mean churned deoi sot nosed $700 is .otiose Ir redemption where the sues neighed dose not erased M00. le enditore' satiate to task epee an ess.lvest suite, where the ohm does et mead MOO. Power is given to treader to the HLt4 Cort whenever it apposes that the limit has bees extended. Abend...meet of eases le permitted, whom the Ilmit is es - seeded In emetiee where then b. • sector ion • j tsar jades sed the pepd.tion derm not snored agility thoneerd, ase Pale is . vaaasoy d o.• el snob, no mood judge .s M be hereafter sweated Magnesia' Lissa-Existing Acta are re- pealed aid • new one emoted. The prisoi- pe ebssam are : Whoa work or mum' se $raided upon a in respect ot the Med. ei a needed mime with priviey of her hue band W merest is presumed to be lensed lnaeta•e• messy is to take the plea o1 property 160troyed by tire. Lion holders o f the sante Mee are to rook pan pane . tt ages' mess mosey earned tor labor, whether by the day or by pies week. Tb. taking of any •.entity is sot to effect • lion o .ler the parties iso stipulate in writing. A 1... ho'dr is esutled to demand from tel. ower the tress of the oostract with the Dentr'•oter, yid in !uie to an Woes is eat of refusal or giving • fake stetamsst A jedge se empowered to make an order for the produotioa or iaepeotioo of rush ono. t -sot Aeneas os leens so liana are to sushi mewed by •t•teenent of claim, and other Imo holden served with 'tattoo of trial •r• to he oo.oidered as parties to the union. Soob actions may be tried before • local mater or an o0ci•1 referee, awd • preced- e nt is provided for. The octets is the else- o rpe are not to *road 25 oar Dont of the amount roamed, inclusive of the disbars. meat., It • liers bolder fouls to establish hie o111m, be may sill recover • perusal judgement- A mooba•ic who ham bestowed . kill, labor or material open • Patel me a to acquire a lion thereon. in ase M remake bop•id for three 'soothe, shall Imre the right, in addition to .11 other remedies, to sell by suction the oh•tt.l, oat gives, Dee week's Douce, by advescio.mect,of the time sod plat, of sole, and leaving nous with the .weer. Tb. iehool Aote have not yet bees printed mod will hereafter be sold in doe toere.. Oso. H. DAavtttu., Josir Judge. I:ounty Onions-. Whitby, April 20th, 189e. Grim memo. Aa undertaker is Li•pdtt. who eked out tb• profits of his trade by letting apart - w t, bung op • nous board over • omit Is. hie show window with the iaaoription : •• Lodgings for single pili. the will take no Risks. Shrewdness of a w.liknwwn Olty Merchant. Rs :maw WUAT WAS GOOD POR KIN. la wiser: when Canadians spend a large psrtien of their time indoors and cannot have the same variety of fresh food as in slimmer asd fall, indigestion said_ dyspepsia afflict a aalonte. "II anybody will ten me that dyspepsia is its advanced stages a perfectly carable, said a Targets 'merchant. ' I will sake W ward. Tersosally I ran no risks. As Moa as I feel a eons of weight in the stomach, after a .seal, I k..w that my blood is sluggish in circulation. Ia my hulloes' I caaaot take much exercise, amd I fight the first site of stomach &rubles with Scott's Sarsaparilla. It has saver failed me, and has saved me many • decs.r'. bill." lb:at% Sarsaparilla possesses medbdasl properties superior to all other .ocaad sarsaparillas made. As a remedy fat ise digestion, rheumatism. pimples, scrofula eat all blood diseases, physicians stale that its equal was never Evers. Sold es per bettla, ef all dealers. Ask your Druggist fe 'Nth Murray & Lanman's FLORIDA WATER A DAINTY PI -MAL tITEACT Par fl- ,041 E. Toilet and IIe1R. WHAT'S THE USE 9 Ames•, hew w..M it be Y you Maine ay .540' N•lememes•-Uel .--yes W heeler add Th to it make tom► Maury 1 you will .meso blas'& senile op a .o.. D.m'r *Welk .bo•i peer 1e. Wit's Pe en It only stakes you worry, and keep you an a Merry. Ther. • e erects. Don't talk about ,..t wrong. n make@ it Imo so luau What's the w! It only *twee you pout and w/eri.g amis. Tber.'s nu /row Don't talk of .oar mishap, It's ooly ewe exon rap. What's the see' 1t 'rely eta w•oy, sad year pees of mad d destroy Tin's .o excess Don't talk of your ate otaoo, it oases esti, fro:moo. Wit'. the use! It np.w• an old .or., .ad worn*, you the MOM. There's ou .:cues. D.re't tel. •bout tour sorrow, you only trouble berme. tV hat'. the rise' It a.lv m.►.e y •u sad, and soul and glum sad mw. There's ao exDace. It le • fort.wate d.. Co. • mea .1N. be Mrri dlseev.vs the vests of Ay ten S•respa• rille as a M•.••d punier. V. ills this midi. Poe he knows he has (,.sod • remedy ape which be eon rel), and that hi. life long mal.dv 1. .t lar enn,luored. Hes cured others, ass marts y .a Ahnpk.e ter ('o . I.'.snso.o ) -tl a aro eo well scoo.tum.d t'. ...rh other, Frselern MAKE UP YOUR MIND 1. seep se well e 15 everything else. Old-t•shiesed Seeps and Meg lrhaes•d drudging weetrayo reset good onsisgh they ter.petreale people. well Sunlight .Mier. Soap sad are keeping their beams dews. erigft and dnoerlal with very little Leer. Te all wte nes t1W west4- tamed &..p it mesas LEI$ LAIN CM1ATEt C4f'ORT BOOKS POR forevery rys motto Lwow WR APPBRS { metals Lad, Toronto, a pepentomed book .ill b. /601, er • doh -berme fix M wrap Break lip a Cold is Tulle .y U•1N Y• ED PYA P RAL The gale& Caw.. kw wows* cOLUM. Clta.l'r. lnitost- Ctl1TLl, fOAWM:leRae. elm Nes. Jo.s.r liva.tu, of is Durum au A..., 7,actb, writer: rr w..w oft iler ear. 6.. It ter •.D ams. nue • ... .mems... t...it•w.,w� II. r` of Ludo. lt..ctwr. N n . writ« a• • ea.. ser e..t►t Pv'• Peet.* r w rn eel: be.. .,.•..r - Large rfe.tto. ab Ce.. DAVIS It LAWItENCI CO.. Lro. Proprietors. Now •set Baby Wants It. Martin's Cardinal Food POW c.7At0T. ANO INVA40a. The most palatable food prepared, mei is unequalled by any otherprepse tiu., of its kind. The best food and the bled value, put up in one pound Tins, pries 23 cts. per Tin. Sold Retail byy al! !)r�b arid Grocers and 1Y.toltsrlr by KERRY WATSON b CO.. Pnoew.*was (t) MONTREAL. IT'S 1 DPbMAT WASTE DODDS KIDNEY PILLS QUERY Do you know of a case wherein DODD'S KIDNEY PIAS f ail'd to cure any kidney ailment ? If so, we want to know it. Over a million boxes sold without a single complaint TIE DODOS MEDICINE Clue. TORONTO I GRATEFUL -COMFORTING. EPPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST -SUPPER. "By • tbai.erm kaowledne el tip law wile► govern the oprrsttae• of •ndthepet rlties. sad by • revered 4N hksstar awl dfwell ir .•t .y epi etas may he• demerit M�s n le the 1.dteN60 w of ouch articles of diet that •... 111.11.. may bs'Mg 11•lty built ap wan ep.eg egie to Mei every t•seeooy to d1.60se. lirilds of entitle ma/adios are balms eertaa. may swam may to attack wherever them b • �• 4.154 1Mashes well fortilled with •Opirty sosrisked tram.'- 6 6MpIy with Milker water r intik sully 1. oaeteta.br Weems labelled rhos ams *PPS a e`•.. IAA., sem m.p.IU. Ch.mYes. ..owdem *.uta.,. PISS Coal & Wood Yard The undersigned begs to inform the public that he keeps on hand all grades of �� COA L AND BLACKSMITH COAL. PRICES OF WOOD REDUCED. ltps*la! &nasties given to Call and gest primes anti see samples' of wood A Ns. d Seel Water and Reg Ocoee and yard, NEi.BON-8T., it ass el forma And ethers. ems. Ne hs ayes. ion. Rapshrg „we seamed la D C. STRACAN. L •L. mats P. A Iles W. SodssMb.OM. hmptiwm Wgsbs-000edee elf. T. a. assess„ e1.Mith 01 Paint to put on a Poor Article. It .111 lac bat • short time and coat nearly as m.eh se a good onewhile the Utter will lar foryearsana lock bright sill the time Tree Itelsomy is in the the of • good article. As Nish we coo recommend SOM ER t' I LLE'S ABS& ILUTELY PURE WHITE LEAD 6etranteed by the White Lead Aeociation .f Oas.da, sad recommended by our Swede mum for yeoman the tont white lead es the DAVISON & CO. Good Good. and Right Pnoes. PATENTS! CHAT$. TRIBE RAINS 11110 COPiINMITI nigassad •11 boatsmen 1• the U. S. Meant dattended to at MODARI TL Puffs. Our eine le oppae/to the U. d. Patent Of Goa sad en sae o Patents is lees tlme Pa Mee !seat a from W I RHING TON. tend MODRL OR PRI WINO. Ws ad .1e se to*&Mut fres el sad we make NO (MAWS UNLESS Ws OB ?AIN PATZNT. We rater se the Postmaster, the emit 14 Mousy Oiier Div.. ..d be el las U. a. PIta.t 0Aes. Per elreek r. advise terms and retersa.e to tate& sliest. la Prom )we State or County write to r A Mayr a t+... Jeoeals@ Potent r)fl.is.wabtaetot D c 7-tr FOR TWEN I Y -SIX YEARS DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOICS BEST FRIEND LARGEST RALE IN CANADA. OODIIIRTOH Sr�riK&M BOILER WORK&. A. S. CHRYSTAL, tim earte o4rpstsl ♦ BlesM,f Maa.tawe.r•er of kind. et }BOILERS. Smoke Stank., Belt Puns Sheet Iron Works, etc., este., - Asa Dealer te- Regime, M.o►fs•ry ('.alines,All &ea of seem emit WiserG aged 4. il P&*Va ua I. Cheek Valves, .M.s r.r.. Nesters as le- jsseon Oo.dsntty en Head M Loom e Signal ono, store calls s'.outsl eMemt1 . Mitt Joh Printing fao►,tt►e, which are unser resod outside the oaths Der lee prompt mud proper eseuus of aU mamas d pretiag A prowl o/ this ass eses- nteet may suggest aosaeth►.g yea me bir in end of, sed is en* ones we sen- or your l,a;nwate, feel:0ad ooatides$ that cur ed.rte to pleas. will meet with the approval of our petr.0 as 11Ott iltutl►s This Urfa! -..e is kept in the all range of it.. t les same as IMAM heads. N l tm°. i\sraJs are not .O g.•n.,rall\ used, they au lmportaut ptaa, in oommeroia correefwate rlee. :lee what we've got un.Ior the *Love heads. -Letter ‘%tees In this line we have a very large •teen of titre writing papers suit able for every clic of business represented in this locality, ocani pruung laid and wove, linetlts, quadrille and other paperi, r,:leti or unrule,I, ILS may be reel:it..d. BA% iletas If the " pay-as-you-go " plan was the onirr of Uie (ley the dr owed for accouut paper w..ult1 cut be re great , out there are some mea who get so msuy dueners that they weirder d the muck will ever run out. We don't intent; it to, and at prudeut our stock is own pieta ill Ude liue with four sic.. Coed paper and twat ruling. gkattC11e\1tb Both single anti double dollars and cents columns. They come cheaper than bill heads, and are the proper thing to send aper a delinquent once a month. They are snre to fetch hit.1 'round- .ome•.tn.e. Y.hue\off\es Now, it would be hart to gob along without envelopes, scut to keep up with the demand for them we keep a large stack on hand. We have now about a hundred thousand in stark, end the prices will range from ".'•.. w 12.00 per M. We handle Doss mercial and legal sizes exclusively. olIWYAe1' 0.\ Z'Y. \%n ! has already been partially en.m erste,' in some of the heads above. Then- ss, however, a vest smoun of work under this head that to enumerate would more than take up the entire space occupied by this adv't, but we do it .11 at Tao SIONAL. to an "At Home" or a wedding require considerable taste in select tion sometime., but we make if an easy matter by keeping in stock the very latest and best samples to be had. Call and ee tOter MINS of entertainments and meeting promptly turned out, from the plain but neat to the most elegant with cord and pencil attached. er•Tty►\or tl We aim to excel in .il the differ ant kinds of work we turn out, bub especially in this, and keep in stock plain and fancy papers suitable for .11 requirements. Cords argil T'‘.tkets This head Doyen a large range el work, from a bread or milk ticket to a neat oalluig card, from ea or- dinary admission ticket to a tasty benison o.rd or a handsomely printed membership ticket. esters Our f*cilitiee for turning out this cies of work aro evidenced by the fact that the great bulk of it is dome by us.. This line also in eludes odor s which our three fast -running job presses .re able to turn oat in surprisingly short time. 8o\e. BA\s belong to the poster denerf.ment a1ttu, and we make a specialty of them --promptness being our in this respect A notioe of sale will appear in Tea RIOAAL free a charge when bills for onme Pe got bere. #\\ Rv *d.% of Work in the typographical printing line oma be doom in this establishment in se azpeditio.s and artistic assessor and Oahe 'P t vers w3'... bt j owe .6 tsar% rta%owattkL. Wo setup' oar *auks liar past fav- ors, and solicit a continuance of the Mame. T +11L %T (111 %T,, Oo.*aroa, 01M.