HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-5-28, Page 5TH STGGNAL : GODKRIOH, ONT. TH TRiDAY MAY 28, 1896. 5 RARE OFFERINGS This Week ntire Stock of new Para.Jols and Sunshades at Clearing Pri( 0 VER 200 TO CHOSE FRO.hf Black Olona Parasol+, 75 c., worth 95 c. Hoary Gloria Silk Parasols, fancy natural handler, $Leo dash, regular $1.55. Extra Large E..ze 1.1k ( 'over and Handsome Handles, $1.25, srorlh 91.75. Fancy Silver Handles, Steel Rode, Fine Silk Cour and 7 il.,rht Rolling, al 91.75, very cheap at 92.25. Dresden Handles, Latest Nt,rdlia, Extra Heavy and Fine Silk al $1.95, the $250 gwatily. INSPECTION INVITED W A CHeSON & SON. DIE[ DOYLL-I. Wyadotte. Mich, et 6 tl p ewad.r. M lei, Teale, tided daughter of Jaw Doyle. PHE TALK OF THE TOWN. From the Reporter's Nei beak N tou've a Mete r' a' Tor Deets. 1 rode to Met NI a Mawr. Amass We Takla' teem. an' Wale UVU Treat N.' -ears.. ism open voodoo as M whether the fight for the Ottawa $ablest creates crosier exciter meat than • cabling kg Hellon. The genuine Wefts Led, meddled by mold. teem •ad all largo cerpov.tfeae Is Um gestalts 11.nhent • White Lend. for sale at R. W. M... axis. Market 8euare. 70 tt euad y was Whku•day and Har Moet Ormions. birthday. While the Queer le kw people's rood will. her well dressed subjects Is 6oderick. posed Is Pridbam'. esti. Tee Bat Bair. -Is smother oilmen may be seen a few extreme from Buffalo papaws about the Roes, the !arrest ship shoat ea the lakes. LADY RIDoa-O. Sstarday and 11... 4&y lady riders from tows were me is ite- sU1er sad .t other points coolly di.tset from God•ri.b. LOoLIN.. res GERMS -Lost week the medical health officer netted the sellers of the stores se sod seer the Square, t• b01• then sanitary sssditioe. Sema Yarrow. has already • somber et Stammer vi.ttees, sed the vies are Mot ear pretty tows wtu be filled with goons before Jose is fur advanced. Psctxx-AT$O6 ADDtess.-O. page 3 will be found so ieterestiog article from Owen Sound mistier to ea .ddrem present- ed to Judge Mame an his removal from t!tss tows. THs Saw MILL -Two large bonen are being fixed and the engine will seem be placed to peonies .t the Harbor saw mill. The company expecte to be nmoktg b two wean. Fes THs CtXTaAL--Os Tuwld.y• Bailiff Esgfish, of the Coates' prises staff, took from the musty jail, Reeves and Merea who Were reee.My ie.toaosd te terms in the Coate/ Am/mkt. Soren. -Court O-derieb. No. 32. ('asadiaa Order of Fonet.u. will .t- rend divio. eervIs, .t Knox Aura em 8.a - day memieg, Jame 7th The servies will be preaabd by Rev. J. A. Aade eon. THE Rocas or lianas: -Inde week Mie McGuire, • Gedeeti pottiest .t the Hewes of Refuge fall dews the'esoesat steps and ajtued herself semewbt severely. ted as might be exported Meow en Ms tisk 1M. C.LLtutes.--Oa Saturday evades me of our eitisens woe k.oek d dews by • M- eyole .t the heed of Woe.•K Fear mho were Mee prrpoled et good speed, tad the pedantries. mei swig them •i bed smear fully peened those. when the her* en the subside •.d semen. magi* bio The oily 'any part of the affair .e thee the rider cisme to Mother Earth -s fit punish- ment for ridiag fest in motions armed too Syme es Saturday sight, whoa the Nears is orewd.d with our people mad as erns D umber of vehicles. It ebomid be ream bored by cycle riders that os the last nirbt of the week many farmers drive to tows, ad that groom' and butchers' w.gow ere in use till a late hour. N sirst enmc -The ladies et Oodericb wore diarmng Whitsa.tid• eo.tew en Seeley. The fair sex were able, the tint Man ler m•.7 years, is homer Mer Majesty the Queen mid keep W hitmmdey to the owe day. Lttu.• Diem•rrtotr.-Inspector W.J. Paisley readied town as Thursday sod completed the delivery of the limas. tor '96-'97, the ether part• of his diotriot her - lag received their authority to sell pre vt-usly. T. LASS Ways. -We eadoreteed that the three samples of irk• water seat to Te- rmite ter sealysis, have bdem reported se pare. and that theample takes from Dear - mot the beach woe the Noel if sot superior to the taken further out. Fntswoass DID IT. -0s Saturday °Yen- tas ems of Andrew's delivery horses, when in frost of the store was frirhto.ed by fire - molten sad started es the rut, making half the pours, of the Squ.re.thee stopping Melon the Maio twos of the Sonars. BAD TIDING° -New% from ToreM is to the offset that J. R. Mrllor,jmr me time lemmas, who hes been soriomiy UI for sad Mme past, is Myriad hope of recovery. Ter he ata.y friends is this motion the is- tent/moos will be reoe.red with real sorrow. ATTsrDiD TUT Fritga.L- Jobs Willie wee in )(halm Isom week. sees.ding the fasersl of his septum, Adam Johansen, which, from the ireumota.s of the destb, was very knoty attended. It appears that doomed was driving • wagon on the farm, when a esddes jerk threw hie od,ted strik- ing the erased head first, his peek was Maim Adam was 31 yoan of &iv, ied had lived es the Arta with his parents, be be lag the (rely child. Te s 8i'oar. -OD Tuesday 'maim s sten. visited Goderiob sod tetaity. There was net .Dob wtod, bat Ma come dews is Mtrests, IightsiDr flashed from sus mists el of the compass, efh le thusd.r peeled al- most beeoses.tly, sad so loudly as M make moms people think the sod of the world was mar. Two or three ebo.derbelte fell Dear at head. one of the. splitting • tele- graph pole es6side Yale's bioyoie livery sad doubtless bfli.W1 ether ammo Outside of too flight wend by the thunder ..d lightning the steno we • Meanie see, as the rale was jest needed for Me growing amps. Ten era AgmWWWAOT.-Lew Sabbath Rev. Jae. A. Asder...'s seem= ss.pleled the eighth year of he pssIer.M, aid though no edictal istimmies was gives of the 0pedsl esu.ie., the osegregrtien knew the 1•m se wee proved by the .•m of prettily unwed doom se pulpit .si Dread the platform. Lorre suagregaikes were presses te greet their obsess mhister. BARB WIRE. Is going up in price soon, and we advise farmer to (rdelr at once. WINDOW and DOOR SCREENS. 11 sine. and prices away down. PAINTS, OILS VARNISHES manufacturers' anufacturers' guarantee on every package. SPRAY NOW. But he careful ' Applythe proper ingredients in paper proporti.ma G,1111 and get particulars. WHITING f kitchen walla, prices down. i SAVE THE ' 01358.19' can show you how. It is sexy and coats little. GARDEN TOOLS, IMPLEMENTS, etc. ' ALEX. 11McD. ALLAN �,. Mils 1«i sr eeesa 6e Jena Taut .d .r pros..• were pl ass d et the /sate .et...e delivered. It ie see tis. pier ser .teal is ►e pm1pit Mem that the Month is tree 'rem debt, • Mian se heed...d re, .e regards at d•mem, entauoa...Dd love of dung ell Met meld be desired. sat Rev. J Amies* wee able to make mot • msec, Mid its maim .hems be mimes 6..11 who worship i. Kees (Caro► to Mese 1. well doles. Two 8w.ai seam latus Mr. Amoroso en late mitt yens' WM. sod Ms faithful pertor.a..e the duties per maim thereto, ..d the eresatio. of Kees (Carob es its 1 trent debt sad pesee.ise .f so MU es ismer. Tru Qu 's BLTODAY.-Th. day • pert for Her M.jsety's birthday w.. se .d ta by Meader, Iight.teg sad • good tali. N.verthei.es, se the time drew ter the early teal. to •tart, bu.drede of pestle woreensktsg for the Greed Tr depot. the Ivp.e ember of the ozo.reses lete eety.R 51.t Cheese. Wore the tr left oarrl•ges were penis( aloes the H road for Climb... sue the promotes kept tau dimes time bud p•amd. Carriages bit .amber, sed • few bikes, were .Lo the road to Daar•asou, but the t►reateei weather doubtless Mimed assay to take ears 1.r Cltatw wbo otherwise night he vested the earthsra •liken From earl minium till darkaw set is old Mai lied •Piton, maoy of whom epee! their ti ia be.atgtyisg pious whore thou. they " u memory dear" are despise. The cemetery already .bows moue of the . peat oa It the past t.w day.. A number of anglers, as te meal on the were trytes their lack from harbor sad dock, bet with few ezoeptioue, the proved so vrwt attr•ottoe to the finny Boats were freely u..d throughout the d mach .ajoymeot being apparently dart. rota this healthy pastime. A oos•id number of swimmers were is the river d o g the day, moat of whom, whoa asked •o h• water was warm, .w.r•d "lovedThere were • few gena out, but Rams eo roe, tsport.meo retuned matelotssee. On the commons amid the bac treata many juniors were piay'r ball . Crosse, and eojoytng theft's. Favorer ere were set all all through the day, but act, that reo'ly Iwo young moa n we ore the P. M. for settt.g of fireworks, b depressing effect on birthday saluuog. Woii*.. Simms:tor SUIICTT DI.'rrel er Meing: -The nub 1 meeting of t u Worms's Mi.siosy Society of the God ob District was bald in North Scree Methediat ohorcb, God.rtob, ou May 21a mmeLem*.ooag et 2 30 r w. Mrs L.,,presided.snot organizer, presided. After Morime All Heil the power .f Jam' Na," nmooed ooed psalm, Mrs Ford and M Hord led .• prayer and Mir Graham a re. Pridhem meg • deet. The preside behalf of the Godertob .o auxiliary. we the delegates sad resod., of whom ws large attendees. There are Maw u li•riee a0 the District, .11 were repro ted, sad the report. showed an 'acres& membership sod • greater desire to wo or mtor iesiom.. The secrsy of the Godeno Mee Band (juveniles) gave • very t xirsging report of their wore, sbowin Meg • they are eg tressed is the Master wk. The other MI.ioa Beads hew morged into E. L. of C. E. Word• smog og were reoeived trona Knox ('baro auxiliary sad Meogilliv.ry Mission Bead re. Bond, of Seaforth, conference ergot . gave • very o•ret.11y paper on the general work. M of Bayfield, gate a very u ,. vrelates., os The rel•tiof Dees -I Netkodi.c to Missies..' Flossy )i Pickard, of Holwville, gave s ver b•restiag sed preamble addresses "Th of Worrying. Solo by Mies Evs A The president thee introduced M organ, of Brantford, returned missions.'o. from Jape., wbo ogr•takmoves the ove■ en the deep spiritual tone of the meet which she w(omitsd rave her fresh iits to ro forward is the Muter'. week. lad b to expecte wet momtgo to tali Dolambis to g0 to work in the Das Home. She spoke esp.oioIly to the Mom Bead children jest Do -who had me oo -teservi.g her address meeraior her k i. Japan for the evening meeting. Ford, el aisles, ably conducted • esesserstioe service, whist brought a preamble mut•lo mooting to • Mee. Amu Sar Tnr.ron, Rae -See. Duty . EAuLT.-Ia Wyandotte, Miob., or today .1R, Annie, sweet daughter of Dale. CMreh 81rooe, fell asleep, alter painful tomos. of gn m eche' duration. Gl fly before risseas.abe deemed lady, preps/leg to n visit the cid hefor the Miense., . swee sneaked with • cid of • stature, ature, and se severe was the dis- thet fever followed i. • few days, .ad y Wawa It. course with death. Whom ▪ es there were may relative. la- n ding - nding pergola proem. se though passidimesi. • dimes state, lan by laved ewes went blankly and emeosies of sad its i6iw .eseaa O. M..day semimse.iaq the semi .b..as ursa ,,lo• wbold dm Wys.dotee, and at its denis. the partylag party tensed homeward with all was earthly -f AMMO Doyle, reaping •rich the sagasday by the 7 1. i. train. hese were may s.rr.wieg Meads et the en .a whom the t•aisrrived, sed though Med heavily • largo .oehe ber re•sd . the ur,ful stege started. It took little Mom to remove the iambi* en frees the ems, d wbos the preemies moved away the rale fell heavily, the lighe ..g Guest frees every point of wmas o.sssodsthe theater pealed • r.gw .. O. Tuesday .tes.iag, shortly after tss, the femoral Mpima ilk pa from the pommel reel. acmes, the *.Meshes• ..P ent beteg es t Cabello Cemetery. O.lueree. On susse .f the melee s. we s *. Wy..detthere e se aeronomyeeeemy et et. Peters. but Rev. T. lb est m efi.Md et the hems. The pall hears were L Osmpese. Q.0..t, , Joseph KMJas A- M.i.tesaWalter , WaiShse aoa, Arthur mend aria Thee. (ilei. sod me w Imre re m•.. prat, Met .fe iese Orem friends .ad relatives le the Seater ..d N.m k. (aris►. Aram* ohwere hest.... ep ereesr •starwrestle estle sad usher grail designs. o lets Itim Doyle, M will he rre/M •f las Q i�61 ow she lode eloo how Or~�.es 1.5 M. &Pore- .1te. bedd 6.. tes- S e, • mete. Nye seer .l - Pam .1 see- modem set raher- memb- - memme e..r talk .i. W OO M i. ea •1 the we 7 Mod bold old lebte hepi Ml►, piers bait ones. •7. .d .raw• if 7.'. bailie 1 • • ri E M on d se sen a M • th w M 1x51 5' -eOtt W le Iia sea M af. Mee he T Brt Ca Y in nar Mrs. chert very 8. Jas. • Shoe trim. fes L sees ant the d sway Rear hems es mr 5e 60•t God T stabs. i5 n naseemsee z ' he • t 1., is- eg and a at Cher. as largeen rk b n. • '5 • of b prepared ri the iso 7 • sail- w 7 READY MADE CLOTHINO____. PRESC(ttIPTION shortest peesible UNIT Waisted while yes are OM 5Vi Phher- imtie. W .r .sous SNIING STOCK JO COIPLETE! ALL NEW GOODS NO OLD STYLES NO FANCY PROFITS Men's Suits 93.50 ; Regular, $5.00 Men's Suite 57.00 , Regular =9.00 Men's Suits 5.00 ; Regular, 7.00Boya' and Youth's Suits from Men's Suite 9.50 ; Regular, 12.00 , 91.25 to 97.50. Men's Suite 11.00; Regular, 14.00 Bicycle Suite, all prices and sires. See our Stock and Compare Prices. Bargains in all lines of :Dr) Goods. No trouble to show goods. JAMES A. REID, Jordan's Block, (iodericb, 22nd April, 18P6. WHEN you clean house Use our CI.OMA\ FURNITURE POLISH Meer to use dri. (vastly - makes old (waiters look like sew AVOID DISEASE BY DLSI NFECTION We can wimple all .ecomertes with dirt .Imo (or use. -Medical Herb T.s • quart of sr.r'ng rood' one for 25 C- FI E4H - - - FLOWER GARDEN SEEDS MOTH CAMPHOR AND Mr muter . ..y furs. Better sad rimier thea the old way -10c. buses and u bulk. W' 1 he India./ Meerut medicines. W. C. GOOD E, r. I1eatwig Cea.ut en Powder feir heroes and cattle W)ando'te, when her (mole FA. resided. The donated left town banyan♦ with hope and.Pparen-1y in rood health, but the re - torn to the ode home. whtob for an long • time .h• had anticipated, woe made in the .loop of death General rvmp•tht a .1- ore•.od for the bereaved faintly and re- latives in their great sttl:coon. THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT goosator. ran Wheat, (now) standard..... rail When toidi FlourtamU)11••••••• floor. Fa1L pet owl .• •• •••...• �i, patina, Der owl me- .. �.. arneatWN p kM.......... « • ..• N..( ta.ubook............... May 25. Iib . 0-5to•• 000to000 OOte115 . 110 to 2 18 2 to to 1 40 11 use 4012 00 . 12 00 toll 00 12 00 toil 00 021 to011 Oi6us0N 13 w toil 0li 1d00to1 es U 16 10 10 New Llay, 1 100 Old Hay. 'ton ....� Potato,., Igloo' Cm. &soh aspected, s dam-. . PNMelts ' • Iamb -Skin. Dveed eon.. B.o... Ham. ser Ib .... Cheese ear ib.......... oi1to 08 . 2888 to 10pte 0 15 te 013 to /1Dte 425to r 8 to •10 ot le to 12 M M de 1D 50 et� 17 11 Pasture. GOOD GRAZING FOR HORSES AND ('ams on AttrUl's big meedew. Also for service • 005 Holstein !Precise bull of excel- lent breeding. Tor further particulars •.DIT to ROBT. YOUNG. farmer. or Z. HEA barrister. 6oderfc► P.O. 70-3t Lost LOST -ON SUNDAY NIGHT 13It- LI G. N. Davis' more sal Poet Office. a gold ring, with the name 9. . Davis en- graved on the Weide. Th. finder will be suit- ably rewarded on leeriest at O. N. DAVIS' More. 11 . Pubile Nodes. jrl4 KE'rINO OF HURON COUNTY .JL COUNCIL The maedi of the oomer•Goa of the seen ty of Huron will meat ia the courtroom In the tows of Ooderlcb o. Tee.dsy. Jam fed. at 3 o'clock P.m. W. LANs Dosed May 11th. 1808 Co. C1oric WARNING PERSONS FOUND " he prep ,.sigAlso beware e1 t ca say part of my tarty 01,, 41 Mrs. H. F. ATTRII.L THAT THOROUGBRED STALLION Mcf`ORMiCH. will stud tor mares at Polley'. Livery stable. Oederleh, from this date eatU NSA of Jew. Mt0 -.6.k is well - Mews as ow of the best ruining heroes In this eseMse. mad was the prise winner at Den - gamma es the Nth of May. He was bred and robed by Gideon a Daley. New, York• and hoe twang -eine e aeathoroughbred. reel- tortM in memee'o Rer. etor. Full particulars at PO Y'8 Livery edible. It CIRCULAR NO a BOARD 01' HEALTH, TOWN OF OODERICH. The p.M1e a hess►r warmed anion damp. deet.emeetn1Wd e0*0n: even when tree from w0a„h occupied iepartesteapdes sir of the buildlmg. Coop 7w ostler widows open sad allow tree Memos se sualybt sad fresh •tr.the two great Veneere sad disinfeetere. of peep . who hoe bens rete' : tee the.health ble hew. dies er else of booms,�•nnly b W begin stair or ether restreaot whit* a pipe iva s at*ohd oe.noetsg 1t with • seer er properly tram TENTED. the tome Is Blw.m .and deaatthss may be tracedears mem ddL ',Iv t* too this cesror,aed yet tonal mores ef these dead- ly mocblaw •esti.,s breethf.g out their pgiss.•.s raper, late ear hotelhole.s sed Rawer. of cantt1es toe whish neither sus ht ear •fr can enter. her avoided trap. are • d6ttrsa, Let plumbers me Imeete.r, mord ..t be pleaded la sews. Pier Auetlon Sulo.. AUCTION SALL p5 UMW end • by meet the IWO, elme doted w 1•R modem der b lJeb. 1[t. •mati•s«r�•t Rotel. I. the Towle .f Oedema\ o n SATURDAY, thefetb DAY ef MAY. A.D.1R Aril mm1Miiotak meas. the fetlewsg, prep - Lies =_ hiss( a.4 Monism n w Monis Imre et rash. e5m6.l.lmg two ••r s e/ mailer .s5lsmal •r0 ttam•ted dem re the ode later e them the legitimatedshoreere up- t+r ►wudMos : A A 1 1 storey home owessa. MOE wI hc,m. kitten.. Igo YrE.mM�•eframe hese. eT�hesse Is •e• • geed pT�ia rl S e ••n• ' eh ales tee .cath. 1l TL.- est s. .ye""thereMies without ear. es le to the •m.tw- JWllr IOp�, tl enter% soli n:a Mei Msf` 1Ml M�."am'. Tran.Unt Olen. YNA•Itr I$UNK ai.ILW.T. Y a 10JM ora md ftxpecs5.................• Ly p xod Mw end Express 7.4111..m. Lis p.m. Man sad Z* PTAs*ivy' O M am Mixed sad gaor-6D .............3.1e elm Situations Vaeaat WANT'!' -A (10Nis'RAL SERVANT. •►ser to MRS. 0ARIWW. WANTED -A GENERAL. SERVANT. Apps, td M PS. SAY, Victoria -et. WANTED - A GENERAL HOUSE eon•at. Aeeiy M MKS HORACE HORTON. Tie Creeesat. 11.tt WANTED -A B9Y TO LEARN THE herb hem ,e es. Apply to L J. CUR - RAN. weet..t, It WANTED -A r OOD GENERAL -ER. rut. Apply t.. MhS. 0.611. a: 31. C- Cele se a. It 'WANTED- NURSE GIRL APPLY 11 to MRS. DU Ui.6Y HOLMES 71 t GIRL WANTED. -A GOOD GIRL TO moist is kitchen work. No wowing. Gond wages. Apolr to Mrs. W ALSH. Bak moral Reetaur.nt. Th. Bedford Arms," Qederio0. 71.16 For Salo or To Rest. MOUSE AND LOT FOR SALL-A s.i frame cottage en tour looms. with a quarter acre la. Terme reasosabl•. Per particulars apply to Box 113, Guelph. RDENCPKOPERTY FOR SALE - en St. Oeo rge • emcee t. Ooderich. On- tario. would b. .gid is one or more pareei is salt purchasers Solid brick house 'd by 10 fest, with a brick addition 15 by 42eleven room., b.tb room. closets etc. Coal and wood house. A large variety o( fruit sad oroamee- 1aI tress. Extent of ground about two sad on. tall sore•. Abe three fifths of ea acre with frame barn. sear O. '1. R Kation. ndjoiolea the .ew Fur Mare Teeters. ADDiy to 7sfk JOS WILLIAM& GOOD HOU8X AND LOT FOR SA LE. On Lighthouse -w, oenvesle.t M lessee. Pam-0111cr. Harbor. ire. Lot. 1 acre : Wiens bearing fruit trees and small fruits. House. good Mme. le complete repair. storey amid a halt . 8 rooms and Bummer kitchen. lalr clews.. buttery cellar. wood sad a! abed : also .table. Wimo n sell ea easy terms. Per per limier* awl, to ROBERT L YOUNG. Light - tamest. •geese' eltIm FINE DWELLING HOUSE FOK SALE. -That situ � on commodious brick elsed.s111-et., mar within may reach of Lake front. and et proem occupied by the owner. 1t contains some rooms, with large roomettes hall. and Mtl is.. Stied with hot end cold water. The 165.leee OOMISI se two imeTf.e &ore lots, ems Of which is M Mem with tie a 01.5.6al •tad the other is W/ wt M • seed Eargem with exe&Ilset eel&Mlw email phlvlt.. thermos". 0. SP 1N pm0.404 s &pb�if rPO 1 SILL OR LET.-AeB�hRloriK HOUSE earnnerror Eight sod Stanley streets, ooe- Oeeddeeener. How bestedwithwith he�air. Tor further 'entrainment, se Mrs. F. 61M10T0. lett VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE -The brink random overl-okisi the river &d lake termed, occupied by the Wt. A. M.el)rr.ets esq-. Master ta Cheesy, Ow of the Isnot valuable and desirable Pew parties ntows. L The tw -mo sy hems dwellag beam es South street isasseatatell edladsg the Ilrit- tsb 1roebha.n•�ne Howl, at proems occupied by Ws. Andrew -Weddell. L The dwelling Mase and ad 'Meng grounds sear •M 0. T. R. edea. formerly semMOd 6010. yM Tem. Te. r•rtses asd terse of eor t , Vat r.seseeMap ply se HARROW it 'uproar toes, 9odesbb. For Salla OLD PAPn�Ep08 FOR/.SAM SUITABLE mop at fire xcert moth.( miler t Resttal. Mwill give am Witsmisary sod Debark I88 ELLA mass sin pti j Reek& in the Oases Rome 40 Friday. June Illik. Ter tilr UMW partieekes me pro grams. ma RUBBER CE li= BICYCLE TiRES Is lM. rasa H air W ea>,y. A he lam et .5w *Meg Wised M.d4.e.a Om mu b'.1*, pp hue. the boa J. WILSON'S - Oawh TresariMine Dry Saes. Headgenm.re tor PORE DRUGS e. D W'ILLIAM9, Phm,B Vw Yodalfet Diamma6'. CMm6s GET O V G(LARAES. ll your sight failing. Surely become blind. attention may It is wise to them. No charge for the examination and hest lenses rupplie'l at reasonable prcces. shows signs of you would not A little timely save your eyes. let us examine J. E. DAVIS, I'hss. B. Druggi,t and Optician. TO GET THE GENERAL EFFECT i Tate • pdaesal Milk at .it 1rIIR2.,ITL7HEM it will interest yen. Emmy this. w6l epedel- ly attract your attea5lon. Aad our snow we - prism you : cine parIar eaita a 1• a t SAL Weer ones es up to 165 al1 egoahy good valve. Also oar bed room tufts with beet mirror for M aro wederfnl ralu.• for the mosey. We lead in .tyle, quality and low trier. I gs►eeTrikil1ei promptly attended to at all hours. night and day. SMITH FURNiyl'RE AND UNDZRTAQ lNO tIIPURII1. Viictoria Beet. Neap >raehlne Shops. TEW MACHINESHOPB-ALLI[1HIIr 1.1 of Hopatr Work done at ..,, Prises. F.rml.g lmplamest, hired* 10.17. new sad seoo.d hand. am sad Beane Por mkt. sNMd wages shoo, mom Victory /aroma J. BAXTER RCNCIMAH. F. SMEETH'S PLANING MILL SASH. DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY, i take this opportunity to ix form the midis Mat i am mill la the budsees notwtthm..4Wg W roman to the eoatrary. .ad am prepared M de even d.ss of work M my Boehm mating • window home to maim • lmor� yam. with mamas! reef. Motheaten tmrsla\edAw esu oompetltten Invite& The /ur.0hmet m 1.11ding matort•l. each se high. .tingle. sad leaner • Poeoialty. F. SMEETH. Oederleh• July rth 11M. Hotels. THE (XOLKORNE HOTEL BEING foods e: h ly retitled .ad retrained..f- ntloe to the osmi- um public, sad tae community. At theborme evervtlNng will he fonol Ihet �-1WIa� to • Ares.clees hateL OEO. BUXTON. Loan and Savlann • T r is NOT W0A7 YOU RABN, BIM 1. WHAT YOU se VR, MARES TOU RICH, THE HURON AND Ihet'cs WAN Al%D INTIM MINT COMPANY. B=1" Cameron Ilion sad Holmes. -1. -Interest Commuted every KZ menthe as tour par mat, psi •salla ea neap from w de11.r ,pw•rds. D.pogitor- will WM It to their edvstyu t. see •sd s se. Loses -May be •easy se say Goss mimes daisy es the m e.e-tp of approved d•0rehle prepoy by i H 0r e- Appitsatl• to The Om Street .04. � iese.. Sees Hum, S6erIL Ogfeo. HORACE 1111011aVemr.l. J. 0. COLBOProddlesa Bores -Shooter, A PRACTICAL HOK9R-SHOEI)KG Cf. SHOP, - NOTICE TO THE PU C.- j • ^.rre. 0.s.tee NW out W. M. �iglsL. �� Cir��rssrmor► � lumen w Par Hbstawttklwiig.. Hmi.sA•otior emd ell w Rees shed en theMiltrawel pia Treeing Hanes ees, j re • epees►•(. Leant ttid eyIMIrePe 'I". .2.1041117 C il Ma Disuses w as ell to •worms• j�g a0msaf t M. fly yoi�t lis MM. 0t nAs•l{T TiiN 7!f, ilhagda CB ANNA I..d W. Tian= mom .wed M a. red'