HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-5-28, Page 2r :THE SIGNAL: GODERICHG ONT.. THURSDAY. MAY 16, 1816. • EVERY FAMILY HIIOUL UI TNAT r •�eq • Mui fkI �• latitAA_ mil >iRl1�AI. �•e. •mid wo•- Metal he les odes a.eles to wiw Wawa tai.. PAIN -KILLER " sa PAM -KILLER twiroste oes.•• PAIN -KILLER �byyw•• W"y t mown lea A. 1 •n-lai-d te yes hetes. 1 I Osertsey, " sew tt Ulm Mathew Ira saw In is wee segied, and the sAlwwees deagpsd Mo ween MngN .1 sg--iw two people thee...t all evedr-os though wary WNW were s• hoer. Cuuetsey'u deg -ears wee poet ••tide. and he wee .host to help Tleewte op into w who. Norio •dolma► appeared spew the mesa. Pinang past Oeurimity, he y pr.s.bad the yeses say and said : y trop is M here, nereas usae Irak a P. W •rrsapd that I uhesW gs with O•ptsiw Courtney," sdrwersd Tbream. nekton • step towards the deg -sari es she spoke. •10eneasy w't Wad, rei sure." r. - plied Mertes. " W W yes, see fellow !" . Wel, that dpasi," answered Cows - pew slowly. .• If it is be be • p•rel7 platoon ezpsdities, why, MW Meows say jest as well ewe with w:hull if-" " Oh, hong Planer interrupted Nomas hastily, .. Fleusses, dear F1.t....-o0 . with me !" A straggle was evidently taking plain within the young Isdyti bsno.-• Waggle betimes lows and pride -bet love wow, sad, with • deereeslery smile as Courtney, the allowed ttsrtes to keep her into his cart, sad • few maul t aster they dMpp •o•t.d tato the dusk. w It is ivepsedblo to say with say certainly what pawed between thine yo•sg people during that wistful drive, fer they both deolore they do set ruensatb•r. Anyhow they moot have gems the Wiest way nomad for when they arrived se the lodge, lasted sod happy. Courtesy had bees waiting some little taw ter than. sad se Norton passed hien, be whispered : " You shall be the beet mew, old bey."-Leadea World. have sat roe•IM«1w ef having who any ala- .e, t shall be delighted to dune bee beam" easp.e•t with yes ee to espper-b "O►, well, oleo's les it sewn shoot it," iseerrepted Flores.. "let se asses the ornmee•tios. What did O mi• Wwtolep say to epees yes molt" "Oh. he was.being .e theist emir friend sale." yes r inquired Throws eagerly. "Amid what ad be boy "Oh, 1 told hien that if 1 thirst my Wage it w.alda't be your /enit," repaid N arses amen savagely. k'lerease gave him • quiet, ado rthow. and then. after • entsas•s'. heitsti•mi. .b served : "That was • somewhat silly ts- mark es mote. wow's It ! 15 .irks lend hien te eoepet thee we aliases was set oath • mow ow it u.debt.dly is." "1 don't think se," ••erwered Notes. ••1 gave him to red nI..d that we bad sop altered our spiels•. i• the Wet' "Oh, that's all rirbt, Wm 1 By-Ns-by,1 hep you did ..t ferret te est him dews to the baser." Oh, .., 1 did set forget. A.d that re- setads ani -4141 yes Nisk of asking Uetle Laura to help !" "Whom de you mess'" The LiNsresa girl ! 1 have not asked kw yet, for tote 1 yes the truth. I doe's meat sere for that girl 8he looks nobility; and -sell, to 1.11 it mildly, .he's somewhat to flighty ter my taste." "Oh, I hope you will have her," pleaded Norton. *.She's • jolly litho girl, •sd a1 ways tall of-" "If you want ber to owe es p•rttosl•riy. iatsrrepI.d Florence, "I'll write to her di_ reedy we get book. A.i--er-sr--1 husk we had better be twain( now ; it looks M though it were pug M rain." Th. hazer in genetics woe e.s of those innocent conspiracies bewem the pantos sad the Iadies whereby esrt•ia msaoauL.e creatures. whom l•ziseo ea Sunday morn. irre preveots them from offering then al.s and obligations, sad wheedled, p.reu•ded sad cajoled tato wieti.g is the restoration of the spire or some other equally emcee - env .n 1 losd•ble obier$t Captain Courtney wee standing near the door, erstobtur Floresoe and Norte., amid there is • great deal of truth is the old doge that "Lookers-on see most of the Ramo," sepsei•lly whim that game was lova "'They are et oh•rmi•gly i.sooest," he thought "I've get • geed .i.d to stake Atom happy. But why should 1 trestle mir- iade ! They won't thank mei ter my pates. kihs11 I ! I Will!" Strother towards Nato., Coart.ey said, "Ned, can I 1 ave two missies' oosver.sties with yoa-quietly." "Yes, dear boy,..rtri.ly," repeated Nor- ton. -Come thou way. Now, what is is ?' "Bacle.e me for ountag the question plainly to you," oo.ene.esd C.srte.y. But you two people's happi.sm depends upon the answer, one may be pard.s.d foe • little blur.toea I wet to kaow what your position is with regard to Mi. Mas- ters." "My poeitioe !" repeated Nortas. first flashing up his eyebrows and thee tontine deadly pale. "1-1-1 ,don't quite under- stood whet you man." "Why, is that platooio •rraaresent that you mode in the 'ieenmer.tMU in emi.t- esoe, or are you semethine aeaz.r and dear er than mere fined.! Forgive me for cat- eobizing you in this Ivey, but you know me well enough to be aware that I should sever take such a liberty out of are curiosity. 1 am sure 1 need say no stere ; you will mo- dernised me and •ppreoi•te my motive whoa I 55(10115 whether you are engaged to Mien Mestere, or whether your motive is .till purely ptomaine." Norton gasped two or three times like a fish out of water and thea he m•.•aed to ejaculate : "Hlrely entente. t ourts.y seized the limp hand sad shook It effusively, sad thea with • happy mile on his oeoutss•sos he mode his way to- wards Flore.es. sod he sever left her all Ly. For the best part of s hoar Norton w•tob.d them from the farther meed of the roost, satins, oat k e heart is the solitude of • crowd. Then, as though moved by • sudden revolution he walked over to oboe !run Ltffertoa was bolding • little court of her owe, ceder the preemies ot selling bat- tens, sad sora became os. of the 'gayest of the gay. "How hapoy Norton eosins to be !" ob- served Courtesy prese•tIy. "Indeed ! 1 thought jam new that he ap- peared rather dull," replied Flsresce; .ad thea, as she looked ewer is the direction in - desisted, else observed tum werubipplag at the shrine of the Lair ieur•, sad •pp•re•t- ly as beep as the day was long. "Do you think It's a match r .n.tiasd Courtney. "I have art heard of anything of the lied," •eawsred Floraso. coldly. " They would make as nosl{mt pair, w..ld: t they !" •' De yes tine ser" responded ?largess, seide•tly speaking web as effect " I shouldn't consider than at all soiled." '• 05 ! wsslda't your raid Courtaay. At say rase they seam he saderm•nd eats acether." Awl tk.., with a sifpilleass wile. he added. " There le ev*s.tly se Maoists amassment milk, between me w we eeltses,e• .ower 1� . �▪ s "11441 W eeenese.e w1a tle SM. PUItirLY PLATONIC. " IT .lose .rem w ratmwd two me that [rice.$- .tp *an o.•• .list •..lwsao . o.a. and • a ow . itbouS eoaideratt.ue of love, enat, sues', sew ail nkat •ooeenee ban le - trod wood ' The "pewter was • toll, hoodoo.* rirl, ern b the pt'ye$wt brainy ...t grem o1 figure whieb alai/ilia ouere..n bee bestowed upon the typical eud-ot-t►' * u' ury . bides, •.. theseh FI,.rwc. M..ters maid be Gott amid ewe.-ym.p•Mau• upon oat *WOO, it we 'sly a•thto *or own t••. ly'eras'that the IwlelRe•e t•-ee the termed /be. -;bees weaknesses. Her . omp.nlo•e were t.o men an 1. sting Same la, hos b good la..k.•g, tut to otally differ ..yis, for wbile (.pl. 1 earl.. Courta.y was dark, with hat oho, a skin breezed by ..ryies to India. Maw Norte& wee fair, of the pare Angle-S•ao• tv pe. •' If you are alluding to platost, tn.sd• ship., Mime Muter •," ane..red t'aptain Cesrtoey, "1 .m sorry to nor that 1 sae not agree w tlh you ,. Bot why enould friendship, sod fraud - ship slope, h• mon impossible bet ween • w toad • teeatsa than bsw*es t.'o m.. sr we weatsa r Impaired ared Flores*. p•tiestly. . I tltn.k you .re quite right, Mis. Mas- ters." obeerv.d NorlOM. •• Presuming that their dispostuu. •r. similar. that they h am the same taut.s wed mclinattona. I don't .ee why . men sod • girl should sot he ea r".'d thaws so two fellows." " Simply because itis sepoesible.- replied Court.. y "It is contrary to nature and can Dever .,.dura " •• Look here Mr Nutto•,- exclaimed Florence, •• Let you and 1 form • pl•toetc alliance and "bow this etubbora skeptic that we oas practice what we preach.- " With all the plessur s to lite !" Dried Norton. But Courtney gave a somewhat cynical smile se be sotiood that Me mend was net quite u enthusiastic in his reply as he might basa Wren " That t - s bargain, then,' said Florence •• toad sow . t, it sot time that we returned to our haat ' The above .•"nversation took place in the early summer .red for the mixt two or three mosthe, Fbrmte .ad Nortos ware temper- able. The latter wee an eligible purti, botb . oially and boaou.oly, to that Mr. Nes- ters made no obleo..tea to the young man nailing at hu house e.. ry day, and ...d- ing his daughter on her boating sad cyoling expeditious. The ante.. wee well •dvsac- ed, when use day Conrtu.y and Norton happened to meet up a town, when the biter said "Oh, I'm glad i saw yea. Florence told me to took you to sons dews to the bazar arrangement, wbl.h the is sett., up for saes week." "0h, kw it got s for as Christian a•eno!" asked Courtney, raising his cy.- brews sad Ornerier the invitatlos. " Why not'. ' said Norton. " I call you Charlie; Irby should I not call her nommen?" " He mases is t he world se far as 1 am oo ..rued, .id bey," ••ew.n.d Leerhey. „ But take my deice and reenwber the fable of the with toad osadlo." " l'oo'n so food ot atsssuring other people's our• by your own hush.," rejoined Norte+, a trail* irritably. " Anyhow, 1f 1 do born my wings, it won't he nor --Mass Master's fault." "Time will *how, dear youth ; time will dew," •..veered Courtney with hie satt•bs1 smith "Sot 1" tau yea bo..stly 1 .hall ex pose Mbe beet wa " •Semetbing sees you in sews yesterday, Ned," remarked Flares** as Norton helped her te molest bar cycle seat .erotng. "What wee it!" "0.17 that mutest wreath. Courts.y," woe the reply. "He is • ~elm Diegese.a, s.4..gbstobe .5.1 up is s 1.5 tor ib. r.- .4 his aster. .ri.teaee.-" "Oh, de you think ee r' replied Else.. "1 like Capiaie Oourt..y t..e.saly. More he .• frivolity or •os...ss sheet hive He always sett what M msaas." 11111- While st weld leek ..aleseddly Isthmian es • wheel Of Inn he hod .bored cols is p•rtl.d•r. • sweep Mtn Rpm ow • bine sea. • pasty sop atop el her herd, *he appeared a the dines*" every sooraiwg. Mr he hod serer overtakes ter, as alts seethed the salt pats, eitatattael grassfoUy snag and al- ways alone. One ..ovalse he obeyed a sudden tenpd.s le peat the fair ••k•.ws. Elbe e,tdestly divided W •ste.tles. for she doubted nor speed. 8. it wee t. be • rase Immersion theme -whet • mem tat 1. this, she mass be Mest•lly resolving to bey • d•glt•r Ma teat very day for Der., as • pew offense to tie .oseetew- poor Wale 1)... &amber lag i•aoos•tly et Aon*, while be lamb pw.s.d scrap phase.. - be Asked steadily epos the rider shoed, hot spite of her .guru. to .lode him. Bomethisg is the Air.; seise el her heir .track bum •s oddly lamellar. It was • for bus .hell comb. Its wearer turned • love- ly. lau.binp hoe t.wuk t. hit • W.11, Rose," the said mi•eklev.asiy. "Dora '•' he .xol•imed weakly, Wooly comatose $ hat he osritt he be ledirasdt A pair of roe.•d, soft hood. stole about h is Deck "Wall have awfully good times toesiher, door. ' • sweet ries was mylna. Yee .ms,I have hese riding .ver owe vow said I ahead not 1 ooezed p.p• for t t. .stet y. K en se, Rose ' Aad be did. While fortes" shwas without the doer, ?heir luck they bitterly Mamas, And think they're better fitted ler Some other balmiest than their .ws. BOTH HAD WHEELS. Ross GRAHAM laid the morning paper aside sod looked woes the breakfast table at hes with •' 1 deal like the ides, Dora," he said, • faintly discernable air of authority colorise the words with toe esrosger disapproval. His wife flushed • little se she toyed with bee ..ifee epees. She was ow of the sew wemes who e•. look charming at 8 A. W. It is awfully bard M refer your wife anything wbes the le disersotiagly pretty sod you have bees married eddy three short mostbe. •• All the girls hon Ibem," •be pretested. " I'm surprised, Rose ; really I •m. that you should object, Everybody rides, .ad it is fascinating." " It dome% make soy differedse what ether girls do," rssp.ded ber husband w- phatreall7. " They may fly to the moss if somebody i•twes airships, for all 1 earl. But I hate to see yes on a bieycle-sot that shore is any Waal harm is them, but • mad doesn't ears to hays his wife prancing around the ooeetry, stared at by Wu she fol- lows. You may have eaythieg else is m- ess that you waist, Dot, but I draw the litre at bloomers and • wheeL" Doe's eyebrows pothered omlaooely. She roes with injured dimity •ad looked dew at bee husband as impressively as • wow may from • height of five fest ens. " Do I under.ta.d you to say that you forbid me to ride • bicycle?' she asked slowly. Her cheeks were glowing now, sad • s trll. slippwed foot bee • unto, apes the carpet Her heob•a4 looked up is esrprisa Is m always mrpriiar to • newly -made bs.ediot to discover these W aderisg spouse hoe any winless awl from his own. •'Well," said be, with the mi14 dedpara- Pea of • ensemble .. who fads lawn! ..rowed, "if yen ineiet ea puha' it in .sob an unpleasant way, yea" " Theo," replied kis wife, moving tragic- ally toward the deer, eves she tortoise shell • -qul.eri.i with indignation. " all I haws ts say a, that you are •--perteot-Svraet '" Bveryibag west wrong i. the .!Iles Net day. It le not easy to wrestle with bolsi- sees whoa ode emerges freak the gloom of a dementia) thud roledd, and Rom wee re bowed when the •b.rooss wore away. •• Atter all." he o.ki.qutzed, es he beard- ed • Celfiwai•-meeet ear b steward, "per- haps I woo rather hard ea the boy l• pre- positions. Iles it wouldn't de M gt,s a to leer sow -I mast be firm. it takes • rearrled w sees ties to ea- quaint aquaint b1.elf with she apparels 1eoeselet- e net.s of tie feminine mid. Dere bad allowed him se go doers town without se mash as a farewell gnass. Ap• preaching hie cosy how with misses .epr'o- 5esden, be was naturally essedished whom .he mer loam .• the deer, radt.Mly sewn- Mg. s t- ag. Sem11 friends dropped is later. sold the *eosin, pained deltghttu ly. Den devoted herself M ber haloed'e eemfart with as eger.eliitsds that be •Nrtbded to See ere As els peered .sees for Mee beet mere tar. he sbesrwed with horror as immense mid ..linty bruise ems ber pretty aros- e braise that leaded •11 the seism of • w.n.ds.d.ped rainbow. "for be•wum's .•k., Dot, bow did yes de it r be inquired anxiously. His wife blush- ed furiously. "Ob. I f.11 --than is, I -.5's it's .etbing, Rose, doer, nothing whatever -de les M help you le same woes Byte bye,I ter - got fie hal yes Ne" -Here she brandied o6 M • diesertiss es .vela weak later Mr. Rees Graham made Me '.57 5.5 $ .5'. safety. "I really decd the mereles," Roe expiat- ed, Nether •,tarda, to lei wills, who was wit eng es canal for tie la hilar form. "Of •swo4 yea d., Mer," eke nnpeaded sh.eef elly, whereat be hwsh.d • dab of waist "Sem* women would have lashed up • Molten ef • hes," he remisseed "Dees le ea meal" Rat hued stokes sash me egress le en. yeyenest the be e•sgbt bbs..if NtaNng d Dors see meshy, sed W1 wishing Thad she were with hit He was sot se sees af- ter all •heat the I_ rep isty ef to • girl ••Yea, end t.. plated! sometimes," ob- served Mertes • utas utterly. "As • wt- sw d leaf I hos% tbak he i• • pod mei - psalms fer asp yeses girl. sad 1 .lob you wy.'t.s•.tengs bia quite so mash.' dmueegi Moe." repsaW Florence with the eight.. parollehe ,roll.Leath el wtesr 1■ bat webs, "Whet de yogi .Gena !'. "Wb., at the Dawson's hall tbe ether ewesheg you dossed Maes raantsg with him ad thou lee him mks yes dews M say- pw,_ "hod why Rasaees yes were es badly ingegad with laws Ugwess that yes isr- ges M remm sad hush mea as Ire bad or- ~ y dear Mien Therm.," ressemes,sd Carpets Carpets ! Carus ! Carus ! Cartels !! Ca u !! • Wale �R A. -I bear your ens kM bees punished meetly for tad.ottog r.lrress bodily bora K -And no woodsy -be is •ppresMord to • barber. For • few seemds Tleras•s tnr..4.early gray. and t etas .y was Weald that she was • best to faint ; but making • strong air'. she r.00•.r.d herself, awl t• • little while . e 'trample mull bows Wd that she was net a obeerful ••d Itgbt-bested se my girl is t►. recta Dories the .ftsrno.. Mr. Mestere, Tier- enee's fisher, ear op be the stall all wash the young lady was .Alia lee. end, after gruMlog Courtney. added : " Of merge you dine with as tonighty th. way. net' ease. I'm gain be vem away with the ear- rieg► 111 send N hook to yes is Yate Y I sad, bet It .err yes will he able M 6desess see who will put yes dews all tike begs." Morten."tbei IMO • Ildilleedllenee061114611 ena " M7 degsert le hese' Mr. Mswtlt., 54& 15....e A. Johan A Common Affliction pommy Cord W Tam AVERS 3araa- parilla • C•)-DIIVZ'$ "I was allIthed ter etgpt years wttb Mal Resat Maw Ant use, I tried • groat say mediwtnoe widish wonroe- amss•ded. hot gees nen I was at Yet sanest se try ♦ysr's polite. by a friss/ who 1.M ate Ant I mn.l int heeds% at d NW dim persuasMi the six betties. Boll look wthe ant �d three of thea. Remi+. t bad A.Yidas1l*• tomb D 7 OWNa won as Free from Eruptions WS rue the salt people b ut. app`• s~ Me Is the ..slaty Nn sorry • Meek et Carpets la Rim, Vishay mid d4M to the Issge Gay fitoolte. sad a softer whe5 other simple say let the Irl emery. >f yes won to any Omens where Tse erd get the Lepel A entr rest. top Bee hod ledesa deli.. sad by at aids the Climes Prase. mere le the meek b seism hem. Our nye mashes treat a 10 Oast Hemp le the been Tine Yeses Semmele. Our deswls awl Tipsewry Carr" awe of the arrest pattern amid_ Mods.. Irak hordssa b .•Mb. and she eskers are simply eigpsA Yea *mold es* ear Bewateis es Ip Our sew Azg aessr, she Ess ewer skews Is We lows, delights everyone who has noes shoat. They are goislt Mho maws for the 8perg Trails. Ow Al!- Wools is three plies ei54 bus phut we &tool .f e•ytb1.g hersee ae in the .•nks a q.alisy. denim •ad eolori 7' Dales Gerpele NM > sae look almost as geed .. Welsh d pas •ens••• The pub, *•d• we have enebisa se hugely se bermes ear seek amid we are sow is • belies penftlas Nos ewer to mese the requirements of the trade. Wises yes wast (hipees, gee me • look. We are sae gilled thea we w All yea/ orders M year advantage and wisps elle yes seesey t« by baying frees en All Cer- pNs mode and laidOorif required. Mishima We sae mobs • 30 Se 40 teal Corpse 1. obese see here wide our v the 1.re t .leek of Oil Mahe and L5..'. ens ever shows r ti.d.riob• at pimebe mat eweryees. 0er i.•o Umtata Serol is lorg+r sham ever. It is ..dares to game prises. Our Cheadle Stook et Oaraims and Table Covers, direst frees the subsea, dewse everything use quality and prison. Ram sad Mate wiled ear best eposealtlea, also sea linea el Damask, minable ter twe.Misgi• Ws past yea he see our Table Lisa mid T Ale bf .pklau dus$ efrees Bolts* based. es W We west yr seeatber our Art Sasses in Our paera! Spring Slunk is better them easel its most Mees. l• Prises, Chamblee, Zepbau, 8eea 0lmIlle ens, Nees. Spee Mwlr.. wet see ahead of ether ..mats. D3R.3388 aaoI)8 A nese a•ssrsatass is many of the sew of the sew Satin Royals, BleakMableisla andhave of Cole s Maed �� width that we w e6wt.g We haws • let d Glowed Drees ad W le great variety. for .seal belt phew Tweeds, Clotho. Wtlrsga as ewer they were. My business. whish Is that of • esti-driver, requires tees to be oat b Bold and wet weather, often without gloves. zed the trouble W .over returned."- Toon. A. Joann. Stratford, Ont. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Agootbd at the world'. Fath. egtsr'e Pfile Cleanse 4.5. Berner•.. ©OLBORNE BROS. Ties Ors$ Carpet Warehouse of the Consty. THS LOW PRICE SHOE STORE WE MAKE Sewer and Culvert Pipes Au sums from 4 in. le 14 In. Ate fannee'tien.. MINIM FOR rfRlOita. e • . Sea our specials this week. Children's Oil Pebble Button Boots Sizes 7 to 10, 75c. 11 to 2 96c. Ladies' Glove Grain, button or laced, rivited sole and solid leather, selling at regt•lar wholesale price, $1-00 Ladies' Orford, toe capped, turn sole, tan or black. Best value yet for 9:1c. Boys' Boston Calf. whole foxed, fair stitched and pegged, solid leather insole, for only =1.00. Men's whole foxed, solid insole, pegged sole, laced or gaiter, for $1.25. Men's tan laced Boot, narrow toes, McKay Sewed and geld at $1.50, worth $2.O0. Cash selling makes cash buying, and these low prices are the result. Wo invite you to see our stock. No trouble to show. THE ONTARIO SEWER PIPE CO. •Oi A9 .AIoa *T. L. wlrwenv ay mega TINSNTS • KOOTENAY CURES RHEUMATISM KIDNEY DISEASE LIVER COMPLAINT 1N DIGESTION ECZEMA CONTAINS THE NM `OUEDI NT 7. 1. tut. Jo.egses, rvisewseeer News.. Meese euww•. *tired w 55-1, ranee et the atdeey.. Among travelling mew, members of Partt•- swat, and habits., of tee ernatilan Capitol, so man to better known thee Mr. 7. xC St J•pwaa, the p•p•l•r proprietor of the Rowan Boo,,. Ott•w•, rhe softest! orresely heat • distr.a.lwg trouble. hemorrhage .f the kidneys. 1.the hem d .tlreneig • cure be messed 1. use but wk..at .eerage =guamer the ase Pyrtmas• Core. re. 1a oar week he wee .ot web hnudtd. bet wee ..tinny eared. Ws ems words M writing to the proprietor of the medlelse theta 55 ewe eat are few ben tory .Neag. lbs sore: terr.wa. Awaset 1N. ta► S. a. Rennes. See.. M P. Itsmala.. -1 ..in gladly .nedr..� r.�e�.• t•d8e.ten y Caro to my Meade .(Mr tbe good r.wlt M hae doss mm is e" e'..rt . ported wt.klwg It .very meows, . • It sa w./ dewna 1 am, a., PIT • a* J ANON\ d, B. POLLOCK Selling agents for the KING VENTILATED BOOT, the coolest boot made Summer Millinery. • The undersigned having received a large importa- tion of Spring and Early Summer Millinery, is prepare 1 to supply the sweetest of Bonnets, Hats and Trimmings. The goods are Fashionable, of Superior Make, and are in Color, Design and Textnie unexcelled MISS CAMERON, 62-3m HAMILTON STBEE MORE GOODS . . LEGHORNS, WHITE SAILORS, VERY NICE FLOWERS. All of the Latest Designs. See our large Stock of UNDERWEAR. MI88E$ YATES. O'SULLIYAN BUSINESS COLLEGE Dor. Square and West-st .awarded four times 8uecessivel y FIRST PRIZE for Commercial and .artistic Pen- manship in an- nual competition against all Can- ada ...1 over O.P.R. odea. Awarded t h e Diploma of Ron - or for the best and most origin - a 1 Methods o f How to Teach' Practical Book-keeping thoroughly. Positively only One Full Dowse given in sews sae v.seea x«boa. 1. trueht Y '!':�.l�s:"rs��isrts,r.�e�►• � mss. painsaddr DAY and NIGHT SCHOOL Ter IIittthst 1 wesae mien sad /Wer h5sastlwn salter address R. J_ 0'13ULI.I171k N, C�-�1, �d-�.-• GODistN 1O , 014"r Goderich.