HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-5-28, Page 1TRH NW IS Tri OHtAPtiT THE SIGNAL ..,.is TIM UHT. THl-7 zaaltiaxisrck N8 w 8PAPER OF HURON OOUNTY. FORTY-EIGHTH YEAR. -v511 NEW AIVERT'IIMENT$-- MAY 27. Orel Waated-Mnl. Wai b Or Renee tar 8.ts -lb: 13. G•elpb 6 fhl.phant Whits L .d- K. W. Ma Koine. 5 Queen'. Birthday -F. J. !Wham 5 Fight tar the t.binet-W. R. Beath.. 6 The Hares M.Cermdok-Polley's 8tabiss 5 By Wanted -E. J. Carne. 6 (leaned nervous Wa.b.t-hent O.M.., 6 Friday Mer.ig-Ma. Rdi.iA 1 Rehire" Rally -Helene Com 4 Pablie Meeting -M. C. Csanaes 4 I.r.t--0. N. Davie 5 Circular 1\•, 2 -Beard el Itmlth. Rental -Mi. ilia Fisher 6 Cast fee Weel-41. M. Collins i Norse Girl Wonesiolkm Dudley Holmes 6 WESr HQRON TEACHF LS Their 8.m1 -Annual Mgtetlat. woes Was tow and Meme at the m/w •.Is. Teaeber.r rttemoest -They Mare Women satraps le Coe settles whits the rregrem Exeter, Met 42.d, 1896 THE West Huron Teacben' Ammocia- uoe the in the Pobiie ashen here, to -lay, .000rdiag to these gives, at 10 A... J. 8 Duelist', president el the association, thee - pied the their. D.votioeel sinuses were ooaducted by W. H. Johaetes. The minuss of lees eepmee at Godench were read and adopted. Oa mottos of Inap.ctes Tom, eeooaded by A. MoPbetsee, it wet deeded to have the aroslrs leased by the Osteno Teaobere' A.eot.tion road. Mr. Tom thea reed these oireaLrs. Os motif. et G. R . Bolan , seeeeded by W. H. Johanna, the circulars were re- ferred to the remedies eseensittee. The tollowig smmittio were then ape pointed, yet ICesolatiou commits• -Mears. Johnston, Lockhart, MaPasesa, Halls, Mr. Robb ..d 34 es V nsper. Hauser oommtteee--Messrs. Ravine, Gregory, McL.ugbha and Mea Pnngle. QossUoa I/rawer-Messrs Teen and .arisen. On motion of Inpeotor Tom, seoo.ded by H N. Madames, the .sereury was re e nested to report the f►nandd ttamdiag of toe aroma ies in the morals, in order that steps may be taken regarding the bosommg ot periodicals. Th. Mathes oommitt a then reported the order et beti.tth bad the Arm subject taken up was dMkey� oob it to • third Maas," by T. how to tsA. Mlo- (.rhlin, of Bruoe6dd Mr. McL.nsggblie Chewed by his method of dean( with the .■bjse that be bad given it careful study. The lepton peeved • Mesta To., Dale, Johann, MoPb.r- ' 0., Gratef, and Deigsy farther deemed the mires* doles with their difficulties sad givug their methods of tg.obiag it. . Drawing said Drains" Beek. " was the n ext dto cin � tis aged wet i.tee- After ia act, M . Tem M Susess the i esdleie give sto.t pww ree Wel lessee in perepossive. The time tee adjournment having arrived the Assenibi.s adjourned to meet at 1.30 I M. ArTE*1IOON SESSION. The theuciaties met as per adjournment at 1.30 r. r. , the beating.* is the their. The roll was tailed ..d Mashers ss•wr d to their nam... Prot F. J Brows, president of the Del - ssrM College of OrsS. ry, Toren te, was then istredwd, made • very .big mad peones meaner pretended to dingoes the " PWhg- *Shy of Ez,r•s.ni " es vides eniter& Thee proved very interning .ad leetruetive and the illustrations d pse...n.ties ..d eel- pb••i• ea given by the pmdessor were highly miss K.0 Wates, of then look up " Aritheset a with Book Clea" A sine of smell ride from the pub - ho echoed were Is al tead•.ge whine .N.ded Mb Writ.s the eppori.lty et newly her loathed i. • prandial ntaSSt. ' Vernon Writhes " was taken up by IL •1. theta. Mr. Magas minted the intra schools system ef the vernal writing He Maimed t W Mit sysium was out .f dos..nd that W verWa system fib' WreissueI d and e- s adielltdim Mr. Tem exhibited the new authorised sense of booka ea vmrtnd writing whine he described as set up be the steed.rd, sad as several al the .tine dare be letters d ase as mate dU- ferddhoelt to get geed r ts .' from thsa Several of the Inehere bank part is the dimessios, all ezpnesi g dispprwal of the sew •unhartaed genes el venial writing books Gregory was present and leek pa is t6. rt urged the bashers be � Weir rights. He seggrbA Ilene a let fond he &pinned M exmmMies s bkm sad saedmW to ugh for • diesels. A Smash* Mann of this di...nina wee the pert the ladies i..k a it. Moved by S P. Hale, B. A., seeseded by Mr. B.g.►aw, that • esmmiuee be appal* el to es•.ider the sew vsnsenl wrt�agesp� books sed report thereon, .ed that eel. An s'stsst'o amens of the cane I:.. The moieties was mdeped gad the fol- lowing essen ttse ems .peolated : Mason. Wr YI.m _-.,_Men iebb.�thms Mennen nniente.. were -pp.bt.d es .ge es odors atthsad We e la the .venal. the ess'erel b A A. e. J � te men b Inwetpo. b the Meade/ a very esomednl mer- taiemgae rasa linen mem the emptese d GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA, THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1896. the Asessinies. A Little sad sedde.se was la a_e.d•.e., Prof Frowns J. Brew* gave several lege is Ws .dmM it.e style. The rends.,, of P.al'h before Agnpp' mad the Caen,. os Che. Moby Lew Wallas., were newly epMe•f•b•d, and afforded Mr. Boonn ample memo m display W mastery of the Mese- tissar7 met Mrs. K. J. Sprains awe whim C b a sad Ulm stallediel/ Ex iu,QuenoneClub soquittsd themselves in as o:.dstam- mer. leat st- mer. r. Del oo ty eupdd He oink. aperients ONS DOLLAk WILL PAY IrOa THE SIGNAL ern o,a Teen. D. MOGILLICUDDY, EDITOR. Legislature, 0.d m las seorstary of Pablo echoed department, espies of all issulstiese roaa• lamed et this ae.osi•teen. The Copy Book Csasaiittes reported the follow'sg which wee adopted : 1. Resolved that this AssestaNee express its disapproval of the authorised system et vertigo' wnu.g lately utrod.,..d for w in or public schools, our objections bete; based es the fo.loweag grounds. 2 That the shapes of the letters are net s.tt•bls ter aftsg expedites is wether, for '.slaws f g b pi •ad • are almost primed, them regained much more time the. u .00essary m their formation. 3. That on a000.o1 of the letters not b• - lag egaoed for jeator pupils, teaching eel- f•rmity in the rotative heights of the lettere is made much more difficult for the teacher. 4. That the book itself is sot ..qtly got- ten .R 6. That by sot having the kitten joined, his writing is rendered difficult. 6. That the books for sewer names men tath so commercial forms. We are, moreover. of the opinion that the Gage'. System of vertio.l writing mew mita tally the requirements of the public s.bools them the aihori ed system. Miss Sharma thea proo••d•d to deouse the grammatical difficulties in the "Forced Reereit at Self•rieo " and dealt with the •unj•ot in • very pl..sing ad able meaner TO topto was discussed by several of the Votes of thanks were passed to the troe- trees of the Exeter Public School Board, the taches of Exeter aid those who took part in the e.urt•t emest of the previous eras- ing. It was decided a mottos that Mr. Del, rat y give he report of the proo••dinp of O. P. T. A. which he did is • very interest - tag m.asor, riving mush information, Mr. Tom occupied the chair during the delivery .f the president'. report: On motioo of G. W. Kelman, e.se.ded by G. Baud, Mr. Delgaty's report was a*ospted and leis expense ordered to be paid. It was also dthided to pay the oareteker the ann.l fee. All unread papers, en month of Mr. Hagan, sthoodd by Mr. /kith, were laid over till mens meeting of the a..00iatios. O. motion of E. J. Haran, •000md•d by B. D. Great, the ..enetice djoure.d to meet at the o.11 of the executive commune*. G. Baird gave notes that et next meeting of the association he wall move that the periodical be bonu.ed- 1;. W. Hot -MAN, Sec. Treas. 75 teachers m astendae. LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF. Our count v legtletors meet in session next week. Go and see the Cotto. Robin•oo a .elli.g for 4 menu. The Oddtellowe will meet us regal•r ses- sion easion tonight. The Albana building is now showing its third storey. There was holy communes at St Georg.'• ea Sunday-. A ohoios lot of Ladies' end Gents' Ties at • bargees at Itobnnece's. There was • very large attendance at the Harbor perk oe Monday. Regular meeting of Go death ooa.cil No. 157, C. O. C. F, this evening. The run ezpeot d sad msoh we►.d for paved over the tow. es Friday A nether Me bares belonging to R. W. Loma died suddenly a Fnday. The members of the Hens Bicycle Club c t God.riob, now evert ..eat breast badge and natty colors. The schools rammed on Tuesday and aow there will be na break until the ex- aminations on over. A sy.opis of the *Wages mad• in the law at the resent beesien of the Le/denture will be toned .. page 8. Ex gran, May 23rd, 11196. The Aseni•tioa stet .t 9:30 a.m., Mr. Deigats is the chair. Devsiwal *zeroing were oo.daet.d by 11. 1. Str.ig $ A. The misuses of the previous meetly were read a.d approved. D. Robb, 1 P.S.. Fast Huron, was pres- ent, together with several ez-tesii•es. On mouse of la•pesser To., seoosd•d by G. W Holman, Mr. Robb and ex-teaoa.. et the County were invited to pauoip•te m the disoueeton. P 14. Leaving Literature-" The Cane B 'tressed a hair wee then discussed by T. J. I.•okh.rt M A , of Exeter. W. Lockhart took the members of the la-thate as • claw, and made the teatm very instructive ad interesting. The subject was farther deceased by my- .ral of the teachers. B. D. Grant, Sciroo* Master of Gedeeioh C L, thee took up Primary Botany. Sever al plats it ere dietnbut•d wane the tewh- •rs.ad lir. Grant gave en steepest prac- tical lessee on the examta•ties of plats which was highly appreciated. The RReeolutaon and Copy Beek Commit- tee presented their report*, which, on mo- ose of Mr. Strang adt Tom, were resolved .ad laid over for first order .f bssiesss at the afternoon netsmen. The Aessaiatlo. then .djo.r.ed to meet et 1.15,- w. ArrasNOON OEttION. The Association suet at 1.15 r w., the prowdest is the chair. The rsvorte el s.mittw were thee taken op, owaetdered, clause by clause, ad 6 fly adopted as follows We, the re.olutioa committee ou the West Huron Teachers' Awoct.tion, beg leave to submit the following resolutions for your resnideration, viz ; 1. That the summer niceties would be • very unsuitable time for the meeting of our Ascott,... 2 That if • new Candia History be adopted, margined Dotes, dates, etc.. be in- dented 3 That no extension of oertifcates be granted. 4. That after givi.g doe ooesideration to the re*olotio.s peeped in the Public School Department of the Ontario Educational As - societies, we engem the adopting of the following resolutions, viz.: No's. 2, 3, 4, 5. 6, 8, 9, 1st olause of 11, 12, 14, 16, 17 amt 18 : that No's. 1, 7. 10 aged 19, be amend - Thin we disapprove of No. 13, our reso- tuties thus reeding as follows : A. That it is • matter of regret that the Minister intends to abolish atter 1897 the grating of no.-proisrdo.s Specialist's Continue to any but those obtaining the degree of H A. B. That while the retest .me.dwe to the Public School Aet, require the teachers of ooatinuation alarm to hold first-class osrtitio•tes, this At.00iatton is pleased to have the m.sr•soe of the Minister that the interest of ell teachers at present earesed is nob work .hell be properly safe guarded. C. That while Ws Aspppmttse regret. that the M i.i tr does res ase it M preserve its its original term that slaw of the Bill establishing the Edombip.•1 Cooped, we sotepe a good faith hen as.srs.oe tort the public wheal teachers shall have fair r.wee...tetioe epee it •end greater is- Memos s- AD. That mop Districts should oohs aide with lmspeneral District., with ame board d examiners for sash dietriot. R That readies he set simultaneous with other subjoo* mad tbat doe presas- tiges for semen be taken as to the matter to be read. F. That se literary selections he plied .m the public school having wares that or. set found is the primary mares 0 That "The Forsakes Merman" should be discontinued from the manmorizaties selection. for the Retraces eT•misaties. H. That the.tamderd ter Walruses, Pub - lie Schen Laving, Primary, ..d Je.ior Lentmg es ml.ttesm Amid seetines to be 33e per oestt. as nab subject .end 50 per eget. se W torrents I. impostors .o. -prof c.isua qualification iuposttto rs mrtige.sis sb.sM roman as et piesens, bat that a up.ripmse qualifies. Mee d at laen rs 0. regsst syt.eswd, By of winch .hall hen hese .pit la . Public sobeol J. That the Coterie Government frafch ate e.aoot with oopies of sob reports se may be dammed vaeeble for edwtbma R. Teat the age limit be 19 years for Heaters se entering the profession. L. That the head of sm.bere for the Hamann mid POWs easel laving sxmmi.- Mi.es assent of M leant 7 mgmame, sae of whose shall be the P. 8 • sh,. at'tress the High or or a. avpoebed by the Mimnlmtmr of Rdnaw11, s.5 Ave midis or Sppr.tm wheel tmmakerm, as the ease may b., who shall Mid at hest, m 2nd ..m profemimaml sandman lied who are motuaBy owed es Washers is the Pubic or aware'. easel i. the Isepemeer. Me sed the appointment d these le reel with the Togd.o' .oenbMsa M. That Osman Hlmlmry be eontiseed ter ffamress. *lemmae with beef outline el British history to the ad d the Taves W. ▪ T▪ hat the protest aeries of Feld. easel drawing Moho shenld he withdrawn and a wow series iw.d, 4. wOMO the bumf deawttt� in the preen seise he ruWmd, sed the blank nessees that m em drew' gs deby the c�the may be es- I•re.d. 0. That this esmn±Mrn resennend. thin ..dN•ess Miffing Juane inmvbfg sad Meier ashen' ss. 0e digHI. M ester the Me sh� M the e•eety Medal eshesl P. That the tmmes.ry d this eremitee be requested to l.... 1 M the Minister of Binet es, le ear rpntese Mme le tee OUR OTTAWA LETTE What In t3o1MsonSit the Cap! D .1 peUtie•1 thieves unplug • reatt.•t•ti•s of Lb* my C•neervtive Drtaotpin." There .re awn& el Ce..ervattv.e who hive al- ways b... Ce.s.rvativ . and their fathers gal behre them Wile Se the gird Jen will re - 1 seed their nes sonnet thew who have knight Cs.sernsive Governesses sad Cos- _ sanative prim:Pl•• sate dWtrees and dui - repute. maaeraJMr v Mtge states u ge low. Tepper sad Mobs" t...svia_Tb. uses Who are gleams. the Liberal Loader. OTTAWA, May 25.-1e it possible sow after as ttmom•uos of eighteen years (be dem molinot., tAe metal sentiment .f the oonstry, W bee;o dulled sad deaden- ed that is takes no taroks interest se se the moral oh•rnoter of the w is whose heath a shoed the dmtoietr• •t our . ' public einem 0005 in • wise we beer • oiergy'mse trots the pulpit, who has more oouryte than hie fellow workers in the geld ut Cbrl+timntty, openly denoueoe the de- pravity that theta within the exesuuve 01 Ottawa. But there is not one elector . • hundred, les, in • thousand, who h r the least idea of the sinful Gad wicked lives some of thaw very men aro isadi.4. But the ourrespoodent who dares to reler to their deb.nooery, who dares a expose the lives some of their ministers of the crown are leading. sat oath regarded as 0 eorsdal- moiger, ad tor that tenon these men n- eaps exposure. 'file civil serene who subjects his wife, daughter or other 4emale relative to the seremee of • ``'.��_,• mtuuter u sure of raped promotaus 10.... a. ung lambs of the cabinet who away* dtsouvers4 a very striking Ilkeston to his •'poor dead daughter' in every yout.ei led) who went to this goy- Lilian for employment, au permission to hug ad kiss the fair visitor who had recalled the memory of the dear detorted would .lone aoosole hum in he sorrow. It happened that (WO lies, who, In •ppoor0soe were as opposite as• Chinese women is to a negreas, had own= to vwt the highly moral ma and it wee when one Mas relating to the other her experience that the story et ne- nfor the sok• of the dear dead daughter g t oat. 1 now of one mus employed to the cavil struts vino was toroth W write to • num ter of the crown to rt.luest him to aerie as very trequ.st vette to his home in order to prose his wife's good nesse. The ma was only • t•mporory clerk and he lost hie job. Possibly I should not have referred to this phased political life •t the o•patal, bet I feat osruin il the country may knew e( the immorality and deemschery that goes es within the aunistmrtal oircie here, and whish they .re sow issooemtly ensuintng, they would resent it. TCrrIa AMU THE BISHOP. 801111 we call him • political hypocrite! Ob the molt relebloauthority I bear • good story today, which, however, can beet b' •pprsented by those who hese followed Sir Chas. Tapper through he elittc.l career. The Terceto Mail, the Govetnnteot's obief togas, you will remember called him the peewee of pohtio.l oreokemes just after the se.er•1 elections of 1891, but we need not go se tar as that to make my story appreci- ated. Os his return from Winnipeg a few days ago. Sir Charles Tupper, G000mp•nied by kis eon, Bir Chanes junior, milled upon Aroabmhop Lasg.vin, who was ,visiting at the Ottawa University, to talk over Mani- toba school menus. Oa taking hit lave of the •reb0tsbop, Bir Chas. and : "liner* starting on the oU•importent miesies I mm going to ask Year Green's blessing." It was not what was mid but the man who maid it shit add. the farcical gado te the pie tare. The story came from the University where it was regerded as too good to keep. I doubt U even His Gran was able to sup - pre. a •mile. There will be Holy Commission at St. Ooorgi a .. Trinity Sead•y at 8 A M. and oleos of menu.g service. The walls of St Peter's are rising rapid- ly. asid at the cams rebs el progress will sees be ready ter the roof. These were p.mies at Piper's Dam, the Cumastery, K.nsferd'. Orme and may otter any spots es the gene's bertbd•y. The oemetery is Min Mt is order for the fiemmeor, • number d apes having boss Assisting the oar•taker the past week. The man elm spent e.1 the morning of 18e holiday apprise= trait sew .ed pots - toes was tot pieased at the cvseing down- pour. Loudon beat Goderi.0 et ball on Meaday 17 to 11, .ad . the two Moises between (Aimee and the Hurons, our boys same out ahead. To. pats that people with bender feet had woes es the Square were sodded last week by the aerstokr. In future every Wedorfese Mesad be mode to ay $1 and tants. Friday between 9.nd 10 tenon err 10e Skirt fee 6s ; nevem 10 and 11 e'elegh ear $6.00 lees C ,remise ler 0.10 sad betimes 11 sad 12 o'clock o'olagk aur 44-isob_Pillow Cotton ter 12e at Reba- me's. The ere .lens bell mounded at 7 r. r. a friday, sad oaassd a great rash be the Square. But when the Iargs ..Maher w be Munni oat feted that it was slily a sal for pphonies, meek good-natured teething Pre - d. Another eyeless streak town. Is is sweep - ie away the goods at sheet year own grew sheetyears war Se get rid ef • lee d Meek mid now the opportunity is male oared of getting real barons in wall papers, at o gee scrims, sea Call at ones Meese th • hest le Ilam in The Fair. TM L eueree. M as Manana. In mar easel 0..b we mod to .ea pia tuns of the Esgmimaz a their grotesque fur germesb sed or teUdite Wade pinn- e d eseM " is �N shoe M"eferd"•e..pMeclat et Tar .nate no indeed a legacy here sad at Ii. eine time •s tmw*lagtery granges Me., ter teak weight mid balkier. is longe te war • seam out 11 he •unapt te neve about mesh is en, •id te smote es. •eKs•eiy d*4hi that sew esteem have .11 the l.zasbea ureteb .ed .eaten el a fur ..at wilewt 116E d the, sad hulk, seed m fere in hilli[]Lange • leans of the kens wink trent gr reiecc��vesllllggnneeMoMmlles rtuHTms° t.ACEIxm. The proposal of Mr. Laney to redoes tnaation to the requirements of legitimate expaditun dom met mast with poalor favor mass the oembinat.r, the wealthy wepnM.or the Goverment •outr•ner. Legltdmata and ream --b4- prod% do net amid, them awl their had ..d puree is dpin lent to keep out of power thou who are thou *worn anemias. sed im power the.e wise hen mode tion wealthy es the ex- perts of the termer, mo'u'e and reborn, cleanse. Al the misting of the Maafa- teterr Aas.oiation last week the following se.n.mita wee meted ; " W• hereby daotare or belief that the bat inssreste of (Made nomad that eery w wbo support t•r- ril preseason' sh.ald be Mona as repre- sentatives of the people in the D..i.M. Hew el C ----.g." A IAD HAN. The tellswieg Is • fair illestra;ion of the mases a whisk summ of the Conservative pmp.s an fighting Mr. frmrier in Quoins. The Courier de Charlevelz, weigh Btmhep Labreves re..mmsmded to hi. parishes.n wage he forbade them to read L'EI•obs.r, . alis: - Wiwi has abjured his religise and hi. Wilfred courier. Whe bas denied the bishop the richt of T.mmmsdimg mbtmrs d eseensece Wilfred Darier. Who is the pnith.l Oiler of the Orange and Menne edge d Ontario, when these swear SOWS, be laver • Rama ()stiletto! Wilfred [eerier. Who gees M beer the hely serving is 8uedey in Pretense, aerobes. to 'lied Leerier. L it net time the people el Cowie raised their vase seism seal, poplitie.l warfare ; tee tmwise .oe new nduss the sant; of elate hen diagramed you with their en - rept deeds, they hen doubled your taw Mee and new ..k you to resew year 0seS- dmeee b them. It dose nes fellow that • mem buses* be i• • Onnervssive meet gap part ted hep them mem a power. The lad of his vein anima Them makes him w e lees a Oesserv.Yve M be sheens b rm snub sea Baleen M.Qarsby mod he hi- nnies .till maiden Chet they are Censer- *ohne he* as Mr. MOdrtky leas eh.. ra see tkb.p ternaries tkbd supe (long THE HAR3OR. m'e a'n fiebi.g is still below expecta- ncies. Cambria was in vert yesterday se her upward trip. Wm Reuse is o. • buriesn trip to Johrto.'e Harbor. The water in the harbor sad river lowered eomaiderably last week The limber bee been nearly all shipped from the Greed Trask cloaks. A large wboo.er, apparently becalmed, was of this port all Saturday. The people around the barbor are still wondering where the new mill road will be located. Rom Metall i. loading 160,000 feet of deals at the Dement yard for shipment to the Motherland. The number of 6abeng poles arousl the harbor on Monday would have fused • pretty large 6eld. If perch were mot booked on Monday it was not bemuse they were not tempted by hundreds of ,.ogler*. The *chooser Yooell o mpleted unloading on Saturday mad sailed the amt evening for Gore Hay to Lad for this pert. The Kolf•g* lett the harbor on Tuesday, but had to Dome to anchor about • mile to the southwest of the piers, and wait for a breeze. The 'chooser Craftsmen is daily expected with 500 Nes of coal for the North Amen ens Cbemsenl Company ad 150 tow for the waterworks. COMING ANO GOING. Mrs. A. M. Rees, of Toronto, is en town. Mrs. R Hawley, jr., is again ts Geda rich. Major tack spent the ?Atli la the Queen City, Pony Walton returned from Loudon 111.e. weak. J. A. Sullivan, of Guelph, spent the 24th in town. C. A. Nairn was visiting in Detroit last Friday. W. Brigham, of Kincardine, was in town the week. A. T. Chambers, of S•eforth, was in town se the 24th. R. H. Brown, of Kinoardiae, was in town a Moad.y. James Elliott, South -et, a bone from London, Eng. Mrs. Hawley, of Detroit, arrived in town the past week. Jas. Clark has been m.kiag • tour of the fishing stations J. Tennant, of Luckoow, spent the holi- day in Goderich. Mayor Holmes, of the New Era, Clinton, WY in teens cm Friday. Alfred S•oerd of Kinc•rdiue, was visiting the old home the week. Mrs. Morrison of W ashingtoo, is on her annel 1Wt to God.neh, W. H. Munn, is now eroand after he severe attack of le grippe. J. McDermott, of Toronto, was visiting friends in town the week. lows Clerk Mitchell was visiting rela- tives in Palmerston, the week. Robert McLean kelt for Toronto os Sear. day, and returned same night. Mise R. Sunbury, of Rrao.field, was visiting in (,oderich the week. Jas. Grose went to he home sear Look. sow as Saturday for holidays. Oogaoillor Cantatas left tor • short visit to the Queen City, os Satordey. F. Blair, barrister, spent the holiday at the family residence. Valeria-et. D. Harvey, of the °e11 p�ais, spent the past week as he I' home is .x. W. H. Reid, South -en, spent the post few days as hie bees near lw.koow. Mrs. Winos, of Seatortk, was the ganef of Mrs. Wm. Campbell this week- Herne eek.Her . Batley was et the matreid tlr- d...., Nelsen street, ter the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Jan. Acheson won vi.itiag their daughter. is Hamilton this week. The .Dienes master of the Collegiate,.p.nt the holiday .t the mammal reside.o., Chat- ham. Clawson renal.gben, oornstiet, 11154 an segmgement with the Chinos bead ea the 46th. "Diol ' ('attie •.d Henry Humber wheeled to 'tnedord and returned as the 44th. D. MoDse•ld and Dudley Haran took h the Queen's birthday celebrities in Teo rants Mies Aaai. Compbetl, of Se/Arils. .pit ties holiday at the family reddens, Q.. Mr. sad Mas. Fd. ('ox. of Chinn, were visiti.g their relatives in town the past tore weeks. Harry Parsons, et the Bak d Commerea, Stratford, pant the holiday as the Isenly re id..ss, N cat Serest. Mies Whitehead, el Klitoardie., was the guest of the Miens Campbell, Q•ebeo-.t, the past week. Saturday Night : Mrs. Clarkson left e W.d.da ter • visit of some weeks to Mini bns Bev. Mr. Holmes, of Clinton, e000pled �y sodt of North -et akaroh ea Pnnday, Mr. sad Mra. Doyle. ot w ass de., es. who a..eend tike remain of their sees �: for �s.ldt by the 4 r• w train en Tear Mines M0llywt and Meehan., who were Med..b la terra and on ri new bo► M ■ ea Sunday. el f sekaw, wheeled se 1• W. H. Reid, M. PP. for West Durham, and N. Mother, Kiva, and Mrs. it. J. Owens eM salt weeikm of Wm AL Farrow Meng Rmammd : The pose sales has bon remgened to the reddens* of Arta ___ OVER THE HURON TRACT. Th. Griot from the Local UHL A Weeny Mast N psap news nerved op to Sea everybody - rsso end Pietas skimped end (.demes seem user, exert... STEPHEN : Wirt. Sanders, of the Ota oeaoe.eie., 15.1 • valuable les.e fns. i.da.matien. S.atorth ; A small ohlld of S. Belem' fell sod broke her collar boss oo• day tin week. S•WWorth : Herbert Box, sou of W Box, got the top of the ..all ringer of of his ha.ds taken off this week. Kippes : Benjamin Blair and family here en Tuesday, taking the boat in G rich for their future home in Algoma. Morro : A now Misname to Mrs. Armsttosg died the other nay and a v 'nary toned a wire nail *tisk in the ani heart. Chutes : 1)r. Biackall, of Clint.., been appointed Veterinary Inspector the county, under the new Dominion latices Winghem : W. F. Brooke.dhue had beautiful pear tree, six years old, desireby the windstorm .. Saturday. It heavily laden with bloom. Exeter : Mw Polly Fake, who bad m under br••tsnt at the Crtosgo Hospital p•rnlyia, returned home Saturday, how* me signs of improvement.b Turo.rry Miss Jennie, only daugh f Mr. and Mrs. Peter Campbell, of T berry,was marned last Wednesday even to Wesley Benton, of Winnipeg. Grey : Mrs. Robert Hell, of the 4th Douai.., Grey, died gory suddenly on M ay sight of heart failure. She was is t of milking bee now at the tune. Seoferth : U. McCallum and H. E. Pupils of iner CollegiaIntimItim v es been euooetel in peaseng their 8 laminations as Toreson Medical Col Morro : Tees. Wilkinson, 4th line erne, who disposed of his form to hie as, hhas purchaad the property of Char ns urv, sear Helgmy, end will move bat plaza Janne Exeter : The trustees of the Jam ethodet ohuroh have purchased the wiled by Jos. lave at the north of t huroh. The building will be moved aw church sheds erected. Matron's.Gerrie : Wolter Matrot, aged tw w0 year*, the of Thomas Maguire, of WWI of Howiek, committed suumd• ridgy evening by hsngiag himself is tber's barn. No rayon on he r the rash bet. Hassall . Wm. M. Hell, youngest the D. Bell, of the township of Hay,lett Wednesdoo ay tor Liverpool, o..mO•aiod Wm. Murdock, of Stanley. who e a Eve oar loads of line cattle to the 01 try. Clinton . Mr. ad Mrs. ('. Carlin*,*, w vie bn•o spending the winter at the Saha th as, have returned to tows ; e friend* re. Gorlin• will be pleased to know tea r health has been cone.denebly improv her thiourea there. The, expect to o in Clinton, for the present at any ne iagham : John H.ndltos, of Wren,k in 94 bead of oat tie here on F yea,/ for the same a little over 44,000 r. Reunites m the beeriest *wk deal Western Ontario, having chipped ndred and air.•ty one oars of stock las as ear. H. hpaid to the farmers of th tasty toe the past 10 or 12 years an aver • of two hundred and forty t Hers per year. Clinton : W. J. Holmes, who for has had *barge of the maobioory M meet of the Doherty organ factory, haa 'red therefrodi, owing to ill health, t having affected his lungs_ lir. Rork summed'o summed' him has the name of being eeriest workmen amt mrobonio. Wo • to lens, gut .Ir. 11Ames' eld her is also a the Oak let with ons heart affection. Ss•forth : Many of oar readers will o learn of the death of lire Coleman ow of the let. Dr, 1'. 1. Os ...a. MIL lanais haat own in delicate heat' ter e time, but leer condition was net sex "red (withal until a few d. Heart awas us the cause of death. Mrs. Cole as wa quiet, retiring tarty, bat vor.11y euases ed sod was greatly ea he eared to tmembers of her own family was cmc of the oldest inh•hitaay he I parte a.d resided in Harpurbey is they day. heifers Sea•. tth had a hong, leaven a family of 8y sons and two toothier*. Tbo remain. were interred 1. •rpurhe, eonetery today, Weide these d labs hothead who died about three yea. °KillShine: John Shine and bis wife, 5th near Beicawor.d, have suffered • tad vmeat in we death of their two Int.!. Mary Ellen and causerie. &mil]e, y- *ease air year* end wee moethana otherothAve ysors and two moths. The ehiwheel Idrgs bad hese •t Meet a week ore they ware taken 111, .ad were sneak - with sore throat, white .t first was ht b be aotheg "wins, se there had a mild form of thin 41...s la the hben rbood, bat whoa they got sores sed lea aid was called, is was found that were suffering with . severe form of or thn Drs B.th.e• ad McGinn oilmen eeusssetly h sondes..... mod • • aherenn ezaminetiom of the beenpremises, bet omeld and nothing to aan y disease. Yr. d Mrs. Shim el the aoss. sympathy of rhe neighbor. . T. em left ode- WM. d.-Wm. War- mal h for r Wu- • red asen w be for but ter urn- ing 0011• ..- the Ra, t., nal of sen les to -.t lot he •y enty 'hens hie ngtpsd of here ho of .d re. tea ter may. err MID housed rose the e, w est • eo- s to lanaisro was • 0 d a former ha s M C H M 0 and t to F to fo P. on by ing Coun ba re M be by mai W too Pa M in hen 7 vto nit do time pert ret dos wb ex den seri gr• win Co thwl aid fail ma ami d She these earl Soe da H her Y 0011 bons Meth Ya the but dingbeen ..a ai`h`p were marl and MOND have heed The weak sobortasr Renege arrived in part last with a broken mese, end bas toth re. palrimg .mee her reture. The aseide.b eo erred at bend a the river mer she Cam. de beat haw, .ad was caused by the third eel oseors•te� Dew misrending rend tee mash wham Mdfgg hoe the sow Beres The Kdlmge was as sem am. ea wee sofa, ea she wee mines is five fest of eater mid bad lame tie eon... to be est et desesr. Cep - ea. Ys(smld sen tib M.geerm will seen Abe amiable se pees three. the tint ea she el lam mem .ne.g11esm ree a Owe eel se shawl shawl awwish th W mesh MA w aye pier•g a nailj.