HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-5-21, Page 7THR RTINAT,:-TODBRIOR, ONT. THURSDAY MAY 21, 1896.
T ! •Ight, sad la many districts the water
self-help�TE�STOPI OF ilia ding operations
trod will
lbs Iy re-
tarded. Seeding oPenlloa. soil be greatly ro
You are weak, -run-down,'
health is frail,strength gone
Doctors call your case an-
aemia -there is a fat-fann-
ire in your blood. Scott's
Emulsion of cod-liver of ,
l ypophosphites, is the
best food -means of getting
your strength back -your
doctor will tell you that.
He knows also that when
the digestion is weak it is
&letter to break up cod-liver
ail out of the body than to
burden your tired digestion
with it. Scott's Emulsion
does that.
Swiss a liewm.edievillei Oat. pia. and lies
The 01•tet train the L00111 KW.
a Weekly ekes. of renals *ewe Surveil
ep re man everybody - Pith awl
retest lipped and fe.dessed
Frans evert seethes.
GMONDViLLE. Mr. and Mrs.
tl:iam Allen. of Kgamedvilla, remedy
corbel'. ed their g•-ltes w.ddi.g.
Clime.: Last Sturdy, as Tees. Cour
110. was playsuit football wth the Climes
l;..11egeto teals •garnet the lfederich Col-
legiate team, he hod the miefortuas to have
She small boas act his lag broketo just below
Ur knee. The will lay him no for 6.e or
ax ...k.. He many friends sympathize
with him to his ol.fortasste.ad painful so-
lidest. He ple.e .s teacher of S S No. 9.
aideriib township, is being supplied by
Miss E R•obarieoa.
Eales : John Dome sad has wife, of
Bethesda, heti • very clow call while tinv-
mg through Exeter on Friday. Ono of the
tug. broke sad thou hares bmmem fright -
food, open the rig ..d throw the ample
tout. Mr. Down was badly ant &boat oche
bond, anti soars tabes op Ida was thought
to be .rtisut Mrs Doves w.. aloe loomed,
but not ea ..Jowly as was her has:wad.
Whoa proper r storeuyes wore applied. Mr.
Bows reoovseed onwesios.su.., .od he sad
Mr. I),iw• aro steadily reoovwis&.
Ssetortb : The oleos lot. of McGill Ud-
Twel'y are oat and show that Mies Hurries
Brooks. e1 a.alorth Coilsgiate I•.tttatw,
bac seem came at tis bead of nor year, as
sh. 4.4 totem before. Thin time she wise
first-c'katr honors s.6 prize is msthom•tisa ;
prow in Gerstein ; sed first-olss gm.•ral
•t.edi•g 511.. Brooke is tow in her third
year, sad bide fair to carry off more Uoivor-
stty honors and prow. tem .ay one of the
own evidence who have prao.ded her from
our Imamate. Erervbndy to oar town o
moor be nreud to hear lbat elm stood 120 d
marks shoed of tho met o nd'4ate. B. r
sides the Abhor. ehomereite.4, Was Brooks
got first -our is Greek, Law prow oom- t
po.nooe, lotto, modem history, sad1Fr..eb.
dud s.n.n 1 clam 1a Litio author.. She was C
awarded tis $ r D•eald Smith scholarship
of 11100 .ad few fairies f'•e rine. uessioa,
Important Events In Few Words
For Busy Reader&
is OWN Weetld's Happe.l.gs Cereal"
CewaNlsd sad rat lots Heady sad
Auretedre Maes Wee to •eadde• M
ear Paper -A WSW Heee'e ra epsahal
In Par.ar.Md laromo.11sa•
a Aa' A LT I KM.
Wlllhm Bellamy of Brockville. stud
te roars, ea; run over by a car and
'1 was found necessary to amputate
the leg between the ankle and the
li. hellion. eyed 10, whole home
was In Toronto. but who waa working
t (hhawa. in sitempting to hoard a
freight train fell and had both lets
taken off by tb.. wheels. He diets
about two hours afterwards. ,
The bricklayer,' laborers of Toronto,
to the number ..f 10114 trent un eti.i...
Slay 1 for higher pay.
May day was tither not obeerv.-d tr.
the European capitals, or It passed OA
without any dleturlwn.•aw.
The strike of the motormen and con-
ductors of the Union Tra.•Uo..
Part'. Philadelphia, nominally writ,
Into effect at 4 u'cl.w'k Friday noon -
Ing The effort to tie up the meso. ail
Thr Toronto Civic Board of Control
has decided to reduce the number of
tax collectors to six.
Sub*crfptlonp for the new loan of the
city of Montreal of L410.000 have been
timed 1n London, Eng. Te loan weal,
Nosily over-subecritted.
On Saturday the Hoard of Police
(ommlrsinner, of Ottawa formally dip
missed Chief of Pollee IteVeity. Mr.
McVeity has announced himself as a
candidate for the mayoralty.
Wt1.ITt1 s1t.r•l:Kr ll..
it b reported that Lord Sall.hury has
decided to aPt.o nt fiord 1.1*ndaf, bet-
ter known as Nr. Nemo MsIlhew,,
Q.C., who was Home Secretary in the
last Salisbury Cabinet, to succeed th.'
Marquls .4 Dufferin as British Ambas-
sador at Parts.
The Pall Mall (1asettte claims that
it has authority to deny the prevalent
rumors that Lord S31Mhury is about
to retire from the Forr.gn saner owing
to failing health. He was never in
better health, the paper says, and
never more eager for work.
Thom's photograph gallery' and
dwelling was completely gutted by fire
at Lunn.
on the last day of April five thieves
were shot In Cripple Creek during the
fire and two in Ppverty Gulch. Twen-
ty-five firemen were injured during the
`o. Marys had a $2e,/00 fire on th.•
7nth ult., which *farted In the ;National
Hotel stables. At on.. time the whole
opines,. portion .1 the town was in
danger. and Lendnn and Stratford
were telegraphed for aid. hut the fire
was brought under control before the
engine's were loaded on the cars.
THE 1)1:AD. .
The wife of Rev. W .1. Clark died
at London.
Charles (famon. one .1 the most
prominent citizens of Collingwood, died
Sunday afternoon in his :4th year.
Over four million buabr•Is of grape.
are. said 10 be In elevators along the
line of the Canadian Pacific 'railway.
wetting fur export to thr 1xd Coun-
try. Moat of the elevators pave been
qulte choked up.
The Imperial House passed the bill
to amend the law rr.pecung the rating
of occupiers of agricultural land in
England. The effect of the bill "Oh
be to take from the Imperial ex-
chequer the sum of e2,00u,0ou yearly
The vote stood 313 to lei.
rot 141:'. f►► WAIL.
The London prase are clamoring for
the crushing of the Trans%sal. and in
this spirit Mr. Chamberlain has sent
a message to President K ruger
Advice* from Trinidad *tate that the
Hritlab Intend to fore.- the passage
of the Orinoco and that the Vene-
zuelans are determined to Jesuit the
attempt to their utmost
Staff -Sergeant Halp of the Oath
Highlanders, who w,.n first plat`s• un
the Canadian Bliley team of this year.
left Thursday night ahead of the
tram, for the old Country
The arrival of Ka' Di Grey and bis
troopers at Huluwayo will be the dg
nal for a general odvanor of British
forces, which will Immediately take
the offensive against the Matabeles.
Thr Mata.bH. Impl. whl,-h was de-
feated on the bank of the I'mguxa
river. now otrup.es a porltlu0 com-
manding the Sall*bury road, for the
purpose of intrrcrpting the Ithudcv
4(41. 111.114.uili. WORLD.
Rev. J. H. Itoowerby, pastor of the
Finn Haptlat church, Chatham, will
deliver his veledlctory un May 2416.
Ret-. (1. Mott Williams was oon-
scerated Bishop a the new Pout -aunt
Episcopal diocese of Marquette, at
(;race church, In Ihln.lt.
The St. Barnalw■ ('hurrh. St Cath-
arines, cunt mittee, will formulate
charges against Rev. C. N Shutt in
the letter -opening our as soon Y a
new bishop is elected.
The installation of the Right Rev.
Charles Hamilton as Bishop of the
new Anglican Diocese of ottawa at
Christ Church Cathedral on Friday•
was one of the most imposing cere-
ernmonies ever witnessed In ottawa. The
large but/ding was crowded to R. ut-
most capacity. Amongst those present
Were Nis Excellency the Governor-
General and Lady Aberdeen The
service throughout woo most im-
pressive. Archbt1Oo:t Lewis officiated.
KAII. Ke)tla Kt MKI.Ihtot.
Sir Charles Rivere-Wilson. who 1a In
New York speaks in a hopeful tone of
the. business of the (frond Trunk Rail-
way, of which he le president.
Judge Acheson In the United State*
Circuit Court bas signed the decree for
the sale of the property of the Phila-
delphia and Reading Railway and
('oap and Iron Companle• under for -
The Dundas Council has decided that
if the Hamilton and Dundas Railway
cars are not all fitted with modern
conveniences, according to the agree-
ment with the town, no license per -
resitting them to run Into he town
wfl be issued for the current year.
The employee of the defunct Lon-
don and Port Stanley Railway syndl-
este. alter waiting for about two
years, are to receive their wages In a
couple of weeks. There art- some
wenty men Interested, who welt get
amounts ranging from 313 to $125. the
total amount being $769.17.
A provincial detective has been de-
tailed to work on the Kitchen robbery
1n Wentworth County.
Ernest Johnston, of Stratford. hav-
ing but two months to serve In the
Kingston Penitentlary, escaped, and
bas not been captured.
Harry Em,v was committed tor. trial
at Niagara Falls on the charge of
Causing the death of Minnie Mlnohln
by an Illegal operation.
John Repair was an applicant at
police headquarters, Chatham. for
news of the whereabouts of his wife,
who. he claimed. bad deserted him.
John L. Diamond. ex -Deputy Reeve.
f Thurlow, and formerly of Belleville.
led at the Home for Incurables. T, -
unto. on Saturday.
Timothy W. Anglin. chief clerk .t
he Surrogate C. urs, who at nor time'
was Speaker of the Dominion House of
ommons. tiled at h1. residence In
Toronto, Sunday. at the age of 74
LI -Hung -Chang has arrived In S•.
Petersburg bearing a letter from !tie
Emperor of China to the Czar. and
numerous costly presents.
France and Italy have demanded of
of the Porte an Indemnity for the
ins* of life of citizens. of those coun-
tries and the destruction .1 property
belonging to Catholic missions dutlr.g
the recent massacres in Anatolia.
The new customs regulation govern-
ing the exportation of horse. In rhe
('nited State* wect Into effect May 1.
Under its provi.lnns the sum of 63
must be paid at the port of exporta-
tion on every horse brought Into the
PI'KEI.Y PKRa4►N *1..
A report comes from Montreal that
Sir Donald Smith Is to be made a
Premier Greenway left Toronto cn
Saturday for the west, and will spend
some time In Chicago on his way home
Princess Beatrice (Princess Henry of
Rattenberg). daughter of the Queen,
has been appointed Governor of the
Isle of Wight.
Musape,- d -Den, the second eon of
the late Shah, was eatromed at Tab-
abriz, the capital •1 the Province over
which he has been acting as Governor.
There is not the slightest hope of the
recovery Of the ('zarewltch, who is in
the very last stages of con.ump(Ion.
and arrangements have been made In
case of his death. to cancel the corona-
tion ceremonies.
The recent action with the Insurgent
Matabeles resulted In Inflicting .urn
sever.' lop upon them that Huluwayo
le looked upon as being practically re-
Judge Gregorowskl, who presided at
the trial of the Reformers at Pretoria.
was hooted and groaned at on his re-
turn to Bloemfontein, in the Orange
Fere State.
Tbeee rehire Creiada.ttes Have garb tlpako.
cent -sl Wore. le raver or eve. agnomen
4aYrrkal Powder.
Oto of the most cardial endorsements of
the oars• i.. powers of Dr. Agnew'. Catarrh-
al Powder has otiose from the Btahop:of To.
recta Ba• b has sot stood close io but
praise of rite litmdiol.a H. wee followed
by mon I le the Roy. John Laegtry, sad the
Rev. W H. W.do. Rooter of the Ch .•ch of
the Ascension, Ham hos. Ont.. sad Nil ag
into liter en, b the Re.. W. R Willi�ms, Mr,
Langtry's popular curate, Lb. Rey. H. R.
Gwynn', ewatasr pastor el St. Peter's
Church, H.mllu.s, has bees owe of the I.t-
est to ea.for.o this wonderful remedy. It
.aver fails. aw.1 se so quick. to ones of oold
h the hood ani ..lamb, sad is N. oarreat
pemo.e for H•y Fever.
Sold by J K Davis.
lined es Ely
Lover -1 know as well ae seybady thee
.ke ha. no beauty, or m•.sy er •o..mplw-
aleeta, or anything : hot I bun h.r. sad-"
Freed -Aid in any cam she will be your
better half."
Ilea Always .a
When .he talked she talked, and whoa
she talked, nobody elm talk.d meob-0I
inset not is tat immediate vicinity. Nor
was bet husband entirely oblivious of the
" y ,.ar wife," remarked • friend 1. boa
Doe ds), " bas a romask•hle .emaemd of
las1o.ge "
Well, ye.." he replied thoughtfully.
" I presume .he has ; hat there re tis
when I almost chunk It W ememaed e/
O. care aesedy-OMale It for 1•
�e•t•. Blower beamed, sad be Cored.
Catarrh Is a disagreeable and al-
L•slve disease. It ase lly restate from
• rope end often esi is esesamplios
eat dratls Tie ons effectiversme*y
es far d Ssoe.r.d for It in Dr. Q�egsgtr�gt
Catarrh Cur..
Ph sisisee laded to ear. Gee. Da1I y.
tell -gate keeper. Holland Lading/ rasL
Chess's Catarrh Caro eW it -
Oat bot eared William Haesel.w sad
tw. bozos Jamas T. Stoddard. beth it
Vest Owilltmbery.
Divide• Court ark 10.1 Lagem Rob-
alert 1. Hoover sad ().o. Taylor, all el
biat.a volmatarUy to tb1 e1S-
w l hseseee .Chi mast ...rlr
Mita se dostot•a bet fouled se perl•a.est
relief mmol he tried a Moist hoz 04
moil ft • d b 111 Albans. awsoryt epi int a
t bled a bio* Hastwt1L s lw of-
Dr. Chase's Catarrh Care M lee ado by
*a7 *else, or Iy st: eaasea Dates •
Teko te, "flee IIS toot ledllAes
MOM end bremliri rO�Iss
b West dl.a UMW gad Illirpoorlos. rialto
Ma engi w tabs IPS aaadb 1
The supply of bodies of children
thrown into the Thames by Mn. Ann
Dyer seems inexhaustible. Another
body was nshed up Saturday; making
the seventh.
While the Shah of Persia was enter-
nterIng the Inner court of the shrine of
Shalt Abdul Asimo eta miles south of
Teheran. be was shot In the region
of the heart, and died shortly aLter
reaching the palace.
Freeman Blackwell of Blddulph
drew a revolver and deliberately fired
one shot at Albert Hodgins. Hodgins
escaped the bullet. The trouble arose
out of a former unsuccessful
ment with We daughter and hos would-
be victim.
Henry Garbett. a widower, aged 711
years. was arrested In Erin by County
Con.table A. R- C. Saunders. The
charge laid against him Is that of
carnally knowing his daughter, Edith
Garner. a girl about twelve years and
five months old. The prisoner was
remanded by Magistrate Saunders of
Guelph for a ween.
W. 0. Thompson. superintending
engineer of the Welland canal. receiv-
ed Instructions to keep open the citral
on Sunday.
The Kitson--Playfalr case has been
oompromised. Dr. Playfalr paying
Mrs. KKron dg5t tbouLand pounds,
Instead of the twelve thousand award-
A bill before Ootorneao appropriating
35000 to enable the Secretary of War to
remove the Canad on t -fee Indians
r'om Montana to Canada has been
avorably reported.
The case of Curless v. The Montreal
tar, in which ('airless• the revenue
metal. sued the Star for 615.000 for al -
bred iibel, was decided in favor of
be Star on .11 point..
While T. H. Hayhurst was .In.4ng
solo In an opera performance at the
rand Opera House In Hamilton a
omen pointed an empty revolver at
.m and snapped the trigger.
A number of cipher telegrams con- t
meeting the South Africa Company's f
officials with Dr. Jamieson'• raid In
the Transvaal ha.e been made public S
b7 the finer Government. o
According to a London not -respond. it
of The St. Petersburg Novosti, (Jr,.(I t
Britain's aim In the Soudan campa.(n
Is to tvoceupv the Equatorial Province
and whorl she has established here. 11
on the tipper 2411* she will evacuate i
Egypt w
The water wag let Into the Cornwall
Canal on Friday, and navigation wa.
'opened on Saturday mornlrg. The
canal was kXbt open on Sunday. v'
All the coal companies advanced an -1 prices to the basis made by
Rending, Lehigh Valley and LaMar
It amis. The advance Is M cents per
ton. taking effect at once
The Canadian revenue crotter Petrel
has gone to take Erle. where she will
to look after American fishermen
ho are apt to get into foreign waters
y mistake when petting their net*.
The Anchor line steamer Belgravia
arrived at New York from Palermo
and Naples. bringing 1541 Italian m
mtgrsata. This la the largest number
of passengers arriving by any one
steamer this pesrnn
rive children at one berth is the
remarkable revved of the wife of
Omar Lyons, • fanner riot hie mile
west of MayS.4*, Ry The habits are
all alive ape Mow ptvepects of doing
well. They are .11 boys.
Mount Maes Los, Hnnolufa. woe 1n
vb10Ht airelletken at T o'•1ock on ties
maenad el April in The fountain of
Ws ma rte mmeniu el w mn.atain
Was OtMwa by *Weevers at RIO as
amp�iesmatd tett bob The light Wan
• WIN at than It was man from 3*
Ilatr a. IN ram awe. 18. matt
and tha glom' was ewes at Llami.d
Hee• IN mem tilleteen This isatestes
as erelitlm• def as pees•.t mei mla•ia
The ship -building budne:a of the
Clyde la better than 1t has been for
year.. All trade diferene►s have been
settled, and there la .north work
ahead to keep the yards busy all the
present year.
The burden of commercial advice*
from New York 1s to the effect that
hodneas In the tinned State*. whll.
bolter, 1* not as good as had bre•
imploded -or. perhaps, hoped for --at
this advaaexd period of oke memos.
A daga4eh from Iamla *are that the
0rweg6t In !het Murree is earlier
Meat drtrwes.
lista tell heolmontly le ambers
m erwittaH/boba tar the OM boor !Adair
The world's cavae /&ploy 1,600,000
Then era eight Liman mere whits aw ■
Nem wanes la ladle.
Is amplest stases beast were oolleuted
hem the battle ielde, ground to poader,tsaej
meed le I.rtlltw the land.
Itr a assted tb•t sae third .1 the iterate
of hoof maeam.d to Loads tad the tet
a.dtate district are Americas frau.
A prim of 30,000 frames has bees offered
by • derma is Meyeuee te anyone who prochos• • plant o• ohtoh bias ruses will
It.tadssr, as • rule, are sot very stress'
animals Tbey man carry only forty or of
ty peesds es their beck. .ad drww from two
to three hundred uouaAs-
A Western seepost, who wee • (L9ernias,
sed who for eosin veers past hoe snag b•
e we d pebl.e in Peruoe sew employed by
the French tsoesraa,eat a tesohug the.
to Ne tailors of the Davy. H. Moe from
oar ship to asoth.r,.peodi.g about a mos
to .soh.
What ars claimed N be the largest tire
elegises is the world were recently med. Is
Lsdoo. them tunable, of tbrowag 1,400
the other 1,800 to 2,000 gallons par minute
Th..►•.hues w.igb three and • hall tow
.soh, and caa be readily draws et tall gal-
lop by tour horses.
A sortbers city vestilaHe iia sewers by
makam them eater into thirty tall factory
okiaa.ya Them, of toarae,Creatm• stems
draught, keeping the foul air to the chino
*eye cont ntly ohalotos, whim the beat in
the chimes!. baro the .ewer gases aid 4e
strove the disease Kerma that they owvtry
Then is a hems.s plaotyuos b Cobs owe
wing se area el fifty .quare miles. which
aestaise ole an average 2,500.000 trees.
and keep is omostant .mplot most about 3
500 mimes. ♦ deet of twenty-six steamers
its repaired to transport the fruit to the
U.Ited States The haa.na is fast supernal
mg the .war calm in the West Indies.
No living representative of the animal
kingdom bas norm thin live toes, digit., or
claws to sash foot, bend or limb. The hones
m the type of the one -toed orestion, the
camel of the two -toed, sad the hippepota
mp of th• toartoed animal life. The e,.•
d.aat, and Misdeeds of other animals of dif-
ferent orders belong to the great Ivo -teed
tribe Tbe rhinoceros is the type of the
throe toed animal.
A curiously Ingenious denim ie regarded
as being sometimes employed by Moagoli.r
letter -carriers. Them moo make very lerge
jo.r.eya on foot, sad within a time which
allows them only tis briefest intervals for
an occasional nap. To ensure themselves
against ovenlooping, therefore, they elm •
moos of jos-stick io ooe of their thumbs,
light It, sad lay dowo to root. Whoa tbo
stick bur.. dowo to the flesh the pais
awakens them and they resume their jour
riwturi.ta in depicting • G.rwra are
is the habit of metope • hie pips Is hie
month The tips is national, indeed ; bat
the t:ertsans as • mance are far from beiag
• In greatest s,+Mors They do net smoke
more than Fr.ochmen, Rusfae•, Swedee,
Of Hang•ria.s. The mem of the United
'Mates and of Switzerland aro the most to
e. erste molten in the world. to thew
°oerels N. oomenmptioo of tobacco per
bead is three times greater than in Ger-
H ere Abeam lne Creat R. .dr wkkh Re
1M.e. eh .s.sathss Is • pew Wean a.d
Cares 1e ewe to Three •ay..
William McKeezk, Esq . of the (:. T. R.
Thaatoevills, (eat " About two years ago
1 was o-onoletely laid up with the rheums
tum and called in our family phyioan who
attended me for weeks without benefit. At
last i secured • bottle of Smith American
Rheumatic Cure, a.d obtained relief to a
few hours. Two bottles ..&bleed me to re -
same work. 11 is the quickest acting re-
medy in the market. as one dose ooeviooee
of ire great worth. Sold by J. E. Davie.
Bummed est'
D. -fie you and the heedsome Stumble
girl ere one!
T. -That. what I thought whoa the par-
son married w, but 1 have, ands ooeoluded
that wit are tea.
1). -What do you meso '
T. -She is Dae end I'm naught, my door
Diamonds au now be engraved in • very
artistic mender A tine spaslmles of this de-
.elopmeet of the diamond cutting art is
• Wts oircul.r slope on which a posey with
its foliage is .o.eeved Another example is
• rig made of one diamond, to i.teri0.
. erfaos being poli.bed end the interior sl
•b►rately engraved. Is is but a few yeses
stem it was deet possible to pierce helm is
diamonds This for made possible tis
plotting of diamonds on a string elt•r.•tlag
with pearls.
A sob -marl., cable is ;being laid for esus
real hundred miles op the River Amerce.
This will pleas the interior oonstrise
is direct oommuoioatioo wish Europe as
well es with the immsdlate shipping porta,
sed trill anuosstio.ably onotributs largely
is the devslopeeet of Brasilia. oommeroe.
Te mrry land lima one this vast and little
pools territory would •imply be impossible
awl es Nees oro praoNeslly ao railways
parallel with the river, the steamboat and
tis dN..ra tis great meson of eomm•ro•
. md dvii.salos.
♦ w ma easily ham his own way by
sot w•etbg it.
Could not get Insured.
Reeeeted b9 Straight Una mmol
Mutual Companies.
Out now Insured 1n beth.
"Should i d1e while 1 am Ina posit/ea
le pay my insurance premiums, ml
family will owe their support to Scott e
Sarsaparilla. Tau years ago 1 applied
Ie tato .om enies for insurance, 01000
iR sash. My bee wee a mass of pimply
Moped.. and my urine did sot Maud
lost. One dotter in *remising mo. Bald
I mould sot pass, but that my troebls
was curable. He advised an altered,'
sad I esmoenced taking
Lttb Sarsaparilla. Both east
ridected me, bat Aur moetha later, aper
I lied tales eve bottles .t yoar remedy
I am thankful le my bath accepted mit
✓ a rtak-mos being • Mock cseepuly.
the other a armasel The msaa4Her
pre.l.e.ty mKamlHei me, remarked "I
H ever saw oath a outage Many man.'
The 1s ladened by IG. J. Todd. lbs
CligrbArg Waste, T o f& Queen and
Need en .111.�akme, imparts'
vlger sad vfladly,1hars sad parties tae
Meed. 1t amine ikia dleamea, 1eWe.rbmm-
mode.e. gest, lei m
.etle• and paL emir
Wel p •Y l per
The &apples Maw* _ 4w1 after Etna will
Hmsbmsn.sl.g R..*3ee ie toxin t'.lprK
Quebec, Illay L--Ururgs Vselna, a re -
cleat of QuebesS, was cunvlcted t..-d•ly
up a charge of distilling; and rect►fy-
tng spirits without a license, and was
condemned be use month's imprison-
ment and a fine of 610(► and costs, or
six month* additional to default of
payment. Having previously tarn eun-
vlM.d ut bovine a still in his p0.-
as•ros IlleffallY. he was further Cued
ON and owls to one mouth. In pur-
suance u( the revised statutes, which
imposes a Ane of double of excise aLd
License duties. amounting to 6n50 each
In tach a case.
" Gr•mdp, tell me what to the 4'ITereeee
betaerm hart►r et. sod cat.' , flue'"
" Barbarism, my bey. is 1. luso your en
emy with your ►ate►.! at . ..e.t.00e of a
-boor : Ir, ..,.n i. kit' .,.., w.rh
bem•,N•,-" • •' emir " ..1 - we' • " e i• s.
Pu.....'. all the good
there can be in a good
Soap, 1 n short,
hennas& is added to
cheapen it or reduce
it. quality
1/ tot ewe, 1, "S.unhrbt" wrappers rent
a u.eful paper Wand b....k meth be sent,
Of a cloth -bound but y, wrappers.
P '
Items pre .4V bel IlYwr%sonar
.t ewe et and drauwas W
an very yea els.& eW W rid&MiniW
e V, mood &area
1 r.* eeM lflslM r weed wow
at aisame.rr lamination. sof and le nary 00
-.n aSioons a o , werrtra root.
It Cures firlatl1Laan Nee-
reigla. Pales le Hook er de, er
any Muammar Pates, ,
e •
• •
• •
• Price 'Davis* Iawmw.e Co., >w, 1
sae. 1 `.,ole Proprietors, M
Lb • • • • M • • • • 43
The redact of the wax Pm d tike
Ando. a••aot Le de.,e1ulmb) Clem IMP
Positively Cures
Is • aurpn+tuelr short one. 11 s a in -
•nae. c, eluate, tried lad tree soothing
and beating a in amt.
W. C. N.Cotraa■ a Sur,
Boueha t.. Vat.,
report le a Las. thee r.., Yeetwel ..rn Ilse
C aw..e..4• Y*... a. haft sae w.rW
Sena an aid , .owl a a ikeen ow 4 a
(r.t..+w ._.tai
Ma. ). 1t. Ht TT‘, Ch. wow
yet Your. - St Toro•uo, writes
/ad ald
r••••••5 a IMO l.as.. w. Mw
lea Mvea tis ww 01514.1... le all WOO
W., !N IL evert bailer aa -e. w me J 1e•
a.... avowed bun No ' • to. eat 8.1* ...
h 5 awed. I.w wig or r•••,., e. a e4.•••., as
Um lr* lie51.. to r.. 1 -...•*4.41,
eat 1 . as ...y. w•,. - in. ., . ,. as a w.- W
nosn. w+ wan r
purse 0.ttte. a fps.
DAVIS a !Avian -NC? CO. IPion WWI S
What's the time?
It you hare n Cough
it is time you were talditil
of RED
OI v'ssyruphagbeennntrial formoretha•
ss years and the verdict u1 the peuple is that
It is the h. -.t rem..iy known. :5c• and c.c,
per beetle. Sold everywhere
(3) 1ION-FHEAI-,
For the successful Treatment of
all Diseases of the Kidneys and
Urinary Organs,
Bright's Disease, Diabetes and
Paralysis, and all forms of
Blood Poisoning.
Or Thew Pills are put up In large wooden
boa.. at 60 cents. Kola by .11 Druggist* and
dealers -never by count or on hulk, and never
under any other name than Dof'^'a k1ONEY
The Dodd's Medicine Co., Toronto.
Gentlemen -A new medicine called
Dodd's Kidney Pills hoe leen rr-omnie•nd-
ed to me by my physician, and. by his
advice, I mend one dollar,the price of two
boxes. Plate send therm without delay.
Yours truly, ANDREW FTLKIa\S.
Canton, McPherson Co.. k:aegae,
"Ry • thorough knew indite of the oatmeal
Lw. which severe lbs operations of digestion
and nutrition. and by • careful application M
the fine properties of well -*elected (Sones Mr.
Ips. has provided for our breakfast earl sup-
■Fper • delicately flavoured bsve'rege which may
save m many heavy dation' Nils, it is by the
Judicious nee of .00h artholes of diet that soon
'Motion may be grad malty built op until strong
eat to rests every tendency to disease.
Rriedit of subtle maladie. are Rootless
around as re•dj to attack wherever there le •
weak point. We may ..cape many . fatal
eh•ft by ke.pleg oarsMves well fortified with
pore blood and • propene no.rlahed rr•ma'-
CAW Service 0aadt.
Male .imply with tiling water or milk
Rad espy lo n ecket.,by Grooms. labelled thee
WIMP ern aowe Logo, liomm gelb r
A.mI.O.. lames. sam1a0.
Coal & wood Yard
The undersigned hegti to inform
the public that he keeps on hand
all grades of
Bpsetal &teat*.ei glye. to
Call spigot prloen and see samples
of wood.
Office and yard, NELSON -ST.,
ave Smite lotus. Rad.
Of Paint to put on a Poor Article.
It will bop •, •l.o t tout• sad eat pearls as
much as .. owl e'e al t • for Imtt-r w111 Ilia
M1.r I rare an. • ,; h lest .1. the t Mike True
Economy as 1.. /lie ,ase of . good sr. ic1 . As
such we baa rroomm.ud
l3usranteed by the White 1e.d Association
of (` sada. and recommended by our prede
censors for yea was the beet white lead on the
Good Good..iid Right 11-cee.
Obtained, tied all beehives le the U. 8. Pliant
Onto att.ad.d te a MODERATE PRICK
Our oleos le opposite the U.8. Pates% 01 -
Goa, •ad w • mea obtain Patents is lass dine
ba those -emote from if' ARHINO TON.
Bead NODRL 04i DRIIVINO. We ad
rise se to estostabllity tree o1Mery sad
We refer, heroi
. to the Postmaster, te. Ps
Money Order Div.. and to .•oisle of the
U. e. Patent Odin.. For eroal•r, advises
terms *ed retcrraes to actual oltoate In yoar
)w. State or Comity write to
C a ssew a rte.,
l000elte Detest ()•es.Wasklagtsa. D C.
!lese•sseet. Chvptal t RlnoSJ
Hanafad..wr of all tad. of
Smoke Stacks, Salt Pana, Sheet Ire.
Works, etc., etc.,
Aad Dealer 1.-
Ksg n.•. Maehia.ry ('.strap, !e.
All dans .f Pipes end Pilo now,
Stam sad Water (lues, Glebe Valeta,
Clung V.Iti'aa imm8rwwe, Meows sed L•
j.e.Mo Oessea1ly es Read M Lowest
1'AMampmm�I Ifs .f Neel Wats, mid Reg
r.mgG. ler NO .f farmers sod others.
MobabOsf promptly maternal M
A.. E. 0:112Tpr&L.
tett P. 0. Dem W. 0M -.t& Om.
Wm . l pop- s 1•. T. n. swim. YMw1M