HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-5-21, Page 6Dr. M. 1. nevem, Results Astonish MEN OF SCIENCE. AYERS rui: A MEDICINE WiTHOUT AN igt,f4AL. Statement of Well Known doctor " Ayer's Sarsaparilla 1+ without an equal as a blood-pw'iaer and Spring medicine, and cannot have praise enough. I have watched Its effects to chronic eases, where other treatment was of no avail, and have beet a+too/shed at the results. No other blood medicine that I have ever used, and i have tried them all, is so thorough in Its action, and effects so many permanent cures as Ayer's Sar+aparill."-Lr. K. F. MtaaILZ, Augusta, Me. Ayers. Sarsaparilla no Admitted at the World's Pair. Ap.r's rills far lower mud bweewla, NEWSPAPER 1TURIES. Can masa it illealt.n. Civihx.uua has demoralized the Samoan. Tsey have taken • Iao.> to the large men of wan blots, for a knob they have discarded Meir *woes, and In which they row about tree village to villa., discussing politic.• and neglieme l their or.,ps To build the boats they have murtgawed their lead, sad instead of =okras a. a, tempt to raise the mousy le pay their creditors, they speed their time play tag cri.kst tar mall stakes. Ise Orlaises. A very old luau --Manly ninety years of nee boss/ reed what he had dune to Ove so long, answered "When I could sit, 1 sever stood 1 mar tied We, was • widower emu, and Dever serried ,wain. Pat a learned bishop, who was married four %u teries,theept ditivrean o , for he was ao well pleased with his =•triumeial venture, that be placed thew memo es the wedding - nag of he fourth wide : "If L survive, Ili task* it fig." Se rime a waver. The -outh Airies=.ewp•p.e are full of smuemw iootdents towith the resent Reed wa•er Lsaigh smell• water, at Eve thillam i, •• bottle, r gesaerul ass for aulinery and washing peewees. The demand for Florida water, bay -rum, eau-de- I'ologne. and other hoods i like ekYaote was uopreo,dsatty greats, mad •sytbi.g that could be peeked into the service of the i toilet oommanded a limey pare A mixture OT ammonia and lavender weber is said to have yielded satisfactory result*, and even stranger compouudo were bp no means de - speed Naga ahem* ashltee. Dahlias are of Melees engin, and were lint introduced into t,ur.taav by Dahl, and mete called dahlias in h000r of the man who cultivated them Thi. were, when dteoovered, quite single having only one ray of petele about • gold. en oeotre, the oolors being scat let, yellow, and white The germane were the first to attempt doubling them, and the dahlias were so prized by royalty, and en isalously guarded, that those in obarge of them were •worn to imeracy as to their cultivation. In • few years semi double dahlias ao. peered. and ultimately she perfect double dahlia was obtained whioh sold tor five Ruin ase • plant Dahl himself is said to have netted • very large sum in two yeah from his crops. Tender Inserted. sorb Bernhardt, despite her ecesntnci- ttes, has a sett heart. A Frenchwomen who mended lace for • living bad Bernhardt for one ot her best customers, One day the actress tound her freed so sad that she called the woman'' stater nut asked what the trouble was. She ea•wered " Tomorrow is rest day, end we have not enough mosey to pay... Next day when the work was returned the actress played with the woman' little boy and left something in hu hand TM soother found that this was . back note sad b.tesed back to return It, bot her patron mid " Oh, do leave It with him. It is • toy sad amuses him At another time this same I..e mender was out of work whoa Bernhardt met her is the street. " Kat I always have work for my friends, - aim said, sod tore • msgnigoent piece of Rrowb lase r tee. MN es vasa. I luring the war white Moe took plata be- tween Turkey and Servie, it se kappesed that seam of the lady menss amid their staff as well as time spsslal oerrespead-ts and mdieal men, managed e. hill within the jurisdiction of • Turkish pasha. They were .aterrlly aweless tempters to this dignitary that they were sere eembat sate, end entpisd to pretestf.s. Se they deputed • very well knew. epe.i.l earn epeadent, with • peeve wbe preferred le M a Turkic Hs te "whit epee t paths be make est «e, whe The eorr.p..d. t towed himself not wholly without senetion is the awful pros THE SIGNAL : GODSRICH. ONT.. TAITRSDA Y. MAY 21, 1896. WWII el the pasha. The iaterprawr hied te bogie his ..ple..tt•se, bat von seen etass- me l i. hie Ta. tea sed se__.A unable W N en The oorreepoodest tried M doves to kin seear•nce, hal, l..i...sett we.ker !• him T.arki,h terse seen the tsNrpreeer, wee gaol 1e to get beveled • kw weeds, and seen I,..$.• dome altogether The pooh• made a Digo es if to ia•«-rapt th«m, sad the esr.esp.•sdeet waited is. roach •aossmesent Then the pasha wed " Ah. the., you ens *pato to m. to Esc loth ' Sur.. 1 was beers to the beautiful was of ('ork t'.. a whiled Milks pilon. The rem was a• ordinary ase M peeket- la.:kise, 1 ■t the l.wt perm bad sot been ward, and besides, the pul.w knew ne total 111111111114 the wooed Ho the magistrate wee • bit dou'o lel, sad asked tee pe -w✓r .f rev kora of anyone who oou'd te.. f, w ti.s p.etww obaree• ter "That gentleman can, sir. He tumor (rum the some place as me he knees ate well, duet yon, Mr Aubrey !" answered 'he prt.oa•r, pomtey to a well-drsmd gootl•man at Is back of the mart. Thus appealed W. Ilse impromtu wtto5M stepped Hilo the b..a and soberly testified diet he had known the premier tor many yowl' sad always found him, etc., oto. "Whet are you --Sy profession, 1 mesa, Mr. Aubrey'' said the ot•gatraa, evident- ly impressed with the *videoo• of ober- actor. •'A contributor to the prom, your wor chip was the reply. Thu seemed .atislactory, and the prison .r was given the benefit of the doubt and discharged. Nut day, however, the 'honooestmac was again ID the dock (this time ac• compacted by his "tr$sad' 1 for they had both been caught red-handed while on an other pick pocketing ezpeditioa. "Not only are you • thief," said his wor ship, "but • liar as well. Yesterday you told me you were • journalist. "Oh, oo, sir, said the swell mobeman, unabashed, "I said that. I slid 1 contributed to the pre., and •o I do. 1a • orowd 1 presses and be pries.' 'Si:months head labor, was the re - 'poem. dk THE SECRET TOLD. WHti SOUTH AMERICAN VINE NEVER FAILS TO CURE. NKR - !snivel Y PROoll(ATIoN •MD Draft r0111 IAN[ TN[IR T[RWJH r" MI* it'. INruJ.'L'r.-[ —IT SI T .'us[—. mosey DO ANYTHING The secret of the wonderful eaosessful re; sults that follow the me of South Amenan It.rvine is to be found u the tact teat this medicine operates direatly,imm.di.tely,and detractively on the nerve metres of the eye tem. Other medicines, be°•w of some stimulating element they poems, will some- times omatimes give temporary relief, but South American Nervine not alone ante even more speedily on the system than perhaps any other 'medicine, but it emu lastingly. Sci- ence has proven, beyond any peradventure, that the Ids tlusd bods its origin In these serve centres. Indigestion, nervousness, • debilitated uoneutution, is uhly trifled with when the medicine used gives but passing mum for satisfaction. This as Dever the ren with South Amerioan Nervtne. 1t an be counted on every tame to perform an et• fectrv. aura. Sold by J. E. Davis. Conscience u like an alarm clock. 11 you dont pay &omega to it, it will two to woke you up. "Teo people out of • dozen ars invalids,," says • resat medical authority. At least eight out of these ten, it is sale to •Ilow,ars sotto/log from some form of blood disease whioh a persistemt use of Ayer's 4or.aparil- le would be sure to cure. Theo, don't be an tavhd. - The Paulen Tari. Owing to the mild spring ere have been generally more plentiful, and s,slaene prioes have for some time been only obtainable. Tho- who keep a large number of fowls will find it more prohtahle not to depose of their sage as • matter of course. but to keep back most of those not required for their own ooneumptio., and to eremites them to be sold as cooking eggs later in the year, when the velum •gale goes up. The system ot egg preservation hes not been developed so much as it ought, and is not often @sough used. Priem offered for the best samples of eggs preserved for over three maths produced e xamples of almost •II tee known methods. racking eggs to common table salt appeared to be the favorite mode. When broken the we were found to have a ooneiderable air cavity at the larger end, the salt having'ab- sorb.d rather • large portion of the water of the albumen. They were quite good for cooking purposes, and free from any objec- tionable smell or taste. Some eggs had been wrapped in thin paper before being placed in the salt, others were packed in send and salt, and some first rubbed with gum water but there was so apparent difference he - twee. them. Several sets of eggs had the pores of the shell closed by rubbing with grease These were all fit for cooking pur- poses, being eyed to ordinary shop eggs, but the white was thin and watery. le some oases liquid preservation was made use of, one set of eggs being placed in lime water osly, and another in lime water with • small quantity of salt added. Then were all ;..rteotly sound, .11 evaporation !meimn been prevented by the fluid ; when wiped dry there was so alteration is the appear - mow of the ages. Other examples included the process of dipping the segs into .strong «.lott00 of gnm arabic : ruhbtag them with melted war or paraffin ; and preserving 1* white wet and packing He sand. Oa remove tap tea wax from these eggs they were found to be discolored and the coatents unit for use The practical resale o1 all lbw methods proved that packing them in salt or piecingth.m in lime water were the most sucoossful and the most simple. To lace them is salt, n should be used. Fi. First pet in . layer of salt about two Melee is depth. next • layer of eggs, the large end downwards, sed seas with .Ireraate layere of salt end wee till the jar is marls full. Then on top place • theft (aver et salt, .ver with • eases Id, sad keep ie • dry reel plate When immersing the Inge is hem water w jars. Add see Olen of water to a pat of lima. Let it boil, IW well. and when reel peer J the Near weer tate to° en .ad fill will the qr, hakes' care not te creek or break ahem. Thea moor sad pat away le a Iasi plow Th. lime term• . bard u stkeg en the Mp el tea wear, sed the sop will keep good fee ssentha la each in.hase the erp skwsld he quite new letd. WT HURON THACHHIIIL Deeees et MaNU� � Cengeael•a The molar tussal meeteoe .f the Had Hares Ttrebera Aas.otatl.. wee add u the Collegiate I.eslteu, 8sal@rt&, w Theueday. and Fridley, ?•b •ad Sth cave , there Wog •s r'teediaos of sheet 1218. After the spew mg «leroues by Mr Loofah sad the saltie/ el the roll, the r.wnia, beers se id flee mesa. tag was proceeded with The lira order e1 b.eraese was the .gdaiesent el os.mlt., V after wined the enbjsst .f =enearatl.. How to teach the sirens." wee very ably pres..led by Mr. Wya.,4 Creabrook. the method beteg to show t relations a dif• fewest pare of the Made by' the objo* la this manner the rule for tiadani tea Yea, Meoun.icr oboe and duster of the oirol° was if mei by sonata exa'miantlon t, pupils them elves, thee avoiding tae use a rale, which ten pupil did net aMeraaod or would seen forger. This was disaue ed at some length by Mesar.. ('heewright sod Regg. The next subject taken ■p was "elemea- tY] rules is arithmatla,,' by W. H. Stewart of No. 1, Grey, showing hew he wield is - trudges the study of .rfitbatetls M **add. lie laid 'rest stress M meohaaical opera - tens ia the early kagatt, reoommaadfag the masteries of all ihe s.=binetlene keleatgar to Boob .amber Were takiag ap �e�e It was farther di.wmd ►► Meana Lough Baker. Cameron, Rabb sed Choewright. The foo pofzerumelewas elthe report of Mr, LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Cameroon. of Itrueaele, delegates to the Pro viooial Association, held at Toro.to to April. Hs gave a somewhat lesgtttv report of the bosses@ et the Aasoeiatie., sed was !eternal to tbrou,;bost with the most nadi- vided attention. Mr; McFeul, el the Sea - forth public sohool,thea eaacluded the day's proosediess with the subject, "English Lit- erature," taking as hie subject, "The Re- turn of the Swallow." He Weedy *bowed his method of presenting the subject to a • claw, emphasizing the importance of drawing as math from the child as possible, and of leading him to think for himself. The lemon was an interesting one, ••d was much •ppreoi.ted by the teacher.. Miss Rnt,ert,ne, of the W iagham public school, gave . number of methods, illustrative of her methods is teaching leveret subjects of the public school .oe,ss. She dwelt on the importance of the see of • map in teaching history or literature. Her presentation of the methods were creditable to herself, se well' as tnatruotivs and suggestive to all preempt. On reeumieg business oe Friday morning the fiaanctal 'takeout for 1896 was pre - seated by the secretary -treasurer, showing • balance oo hand of 1110 63. Oa movies of Mr. Lough, s.00uded by Mr. Robb, the report was adopted. The o.xi order of business was the election of officers, which resulted as follows : Presidast, J. H. Cam- eron ; first viea-preWeat, J. T. Dodds second vice president, Mins Rob.rue. ; secretary -treasurer. A H. Plummer : loses - ti vs committee, -Meseta. Dimas, Forsyth and McDonald, sad Misses Reynold* .ad Wilson. The newly-eleoted president then took his position 1u the chair and called for the address of Mr. Scott, the retirisgl pare - dent. who dwelt with the @abject of " rit- ten Examinations.' Hie remarks were .o. • and to the pint, and in his address *flawed some oha.ees, particularly with regard to uniform promotios examinations, claiming that the exsasteaties would be mood more uniform If no towhee .=.nisi the papers of his own pupil. He also thought it better to have the drawiavbasks tad hook -keeping book. discarded on en- trance lend puhli. school Ieavtet examine tioes. This provoked • lively disouesio.. Mr. Schmidt, of the Seafortb Collegiate in ' Utak, next took up the subject of gram. mar," whiob he handled in • very able mw• o ar. showing the mistakes meet frequently met with in teaching the subjoin, and how to oorreot them. Next Mr. Forsyth, ef School Section No 2, T.ck.remith, took up the subject. " Voice Culture in Reading." which he dealt with very exhaustively, throwiat out many valeable hints regard- ing the teachisv of reading. After the usual vote of thanks the met- ing closed, to meet at the all of the ezeou• tive committee. It may be hero me•tiooed, that the Association will henceforth mut during the mid summer Solideys, eo se to .void breaking the teeohkmg harm. Move Teo $si 11 To cure cramps tats N.rvilia. To break up • oold nothing le as good as Nerviline. if lumbago, o.aralttia or rheumatism troubles you, resort to Nerviline. It fails to give relief. Nerviline is • power- ful, pesetrating substance, whioh goes at once to the bottom and speedily dislodges all pain. Nerviline is better, stronger and more certain in action than any other rents dy to the market. Nervilies is sold by .11 dealers, only 25 Dent. PLANING MILL. BlicIiallaiis & 9hluas atAgvr•OrpeO• SASH, DOOR and BLIND Dsalm. 1a W Sleds of OVERWORKED HIS HEART_ •ad Weald Sere Mea a Deed Man Mt ter Dr. Agnew's tare toe the faearr. The whole trend of present day living is in the direction of the grave- Where our fathers lived ss that they might prolog life the people of the prosiest daylive se that they may shorten it. It is elhurry hurry and the result is that • large perosstage of the men and women oo the stags of file to- day are overworking what at any time, and ender any otroumsta•osa, is the hardest worked organ of the body -the heart. Mo long as people will persist in this seethed, the beet thing {icy sen do is to keep • re- medy like Dr. Agsew's Caro for the Heart, *los. by. This remedy is a heart remedy naly, but is al.nosI miraculous is its effects. i■ .i1 oases et orraai° or sympathetic heart disease relief is secured within thirty min- u tes, and then are scores and hundreds of people in Canada who testify that had it set bees for the prompt w ef 6615 medisine they world have bees in their graves today. Sold by J. E. Davis. IIELLO! Tie Old Reliable 3�1 01 Deft. THE BEST AND ONLY SCRANTON COAL the Cheapest (hal ever said is iki. marks. All O.a1 weighed ON the Market Scales, M that amore sure yen gst year eight. Orden left et HARPER A LEEt% promptly Marrod.d t.. WM. Lam. And headers material ef WWI desorlptl•. School Furniture a Specialty. IF YOU WANT A SPRING SUIT gen of First cls:: s Make Good Material and Latent Styles, -CALL UPON - HUGH DUNLOP. The Wea..r. CUMIN Seel M Stam& et lasnereel FACIA NO itUwe! • ° IVIANO" MOH ���� f LMO TA SOAP It ; (iCCu.4 T .. ,i; . +rc%zAIISt$ illi O M REutru ! `: i t$E OAnsU3 m so Pwu lTi iMg 1 2 r I�WIKr aY1: Log. 2 9: ca U Pt C D N ST! PAT: O N, RILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPS IA,ea SICK !tEAOACHE, rkF.6 U LATE THE LIVER. CNE ?ISL AiTCR CATINS I INSURE! OOOD DIGESTION. irRICE 75 CTS.T4cligVga _gitrnsit Cr. MOND NER PILLS WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. Excelsior Egg WILL KULP 100* rats• row 12 MONTHS. IT IS NO PICKLE. Yet/ simply treat the Eggs with PRESERVER, and lay them away le a basket or box. .............. .Ay DOWN A SUPPLY micro THEY AIM CHEAP. CAB for book giving full infort ..tion, tree d charge. FOR HALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. r Patronise True Competition. Tan OAwaaAa Poona° 1.14154? Ora II Tinasita ham bees esmMMd M give tiff mr°a0 • Wateleme ..vies web fak ..d free 1t Y easier ed es besieges prrstOse sod la theIse..•' ef Ise pewees. hies omithe e+pagt st every pewee was guise as—passe use liteUses. measetiag with lassie ss sir= mw° eel item& SiddeDi��T�'oke&t. WIint 1sns1 tier «Inds\ BOOTS MID SHOES We have now in stock a finer variety of Lady's Buttoned Boots and Oxford Ties both in Black and Tan than has ever before been placed upon the shelves in Oodt'rtch. In Men's, Boys' and Youths' we have all styli.., qualiti. • and prices, truth in Black and Tan. WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE SLATER SHOE. WM. SHARMAN Jr. - Plough Points - Mill and Agricultural Repairing and Casting — AT THE — BICYCLE FACTORY We are now running the Moulding Shop in connection with the Repairing Machine Department and have the Patterns of all the ow Points, and Mill Patterns formerly owned by the Runciman Bros. We will cast every day if necearary, and our prices will be found as low as the lowest Give ue a Call ; we want your trade. We will buy your iScrap Iron. ASK TO SEE OUR BICYCLE. TILE HENDERSON BICYCLE CO. Sant St. Goderich, Ont. HAItPER & LEE. HINTS, OILS, VARNISH, URFENTINE, Pure WHITE IAD, BRUSHISB, fALSOILIN$, Do 'you want a pure Ready -Mixed Paint ? Yes, Then huy onlv the HTER and E ATIIER PRODF QEAOYI PAT: All Colors to choose from. All sixes of eyes from one-half pint to one gallon. HARPER LEE, show yea how The KMoII Double Adflon WASHER TAMS -THE LEAD, wrerl�1 ether Washers. It e•m�liMd with over 800 washing m•gklata of all Ueda at Chicago i• 1803 mad stir N ed off the First Premium and Geld Modal. it is easy sad quick. 11. weeh•board required. - GIVE IT A TRIAL - Se.d me your address and the s1eneM D ies yen live on, and I will alms sad It works. It will east yea sstkiag. H. /1/(1)1 tf B.x 130. eIh. AT MUNRO'S 1896.. For SPRING and SUMS .. 1806 A Laron Aatwrtsenf of Parasols Umbrellas correct deeper and .tyl►.A handles. Gloves Fine Hosiery err crewel. 7 t'erslfp. 5 per pent off Oar 50e Owes' prsessae.d the beak r marital .a the paha. Double warp biaok imam. Itarnl-fini b Moak sad adored twelve. p,��gr1e•. A full rage .f Salem bene Muslim, white and adored Camps' sad N.Mlatha. makes./ Vel -skeet• I.ses end fid*w. Swim sed Janssens be kre17 with* mortis.. M mate& ladies' sad ee•idr..'. 8.mmar Uadsr eiethiag better sod aheoprr th.m ever. for Gish, or 30 day.. A. MUNRO, Draper. Sibicribe ter fig SIOIAL. $1.00 a Teat li hilae