HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-5-21, Page 5. r RARE OFFERINGS THE SIGNAL: GODERICB. ONT.- THURSDAY- MAY 21, 1811. This Week r entire Stock of new Parasols and Sunshv des. at Clearing Pries OVER 200 TO C HOSE FRO.AI Nock Gloria Parasols, 75 c., worts/ 96 c. Heavy Gloria Silk Parasols, limey nattered handles, $I.ON► each, regular $1.35. Kara Large Size Silk een .r and Handsome Handles, $1.25, wen ►h $1.75. Fancy Silver Handles, .frit Rods, Fine Silk Corer and richt RolNfeg, at $1.75, very cheap at $2.25. Dresden Handles, Latest Novelties, Extra Heavy and Fine Sok al $1.95, the $250 quality. INSPECTION INVITED W A CHESON & SON. DIED. est. Idea- se Tessila.V. Mai • ith. • N earre� 8.11. aged � loam sad nestle. £HE TALK OF THE TOWN. From the Reported. Notebook u T..'ve • Mole ta' & for hats. 1 red* T. teat H t a Meat% Amass 1e Tama. Masa, ea' Isiah Moll *rent It' -Serum. Then wen people attending the recent mes- s ion of the High Curt who got ante sults that did not at. while thaw who attended Pr1d- ham • were suited to • T. Memory ...v keep one le naiad while life lasts, hat Belden's photos will be living me- morials of those they represent. loan atter the ordeal have pamed beyond the river. The genuine White lead. smelled by •rehl' teres and all large corporations U the ge0uiee -Inept-sat' White Lead. For sale at R. W. L, Keane's. Market 8euare. O tt W,.py Wont --G. M. Collins advertis- pent, offering the highest price la Dash or trade tor wool. was too late for this ease. but will duly appear in our next. Ter G T. R --For the two weeks ending Saturday, May the 16th, one hundred and twelve loaded can were shipped frost God*. rich, to the (,:reed Trunk Railway. THEY HA\ E PAtusD I. the reoentle published list of those who have paned the Pharmacy Fzaminatioe. will be found the names of Sonat Dickson and A. T. S. Reid. both of whom we cougr•telate. 'srte Bt t, Kamm' Soot.. -W• all atteo- t:oo to the dvertieement of Henry Thomp- son on pate 5, sod trust that its perusal will Ite the t..•ns of .seuriao for our now mechanic a fair share of public patronage. 1. %RI Y Swriasne :. --John Hanka of this town hived two flee swarms of bas' last week. the gra swarm es the eleventh and the other on the sixteenth. The stooks that threw these swarms were not fed either f.11 or spring. Foot [iN,.nw' --(b Monday the four men, Harrison, Phitrpen, Mentgomery and Manner, senteteoed to terse in the pastes teary tor the Wingb•m assault, left for Kingston in charge of deputy -sheriff Rey- nolds sad Ceastables Molvor and McII•th. }1i,-yrl.i TorRNA$RNT.--Ia another col- umn will be found in advertisement from Exeter giving prize list for the Novae Tournament to he held in that village en the 25th. From the pies list we judge that there will be a large &tteldane° of wheelmen. K lin Fuser. Fruit growers and garden- ers in (iod•noh had an anxious time 0 Tuesday ermine, as'newt of than expected a .bares frost during the night. Freet,how- ever, kept away, the glass, as far as we can lean. not dropping within six deem' ot fraying point. • Dslur t (:iu,w-Tu.-Frim the neigh- boring towable* reports mem is tb• effect that " the growth bee bees wonderful. trope sewn this spriest are growing rapidly and looking strum.. Hay is much dvaaod and.ppmrestly will be heavy, while fruits of all kinds show signs of an 'mowsti yield - The kilobits garden u also beating the reserd, sad before many dare table veget- ables sad naiads will be plentiful. THE Fi, ' irtRg Ft, -meas - -The work ria the new factory is beteg pushed, and spa p.srancee •rs that the tnstitutta will be in full running order early in June. The west block is roofed to. the east one glazed sad being punted, and the foundation for the baler hours will be started in • Mw days. (arxrthtt rtuN. -Bishop Baldwin of the diooet• of Huron will, on the eventng of N edneed•v next, the L7tb, 0006rm the class that has been for some time under the instruction of the rector of SL George's. After the rite of coo6rm•uoo the Ruhop will preach, and special mwic will be pro- vided for the 000aao.. The service will • non mince at 8 r u. Tor Fut.r !Icicle. -On Thursday • par- ty of sixteen had • piano in Reamiller sad the day being fine • charming tune was spout. As the party had not returned when the thunder shower Dame on, theft frim's thought they would be drenched with the rain, but as the shower did not reach thi pretty little village ea the Maitland, the joy ot the pioniokere was mot damped. HE'. STII.i. AtwiNo.-Our old and well known townsman of putt years, J. C. Currie who has been Deputy -Sheriff of Winnipeg, fon long period, has rationed tram thsSheir S, aloe, sad established an annum bureau where, as of old, all will be rear, going. THE. 11i0:NAL wishes ,1 C. C. cocoas in the bsein.es he ha, again started, • wish, we are sore all Hermits', who know our friend, will re-eobo SA.IRAt.t. - Jodertek wilt .sad the fol- lowing team to Clinton m the 25th - Sham- ble', (Robertson, Grew•r, Shannon, I sabre, Tilt, Thompson, Termingtos and Malcom - sae. Grower and M.loomem will be the Ooderoh battery for the Leedom game. Holmes. Robertson, and Rosie Doyle will be missed. The Orients played the God•rioh team • great gams Last 1st of July,eo watch out for some fun. AN ELocrnoNkRY TREAT. -Thu even- ing Pref. Fromm* J. Brows, 'rapidest of the Dell'arte College of Oratory, Toronto. will give an evening of readiest for the Col- legiate Institute Litsr.ry Society in the assembly room. These who would like to hoer one of the beat --if not the beat -.loon - Maoists in ('as•d& should make it • point he leaped the Coll Bete Instituto this, Thursday evening. Tug FI'NERAl--On Saturday &fternoes the rem•ies of the late Hoary Bell reached town from grandee by the afternoon tram arid &t 4 r the interment took pieo. is Maitland cemetery. Tb. doomed gentle- ness who was !otiosely • rtendest of Gide. rob. had bees &best for money years, but his family hems was .till is the old town. Pre. B.11 sad daughters have the sympathy .f . wide steels of friends in their bereave - matt. Tee Qcsinr'. BIRTPDAY. -The geese's birthday falling on • Sunday this year, BARB WIRE. Is going up in price soon, and we advise order at once. farmers to WINDOW and-OOOR_SORE(NS, All sixes. and prises away down. PAINTS- OILS VARNISHES The manufacturers' guarantee on every package. SP,BAUCOW. But be careful ! Apply the proper ingredients - proper proportion., all and get particulars. WHITING for kitchen walls, prices down _AVE THE ROSES. we eon show you how. It is easy and costs little. GARDEN TOOLS, IMPLEMENTS etc. May lets, taros. 112 ALEX. McD. A 111 A N /ueepeler s awes Tama M.say the Skit will ba s Widay. V Iis nasal there will be seiner gnaws lies say READY MADE C Wad of ams.ament is tows. but at Clinton mad Dugmam the ay will' bo eslebrated, . 'bliss spert., Yo , firework. ..din (.ot all Mode of asessmeate will oewprre the btu of fare .a bot►. These inteadiag to speed the day out of tows will have • oboiw of routes and barge for • pleasant out's . A Da: ARD • Blot -Om m ...mine last week as • well knows eyeball was riding resod the Square, s little dog rma off the sidewalk right in (rent et the wheel, the re- melt of the saexp..hed seating being that the wheels.a was throws .ad got • braised knee, while the little .noise was laid oat seemingly dead. Today, however, the amend is as hvmiy as when it tried to step the bike, bet the rider of the manias M .till .offering from the meeting with his dogebiu. Wei to Bre. Ktt,a -Since writing the item is another plans about the Strmttor man's ride to Uederioh and book to Stria, ford twins to rise day, any amber of stortes bare been oiroul•tsd, the mopromisee of whish le that the tandem that precede him hauled him .early all the dist•sce be twee• (;oderiob and Stratford os his las trip. Oa this point the Stratford Nessus of Saturday nays " Roth Harding a.d Dunbar, who peed Welis througbou *woodtits *wood round, indignantlydomed deed to the Herold the charge that they had towed Wells by pi•ao wire oonaeottng bis wheel with their tandem.' TYR Kis,:'. DACutiTot. -Tho Kist's Daughters will bold their meetings for the Summer to the rooms over Tut. SIC NAL of hos, where the plans and •rremgems.I. for contieui.g the work of the past Winter will Ss formed A leading member of the Society hat written us, statute, "that the past Winter, homes have been made bright and happy by gifts .ad sins a. It will thus be omen that The King's Daughters dis- tribute temporal white a.ktug spiritual blessings, • combination that will always wan the distressed. We hope the Society will have • full measure of somas in the .ew home, and that the t:odench King's Daughters will prove themselves daughters of the King. THE. Pv Ne•. t)oe of our town sports who moves around most gracefully on his • inks,- made up hie mind ane day last week to go to • poem in the country, not vary far from bere, and bovine waited •suod psttstly for the clock to strike four, start- ed •.d eeed in getting there in time to enjoy • few hours with his friends from own, but, unluckily for him, it began to rain just as Ice started for home and in con- sequence received • thorough good soaking, necessarywhich made it necessary for him :mike ke •na complete change in his toilet atter hie re - urn, and with help of waterworks and bo leased nit outfit ready for use next day. Moral, when the clouds betoken rain. keep to the bus or take an umbrella. OUR Cvru,1".-4.odench has, perhaps, • urger number of wheels than any other town of its size in Canaria. While pleated t the large number of riders and the pleas. re, spp•rentiy, enjoyed by the owners oe our bicycle rooda and sidewalks, we think bat if the new mode of locomotion is be- amsto be - ms poplar, it would be well for wheelers keep of the sidewalks after sundown. At he presser time the trees •long our streets are beautifully mantled in summer dress, • gorgeous apparel, that neither moon, stars eieotrio light can penetrate. (her side• walks are therefore dark atter the sun has passed beyond the lake, and the rushing by • wheel a se thedark walks causes con- derable tear to those out for an enjoyable alk after the labors of the day are ended. LAID AT RE.T - -On Thursday aftereoon 1 that was mortal of the late Mrs. Peter ylie was pl•oed in the family plot in Old attlend, beside the little ose who hodroo pedsd its mother by • few days. The uneral took place from the residence of her osband, Captain Wylie, Liehthonee-st, in presence of • large number of friends and u. tiotanena. The bones service was me- wled by Rev. Dr. Ure and Rev. Jas. A. adenine,adeoe, and at the grave by the pastor Knox °harsh. The casket was ooeered patty floral tributes, moose which were, an anchor of lithes end wbomen- Woeiomen- Woe with the letter L annoy. C. ; as annoy rose the A. 0. U. W., with halals, of ear tines, margeorites and beliothrope : an _limber from blies Mitosismomiissi. Strnohaa : mom Wee lilies sed .. of the valley, from ins Wails, St. Andrew's ward school : man of lilies of the valley, from Mise *Bey ; bouquets front Mrs. Ire Lewie,Mr.. se. Craigia, Mrs. Robert Clark, Mrs. D. Ross. The casket was borne to the bearse the pall bearers, .Is.. Clark, Capt Jim- mies, Robert Clark, Capt Jan Inkster. m. Howrie and Robt Muir. A large smiter of people walked with the ppromot- esy s to the &mere and • Ioline of oar - tag followed te the cemetery. The de. melted,, wits wee a loving mother, friendly th her ssigbberu, and • .,atters wife, t tree three obil•re,,'a alder aged J &ad . ync.ser 3. Great sympathy is express. for the bar sued husband and bis three motherless children 1a their great •'Asitia. (Avail' Wylie assess te express hie heart t &beaks for nosy mite of hindmost to hlmaslf and little ems, sed the general ex- pression of sympathy .1 his leen el . loving fen d t mom THE WEEKLY MARKT REPORT seo.r4.b Prism. -grog.. Tall �►�•s� grog. May 21. 1414. =Anew, srMaed.., .. N se •Mg~4 .... i•tit 9yNy Bios'. • neer.me• - ........ - 1 M tell R Mtitell ...........-.. _. _. 1 R tell M Non, wa lEilsoks1i .. 1 M lige .............. 1ed ll Tees. Ihesfa _.. 0 111 he • id Now . •'slew'........ M t• • 1{ frot.. -... . _- a R heti III YRhelaf✓t Se Ism 11118 i&T'ia= • he he he he w ft IMMO c_ SPRING STOCK NOW COIPLETE! ALL NEW GOODS NO OLD STYLES NO FANCY PROFITS Men' s' Suits 1.1.50 , Regular, 9.5.00 Men's Suits $7.00. Regular 39.00 Men's Suits 5.00 , Regular, 7.00 Boys' and Youth's Suits. from Men's Suits 9 50 : Regular, 12.00 $1.25 to $7.50. Men's Suits 1 1.00: Regular, 14.00 Bicycle Suits, all prices and sizes. See our Stock and Compare Prices. Burgains in all lines of Dry (foods. No trouble to show goals. JAMES A_ REID. Jordan's Block, (kslerich, g2nd April, l S"ri. WHEN you dean house Use our Cl.1MAX FIT RNITURE POLISH =ewer drys quickly-- old furniture look like new AVOID DISEASE BY DISINFECT* lv We cm supply all &erosions" with diteetieus for use. Medial Rick Ties • quart of sonar meal - cine for 25 C. FA -1H --- FLOWER GARDEN MOTIi ('AMPHOR AND SEEDS ror peat, leg away fun. Broter awl • •ebnaper thee 'he old way IOr. Imes and is rA1 the teatime pe'. -rt iediclree. W. C. GOOD E, �. s -a oink 1'or.ritten 1'owdar for bomem god cattle TO ADVERTISERS. TPsVoll1RR Otaiso. Notice of °hem er must be left at We+ UItA1tu TJ*CN[ ILALLWAI. Office not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for champs! tt«I MaYtil sad k:tyi-esr must be left not later than Moet i 1611-1 ... Hail and L x p: res Isy noon. (?alma] Adt ertisemenls DRY iNT. Mail and dipnw aooe'Md op to noon Ve lne•dsy o(' M•tl ,red k..,aw.... .soot week. At1a1 v ti Court of Rev/Mon. COU RT OF REVISION OF THS TOWN OF 0OIIKRiCR. A meeting of the Court of Revleipn will be heM in the Tows Hail on Wednesday. the rib dot Of MAY. Iti1R at le o'clock is the forenoon. for ,the purpose of hearing •.vpeel. &gained the asseeeme.f, WM. MITCHELL Town Clerk and ('lark of the Court or Revision, Uedertcb. May 4th, tl!►ii. :J td. ('IOURT OF REVISION, COLBORNE lVJ TOWX,SHIP. Take notice tits Court of Hevi•ion for the Towaehipof Colborne will hold ire first" bar at Carlow on Wednesday- the 7th day of Har Al). . 1lti1. commennior at IOo clock. •.u.• for the purpose of hearing and rectdyiag all the oomplslata against or error. on the asessenieot roll of the present s ear. All parties interested are requested to attend. F. W. lift -DON AGyd. Clerk of the said MunielpeUty. Carlow. My 14U, 1111, x4.11 PubUs Mottos. AEKT1NG OF HURON COUNTY111 COUNCIL The etnuctl of the corpora: ion of the ooue- ty of Huron will meet in the courtroom in the town of Uoderieh on Tuesday. June fed, at 7 o'clock P.M. W. LANE, 11.ted May Ilkh. Iw'si Co. Clerk WARNING --ALL l'ERS(►NS FOUND treepwing on any part of mf prop.rty will be prosecuted. Ala beware of the doge. 41'11 Mrs. H. F. ATTRiLL CiORDWOOD N ANTED. --A LARG13 11 Quantity of rough hardwood is vented at th• Knitting Factory. Por particulars apply oa the premisse. K&.t.t. or to K. DOOWNINU. Ooderich. (0-111, DOARD OF HEALTH OF THE TON N 1� OF RODERICK Citizens of the tows are reynested to 00 operate with the Board of Health In Its en- deavor to make (ioriertch the healthiest spot In the province of 1 ontarie. Garbage of el ay description. putrid and decaying animal and vegetable matter must be removed from all cellar", out building" and yards. and deposited at a place &pproi ed of by the Hoard. •11 walls artnicest to streets where town wa ter pipes are laid are to be closed up. except- ing thole permitted by the Roared. All privy Yalta sad cesspools are to be cleaned out and disinfected, and herearter Do - privy vault. cesspool or reservoir into which a Drive. w•tereleset, sink or (gable is drained shall be established without the approval of the Board. Dairies. where milk 1s kept for •ale, and slaughter h Imes will is periodically inspect- ed, and those perese eel? whose dairies and slaughter houses are kept in • proper saultar y °sedition will be &'lowed to all meat or milk. Noherde to be kept without permission from the A minute inspection will abort ly be made of the business portion of the tows. particularly the 0.11.rs and out buildings thereof. ay It Is hoped evwrythfag .111 he found h order. 70 -It R MIT HELL. secretary. AuetlOD Sales. AucTIOli BALlt. - Ceder sad by virtue of the pewee e oo.talaed 1e a eerie* Mfrytye, dated the day.f February. A.D.1 01. there will be n poblie auction by Jain Knox, molester, at tli. unhorse Hotel, la the Town of Ooderich, on SATURDAY. th•llth DAY of MAY. A.Io,I1e1 me 12 titlark .es., the toilswiag prop nemels - Lots numbers Eighteen and Nineteen in the town of Ooderich, containing two eves of lead. store or lase These lets are situated clean tothe old later miaow Salt Werks,snd there areweeted ep- ea them the fellewtag butldles' : A I storey tease ssttege. 91,10. with frame Mabee. tax 111, and s tram. barn. There is also a good wall Overs .er.'M orchard ea the plane. imams Or BALI- Ten per omit. of the pwretain mimes at the time N sale and the kala.es within thirty days thereafter without t.t.rsst. Ter further peetiottlare imply le the enellmi- oar, er to the CAMs T t HOLM JOHN EN01, • enders sestet es, Dated My Its►. =denser. 70>h nature. GOOD GRAZING FOR HORAIE1 AND sr a • sM0 es 's s � meadow. Alas b . �{ le�.uedA.. �tf� • NB of msxgel�l t. ROOT. I. (senor. ery t Rs 713K. barrister. 0Nmrtek P-0 MIlt PASTURS ON TIM CANADA (OM - peas' PALLS RISMERIfIll TA R.1M ems ..1 list WAT1* epitod sod lerper f &goers b 1 *. gma-" -. Apply 11r, S ss tbm peals.., or le r. 1►. NE' ons, w a r *Mita. Ptta an p.m. 6.56 Lie 3e pm. Situations Vacant W►\TF: '--.t Gp,NER.t I. SERVANT.. Apply to Mita. UARRJW. WANTED --A GENERAL. SERVANT. Apply to N R8 KAY. Yieserla-21 11,,ANTED - A GENERAL HOUSE • eorvent. Apnly to Mee. HI'KA('K H('RTf11, The ('',.mein 61-0 For Salo or To Rain. RF.SIUF.10E PIWPF:KTY FOR 841.11 OR Rt. lenrg.'e Cr. rant, Onderirh, OS - tar O. world be m.,,1 in one or more pen'ele to suit ptirckaeere. ashd area house ;aa e7 W feet. with a brick addition lb by 1?. neves nonan, both room, closets etc. Coal and wood house. A large variety of fruit and oroames t.1 trees. Extent of ground about two and one calf sore,. Also three finale( an acre with frame barn. sear U. T. R. station, adjoining the mew Fur- niture Factory. Appl) to 74-31 Jus WILLIAM•, GOOD HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALT On Lighthouse-si.doors. n Convenient to .00. Yost-OMc.•. Harbor, te. Lor. 1 acre; choice be.ring fruit trees and small fruits. House, g oat frame. in complete repair, store) and a half : 14 rooms and summer kitchen. halls, clossta. butte Abed wood and c' ehe. Mho stable. Will sell on east tern.. Fos par Oculars apply to,ROHBRT 1. YOUNG. LiNht- brise-sign Oedeet• ` 66 It. FINK DWELLING HOAK FOR .)ALE. -That large and commodious briok veo tiered house, "rusted on Itlgin-•t. near Wel. Mosley. within easy reach of lake frost, and at present occupied by the owner. It contains serer roomb, with large reception hall. and bath room fitted with hot and cold water. The premiers comprise two quarter acre 101.. ore of whi•'h is in lawn with floe ornamental trees. and the oilier is laid out in • Rood garden with excellent selection of small fruits. Terms rsseoaade. For _particulars apply to the owner, F. H, 1IPKN(71 3.derich. P.O.13 tf ri'O SELL OR LET --A BRICK HOUSE 1 corner of Elgin and Stanley street, Cap- taining felesen room., hard and soh water. Oood cellar. House heated with hot air. For further partirnlarsapply to Mn. F. SMKKTH. w rf VALUABLE TOWN pROPF.RTI- FOR HALK -The brick residence overtookimg the river and lake formerly occupied by the tate A. Mae ['semen seq.. Master in chancery. Owe of the moat reliable and (tearable pro - pmtties in tows. IL The two-storey frame- dwelling house on death street immedaa'el) al coining the Rrlt- t.h Meehange Hotel. at present occupied by 11r. Andrew Waddell. 7. The dwelling house and adjoining grounds n ear the O. T. It. station. formerly occupied by the late Judge Ton. Prices and terms of payment reason•he. an plyte OARBOW It PRAM' 1/1001' 70 -if Solicitors. Ooderich !1r Soda OT, LD PAPERS TOR SALSUITARLR for wrapping paper er putting under carpet. Apely at slid Mace. 13108 FOR SALE -A FEW BERK- 1 shires of the choicest breed. els weeks for ale at 4t sack. or registered is r .&Bete $5 seek. JAMEq IfAYDEN. 2t Port Albert, Oat (� 001) WORKING HORSES FOR vi BALL A poly to P. M-CARTHY. et, David% M. t Hots Shoeing. A PRACTICAL HOKSR•SHOKiRti lap MMelesad having)bowght euutBW. L. ti mtt►Ntaeing and general .eral re- pairing formerly ksews se ttttb666aaas }!se. more shop. Corms Victoria mad Meets. Te.daam., eets. Is now sspgearreedd to do all f BlmekemltAlmg. _papered mad re- pairtag. Horses shod es *4s m01a�gemved primitivist Tia ilex nevem sed as= Drivers a .prel&H lame, Imtsrfsrl s mod forest: borers foretells sttwded to ander my own supervision Also Co..., (JuarterCreaks %off Cross and mUaDgbessee of the fern care tulle thea trroonast , ea ail the to wil• lber areswan of tog Remp.stt.uy yours,. Easron OR. HARRY THOMSON. RUBS= OZl[s111T ifs salt J CYCL1 TIi� M M be s Hwy le ORM. A fou Roe of ern lupins Mod H.diela. , Oar ewe boo Pea gla p.r bee. eb bee Le 1 QOI s1... • PlinintIPTIONS. TM hest wain in Su +.Mel psdbie n.. mo .btal.d whim rear psenerlptls, .r. Phis.rear .e.Sd d&t The P. Amway). Parks, Skill. .ad Pee.osal Al station 1. ail owes, Heady uerter. for PURE DRUGS (C, W ILLIAMB, Ph m, B OsM-11edellat. Dlwtssrg chemist U ET ON ( *LASSES. If your sight alio•'•• signs of failing. Surely you tyr,UI•l not !'t'-ome h'inJ. A little timely ittt(•Iltif)n 11rnt' •sty' your eyes. it is wise to let u' examine Own,. \i► rherg.' f„r the r'x:uuination awl IN -it lenses supplietl at rrasnn.tl t1. prices. J. E. I) A V I S, Phtn. B. • Drig ir.t )pti*Ian. TO OET THE GKNKKAL EFFECT 11 'hit • general leek at over W17 IR Zit yr 17 3/42) It will Interest yam , many t Wags will espeelet- ly attract 7 'ter attention. And our aur- orae yon : on- parlor suit.. at $:i, ash better onto on tip to Mi. •11 eqJually good value. Ales our bed room suits wirb best mirror for se are wonderful value for the money. We Iced in style, quality and low price. 1'hN1T&MUG promptly attended to at all hours. Dight and day. SMiTIHS FUItNITI.P•' A\U t•NDE:RTAK- !NU KMI'ultll'N. Victoria Htooi. Now iashlao Shops. - `T EW MACHSH INE(11'M-AI.L KINDS 1 Of Repair Work done at R.aa.onabie Prion Farming Implements (oriole Mach- inery. new and second hand. bought and Sold. Moine* and 14iilsre for mile, Mand Rates' of wagon ahoy. corner Cistoria •tad Trat Srom.. J. B•XTER RC' 74CIMAN. F. SM EF.TH'S PLANING MILL - AND - SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY, 1 take this opportunity to inform the pus's that 1 am still In the lumina& notwithast•adlty all rumors to tat contrary, and am prepared to do every claw of work in nay line from making a window frame to seeming • %story building with mansard roof. Ratlmates furnished sad competition Invited. The turnable, of building material, such as lath, shingles and lumoer a steoWty. F. SMEKTH. Sod.ebb, Jul, tth INC Hotels. THF* (()LHoRNI( ri ;TRI. BRING thermally refitted and refurnished, sf fords excellent accommodation to the travel- ling public. anti the Termini' rommuelt . Al the Colborne everything will is found that to a fi'ut.cleme howl. UKO. BUXTON, HO an Taidisons Waa1si - - T1l1,1t119 WASTREL ' Tenders for add Mee to Huron Honer of Re - r sealed tenders will be received try the an dereisted imarked •enders for the House et Relugrt hp to the tad) dayor Jim*. Ifmt, ter building an addition to tHouse of Refs, at ('listen )lane and sperttieatioas can be earn at the office of Wm. Coat. Seq. Clintonor at the office of the architect. H. 1'. ,London. Th. fewest or any trader set nseeasriiyl ac- cepted. HENRY 111.RKII. Chairman of Committee creditor. Dated May I>Ab, 1St LOO ass MT11Rfa Ooot.Q'. i r 1e NGT !MAT TOO BARN ia0T WHAT TOO SATMMA11 Toff RICE. TEE HURON AND MIIJCS LOAN AND INYRIRMI ('r OOMPANT. -L1�a� (3em Bolt soil Helms, -Io$ Immo (MIT stli M per .eat, It lip ilMit to ease sad we ma Loma-- .snared as •V titse with's, d.br es the •sest.ty w tis Ilsirele prepeir4. Mitazidset,ioer. Cb'eg•IssellMI enNara rs.t5.EtM...e toEreat moi,u�» =NUM so2100 . J. If. 00 ---- )rYfrs. ----- =7�anae'r weer- LEMg �AN�NA L. $*AW, TRAMS' i+m �1a armed err