HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-5-21, Page 4T1 3 SIGNAL: GODICRIOH• ONT., THURSDAY. MAY 21, 1896. Iki Signal, tga efielarw BYBRI THURSDAY MORNING .y •. eewaNeiJ4V* 1. Mee of t'Logtattec s aims le. NeM-etre.s, liedertch. ()atertu. Tsars et Mb.ertpet.a h. In owl ember .. Te ▪ ....• month.. O lt t1s. year. 1 $ 1(1 Loeb sl Tow Labe*. t'• i, label Is a...Atelier w-4 r of for ''Na to sr`.1c.h,rAare pati up. Mee tL..l 1t to ..•.t . Shead to hell lain ars 'Wheal • *hap of Wdrm.' M A.isire., both t►., oil, the Sow alefr..* aboold Le a. • 0. Ad.eet .tea C... LIZ and weer er ass.el .Av.-wise...e•a 1M, Ctla for trlata • L.. *mile • is ;no lino Rin Mrs pabreqesot t I..sr nr. rs,e.:rrd W a _...II saw•►. P.wtaswe.•erds .t N* i•tira.M1 M•l..c Ili per Neer_ gaff Saw p-••• s. ••-01...01 r'nne Vare ucat, se ow .SS N'reud d Seta CA. race B Rarer. ' oat eu •«'tog 11 es nnnfsrell, $1 p., wroth. H.•a.••e os trate sed nem. w abut sot to me— A e 1 11 h r q.., .,,. ,► teti p • s• '• gap.:' Sl mor' h. Lary, f .' • h•4•• , Any ameel.l melee .e MAjr..1 rat wider. 1. •c .• iI ' n(e roe peonlHoe Ae•n ff•t w Nay u.... Vt 1 .I or onoc owe t . t• be easonIo ed se ad- vertise-tn.-et and cMrwed titoe•.eA�n,ry. Le. •J misfires in nonpareil type See eat pea word. sometime lase than bas. Local asthma IS erdiesry Nadia( type two ante per weird. No notice SrtIse 1503 See. Nodes for churches sod ether religious asd beneveleat tomtitutaeas half rate. ♦Meal ••Tbe elg.s- /" •ellvery. Sutwrriber who fell to receive Tis S.ng•L r.w.larly by mall, will a infer a favor b, ac- quainting us of the fact at or early anelates* possible. Re)eeted manuscripts cannot be returned. Correspoadence mat be written oa ens side of paper *Sly. P.11I.Nr'a Sowlr.. .1. C. Ise Tonal. et Ooderl.•b. W been •p pointed Local Travelling Agest for lbs lows - skips of Ooderiob. Colborne. A.►dold and W. w:•eeb. Loral postmasters over the district are oleo e mpowered to r.oelve subscriptions to Tits tta ,rAl_ All communications must be addressed to L McOiLLUCUDDY. Tun 8rstt•t, Telephoto* oallll, Roderick. Oat. RODtR1CH. THURSDAY. AY 11. I. • THE WINDHAM WHITECAPS. 1)W that the power of the law has made itself manifest, and heavy penalty has been inflicted upon the five prisoner. found guilty of asault in the FIrLe outrage at Winghsm, an *Bort should be made to have the sen: Macaw commute d. Such an act would not he detrimental to the cause of justice in the future, and would I.r .f great benefit to the un fortunate Dien who have been made scapegoats of in the case. There is no reason to believe that the cont ivied prisoners were the originators of the outrage, and the testimony upon which they were cors victed is not stronger than could be productel against scores of others who took part in the crime were they placed on trial. in fact, it now ap. pears that the five mien who were sent to trial were little better than cats. paws 'o'nore designing men wbo have been suet:a tful in escaping the meshes of the law. No oneof t he primmer* gives evidence of Reins it lei.ler of men, and the whole five combined didn't appear to have more titan enough resolution to enable one good man to mind his own businems. Then were no heroes and no d esporadoes amongst them, and they were not of the sort to organise aril carry through n ribt which would set the nerve of a very onlinary town constable at defi- ance. or hold in check the sober thought of a business community, such as Wirgham undoubtedly poeseaaes. The convicted mon were not the leaden and instigators of the Wing - bass outrage, and it will be a disgrace to the law of our land if they receive the severe penalty inllicterl whilst the real leader" are allowed to escape. They were only the tools,and time effort of the Crown to magnify thein ale leaders is not in the interest of just- ice. There isn't a than among*t the wnvietetl prisoners who is now or ever will he a leader of anything, whither it he in heading an outrage or teaching • Sande, school, and they should not be dignified as leaden by having to sniffer sentence* which should bre the portion of leaders who had led in wrong doing. They are all working men and, the testimony for the prosecution "how", have been honest and respectable. Your of them are married and the fathers of families, anil the fifth in a mere lad. Already they and their families have suffered severely for their indiscretion. The law hes bees vindicated, and now justice should be tempered with mercy. .17 ?MORE IS THIS DIFFERENCE. y4 lilr Cu titbit" LTt'sPRE at g bragged t1. fact that Mr. tju twit, is jeiniag hilt, lett a largo, Majority j ,ttionhisebec Looal House than Sir OLIVER Mow•, has in Osisrd•, he fer- ¶n tios another fact which per �� Iy,4 Nowt. is {roily agdsd at mam e hri.g on the ater. r Lt�ETi Tweet. far two year„ yet i* eryse4 and dtatlittot wish to retain the pace pled Ontario. whom be has .sryed so well, would continue to entrust their affairs to him. On the other band, the Quebec Government will have to Laos the people in a few woutla, their lease of power having about run out . end the election in Montreal last year, in which their candidate was beaten by over 1,200 in a division when their majority was nearly 500, showed what poor prospects the Quebec Pre osier hail of seeping general defeat. One of the chief caused of the un- popularity cf the Quebec Governweut is in connection with a loan Mr. TAIL - toe himself negotiated, and by leav- ing the Local Government and joining SIR CHARLES TUPPER he may have Unproved the prospects of the former without injuring his own chancel- of success, which are peor in either case. Sir CUaRLes ha. 'nighty little to con- gratulate himself upon in getting Mr. TAILLox.-------.� ANOTHER MINORITY. THERE is a minority in thin country who have a grievants a real sad substantial one which the Govern anent does not appear to be over anx- ious to remedy. We refer to the young turn wtio are disfranchised by reason of the operations, or, rather, the non -operation, of the more than useless Franchise Act. As in 1591, so it will be this year, thousands of young men who should be allowed to otr, and whoa names would be ..n the list if the peeper method of pre- paring theta were in vogue, will bede- barred from exercising the right to cast a ballot : ane a great temptation to personation will exist in the thou- sands of names on the list which should have been removed. So long as the p..rty are allowed to control the preparation of the voters' lists, to gerrymander the constituea- ries as they please, and to trade fat offices for the support of members of Parliament, just so long are we invit- ing invasion of the nghta which every liberty loving ;Cana(lien should .Iwlously guard. Under the Liberal plan the lists would be revised every year by the municipal officers, and thus they would be kept tip-trtdate, there would be no suspicion of partiality in their preparation, and hundreds of thou- sands of dollars would be saved which ars now worse than wasted. Let us have impartiality, etEciency and economy is the preparation of the lists. SNAP SHOTS. - -This election will be a fight to a finish. What will happen tem this bloom- ing country when Sir t'IIARLx.•+ Tcrr•it perms to his rest - -1'n.ler the N. P. the poor man is disorimaated against to favor of the riob mem, by .pec. duties. --At eigh,v cents a day the work- ing men cannot be expeMMd to raise much of a hurrah for the N P. The McCarthyite candidate will be claiming the Rivkin' vote on the ground that he ie a "Kitty'' Messer —TUPPER, corruption anal extrara game Lcrlune, honesty mad eooseny. West Huron prefers the latter. There is a duty of i rents a Ib. and 30 per cent. no ready-made clothing and other wearing apparel. Diamonds are tree --mid up this way we don't consider dia- mond. absolute necessaries. That $210,451► of the people's money which the Ti rrrar were an anxious to 1105 away to Contractor Ged.n%tr would pay for ems needed improvements to our b&bur, with • tidy num over. If a fanner, instead of a lawyer, had been et the head of the Department of Agriculture, posIhly the diwtor that hes befallen the live stook trade in the scbdul tag of t'todies cattle at British ports would have bees averted. This Sir CIIARLMt TIPPER is the man who went throurb the country is 1x191 with • he in his mouth awl the reeipro city negotiatines, and whim had to make a retraction before Mr. B..Ala■ would have aything more to do with his. - If the French bishops would issue . mabdemsat against thieving and oorr.p ties, aed immorality in C•baet rsembrs, they would he doing • good tura for the eountr• awl not besmirching the oloth. They would he in hotter booms* thea in their present *fort to 000roe Quebec es the Mait.ba school dust$... if itb and morals are under their guardiaeehip why dae't they deal with faith and morals' The T,-rr.a editors ars tying ►besseelya all up in knots in their aerie se escape UN sleets of Air ('n•uJM' 'tepid seerolee of the sturdy Maadesbens. They are Sewer tired el declaring that Yr Leer- ier would par • Stronger seae.n, altMea,h in the mit breath they are reedy to deniers the states** eta .srp•et bettwers I.Avae.a asd DALTON M.S•a whew Wenn Mead Weald sewer stoat: with a desire Mabet the poising a medial" MIL tf hue f. .ise • dight . plumy 1. the Wm etate- s ole that Yr Louder would hew separ- ate sekeele es Maalteb. and Mae the Lib- seal itsal Sealer is la league with Mr. Oras. VAT sad W Uselessness*. who hays beta OghM B M yeah for she ,*fedi$* that the Prevbse shall lave .eis swami e1 its ewe edeoattcaal aura A few years ago the DMItinioa 4.uverartest treated the ales et delMlMr (:e.eral, evidently with ae better peens tW to give • supporter as easy berth. Is- sued el the Splinter (ieseral looking atter the eown$ry's legal bu beeme..atode lawyer* were swaged at se anneal sees to ,a• Sty 01 $100,000 or ISOle, When Sobel r Gemini eraa.a wee appointed to a ledge. . hip loot year, the Aloe was allowed to h awe vast atii Bir ensat.ot Tt'rru., bevisg deposed Sir M•cesszie Newtul., pet .es Cutouts m the pits*. The salary n $5.000, bet shat is • aaa11 prise to pay far. Tvern. A NEW LEASE OF LIFE HOW A CUMBERLAND CO , MAN OBTAINED IT. sewed to Year, sad est* the ..abased w ul the ills my appetite rowed. 1 Omit sweadly as eight, ..d the mem n e7 bort *Asko banes* mensal. I eeaUaa.i taking the Plat pais aril I Md aced be all {teem hums, and 1 have set felt better in year* tba I de new. I die nom oatmeal - arty bard work lees fall asd wa able to ,egad It with a sre.gth .rad vise. that tau- =NS 1 oeaerler Dr. Williams' Pick lye, rN ably a woaderhtl mdisne, bet .lee an the light of what nay ether treat - meats aces, the least *aper.* mahatma 1s the wend. sad 1 .treegly r.wsseed Ptak Tills to all in need of a aadbtae. 14. Wtlitam. Ptak Pills not dtrsutly ep- ee the blood said ser. «,building them ammo aid the* drtviae disease from the s see. There M .o trouhle dee to other of these muses that Pink Idle will act awn, sad lb booked, of *.sees they have catered pati - ems to health shoe all ether remedies bad failed Ark for lk. Williams' Pink Pt11. eed take nodose plea The gentile* are al- ways maimed is boxes, Me wrapper anted which boar* the f■11 trod. mag, •' Dr. Wd taw' Ptak P111e far Pale People." May be bed from all dealers or seat pose paid se n- eaps et 50 .nets a b.., or els bowie far $2. • S0. by .def rembe the Dr. Williams' Medi- ans t o„ &asked**, Oat. • St•rr1ltwa 1035 ACVTI DTlrarwlA Ass • ear twitter Eeeswelt eve-eheee. .'owrLICA?IO0 Or ToeWeLat ful1Aw13.. Mie. Errll'oa, Deja h p.,—." 1 will be •11 •TTACa OP Le utirrc—Re w as o&r'taI sty Met so ay math ter the rest )0Rd7D TO QUIT Brei* bei •:D of the Somme; aid the mother of a .mall family, m oaamelaation with myself. sot norgLsfaLT ac0001tAdiap wrap imp '.. Wog neo. The eseven.tiee was oonoarsaag cert be yclwta, darted which the lady expressed great apprebsaetee. for the misty of her children—odd, by tbe.way. her chlldne are ant Riva to rooming oa the streets "• There will certainly be as seoideat some day, the way they aooreh does the vide - walks," said she ; and i mold not but agree with her. Oodertob lies been celled •' The Rtcy clists Parulis " ; it has also hese call- ed. and tree justly, " Th. Children's Para lir mid. se the omlelrea were here be fen 'he bicycle, their proteotios has a prior claire oa oar ooaideration, Nae like oomtert and eonveaieace of the bicyclist. With our steeliest streets, then is no justi- fiable reason why our sidewalks should be .sed by wheelmen : hot with vary few ex- ceptions. whim the back sttwte an reached the eyelid. takes the aidewaik, and often develops tato • cyolone, rushing along past doorways, gates and corners when the.,.w _ is often obetruoted by high board fences, GA t/ _/ /////f// t and when collisions a•e likely to «scar. It is eeeerally the unexpected that happens, and children cam to pop out tram pleas when no living creature ..eats to be. Is this way 1 have seer very narrow amps. : and .one would regret as aooideot by which a child might be meimd for life, more than the bicyclist himself. 1a places of muob les pretentious than Godericb' and where the roads are execrable in comparisw, whaling on the sidewalks Is made a punish- able offence, sad se bicyclists are daily oo the torrents in our tows, it is to bo hoped that our municipal legislators will let the word go forth that beeesierth, this stets of locomotion must be ___--I to the streets. Smoereiv yours. HCtiAXITA- Yios the Anthetet. N. a., Bestial, Mr. ('has Tease, who lives snobs bwe miles from Lockport, r arae of the Mat .mown mea in thus O•sies. He le cringe$ o t uaruer as • lobster packer, and limbo in dour and salt, asd ib •dditttoo has a {M farm. Dartse the past three year. Mr. Tucker has bean a almost constant invnld. being the vistas of a oospbcatiw of Ma - emelt following a seven attack of la grippe. Remedy he has been reetord to his old• time helms, and having learned that he gave the enure oredit to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, cnno.ning whtob so much b•w bean said through the preen, • reporter inter- viewed him in the matter, and was cheer- fully gives hu story for publication. Mr. Tucker said —" About lour years aro 1 bed a seven attack of 1a grippe, which left M to • fearful oondit•on. I had for a somber of rears before this attack been • suffered' from dyspepsia, but following la grippe it took a more saute form, and to add to Wig distress my liver appeared not to perform ltd usual }auctions, and ,my boort troubled , rite greatly, and there were as well o*ba' oompheations which battled the .kill of four doctors whom 1 suooee.lvely called to :o rho hope of regaining my health. From bks knees down my legs wore es oold as ice ; say bowels would bloat and 1 suffered great pain. My Mae west from had to worse, de spite the medical treatment I was undergo iog, and at lest I got a Lad that 1 was foroed to give up business. I could hardly eat anything, got bat little sleep at night, and as you will readily understand my cow dition became one of despair. My father urged me to give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a trial. but 1 was so discouraged that 1 bad n o further faith in any medioise. However, more to please him than with any hope of beneficial results, i began the use of Ptak file. The first beneficial results i found was that the warmth ad natural tooling • began to rotnro to my limbs, my beliefs AUCTION SALES. Alt parties getting their sale bile printed et this silos will have a free notice inserted la this 1101 .e le the time of ales. Then will be sold by public auction as the Colborne hotel; Goderich, oo Saturday. May the 30th, lots 18 end 19 is the town of Qodenoh. with frame .ottage end barn tbereea. John Knot. auctioneer. JAB. YArrms Nest door to J s. Robinson's. Ilargaia t■ Wall Papers and Window Blinds School BOOKS & SUPPLIES Complete Stock. tome and tier for youveelf. JAMES TATs*.. MORE GOODS . . LEGHORNS, WHITE SAILORS, VERY NICE FLOWERS. All of the Latest Designs. See our Large Stock of UNDER WEAR. MISSES YATES. O'SULLIVAN BUSINESS COLLEGE Oor. Alnare and West•st. over O.P.B. office. .lwarded flour times successively FIRST PRIZE f o r Commercial and artistic Pen- manship in an - n nal competition against all Can- ada... .awarded t h e Diplc ma of Bon - or for the best and most origin. - a l .Kethods o f How to Teach Practical Book-keeping thoroughly. Positively only One 11 Coarse ;given in Goderich. an, asd mea* A• SSS•d Melba.. Ilbeimghty mums 1e OskeepillR, ehorthaad, ', )ltitlsaashlp 11111 1111111 Arit $. 1c. et.. DAY and BIGHT ICZOOL, roe lutMwW pea r J. Pa terser stee.W r Mdres r.LIYAN, ©.Sal, ffiet., ofanli stoat, O1wT. CODERICH BARGAIN CENTRE. The Latest and The Best Evertpurchaae made of us is a stepping stone nearer the goal Every transaction is u bargain, therefore a money saving investment Low Prices coupled with Big Valves is the combination that wins your trade in our elegant assortment of Sprum and Swwnmtu novelties, consisting of 't Stapland Fancy Dry Goods, CRESS GOODS, FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, etc. There is a Selling• something about our *cods that place. Ae iir- snce rmost in Lour mind, You know you have the quality, you know you have the style, you know you have the right prica. This is what we strive to give you; this is what we do give you. We try to make the fair and square deal that brings you to ns the tleeond Berl., We have just received our new Kid (Moves ; we expect the quality and price will scatter these gloves quickly among a prudent people. JAMES ROBINSON. Come &PAM and Weet St. Clash awe. i w11tIlES11IE aETAtl ABAIRY TINWARE IrfITBONO BM. i1 CO.W. Pump k Fan ni ug Till Wogn-s ClitZt N;RICH , ONT- ✓ rier •IMPA•tUSATI A hirer Steck of vary choice Pumps. mann Mound from a levied Muskoka quartered pine with hearts cot out. These Pumps are manufactured la • aunties' o1 Kyles to Omit ever) body tad every place Very easy wording pump. fur deep wells. truncapped closed top pumps for .oIwel- yards. house pumps. els 'MULE area oil *TE1 tat*E SYt•1 PIMP% for spraying treat, washing buggies watering gardens. extin- guishing Ores. etc. Special attention ghee to drawing water from well a dlotance from pumps. Iron tad wood piping; w.tod. $run ooroelala lined or bras "ycllndere : Dreamier Piping .any bore: memo MILLS t wood or cement ft$TEtms. SIMK., tarn SCOTota KEw. L AW% artEt l.kLs, etc.. etc. de splr.l Ni./ Al.4.., ,iEAT. A I • G kt t :rid r S. SLIM11 /*mink ■ILaa. PUMPS sa'5EEne and SUTER -all kinds. All stock warranted Mall orders promptly and carefully atte.ded to. ARl[BTRONG BRO8 dr. Co Have You Called — AT THE -- NEW NEW SHOE STORE Next door to Misses Yates' Millinery Stare Yet? MY STOCK is ALL New, Seasonable, tad up -to - slate in every respect, and will be sold at the lowest prices that SPOT CASH can procure First -Class Boots and! Shoes for. REPAIRING promptly attended I to at reasonable price*. galrYoc ARE INVITED to call and', examine my stock J. McNAUGHTON, Cash and One Price Shoe Store. We have a tsU *took of ell Slade et !DAIRY TINWARE 501) SAP BUCKETS which we tin ellen. VERY CHEAP All klnde of TIN, GRANITE AND COPT ERWARE REPAIRED. CANADIAN and AMERICAN COAL OIL loll measure. heaped up and runaleg over WORSELL'S NEW FURNACE ie JUST THE TNING FON SMALL HOUSES. Gime. and see it at WORSELL & co.. TeoPtasbv.l Tie, it -w 0•41 Crews. M.. THE BICYL4S Season of 1896. ARE YOU IN IT? If you aro not, you ought to be. for the dartos season is going to be a greater moose Nit Wanting in (lodtrricb than any of Its two asesssgrs. IF YOU ARE AFTER A RIDING ACADEMY IMP TH - - EARTH ('1/ME AND GET iT. We are giving .t .Inst bow in our sales of Wall Paper and Fancy Goods la fancy Scrims. Sateen* and Rilb for Refs Cushions, Drapes. elc.. We have Jost what you was at right prion. We ore making Great Reductions le many lives to make room for new goods. The applies specially to Wall Papa sed we ask luspeetioa of our paps Ws w wtuag prima le Chinaware ted aro Wring real bar, galea Scribblers at Cas. THE FAIR. BENMILLER WOOLLEN MILL As sisal i shall As prepared to purchase WOOL.5 the highest market pries for essk. or w111 asks..o ter my t.aas(sotrired &melee. My .teak of STOKING YARNS H®BE BLANKETS FLANNELS TwAaIM sad ZED is .f ••••••••••Pumices messed BLANKETS0 MO ECEO .bed tree hem Maddy et my d..orlp.i... grf1.. t fisrI••. 1 &.11 PAT CASH ter weals the blabes prise le the ub.eh51, 31882 GLEDHILL, Mss — Astra $R4 ISM Ome *r the training of Wheelmen and 1.5.55 - ,'PLUM bee been establiehe.l in Ooderieb, sad tAtrsese..a that att-nded K last year warrent. ms In continuing the work. i 'deet Sathrye- Ilan. Terms reasoanele. Let A full Ilse of first -clam Ricyels for kite. Now Is the time to get your wheels mad° reedy for the Beason. Everytblag In the repair has kept on .. 1 and none but *killed bands fid• JOHN YULE, Msedl. iNuq. Legatee St A FINE COMBINATION The out in prises is sepownsd by the shears, the meshed of oar 1usi.ass is repro - seated by the square sad the afllMey M plass@ le t.}resasod by the tape lire. sakes • flea ess1iatia. Tose Y r dabs tau we sr* Offering Better:Inducements today thee ewer below, gad we hypo ga r pelmet will take &hostile el Ike sppsel.- aiey. Tee sever wee a One wise sash • Ilse .see betsat of ileeh-elese geode weld be sea se at our Mssn this sense& 'lb ovoid Me nob mar wig. PRmU�S THIS TAILOR'