HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-5-14, Page 8i Carpets ! Carus ! Carpets ! Carpets !
Carets / ! Carpets ! ' •
WS(lySwksand N stealer what **hhiglp
er t'--t'--y�yt10 Come Hsmp w thg heN Tiwe Terre BeegseMHr.asefsOv Br.g'els rad T•per*ry (,.rp.0 sire d shepaMerrOmer Mw Asmisr.rtheAnt •.kern u tWleUg►m nvtlryeoth»,They are geswg w he •eller. fes the IiprtnB Tests.
Wall Paper.
Lees talk by the dee'rr, and
wore looking by the cu.tcluer, that's
what we believe in.
What's the use of endless talking of designs se:1 *Mao, coloring,
throe aro thine (It'd, appeal to the eye, not to the ear
Of coo r -e w -r Ii:. i r A few words to ray about pit. r+,
We are still selling the 6c. and 7c kind for 5c.
Pretty Bndrovm and Hall Paper, 7c. and 8c.
Drawing Rom and Parlor Paper, 8c. and lOc.
Ceilings, Forder, and Friezes, designed to match.
Bookseller and Stationer.
.� r itt Canada and the Niagara River above the
NEWS OF THE Illsl ich• Falb, and hinted of a joureey soros, the
The ether jubilee of opesisg of S.S work
YPOm cur own Correspondents in this sesame, marked
'�!IpAtothe childrenby
--- .lames Hamilton, saw a fair atteodaooe of
scholars, p•reot..od others, with the pre
Where te r.ferinsrt•m re time Caaa+e M nest Ssbbarh Behest ruff of officen and
ee..d Lay where ga.e-sew.ef tis 1 teaches. The theme of the detours*
Cooney Specially departed from let Samuel 7th chap sod 12th tore*,
fee The Missal. , was earnest and instructive to ell.
A C'ARPE'T HOUSE hike the abort would certainly be a noveltyIre herrn'l got one. But ire hare the Besl Selection of C'arpela in
low fa, All Styles and Priers, but none of the p)oreal goods -it would
trot hisser to buy that or to use there.
Look at our prices uud cornliarr the gttalily with the hj
'wired gt>rnls «Isetrhere.
Horne, W. Lase, cooaty ole• k of Huron,
besides a number of tis voter.., Reformers
to the riding. As there were some report-
er. pre...at we prosume *bey will give far-
ther particulars, softies it to state IMt it
wee • seoowful mc.tin` We have both
i, torm.d that •• tis McCar'hyite tn.etts/
hobs .' Suttth'. Htl oo S.'urdsy. 9sh. that
one, hilly, wee tis chews of the ouoven,
BLUEVALE.M..rra: Wtiliaa. Hansa, bah line. he.
NILE. Tussal, May 12- reotet' at. Waders farm fes • term of years.
Mo.uAt, May :. I -Its T«b's hour.. n.srly oomploted.: I:ardner Nwbulaot., 4;b 1...The fallowing se the eimding of the lien Batley has o,.tained a situation in • near Helirsve, bas • hound with 13 young
cheese factory near Molesworth. pupp•ee
Ilrit.:Ao i A Cesvoouoo of South Hero•Ltorsts wee hold at Bruoe&eid, oft the
201h lust.Tuokesmith : Hr. and Mrs- 11. Carter,
of the 2-.d ooa , L R S , celebrated their
china wedding
L-iodesboro . Fall wheat in general is
thew perils is sot good aad considerable of
it hu I'eeo plowed sp.
(Tinton . Walter Blackha:l be. sold hidthee cho.tuut marriage hors. w Ouver Juan•
two for the win of 1210.
Mullett . Geo. Crawford has rested the('uoornaham (.re, •'td H 11 *1 11 bag root•
.d the Bill farm, south of F:. Snell.
Wawanoeh : las. Johnston bas purechswd the 50 sem farm adjoining boa owe
property from Ferguson Bros. for 1111300.
Exeter it Ferguson •heeded the grad-
(.asc exercises of the l)etror Mdioal col-
lege lest week, sod retuened with hu dip-
Egmoodville : David Moon, of Egmood-
villa, hes Isoeroe clover growing in his or-
oh•rd which measures 2 feet b mobeo in
bought.Wroxeter : sero. .1• W. Sanderson left
fes Toronto on Monday lest, when her bus•
band has embarked in business in the gro-
cery line
Sector,h : 'fhe Humus of this town went
to Karl n oe Saturday last, sod were sue-
oeful to defeating the Meohanua by one
goal to Done.
(:nderteh tp.: Tho other day • more be-
louwing to Henry Baker, of the Mutlaad con-
cession ries safety delivered of twin foals by
Veterinary Bl.ck•ll
Zurich : E. Dob.rer, who has bee- with
1). Steinbach, in the otos busisom for •
rood while. left last Wednesday. wad will go
to British Colu.nbia.
pupils to S.S., No 5, for April : Fifth class.
Ethel l)ustow ; Som. Fourth,LizzieGlidden.
Mary Robertson. Annie Taylor; Jun.
Fourth. ('1•rence 1)uetow, I:servo tiltddo.Third ole, Willie Kirkpatrick, All•e Mo-
Manw : lsooed els, W dhe Watson, Olivet
Cook, Willie Thompson.
M M,t'usszi.t., Te.aher.
Mosnty. May 10.
We are glad to Isere that Mrs. R. Irwin
u considerably better.
Rnbt. Hunter, 13th con., lost c vetotbis
horse from inflammation.
Farmers i tbu vicinity .r. through withtheir seeding and •re preparing the ground
for roots.
Thr proepetts for fruit are better this
.,•son than they hate baoo for rears. It
the frost keeps •way we shell lave plenty
of fruit.
The rn.peutor, .a. E. Tom, visited school
No. S last week sed expressed himself well
pleased both with the dis.'pltoe and pro8ct-
eocy of tis pupils.
T. eN sty, May 12.
'the I.sdy True Blues have decided to Int
their social drop, oo account of the teameasling at Beomiller church on the 25th. I Nance--Tbe locel •tremor la Deagan000
Great pstse u due to the True Blume far for Toa $Iu tau. u u the ,Moe of J. O. Ward.
their noble sot in vivtng way w the char* J.P.. oonveraeot'r• a:a.. wbpp will receive or
whish shows that they have respect to the de forsobtoripttons,.dPertl_stngandjob
work,dIsauthorisedto trove 1pu forohurch end those connected tberewttb, •1- ' .mounts paid tux the tame
though their bills are sent .round. If any Tt's.uty. M•c .iof them should not be gathered in friends Thus (sr the prcepseu of w abundant
well not pay attention w them but willtisk* 'Dote of tbiu. Hoping the most Chrtatias crop arsroad.
feeling will prevail end that all friesle Vi•ni..: - l'hce. 1.. Trimble, of Houghmay go to fienmtller tee mee.ing on the 25th tom, Mieh , .coomp.niodbybagwifeand
as the money is regetred to pay off • church I son, arrited here last week on s visit to
debt, sod ,tometmis a the future they will relataves and 1risods.
hate sn opportesity to patresis. the Trus O. A V I.ITI.c Tula -Mrs. S. Roche and
glue s._' obddren left here on Saturday for Hop -
DUNLOP worth, to visit (rieeds and soyuuotances.
iri'ettpAT, ll• 11.\\•web them a pleeiwot time and safe re-
Mrs. R. Allen, from neer Reemil , hasbeen vuutng ber mother, Mn. Jewel. Arrx'ni..+ Joey -Our popular and
House clewing is now the go with even . much esteemed townsman. 1). S. Bi..kle, to
body. There is fui hops John Frost u off attending the assizes as • jurymen. There.
duty for • six month. holiday. suit of the trial of those tmpltwted ti oneRiiri k. ft.. After • pleaseot vlsitof two forugh•m outrage, u being wztously looked
months, Mies MacFaule, of 1h.I�sees Ctty-, Gicanrni.u,y Rga nys.tStt.- \\*. along
who has bees the guest of hue ooueii, Mir with the many friends of Mtes Trice Milli
1)oo the sin returned home, gas who has been for • number d years
Io the mid'* of the oomtog slam"°° ooD unable to walk through weakness, are pleas
teat untrue u give to the local press of the , edt,oknuwthateb.ie gradually gaining
Andrew Holmes bas moved to the hot re-
000tly occupied by 1:eo. C.asmore.
Jock Gardiner boe returned from a visit
to his sister. Mrs F. M. ('racked, of BrosNle.
Rev J. Priog wd Ms. Pring, of Yule,
but formerly of Kluevale, were visiting here
last w wk.
R. N. Duff, of the firm ret Duff d Stow•rt, was to (:alt • onuple of del. last week
oo busmen.
Moo .1 Ksllsntvoe, teacher to the junior
department, attended the teacher.' ooaves-
t.ioo in realorth last week.
Ms I:oo. Pocock and her ohildrwi, Wil-
frid end 1\ alter, left here last week for
Holland, Man , to loin Mr. Pocock who left
• ooap•e of months ago.
W. A. Elliott, of Wingbam, who has
been mol iog sash end door frames fornumber of weeks to the village. had 'fro
covers badly cut lost week to Duff R Stew-
art's plsoing w.tll.
The cheese factory opeoed thte week and
a number of tormers ate sending in milk.
Gso. Macdonald. cheesemaker, will he as
muted by Tsd Werwick,of Morru,ssd y\ m.
McCullough. of Ki.bsre.
visit of the travelling dun- to the neighbor otreagth, and u W some extent able w
tog baro of l.eebnro for an instruction inset I walk with the sid of • crutch. W• hope
iog in making butter, aitd we hope then .h. will cootiaae to recover
wall be c good turnout of the farmer I 7ATia W. would remiid ou- citizens and
wives and daughters to, .1 modern improve other. that the celebration of Her Maissty'e
ingot in held a butter, eta The proceed 77th natal d -y. whtoh will *eke plea• in
ings to he held at, ib. hell to Lwburn oft eke Duovwoon on Monday, the 25th, will, in
27th, w
point of amusemenu, cousutiov of spading
of the beautiful trotting course in Dongss
non driving park, various attractive runes
tor old and young, and for which • largo
e nm of money to to be ezpeoded in prima,
he the most extt.nive ever yet held here.
Then will be • band of musicians praises
It is anticipated there will he • large num-
ber of the oiliness of (;oderieh. Winghsm
e nd l.uoknow, to say nothingof all our own
burghers, present at te oolebr•fioo,
weather permitting The eoorgeitio com-
mittee, hosing formed an ezoellet program
for the sa;nyment of all present nn that oc-
casion, anticipate • large gathering. Poet
we are out. to who* reference can he made
for further particulars. (come one and all
to soler yourselves A grand concert will
be held in *h. hall to the e.eiag. the best
edwit as expected to take part.
Rrroge CoNysxn'•• - On Friday, ot
bet week. as previously arranged, the coo
victim ret HAI molars was held at Demitas-
ses It to prusonneed to be one of the lar-
gest is attendees, If not the iarge.t Reform
onsveation ever held here. (7 •rich, ('Ite-
ton, and other places in the riding were well
represented with • large ooe'ingesey from
each. It M (,,llecaddy, the orwrgs ie Pre-
sident of the Reform Assooietinei to. the
West Riding of Huron, presided over the
lent* and toduenttal meatier, with Inst
credit to himself and satiefaeties to the ae-
ssmblege After tho formal isittatoq bud
nese, seoh as receiving the delegates repro -
peeling the various polling sob divisions b
the riding, the sweets* was called to ardor
fee the appolatmret of • standard hearer to
Moet of the
finished seeding.
Mr. and Mrs F Scott visited friends in
Ripley vicinity, on Sunday.
Met Ferries goes to f:oderich oo Tuesday
as witeoer on the Setters taw.
Robt Ferrier bas disposed of hi. driver.
Wm. Hooter bang the buyer.
A foot ball olub was organized here on
Saturday immune, wbiob .hall go under the
same of the " Ashfield Revere. The fol-
lowing officers were elected Pres, .las.
.lobes/on \'ice fres, David Parrish: (apt.
.1a. Kerr ; Seo. Peter Soott ; Treas. .1as
truing : menacing oommittee : JN. raffish
Tbos. 1)raneen, alae. Bowler. They will
play oe Wd.esday and Saturday evwiisgo
of over) week, sad .hell be open for chat
logoe from any foot hall team west of Tor
lit'x«pay, May
farmers hero have have
7rx.1 et, May Il.
J. 1.. flattest is on the jury int attending
.cert is (:odenoh.
Jason ('hisholm is 4orgioe • drain
s*,...It his farm three .sorters of • retie
s length.
The ynuev people tatted 1oldtag • stoma
on the 2Stb inst. sear the Inks_ We hope
is will be as.ej.yaM. es many of the s.
seal pieties of the I.O. (:. T rad '. 'shoot in
year' past.
Corm u Nessa. -This west, Wdsesda
and Thereday, the Rev. Mr. Hamilton will represent tis rtdi.v dower the next term
vwt kin peewits Mar Stratford, and the of ltomimu,0F•rliemtht. M C remorse,
weekly prayer mwties will he held ea len yowl. IJ t'., wee eseetmealy ssl.sbd.
That is to say
ere the gal, people ie isms r the we the only peepie 1s the asset y tits
merry a .leek of (:ornate segruewmg i. Ktae,e� be �M he m
to bey Carpets where yes man get the l�pene A.eerttmess, the Best ed teems Bevies.
sod by ell add. the Ctoess% Priests, .ire is the awak w wiles* tram. Our resp reaches
rem n sewer* and with
borders to =web, and the solus w simply elegant. Yee ehe5 4 sono emir N ftl-
ver a who W
•� hereto/on la the
Our AU -Wools . lase plass ase two plies are ahead a elerast •. ped as
erorket to outstay, demos and oolertag. Ciera Compete pear
leoli Wools of poet mase-. The gr.wieg Weds we have smiles es largely to egress ger
mask mid we •r. new ,s • beater poetises them ever te mese the requirements et the
Weds- When yes wast Carpets. give es • look. W. are satii.d that we efts All your
orders to yaw advantage tied perhaps sari yes money too by bhw from
sheet two boars
pets stria •d ps
laid if required. W. efts make • 30 t* AO yowl Car*
la with war sew Carpis Meabias-
W. hen the Wrestle stook of Oil Cloths end Linoleum@ ever shows is ll.derieb, at
prises to wit everyone.
O.r Lace (.certain Stock is lamer than ever. 11 is ss.dlees to quote prier. _
Our amain* Stook of Curlew eaid Tsble Coveys. Meq /N odirectour beet She gunklties, alas sew
ev rythisg for gesiity sad prime. Rags amid
line. of Damask, seit•bie ter fersisbtsp. it.land.
We west yeti to ..e oar Table Lieges and Tel & Nepkiae direct from Belfast,
W• wast yes to remember oar Art *roans •d Art Meehan.
Our penes•► Serieg Stook it better then weal is most lie. 1■ Print., Cbsmbrao,
Z*ph.rs, Sootob Gbgbsas, Pulses, Spot idealise, we are abo.d of other sesames.
]DRD88 C4 -001-)f3
A large srertmwt in away of the new fairies esesioting of the Dew Satin Royals,
k •� wad Suitt Materials.
BCW. have of Colored Materiels, double width goods, whet we are offerteg
for .bout half price. Tweeds, Cloths, Masiliegs and Worsteds in greet variety.
have bought out the besiege@ of
and carry • full line of Stover, Tin
and Granite wear, and are prepared
to give tenders for
Plumbing, Fitting,
and Tinning,
lord to.r.utee t- 4"-e v^a .at'sf.ee-
tien i' ►ash reel ..ata
Our tetnver.ttre •,r th., best is
the n.aaket. Call and P. • ',hem.
K Leave your , r. r •t Joho Relpu g
011 Said, Hainiltne-`t.
Pluuwl, is .t..i Tiuncrs.
F. \\ awsnosb John A. Rath 1.11 os
Thursday oo hie wheel for Dundalk. He
purposes returning in June to vote for good
and wise government.
Winghem : Miss Maggie I)s11.. ogle of
the meet popular young ladies in W iigham,
was married on Wedaeodey last to Thos. J.
11. Ham1y0, of Lnndos.
Egmodvitle : Ms. David Haulm start-
ed on Wednesday morning for Dakota on •
vied to her eon, and four daughters, who
ere located to that sate
Seeforth . Mies Nettie Ewing. who is
studying for protession•l in St. Luko's bos-
ons' New York, has passed her first medi-
cal examination, taking 99 per oust.
Exeter A oow with two tails was the
attrsctioe at the Corporation poond this
week It with others were imprisoned for
mooing the village streets contrary to by-
Wiaghem : Benjamin Wilson, manger
of the bank of Hamilton, will Neve for
Winnipeg In ,lune whore he will oke charge
of the business and will likely he away for
two peers.
F R'awanoeh : John Coultas. •r., is no
.ftersooa farmer. He clipped his sheep and
sold hie wool on the 18.11 met The 'sad
IMO 16t) pounds from 17 sheep, which is an
imminent olip.
Sanford : At the Lioosw Commissioners'
meeting on Monday, the spelic•taon of Mr.
Pbfsm.r. of Reemiller, hotel ltoes.e. was
refused, sad that ot Mn. Carroll, of Salt -
ford, treated.
Seeforth John Campbell had the misfor-
tune the other day to have the top of the
*mooed haver ot his right head takes off
while working in the ltro.dtoot & Pox fur
sitar. Notary.
$.•forth - D. MoMiltw. of Tsokatemith,
shipped from hen oe $atarday twenty as
AN fat Awn es have got* from Beefertb
stollen ter a recd while. Tie lot averaged
over 1,511 pounds molt
L.ndssbmro : A very pretty wedding
took place cm the 30th alt., •t the rendes**
of the bride's parent*, Lesdeeboro, whom
Mies Hattie 1f••kwell wee united is mar-
ring• to Gee. H. Neel, .1 leaden.
the own of Housekeeping it saved
by having your orders for
Groceries and
WI" • i.rge saillsg 4a►t and to it • small
to poll to stoats where there is no tod-
pi•ss, • leer ateemm five theta pert •
all the ether day. While ea • vitt to see
e1 war hewers sear tis Pest Term. he
Wal .t tripe made all dew ea the lakes el
treat harmony .d the lime e1 order woe
maistai.ed thr.ughedt Ihs me.tbe Pre-
misa.t imams these prones weww
Mr. McKwale, the eewttso .r the Were
IWlsg el Hew, Polley, of Tensaw, M l •.
Gmeres, the wawa st•dee d hearer and
diets seas-. We Ibis Was Ridley el
Promptly and surely filled with
trash aid reliable goods.
We give you the beet service and
Nos but the best moods-
We are headquarters for
It you hove any to se 1. let to see
themand if you want to buy we
can fill the hill.
Maple Syrup, fresh and pure. Just
in from the country.
• tin Hamilton -et.. Neat Cornell*.
Porter'. Hill : O. W. Pester mot with •
very palish' 'weasels while Weida, • hone.
T►* bores breams eamsssessb e. andtf+po-
Sri ea Mr. r«Ms's feet split wee to.. whits
will ley bias of work ler .eme Mew.
W. 7Vew.wceh : G... Venoms did lass
week. seed 73 year'. Me leoven • widow.
*we ease sad three dawiluter• to moire
the hem e/ a Maker sad a Wow d. H.th�dM.~
a C.esveM polities wad a
Oderleb tp- . A mesa despised& Wee
was dese we day WO week ea the tam
wend 1y S. ('. Os.k, I1 t• e.s. it wee
tssast.d by Mr. Dray, a soot eseerssa pre -
we. std 1s the mere/ag whom he *lest eat
be dbweered shat sheet 75 wens is Mit er-
.heed Mer. destr yed by seise rebmeset.
The Gnat Greet Warehouse ei the Camay.
I think i have the beet value in these linen. 1 will give you low quo-
taticns on all HARDWARE this season. Prioes in tunny lines have gone
up recently, but having bought before the advance, I can do the very best for
you. Having anticipated extensive building operations this year, I have de
termined to make big sales ou small profits.
Tie shout moort,eet of
We .re offering to the public.
He 1n harmony with mature se
she dome her Spring attire. cad beet'
yourself • *rams ■ aT.
Also sew Meek of ell the leaser
la Glover Sblrts. Collar.. Cults.
Neckwear. Hosiery. eta. at
0- R. SHANE & 00.'S
' See our specials this week.
Children's Oil Pebble Button Boots
Sizes 7 to 10. 76c. 1I to 2 95c.
Ladies' Glove Grain, button or laced, rivited sole and
solid leather, selling at reg-t.lar wholesale price,
Ladies' Oxford, toe upped, turn sole, tan or black. Best value yet for 95t..
Boys' Boston Calf, whole foxed, fair stitched and pegged, solid leather insole,
for only if 1.00.
Men's whole foxed, solid insole pegged sole, laced or grater, for i$1.''S.
Men's tan laced Boot, narrow toes, McKay Sewed and sold at 111.50, worth
Cash selling makes cash buying, and these low prices are the result. We
invite you to gee our stock. No trouble to show.
Rverreua is aware of the feet that Setter
with W its Mesar r dswnee epee ee, bet
everyone t k.ow where to poems
bet day.
Al11AYa est toy
w T.LEN'8
Palletise Ieas Orem, Water Taus. Its
Orem /Ma sad Refreshing
Patatain Drinks
la as, haver leered. eveytklig need le
rarrimeretbui et which as gaaraeheed pure.
weir so submit ewe.
le as/ marries *hens ddtee.lee•
snot wire Is te Wive weretYas�=
art end tidy. b mei tett le
WiWTRY slit rRR/Rt-TO crOAA
Oen* •rad gee ailer.150 s14 . seem bay.
that anima mem
Belling agents for the KING VENTILATED BOOT,
the coolest boot made
Business Change
Having purchased the
Photo Business
From Mr_ R_ R_ Sal1Owei
anti taken po.sea+rtion, I invite the public to inspect our work, and
Having secured MR ADAMS, late of Toronto and Stouffvillo,
we are prepared to do just such work as the public demand.
Our methods of finishing are the same as in use by Simpson of
Tor. nto, and all work will be guaranteed throughly up-to-date.
Our exhibit of photos in Toronto during the past Winter at-
tracted the attention and received the admiration of all lovers of good
We make a specialty of every photo -no exception.
Orders for Photos front Mr. Sallowa' negatives will be propall
Summer Millinery .
62 -am
The undersigned having received a large impor
tion of Spring and Early Stt.,"mer Millinery, is prepa
to supply the sweetest of
Bonnets, Hats and Trimmings.
The goods are Fashionable, of Superior Make, and
Color, Design and Teztnie unexcelled.
$I will pay for 'The Signal" for A Year