HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-5-14, Page 7•
trust him
You want Scott's Emus.
Non. if you ask your rug_
gtsL for it and gel it—you
can trust that man. But if
he offers you "something
just as good," he will do the
same when your doctor
writes a prescription for
which he wants to get a
special effect — play the
game of life and death for
the sake of a penny or two
more profit. you can't
Aust that man. Get what
you ask fur, and pay for,
whether it is Scott's Emul-
sion or anything else.
Men • beet Mssvkb.
Oat. l•• sad Mer
P. B-
II...k.d f.Ir Maud to marry,
by settee she replied.
H. road it- she refused him
He .not Mese!!, oath died.
He might have been alive now,
And the hu happy bride,
If he bed read the postscript
Upon the ether aid..
Yr The Near .f tike enmity.
A l...tlettns. u Gods/nib remedy leaked
• Little sort, len oety oh.ld, bow many
Osten she had, lead was to!d "Three or
Her mother asked her laths on, when then
they were aims, wbatovet indaoed her to
111 Boob so uuurut
-Why, atm., exolea.od the diploma-
tic damsel, •'I dotal mei him to thunk we
ware so badly off as to oaly have ore child.
Wealth% his have thmeht we were dtefful
What stye Apo !Lasing to.
Some --A usher nom a the year 1900.
Towbar (Te new boy) -oras, have you
get your serti8o•te ot v.00iaattes against
"Yes, or. -
"Hese you been immolated for croup
••Yoe, tar."
"Have you had as Opacities of cholera
•Vas, mer.
"Have you • written guar•atee that you
are proof swear wbooptmg-omigb, measles,
and @owlet fever'
"Ars you 'eroded with year owe driak
,1'e., mer."
"Will you maks a solemn promise sever
muth•.g.spoors with the other boys, and
sever tow soy ether pool bat your
owe '"
"Yee, sir
"Do you sore* to have your bootie tuml-
grtod with salpbur.eod your cloth..primk-
jd with oblride of lime once • week'"
•' Y., ars
"Hans, I mer that you fulfil all the n•
quIreeseess of modern bygiemi.. Now you
can climb over that wire, pion yours.lt on
an termed olnmt.ium east, and oomm.adie
doing your suets -- M.-ob..er Neueste
A comedy takes from the life of • local
editor. Some of salon : As editorial smi-
te= in Berk.
Str•sger Have 1 the herr to speak with
the ammo of the advirtlals. department '
Editor -Certainly, what is your pl.•.-
Steamier MOM is George William
Shewmaker, odour and head m.•ag.rof the
Amnion Orad CIwu., the largest e.tab-
h.htest of the kind in the world, the air.
toss of caroms, my good eir.
Editor i very calmly) -And you want ter
to desert an ad Torus.ment, Colossi !
stranger -Um, that is hardly oeaeemry,
I should thihk the mammitode of tbe cos-
mos spooks for itself. Please meatiou is
your paper -three miles of cage, for wild
butte, amour the rest twelve now species
of nephrite, nod • curious monster jus
lately discovered in Africa and wetgbiog
3000 Ib.
Really -Really '
Stranger -N bat, ar, yea doubt it' A
gentleman of yonr'ttalbbn whom writing.
ore known in all porta el -
Editor -Tut, tat --how many columns do
you want '
Stranger -As miry as possible.
Editor -Aad when is tbe oitems to ar-
Straner-Ia a ..math or two. It takes•
lot uI time to gave .leag with six miles of
ear., .ad ear is ratter slow in
oensequese B.sM.., we 'ramal more for
pleasure than simsply to teaks mosey.
F:dltor---So I sherd bags.. Well. our
One lemtody Whim has leve Felled -
Tried sad Tasted O*.tmsst.
Hesse...tber aileged remedies for
Mer. ..route. a:s.matte •roptlost
mold bead. slating, Math heada salt
rhes sad ebb daemon ges.rsW haw
rived ss.4es. don't ,oedema Dr. Cbaas'•
Olatment, It has Dever been !sown to
t&W For lsetamei. Nelms Stmaom4
irweetrarg, Oat.,
Y rttes
1 .04 Dr. Cleat. tOlst.rmt fee
debug Pile., sad are reeamaend It
wkly. Slam ming it I have bed
perfect bathos from H. dlsumw"
Peter teems., L'•.abl., Qua. hod
the seemm& for Orr yew" wee tried
three diatom, but nerved se busrlt•
Or box of Dr. Mace. Olsttest and
Nese bozos of Dr- More nUb eared
bre eampl.Mly. Large wale neTrmd
W lest amt bob bat ter Marmot mem
awl thatage
. No will swear t. s
-. Ofetmme stay tis W firer
boars or frets tis aaadrrhtem
ameezrom setae a Co.. as LL.bm,4
•'haat Torerm.. Price W soul.
..gotheset remedy ..d "' the"
d 'lw wledhint `ale 1. WWI"
Irma brtO i4�1 . w SoloJ
thanes ter &Avari•m•aa is M the wt. el
140 markssolum., and d yea lake bar
mamas • dj, we will give pins so editor -
sal el fes lama. The massy m to be paid is
.Avo.as, and of seems we raw se
er sStrasger tr-My Rind.... t 1m'i that nob -
Editor -That third spry to • tis rabis
mg t e the New 'irk Hord or the Lea-
den Tim.., bat our paper is maneeed on
ea* a gipatto male that the prim I hays
aeaHenud le ridbslaeely .mall. We ma -
sense dailyfootmen trace. hods of paper
mniedisal V paraded on elg►to.e too
them rotary masider warkiae without ia-
trmas.ten. The met .f steam alms .m.
.oats to 1b,000 make pr day !
t(steeest-Bet, loth here-- -
6ditec- By • rederaou of o..-uehtb of
Se is•b Is the was of the paper, • savl.g
was rwestly sEaosad width snaked the pro-
Pruter to .root • villa fur the chef editor
.t )'latae.... for the sass of 14000 maks,
.ad four alms -houses, hath costa( 100,000
mark., Bat then ear proprisor dews sot
Mae the paper for the sake of mars
mosey, bet simply fes the benefit of his
wealth sad wt of bye for his fallow oiu-
nes.. The wok -rooms is whtth our jour-
nsl is totted sr themselves to.r user as
arts as the whole of Krupp'. establteh•
meats pet togetbsr,
Stres.er (its • taint voter -Are the work-
rooms her. '
Editor Oh, deer no -this is only •
Mamas dep•rtm..t for arms sasounos.
mots. Our chid office la---
(Strang.e Hese. terror-stricken. End of
the comedy j -Die ((.klem..
Thai ('.oak.
Asan inh•latioa, turpentine h•s roved
of err service in bronohitta, p.eumenu,
pleurisy and ether throat and Tung offer -
tam If you have • tougb sprinkle • ht -
tie on • handkerehef and hold it to your
mouth sad ..., for a few minutes, br stb•
int the moor. air age She relief.
The rood farmer is mazy • harrrowtng
A farmer may be toothier and yet have
many se sere.
It makes • farmer have • wry face to hes
hie grain crop short.
A farmer's face may be smooth, although
bis fields re furrowed.
To • farmer corn is the field is worth
iamb mote than oro oo the We.
The le.rmer's crop differs from • chicken.
and Y genot•Uy tors velnaeie.
S.l6sbness N self robbery.
Faith re Chris makes the ootbo •
Then w people wbo resider looking
dismal en Sunday and mein away an old
cent, taking ap the oraes sad following
As the itrh gth of • building depends ap-
0o tbs solidity of the foredotwo, eo be•lth
demob upon the 000dit►m at the blood.
To expel i.neunties sad chose the vital fluid
to berme vigorous and Itte-etvise, Ayer'.
Srze•prrilla is the most powerful sad .f-
bottye mediates t. use.
Des's harry.
Don't be without • bell.
Des's mt toe much jest before riding.
Don't forget to be • getkm•n. It coats
Dont drink dee w•tr while riding or at
any time when bested.
Doe's try road ndtmg without a tool box
•trapped to your wain.
Don't expect that toad Tidier is always
like riding through the perks.
Deet try to ride too far. Fdty miles •
day r *push for the armee morcel.
Deet try road riding wearing 6me cloth-
ing sad *epsetiog to keep at clean.
Don't try to ride fifty miles in one day
until after you have done .me training
Des's wear thin clothes. Sudden orogen
is the weather may provoke seriom threes.
Des's take men tabm your share of the
read. Giro sad pedestrians hate their
tights as well as you.
Deo t be 0.r.less in using the loot for •
brake. It may mean • broken wheel and •
brakes arta.
Dort be ashamed if you can't keep up
with some of the older members of the
party. They should be ashamed to run
away from yea.
Don't "go" at • meditate hill as though
you were beat on mui.g the finial sport in
• track mow
Don't ride loog and rapidly under • hot
saeSmauoke is noun
t oomaon to riders
who are reok(ma
ibe't o statm riding after • t.1te, of
exhaa tion emus over you. Jump off and
rest fee • while.
Don't feet above asking gasstiosa. I.tr-
matlon reoSivod may save you Many • weary
Lars of the weed.
Dani ride after dark se • .triage road
mless you are willing to walk home .rad
ami nothing for • tiro.
Dot's fail to remember that the rub of
the road in Caged• is to tare to the tight
apes meMee.
Don't look M asphalt pavements outside
the cities. Take the reads as they cote
said enjoy the *zeroth.
Don't jamp oorbiag, entrees, logs or other
admirer ebelrmetissa Year wheal rover
was made far • hurdle jumper.
Dm's fail be"road hep" if
they do you mydemistsad yea ons iden-
tify thea Rights on the blekwey •n
Don't Mime ap behind • wages .t 'ani-
on without Ovum Nome ~sag to the
driver...poemlly it be •ppeao to heart. is*
• rang ..d timed herr.
Dm's been.le to give your Mamas sad
vete a the stem who re ea the ado d the
gad nada .git.efo.. It will sees dimly,
e reieut merely will est.,
Seat try to ride en • side path where it
is facilities, amnia to elude the sews If
tb.y should .asar to prevent you. It
brings all wheatmeal tato dierepsto.
Deal raw dews hills with foot .t the
pedals wase the .ueM.a . net equipped
with • flake. Oa geesl priseipla serer
.y .troy. hill at soy time with the lest
the pedals.
Des. ride .. the sidewalk. Any aj.ry
yen may 4.ere a w.a(d .ps0
year phtses br IM smssmlRder of the eea-
t.., pu11UT be lbs /mmirw of year Ila
• )toga. e11 fast tseoa.l le named eo
Wog al tee Momerthet e.r..sve rewnes
stOseell •saetma tease. Cara
Ram. J..w h/t.rl.uh, of Sl Joh.. K. S. -
" 1 ha.. tiled Beath Minim Kelsey Qems
.M. ..shed mesa ie will do an the
sismalhisenrein raise ear la I bin Brush
bmaesew ober Ishimm •
eswb d dopa i he ' ill�law
Maim, .mil mmd4w thea I he. ,mwhW
1100 worth el peed Asa .n. bade.
sold b J. a D0.tr
T. freebie Imam boot e.Nt, sta. rab
them tattle the well-b.atee wines N .. egg.
limps res $.hisses end palatable that
it is • pity they re see tame eeoaerly
Statham .ratas on bass can be removed
by rabbis. them persistently with W► and
Mom jeer
itipe tomatoes rubbed o. irk •.d other
stains will remove Nam from reit* .loth
amd the Mat
1. inside' good o.dl.., it i. -----try to
plar fresh water ia she kettle, aid u.e it as
. 00n as is to bed/2g.
Pa . pudding., erp.hlly boded ow
sad. with ..et, an exodlest teed fur young
or debate teddies.
Viaages bottles may be 'I....ed with
era.eed egg -shells mixed with • hire waist
sad ter -mighty -thrice.
Stem that is exposed to the weather may
be kept Irene rust by brume • therms/
ao•rmm of oopsi varnish.
Better or -lard seoald be kept is earth-
enw.• or stemware and ne • cool pier to
prevent them from terming roadd.
Avoid agog die first most that runes
tram the tap, for it has b... is • teed pipe
all ought. and le, therefore, unwholesome.
Flour should always be kept a • dry
place, mid, in album to tela, Mord be
dr by tit• lire adore it u used for oaks.
l.igbt in • Sick -!loom. -ln preferaaos to
• lamp or gas -jet, always burn • candle or
night -lurid in • mak room, for the former
absorb more air tear the patient out spare.
Ora.me@ should be sates trusty se lo.g as
tiny are in soros. 1r, besides being • do -
Woos fruit, they contain • large quantity
of mire ant so valuable for its medNmMl
4 urines.
Squeaking boots sbould bo plied in •
Blab of lu.00.d otl,doep esougb for the oil to
*over the soles Let the boots soak thus for
two days, then mood in the air U.1 the oil
ass druid in.
To stre.gtbon the eyelashes apply *aster
oil to the stolid& remissly every nig►t.
This wreath the unnghlly moo appearance
of the lids of which you oompiatn, ..d are
malate the growth of the lashes.
!that men, or wem•e, .d the broader sad
brighter will be ha or het eathrk V lila
ibis. Leaf. Dry tbrregbly sae lad •
ball moths of dear, sad tete it work fear
mesas dbrbrae: mix the tato. doagk with
• wimsbmfal of yeast aid halt . pias 01
rearm WM. Add • lith. alt. Oat to rise
is a wtaml. hat sot hats pines for se beat
thea add half • paid el ..pr. half •
mated armee, • basp..nl.l sl -harm...
•ad • whisrl•eeful if row* atm. [mad
N..s thsro.raly data tis daeoh, set t. rise
mots far ►►into! as bar' ..d th.n bake is •
saw rase.
Black strew hats whish hays bees were
throatier the twister sew le de.Wed•
ly shabby i. the rays d the t eyries
.a..41 .a Make • tarsi.h, hag to di.
twos a gt.r. later, wad apply it with •
tt.thbs�, beldam the W mesawbas be
fah the ire r is the amt N dry. MO pt.-
parrios vitt •ot only make so old some
bat look sew, but to oddities will stiffen it.
Prooure half an ounce of rood bl•ok sealing
wan, redoxs it to powder by pouodi.g, sad
add to it four t•bieepooetule of pun spirits
e of wino --not methylated. Platy it in a
loar-e..os bottle Dear the fire, till the wax
is thoroughly melted, but tek• core that a
is sot too doom, se the mixture is highly to
fla'm.bla U you consider the above -mien
tend method too mach trouble, an mal
mixture d good black ink and gum, •
with • toothbrush sod left to dry, witan
ewer Try well.
Gravy will be lumpy d tblckesing be
poured in while the pan is over the fire.
Take the pan off until the thiokua g is well
amalgamated, then set It on the fico sad
cook for a tow moam..ta, stirring mesa -
A debater cheese omelet recipe : Melt
one ohne of Getter with the isms queatity
of other, add to It two tossposeerul uf,par.-
ley sod leek. obopped dewy. Bost three
eggs tboreuthly and add to the other in-
tredients. Fry very lightly in batter.
Soap should always be boagbt in larp
.luantitim, espeolally the yellow boiseb
se p Cat It into convenient paces fer esu,
sad place 1t on • cine!l alar the fire to dry.
11 this advice be followed, • saving ot one
third over and above what is freshly bought
will be effected.
To eradicate weeks of •11 sorts. -take of
sulphur the posed, the mime quantity of
lime, and dissolve ie two galions of water.
Pour tins liquid on the woods and it will
destroy them. Take care not to let the
solution tomtit the hands or clothing. Fog
it will burn ether.
Artioboko Chips -Take foot or five arta
choke s, peel atter waehl.g, and throw the
salted w•tr. Cut them into small Gimps.
sad drain in • cloth. Have ready • pan d
boiling fat, throw in the ohip., and fry •
golden brown. Dry en a piem of thick pa-
per by the fire, .prukle with salt,•od serve
at moo.
Heliotrope Sachet imports • delicio..
scent to clothing. It is mad. Was : Mut
well together and pass through • coarse uiev
half • pound of orris root, • quarter of •
pouted of .round roes leave•, two moose of
powdered Tooquio beans, half • grata of
musk, sod two drops of .ruse. of •l -
Vel Mould. -Boil • knuckle of veal
very gently in ax quarte of water. Whim
wader remove the boom, oboe the stmt,
and add the liqur, freed from tat and
greatly reduced. Stir in two cupfuls of
bre•darambs. and • ••mmtng of pepper.
salt and albpita. Plar a • wet mould sad
serve oold.
The toba000 pipes which yon wish to
clean may be purified as follow., and you
will so longer be worried Wath the smell of
• foal pipe : Plow • roasted coffee bean in
the bowl of the pips. In two or three days
thin will, I am told, have absorbed • great
deal of nicotine. leget • sew one, Lod al-
low it to remain ter two or three days
(:olden Pudding. -Take three onion of
beef suet chopped finely, mix it with three
room of bre•dcrumbe sad two tabl..po..-
tae of flour. Make into • stiff batter with
two wall -bastes eggs and half a pat at
milk. Pktoe • layer of this bettor at the
bottom of • well -grossed pa-disb. then •
layer of emote marmalade. sad se ee tin
fell. Bake for an hour i. • nerdy coma,
taro out sad • erre bot with meter sager
sifted over.
Bulletlike' berms amid be polished thus :
First crape the borne with glee to take off
say rs•ghe.s. Than protan some testy -
powdered petmies•eessn, dip • damp olote
oto it and rub the borm. till • amesth ser-
taar is roared. Afterwards with
Sassed dl sod rotemoites., the more
the born r rubbed with the the will
be the podia Finish by rabbis, with dry
Boar sed • oleos pier of rag.
hesam a for bad m..
lite, ar fish
prepared as follows : Mix ase
mar of briar with • de.Dort.psgitd ot
Bear, par rt in • .mall mroepr and pot
in it by degree • teacupful of white .took,
startles till all it teiek. Tees .d4 half ..
Oslo.. • taw ppprwrs., some salt and a
teaspoonful .1 shopped tapers. steer fes
..va aeras, then rears the ears rad
puppeteers rad year raw will be reedy to
serve. Nit -karma is mot at bard am
Baked Minos ital.-Thin in quite • daisy
dire, width man be made ..t d swaps of
sold meat, terga, ham, Me. Pani all the
meat Armagh • mi sing amebae and add be
it • third of beeadrmaha Somme it with
asehre t, e.. Fill ef highly lib-
gnvy. -bopped parsley. poppet ..d
sail Boot se Ogg oa4 add W tis aixeere.
Make • .ase short orient, reel It eat, sad by
the most en it, loth the pastry ever es es e
fest • .oat till. Bake few twenty minutes
sad mor with brow. gravy.
The host Mod le this draper in the Yt
1 always try to show Maple then le is bis
u-u.ty tow Asap .d %brler three,
sesta, bemabeat mod ether made.
bet moth
foot ie is • Sapp..t redraw of the laws
ef .d m ,.etre dares of div
same ..d to rw seek thhspe. One
berth in amain, and am dashes' bfio lo.
eenked lead. 0.the : d e`"'p well
" `dly
_ *rad. w+B '...hod
ef Imam laws!.,, nd Ofat ho were Mier
(.mt .sessile Ash)** ked thea r est
woman este, t0s hnbtm h1 miry way will ha
OM our Mae oe wsth asaer$ea■ abeam
ark (bre Relle,e. sand Ralf a Settle
Robert F: (arson, I'embroke's well known
ire. ob•.r, says " I contracted rheumatism.
a • very seven form in 1886, and have suf•
fired mteld misery every opting sero& I
have rhph•tedly applied fly blisters with
Ism1 littler moose . Doctors whom I coo
stilted likewise failed to relieve. I was mo -
4.0.4 to try South Airtime Rheumatic
Cure, by Mr. W. F 1' Bethel, of the Dick
goer Drag Company The first does gave its.
sant relief, and hall • bottle cured."
A. • care for rheumatism this remedy is
o.rt&tnly peerless.
Sold by J. IL Darla
Let the diet oont•m plenty of the ele-
ments nutritious to the teeth. they are ooh•
taro largely in the arsine.
Avoid and tooth washes and powders
oompoo.d of bard, gritty substance'.
Avoid excessive use ot acids end .e;l
Use foods wbicb require through main -
Never follow very will drinks or foody by
t very hot drinks or food.
Use • moderately soft tootb brush and
Knill toothpicks.
('use the teeth to the morning, atter
each mod .ed before going to bed.
Visit the dentist, even when his servier
, do not .sem to be required. at leas twtw •
Now else flabbier $ad Nis Mrsv Thaler
wfreM on ■ orad lug.age.
"Von understand Lion, of course Y" he
began as he entered • cobbler a shop on .n
uptown street the other eftercoon.
"Chen!' queried the oobbler as he burn-
ished at the heel of • shoe and glanced out
IA t • window.
••1'm • btt rusty on my Latin and want a
Bttb a.utere. Oas does grow rusty yes
know, mise he has daily use of • language
Yon know whet 'magnum bonum u, d
course ! '
"You chant some shoes fixed '" .ked
the cobbler, with but little interest in the
"Not today, my friend. While my shoes
may seem to require repairs, I wear'em this
way for the sake of ventilation. Are you up
osi 'mon omnibus oommunts. ,'.
"Mebbe you want • pair of shoe. to
"I may get new shoe later on in the emir
son, and If . will remember your location.
Just at present I am bothered with my Lat-
in. If I should say to you, "Nemo Doha m -
pit,' what would be your reply 7"
"l)o you hof some peeress, today Y" ask
ed A• oobblr, as be threw dowse the shot.
"Not business is the teobteal sanm of the
word, bat business ie the general meas. Let
me say to yon 'Omni& cum Dec.."
••Chell 7-
"D,►es that strike • sym ler hetio chord in
your heart, or must i exclaim 'Volo von
valets' !
I)oou heo
ke methin s today asked
the cobtln as be pained to his work to look
Cm -tautly I do. 1 want to ask roe in
Latin for tan coots to help me along."
"I speak some English.'
"Then I auk you in English. Will von
g ive • fellow -wean ton omits'"
"i gif nobody tee dente."
"Neither it Latin nor Ravish
"No, sir You had patter to oudt. •
"Them it's we quid Minis, is it •'
"She Teas !"
"And yea won't homo homint lope.'
"No, .ire
Theo I appose I'll have to hie finis t.. -
di and ink. my E elution. imam. Sorry we
gm's moot ea • mutual pa.., but no grant
harm dens, sad out 1 gin; Farewell, 0o.b-
Msr, and mo,ea keg co.teem W web." --Detroit Fres ana
Racked with Rheumatism
u nable to Welk owing to =mutilat-
ing pain.
After ton years terrible torture,
(lured by Soett's Ssrs.parlllm.
H. Christiansen, writing from the
Clifton House, Niagara Falls, says : ' 1
amts you more than I can ever pay. For
r year, I sneered the tortures at the
filaMRed with rheumatism. Father had
k before ask and 1 believe it is an Mere.
ditary dinette. MT knee joints would
f it mfamsd and el i was out M any
weather e i was sure to he laid spy
which to a travelling man is a calamity.
d a store of Canadian towns local doctors
treated me, deme giving relief, ethers
mese. 1 read that Sarsaparilla was
be and I asked a
"a bottle the best Sarsaparil os
Sts market" He gave me Scott's. rto
Markle( that it was an improvement no
all others, aid that he could hotted,
recommend it. 1 have taken four betties.
pod am as fret from Pair as e smut am
hope to be. 1 was est la a rainstorm ITT.
mtsd aever felt a twinge. Lei
es Scott's Smrmafariib 1 .fes
71e bast
sires repay. t
s:iprike= is the
eamtratsd�r.m� ma bais its fasten.
M fes ot a as
W egg+M«. At an per beetle rm.
THE FASNIONS. "I ain't esu, ' obe.ry d Mr. W1ltrd.obe,
" why lie 'skim tree se I•I.md lsmg
T►.n both bw ••••y reprM to 111'04 bad the mirth pole All they hove N ds
fee that silk weenie sad fumy waists of all to ro straight swarth. •t.d keep gra,.
rade would eat be f sbiona►M any Wager.
bat the Sado( Ware ray they are making
few, if .ay, elate ware to mason sae
okra . that the skirt sad neat alike as, to
Wive • separate elk weir, jest as las year,
Ot ether tee eye. of the waist. aro dif-
ferent a nosy inseam! points.
The .kerb of the cloth oo.t.atsm are set
all mode alter or model there mre three
ee tour Wakeless free, •11 equally affective,
and all Caring est around tee bottom.
?bey meas be well out a•d hang well, evem
whoa made of the obeup..t material ; in-
ched, she exp...e of the gowns now la for
est •rd 6t, for gems of the materiels mod
.s remarkably rasp.
A neveaty-aire dollar ooeturne will be
make et eight or sue 1 weds of blue serge,
costae 1rem ssaa.ty-6v. mats to • della •
yard, and It will 1. ok eel:veer h ter than
as inex sett• rmateri.l h,dlc made al.
Tb..ktrt. sre .il yarn t up, but the trout
breadth .e..... .o be ls%mg shard time.
Some ,orad. I, hoe. it • area Ispp sg flea std.
. mm• tummies as it were . M a ptrat,which
is o. 11 donue u. • .s from ti.e
wv.r 11/1.1 than 6.r,-. nut, making .a . a
.iit•r•'eat lulneee around the tor tom of the
skirt There is wother s1.otel, which h«
the front breadth very barrow at the top,
001 user tier inches .t the wart. but gra
du.!'y widening '•u: until It mea.ur'•
Vire; .its tncia•. at the hnitom of the skin
This t. quite a f&v .rite pet aro her
tabor Ao+w. Too mins of rte Irot.t
breadth overlap the sod. seams. aid are
stropped : the others are left plan and un-
Such a skirt is Lot meg dye yards to
width, u or: !wit •broogb este uttffeaiae,
but ha. • biro piece ..f hair cloth &M.ut .n
eighth of • t .r.i in earth to keep it out.
and .I.n • wur. .r•. . rasa th.lrout and
side brevirh'. -fi+aper'. Hare.
TO 004 ' Thea
*00500. Will 000T ..
000ue/0 01 1.111010 . • . .
80A P
itis al•n well to Books i.e
renumber that Wrappers. Prat
ctotheswaabrd with every it" Suohgbt"
this Soap are saved wrappers sent to
from any injury ; so Leser ftroa.• Ltd.,
aro the hands. Toronto, a useful
This Soap cannot [aper -bound book
hurt anything. sept b. sent o,
It is pars, cloth -bound for Se
Try it, wrappers.
Neek.Arbe. raer.aene, fir .mer
Pain.. %earsl.le Patna.
Pal. 1. sae aide, ere.
he..[Jly x.L..wl u.: (Ln4 Ly
The "D. & L."
Menthol Plaster
Menne wed emir P t L v..a. t Prriw
.._serf« i. u..►e '.• a .eras l,.wl.... t
.a mod IS .me wad n 1 r.. rA
00..-1. 0,, .:.•1.r.., te.7s.uR•
su.li —. 4%1 L. U. 4.M. -ea uu
PVi r tie.
',ATS & 1.4ts'RINCE CO, Liu.
.. .rrtIIt:
.nine `M,. —"NW -T-
ewe MMAeR? WWII? to Yw•w N.t•a. m
He:Awacap, Onions ATTACKS ANS
DvSPEIN N. Sots rvtwvtertee A? enc.
ra.•••••ws. . ONT.
Coal & Wood Yard
The undersigned begs to inform
the public that he keeps on hand
all grades of
f ro.iat .ttentlen given to
'&4116T WOOD
Call and get prices and see samples
of wood
Oboe and yarA, NSLiSON-8T.,
soar errs IL.. Nod.
1, -_x Up a Ceti is Tisto
er Uo1Na
�e t'iNY-PECThRfil
} The Qui Cur. Lar a UI a41l1,
COLO% a alit r, ItttO?t-
CCITQ UUA1pI & eta
)1.s- )n.,r. N.wwsra,
of e • Sw ami ea Ave, Tunu.to, as;les
µ1 '•,/• •.J Ise M bled t. era
M7 .. :I...4 awn.,, sive era sera a
e sass, ash ser.. JL ..a~ rer
af.. iw•..e M.•. r.ln.... ossa ami sw
t....• . 1 paws..._ r sass •sear se4srre
` t♦.w1el•. eros; et • arum
o(i.iuu W. her, N R., wrMsa :
.. 5. s ••••••1.........•••••••••.,.......174 ra.aww w
r sass 4 , . K r ati.i.r 1 law. ser —
..... ..K[
rano 55.11.. SS Ohs.
Ir..t•triers. Lor ..IIL
With that COUGH. if you do not
want to repeat the experience, bay
a bottle of the
Gray's Syrup of
Red Spruce Gum
The best Cough Cure in the world.
Solt everywhere 25 ctn. n bottle.
Rassir WATSON Si CO.. f eor.a.woas
(4) Mowrn.1AL.
Of Paint to put on a Poor Article.
1t w111 Inst but • *hart time and noel nearly as
mecl. as • good ono while the latter will les
for years and to •k height •Il ,be time Thal
Economy le i.. the use of • rood article. As
such we can recommend
Guaranteed by the White Lead A.ociatten
of Canada. and recommended by our pnde-
.r0.ora toe yeas as the beet whits lead oe the
Good (:tad. and !tight I'noee
Obtained. and all business In the U. a Prom
Omce attended to at MODER4 TE PRAY.
Our oMoe 1s opposite the V. 8. Patent 01.
gee. and let 'an obtain Patents In lee" time
has those -emote from WARRINGTON.
Bead MODEL OR IMA WIVG.lerR.We .d'
we. o to ffA11 ty ON UNLESS milt owe.
we mike NO ORS RROO
We refer, heto tits Postmaster, the
xt M on, Order Die., and to ablate ef�
U. 8. Paton Oates. For otrerer, .Ryt.o
arms and rsareaoss to scour) Orate a gems
awe (Mate or Meaty. write to
O • SNOW 4 foss
Osptxtts Patsot lr0doeWasbluatro. D O.
awee.certe Obeweral t m..ij
Manafa.eu.r Of all k1.d. of
Smoke Stacks, Solt Pana, Sheet Iron
Works, etc., etc.,
And Dealer t.-
Regre t Machinery Carflo's, M.
All eines o1 Pipm sad pip. Therm
Sten. .d Water (hasten, plebs Valves,
Cas vars.. Impar ter,, Neater* and 1m-
jese.h elmall•ns(y w Head at faw.st
A .penial li.e of Steel Water •.d Hog
T for .. of brume reed eeee.a
wesrirtss P'—ally aemldd ea
4. L =TOW..
WWI/ P. O. (.g W. essay, Om.
W 4FO1Mee S. Y. a oittiete. flla6sit.h