HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-5-14, Page 5RARE OFFERINGS • THE SIGNAL : (BUD IRIOH, ONT. THURSDAY MAY 14, 1896. This Week Our entire Steck of new Parasols and Sunsht'des at Clearing Price O J ER 200 TO CHOSE FROM. Black Gloria Parasols, 75 c., worth 95 e. Hears Gloria Silk Parasols, fancy *slur& handles, $1.00 each, regains. 11.35. Exlra Large Size Stlk ('urea and Handsome Handles, $1.25 worth 11.75. Fancy u'/ter Handles, Steel Rods, Fine Silk Goner and richt Rolling, at 11.75, seri/ cheap at $2.25. Dresden Handles, Latest Novelties, Extra Heary and Fine bilk al $1.95, the 1250 quality. INSPECTIOA INVITED, W ACHF_SON & SON. DIED. WILEY-In Geder*oh. ea Tuesday. May ISth. Margaret Bieber' Wiley. beloved wife of peter Wiley. mod s years a.d : satire. TM funeral will take piaes hew tM mat Mace of her hustead, Lighthouse -04 ea Tn.rsday. May 14th. at llis o'clock P r, to ltugaad Osssstery. Fries & aid eopeai t.I .noes will please .oeept this latleaditiea. rHE TALK OF THE TOWN. From this Reporter's Notebook at fes''. • MIs ta: a' it. Onsea. I rode 11e teat tt 1 a Calera Among ie Takes' Meek ea' h(ib Mit 'rent net."mar... FOR SALE -Tomato Plants, t omits a lioz se is. at Watseds Hoath Street Or.enheama.. 0 1 A well known test said, "• perfect picture u aat.n'p gift." Well, all who wast a perfect picture @Maid call u Belden • Photo studio. 11 s a pleasure 10 feel m comfortable. said one et our new residents. who was wearing • seat mit. •sd s 7.sly regret le that I did tet knew PrWkS years si.me. NOTICE, There ars still • few aeopantm sepald, aid this week we intend tendering •11 bill and expect an immediate settle- Moot ettleMoat by cask er Pols. J. WILSON. O..b Preecripttoa Drug more. 0 I A*•gsslon Des. -Today being Az.essien Dry, there will he eervios this evening ie 8t. George's church B►ss-B*u -The Goderioh Bou -B•1! Mum has b..m at erection each evening am pest two weeks, preparing for • stood "rams in (Batas os the 24th. Tug Trimming F*.Triey. -The main building of the Kensington Co., is .early oompi.sed, the sides and sods being finished and the roof in • forward stets. 1 '. HAsi. or Pt•L,tTs.-Rev. Jas. A. Anderson, If. A., of Knox oburoh, and Rev. Joseph Edee,of North -et Methodist chunk, will ezob•sge pulpit. nett Sabbath evsniag. WORT r Sine WALK. -The side walk ea the North side of W..I-0 was badly out up by the ooetr.otor drawing sod and soil to the bowling .ad teen grenade el the Corl• rag and Skeane A..eistii.a. ST. PeTKti s -The Chum Moohr, alder the leadership et W. Jones, will Wag at High Mar next Sudsy in 8t. Peter'. inured. The bishop will preach. no Corner stone will be laid la the uterine. at 4 O'clock. THE A.:ale s- urcinitOnottets.-O•Thurs- d.y • number o/ seseti.rs of the Northwest ern staff, waisted by • few 1rissds .f trot- ting, pit in • good day leveling sad per- fecting the race track. white is sew N • int-ol•se oonditi... A !tweets Tow,.-Tbe number of bi- cycles sees es our struts daily i.4smiMeisg oarprisi.g, for not only is the aneber very Iola*. bat woes. the riders may be seem Persons et both NOM wbe • few yew sires thought the wheel was an lunation whittle Mould use be p.lr.siad. Farad COLORADO. -Paler Honey, of Salida, Colorado, gave Tam Stasis. • toll last week. P. H. i. es • short visit to hie esters ie Gedertob sad will leave is • few days oa his ratan. The eeettlesean reads this journal in hie far off home, and to make ears of it his subscription i. paid .p to Sept. 1897. TNs Nit Boa -LING GUMS. -The lawn of the Carling sad Skaneg Anesthetics was somtpleted ea Saturday, sad the improved immerser* of the property is • notioe.ble feature of Weis Street improvement. O. the evening of the same day meg members of the bowling Blab gave it • geed shower bath, the inside hose and sns *harked to the hydrant on the dormer being used tar the worm. Dian IN MILAN wee received ea Tuesday that Harry Bell, •long resident of town had died i. Rondos, and that the body would b. brought to tioderioh for la - torment w the family plot in old Maitland. The deceased will be remembered by "nag of our animas, as he was for • long time employed ma the Grand Trunk. D*NAPPOIWTma. - Os Tuesday moraine,, jut afar 5, Iwo mem menu down West -et were attracted by the flowers in • garde., sad after .dmlriag them for • Few minutes, agreed to do in and get • hotfoot. Boldly opsaiog the gate, ase of Nem nearobed to• wards the flower bed, but before he reached it, the owner who behind • bush had heard them. showed himself, when it is needless to my • quick retreat was toad.. The knead. ed flower stealers, strainers to Gederioh, were probably or, some barium 000meoted with the court, • busker that will be vaat ly more profitable than stripping people's pidgin A Scones D'ATN.- Yesterday afternoon Mrs Peter Wylie died suddenly at her roe doses, I.ightbou...st. la the morning the dammed lady was apparently in fair health when her towhead, Captain Wylie, left to go out es the I.k., but about 2 o-olock she ptosed suddenly •wsy,the oases being heart disease. Dmwaed's end was probably bag - toned by the lone of her bv.moot .-old baby, the ut•rtneat having occurred esly the day beton. Great svmnstby is express- ed for deeseeed s relative., particularly her husband, who on resetting the dock on his run= to port first beard the sad intelli- gence. Yrs tiylie leaves three small children to scour' her loss. A Senior., Acr•IDtNT. - lest week, • fisherman mined Mcleod, from Ripley, em- ployed on the &bi.g tag:Nsu Gull, of this port, had the mi.f.rtuas to have me of his legs broken. it appears that the tug was returning to South Bev, from whish port it fishes, and whoa tearing the dock, McLeod', lee got tangled in a rope that waa thrown edit to stop the tug, and the .train as the reps was mob ea to trotters the Iimb sad braise the flesh seriously. The hejarsd man was taken to the Owes goad Hospital, where the fracture was redso.d, but from present information it is see certain that •mpet•sies will not las u.osesary. ('•pteis D. Moloy, of Goderish, eomm.ad. the S.. Gall Oootr.tog Dwr.ice MIMING -The ea - Garden Implements Of every Paprices, LAWN MOWERS, SPADES, H K Screen Doors And WINDOW SCREENS in eines everybody. Paints I Paints!! and prices to .nit Something new. Call and `et the particulars before pur- chasing paints or oontr.eting. Every package contains • guarantee that will maks this not only the BEST but also the CHEAPEST in the market Don't Kill the Fruit Buds Meths 1. needed new, sod parties who 0.11 will Its sap - esti with every p esibls lnht'm.tioe trees time to altos.. Me Matic programa Three Spray Pum pa at Half Pride this week ALEX. ItdcD. ALLAN ebee•r•r w Jmesl.m YMuu. aural amass et the GederW Markt. tow IPRESCRIPTIONS- he held 1• Neesb-0 M.thedM teen* ewe maaetbag as 11 .'.i..k ea Thursday, Ma 21st, 0. FMday wormier/ the lay delegates will be ulama teem the tlbreat Wareham 1a the d0ei0 at 9.30. A pabllo mdtus * will be hdd w Thursday ..wise .8 6 e'ehteb. wben .ddness. will be gives by the Row. J. W. Hoboes- ea " The Rene eft Oar Ohersh,".a/jy Mien Mama, • re - tamed sinetankry, es Ml.sit..ry Werk be Japes, The smothers .t the WemsP's lliieeimary flukey will bold their annul *seventies i• the /sitars rnew al the thumb .-wisely Thursday at 2 . 0.ek r. s. The meal baeia.m of the society wall be Wma..etd, elm an address will be gives by Yale Morgna. EMILY CLOSING -The days are lengthen - tag sad Samara ss.mi.gly beteg •1 bead ti .nems proper that early oloofeg should be • emblem .f disesseka, " All work sad as play makes Jock • dull boy," i. •a admits •oo.pt.d by Better the world ever es s truism. Rub Wine the out is there say reams why the store. in Goderial .bald mot ober daily at 6 P.*. during the IFommer soothe, sad tb.. give empleyere ..d see Moyne opportunism le row, fish, bathe, wheel, ride, drive. sail on the lake, play base -ball, t.eia, bowls, harems, @Woket, /sage te the parks or visit the Me.hado'. Institute. It seems then is ae readies against Gene, at 6, but oe the contrary • wind sae for the ianee.tion, 1.r 813.4. - td Mergy mined by open ear exercise and •tbl.n t•mee would he • real boon to thea oe.eera.1 and • general beset to the oomm.aity. A M.eo,te G•raratfNG.-%? Teneda7 evening the hall e/ Maitland lodge No. 34• A. F. and A M., was well filled, to tollgt the D.D.G. M., J. A. Ya1liddea, of oer.t!erd. 1. oddities to the members el the local lodge, there were visiting brethren sad • ao.ti•*eat from Morena Star lodge, Car- low. Csosiderable rawness was transacted, including the election of three new mem- bers. The ofoers of Maitland lodes exempli- fied the tint degree by init•ting • candidata and the staff of Morning Star performed Ile part by parsing • fellow craft • stage on- ward. At the oonei..foa of the lodge work the brethren adjourned to the supper room when an smelliest repast wee provided,and at its oonclus:ou a good program wee pre- sented by the chairman, W M., Alm. 8 Cbryst•I. Until the hour of separation shortly after midnight --song .ad ss.timeat prev.ilod,snd the woof of the speeches sad their reception by those present *lowly proved Nat Masonry is • Livia* instit.thee la Ooderioh. Bro. McFadden, mho arrived by the afternoon teem, was unable to obtain •000mmod•tio..t any hotel, Sot the W.M. took him in charge, until be left for borne yesterday. ('n aRLINI A. HARTr.-Uo to about • year .go, ase of the bent known figures on our street, was that of C. A. Hutt, barrister, bat tallies health •t that time compelled ham to relimgmuh all legal practice. His wife dying about that time, he 0000l.ded to spend the Winter with hie two none at Chatham, whish he did,ret.ruittg to Clinton several wo.. ago. A. few days since, the writer Dame down street with him and oem- plimeated him a hu activity for • man .early 80, and theme who bad seas him eat during the week were surprised to bear of hie death last Thursday afternoon. H. was hors i. Fredericton, N. B., in March 24th, 1819. and studied 1•w in the offioa of Mr. Wilmot, subsequently %nest-Gevnea.r of that province : waw married to Eliza Taylor in Fredericton, in 1847, sad sitar prsotMiag i. the Foust for some time, re moved to Clinton in the Fall of 1858, and bad been a resident of the town ever stow, with the exception of • few mouths he sprat away last Winter. While • mita of wide information, he was very tit - •mamma, sad did not oars to take part in publie affairs, although his sympathies were with the Liberal party. He leaves Si nor and sae daughter. the latter bang at home: the sons are Wm. and Ludlow, St. Louis Frank. Chie•go ; Ed. sad Hilary, Cbatb•m, .ad AILa Hartz, of the Molsoa's Rank, /lists. A gnat author trued out to homer his memory by sttesdisg the funeral on Sunday. Re belonged to the Brethren. and his pallbearers were .11 former r esci•tes, being Masers. R. Rumford, C. Ridout, J. Henna, J. Twitchell, C Helyar and S. stews. -Hr Ira Captain W. Robison. left on Monday for Port Dover, to take est mond of bis mewl the steam barge Jamie. Ed. Robbins let with bis father, caping • poetess ea the Jessie. THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT sdeeleb mists. 5.- .tta. Hoy 11, 10s. Fen Wheel. (sew) sessdsrd... .. 0 75 to P&11 Wheat (oral. 00 to Fleur. tawny. per ewt 1 00 to flour. ran. per cwt ..........,1 le to Wink �~ • tea- 0 M ... _.. _ u soot Shorts, • tem ........... 12 0 1W Serssnln ee 1 esti.. 11 M let New Peak F bar .......... 0 14 es New Hay. • les 11 M 1e1 Old Bay. g les .. • M 0 NI Peewees. Wbaeb• 10 se ataisr_Orale ltir uMesbM. • alas. _.. 0 0 te 1010 1010 Skits ».... _.......... _.. • 0 se Ib 00 2* 10 00 102* K 00 00 Is M 0 WANTED -A (ANIMAL SERVANT. Agog be Mit& MOHACS Teodoro Wanted Tenders ew oddities to Rum Hems rof =led toalsed=01.*Yeselsisiestethe no - levees er ray Dated MieeWeirilla v=57 at the er et the READY MADE CLOTHING____ SPRING STOCK NON COIPLETE! ALL NEW GOODS NO OLD STYLES NO FANCY PROFITS Men's Suits 13 50 ; Regular, 25.00 Men's Suits $7.00 , Regular $9.00 Men's Suits 5.00 ; Regular, 7.00 Boys' and Youth's Suits from Men's Suite 11 ; Regular, 14 00 Bleycle Suits, all price.4 and mixes See our Stock anal Compare Prices. Bargains in all line% of Dry Goods. No trouble to show goods. Jordan's Block, I loderich, 22nd April. 18P6. WHIM you clean bowie i'oo ear CLIMAX FURNITUtIE POLISH makes old furniture look Itke sew AVOID DISEASE BY DISINFECTION We c to all nomearies with direction. l'Of use. -Wriest glib elm for 25 C - FLOWER GARDEN MOTH CAMPHOR AND SEEDS for port •way fun. Better awl cheaper than .he old way -lOc boxes mid tu bulk. ors!! the lewhisor intent inediethes. rftiltrlf. I ow hum sad ..S4 tie MISS ANNA L SHAW, TEACHER of Music and Theory -experienced Corner ilitn and Wellesley Streets, Oode- Wand Wrenn treseassies os any part of my prowl/ Mixed will be prommuted. Alse beware a the den 11141 Mrs. H. P' ATTRILL. quaralty of rough hardwood le waated at thr Krauts' Factory. tree particulars apply oa the premises. Rested. or to It DOWNING. Oaderich. 60 it, TRANSFER OF LICENSE. The Tavern License masted to Job. iticiwaakl. Entail. for ISM. haa been tram- ferred to Neil MeDoaaid. . J. PAISLEY Liposome Inspector W. H. TRANSFER OF LICENSE. The license of the Queen's Hotel, Saltford. has been transferred from Geo. Swartz to Bea - License Inspector, 64 It , Clinton. For Sale BICYCLE FOR SA LK.- -A (moo SERI - toe Humber Bicycle tor sera Airg ke poR MALE -A CANOPY TOP PRAI- A: too. for tale cheap. Apply to Mre. FRASER. Britannia Road. nIA) PAPERS FOR SALE, SUITABLE V for wrapping mon or putting under carpet. Apoly a. this office. PIGS FOR SALE -A FEW BERK• 1 shirrs of the choicest tweed. sir weeks old. for sal, at St each. or registered in per chooses same 0 each. J A MEI HA V DEN. Port Albert. Out. ei 00D WORKING HORSES FOR Nil SALE. Apply to P. McCARTHY. St, Amnion Salim. UNRESERVED AUCTION SALIE.-1 have bees instroeted by Mrs. I. 0'. Tome ON MONDAY. MAY laTH. commencing at 1 30 o'clock r v.. the following household furniture : 1 Orem Rep Parlor est, 1 Sofa. t Arm Chairs. 3 Chain. I Brown tte Puler sot. 2 Arm Chairs. 3 their,. I Hasa Mon. 1 Oak Wyman.. Statuary. 1 Brooke's. 1 Foam Tables, I Fancy Centro Pat lor Table. I flush Arm Chair. I Pluah lied Lounge. !old Mg Md. !Small Fancy Tablet,. 2 Fancy Chairs 2 Lime Oil Palatinate. 21 Chromes. 7 Litho mph. framed. 3 Brat -kid Lampe. I Hs Mr Limp. I Library Hengist Lamp. IV Lamp. Tapestry Parlor Carpet. Brussels Car pot. Hall C'arp t. Foam Hall Chair. Hall Table I Lou e. Exteusion Dinky( Room Table, 1 Maim Table. I opee face grate Cost Stove. Pipes. 1 large Walnut Sideboard. 1 wood Rocking Chain. Cretonne oovered Ann Chair. I Cane Eadwi. 3 pair of Chenille Cur Mies. with poles (tom tr. pair Canton nea- t jot. nel Curtains with . pair Cretonne Cur- tuas sad p.lee, . Huhn, top. Bedroom tirois=t of Drawers. Wain Stand. little Jews, Redrawn set Bedstead. Wash Mead. Clem et Drawers. HENN 'lade intro : Bed- stead, Mash Stead. Stogie Bedstead, small Harem. Dresslat Table.•White Stone Cham- ber set. Ptak Delf Chamber set. 1 Clock 1 Sonata. SteMli, Rene. Hansen Carriage. Gordon Took. Lawn Mower. Roller. Tree clutter, Rake*. Hem eft . 6 foot Rath. 1 KW ohm Tables.1 Ironing Table. i chain. Fruit Jen. Dinner set. Tea set, (korner,. ow , Kit- chen Utensils 1 Step Ladder. q mantles et nimble bound Books. on different embisots, Raminved Newlin Machine, KM • number of THOS. OUNDRY. Auctioneer. Tams Cash. XII tWavellITICE TO THIC PUBLIC. - 1 re barna twiteht eel W. L a sresigneing sea 'mural re- . formerly knows as the Pas moo Owner Victoria sad Trafalgar Krum. mew _prepared to de en hied. of Herewshonse Dad Intioral re- nnet IMMO Trottleg Horses aad 041.11210M011 forging bereft care Us as tar owe smeroblea. Coma. Gnaws, Orseks %ad Maine aad ak Dinneen feat MT* folly treated_ .s.c. gaga a Mr glare et thuvatromens. an wort inn be 01001 - HARRY THORTION. YATES Sou doer se ass. illeasammee- alargprame Om mod WM/WM MAIMS ltseas. aghast Illoolles. Omagh' Sleek. Om MI ale rat year - J. VATIC& For Oslo or To Rent. (loot) HOUsE AND Lit 1 FOR 8 LK Oa Ligeomusest. veniest to Sy u ate. unwise fruit tre.• mid small fruits. House. . lawn. buttery, ,-etise. Snit em. shad s- r hag law ganamilisudioUll book sea seven rooms, with large reception hall. and bath room fitted with hot and cold water. The premise. commit. two quarter acre iota. one of which is in lawn with floe °regimental WOOS. and the other is laid out in • good garden with excellent selection of small fruits. Terms reasonable For particulars s_pplY to HOUSIK ANI) THREE LOTS FOR SALZ-Situated on corner of Warren sue caries sta. ant extending hack to Wil son -et. in one block. H0000 r2C313. with kit Mon I2x23. stony and • half birth. contidniag 7 rooms. halls. closet. pantry. cellar. to.. also rood stable and euthenics ; also •00,1 well and soft -water cistern. Grounds are well laid out, aad contain a number of choice fruit tree*. small fruits. &c. A splendid opportunity for • retiree fanner to Mr -tin • comfortable home Will be sold reasonable. rot porucoloro PI7 to JAMBS BAITER, oa the Oromiscs than 1110 SELL OR LET. -A BRICK HOUSE turner of Elgin and Stanley streets. con tainIng faleven rooms, hard and soft water. Good cellar. HOOP! heated with hot air. For further poetic ularsapply to Mrs. Ir. SMIEETH. El OR SALE CH EA P-40 LOTS IN Mee two bunion and ono cutter. Arley to wz ATHERALD. No. 5 Pines-Gt.. (lode FOR SALE OR RENT.- • rood Hotel. known se the cornmerelal. with good buildings •nd • good custom boat ans. For terms apply to JCHN ROIBSIER. Beamiller Another Hotel. a decals, House and • good More. all wining and with ;rood outhaildisign. For terms apply to JOHN ROISSIER. Bea A Farm In West Nlsisonri. containing two hnadred acres ISO cleared. the oaten°. • good hardwood bush. The land le dist rate and will not be sold for lam than it la wortl. emoting Farm. within mile of tiny above bathe part or the Wiginora Farm. 1dt No, 4, Coneessiou 1. Wert NIssouri. This lot is oats - mined of 50 aorm of good hind. and as • farm le secasid to noes of its •170. For terms and rar- In the Agrieultnral Farina. and Loan Hank. =hotStreet. mar to Market Sonars from to the City Hotel. London. on the corner Dundee Street. The proprietor will take cash or will trade for other Wade coovenlent to him man JOHN ROISSIZR Bisamiller. PILIKUPIL paaTURS ON THR CANADA 0011. paey's FALLS RESIMVII FARM can be bad for s lismitod somber of settle. Plenty et noon waYsti see personal oversight male by Mr. Bmehler. deftly to Mr. DAWN LICH os the promisee or to Mr. I). NlIWZIAL. Stratford. Oat. 47 it swage for Home aed Cattle. on Get Lake there Road. Oellesree For punt/dare aisaar te J. C. Martin to IL Sloane. Wit Notlogg to -Creditors. N OTIC'S TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby 'Ism that all parties har- lots claims against the estate of Archibald Seed. Meet the towaship ef Wed Wawearash who died en or shoot tbe MA day et July. nth. are bereby required te deliver thew to the en emulous] en or berate the first day of Jona seat, after white date the mad Siteentris will aet he reeptiorabis ter my drams she has set had say actin ef et the thee stated. It ester' Prated et genterieh the Ink day of April RUBBER C11111INT res BICYCLE REE is Me. bake. Handy I* worry. The best remit. la the age waweed when year =netThe Mar • an OMNI 111Mey. Accuracy. Puha. Skill sad Perusal At tondos la all coma Headquarters for PURE DRUGS Inivenalag 5 If yonr Right failinz Surely etentiou way No charge tor the examination reasonable prices. shown owns nf you would not A little timely b•ve your eyes. let ns examine Druggist and Optician, TO GET THE GENERAL EFFFA,T Teke • general look at our tt will interest you many t hinds will rePeciol- ly attract your attention. And our price. sur- prise you : our parkw suits at VII. sod better nom on tip to $65. all equality semi ralne. Also our bed room suits with best mirror tor 110 are wonderful value for the mooey, We lead in style. quality and low prim promptly attended to at all hours. night and SMITHS FURNITURE •ND UNDERTAK- Tined& Bleck. Loan and leavingir !Janata'. yr IN NOT WHAT YOU RARN, Bra 1 WHAT YOU SATZ. MAIM YOU RICH. THZ HURON AND BRUCE LOAN AND INTERTMINT COMPANY. SoLlerrOlia-Canse Holt and Holmes. Doeseura-Istareet every WI missiblet kow gar cent. per MISIWIL Oft sums free' ow attar upwards. Depentere will and It to their &sweaters to ass see us. Logas-Mag be as my time without easy ea the security of approved destrathe Osesipany's ethic Ire Waded on North Street sad Court firmare-opponte Hums ibex AL ONO% Kammer. Prase:10E4 Now Naohlno Shops. SW ACHI NE SHOP8--ALL KINDS LI et Repair Work dose Iteneemble Prime. Farming !mete...ars for oda Mach . sew and encored baed. bought end mkt see mid Rollin for vac tranad---Batm wages Moo, oorser Victoria aad F. SMEETH'S PLANING MILL SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY. 1 take this opportusity Sitcom the that I am (sill le the buds's. anted sif ea rumen to the carstrary. &edam teree=22 de even ekes of work Is my from w10 lasseard 10ttnetee furnished sad F. SMILETH. fileaartek Jett 4th Ting COLHORNR HOTEL BRING ibuteWthlr reined owe reformielord. horde sloths., easeeme0sesa se the marm- ites' glair. sad the mom aseeset=. At the evarytlitatit will le thew Fop Oorolan rpuoRouontIRED JERSEY BULL TO ADITURTUISR11. Phan olisigers mat be tart at this (Moe ast later thaaAlaturday news. TM Ow fig aware we* be lott not later Owe Men day sham Illeasal Advertisements weep* Sp Se sessiffsdassday awl weak.