HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-5-7, Page 8S THE SIGNAL : GODERIOH' ONT.. THURSDAY. MAY 7, 1896. ( Another chance -TO t:KT - WALLPAPER At Tremendous Bargains Tli este papers are made specially for the Wall Paper trade. We are .ell ing thew at the following, rates 5c. per roll, regular Tca tut t4. . 7c. and sc. per roll, regular 10c. and 12c. 9c. per roll, regular l_yc. and 15c. ; special designs from I3c. to 35.:. Ail Platoon nhuwu with Ceilings, Borders and Friezes to watch. Borders frow I. n yard up, to match the cheaper lines. Friezes from 7.. up to .; I. yard to match the higher grade.. STRICTLY CA`hII. GEO. PORTER, BOOKSELLER. Business Change Having purchased the Photo Business From :1\41:r. mt. SallowS and t .keta I it' ite the public to inspect our work, and ASK YOUR PATRONAGE. Having secured MR ADAMS, late of Toronto and Stooffville, we are prepared to do just such work as the public demand. Our methods of finishing are the same as in use by Simpson of Toronto, and all work will be guaranteeei througbly up-to-date. Our exhibit of photos in Toronto during the past Winter at- tracted the attention and received the admiration of all lovers of good photos. We make a specialty of every photo -no exception. Orde r: for Photos from . 1 . Sar►/ars' negatives mill be prorttptly filled. W. R BELDEN. This Week We are showing thi new Ventilated Boot CARPETS RUGS LINOLEUM OIL (`LOTH A CARPET HOUNE liked eke above would certainly be rt nordly We haven't god our. Bed we here the Best Selection of Carpels in town, AU Styles and Prices, bet none of the poorest goods -it would not pay to bey these or to use them. Look at o'er / rices weak compare the quality with the highest /.riled goals elsewhere. J. T. AC H ESO N Camels ! c m .1 Carts ! Carters ! Cards !! Carts !! Wa are Um Italy ample is nano is lees, we are the »,y people la the essaty ►W Marry • mask el Carpets epa(..ail . is thew Variety mid tlyie te the leap My Sash.. .od no .meter wlb $ siker papa my to she .ealeary. If yen was be buy Crrpt.e when yes eon gee the largest verlaa►, tae Bea and Lamm Sway. ..g by toll .olds the Cheer* Prom, can is the meek le Wise hem. Oar toew remise bum • 10 Coat Hemp ne the bee Via Frame Bruseehe Oar Harsh and Topiary Carpets ....4 the .e..► paeans mid deelwe, wish bard.. no .arch, ad the oilers w ermpiy sie11•a& Yea eke.id em our lessee►.. as 11. Our now Aa.tamer. the ant ever elbows 1• this tows. delights e/Itryoae who lime ee.. Nest. They ere Romp to be .anon for the awing 'tide. Oar All. Weals is throe pin arm two pll..re .head of •.ytik.R ker..iofe,e is the market ie gseluy, deems e.d aiming. Usis. Carping this year 1.ek almost ae geed ee Wools.{ pare .sa.os . The grewiae Made we he.e sales se lergoly to Mariam ear Meek and we are as re • Mater posuen thea ever N meet the regsire.ests .! the Mod.. Wiles yea want tJarpelw give se • leek. W. are mauled that we see d11 year ertlen a year sdv.asage.ad perhaps save yea messy neo by boyish. from Its. AL Gr. pees .de .ad laid if required. We ass mak. • 30 le 40 yard Cepa la alias two hours with ear new Oar pa Mashies. We hare the lamest stook of Oil Clete sad linoleum" ever shows is lled.rds, si prior se sate .varyeow Our Lam Corkin Stock is larger thea ever. It is needless a quote prbss. Our ChestU. Stook el Uart iso and Table Caere, dimes frau the Nokia. dowse everytieg for gaality rad pricm. Rum sad Mate o.e o1 our beet specialties. aloe semi lir.. of Damask, satiable ter funite►tap. W. want yea a me our Table Liaise sod Table N•pkias duvet from Belfast. helmet We wast yes to remember oar Art See... sad Art Matins. Our pears! Spring Stook is batter time usual in meat Ilam la Prieto. Ch•.bra., Z.plt.e, Satoh Giagb•.s, Noes, Spot M..h.., we • e .heal of oN...seeas. DRE88 doors = A large.ss.rtment in many of the new f•brim ooasutirg of the saw Seth Royals, Blink cad Colored Lustre•, Series sad Suiteg Ma►eria1. W. lave • lot of Colored Dna Hat.riol , doable width Roods. that we are *germs for about half prim. Tweeds, Cloths, Mailings sad We/viols w groat variety. COLBORNE BROS. The Orem Carpet Warehouse of the County. WE'RE IN IT That . to say CATTLE BROS. have bought oat the basins. of JOHN RALPH, oaHAMILTON STREET, and osrry • full line of Moves, Tin and Granite wear, and ere prepared to rave tenders f..r Plumbing, Fitting, Eave -Troughing, and Tinning, for men. A boon to anyone suffering from damp feet, corns or bunions. Acknowledged by all who have worn them to be the MOST COMFORTABLE AND COOLEST BOOT MADE Mdtlee-from the lest Calf Skin, in 'I'an or Black, any shape, with the great Goodyear Welt Sole. ()ur st k is complete in all lines of CHILDREN'S, MISSES' AND WOMEN'S Sumpter Goods, also Men's and Boys' Black and Tan Goods. See our Bargain Table next Saturday. W e have some surprises for you. H. B. POLLOCK• Summer Millinery . . and guarantee to give vou satisfac- tion to eros and every Was. Our refrigerators ere the hat in the tnerket. C.11 and ere them. Lr Leave your orders sr John Ralph's Old Stand, Hamilton -it. The undersigned having received a large importa- tion of Spring and Early Summer Millinery, is prepared to supply the sweetest of Bonnets, Hats and Trimmings. The goods are Fashionable, of Superior Make, and are in Color, Design and Texture unexcelled. MISS CAMERON, CATTLE BROS., Plumbers sad Tinners. 1 2 . the ogre of Housekeeping is saved by laving your orders for Groceries and Provisions 62-3m HAMILTON STBEET 1896 . AT MUN RO'S .. For SPRING and SUMMER ... 1896 Promptly and surety filled with fresh and reliable goods. Ws give you the beet service and none but the beet goods. We aro heady carters for BUTTER AND EGGS A I,eMN A.rMn-feu,sf slur .Saks e'eesat preraoaneed the beet kis Parasols market .t. the pries. i►ouble warp black !metres. hard flats► Umbrellas bison. end ool..rsd Nerves A full range of Satese I*ape• es, Art Meshes, white and eelared cameos (Swim eat Nottingham Rieke. 1 \'•leemennes pang. sed 1.4ggtIss.gaa Mwise .ad .Iseoanot K.broiderine with ia- mrt.one to match. t.tdw .sad ehiMrer.'s Summer Ceder - aa notal i weirdly. olethiy better sed cheaper the. ever. !t per cent. off for Cash, or 30 days. A. MUNRO, Draper. correct shapes wad stylish Aettdles. Gloves Fine Hosiery It you h.ce any to ee'I. let t.. se• them. and If you want to buy we tan 1111 the hill. Maple Syrup. fresh sad pure. Just in from the oonntry. GEORGE HALEY, m tis Haalto..t.. Nest Cereal's. SIGNS OF SPRING. M.e then one mum who ma ere the stir War e1 Mensa is .ease blind to Mie ens. iI ib. ohereh wore hep egos es mesh as 1b. Woo= the peahen wall met And ie m had a moth the maws. Neildise Ito • reek le as Melamine thee rya dividends with every 1Md•r ship. May • Ursa ohs pas a death with • t fare, eras geode with • mmw tthee Is We INT LWi 'rs HURON'S GREATEST STORE Ten Bargain Days ! The character of this business demands many things out of the common. Each day brings its responsibilities, and people who come here once must be tempted here again. All this calls for wide awake management and the closest possible attention to what is now expected of us, viz : To furnish the beat class of Dry Goods, at the least possible price. We have just made four extraordinary special trade transactions, vis : A manufacturers agents stock of Ladies' Capes, Commencing at 45c. each. A commission agents Samples of parasols at 95c. each. A lot of about 50 pieces of Black and Colored Silk and Satin Ribbons and 50 pieces White, Cream and Black Silk Laces, all at clearing prices. To make Room for a new department, all goods that take up most space m-ust be sacrificed first. Such prices as these should move them out quickly. We are offering to tate public. Ba la harmony with nature es Cb. dose her Spring attires. sad 'ourself • *MING MILT. Mao see stook or all the latest 4s Mae.. tthlrls. Collate. Cutts. Neckwear. Ha.l.ry. eta. at 0. a SHANE & 00.'S IMPERIAL RES TA URA N T TEN BARGAIN DAYS FOR 95 CENTS. 5 Doz. Black and Colored Kid Gloves, (Guaranteed) value $1.25, for... .. 95c. 3 Doz Black and Colored Parasols, worth $1.25, tor 95c. 10 Yards best quality Print for 95c. Ladies Black Silk Hoee, worth $1.25 for 95c. Ladies Black and Colored Box Cloth Capes (Guaranteed) value from 91.25 to $1.50, choice for 95c. Ladies' Black Lisle Hoare, guaranteed, value 40e. a pair, :3 pair for 95c. 7 Yards French Sateen, worth 20c. a yd. for. 95c. 5 Yards double fold Tweed Dress Goods, worth 25e a yd , for 95e. 6 Yards. wide, double faced Satin Ribbon, guaranteed value, 20c. a yd, for 95c. 6 Yards, wide Black, White and Create Lace, guaranteed value from 20c. t:, 25c. a yd., for 7 shades, all wool, 52 -inch Box Cloth for Capes, worth $1.25, for 95c ItirmTeirie r ewer. of the tact that Herta, will, all Its beauties 1. dewnl•e spew On but wows d..sat know where to prams e.tl.sIbisg retreads( oe • hes Mr. oame to the tMPERiAL RZ*TAURA NT PAiU.oRa woad try ALLEN'S P.rfee hCC am Reda ooand' eshin Iva Fountain Drinks is ray flavor deelre& tverytbl., treed 1e the thea whleh le guaranteed pure. i W it rsahstN■tm. papsetsa ..e ..rare w.e delms. eM. le ink+sa to haw .ver'tlblns rg dmw. aeon =Say. MM is wet left to eeepmisasad hewnoMmweTRY COV t1eur vaarslrn'o close. see Wee tam 10fll i. �ubse ee and money egamut reniimr.ters boy. A. R. ALLEN. 95e TEN BARGAIN DAYS FOR 35 CENTS. 10 Yards 25 in. Shaker Flannel for.... 35c. 10 Yards White Cotton for 35c. 10 Yards Printed Challies for 35e. 3 Doz. Black Kid Gloves, worth 60c. a pair, for 35c. 5 Doz. Corsets, guaranteed value 50c. a pair for 35c. 7 pieces all wool Henrietta, guaranteed value from 50c. to 75e, a yd. your choice for, 35c. 25 pieces Colored Satin and Silks, guaran- teed value 50c. and 60c. a yd.. for35e. 10 colors in Shot Silk Velvets, guaranteed value 75c., bargain days 35e. Men's Hard Felt Hate, worth 91.25 each for 85c. TEN BARGAIN DAYS FOR 26 CENTS. 3 Boxes Fabrik Swede Gloves, worth 35c A pair for 10 Doz. all wool Cashmere Hoee, worth 35c., choice, a pair for Another Lot, 2 pairs for. 50Trirnmed Sailors, Bargain Days, each Childrens Hose, 3 pairs for 25c. 35e. 25c. 25c. 25e. TEN BARGAIN DAYS FOR 15 CENTS. Baby's Bonnets, worth 25c. for 15e. Flowers worth 25c. for 15e. Ribbons worth 25c. for 15e. Feathers worth 25c for 15e. Your choice of 100 Hats, in Ladies', Childs and Misses Straw, for 15c. 10 pieces White, Tinted, Pink, Black and Brown Veilin �.. , worth 20c., 25c. and 30ca yd., for. 15c. Silk and Wool Challies in Nile, Cream and Pink, worth 25c. for 15e - Ladies' Hose. 20c. per pair Quality, for15e Double fold Cashmere, per yd. 15c. French Sateens, worth 25c. a yd. for15e. Ladies' and Gent's Handkerchiefs, worth 15c.. 2 for 1S Men's Black Lisle Hose, per yd 15e. TEN BARGAIN DAYS FOR 7 1-2 CENTS. Fine American Zephyr Gingham 7 Best English Prints 7 White Apron Muslin 7 White Lawns and Printed Muslims 7 Pure Silk Veilings 7 90 -in. Flannelettes 7 30 -in. Shaker Flannels ., 's ..... 7 1: Grass Cloth 7 Black Garden Hate each 70. Drees Shields, per pair Ladies Silk Handkerchiefs 7P at During this great sale we will sell 6 boxes of the newest Flowers in the house wholesale price, u the auctioneer says, we cannot linger or Dwell. Highest Market Price paid for Butter and Eggs. 0. W. ANDREWS, Manager. R. B. SMITH.