HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-5-7, Page 7THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT. THURSDAY- MAY 7, 1896. 7 unfortunate Cod-liver oil suggests consumption, which is al- most unfortunate. Its best use is before you fear consumption ; when you begin to get thin, weak. run down ; then is the pru- dent time to begin to take care, and the best way to take care is to supply the system with needed fat and strength. Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oiT, with hypo - phosphites, will bring back plumpness to those who have lost it, and make strength where raw cod - Wer oil would b• a burden. 4w_..S Idea db gang & L4ww, asBev, dialt4sad 11t•lae • ORIGIN OF SCANDAL. staid Mrs. A. To Mn J. In Molle • onoldential way, ' 1: seems to me That Mn. B. Takes tee nsucb-eomethi et sr tee ' Lad Mrs. J. To Mrs K. That very mgbt was heard to say AL oho 'nerved to ouch Upon it much, But "Mrs K. took --such sad such Thee Mrs C. Mast strsyht away, And to'd a friend that self -same day 'Twee sad to think - Here mei. a mak - That kit.. B was fond of drink. The friend's disgust cuss such site must Intern • lady .h ch she noised Tbso Mrs. IS. At hell -past three, Wes that far gone sbe ooulda t see. This lady we Have mwuue•d, elm Gave needlework to Mrs R. Ad at such Pews Goold scarcely choose Kutifurther 0eedl.work refuse. Theo Mrs. K As you'll •gree Quite properly -said she, that she Would track The eos.lsl beck To those who painted her so black. Through Mn K. Ad Mrs. J. Sbe•4got at tat to Mrs A And asked her why, With creel Ile. She colored her am deep in dye Stud Mre. A. In some tideway 1 0o such thole could ear say ; 1 mid that you Much stouter grew (lo too much sugar -wells you do. Detroit Fres Pre.,. __ OF INTEREST TO WOMEN. A. aged wemase Advice. A young ger' 000e heard • bit of wisdom from the hp• of a veto .wed women -. wo- men who had rounded the fall term of nine- ty Years, and with eyes still bright .ed cOc•r, looked out epos the i0roilin waves az of eternity, .ys Harpers' Bar. The girl Wei impressed • It theempl.ssta with which the renewable dame ..,d to her, "Beene never insist on hevtag the lest word.' The determination to have the last word leads to more •1usrrel• .0,1 mor. b:tter..ss of le.1- Ing at hum* ars ser soy -tong Moe to do. mt.tio lite. The lett is th.t one may eo eo0trul her tongue end her even test she me allow her opponent the pleasure of that ooeet-ed 000cludiog thrust and yet plwtdly moue her own opinion, sod, 1s the homely c011oqual p.rlsace of the op ooun•ry,where 00e hods atroog willed people living togeth- er In peace with the most pr000uooed di. comity of cherscter,.te, " do se she'. • mind to Another bit of wisdom may be cos0speed Into • pithy •sates Avoid explanattoes lo some families *otitis. a tsk.o for grant- ed. Every scope, every dominos, every new departure, .very too.ptewoe or rej..- *ton of an invitation. must he .edlesely talked and fussed over, expleteed and re- .10101ned in that way 11e all .ora of stumbling block. As s rale. beyoed your parents there is nobody who he a right to demand of you explanations et each step of your onward petit. Don't give them. Fs- tablish • r•purotwn for keeping your own counsel. It ail serve you welt in many • crisis, sod be en end of • comfort. Aaiun (100'1 be forever ..hdlg people right. There is a household deed with • memory for dates and detail., who can never sit. soli and hoar peps say that he went down tows 0o Mender. at 8. without onrrerting the statement with the r.m.rk that the hour was half past. 1f mamma happens to etude to onnein .henry. cant as haring occurred last '1 hur.dsy, the weep - BAD INDIGESTION 1 ler • matter of some Tert7 Tears sly More. Joseph Gardner, stove dealer, of Bath. Oaterio, 1t • great believer in Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills for 1ndlflea- tiun. constipation. dy.pepafa. Bright's disease, rh.smatibm. and kidney. liver and stomach trouble. generally. " l was troubled for over forty yea/. wick indigestion and constlp•tloa." he writes. "At intervals I suffered from saver. beadae0. I •peat dollars mai dollars without reset until Mr. Dells oar druggist, .dvised me to try Chase's Casey -Liver Pills. 1 did rix, end strut "it that they are the only res d1 flet gave me relief. I would sot be with. oat then for aeythitg." Many people suffer from rb•umati•te. Dad Mood ..d diseased kidneys brills It •a. Or. Chase'. Kidney -Liver P110 WWl remedy all this and etsre Ammar time setatlea ead .11 kindred eomplalatel Stow lea eanspl. earn : a>r sty bey was all stippled 111,sphered awfell with rMesnsw atls wMtea Bre. fl. Wi1?x. of Cheelee. O•t- "Se also bad a touch of diabetes. The Beater aurid do bits no good. hot Dr, Chase's Kidney -Liver P110 eeigmhateile otaed ids"Seild all dealers`sets ! Oo., Tweets. sod IM, �~ aha W ether rams -se earl Dr. Grab Limed and TurpeatOe will ewe ra treed Arnie weld is seats y wile the W tit was Frid y, ... Thursday, a hid:bfteasht Cassis Jess. A dews Mmes a day ea•sperMtleg hastens as owned by aedl.s. oerr.wlis.s .1 leis sort, referring to masters where exactions r mot really imperative, the a6irs la yeomen raise maisperteet, and a• 'Walton of truth Inane fee ea inseam intended. A nlanileet bit of wisdom is M rehabs Eros animism of load. Tbe saw may not be gaits requests.nosgb, the salad may F. wdted ; gut us the manse of deseaoy say AAAA ft sheat at a either gems. :/lenses ie relies le nearly every tao$ooe where • defect obtains is the household eueuemy. To abstain from sure doom apologies a Woo the habit of duorettos. There should seldom be the posses*. for apology l■ tbe hossshold, where all would do well sad wisely to be 000staatly testis and court" OWL ger the Mensetaerper. Th. pride of every hoseekesps('s heart se her It... closet, and pretty fascias for the dinner table are an .,or WeleoMe sddttios to it. A oearerpioes for the last* u of lines damask 24 inches moans. The design is ow.po..d of liege rape leaves, seven to et.. in &emotes. Ther are worked to white U nes floss or rape silk, Dir is the womb Almelo ot the sew electric shades -- terra cotta, pomegrsa•ts, pale sad old gold, old pink mid dark red, p•,e sad gendarme blue and apple green and olive - make as artistic saeortment of tones. The etttoh ts Ieng •led short buttonhole, the luog«t three-eighths of an inch deep. The veining is done in etching .tit.h. The work in then out out around the edge. • set of cis of thew leaves, worked i0 shaded filoselie, makes • eery pretty table decoration. They may be laid around the oeaterpre0e of fruit or dowers or w troops of three at opposite comers of the table. Dom os bolting cloth they make very pretty doilies. Preparsatema No Cabbage, liot -Shoe with • sharp knife from • solid head of sabb•ge eaougb to cook, put in a kettle over the Bre with a cup or more ot hot water, cover closely to keep the stet= in, cook 20 to 30 minute., then add salt sad batter. .lust before taking it op add • few sp.uifuls ot vinegar. Dressing for Salad. -Beat yolks of two ogre thoro.gbly, add 1 tewponetul salt. 2 teas -poops whits sugar, 1 teeep000fol must . rd. 1 tesatwoo pepper, 1 tablespoonful Dui• ter, 4 tablespoons older vinegar, mu well together .led pat in • double kettle over the' Mu, stir until It th,••kens, set away until) very cold : when reedy to use,tske the cab- bed* front the i.. Fos and shave, put in • bowl and pour the dressing over. Mix with • silver fork and set to the loe box until ready to serve. ('.bbsre Shied, No. 1 --Half • large head of solid white cabbage, 6 we, 1 pop sugar, 1 tea"po. salt, 1 tablespoon melted batter, i teaspoon masted and '. cup of cider vine- gar ; shay the o.bbage Pee, leaving out all the hard or wilted pieces. Boil the eggs 5 minutes or more moil they are herdb,nl.d, then put them to cold water. When cold Woe the shell off and ohop fine, leaving one whole. Mix with the cabbage atter the other ingrediente ars mixed through 11. Pour to • salad duh, •lleo the whole egg and garnish the top. Keep in the we box u ntil ready to serve. Creamed Cabbage -Chop put of • solid bead of cabbage tine in chopping bowl, pot Is a kettle with a cup of bot water, keep covered and cook quickly. When tender drain off the water, if any resauae ; lemon with batter sod salt. thee add one cup of sweat cream : if you have no cream. stir in two spoons of flour in cold milk until smooth then add a oup of milk and stir 611 in the cabbage : remove and .1400, TO MAKE HOME HAPPY. 1. Learn to govern yourself, and to be geode and p014001. 2 Gaud your tempers, especially In sea- m= of ill -health, irrtt•rioo and trouhle,•nd soften them by prayer. penanoe and a sense of your own shortcoming. and errors. 3, Never speak or act until you have prayed over your words or sots, and oo• eluded that Christ would hove done so to your pl.o.. Remember that, valuable .. Is the gift of . pesoh, the gift of 'ileum is moob more valuable. 5. Do sot expert ton much from others, but remember tb.t .11 have an evil eater,, whose dev.k pment we moat expect, and which we most forbear and forgive, as we often desire forbearasoe end forgiveness 0anelvea. 6. Never retort • sharp or angry word. It is the ..coed that makes the quarrel. 7. Beware of the tint di.arreentent. 8 Learn to speak in • gentle too. of voices 9 Learn to say kind sod pleasant things wheoever an oppirtuoity offers- lfi. Study the cbarsoter of .soh, end sym- pathize with all their troubles, bowever 5.1011. Do sot neglect little threes, if they can agent the oesdert et other in the smallest degree. HOT OORN. Horsier -Year mosey or year life Sleepy Father -Take both, bet don't th wake e baby. Fatbee-ile the young girl you are rn ar to marry economies' ? Ona IMtbasiestieslly)-1 shoal/ my so W. y, kilt year eh. .eat 11400 00 is bar. gals." - D. Cr.eh-My dream of happiness is even, thea? Mies Fly ---i suppose it ie. You dreamt os less that 1 •ooepted another while you were wimp. Parses- Ws11, Melly did yea like my sernme this sornieg ? Melly -Ob, yis, your rivireuee, 'twas mighty Imprnvio'. Parson -And what part of it did you Ilk• the beet, Molly ' Molly -is troth, ple.s year evolves., 1 don't remember way part exactly, bat al- together it was mighty improvta'. Prow -Now, Molly, if yea don't remem- ber it, bow eau it be taproots"! Melly -New, dose year'nvirewee see that Hew I have hoes washing used dhryteg en tl M badge there? Pssssr-C..rt•ialy, Molly. 111.117 -Ad isn't HA: lines all the better for the el'.ah ? Parses -No doubt, Melly„ Melly -bat sett a dbrip et the *pap end wasb.r oMve 10 tt. Well, sir, IA the ease • M M Net • w.rd of the sermfat stay is iss, bus ion •11 the better sad eraser for Is fur all Heat -Heasb.ld Words. loveInwb.Ms h bass a Ile (lerwy. A llha.baea el MMa, Dns bass .sp.rins.asiag for throe peark bee found that with the ohm. tete Moebater siis.ty &Ukase esu emdbtvi- Iy b. esesMd ens of weary hundred .gam dealt ',NIL A DOUBLE R + t CUE. OWO YOUNG LADI S BA( 'IL TO HEALTH 8TRKNGTH. to Mr limited roving .nfertsnsts, else tv- ' euu.ed h. r m»tdes sap e, with the .atreely pr.0a of Mr.,. esti ea M... Swim I'wl isle *be wadi 140 bele .e 1 LAMA. is, .a,1 01 the BROUGHT. Emperor Nap. hem 111 'e C. mt. lel. eel her •pl.sOW type o: lei. beady ea. out us - lite the of tee E.npeese. June• hoe bold a Marmon* ..loo a Leedom for many yew, had as • noel . t. 0,.ri'•11.41 The tyueheee of V. I -orourh 1 dies Co. - et..Iu Vanderbilt) u a1 leder. ••1 minium, tee4cht, moth bite• her and •yet, wee • M.aette tompleat.••. Her Imo t..m.0 one plg1Yt, snit .he teems her 1.51f ,oml0Iat to 1• • taabio• of the earls Vo.aori.a 15V•. Her sweetmeat' est is posit toe 50.1 .1101111 1.1 mah•er sr* Me theme t"1 vele. abut ..5.11 eht le her circle, lead •nu u pr.lwed a. that repel thoughtful of burr reeve. SI.. twice I. arts..• 1), suit drive• won great skin. Sri. two • t11..wlm tad row end 1st.., bee d.••• yet snow any 1110110stu.0 1..r wus•1 net. AND 001 was T0It*TBai BD MMI .,osi.p*PTIOt ✓ SLtowimi *0 ATOM '0 or rRBp0o0la- TNB e1a10 ,a as 1a Ae •DYrillet a nrAii• or ete•[0lt--1)S, MIW•wt4 Ark /ILLS O 1001,00 NBALT0 Arru Ore11 WW1 ells be rant Frees the Truro. N. . Nowa, Asoeg the reotdesu of Truro there we Donn better known or smote highly seteesed than Mr. sad Mrs Jap Tureen. fir. Tann- er Is an elder in the I'iv,byteri•s church, and a man whose word is .. pod as ha bond. to his faintly resole tae Mouse Adios, Mm. Mend Christi., 5. adopted d•ugbt•r, sad Mir. Jessie Halt, a stater of Mra. Turner. Moth yeast ledi.0 ere known to have had trytsr *11assess, •0d were said t0 have been restored to health by • popu- lar mediates, the nems of which ie • home hold word from the Atlantic to the Pacide. J udt:hg Oust their .tory "mold be of pupa- te interest, • reporter called upon them and ask -d for such information as they might ohs to make publ.c. Both young Iodine were averse to publicity. but when it was pointed out that their experms*. might be helpful to some other sufferer. gave • stetemest tor pnoliostlon. Mase Christie, whose o..e is pewees. the most remorkeble, A given preoed.sos. Site said : " 1 am now 19 ye•rc of age and Dove bees very strong Oa the 26111 of July last 1 erns at- tacked withoeurno@a, brought on b7 . severe oold. 1 was coursed to bed for al- most sight weeks, when 1 was able to get up ono. more. !luring them weeks I was seder treatmrut by our physician. and still oosttoued teeing hu med4ane. 1 did not appear to recover my strength, however, and on the 14th of November was smell forced to take to my bed, this time sufertog from greet weakness sod nervous proton'. tion. Tee doctor's medicine pow seemed to do me 11u good, and I grew gradually wore,. I beta*,.... 1-.w the it seemed hardly Pos- sible that I omald live lost. The ';octor said that 1 was in ooesamptloo, .rid that medicine was of n0 more use V me. At this time an article wes pub'ebed in the paper cream -roust trot cure s( • young lady is Toronto by the nee of Ur. 11 tlliams' Pink 1'.11e and Mr. Turner at ease bought some. After 1 bed used about slat boxes 1 began LO get gradually better, my strength herein to return, my appetite improved, and 1 had sound refreshing sleep at night. 1 have now need fifteen boxes of Pink Pills sod have no hesitation in saying that they have effected a wonderful ours in my lase to the oars et Miss H►11 the Pink Pills have also a000 nylehed marvels. She wee attacked with dizziness, severs headache. and fainting spells, followed later by swell - tog of the test and l.u.bs, together with other symptoms of anaemia Atter having bees nested by • pbysivan tor • time with out any noticeable improvement sb• decided to rive Dr. 1Valli•mi Pink Pilla a trial. After using • few boxes of the pills thew w.. • decided improvement to her condi- tion, and with the continued use of the medicine full ■tr•agth, health and activity, returned, and Mies Hall is now feeling .. well as ever she did in her life. Both Mr. and Mrs. Turner were present during the interview, and strongly endorsed what the young ladies said, and expressed their thanks for what Pink Pills had done for the... The experience of years bas proved that there u absolutely no 4,.,..• due to • vitiated condition of the'blood or shattered nerves, that lir Williams' fink fills will not promptly cure, and those who are suf- fering from sorb troubles will avoid much misery and ave much money by promptly resorting to this treatment. (.et the genu- ine Pink fills every tome and do oot be per- suaded t0 take se imitation or some other remedy from • dealer, wbioh for the sake of the extra profit to himself, be may say is " just .. good.'1)r. William.' Pink Pills cure whoa other mediobaes fail. PERSOgA L. Lord Beaconsfield's brother still survives, • kindly old gentleman, who was for many years clerk in the Hoose of Lords. After rearing from hie clerkship, Ralph Disraeli w.. for • time in oowt0at attendance in the lobby of the House of Commons. He bears O o re.eerblwoe to hu more eminent brother. The other day be was seen timbal( in the p•rk,looki0r very hale and hearty. When lifer Majesty w.. at Belmorel re - tautly, she visited an old cottager Iivtng near. On Ieavtog, Her Majesty graciously mid to the old lady who had bees enter taming her-" Well, Mn. , you will so longer be afraid of toe, .d I shell ex • peot you W pay me • visit." "Ah,ma'am," said the dame, "it's 0o yenelf Ism towed o' : Wm the grand servants ?" One of the most pioter..jos figures in Kaglad u Loos• Lee, the now wealthy and oelebrat.ed gipey who trzes near Brighton. .lbs bas told the fortunes of all the mem hen of the Royal family and most of the n obility. Sae is remarkably iotellieent, drams" neatly, and lives in • how dories the Winter sorrier. She is sixty-two year old, and h.. eleven Prawn up ohlldree. One day while Millais wait enraged in pointing his f..1on. piotors,'('hill (btober,' among the reeds and rushee on the banks of the Ta ,soar Perth, • very* Dams from over the hada : "Mao, did ye never try �pbp�oto- graphy'" " No, Peyer." replied Millet, painting slowly. A pease. •' it's • hand" quicker," said the votes. " Ye -es, 1 sup pose se " Acether pause. The final throat w.., '•An' its stair hker the phos." It ie not generally knew. that Li Hong Chang, who has ono. mere suooe.ded to rumen* power --sett 1. the Rmperor- n Chine is the rushee man ie the world. T'•e Holmes EOghsbma0 i• worth about ts enty million pounds : Li Haag Chang has po sensione valid at five times that asount -nee hudnd minims pounds. Mich of Lis wealth is Invested is Chinese pewseheps and rdoe6eld., bat it is said that he has • part kept safely be European stooks. These is • romantic story held of Mrs. Ev.rea Poole, me of the lady pirthapa.te r the pg.ssedhtgs at the ohurnk osmoses. At the oleos of the (risen n war her mother Mrs Travers, was j.an.yisg kerne with bet baby. As Arab .1tohste was emelt ea. treated W her teams, awl hied ts foras hie attenMess bur Middssd by his '.idure, be ..lis bgr baby, and was miss- tep H by the feet and about to throw it overboard whew Dia 1ntentMoa were fres- rased. MA baby, We narrowly eared treat booth. is sew Mus heed Poeta. Tho Sorensen de Worms le a daughter of Ms labs Sir i osjssfa Pbllhp}oa sad at este parted of ber hie wee e ' ' -.4 met only the Waidatessak bas the wItelestoad.iower- est women In 10rep. tit Gres merrier A lu.4y story ,e g,.,ng tar ,vu..Js *Lout Lard Carrwgt.'o, le toe ,tfeut 11.1 a1 tae lest Itrawtow Room held by 1b. t1 •era) hr, 01 saa000olag taw amu.. • et the 1..t",.. 10.1 Ort, 50t1..ldl'I( to hl• .tiny ee Lord Cb•.n.- '»l 1 on, rot " 011151*, aon ens vistaed • INV tem tire. M r " I.wdy M ' 'rb+r up.. t1.. Queen tont hewer ts to greet her with L • two 00 the Mire' that le alwe)e g133.11 *0 w 1vela and danehiee. of Peen. As she bent Lord Cerrito'. a loins 0111 ha s.i- tako, turned ettrefr.aly p..u, trod g••t••o out, " Don't ksit her, me .m--alo..'t kyr bier : she's nut a 1.4', at *1.. Rev Jobs McNeil he been s•y,0s ttotme oharaorershc thing. during s ran to LteM His invitation to for et") wad gives jointly by Nouawfvrmtst• awl ('uufo,meta. Re- Itg►uo, be sold. 1155 the only thing Ile' sense people w Lede wanted to es... dead .. dtt.hw.ter. WI',, the meet emir. wake thing U. rt... city 0041.1 10 he the pen ac8 us the Living (kid. He put leu premium upon mere el freer/ranee or mete exonem.ot, but M woe took of that dead dulnew Oat h. called emirate, y. i1 e.. not 51• ,meaty ; U w.. may wonder.-f.o..t dulness. He hoped they would have a little he and go. L Rol artshad an arouses expoeiroc. of the Irish anti -racial and hie ways on h'• arrival to Dahlia .. Commar.der of the Fortes w leel•ud. H.tiug taken up her quarters at the Shelltourne Hotel, he Oster um w.,lked 0p to the ).oat-of6 a to Rive in- .tricti..es shoot his letters and telegrams. Th. poet_otfire Atgertary gore him the usual term to hll in, shah he did, soot sten ne 1 „ Hubert., Sbalbourns Hotel, hooded It back to the mlfimal, Mho, after manning it ins • 0 11•emptw.o. w.,, tluug ,t lao..L to the F"14•Musb.l, •scheming. with with-rm. . aro..m, ' • %%hat d'ya mane . id t hu at aI ' M•yhe, perhars, veli he .1 6.r pump' your Chn.tlsn soros afore Mother one, a• ye herr Cele S r .1 .hn Everett Millais, who recently . 0 •crotid the 'at, Lord Leighton.. President of the R v.l Ao•demy. wt" horn at South ampton. h: t.b.nc, w 1829. H. pith his first sword from the Society of Arte whop sone Yvan fifage. Hie "Pir.rrn,•I.•x.nethe Inca of Peru" appeared in 1846. his "Widow. Mite " re 1847, and hie pic•ore of 1"The Tribe of liemjamin Ssiring the 1Am:shiers of ShiLh in 1848. Hu more, recent works ors to well known to moor, notice. H• was elected an aleaetate nt the Keyes Mad emy to 1853, and became • R. A. in 1863 He was dec-nr t l with the 1; siert of Honor in 1873 sad in 1881 was afpetrtod a truster of 'b+Sationol Portrait Gallery in the ',Gee of the late (lean Mtaaby. lo 1385 Le wpm. Med« • heron.' on the recommendation or Mr Gladstone. CRISP AND CASUAL. Lnn.toe's yearly milk supply is over 32,- 000,000 g: Ilona. Great Britain loses 450,000,000.por:h of property •aooeily by bre. Two-prenred forks were m+de at Shef- field in 1608. Tbree-preogcd lurks oat,. into ole in 1750 Outer blinds for wim,lows were unkno. instil the fourteenth oeptu v. Thr vrue+•aa or interior Minds are so coiled be.»tue toe), were fins used In venica. The openior of • door of a warm rn,.m in t.apla.A during the Winter is instantly f •Ilowed by • mroisture aoow.lorm, Lies condensed moisture felting ,o da¢+s. A traveller in Austral:a found • Legg mushroom weighing Eve pound+. He fork it to the bowie when he ea" @topping and bung it 00 'o dry in the sitting -ronin En ter.ng after dark, he wee anti n6• l to see • besot:futl roll. light emanating from the fun- gus it continued to give out I.ght for may nights• grodoally decrerine Datil it was wholly dry Nlsny ken lsof fungi have this peculitnty. Humboldt describes sem. h e saw in the mines. The glow in rotten wood is CAMBIA by Its •.nntaioing 'he threads of light-i►Ivinr fungi. The ancient oity of Jerusalem, which has figured so largely- a scriptural history. 101 .eldum considered in secular affair.. Yet it hes a considerable oommeroa, milling be- ing strong it. prominent indo6'rie.. From the 1894 report of the Austro-Huoprian consul at Jerusalem it •ppesrs that Pales- tine i. quite • molliag section, and that .Jerusalem alone has five steam mills. In 1894 these mills mad* 28,000 to 30,000 sacks of flour, of 1')8 lbs each. They hsv• capacity to make twig... much 11 the coo - dittoes of the trade demanded it. An interesting variation in the usual ran of SSDmsrine cable work will .eon be shows in the isyior of a cattle from the mouth o1 the Am.zm, 1 400 miles op the great river Tble novel work will place the Isms and growing trade of the dim but rich twtet-tor CHRONIC HEADACHE. Tbs change in mg Mother's condi- tion marvellous. •mitt'• Sanas part Ila is • loon. MoKTar.AL, August tgth, 'hos. Galen. man :-There is such a change in my mother's health that I cannot re- strain myself from writing_ ynu. She antlered for years past with a chronic headache, accompanied with a disordered stomach. She was weak and irritable, and we thought she wags going into a de- dlne. For three weeks she has bees Salting a eosrse d Scott's Sarsaparilla, which was recommended to her by Mr. IdeiGale,Darggist, Montreal. Her head - arise is sow Det a memory, her appetite is good. and she has gained five pounds la weight is twelve days. She is a different woman. and 1 feel that you, is God's hands. have been the mems of r•, storing her to health. 1 shall always trecoantnend $tett', Sarsaparilla to suffer- ers from head or digestive troubles. Thanking yes •gala, I close. Yeas anrerely, Hortense Gsviliere. /cents Sarsaparilla is a concentrated •Ztrutpleasant to the taste, sod is hila is email doses. 1t is the finest remedy ler disorders of the stomach and Bver.pitation, scree ulnas sores. eczema sathe blood. d sitin diseases or' ng from impurithe ties~ljaetsg it mai■ esias 0.1& is eel ler 1 . 1,,..w .xw.p, lust favus military service ' may he obtained by the musses el 1,500 pesetas T'he *thee day • worthy was pre- sented • p.uuos to the t..een R••.e.t, rat Ing cher he had already mud 15.000 pewter for tee of DM socia, asd requesting that h• wake be •awned from payag for the other I -oris• Sr hs nad au mosey left 4.est was ,tra.id. A y1sa151 te.* e1 a typewriter 1s told by •e Avila Indies who recently cast. Derne. line of the Keeled, judge* is 1041• w.. to *sport on the typewriter, and it occurred to him to tree 1t for the taking of judicial notes. a'he .uch,ne we, cr..vyed Into court, when • osrtatll a.velty was imparted to the proosedlag• by thw chat of the ke,• and the oak le ..1 the Ie11 which sadioar.d that the U • bed hires oompl•t•d. The tires perimeter brought before him waw found t-u,lt7r and seri'. aced The m.0 j. •.•es ere pro,uplly •pp.eurd, ria 1118 ground 'nut. w unlight SOAP -- . e1 l ;SI MAKES HOME BRIGHTER HOME IS VERY DEAR And it Is ch. nim of a good wife* keep it clean and 41- tr.ehse. Nothing well help tis, tuore than the alae of Sunlight Sap Like a ray of sunlight it brightens and cheers, en - COW 1e•, aril comforts It makes hornet bright and hearts light BOOKS FOR WRAPPERS For every to ••Sunlight^ wrappers tent to t ivaa Baas., Ld , Toronto, a useful paper bound boot will be sant, or a cloth bound for yo wrappers • N • • • • •! • • • • • "D.1 • " MENTHOL • PLASTER • 2 1. 1 t.0 II lrrl/ 1 _h •.sib w...eaY goes we .ter was VW •erre ear ?iii. amen 8,11. cAarO• 1 .'.. yid■•Yen. berm senend ens. .r aysn se sssnssla a. aerial to every •..• testis Wpte•s•• reentrant see.ttwr. It CuresNew- algia, Path fa or de, or any l tueoslar Palos. • • • • • • • • Price ' Davis a Lawrence Co., Ltd, • 288. 1 ba01e Proprietors, tis L••••IN) ••••OS DODDS, KIDNEY PILLS Any POISON ;L: blood is sure to do havoc some- where. The only Pieeentive is sound kidneys, the only Clll'E, l:tdniN med- icine, Medicine is Dodd's Kidney Pius, • • GRATEFUL -COMFORTING. EPPS'S COCOA lea • .41 1...w.,.._ w toe e1.Ja11*e, tM 1.116. heti whiled s• ay his Mate 1 y pheyong lea • saes..1 iatt1111. et. PYNY - PEcTcgL Positively Cures COUGHS and COLDS to • surprisingly sh.•n In. 11 . • in 51111 r ref taint). Igloo •r.J it ur..wtbi..g and heating es as W. C. Mc(ooe. a & A s, It ..chant.. (,,no ',toot h a isnot t3M bar Y.-a.a* .w.4 en *swan of deems .,.Mu. Minute F,r4.1 t0.1131144_0s4 010e3311131d. w O Y: •'..sone at r M. 1 11. H• TI., 1/4.6•tnitu, y..1 0. 1. Toronto. arises .• • a se•ssel .. :r a.. ern) ere P5b ...•i r1 1, 11 1*. 1011.1110..• Its .•t• w • me. ... M ea ••. R .r,' twee., n-• a t -•-•rtes 13se01111 4131•5134 'wee :13 Yat a.m.. 1, ».gait` .w ..1..•y,•, s .w t.. .» WW1 Wswho wtu ler M. - r..aayM►, oleo t e...Iw•. ra e. „resod h o w W. W IM•••Wr . aged• _-duet. •'•ttti.E .t.. DAVIS A I • ". KEN( 1 CO, LID. n.ryi Uri \' ,r•• 1, Take it alwa}•s-Take n000tthtt For Coughs and Colds Gray's Red of S•uce Syrup Alum TIM OLD STANDARD RRIL DY POR C01/011S, COLDS, ASTMLA and all Affection of the Lungs. ler .are you get Oa•vbeyrup. 'Tie Gears Mat cures. see and pc a bottle. Gast everywhere. KURT WATSON & CO.. Pso►st,Toess MONTH EA t., IT'S 1 GREAT WASTE BREAKFAST -SUPPER "Ry • thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition. and hy a careful application of the floe oropertleee of well -selected Cocoa, Mr. Rpp. hari provided for our breakfast and sup- per • delicately flavoured beverage which may save to many heavy doeiori MIM. It Why the lndictous use of such articles of diet that a eon - nit oven may be gradually built op until strong enough to resist every tenderiser to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladl.a are floating around us nodiT to attack wherever there hi • weak point We may escape many • fatal shah by keeping ourselves well 1.1113ed with pure blood and • properly nourished frame." - Cirri Serraier Oasette. Made .imply with trilling water or milk. Sold only In oack•taby Ortletera, labelled thus: JAMES RP'S • Co.,td.. ...athts l'bs .tags. Leedom, U. e., It.gla.A. Coal & Wood Yard The undersigned begs to inform the public that he keeps on hand all grades of HARD II COAL S AHD BLACKSMITH COAL. PRICES OF Waco REDUCED. Miasmal attention giros to OUTBPLIT WOOD Cell and get prictw and see Rumples of wood Offiee and yard, NELSON -ST., neer 15.12. Brea Betel. D C• STRACAN PreOrleter 1)1 I'aint to put on to Poor Article. 1t win .alt but it eu.•rt time and coal WWII Y mach •• • hood nee while the Iatt'Ir will log for care an.: lo •11 bnghi all rite time Trus F:.K•riom) 1. in the a -e t"1 it good artlrl:. As swell we can rcuuwm.od �(r�IERVILLE'S ABSOLUTELY PI -RE `\"IIiTE LEAD Guaranteed M the White Lead AOsa'isrlm of Canada. and r•vx.mm-ailed by our gimlet - censors for Messes the boat whits Wed o0 the Market. DAVISON & CO. Rood (;o,id- and night ('races. PATENTS ! CAVEATS. TOIsOF ■AAIS 1110 COPY4lb1ITS Obtained. and all hominess le the U. 8. Patent OMoe attended to at MOI)KA4 TZ PREA. Our orso•n la opposite the U. 8. Patent OI - floe. and wWIC obtain Patera 1n lase time ban those •emote fromIt'AAHINOTON. Rend .WOORL UR DNA WINO We ad• riser topatentability free of charge;awe we make NO CNA HOZ IFNLIJ BWIOB- TA IN PATP.NT. We refer, here. to the Pool Mailer, the Supptt if Money Order i8.., and to officials of the 1'. 8. relent (Mee. For elronlar, ad 1106 term. and refe•renoeo to Antral ollenta In 1000 awn dude or County write to Ir • wiles .0 10.. ')ppm1N Pasant1.11 011100,WashIngttn. D C. FOR T.WEN I Y -SIX YEARS DUNN'S BAKING POWDER - THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LAROL sT SAL[ 1st CANADA. GODERJOB STEAM BOILER WORKS. A. S. CHRYSTALr., Aw....orte Cbrheral t! Alnes,l .manufacturer of •l1 kinds of BOILERS, Smoke Stacks, Salt Pans, Sheat Trop Works, etc., etc., Aed Dealer la- Kegiw, klraobi0•ry ('..tinge, etc, All gismo of Pipes ..d Pip. Fittlslgs. HbsW sad Water Goitres, Glob. valves, (app Valves, insver.'on, Rjeet.n and la- = (11.rtantly en Hand at Lowest A fel lase of Steal Water sed Rog i4o.g i for est of twitters and edhr.. Ftegehing promptly atte.d0 ter. �. L OnT1IT L. tray ty P. 0, len ir, Oedema. pet. Werk.- ope•.w w. T. 0. watt.., revisit