HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-5-7, Page 5THIS RTGNA T, : ONT. THURSDAY MAY 7. 1896. 5 W. ACHESON & SON surpassing Bargains in i RUBIS, CARPETS, CURTAINS, U PHULSI'ERY MATERIAL. ( )L7 R neer Carpet Rooms are just completed. We have now lob n d om and light to *bow new styles f•.r 1896. Beet stock of Tapestry, Bros - eels, Ingrains and Union Carywa in (Joderich. Read our quotations . TAPESTRY English Tapestry Carpets, Newest , Colors and finest quality, {Sc., worth 60e. Tapestry Brussels at 50 and 55, worth 65 and 70 1 Freitas Union Carpets 25c., worth 35c. Better t,luality Union 33e, worth 45c Extra Super Union 48c., wortL 60: FLORAL PATIMA! Hemp Carpets at I7c., worth 20c. STAIR CAB PETS Tapestry Brussels 45c, worth 6Oc 54 -inch Upholstery Damasks et 7:tc for 60 cents • yard. FLOOR OIL CLOTHE at 23c. end 25c. a yd. LACE CURTAINS All our own direct import 58 inches wide and 3i yards lifing et $1.00, unequalled elsewhere et 11.35. Special $1.''5, well worth $1.75. Special Swiss Curtains in creast or white, 3_} yards long, at $2.75 regular $3.50. ALL -WOOL 2 -ply All -Wool yd. wide Carpeb 55c., regular 75c. New American designs, high grade, et 75c. the 90c. quality. INSPECTION INVITED. W. ACHFBON tai SON. UWILMERS.lMgroIT Hai, UNDERTAKER, C30DIDEtIOEC, ONai ert- i aertakMgJlo`•rrtmeatvteo cpe•otl sal Femoral Dlrwotor end timbal= er. falls promptly adeemed 14 ollIM .r der'. PHE TALK OF THE TOWN. From the Report.r'e Notebook 11 wos•vie a tele aa:.' wK feels. I reds Is seas N t a niters Amtsmg Ile Takla' loses, ow' teeth Mien yeas 111." -Sarna. Pretty faces and charming dresses made the collegiate converse:tone brilllast, mad the handsome dream ural putty tames it cabinet - .d by Hadsn would by brilliant addition. to Albutos cur city fathers are talking of paella( a Ntycle by-law. Well they may, but it wait db the people like Pridham. tneyole .nits. which are fitting buy laws for cyclists. and are always passed lay the coopie with favorable roommate. A IhoyAJ8T Seirrsm.-Last week the Hendersea Mayas Co. skipped a cycle to the mestere end of the Provisos of Mani- toba. Tits New Het.t. -The talk about • sew hall in no measure •bated the pest weak, bot as yet there is, •ppereoth. no oertainty of its rtsiag. 1.. BCYINti A Bh tcl.s.-1;. W. Thom- sons advertisement, buying a Moyle, lams in too Ian for inearuoe this week, but will duly appear in our nett isms Seal Yr: IT WOR1..--COe.elllOr Tbompeos. Tows Clerk Mitchell and Street Iospootor Heid were in ('hates o. Tuesday, witaeas lag the working of • road .1aobioe. Tug Cot- *Tr ATroaxiY.-County attar - say Ira Lewis was mama, 111 tie peat week, bat es Monday showed signs of im- provement, • ed is sow entirely out of dm - Esc Farir 1'tuerg. Ts. -Se far fruit prospects In this portion of Hansa are of the beat, and should King Frost scorn to visit the neigh• borhood there will be an abundant yield of emelt fruits. W"OTHY Or !Maar I..,. -The oartlitaker of the Central School has out a.rsmgbt has in front of the school property, aad cleared away the sod that was on the dde walk, making the neatest frost in town. Tits As 'i u. ('rn.i.ze-no".-ls it sot she mama for bioycliet• to make the mama! Spring oollectio. 0l steam on the Square At present there are a comber of loom ones that often plata riders is damper, .specially after nightfall. Seal. LRD RRA rT1 fit. -oa Saturday m.rn- Mg early, movers! followers of ham Walton were at the creek tempting the speokled beauties. But few were tempted to take the bait, the morning not being one of the best to catch this sporting limb. A Ns% BI'ILDIsi: -The stores so long occupied by G. W. Tbo.1pssm and Mrs. Hall oo the corner of Colbotse .treat ars to be pulled down and a buildrsg more is keeping with the rest of the bl�m erected. The stores are now empty,so work will mai- memo •t DOW. Tits C"toite STn.c-The Rt. Rev. D. O'Connor, Ki•bop of Geodes, annealed by several clergymen. will lay the cora., stow of the new St. Peter`s church in God.rich at 4 r. r. Saida". May 17. The Re.. Father MoBrody, of St. Miebarel's College, Tonoto, will preach the sermon. Carteret The carpet business u boom - Mg at Colt -tom Bros. They never bad @ sob a rein on carpets and aibbtb. before - A tarp stock. right primes aad square deal• tag 5• sure to tell. If you want anytime( in the above 115114 it will pay you to see their stock. Nothieg like it aeywb.re out- side of the large cities. ('u A•.;a 1. BrsIYz,.Y.-The photographto busman formerly carried oa by R R. Sal. lows has b... p.roba..d by W. R. Belden, of tl Ingham, who mates hero strongly reo• o•nmeoded from that piece. He will have s.ociated with Bim in the work A. A. Adams, reoeetly of Toronto, who is an ac- oompluhed artist in the photographic line. The advt in another 0,10.10 111111 repay per - amt. A VIGIL h THc CENTRAL. -'i esbrday the man (:•brt.l Reeves, of ..atorth, charg- ed with shooting with tweet to wound or do grievous bodily berm, was tried by Judge .Massifs, and after • trial of nearly four hours was found guilty and seataso.d to one year's imoriaoomeat is the Central Primo. E N Lewis conducted the prose- oution, sod the prisoner was ably defended by Wm. Proedfoot. Oect or Ca' mimosa -The Evening Ar- gos, or Owe'so,Mich., in •peaking of • t en- pnraaW address delivered by Rev. T. E. Meddle, formerly of Kenmiller, says " that it was • ver, thoughtful, earnest address that oould have been lutsosd to with profit by everyone who is honestly fighting Cafe's battle, and was full ot e0Wuragsmeot to times who have not achieved the moans in life which their industry, purposes and tal- ents seem to merit.-' He SKATED. -An unauthorized venter at the Collegiate os Friday, hearing the boys talking about • osrtais flag, tried to intro - duos himself by asking when skating was going on. Being taformed thet he could nee skating oo the nest floor, he started off aad ruching the latches saw it, the flag of the curling and skating rink with the word ' skatini on it. being fixed to the welt The intruder, on swag skating. got so warm that be immediately skated out of the building. Till Dr.r. -Our brief mention last week has breaths on many oompleinu about the dost, and questions are asked how the not seam can be abated. It ...ms that the trouble might be .early, if set entirely, Garden Implements Of every description at clout priced.. including LAWN MOWERS, SPADES, HOES, RAKES, etc. Screen Doors And WINDOW SCREENS in sizes and prices to suit everybody. Paints I Paints!! • Something new. Call and get the particulars before par chasing paints or eontrscting. Every package contains a guarantee that will make this not only the BEST but also the CHEAPEST in the market. Don't Kill the Fruit Buds Cooties is needed now, and parties who call will he sup plied with every portable inferusatiou from time to time as Me Osamu progresses. Three Spray Pumps at Half Price this weep ALEX.. McD. ALLAN fleoomoor to Jannis Yates. aMdWd Y the aerates were mea•Maally well um pad. far at peanut es gassy 0/ them may los loud the •oosmaletien elf years. By ..me it is held teat tae Anew would sot rwWe half the water they sew got if tie dost woe scraped els, •ad that 1M manna i• the watering ears sharp wesld pay far the serapes, bodes be:piar our h ealth by the removal .f deagerooe ml. grebes. BaaATRD to A FAS LARM-Their army Ir►asd• is this city aad provisos, will be grieved to Mar that Utile .Mea, the osly Mild of Mr. and Mrs. 1). 0. Urq.beet, died os Saturday at Osterio la the .tete of Cali- ferala. it will he remembered that Mr. Urgab•rt gave op his law practice in this oily • year 545 ea 50000.1 of his own fail- ing health, aad aesemp•aied by his wife ssi child end •Iso by hie mother awl eldest sis- ter, left for California Mr. Urquhart has bees bss.fltted by the obsess, hat the sad - d.. death of the *tardy little bey, who was • great favorite, has eases as • severe shook to the relatives aad friesde here. The word came by wire to Deputy 8berial Carrie aad to W. M. Urquhart, .t the Canada Per- nt•.eat. la Animates, obarch, et whisk the Urquhart family are old sad valued Members, the pastor, Mr. MaoBdb, as- sessed the sews to the congregation yes- terday, and alter singing the hyms, " Come Ye Di.00esolate." prayer was offered se ter the sorrowing ones so for away, and for the relatives and 1rieeds her., who are is deep nisi by reams of the unexpected news." The above is taken from • Winnipeg paper, aad the Mrs. Urlubers minuend is a daughter of our oa.-tier. lonesome. J. C. Carrie. The news will be reostved i5 this •eighborhood with Madre regret, as Mrs. Urquhart 'as • treat favorite when a rea- dmit of (iod.rtob. AN1IrAL MI;ri...-The annual meeting of the Mechanics' lnetitate was held in the reading room on Mosd•y evening ander the chairmanship of S. P. Ha11., who was elect- ed presiding ottiose for the session The directors report was read by the president W. Lan., as follow.: The directors of the (,odertch Mechanics Institute, in resenting their usual annual report, wish to thank them who have ooatributed in any way to the dooms of the institute We meet say it ...ms to be • difficult m%tt.r to keep up the list of membership to what it should be, 000eequently the reosipte from this source have dropped off somewhat, oomp•red with last year. Som. 125 books, mostly the latest publications, have been added to the library during this year. We are pleased to know that many of the young p.ople, es- pecially, ars regalia visitors to the la• Istituto. W. R. Roberteoa has 000duo$ed .venter clam • In 000neotion with the In- stitute during the past Winter. The re - porta of tae trs.arer,auditors and librarian will be plao.d before you, and we trust will meet with your approval. The Itbr•ries's report showed that there had Una teemed during the year the following books. Biography. 226 ; fiction, 2144 ; history, 456 ; miso.11aneous, 320 ; poetry and this drama, 22 ; religious literature. 60 ; .ci.o04 and art. 181: voyages and tray.la, 610, total, 3839, and that the att.adaooe for the year was 21,528, and the daily average 71. The bnasoial statement for the year show- ed a balance of one dollar oa the wrong side. The election of officers resit- ed as follow. ; 1'. Ford. president : D. F. Netted, lel vioe-pros.: J. 14. Worsen, 2nd vioe•prea. ; J. H. Colborne, •ecy-treas ; R. G. Reynolds„ H. I. Strang. B. A. • S. P. Halle, M. A., N. Nott, W. Lane. directors. SIxyT•EH.HT Yea= Aro. -The New Hamburg !dependent of last week has the following, which will be of interest to many of oar readers. It says the death of Mr. Daniel Reichert, of Haysvill., deserves more than a passing notice. Mr.Rieoherte lather cam11 to duo country in 1809 sod the late Daniel Ri.obert was born en the 4th of Jose, 1806 aad died on the 16th of March last, at the i<,od old age of 89 years, 9 months and 12 days. Do the 1st of May, 1828, 1)•aiel Rieobert, his brother Christian, the lata A tlli•m Iaglieworth ani • number of others, under Surveyor McDonald, left Guelph for Lake Hard. Tb.., from • few milsseast of Haysville to (:odericb, the road had never bees travelled by white men, and they had to clear a way for their supplies through the doses brash wood, ford tbe river and olimb the hills. it took them too days to gat through Haysvill., as the hill was vary steep, and they emend to get up in front of where Mr. Thom•. Poddioombe'• hone* now stands. It took them from May to September to reach the spot where Gods - rich now stands. There they toad Me William Gooding, who bad gone then by boas the year before to trade with Lathes.. Mr. D. Reichert is the lest one of rho hardy hand that started oat 68 years age, hat what a shunts has taken plass eines then ! TMs wilderness ot that time is now •11 tbiekly settled,and hes bore.. sod bares every short diseases along the road. The jesreey that took them .11 summer is now performed in • few bean. Mr. Rieobert with Mia father and brother took the mistreat from she Caned• Company to clear out the tad from the Pines t. the Waterloo line. They bad to take o.. -third et the pay in land. Mrs John Master, a sinter of the lata Mrs. Reieb.rt, le new ka her Beth year. She used to 000k ter the ern when they were elearlsg oat the read. A hypocrite la she ohwrsh r as bot ter or n o wase Nen ens a ywbers ohm. THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. ..«.t.. Vetoes. um ran wbini. terntern81- -R May A. Fan Ines* 0101.d 9 N to t 0 Mor. **Op. per owl.... • 1 M te 1 2t I1.v. h4 perMowl g met -_ I W telt SI f M so 11n E/frb...rr.+is.�eo/m�lsp�, _ . _ I1 N MU tell /MI D ereesdale N_OO�arsq •sem ,,,,..tttIS 't s0II Old 6tg..�� 13 IS « 1014 0 P00101:4Qa-- ▪ .▪ ...._.,_•uM•N li MoN > sba. =Mai= g M t0 4 M �MtetN fiii:r 00.•a. _::'M.':: le. re so • M r f1tefM to I _...... _.. te stn• gw she it • u taw 1i is READY MAGE CLOTHING SPRING STOCK NOW COIPLETE! ALL NEW GOODS NG OLD STYLES NO FANCY PROFITS Men's Suite 93.50 ; Men's Suits 5.00 ; Men's Suit.'t 9.50 ; Men's Suits 1 1 t)0 ; Regular, $5.00 Regular, 7.00 Regular, 12.00 Regular, 14.00 Men's Sui 97.00: Regular 99.00 Boys' amis., Youth'* Suits fgom 91.25 to $7.50. Eicyc1c Suits, a:1 prices anti size. Se.. Jur Stock and Compare Pricer. Mir -gains its all !iUL. of firs Goods. NO trouble to show good& JAMES A_ REID, Jordan's Block, (kiderieh, 22nd April I ',Pi; w HEN you clean house use oar CLIMAX FIT RNITURE PALISH R•ay to or drysgutekly- makss old furniture look Iib..w AVOID DISEASE BY Di81NFECT1ON We cut s- ipcl v • 1 t necessaries with directions for use. 1�wATi. • gagnef seeing medi- I cine for 25 C_ FliEAH - - FLOWER GA.RDEN MOTH CAMPHOR AND fey petsiei away furs P•'•"- s sd -twtw•r •h.-• he t1! way -L.. h,x' • and le hula. fir 'II •he had, net palest a.e,'I;la.a. . �• (1 CO,1! i .' .ars _- _ t t.-411ru a l',•w.trr t NI rli•i. (Jr lwrsal and .a tie Card of Thanks. mo THE PUBLIC OF UODERiCH 1 and vicinity : Ladies and pstlemea.-1 desire to convey to you my sincere thanks for yogr liberal patronage during the past numb., of years while conducting the hardware busi ...s In Oodeti'h, and woad beg to aneounes that I hove purchased the Book. Stationery and Wall Paper Wagons of A. L. Weir. and by dose application to business and keeping stock well up -to -Acte 1 hope to regain the nol. ronase a my old friends and many new ones. JAN. YAlKS. -- - CARD OF THANKS. • 1 take this opportunity of returning my sin- tw.• thanks to the friends who gave assistance W me In the endeavor to save as much as pps- sible of my property at the recent erre. by which my planing and -sawmill wasdestr"JJed JAMES YOUNG. Auburn, May 5. lfirl 68-11 Sttuatlons Vacant. WANTBt)-A GENERAL SERVANT. Apply 1 IIR8. OARRUW. ANTED - A GENERAL HOUSE servant. Apply to MRK. HORACE HQRTON. The Creamed. 61.11 W Notiee. rINHOMAB f3UNDRY HAS PURCHASED 1 from W. L Yerguroa k sou. of Carlow. one of their Imported Draft Stallions, fwd in tends to travel him during the coming maim through Ooderich Towashlp. 61-U Public blotto*. TRANSFER OF LIC ENSE- The Tavern License muted to John McDonald. K total]. for 10.1. has been tran.- ferred to Neil Milkmaid. N J. 1•AISLKY License Inspector W. 1(. Cllatoo, May 1. leg. 8121 TRANSFER OF LICENSE. The 1 icen.e of the gores • Hotel, 8sltford. hes been transferred from Geo Swartz to Ben - Jamin Mason. W J. PAISLEY. License Inspeeser, silt Climes. Pasture. UABTU ON THE CANADA olid i pool' ALLS REPERV-E ran n be h5d to limited number of cattle. Plea ty of GOO WA TKR and personal oven fisgght of sante Mr. &Lechler. Apply to Mr. BARCH LER the premise.. or to Mr. 1). NEWELL. Stratford. Out. 17-tt Auotton Sales. UNRESERVED AUCTION SALE -1 have beta Inetruote.i by Mrs. 1. F. Toms to sell at her residence. Fast -•t Ooderich, UN MONDAY. MAY 11TH. commencing At 1 30 o'clock 1'w., the foil ,wing household furniture: 1 Orem Rep Parlor set, 1 Sofa. 2 Arm ('heirs. 3 Chairs. 1 Brown Re, Parlor set. 2 Ann Chairs. 3 Chairs. 1 Pines Soot. 1 Oak Wyieste, Statuary- 4 tlrs.kets. 4 Fancy Tables. 1 Fane) Centre Pallor Table. 1 !Mush Arm Chair. 1 Plush Bed lacune. Fold fag lied. 18ma1l Fancy Tables- 2 Fancy Chairs 1 Large 01 Paintl•ge. 21 ('hromo•. 7 Litho g raphs framed.:i Bucket Lampe. 1 I1.nglag Parlor Lamp. 1 Library Hanging lamp, 1 Hall Lamp. pepe•try Perim ('areet. Brussel* Car p.t Huls (`are '. Fancy Hall ('hair, Hall Table I Lougee. Eztwoio• Diniat Room Table, 1 D enim hoom Table. 1 open face grate Com Stove . Pipes, 1 "lamp Walnut Sideboard. 2 Rocking Chairs. Cretonne covered Arm 'hair. 1 (ane Komi. 3 noir of ('heallle ('ar- eas, with pales oomplete, pair ('antis Flan- nel Curtains with pole•. pair Cremona. Cur- tains aad pales. (1•k. Marbled top. Bedroom tat, Chest of Drawers. Was* and. little Commode 1 Matt -•a.. 2 Feather Reds. t Pil- lows. ILlow•. Bedroom set Bedstead. Wash matt. Chefs of Drawer*. Smell I able extra : Red - stead. Wash Stand, Single Bedstead. smell Bureau. Ir.sdag Table. White !bone Cham- ber est, Flak Dell Chamber set. 1 Clesk, i Screen, Sleigh Rows. Harness. Cordy.. (Darden Tools. lsow■ Mower. Roller. Tree potter, Rake.. Hos. etc . 6 font Rath. 2 Elt chen'fables.l Ironing Table. t ('hairs- bait Jan. Dinner set Tea sat, Crockery..to , Kit- chen Utensils I Step ladder. goa•tltissof valuable bound Books. on different subjects, Raymo.d stewing slash.., and a number at fancy household articles. THOS. OUNDRY. •netioseer term Cash. AUCTION SALE. The exet•.tere et the late Ed ward Kelly w/11 .4 , for nM by nubile auction. by Thomas Sundry, a.atieaw.r, at his auetlos net, oa Hamlliw street, en TUESDAY, THE I5tH DAY or MAY. lag. at 12 Velem mos : the foUowlag hems and let yle : list somber fat, es Napmer shoat to the Tows of Gederlob, Thrro property is sits sad oleos to the met The bow le • sus/aad shalt wiry frame. esasdeiag three bedrooms' antis. room, dialog ,mem and kltchse, all In geed Nate of repair TERMS er ALK. Te. per Amt. 1 the modem sr their Wloltsn at time et sale and basses wields thirty dare akar. afwr, I or Mss ~Ocala* a * may be had from the ER••u- lore, the Aerttas•se. to tate •edetsiesd. Than will he • Reser(v)ed bid. hief th day of April, 111111. ROBERT HEN Ub R 91 � 1 Isnot snow Jadite SHEPPA p�� �n, HARROW ft PReUDI"OOT, tlFtt Esesa.er's SolieMeru, NSW. THS COLSONIS HCTRL SENO tra reflslge te • rause sad refuralawd. W- �gwLigs_eetgL lett.11t�ve •• TO ADVERTISERS. Mottos of changes must be left at this Office not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes must be left not later than Mon- ey noon. @'antral Advertisement aeosplad up to noon Wednesday of each w.ek. Traveling Gales. Mlzed MW sad It:press Mimed Rolland Izpres Mall sad Express Mall and hsproes Mtz.d GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. AIU1I V R, De?AST, 10..50km. Lill p.m. 7.40 p.m, 11.50 p,m, 6.55 am 1.50 p.m, 3.0 11.51. eotOrs 1NOt10e. WEST HURON.- A ('ONVENTI0N tor the purpose of nominating a utasd- ard bearer In the independent Me4'arthrtte la tenets. in the coining ekrtioa will be held at Smith'. Hill at 2 p.m. •ha• p. on Saturday. May 21b. 1811. As it is desired that there should 1. a full representation from every polling•uhdivisicn 1a the riding all friends of the independent movement are co dWl invited to attend. W. N. HOWELL. a/ It Secretary. For Sale or To Rest. GOOD HOUSE: AND LOT FOR SALE.. on Lighthouse et. convenient to Square, Poet Office. Harbor. ie. Lot. 1 acre: (=Moe bearing fruit trees and small fruits. 'House. goal frame. in complete reuair. storey and a half : 8 rousse sod summer leaches. halls, clos.ts. buttery, cellar. wood and ooa!Jbed : oleo stable. N til sell on easy terns, rot par ticutn apply to R0fl1ItT L. YOUNG. Light- house et.. trcdericb, h16 Im FINE DWELLING Hot'SE FOR SALE -That largesd commodious brink vein sexed house, situated on kIrio-s1., near Wel- lesley. within easy reach of lake front. and et present occupied by the owner. It contains seven rooms with large reooptioo hall. and bash roost fitted with hot and cold water The premum comprise two quarter acre lots, one of which U is lawn with Ane ornamental trees. and the cher is laid out in • good garden with excellent selection of small fruit*. t Tbserms tetb r. r. H.lSPF ('l(, Dedr'Tfch,or particulars at.0!63tf HOUSE AHD THREE LOTS AR SALE -Situated on corner of warns sad Coyle, sta.. ant extending hack to WI1 eanot. in ore block. Holme L"x20. with kit then 12x22, storsy and shalt high, containing 7 rooms. halls. closet. pantry. cellar. to.. also good stable and outhouses : also good well and stiff -water cistern. Grounds are well laid out. and contain • number of choice fruit tree.. small trona. tc. A splendid npportunit, for • retired farmer to secure • comtotat le home Will be saki reasonable. For particulars all ply to JA MKS BAXTIR. on the premises M0 SELL OR LET -A BRICK HOUSE 1 corner of kW= ,n aad Stanley streets, con falai pgisieven rooms, hard ad .oft water. (coedcellar. House heated with hot air. For farther p•rticul•rsapply to Mrs. I. II KKso fTH. FOR SALE CH EAP -40 LOTS IN Dederick from 7 acres ta I sore each. Also two b.sutos aad ono cutter. Apply 10 T. WEATHERALD. No. 5 Pietaset., (lot. Hch. 1L3m rr 10 LEAHL-THE HOUSE, FUR- aished. Web uocupled by 1)r. Mcl�w, Apply to CAMERON. HOLT & HOLMEB.M•If FOR BALE OR RENT. - A ped Hotel. knows as the ('emgsgsulN, with good buildings and • good comma b.tsl- . ees. For terms apply to JCHN RO188iBR, Isenmlller Another Hotel. a dwelling Hoose and • good .tor'e, all Joining and with good ootbeildim s For arms apply to JOHN !WISNIER. Res- mlll•r. A Farm to Wart NI.sourl, containing two hundred acres ; 1N cleared, the naiance a N od hardwood bush. The land is gni rate and will not he meld for lass than It is worth, Aaott•er !ann. witbia • mile of the stove bong part et the Wtgntesw Farm, 1.44 No. 4. Commies 2, Wert Nlmouri This lot is cos-- pomd of 3 owes of good lead. sad as a farm le woad to now of Its els.. For tense and r•r. tlowl•rs. appy o W. T. Woolly, Bp.. toiler ttr in the At tural Parise) and hem Reek. =Ito the City Hotel. Lewdest es the eoner of sib•t O, ■■ to Msrkst Square. from Maeda,sdgg *s4eg1. ;11(roRlwer will take rash er wW wwwMWdSg lilt llrff YM mo iMrtAMN�sasg 5vostsnt to elm 211-11mROISSiZR Bewmul•r. RUBBER CEMENT BICYCLE TIRES is Ire. soba Heady to earn'. A hill Iles .f sew `(p545. Mold M.dloi5ga, Oar •wa Ins P/ltt ma per box. the asp Rased Teats nada PRESCRIPTIQ s. 5d when yioults la te wd.es lest • ars cogs poo at The Phar - mac Accuracy. Purity, 8k111. aad Personal *t- wauua is au oases. Headquarters for PURE DRUGO. C. W ILLIALMS, Pbm,B. WM iia1M DMeneiop chemist 0N LASSER If yell, sight shows signs of failing. Surely you would not become hound. A little timely attention may save your eyes It is wise to let us examine them. No charge for the examination and lwat lenses supplied at reasonable pnces. , J. E. DAVIS, Phm. B. Druggist and Optician. IT BEATS EV ERY TH 1 NG The prices . We sell Furniture at OUR FIGURES KNOCK THEM A LL OUT SM_Ft'RNiTURE AND - UNi)ERTAKING EMPORIUM. ON THE t 4QUARL F. SMEETH'S PLANING MILL - sari - SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY, 1 take this opportunity to Inform the maks that 1 am x111 In the business notwithstanding all rumors to the contrary. and am prepared to do every class of work In my line from maklag • wtndow frame to erecting • 3 -story bulldl.g with mansard roof. Estimates furnished sad competition Invited. Tee furnishing of bnllding'tutorial, soob as lath. shingles and hamper a sceutalty. F. SMEETH. OeddwiM. July Oh 101. Loan and a views NooIety. Ir IS NOT WHAT YOU EARN, Will _ WHAT YOU SAVE, MARKS YOU RIO1Jr THE HURON AND BRUCE LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY. 8ouclToss.-Ca.1eron, Holt and Ho114111s, DEpos,T..-latersst Compound every erz months at fear par cent. per annum, on mere from one dMlar upwards. Depositors will flag It to their advantage to Dome sad w net Loins -May be secured al any time wnbeet delay on the security of approved desirable property. Expense. moderate. Applloatic•e reoetyed by the Manager or solicitors. Th. Compo) s offices are Inflated on North !greet and: (hurt House Square -opposite Huston Sweat Office. HORACE HORTON. J. H. t1OLHURNK. Manager. Preeld ea4 New Machine shops. NEW MACHINit SHOPS -ALL KINDS ef R.nolr Work dons at Reasonable Prate. Jaw ImplemenIe foreale Mach - 1 sewiand second hand. bought and .MA, and hollers for sale, Stand Bates' wagon shoo. rorser Yictorigmad Trafalgar 445.10. J. RA XTF.B RI'NCi AN. IBM For Sale. T2J. T. N A• r icvrt.E FOR SALE.- A GOOD BENS - ton Holahan Bicycle for .15 Audi o EL. L. North Street. Mat jOK SALE -A CANOPi TOP PHAE- 11'' toe for ..Is cheap. Apply to Mrs. FRA8114. Britannia head. the It OLi) PAPERS FOR SALE, SUITABLE for wrapping paper or putting oder carpet. Apply at this *Moe. !`1 OOD WORKING HORSES FOR NJ RAT Apply to 1'. M,CARTHY. 8t. David's -W. Musts. MISS ANNA L. SHAW,, TF:AI'HICK gg mss t --experienced risk lits Mg ts. Oode- INotiss to Creditors. NOTICE TO CREiNToas. Notice is hereby gives Ihat all pashas hav- ing elaime serine the setoff el Archibald Sean. lathed the te'whir et Want W•w•aesh to the comity of Harms. yesmaa, deoeseed, who died se or about the 13th dgfy er July. 111116, are hereby required to deliver mem 40 tie ,i. dersigned N er before the z wIU ..it attar Wish dam the acid z s*,, set be hied w bis the any Hai set Irma a at time I.LA St 1T. *ober.. tot lite smug Ansa at eede 4eh file .IOtk day of April 11-31 IP er r Serwlos /Stk� JERa IJ . RU, err. �t •• .►I. at the sans.► L .171011. gttf