HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-5-7, Page 44 THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, 014T., THURSDAY. MAY 7, 1891 glit �'igaal� loonies wbMhoseh has be penned bp the Oh taws Cables', leer. and Irg'wL Tars e se densities the lest Nat Men eisstero$s desires • eba.,s. sad • °Mage meet rod...d to eke b.ttetrmeot of the sea dittoes of the people la seek au street there w bene hotter .ombtssMse is work eat • plea of salvation 1w Css•da, oleos the peeler leafier, wk.• hos fought i. the Cem- enter the up hill light te victory. sad the e xperienced gesetal who hes had victory perched upon hu beepers in the Provisos of thirst -to for the past quarter e1 • (eatery. to owes then se °trestle sod • ,treager hs sever hese made a Canada. m rooaaoaee 1VERY THURSDAY MI aBNINIO ET te. IIIMMIL u•r. Mos of Pubq.sYoF 5 sen to, North -street. eederiek. Osten.. Tomo •1 awlesee,esou . p•v .month in advise" .. . . e . Twee. ,seely Fla vee year. t 11 m . 110 Leek at T"., Lolhol. Trow label is a wooden -e r•• e • • qtr Ne tate ttwklolt you are paid sip dee blues u a ..t •,alt !n•n tr-.•. 'When • qk new M arl4.eee •a '.V . "1 t .. cid and tem new situreoe .6...14 '•faun r.. Adwertt.l.. Mateo Legal sed new e•.•..' ,4v.-• • ^^'R 1M. relane ter ata i.e... •• 1 . two 1 ew-•11e LMRVIC t (Wet aYeeuaent I..gr• .•M..•u, r. a M•7t`N•t'-e. riurtytlf oar// wI el. Mr* vac melee 0 sr roma ••w.rtata.sea•p M I.$ w-....♦ .•-.r..4 t'•nectlese Tared.. SaaliZy.es MMww4 *L/ $',..Maes Clamor.. t..•o•e net• veno t 11.. • nnew.n•il. at goer ,,.•...,n. NourM se Male sad Prom so Aoki. sot t0 eachedI1 /ter t- t.. .p -- ,. ..nods n.*t usonth. L.•r. r a' - 10 0' • Any .M•'1.1 rte/M. rI. ..1.•„r• •,r .. A,.A ,,.0 p-^m.•rr ••.r pe. �.ni.'ry M• rt of •o) - v'4 s1 w iwn.p.nr. to he enne.d.•reet •n a4. vertlrment and c•...,•4'.--•••' y. l.u•.J series. is nonpareil type one oast per word, Noakes lam than yes. 1.0°.1 aolles, la ordlsry reading type two mete pee weed. No .Delon for leas t� Mia. Nodose for churches sad other religious and bseveleat tantltetloae halt rate. AM.I **Ties 010..1" 0sllvesy. Subscriber who fall to receive Toa B.eXAL regularly by m•11. w111 c oiler • favor by •r .wanes so of the tom sot .. early s m date as possible. Resected taanueoripte cannot be returned. Oorrespoa.ence est be written N ens side of paper only. Petel.her's Settee, J. C. lee Tousle of Godericb. W boas •p pointed Leal Travelling Att.at for the town - 'nips .f Godertok. Colborne, Ashilel/ and W eraser. Loom pestmssten over the district ere also empowered to receive sub.ortptlon. to THa N10111•1... AU communications must be addressed to L MOOiLLIOUDDY. Ten amOAL Telephone ('.1111. 0.4.rbk. t. eODORICR. ?R11Da MY. MAY 7. 1a16. THE LIOERAL MENTION. THERE ,hould be • goal turnout of Reform delegates at the convection to be held at Dungannon, Friday, M•v 8, .t 2 r re. Then was a Ume whets net on- ly Liberals but independent Conservatives should determine to get together in the in - wrest of good Government tato Nen Is to- day. Putt; lines are beteg obliterated by the overnmeot which has as.rped the tree Ory benches at fifteen' and seunded • loud defi•noe of public opinion and the will of the people, The mum that have been put before the cou0•ry oro not 1 kelt to be in the beet in- terest of the oommunity, nor are they an - ended for the good of the commonwealth. must be fought to a stand - These mum still. The work of putting up • strong fight against the usurpers wall berth in West Huron at toe Frid•v oo..eutioe. and • full delegation is called. The result of the con• vection will determine whether West Huron approves of the coarse pursued by the ones at Ottawa, or whether tarsi will receive • check from this section of the Province. We believe that the o•ndid•te who will be chosen to carry the opposition banner will be able to Derry at on to victory, and it is oafdently hoped that no Liberal who has the cause at heart, will be absent whoa the roll of delet•tes is called. " ,4boulder to shoulder for good govern- ment must be the rallying cry all along the line. " Forward !" is the word, and let Nen be no looking backward. ..tee SNAP SNOI e. - LAt'atlts and Sonar will make a g reet tom „ W hat's in • name T' Ask Hour Joust MACMtaaLD. He noes -'Jute Grand Lodge will have a mew M r* 1A 111131 Itrawrt.HAw ea Met 26 -The two 4 *co. in Eat and South Huron seem w have • led pipe Mach se the situ•uoo. Men may come and men may go, but WALTta HrrrHale`. MoNTA(ira is still Farmer Gamed. - - T h e Conservatives evidently think Hr'•:H JOHN MA,DONALD'S noon 00111e- tbms to talk •beet -That's a mighty strong Cabinet that Treece hes root( an on one people of Ceeada-we don't think. INDEPENDENCE OF PARLIAMENT. The .lirt eaten are getting their pay Sire .t t, of Kinglike' as the lost ooe who has received hi. sel•tium. - The csndidete of the Reform (Josveation at Dungannon on Friday sett will b. the member for West Huron oo.lune 23rd. TOWN OOUNCIL tel..... en the Prem.., the mayor. prelllliae, reeve, deputy -reeve a.ti emelt dose"Geed.. Col- well, Thompson. wanders, Wilesa. Nein, Nekelee., D.edep, Ceseptes. tanigle, Ce.gien. Misses .t preview tpstht read. •p - proved and sniped. The trsase errs report for April.'° fol- lows, was read and 'alerted to Imre* .Dodo.e swan& wlass beet Masten. Rill. Payable renewel...510.000 00 Tees 1,865 51 Eisen° HOP Met Water Market Metered oltseesey Noe res leads Ia.eeta, The new Dominion Cabinet is a wonderful •ggre1aoioo--Tt'rrtia at the bead. Ti-rrlk •t the tail, amid straw In be- t woes. -The Independent Party have called • convention at Smith's Hill for Saturday nett to nos -rata • candidate for the Dominion eleciioo. --Delegates to the Reform conven- us at llw0gs0000 on Friday,Mav 8,ahould be there early, so that there will be little delay to the work •n 6w dose. The Ontario contingent in the rennet 1s • corker -.lolls H 1acART, WAt. 'MU HI arnRlr• ifo%TVa-t and DAYS Ta•i- t•Ai •, angels and mma.tere of gree de- fend us ar?LartirtOY IN 4141 T. - rete re.pge N Madrid Conlin( 10. la* mato. .t a :1r•d Viet 1 anemia tae wirers Tbey Waal mats. 49 fig 45 50 10 03 32 00 3194 521796 Total - 12,261 47 Rills ybie 510.000 40 Ptsmpisll Merles Relief C. 0 and 0 Espana. Wetter works.. .. ... Separate schools.. .. . Citi eS s committee . . Rask decrees . ....... Public schools........ .Salary .0000.1 Cash on hand Madrid, May 4. -This city was the aeroe t.. -day of an imposing religious ceremony, the object of which was to procure the intereeselon of St. Isidro. the patron saint of Madrid, who lived :n the thirteenth century, to bring xte•ut the end of the Ione dluugbt that h is done great datrage throughout the •.untry and also to off- et the superer- s:un of the Cuban rebellion. Thr re- mains of the saint enclosed in a sit. ver casket were card, d through the streets and .-.coned by coo priests. tbou.ands of members of religious Corr lne-gatiuna and th-• .1.11 and military officials. 411 carried lighted ,taper/ anti the scene was most imere.wive, even to those who had no t.ith in the • lfi,•ac•y of the ceremony. There were a greet n:tniber of chorister.. who chanted lit ,es as the procession mov- ed slowly .: ough the principal streets of the care od. The route was lined with thousands "f f»"•Cleo who knelt as the remains of the :taint were borne part them. Thr hous.ee n• -re decorated In honor of the .occasion. Nothing tstmllar to to -day's cer.m••ny hap been Peen in Madrid since the seventeenth c,ntury. Ser- vicrp will be held fur nine days in the cathedral• their ol•j•ct being the same as that,. of to -day'. procession. Tbe tluren-iteeent and other members of Do. 1roy'l family and the ministers 011 attend. Sitoi'ar fun• tions have been or will be held in all the towns of the country. ( Il' R esteemed contemporary, The ll:zpesitor, of Se.forth, .till defend@ the ver- b•tioo of the todependenoe of Parliament principle. .o far s the l.egisl•ture i. cos - canoed. It is the only newspaper an On. term that defends the mouse, and we teal eared it will ezp.riso. • change of heart oe the 1uestIoo withta the next twelve months. W. will go farther. We will bet • silk hat that the next time • resolution Is brought up in the Legislature dealing with the 10estioe, the editor of The Expositor wail vote in Ivor of the indepad.see of parliament pn.oipl., .ad earthiest hte pr.. eat oontection As to his effort 10 last week's issue of The I.tpoeitor to equate himeelf in opposing the appointment of Judge MA..uo irom Me floor of 1'•rh•me.t, whilst at the tam. time •ypreei*g of appointments of Legislative members. w. don't 000Mider .t sytbtog but hairsplitting of • triok-of the -loop order. and well leave it to the 'empties of ha readers to determine. They are not all members of the legislature. 211 16 70 13 64 4 60 115 00 25 00 128 75 41379 222 88 1 006 70 lads.'''' ` ' "'a' u CODERICH BARGAIN CENTRE. a.w.., R .f .est.., that N ! be refers.& M ism s/mNery °Doone°. M deans les &seek sad report le asst mst int,leeed by A. datiedele, aerW ewes°/ by D. aateM-. Not the tbs.irmaa of the more try .°motets M empowered M amage the.eeesesey help to pat the semeeery in p.eps seder. Carried. Mewed by the depety-reeve, .ossa&°& by M. NWshies, that the sea or attend the mesIiag of the proviesial of the Mares sad Oatarh Railway N be hold 1. Toronto shortly. Carried. The ..s...$ et Wee Ralson for '927 40 was refereed to the lapses esmmitess. The sou.eil then adjourned. BENMILLER. TonswaT, May 5. Fara. Putters es.-lsdtestleas are that the fruit Drop esti bei good the year. The bloom a now ops en the sherry. pea, teem and • few of rho earlier varieties e1 apples, .ad promise. if N nes bask ewers, to be the largest crop of frail se re eted- Eve.rybody is spraying tree here. Vsl•tonbaa Masr•p.-Oa Toseday as Peter Father, jr., wife and dsatbtsr este retaraar from tows m their Ihe bores was Meteoroid by some object the toad .ad berme anemeeme bio The Mita - pasta were throws oat bel.we are las M @tat, ssoapsd with • fort alight Total 12,262 47 A OOtamesieatem was read from app Clerk k Co. regarding • street mashies tied in Chaco.. Moved by the reeve trod *speeded by the dopy , thee Councillor Tbomps.s and Street lspeotet Reed be requested to proceed to Clete. end see bow the machines work. arried. A oc munioatios from Geo. Thompeoi, of the Gaderiob Sew Mill and Lumber Co., asking nemesia. of taxes for ten years, from waver for Sr. peeteetea, the 000.truotioe of • roadway sed the privilege of boemitag logs in use river adjoining the breakwater was read. Moved by the reeve, wooed.& by M. N whol.sea, that the oommenlo•tiss be re barred to .postal committee to report Gov• n od. An *omelet from J. W. Gibson for 200 Leese. $11 50, wee, on mottos of dopy. - reeve sod Cotmo•llot Nacboleon, ordered to be Dead. Report of the tisanes committee reed os follows Your committee have examined the fol lowing Iwoos.te and recommend their pay- ment cm bog duly oertibd. Adopted. 81"N"' $8; A.M. Po16y,$2 ; Js. The.ls. run gNbr GIML/. Tae 0.s. ..were' League Gives *4vlee .. wakes ke. te tt tore A0eaks ru,es. New Y. ]lay 4. --In the I re- port of :he Consumers' League d this fray, the following advk•e le given to shoppers: ,Shop during reasonable hours. when possible. early la the morningwho n saleswomen are fr+sh and hot tired out and nervous. Avoid making purchases Saturday afternoon. that at eventually the sh..ps may all ...INVa halt holiday. It at any time )row 1• rt. Irritated or annoyed by ap- t, .r. -ht Indifference ear t•arleueness of eal..w..nten. pint, and consider what it means to he on one's a feet from te to feurt.•.•n hours a day. In a crowded .goner, .h..vcd and pushed about, Mites. Ift!. ink heavy boxes at es, wailing on Impatl• nt customers who wish to he helped to kanw their own minds. keelt- ing ac•e..unt Of tales and stock. taking Ft:dn•.se.•a often given hurriedly and us carrlr.ely. and ed In many In.lances 11 written down Incorrectly. and e11 the.. for salaries ranging from 112 to 15 ;.•r we, k. and obliged to dreie neatly and rattly well, and to pay out e,f It for .one P board. lodging. clothing and car far. M LAURIER AND OWAT. THF• joining of tortes by LAI -filen sad M..waT la without 'question the strong- est oemb•taten ever Sleeted is • Dome M len eisotios in ('ala. rata a deal 0.e been said of se effort to s he media to ga stress mfrom Outwit. l' to psis the present ..servatI,s atgregs- ties at lht•wa, and 5 effort was made to care fleet Justis Menem -rat, the firmer imam, of the Opposites to the Local Howes, inc,ow, .nd t. R. (1.i R, the seilneat & Quote's sea.., boa the Mier, failed, and ()stare stress teas from etarsew turas nut M be Col. Tones* a third else@ politioias hem Uiu.s e.anty.agates( this, ' As •gatets, Laraine has enoawededi. guaiac • pledge teem Noway, that is the meag t .f sie...by the Liberals. the latter will seeept • pwNdle a new Liberal Ge.. elttttmsst, .sod be e•fter dwell sasses ses toad M the held ad esperass of 17smhaies 1 a...a..gm..t wig glee boort ere ody to the liberal.' el the trastry, bet w t.. i.dspsudeat m.. of every political putty. who bee. bassos dlegaeMd M Na $10 ; Joe Sew, 516 13 ; J. Miller, $ 2 ; St. 4:. erre., $13.50 ; R. H. Curt, 51.63. Report of the pablio works oemmittes rend as follows : You oommittee have oo.tridered the ap- plication of W. J. Palmer* for the use of the A.rionitar.l Grounds for the porpoise of allowing the Goderlob Bas. Ball Club to practioe and play matches on, recommend that se your committee has received a sim- il•r application from the (,oderich L•orore Club, that both clubs be allowed the tree of the grounds subject to the control of the oburman of this committee .ad the street inspector. We recommend that no action be takes os the oommusicauon of Cameron, Holt A Holmes, claiming damage done 10 D. M. Soott's bicycle. Your committee received waders for the job of taking care of the Square, sod awarded the position to Wm. McCreath s bis offer of $59 00. We els awarded the mistreat of manna the bath house to lhn McLaren for the sum of $30.00 We have considered the establi.hmest of a pouud and the appointment of a pound• keeper, and recommend that the north -est oerver of the Agricultural grounds be fenced of for the purposes of • pound, end the, Ijeoj.min Evens be appointed pound -keeper sad caretaker of the Agrtoalturnl grounds •s o salary ot 540 per year, and fees con- nected with tie position ot poundkeeper, and that the services of Gordon Coasts be dispensed with. Adopted. Report of .peeiel committee read as tel lows • Your committee having considered the communication of E. Hato., would soy, that as action is being takes in reformat to the appointment of a pound keeper, and • Medical Health offoer, we recommend that no action be taken at promisee epee the ed h' The Latest and The Best Every purchase made of us is a stepping stone nearer the goal. Every transaction is a bargain, therefore a ,money saving investment. Low Prices coupled with Big Values is the combination that wins your trade in our elegant a.aH)rtntent of Spring and Summer novelties, consisting of Stapl _ and Fancy Dry Goods, DRESS GOODS, FANCY 000D8, NOTIONS, etc - There is a idling something about our Rums that places A oiur- 3Few�,iow es Lass nnaliLv you upperoao.t-�►.� �-1bs.�T-->� know you have thi silt. jou know von have the right trice. This is what we strive to vs ; this is what we di give Loo. • We try to slake the fair sad square deal that bring•. you to as the meow' time. We have just received our new Kid Gloves ; we expect the quality and price will scatter these gloves quickly among a prudent people. OIL •rave= 4T WWII PALL&. BELFAST. TrOIDAY, May 5 improve/wet Arbor day quite an improvemt w made is the school grenade, a number of trees were pleated, nod Nome sloe flower meads. ads.lentoA le. crowd •needed the quarterly meeting at H•ckett.s church ea Sabbath 1st. Tb. roads are now in esoelleat oosditios for wheelie". Some of the Carmen have finished seeding in this .ectioo. Herb Altos paid a eying visit to friends co he .lath ooe , last Suoday. LEEBURN. TrrtnAY, May 11. A SIL.' Oa J r attrt. -As this mosth marks the opening of the Ent Su.d•y school work in Leghorn, • speed sermon will tee preached by Rev. Mr. Hamilton o0 Sunday at the usual hour. The opening of the whorl led w having a B. C. 'Aeriepeevesmission, hewing a weekly peevs by the Rev. Mr. Da.kerly, is 1875. and • church built, Rev Mr. Dunkerley being the motor. With the union with the Method. rete in 1884 the staticalwas discontinued, .ad in the woe year the church build's& ee was cold to G. Hillier, who moved it to where farm, wbeit l sow seed as • dnvmg house. The Presbyterian Church. under the well known worker, Rev. J. Seivsrigbt,mtr oomeeosd mission /vioes in D.o.mber, • 1875,.& • church wee opened u om D..bsrr, miasma1878. ea the .it. of the miasma meeting was ho, bat wafterwards burnt. Of the pren.nt workers in the sund*y wheel. Galt tbe present superintendent, A. C. Macdon- ald. remains. and of its lee sheers many are now rtes heads of families, whose ohild mu now are attending the school. DUNGANNON.n Nortcw.-Thee local •geor V n for Tug ,)•*NAL la at the cellos of .1 a O. ee d oo J.P.. oversdsr, to.. wbo will r.edve or- ders tor subscriptions. advertising and job work. and la authorised 10 giro receitee for *mounts paid for the same Trs*DAT, May Horn ADAMN.-A. R. McKay, is home a foe the ve eatio DIV. Carla.-I6Tbao• oourt was held Dere by Judge Doyle on Tesedav of last week. 1.asvALt0rtee -We w pleased to know that Mrs. Jas. Wbyard is rapidly reoover tameat from her eat ilia.... COMP:4i AND Grose -Mrs. John Gay .ad u daghter Vella returned ea Wednesday of last week from • visit to fneoda at Ripley. JAMES ROBINSON. Corner Square al* West St. Cash Store. RNOLESILE * ARXSTRONO BRCS. A co. Pump Fanniag Mill Wolk: A N N r AL M rrri!.0 -The anneal sunbelt d Desea..es's public1lbrery was beide thereadies, readies, , MOM o. Monday evening. Further particulars is our nett. AteoR DAY. -Arbor day was duly ob- served by the teacher. and pupils of Dun- gannon rabble School in pleating trees, bowers, sued beautifying theschool premiss. FRUIT PeosrOZa.-lo the absence of John Frost, for about three or four imam, w we presume that i• ooguenos of great •pppp..aarrla•moe of bloom, the fruit Drop will be •bendier. Goes Tet Rase --0. Saturday last the re other matt.. Donlon in r oommceas- maims of Hugh Rutherford, aged 76 yon. ties. were interred in Deanna= 0.mot.ry. The Wo recommend that 1)r. Holmes he sp. dossed was Due oft . firm pioneers in the vicinity of St. Helm, and as • citizen, was highly esteemed. N.rr So PsoMtmerce-The f.11 wheat crop report not looking as promising as it did Nome Report of oemetery oommittes w.s read ewe weeks alto. being patchy on •coo00t of misted medical health officer .t • eatery of $52.00 per year. Moved by Wilson. seconded by Nichol - •a, A rise Whirr Sim Pm Verso... a seen .f teettetaese Kingston. May 4. -There la great ex- citement al Verona because o11 has burn etrtrrk at High palls, near there, where burinet has been going on for waffle time. 011 was reached at a depth of 120/ Beet. It IN Nae the era - tire dlwtrot Is rich In this product,tott the Standard Oil Co ham secured Pow erosion of the greater part of 1l. Ar rangventnts have been made to *tent wene at Mherbot Lake and of her plana. In 18. tonality. B. W Folger, sr., err marked If the strikes prove a rloh and paying one, which there le no doubt It will, Kinston'. forump Is made." that port be adopted Carried Y*.ur committee have had before them the following applications for the position of Nxton of Matched cemetery. viz : John Newcombe, William McCaugb an, Albert L. Hinoks, RIM. Wer. relates, Wm. Watt, W. F. Blair, Jas. Reek. Hy 1). Thomas. R. B. McDougall, W. H. !Webster, Robt. Hogarth, W m 1ntne, Robt Ruthenian, Thee. Job..too. Jae. Oke, Bea. Packwood, Id. Whitmore, Hy. Tahbourne, S. Yates, JN. W. Bell. and submit them to the council far the pur- pose Of @sleeting a metes. We r oommeed that the selection of • esztoo be made by ballot We .leo recommend that of Thos. Hood as sezton of tory be accepted, Moved by the reeve, °wooded by M. NisboLeoa, that the decrees of • o•edid•te be taken op as follows That the election be by ballot, that the names be takes ay separately,•.d that every applicant wbo doesn't erosive do baller on the first ballet be dropped oar, that the same ..ares be adopted throegliest autil.sly two remain, and the applicant who resolves • siejseity of the votes be de- tested ebsbd. Carried. Kaneda for • ssxtos thea took plans, end es the sixth eat.y two caedtdetes were left The vote weed as fellows : Jobs Newcombe 8 W. McCaw/has 6 Revise eaeared the set+les e4 the welt - kennel' teener, Jos. Prise, we are sew pee �� 1.4.557.14 all work is the Heats 1 n. RetinaW Mese ea all r..6ng, eve tresehiss, eta Penises 0uildieg would he well le sail sees before Maoism their orders CATTL. Tem. , Onshore and timers. the rodge.tioe Maitland cisme the tee and mow having lain too long upon tt However, it looks fairly well on herb 1�•a�ds, where spew and ice disappeared $1TI*1D Seeds our 1st the month of April 0retired with its predecessors of old s es Father Time, and since the inception of M• wether has boon, up to date. all tb•t itebe desired for seeding and growth of vsgetetio.. Quite • member of farmers are thread' Modem$ .ad are easily e5g•'ed preparing for root Drop•. Rsroar Cosvtwnus. In view of the en ming Dominica eleotio•, as •rnngemeet hes been made that • meeting of the •d. vestal of Reform, will be heed at Demean- ors, or Friday, May 810, to select a person te rawest the riding in the i)ominio. Parliament tor Met term of tenure. All 00seer054 take nese. IrrsovteattT5.-0er popular vet se barely o0r•ged in improving his premises by removing • building onto the property which be 'meetly poroha.sd, sad other im- provements es 01. household. .lobs Me- lees bee the eo.tr•ot for removhg the building . Renard Mallongh is staking prep•r•tfees tw reside on the property he bought from the aydtste, and is moving • building which he brought frost Heigh Oirvis. which be Wends to eooupy se • reddest. George Begley hen sem• °°eased week on Mn. Pates a sew rest- less* W. J. Smyth hos improved 01. premiss by erecting • plots% foam MIBB:B. YATEB are nowtezhibit- ing LATEST IMPORTATIONS - OT - CHILDREN'S PINAFORES LADIES' WHITEWEAR BLOUSE WAISTS A4o s C'nmpkls Stock to STJMMEt, Dd Y MISSES YATES. taODIC RICH, ONT. FTRP SE►ARTS&*TI A large stock of vert choice PIMP,. mean factum from selected Muskoka quartered pine with hearts eat out. These Pumps are manufactured is • stumble of Myles to sea everybody and every place Very easy wonting pump* for deep wells lrunceppod closed top pumps for school- ; •rd..l boom pumps, too. res. E .TIN'1t m mN 0M erg or prior% ter spraying trees. wa.bleg boatsier w•terlag gardens. eetlw gaieties fires. etc. special attention given to drawing water from well • distance from pumps Iron and woodiping; wood. ir..n pororWn o led or Mese : Drainage Piping any bore: 10 ife MILLI t wood or cement gleVER0e. UMW maim Mrs+. cuirass SAW. LAWS SWIM MIL LAma,etc..ete. spiral Meta, w'Aelil•% *EAT. .:RAIN Dad 0500 cis SAM\ dept.7A0lt/0.l WILLS. \illT L K'mES.s and a.E.S* -.11 kinds PUMPS FANNING All rock warranted. Mau orders promptly sad carefully •tt..ded to. ARMSTRONG BROB & Co Have You Called - 17 THt - NEW SHOE STORE Nett door to Mimes Yates' Millinery Store Yet ? MY STOCK is ALL New, Seasonable, end -up -to - elate in every respect, and will be soli at the lowest prices that SPOT CASH can procure First -Class (loots and Shoes for. REPAIRING promptly attended to at re•soneble preee+. [7Yoe Ana IsviTrn to call and examine my stock J. McNAIIGHTON, Cush and One Price Sine Store. SOME WALLS '_- -•-sem DAIRY TINWARE the have a fall .took eat ail kind* of DAIRY 1INWAR= Aro SAP BUCKETS which we are selling VERY CHEAP. A11 kind. of TIN, GRANITE AND COPPERWARE REPAIRED. CANADIAN and AMERICAN COAL OIL ran measure. beeped up sad mora, over WORSELL'S NEW FURNACE IP JUST THE THING fog 14511 NOOSES. come. and *re .i at J. H.WOASfIL <<o t • c.•. •• T. et -es ••.d Ferns* Mew THE BICYLES Season o/ 1896. ARE YOU IN IT? if yon are sot. you ought to be. for the oomlae team is going t0 be • greater succus for bicyclist in Ooderiob than ear of Its fre- do0omors. A RIDING ACADEMY far the training of Wheelmen and Wheel - women hes been established Is Ooderiob. and the straws Dam •heeded It last year warrants me In continuing the work. Perfect Batts/se- Om. Terms reasonable. SI A full line of flat -class Bicycle for hire. Now is the time to tet your wheels mod• ready for the .season. 5verytblag is the repair lits kepi on herd. sad none but skilled heads employed. JOHN YULE, Lief Bicycle livery, Kingston 8t. A FINE COMBINATION were not lnteoded for papering. Hut wall Nat me • part of ynar lute as much as the sky above do seed to no CLEAN. PRETTY sad CHEERFUL sad the debt Mud of Paper doss 1t. Oarppaappa.lf advertises Itself. and thot'e the moot @stlatab tory this. shin, our buten/se. Likely ems ft lend has told you about us. 11 not route a.d 504 our Meek. We w,11 advise and help you 1f you wish. Or env prices sae we thigh yeelt do business with a s. THS FAIR. ENMILLER WOOLLEN MILL Ae meal 1 shall be prepared to members WOOL** the highest mattes pries fee o.M. er will *x10.5/e for my 5,•.01ootor d articles. My meek of Froc13310 YARNS RQSJIQ SLANILITS FLAIR= TVUD8 and M sow *.d g�l�t*ed��s tamed of 100215 1LS0004 .5d free from steady of say depoliticise. weD.s•t ferp... I elW* PAY CASH for nt the highest pets 1a the market. MUM GLSDHILL. aggggdller. earn dile *108 Ace The oat fa press is repnsstsa•)zy V' Ware. the gesthed et Orr bsei.eee 10 reef sated by the quare sod the qty W please a ..peeos.tad by the tape makes • 6.e esmhlaa les. Thera is ea doubt that we are Offering Better Inducements sadey Ws .ver hire, sad we hope Dag pope'.°° will rah. sdess 5. of the owe& td y. Toes sewer wee a Mme whim sash • ago.sslemat et sw►elsm g..4. Nab IF seer as at ear rams Nee gems. T. •v.ii the calk grim party. PRIDHAM TaE rI'AILo>R.