HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-5-7, Page 3THE SIGNAL: OODICRIOR. ONT., THURSDAY MAY 7, 1f>K. 3 Deaf Marv. M f II IOHOI.IO�•R ,imadle L Pest OMes�D -I AI. i�1 �ia hand f , Ir•tastes same- tee avod l e- tl�tel� _ i 11. Y A NLE, D D. i , L. D $. , -DEW TA L Bt' R'. WN - Latest sad . r'rti•ood*•d for all dental operatlpa Prelates ever tem amend mob a tRss U oats Rublew s dry �Ma' 'Van"' me el est St. mud t•. gigues. fol t.i it. TURN, D.1.1 R. L.D,ri. paw itre ,i. IaeII Doles. el Ma It_Mtelseed Woe ppm s�amrtlaeal teeth @touted m MAI Sr Mw - las boor., meal •tte.Uw siren b the vati.m ti thRower tees h. It/.. Is kelese'e sow Mask alba Mtldleal. �R HCN PH) SICIAN. BUR OHM Mek gws, te. Orulose'. Me. Mesa oao•t. Nlgst 4111 • tram flsltrh Witty Hotel 7 J. HAMILTON, VETERINARY 1J M•raeaa, grads .i.4owed, V.tsritury 1 Tomato. o 11s� used moeeber rr Os M c ..t n ssakedes. Oak pti erloyded a au bue, die or sight �l j •.mugtome. .trent Oppe%tot an hers. larrialln Lieenses 1117 T1 • �fiie.•se• lorded a,Uum •R ; E Ls . 171. S. CA11EauN, BARRISTER, duLl- elver, t)esetta 0er. t.. O -•are • a.em.tit ta018110-01a.Ili. •.dap rag ata. p. Codeine Betel. L'1 ttNEtiT HEA1ON - BARRISTER, Ite• m a at direst. Saly 14.OAMPIoN,t,1.C., BARRISTKR, SOL. moor. Notary. d.a. Otdos over Medivai Ht11. ore. tted.rthe. ��•v, JOHNSTON, BAKKISTER, SO- Iet1er, temmlesinaer. ale. Mos.7 to goys, t)ooss C. 1lamlltos and W. As- drevi soca Yed.riob. Oat lel uirITSE. DANCEY, ksARRIhTER, J &Ascots,. (7unvoyaaoer, t°.. etc. Money to iota .t lowest room Flatus's heck. Op po4ts Colborne Houk •.dank. List. SIBI-r L' n. L1, tM L$, BARRISTER, PROO- wr u. Mania• Weise of tisane .etre death 0.1101a keel. XIS R. HAYS, B4KWbTER. SOLICIT O to Olio N.rta•.t., Wal door u Mast Bse. IM ewe • usda to lend a fewest ram ed later ot. Wee (I ABItOW -db PKOUDTuuT, BAR. l.1 resters. At'.iraeyrk ueitaun, tis, Gad*. riem. J r. Yarrow. tiC.. W. Prodt..ot. ('AMY1tJN, HOLT & lit 'Lissa, V lrrrleler., aotlettdre i. OhaMuir7 tea. .1.06 Cam b. Y. 0. Gumtree. t1.0. ; P. O him pally Holmes. O. WARD, OONVE,t YNuER, II • is.. and eemuataetuner for t•aad and re Sevass r.esgdmaw.a of biol. •idasita @t sanaJo.s, depoStioss or soloist. dml•ro- heos la or oeseeeal 04(y •0.. adt er pew muiat•d •a the t{igh 011 Loan of Jt.tw. ihs Coat at Appeal ter Ontarns. or to ars ':.ruse or Lovas. Cosrt. All ir•a.hotmes attati q sad w.Ytl7 aauptud. Redd.soe sad PM. he^rem-atlmmmra Oat 7111--tf LOWY Milli WiIYM• osiiv TO LOAM. - 414,111400•s 4 Prean Rads to lead at 14 pr - ipprte t)e1berne Week t.Msrteb. L,RIVATE FUIIIJe - PARTIES DE - Amur of obta,siag mow ee gut -lase arm m uri17 era do w at M per cent. by •p. 11 i.g to J. A. JUDO N Al) H Roam ltd. Free told Rend ige. Tereato. wpm (t KEAGER, CONVKYANCI.YG AND .d. 1a.utaaom oso.. epposito.11 irtb:4 Hot•1 R derteh. xi ON EY T1) LEND ON MORTGAGE gall •t be _Pee *mat. Notes discounted. C. BRAUER, adios spp*Nt* Martin's Hunt. 'soda rich. L1 J. T. NA TIL, FIRE, LINZ AND C . •coldeat W.r•s*. ''mast' •t WWII* rosea Oce --Oce. Minket. sad Beam Oud- area. 7X. V00,000 t - V00,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO W CAMERON ROLT sDOLIi> . O e ash. �r XX MO? 1Y TO LIIND.-A i A R O 1 amount of Privet* Fuad. ter Isveatnost at'owad ream.. ArmolaseM.rtpos.s. •heli o (ARROW & PROUDOOO'I �RADCLIFFE, OSNIIRAL :IN . sursa.s, Rest [state sad Meant Im••lag Adios. 0017 fIrst+dscs osmpanl •e nvromaiod. Mossy to land os straight loses at the lower rote .t Iateeet got la sails way to malt the eo,r'ewer. O and hoer hos Bgn•r*. Waw Bumf. Gods leeFi! 1rieSa its• Intfg$Y$.. �IODERIOB MICHANILM' INE1'1• T TUTZ LIBRARY AND WEADWIld. 1100*., eat. of hast street and IYIWe (af wie& trees from 1 to t rat.. and from 710 10 r.a. A'9OUT WOO VOL'B 1N LIBRARY. Loamy Daily, Ws. ly tied Illustrated Papers, Otaleekell, ek., eel P11.. HEMMER/MtTIMOR. ONLY •i- & senaug free use of Library ase Readl.m Awats•tleas tee men erahlp reestrsd be L. beer ss.. f • mom J. H. OOLRORNE. H. HAMILTON. flo6..l.k mMonth 1116 IRO Li . Alint10114161,111111. THOMAS OUNDRY. AUOTIONEER and l..msw Asea ticdertd. .Ont. Agent leaden sad rtrs Ise. Os.. sad Ogre Matelot Mata its. Co. anise 111 leaded M to any serf of the mum ntly JOHN KNOX, OEIIERAL AUO- tloo . sse .ad Lead Tamar. Y.dsrlo6, oatHavasa bad ....ldes.w sallgadeplelab switsilsassi=4.4.11._ teall nesr thaws. with \'mises unrested to histion ba M .tIi'e Raga, et .eat by .tau to 61s add Md.-ri06 P.O.. esretdly attended to. JOHN [PDX Musty Auedsmer Whitt Professional. E. C. IITEELK (grit motes'., elnV1100. D1AellIMMI $. yet LCA10m. Of6i _1J5r. R•eilt.a.sd Newpte-n.49 bee •SEEv3• JYNMa r7i . gallSTT eR IPM*. MllItllnt M [I. a; B ape. R arse/. /Ml. . O Icl SLL0s.ss..�Inerrrttl°°shag' Ms. 7i .i6 A a -_""""ter r L sect. -Smoot ll WIstdow .0 each i ft sadOhm Cm .sows' *1 ( mass. Idsssna Waster i H - 1'.-- aTre m. . NEWSPAPER STORIES. Trials May Reese. 1Ms•teas. Oar severest Miele are set le be tram of te ethers. yet they aro never tee 001- 5.17.0 alma White we have • p.ouliarly grains ozporioros we ought to ask ourselves bow we ea Improve this for the besdt of semehedy else. It oaths to make ee wiser and sero symttet6etto u 6eha11 of these ate ore Marts, because .f ser through widish they have passed Per.oaal dimp- polamssa that we must keep to_ *armless ars set to he kept for ourselves. While He kept his Ieeeletten, .d became • pare n eeded, ..ilea, Moored matlem•a. His rale and •:seepie are worthy of unmtt•ttw. Boys readily learn • elsem of low, vlgar aspremee•, which are .seer beard In re epeetn6M sleeks The .unset ..are Of the parents sea scarcely provost it. Of mares, so one thinks of girls as hetes es stook •s posed M this peril We e.aot imagine • detest girl mar words eke would net utter holey her father sad tanker. Sash valiptrity is thought by same boys to he "mart," , the mit this to ew er- iee." sett "sot so wicked," bet it is s habit which loads to protwty tad Alb the naiad with evil thoughts. It ✓ ale* soothing about them, we moth, •-nlgoru-. and desredee the enol, sad pee- s fool sad speak mere ten.berly Is vow of p•ren U.n era))• fer MAO! -1 On groes and them, and so our *rule u..y b.•oome • Li os 1.01101 ono *Mai met a•rrupr .0o1e•7.- w to others. '1`e. (.•ir*ti•n, • Sheep Retort. The animist and oelebr•ced Welsh preacher, Rev. (•ri•tmu Evans, who dared publicly to express thaokfulnere to God be- fore his oeagregatios for Jenny Lubeo Weenie' sowing, bad se • member of his oo•nrsgauos • strut 1•oed Oleo'', who on the Said suo•sioo Kut oat from hr cast sad walked toward the pulpit •ad stood os the stops, and 'eked the preacher whether • mu dying at one t f Jeney Liad's 000 arts would go ta h• eves. •' Str," replied Yr Ewa, •' a Christian will go to hmvm wherever he dies, bat • tool remains • fool eves us the pulpit steps. - use' e1 peer. The S:otohman • disposition to regard his own Ii tgment as t ter liter that oan he found is teed illustrated to . store uooe told of • tmederator of • Hooton I're.bytory. This r.a'a opiate d demi widelt os • certain quoit*.e rotaunv i o church di.oip• line gruel that of the associates with ahem ho wee est...i' ly coquetting. At lest be mart he is ...I lay !he matter before the Lord in pr•yor, and then wart fnr His said- •i;e '-1) L.'rd,' .ad 'h.- moderator, f•evereat. ly and with peofro't sincerity of purptse,"O Lord, great that we may be right in this matter, 1.e. Tao ko .west that we sr, very decided..' Tho Christian t'blaamaa. A Cinemas applied for a position of cook in • family whloh belonged to • feeh.noabl. obarch. The lady eked him " Do you drink whiskey • ' No, 1 Cheuan moo. •• Igo yes ply cards " No, I Cli.tiai man.'. He was assayed and fennel honest and capable. By and by the lady rave • pro t r ssive euchre party, with wens •osompant• manta. John did bum part •ooeptsbly, hat the west morning he appeared before hr mistress. " I want quit. " Why, what is the matter!' „ I • Chaim man : I told you se before. No works. for 'Melioan heatless '" A Fera Tear RidCrlevnare Removed. In Bath, Oot., Chase's Kidney Liver Pills are • standard remedy. Joseph Gardner. of this town, suffered for 40 lean with inAigestioo and its ever pre- sent •ocompannueot.-cnnsttp•tion and headache. K & L. Pill. are the nilly remedy that gage him relief. 25 rents a hoz, of all druggists. One pill a dose. Lepamy la Canada. It lm proposed to transfer to Trao•d1e. N. it, sine lepers a,w held in 000fisemett ,n British Columbia. A new lareretto costing about $20,000 wee reosetly erected at Tr.- o•dia. There are • ei nine male and az teen female p•tieote in the hospital. For many years Dr. A C. Smith has been is charge of for tetitutioa. Regerdteg the moults ot has experience with leprous p•tisete, be says t8.t no spwtic cure for leprosy hem yet bee. dt.00vered Hie predecessor, Dr. Nioholeo sad also Or. Smith treated several of the lepers with coloured water to see if the in- fluence of the mud over the body would [lanes • •hangs. and is every leets•s it did os. For rosea all symptoms of the &...m were in abeyance and then was • decided improvam.ot, but this was only for • time, and it seamed as though the diatom made up for lees time afterward. 1.hbtag 1* Is. Never use • liniment for rheumatism, says a hitch medical authority. Don't rub it ii -drive it out. Take something that removes the acid poison from the blood -take something that will improve your digestion, and build up the body to the perfection of robust health. That "wmething' is Scott's Sarsaparilla, a re- medy tbat obtains the beet results in the shortest time. 81, of all druggists. • Load Creed. 1)o not keep your love and tenderness sealed until your friends are dead. Fill their lives with sweetness. Speak approve tat. obeering words while their sari man h ear tion, and while their hearts 'tan be thrilled tad made happier by them. The kted Mahan you mean to say- when the, are gam, my before they go The flowers you mean to meed for their coins, seed to brighten sad sweeten their homes before they have them If my friends hays al• - baster bones laid away full of fragrant per- fumes of sympathy and •feetha whiob they imtesd to break ever my deed body. I would rather have • plan soli* without • Sower, • f.•ersl without.. salary, than • life without the.weetases et love tad sym- pathy. Int es kern M saint ear triesd• belereb•ad for their beri•L Post mortem kiadoees does not ohm the burdened spirit. Flowers of the oofio out no frac rams beamed over 16. weary way. Seger acid the Trop Ns. Sem* ens gives the follewi.g soosaat of dog heroine : This is • deg story i• which Sow is the sera The eek anions' *bat is the last ma days tial Roger had developed • terrible appetite, sad wee mot satisfied with one base, hat bass stand anal 6. got two sr 16ens, sad thea he would start of with them la 8h, m..18. The leek thought he buried 1hist, se be determined to follow ►tee eau day aid fad out what he did with them. He alleged him rim to the ban. and clew to the bars there is ate mood hayrfek with • knee armed it, end there is a terser wen • poet Utile miserable deg. He was este with whim we wars not •equa tesd, and there- fore we sallied him • tramp der. He was Neve eyed vol .buy, sad se peer that wase his Mail wagged la appryst&N.m ol Rsten brlmgiag him hoses his jean would make • *time like o•edpapsr Tugela pat down the been b fang .t air Mo. make • little 4.r rA, sad HH dew* and wench IM pees I*M10 *may ewe to teat then tom. -Ram's Harm. Ann a She= McR16. Ma • d 1616.w.t1 anther says : w I resolved whim I wee • ANL mem 1• use a word 1 HEY net pgsumos bolo. 4 EM61g." • Fatally MQere IS Wow r • 15085.. •'sampan. Mr. Neil Monism. 51. Jake, N. B : "My daughter, Mrs Gregory, has had rheuma- tism m bad daring the last year that .he was seal l• to help her e8,14,....r attend to her household duties. Eve,) him meg- tuble was turd, but •o •o no., I• es. I e w at last reoomtaeidsd to get Routh Ameril:.. Kbous•uo litre. Doe bottle oured esy daughter within four days. and I take mem pleasure in giving this reooes..ai•- tien. Sold by .I F. Devi. • 'seed tortes. •'I need oil. said an ancient meek, so he planted an olive wpltmg. "Lord,' he prayed. "it needs rain, that its rote may drink and swell. Read gentle showers." And the Lord seat • vans shower. y/y' "Lord." preyed the sok, "my not seeds sun. Send sun 1 pray The." And the sun shoo., gildiog the dripping clouds. -Now Frost, my Lord, to brace its tisanes ;" said the monk ; and behold, the Tittle tum stood sparkling with frost. 851 •t amino it died. Theo the monk sought the cell of • brother monk, and told hie strange experience. "1, to, have planted • little tree,' he mid, "and see, K thrives well. Rut I .e - trusted my little tree to its (;red. He who • it knows totter what it needs than • an like me 1 la,d ne 000ditione ; I flied .o wave ser meati. 'Lord send whet it needs,' I prayed -'storm or sunshine, wind, non or frost. 1 hou hast mode it and thou dint know. :elected.. Justice 1■ the Taal. Fashion. A certain captain mos left Marseilles for China, but, being buffeted by the winds, muds for the harbor of Tunis to .wait bat- ter weather. The collector of the port came o board, •end, although the osptsin stated that he wee treighted tor Canton, and bud nothing to do with Tunis, the collector euo- tsed.d an proving to him that he mut pay his harbor does. Captain B- did so, hut instantly re- paired to the p•I•ce of the Bey, and de- manded justice. „ Good Frank." ..id the Bev. " 1 •m your friend. What do you want •" " Highness," said the captain, " your ('.atom -house has robbed me. I had to pay unjustly , Excellent individual,' answered the Roy : " in this oomatey, when we have the es...v, we keep it. The first salutation ie • difficulty. bet to give book • thing Is un- 6mowm in Africa." Shall 1 not bays justice, then 7" •' Cert iily you *h.11 : evervose has Teets ice in Tunis W.Il you hare it in French or Tuna fashion • .. French justice, ' I •m I0 • her ry. .. •' So be it then," said the Bey. " What is your rano • Marseilles map and 20.000 oottnn cape." " It is well ; go away and 6. tranquil." The hey the tmmmoned his V,zur. '• Vizier,' maid he. •• we love justice : we love the Franks, Proclaim that .very Jew who •ppmrc out of doors tomorrow without • oaten cap will have a little tr•ac•otioo to settle with me. There were some thousands of Jews in ILIUM, and there was oot • single ootten o•p- The unfortunate men were preparing for death when they learned that Captain B- had an abundance of the desired ar- ticle. That mm enough : he was able to? dispose of hie entire lot at 8s. • cap. He ruebed to the Roy s palace, and poured nut hie thanks •• Not so fast." said the Bey. " I have tet done yet. Vizier, proclaim that every Jew who keeps • oottoa cap another hour will hove trouble with me." The Vizier made • greed salaam, and re- tired. What Captain B retuned to his ship, he found • crowd of Jews already sweatier him, cape i0 bend. He pureb•sed all the articles agate for Id. spicae, and west es to Canton with his cargo intact, and her parse laden with the silver which had been iagrked from the Jews. PROTESTANT AND CA l HOLIC CLERGYMEN. Ave of Or.. Rind Tosehing Ise Remedial flar•eter of 1h,. Amaro'* Catarrhal P owder. While Protestant. and Retina Catholics are wide apart se to oert0i0 remedial mos urea proposed lately, they find somemo amet1tn vowed is Dr. Araew'r Catarrhal Powder. Take Hamilton alone. 111ir med- ialis hes bees mod by Presbyterians like the Rm. Mango Freest. D.D.,ud Rev. John B•stt, D.D.. by Epica.p•li•na as with *6. Rev. N . H. Wad* sad Rev (''bas. E. Whit- eman by the wall-ksewn B.eptiat Rev. G. Arian..: by premisent members of the Methodist ohnroh, and by the Rev. Father Hinobey, and manly of hie psriehioagrs. They •11 tell the same story of the great good this medians has death theca The sem story has omit from the mon protein eat clergymen in Tomato ••d elsewhere. It is unlike my other °Merr6sl remedy, simple. easy and pleasant b t.ke,.ad gaiek in • nun. it will give relief is ten 'names in H• Fever. Bold by J. E. Dttivb. PHOTOGRAPHY CURES DRINKING. mr..ve*1 by • Woman Whoop ■.sem.d Was Rewe •ddke.d se IW see. Photography, whleh wee at 6ret employ - .d merely for the purpose of saki.e per trsib, has greatly broadened its geld of tw- fnaem. It in sow used ee .. •dj.sot to Emmy of the arts sad eai..esa is edge. Ing it is idispeseible. Is .n,weEy is hes helm of emermesa mmmmEmoa f • ... 4 y it bee 111.4 • want Wog fol'. its vrr7 Itoty o n is hi t8. line of tempmrssa Prwpntt see tri redphetesnpiy may be • msec sen- e.aaf.l apes* the ...ppressies of the hg.er Wit them the asst etq..s* prehi- bMba man too over brow a bromine The 6.p.rtant dignnvnry .f Who mow •pplia•W . f pbolioarophy omit about es follow : A w mmm i• 8alwvllln P1 ., w6• W sof- farad stoat Annan for yarn a •5.1.00 of beer km•6.ad's ...vlvt.l h•hi*, *.Mania•• at bin 0850 he sb.ld know bow M naked Inns b• woe Amok. 16. Isis ems this would be d dnrAoeebk roveMtee, for. Nb teen mer who tirtak to mom, 6e never •p- po•red to'8106 fiat he Welted any were tem ether me.. 10 mos, aim be maw home .oder /he mamma" of more Lauer than was •bsolet•ly seomsaary tad fell tato • media clamber, she cent for • photographer, sad ordered hos to take • peter* o1 her aemb•ed ea he eat In hie °hair Ther the photographer did faithfully. and W picture was • great cm- .ees, betas an .:calla. likeness Nort morainic the boohooed found the piMasnplt iylat beside hie plate at the- ast table. There was .o new of ex" plaa•tie., for it szplsined omit. He btadtel It long and bard, aid then p*.oed it is his tomtit poodle, Seco then he has not 4k.. • driik. DIZZINESS IN THE HEAD 1rt. 1. a Sore Pse.■r.er sr Apopie ay. had M. tg.ew •''are for the Peart siesta as Once 6. rale.. N., one o•e reed the daily papers with ..tai bolos ..r,..u.I!! tnpiess.d with the last .het • large sumpeople to the pretest me have withlo their .ahem the evtd..o. of •poplezy This is .ms and lett often is • 'refold's", and asoertatan y of the limbs, and frequ.-tatty in an unpleasant dtut..es .ad bantams of the brad. He u• very en - wise uses who, ksuoia. Howe symptom to slut, dost not premp.ly aka measures to have them removed. W• know of no rem *dy that las bean so remarkably .uooseslul .a the p•rtio.lar as Dr. Ara... s Cato for Me Heart. Primarily it te • beset oure,but it is equally effective In what is to some ex teat • p•r.11e1 disease, •popletio system*. In • omen. whim unusual heat prevails and exalt/moult ruts bash, .e are do1(14 • kmd- sem to mos end wumea, I.t le'rug them Imo. of this r•-nark•t le manor.. Sold by J. E. Devi. Less •..care. Professor Pro(•lem-It take. • yard and • bell of muslin to make • bat • shirt. How many .hirt• ons he got nut f six verde' Toby Tooyuick- Four, so ; but 1 k*.w of • man that got more than that ..at of one. He got five of my bag Grethen end three of mine from our back yard one i:*1ht last work. The first regular peal et M.I. tune in Keg .w.1 eta tI.•tfnt M 1' pe l'.1 ztu. 111. ee • precast 10 King'. College, t'•mbridge, in 1466 1 -IM RENC By la use yes roes cover Ms bald spot with • lazmrt•*t growth et hair. Gentlemen,- Please send me another three dozen or your oelebr•ted •Wreae." Every customer le delighted with it. sod daring I& years' experience to the drug business I have sever known any preparation except Lilo that world positively restore heir and thoroughly remove dismiss d the .rslp. Yours truly. Joan McKim. Druggist, Teterboro, The Only rr.p flat at tow Mak* I7izir Crew. Sold in Godertch by W. t' I:( 1014.:. CASH for BUTTER and EGGS i 8... still . (raw DRYGOODS STRAW HATS which i am willing at • radon. on in it coo At die Cash Grocery. H. J. HORTON, rear. ■.srreal-st and 1Mosar.. THE STAFF OF LIFE, Adulteration and substitution in food pro dodo have of late years become so grave an evil. that (.overnmentsevery where have been obliged to mil in the services of aayalyste'0 cboca their spread and save the live• of the people. One of the most important article of food unquestionably is BKLAD. Yoe pure wholesome Rand. It man be made from Halt mod Hop Yeast ; for this reason It is easily soluble an the intone of the stomach. or. ia other wont.. light of digestion. Hop and Mali Yeast la pronounced by the beat analysts to Ragland to be the pare and unadulterated yeast. and is owed by the beat bakers la the country. IN MY BAKERY You ea get for one cent as much Bread made from Hop feat as you can for three cents from the pressed yeasts which are forcing thetaeelver on the public, but which do not sad cannot rive the soma sweet flat orad bread MY BREAD IS MADE FROM THE PURE MALT ANI) HOP YKAST AND NO. 1 MANITOBA PATENT FLOUR. Tn it and prove for yourself. It Is the most w6a1 sad .weetem bread that can be produced yid say yeast os the merbet. ley nag ezpesfiM In the Bakery bassoons hue proved th•g1 Ir M tort. D. CANTELON. PANCAKE BREAKFAST Is Who thing foe thi.' sages of the year. If yet have .ever realised this before, you will whoa you have tried mesa of our PAN_ CAKE CEREALS. imotco aessed with sena of our PURE MAPLE SYRUP •sod OOFFEE Ws all lbs Row Roo& processes C. A. NAIRN. MAMMOTH WHITE ENSILAGE CORN Will grow on any soil, and Stands dry or any weather Better than any corn in the market. I have dust received a carload of the above -mutual corn from Illinois, and as it is the beet grower and moot prolific in the markets, order* should be lett at once. T. J. VIDEAN, The true-tonan,. Seed Ston. Common Sense BICYCLES BUILT TO FIT THEREFORE FIT TO RIDE You have seen the above words so often that they are engraved on your mind. It's a good healthy thought ; leave it there. Send in your order for a " COMMON SENSE " now so that there will be no delay when the riding season opens. • We intend to have a BIG BICYCLE OPENING on APRIL lst. A finer display never before seen in Goderich. All are invited. .'1,.. 3111.1.113 1i$ -3E A nutnber of 64 ,01) second-hand wheels for salt. GEO. W6 THOMSON, POTMAHOFF TEA. We This new blend of tea for family use is now on sale at our store. . have also the finest in FRUITS and VEGETABLES and keep on hand full lines of best Family Groceries, and the most reliable in Dairy Produce, Seasonable Fruit. and Vegetables. STURDY BROS. The Grooers, on the Square. A Little Knowledge to the fact that the is not a dangerous thing when it directs your attention Forest City Business and Shorthand College, London, Ont. is giving the most practical and business like coarse in Canada. Everything strictly high grade. Write for catalogue and College Journal. School re- opens Jan. 2, 1896. J. W. WES'I'ERV ELT, Principal. I. The paper upon which this is printed wait made by • •�• • The E. s j. '')'\' Co., • • • s Who exclusively sI17 pls this new.paper. CHEAP CHOPPING AT THE GODERIOE WOOLEN MILL. I beg to my that i have opened a store corner of Colhorne-at sled Square, in Mr. Lewitt's Knitting Factory, and have made arrangements with Mr. Lewitt to attend to the selling of our popular Woolen goods. Yon will final our stock frit clam, and made of pure wool, well selected, eonsiating of TWEE1;9, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, YARNS, ETC. Now is the time to buy your woolen goods as wool is fast advancing in price. Buy before the goods go up. i have rut a new Grain Chopper in the Woolen Mill, and will be prepared to do cheeping every day. Grain ground flee or coarse, sad have pat the price down to 4c. per hundred pounds, hoping by doing good work and fair dealing to rooeive a liberal share of your p•tronago. G.M. COLLINS.