The Signal, 1896-5-7, Page 22 THE SIGNAL : OODFBIOH. ONT.. THURSDAY. MAY 7. 1811 _ __I Slut mid 8rowa's ITdgettiag Moog flu bath - ' tan steep .ed hies Ors facial's hand. Re 1 naso }as. Was shag. MO .lamb ' mks!. 1 asst be e/." hod oo.te••ed all tel sr, his .tier twenty ' 81. M�•sv«.4• ie M•h wrr• ►w t her o/ she medeie., wtN 1M ttaGalt that •'Goodbye, old chap. .end .... the leas wt It hehoo.d hies te she to t. -day eared .l that kreakiae up et Rtrhard Bailey watched W old Gatorade I marry his canes.; sad lead *eked bar to for- the goon the, shrommeed her thew year. in moor stomps drive off to Hoover* Nark I give bra. Aad *be had forgives blm, bfave- Ha y« seemed Le otos •p le these sones• h vet t•artvIIY. Them is ..obi., wo.derlal la w feet *echo.. I Aad so ha ntr•od le step., thbhiaR 81611611"1.11611111111. kalA Mr. IJt.wody Weald yw.b.is M the the waaderfal geaeramty sad shwas.eio d •14 paope kirasgk.N Nb •'Liout*sat Hebert laassrr,"Mora my 1 each Ghost bred load that with old age den net no - hill witbt° btmsslf, "II F.I. M (Aril yen I sehltases at some ritls,erd the extrema ae- oeasarot soma dsolue, dsoropitud• sad dn- easy stake capital tensing fee ms. it's • i'Mobility of orh.rs ewe Why should we act hoe tato the deuo•d bad, bold seem to play, kat I'm go- Now, however. • eteror shock cisme up- eighties and .holler sad aro« the herder of ins to try it. The little Kelsey is worth all en him. the wtery South Americas Nerving, whether the the wlumh✓ she takes " H. found his enols patty moth when he prion is old or your's'. gets at the sores Abut two hours afterwards. Richard Ind lett him, but •tone dead. rhe blood emires, and when they are Imps is peeper Birkv himself turned oto the avenue of .ltd meths ore his fees showed too, bow h. .endtuos the system is as well •hlit to with- .sworth''ark. Beanew well the moth- had did. H. had bees shot stesA disease at fig as at 30. With t►M "nth - Resew', propwt 1s view, who world net Iry to an ototal habit. of tares formidable person, Sir 11.old ego and oi•.y the pleasures of family. Randolph Granger, Hrrbt • and K.tey afeint-is and society, and t.k. part to wat..h- ! mole. 1'l. syrure would still have his Eva Bust w •uo.reu why nor brother Mg the marvell sue program sad d•ve!op- wrthy nephew fart buttosb"led es the lib- was •o very anxious they ebould not mina mMts of thew clown* day of • woedrld very. Ao1 it was all odds that Mose *he train to London that afteeeoea. Mara- dentary, whieh marks as cot the least of it. Retry would be st large in the Peek, oar over the had not thought to have he. nam- woodrrful door -menet the di•oovsry of the house. pay. He loaned ea wirier to the friiead Routh Amrl.ialt \erviae' H. rang the bell and left . note for the who was to have Dow her to Comes so eat BASEBALL AT OODERICH IN 1895. that h• sparing her that trouble. lieutenant, then strolled slowly away. coy A Net lew of the Game fee 10s rad gee - As he expouted he dtwavered Sir Rea- They got to Canoes. dolph'u pretty niece. She ws. peactistaa a " You never mesa that you're toter to high .putted pony And she proved that devote yourself to me'" Eva asked on the .he was perhaps e•luelly bigb-epirited, by second day. taking the words out of Mr Batley's mouth " No, my deer ; I'm off to Monte Carlo whoa he scooted her, and saying point- th • morning, with your permtesioe. Bat I block ' shell come back to you. 1 I feel seedy " "1 •b.11 be really much otlined If you'll •" I'm sure I'm only too phased you can excuse me, Mr. Raley. This •Isodrnpd .h stop, ' said EVIL " But, loot take the sorbs all est attrition, and you end I see pspere with you again and low them. quite enough of each other •. general kick promised. Tot Leek them. t1mg. it was now that Eva guessed a little of With that she galloped away. her brother's intentions. "Snub ' said Richard Healey. "Rot Then is something in them that he does better to begin with nen than to end with ' not want me to see. 1 wonder what tt u," she said. With that she was pr•partn✓ to stroll to • aetghboring villa, where she koew they took the London journals, wben the •errant appeared. '• There are two gentlemen asking for Nnn.teur Bailey, o.d they are unwilling to "o sway Eva saw them. They were not gaito gentlemen, she thought. Rut they seemed so determined to have an interview with her brother that she told them where he was Three hours lour, without any foes, Richard Bailey was arrested. He pretended to be intensely surprises,. " The murder of Sir Randolph (:ranger "•it might have been wore", though," be he exclaimed. " Do you mean to say that he is dead and that 1 am suspected of kill- iog him PAIN -KILLER TIES GILT Family Medicine of the Age. Taken Intsrst.11y, It Cures D1errb.m. Omusip, and POIe la the Stem vitt arra and, 8rddsa Colds. e_sr eta..ta. UMW [xfmrnally, It Gums Cada. /rttha4 auras, Soald., 8prdyy,, To.tbsd., Pala la the Face Nafru/gIR Rheamatiaw, frosted Feet. ■e rltW Wer setrlad a• .si. ratesare maim. Weir mew arena. r Y• anew d tae raft. lOe. Wiliam w to Byte oilers 11:0=::: en.mt Nr •ea asr ate le s led .wr.•a•• tae /IMAM... oft w r MO* it_sea .seen, aeeie•* ten r oft- Tamar. ...""k11011,1111101.01; SS • HMIS et miaowing ▪ man as rertre W •ween. • nwY•.+ agog an 110.1. rh►t.[4 m.dralb esti ennimbi* PE... Maadd nwiwriaee. rice *ss 0. THE WOMAN OF 1 HE FUTURE. Ob ! The wo..a.• of the lours ! Sound the trump•,► -beat the lruuu' She h u Jaused 11,e cost end breeches and 1n triumph on .1*..romos ; She has fixed bar veug.lul optic on the trrwbiteq tyrant men, She has sworn to quit th. bon i.ge of the washtub and the pan Shebaseworo to cash the .[..put, sod to pug his beet timer, Sworn to spout from many • pulpit. mud to practice .t tee bar, Sours tu. hp bar floe nnslets, e nether suture, •.lack, ••i orison And to row upuu to upper I.p a tiny crop of down. She sill come .w oom.s s cool ieror and she'll .001 o hill and woo, And she .1 who to for her d.rliug when she 00015 to 410 sod waw : And .he'll or .ve the boot op tomes of our own rive papa, And eh•I hag et in a floozy when we bid her' .1.10,.rn0i. And 41.'11 leave u• to the evening, saying, " R ..k the ,write, .Iohi ' If you're loseeom+, darn some stockings, dear, or sew *WHO boom,. oo ; Pray be careful •hat you don't disturb the baby's oft repose, And you 11 find his teethes bottle close be - ode his lit 1e muse Aad the pride of man .hall dwindle and hu glory fed. .••,, Like the gino v of .he sunset is the train of parting .toy ' And the 'owe -t,00•rded petticoat doll be his funeral pall. Aod • c•cki.nit Heo•l'uoventioo scream • pima at his fall. THE .1I"FAllt AT I►.1 \ 11'(OI{TI! DARK. LIEUTENANT Herd art Granger was far hum happy, although he was merit toting. with fur prospect* of suc..w, the step that would moke kin., Its helieved, the moat fortuuate fellow so the world. For most of o. i1 is spectre was • partiea larly ugly one. He took out hu notebook. The trate was going fifty silo en hour. It may hays been the ...citation that touted him to use • very emph•tin expletive ; or perhaps the figures in his Musk. Thea he lol.ed back and shut hu .vee He thought r.ow,not of the oasis whom for so many r•as••s he yearned to marry. but .1 someone else. He hid loved this ooe,too; indeed, loved her st111, though feebly. A pretty evil, it seemed to him, that he was destined, whichever way he turned and whatever betel him to make one or other of thaw food ureaturee miserable ' " ico is life'' he murmured: and tried to 6a.i • cynic'. oomlort in the thought that the best thing .her ell was to go straight for what seemed best for himself. To do him Puttee, he had made sundry vtrtao0 resolves about the luture, If Iutk favored him. Baleen h at lot • The familiter little station st which the express stopped specially; and also the fa- miliar form of old Itrown,hu uncle's veteran coachman. But, by .love, here ton was another fsmil tar Baum, by so meso• so welcome. "What you, Ihek," he stammered, as he offered hit hood to • man shoot hie own age and apparently hM own .tali... "How sr. you. Bert : goal lock hitting you like this?" ,aid Richard Itailet, with well -feigned gladsome "(oalouod it a11, bow he reminds me of F.va," thought tie lieuteeset. "I/own for the .hooting, you know,- he said ;"I expect the inventor and 1 will have • quiet tura your way **storm(• Will try and look you up " •Don't prevaricate, old ohao," said Rio - lord Bailey, with s *mile. "I've beard of veer prime intention. Von shouldn't ex pact Witworth to keep a memo He drop- ped me a Zine shoat it." The lieutenant's ooantesanee ohanred oo1r. "Oh, never mind." continued the other. •'i ;0it• tee your Gets, sed te tome extent you have my sympathy. A fellow must, 1 suppose, ire •.cording to the bend of hie cire.sstenose, Rat it • rough on pone Ore Merin so dairies.'. • l'pes my semi, yea know. lhok '•1 .aderet..d everything, old .hap,- in tempted Disk Ridley with his hand tightly ea N *lieutenant's "beside". "I'm Eris brat►or, het I'm roar friend still, 1 bops." "11a.k yea, Dat, res Mere. "And it's ea moo to ewe. Dost, 1 advise yea N fist *Mgt nettled jail as seen as yen G em An the ....try is after year saeM's IOM" "like." amid the IL.tant.t asrs.stly, •Etta as. a tromp. sed Meg m• 11 i feriae ell p4 my wed le this were erasing. o0 As if she relented the rirl oelled back - ••How U your mow "Oeotencod to exile this morning," Dick replied. 11 The lieutenant did not muob like the 11;.t11 his (trend had brought. 1t was as fol- lows '- "Dearest Boo -Dick say you will be near the lodge, he •xpsota, an the opening •hoot with your uncle tomorrow. Please I "ole an and say good nye. 1 .m to leave F:n✓Iaod the doctor says --either forever or the winter. For old times sake dyo't re- fuse me this last favor, "Ever sincerely. .,Et.A." Ittlect.4. •' Poor Eva ' That settled her. But adieux ere always tiresome, and in circum- " Precisely.' was the reply. "I should bays thought,-' he was incaut- ious enough to remark, " that then was more evidence against lieutenant Granites.. What motive oould I have had'" Bat at a word from his captors, he fell silent oo the subject. Tbey were right . be had better bold his tooter. (Of course, at 'he outset, everything had pointed towards Lieutenant I tr50ger u the doer of •he deed. He had odmitted as muob himself, and made no objection when the polio* took °bergs of him. The butler remembered the little scene in the •monog-room and had meotiooed 1t. He was feeder of hu dead master than of the young solder. Moreover, the lieutenant heel deoli0ed to say when he was when, according to his story, his uncle had been shot. But to his dropped Into an easy- chair to the smoking. lawyer, under pressure, he told evrvthiog. room with the yu et orthodox post-prandial Aid this gentleman. confident to hu know• inch of phystoiat 000teotn sot, lodge of human nature, especially feminine "1 m ageing, Herbert," he remarked. I nature, had written to Miss Halley. Eva "Never saw you lotki.y baiter," [mid NG gat the letter oo the afternoon of her bro- Iteutenent stoutly. I thee. arrest, and straightway returned to After a few more remarks of this kited, is England to give her evident's. which the oo eco fluttered himslf that he I But the worst witosne egein•t Richard bed ntoely un oohed the way, he plunged I Bailey was the little boy of all -work em- ployed about the lodge. The led had sees his master leave the house just at the time when Sir Randolph was supposed to have been mutdeoed ; leave it steeltbily, too,with • tun in hut head. At the inquest it had been Lieutenant (:ranger who, in the opinion of well-nigh everyone, was rightly charged with the "Oh, but It isn't. It's Kerry." crime. "About Kaley ' What .bout Ketey !•' Rut at the assizes it was Riohard ttaiey thundered the old gentieman, who stood in the .rook to plead fnr his life. it was a reel •ituatioo for Eve. She ',same It k• those e000mpwing her and atm ••bs+etly tiresome. ' He was delighted, bowever, te find how cordially his little cousin had greeted him. "You're the one soul I've been glad to see these weeks past," she said as she let him hold her bawl, pram it and gaze into her beautiful eves. 'And you Kalil ale the chief minuet that has drewo me to 8axworth. "Serious •'l)n my honor.' After that hoped burned brightly to her breast But he was destined to have • cruel setback in the evening. Sir Randolph was ea formidable to him as to Dick Halley and miry other The lieu tenant needed all his pluck to come to the point. He arrived after dinner. They had both dined well. and the old squire had into business. "Hy the -bye, may 1 speak to you on a very senora matter, sir'' be asked. The old squire pricked up, bent • GUM gee upon the lieutenant, and replied;: "1f money's your theme, you can hold your tongue. You ve made your own The lieutenant quaked, but continued : "i wish to ask your ocn•.ot, sir. that 1 may marrt her. "The deuce you do, Herbert Granger ! " cried the old mac. "Then you must pre- pare to he disappointed. What ' • Ivy young spendthrift, sod worse, like vou,pro• paw for the honor of ray heirs' hand! Not • Mt of it, I may be • trifle babied the time+ in some things, but I'm well .bead of them in believing tallows Itbe you ought to be made reap se they have sown. (let oat, Wiiliams Ito the huller who had looked nal. Nephew nr no nephew, there• nothing like plain speaking. What have you don to deserve such luck, 1 wonder "1 hope in future, sir-" "The future, Hebert, is bolls ore the post, and that's my last word ore the sub ject. ' The lieutenant went to tied that sight fully alive to the magnitude of the "ksnok' he had received. lint he was net thoreagh• a "DT ly beaten. HonestIy,ea be bothered, he did mean to ran straight for the rest of his days He hoped his uncle would think hot- ter of his &elision.'. The nett morning both mea were up be times for • first pop at the pheasant.. Ap p.reu•ly both in geed hunter. Stir Rae dolph preferred to disposes with • keeper wh revere it was .seely. H• was soma* is many ways "All we wast tie lit d lssehses en our shoulder,," he said. "A Soft et heather for my o14 hack afterwards, alb tea or twenty winks are laxnrim 191 he thankful fee, bet men de without." As hest been .enjost.r.d,Ny worked the eeppise si the tar end e1 '1M Park. Jest w •ober mid• at 11 was 1larwe.N Lodge, when the Bailey, heel. Hithr, is do time. w1Y. 8k Randolph lay ea ►u baNt,the IIenteMet awls be way Rya herself mot bibs to the prise, leaking awry whit. it wen est • happy beterwew: The I..drtob Raaebsll Club had • very suo.e•ef.l seamen Indeed last year. The in- terest taken is the game was muck hemmer thea ever before is the tows. The clubs played with were stronger tbs. ever before end the tmprovewwent is the playing was away ahead of former yens. RULES FOR SIOYOLNIT$. U 'er7bld, 5.&d thlt.w Them art Tien �j Weald be yewew £0416ma , Beim* man, d.ye the errs for bagel. keg will be fairly epos on, Neagh see wowed 1«000rlly ..til the sad at May. The warm weather the past week hoe ea.seel all the bloyelists hereabouts to make ready for what will .adosb1.Jly be the ben e rases for bWyoliag ever knows. Homy el the ash. have arnng• 1 remitter • swath ahead ; othe1 are now trey mak Wig eat their schedules 'rhe rea4s are •warmtar with eyolwts, mortes and; expert alike. Old and young, all ages •ad owdt [Ma. sr. seen aetrids the wlieel, diepLsytog varicose degrees of *hill or look of skill What most o1 them duple, le • Iauk of Ono fridge of the ample rules of the road. and • disregard for the ooniont end safety of each other that is sot pleasant to behold Easy do 11 willfully, aa1 so are known ea "• road beim" Other. offend ►access of • lack of knowledge Foe the anv•os then u the •x0000 of • lack of koowl.dg. ; but the .-sterna osuaot of um that, and is some ►••taco« he bee trees the wont offsdr. The trouble seems to be his and, 1 am sorry to say, her inability to realize the cow oondiuos•. Then an double the ,umber of btoyolste os the road that there wen last year, •ad there will be omit y more when the smarm rots fairly open. Then is already lees room then formerly, end me sequently mon oars is seeded o0 the road. Cm e!1d[ll SG./.1; .VMIGTIOY'. That is jest what the 'eters minuet ram to realize. He bas been accustomed to hev- tag (tall the road to himself, end eo f•r,d*es got seem to have bees elite to adapt Inmost( to the sew oomditioss. Old riders, however, have complained to me of the novtoee. stating i bat It was Dever prrwible for them to understand what • oov ice wools, do at any gores teen or in any •dergeocv, so that it was not possible to al ways hendle rte's self to the beet a4vants4• of .11 oosoernd. For the benefit of the novice, then, and tor the information of th• veteran who has not heeded the chases. I want to may tb•• there has grown up of lite an *signet's of the wheel, tt 1 may ac term it, which de- fines good form and bad form in bicycling. It is neorrs•ry now because bicycling ie sow the normal recreation of the multi- tude. The ample rules of the road which hays hitherto sufficed will not he •nttioteot to flare everything ; but matters will sono he &dimted to the satisfaction of all 000e.rneel if the noyios will renovator that be has ell to learn acid the veteran premeds wttb more Dare than formerly. The olub did sot ploy as menv matches this season as in 94, sof did they win as many- game*, but the opposing rune wry much stronger and from • greater number number of places ; that is to ear, while in 1894 Godench payed 15 mooches. *till they played three times with a team from ooe tows and five time. with that from another, while in '95 no more than two games wen played with any- one club excepting the Brown of Harrtston, with which club three matches were played. During the se•eoo of '96 the club played 13 msto•hes, winning 8 end losing 5. this wase splendid standing Indeed when the opposing teams are cooeitlered. The games lust were against the union. of Wrozetr and Gerrie, H•rnetoo and Brussels The Mimeo 000 wen against Stratford, Palmer- ston, London, Clinton and Hammon. All the matches on the home "round were woe exoeptiag that •gaiot the Unions of Wroxeter and (:cerin, which was a very exciting game, the Unions only winmsa by two rune• the total being 11 to 9 Oa -tench moored 185 nine to their opponents 139 and .len made 146 base -haw to their optiooena' 121, donna the year. Sidney- Meloomeon osueht all the game. that were played and held down hie poli - tion splendidly. This feat be has now per- formed for the put two *moon* and he cer- tainly deserve. • great deal of credit. Four pitchers officiated in the "box" sad on the whole were pretty successful. Joe. I)ovle. the junior pitcher of all hes • marvellous reoord to regard to striates MOO 001. The soon has not been kept to this re- port very oorreotly, but h. has .track out as many es 16 men in each of two matches, this trick being aceompltbed in the hist match in the ammo at Clinton, sad also against the Unions hen. The pitching was very rood until the olub were on their tour u ,luly, then before the circuit bad been completed all the pitchers wen laid up, end it showed only too clearly that the club need* a first ole. piWber, .ad if ono s got for the onto" memos the team outbt to hold Ile own with any °amide olub. A. the worse, Arohie Hooksett, has kept the won orrectly for •i1 the mambas play- ed during the season, the averages both for batting and fielding can be obtained for all the pisy'ors. Theon average. we subjoin in • statement. and only state that in regard to batting they can of course be oomp•red oorreotly, but in fielding too compare aver- ages verages properly you must have the men placed In the same pestgoo•, became a man In neo position gom err so many mote chasms than one playing in another position, noose quaintly any errors made by him will not uouot eo muob es against one who has leas chances. At any rate the statement .bows both the batting and 6eldiag averages and it may be interesting to lovers of the gime to se* bow the different players acquitted themselves. Like e11 other sporting orgaoizstioo.. at the sod of the year the olub had a deficit. This does not arise from their patronage by - the puhlio, but we think it is oared a good deal by their having bto pay so much and having to go so far to get • club to Dome here. The ordinary clubs that we had played with in past masons, which ware clow to us have beoome defuoot. The tour taken by the club tut seism we thiak.gi a vw y good precedent Indeed, end we wield Ilk* to ase the boy take sm- other trip this ooming se..on. and play in •boat the same towns This teethes, per- haps better than anything else, how to play the game and e.psoially to pay it away from boost, whioh moon to be a week point in the Goderioh team W• wish to have ■ junior league, the name as played is 1894, again in tow. Out sargeutiai is that rev team• he formed in the tows .sd day a eerie. of two matches with •arh other, eaoh ,amen and phoss when sane are to be played to he selected by • committee espeoielly .p pointed for that porpoise The dates and places to be annoaooed in the loeal papers cad all players to be eligible who have not played ia a coir match. Dudley Holmes h as informed ea that he win give • Spalding league ba11 sad nae of Spaldinagg's Wage. Tengso baa M to the team .adinr at the bond of the list at the end of the season. We would also engraft that the team* formed be from the different ward* of the town, sad call theist by the semen of the wards they represent, w that • teem of players who reside is BI Dartd's ward w:..ld be called 8l David'* olob, and w ea This will do away with the chances of one else getting out and selecting the best players in the Ow end ooe•e.l0entl7 pa. - had the sympathy of all who beard her err demo, and of none mon than Katy (:ran est, who was with bor. This was Richard Bailey's last crime. in spite of his oostwl's eloquent erring that he had so motive for killing the squire, the jury adjudged him guilty. That same evening K•tey put her hand into ler aoe.ia'e end said that if he would premise solemnly to b. • gond any for the rest of his life she would be his wife. Lieu- tenant Herbert Granger gave that promise in all siseerity. NO BOOR TTHING A8 OLD AOK TO THOB12 WHO 81 ROUTH AMRR. ICANRRVIRL or W70*00 rmusawnlrn.r ,-vagi. worth speak, of " As std reg. •r - bright. end lovely as • Lapland and elsewhere this ease writer of " As e1d age. beautiful and fres.' are the •.mdINsss that mem to the or the we5as, though their years may oleo en to s wtery, when is the esjoywts•t of gond health. is Not it is dtRwlt to think el Bowe of the old men sad women ea the mage of to day as old mord*, there ,sews to be sena a persmsial youthful peas •beet their every steves,st and set. Mea Joba Dhweody has hew • rsNdest of fleahrhs, Ost., for wirer 40 yearn, ..d there b .. sae M the tows and oowitry tido aroma/ bettor ham than the lady. sod pens ears highly esteemed. Three years ass it was her sad let to leo • danghter wits had hese ell the world to ber The elhask erM"isod by this ovoid eempletoly looks up the system of Mrs Dinweody. 8b..s,.ponod heir end W items. 8bo den twat for ales year with Wee deetrws mid they gave her ewe ae, .57401 it wee nee of old ago. mid .o ,es, r any medhiee. enmM Moro wase leas, Iea.sso rosy N loheald .N 'o Mr seed. Mede of lite k W of stag M Wil owe Rhea beauty to.1.1se. 01 any am. ,he 114 not dmllao Aho wee mamma se Not w111bsat a e.rtaia,home mrd Meer- try Kirov moo took thew boson. ow .Ns [tor-ropmesh dN the lant.sant N pert obi, was sndleissis to ,hew that Ila and wag al.'T•'LI t'orfTr.T, Bicycle etiquette is wimple, haying for its bawls the Moogbtfel ..nsiderattos of others. An ol1-impetant rule is to always otter se statsoos to a dismounted wbeelmss r wheslwom&n who appals to be i• difficulty of say kind. Wom«t, if the paned.: be permitted. pat themselves oe the.amsfoot- ing as men when they mount the wheel, end .re hound to en000nter practically the mann conditions ; but, ler all that. se m•. will 1org-t te exceed to bar the same courtesies that she should receive under any other oiroa.tances. Shemwill seed •.emanon frequently. Don't "plug" up • hill ja.t Moan*. yen are able to do it, when the woman whose muscles are weaker and who is prohahly ridine a heavier wheel is obliged to de- mount and walk tp. Some men are tend of displaying before women their prowess in that directing She will admin you much more if, instead of waities at the top of the hill for her, you diemonst end moist h• r up the hill, it is the duty of the men in a party to see that the women get cot of the trip se mooh esjoy'ment as p•seihl•, while at the same time it is inea Thant 551)00 the wnmen to trouble the men as tittle as they can. In following • narrow path, permit the women to precede you. Rf-Le. r.1 THY Always observe the rules of the road. Pass an approaching wheelman, vehicle or p^destrisa on the right- -your right -cod anything going in the ems direotios ea yourself on the left. When approsnhing anyone from behind, ring your bell. Ride nn the left hand of the woman, so that you tray have your richt arm ready to motto her, if aeoeemary. A left -banded nos will re- veres the position. The position to the left also places the mac between the yentas and any poesihle dower tbai may aria* from paring vehicles. When escorting a woman, should you some up behind a wagon at *sok • time that yea will be foroed to par betww it and another team appro.ohing, take the lead and forme • postage for her to go through. Ride sear the right hand horse as you pen him, and do not pull over to the left until the woman has plenty of room In frost of the horse. u AT''H OTII10 W0M[IR At • t ornr, if you was • party of oyolute oo the oro•s street, slow up a bit soul you mortals whit+ of the three possible cours- es they mean to take. A .light turn to the Ilett on your part gives them • better chanes to got by, but too muob would out them off from riding down the street, op whioh you Wm. Dome. la snob oases it s troch better to slow up slightly than to attempt to "wpri.t" bv, Neyr be ashamed to dismount. it you most • runaway, • braes band, a lot of children or • group of whwlmes, filling the street, you will do better on the erected rather than sonar an exhibition of trick riding and fano docilely!. 1e riding through oity .treat* always r*- lad the matte of winning the Cfeok7 b` neemhr that, though the ear 3100 wee amt he geese away from von, and you have plea - you'd all doubt. Resides this, everyone ty of time to Maes the wage& eon es the moot be a number o1 1►. liedariah Bw. fling,her trek roma 1511 etherway, end if rid• ba11 Club b*hn h1 r. eligible ln play, and fast yna 1507 not he real* 1. step ie ties. there 1. • Dermals rate for tinkete for 011 M cies, the len. 11 seely Imposer. tot • Mom under the NI* 01 18- Pnctioo will man or a whets' eoml . oat of • omilidam is Mk• plan• on the Old (`wicket Greeted." Mona, tote* than then ear. if cyolieto will adhere to these rale., en far as pr•ete•►Ie, then will he fewer "real hero" onion, riders sad as end to enmplaiaing. Whoa fowls a.d ether Gpt4Gmim armies& eatery lune to fertile leg it* eyeteeth with Ate.'. Seemp.rtll.. A penes havisig t►ts cad mission Ieled, r in the meet Isom - Oslo head•tios to •Nistah" whatever dMeam sway ha amazed te rho Gtr Ills wen t• Mese. (Mespasoy of • 1sm•. anafear k. 011.1 u br l.*• .ompMMd b p',N1iNdl we. 1y law lea N•.M. 1 hes M te Mayes dimes from damp we' e. every night daring the eomi0g week until the Agrieelteral Orossd, are la proper ows- dillies. K.ery►ody hterested is ham -toil •fled ea that we may have a large pea. ties. 2 14 3 Wm Da►. 12Played. 56 !S 1 H19 Aa lR s , H.Average t Aeal•a �b armee. Arywl� IL Maiming. 13 6619 44 3 10 0 .333 i1 124 12 qAM 339 A Robertson 4 19 9 6 0 0 0 .315 0 1 3 .2 • .61 Dudley Ralson 12 61 16 18 4 0 0 .316 4'1 19 5 61 21 17 2 2 1 .3'11 14 87 18 23 11 4 3 0 0 g .II728 1 1 56 23 12 1 0 0 .414 69 6 14 48 17 10 1 0 0 .201 10 49 7 4813 9 1 0 0 .127 illi 7 4 19 6 1 0 0 0 ,167 0 2 2 39 8 6 0 0 0 .131 0 3 1 R. Tie 13 A Tbemp.ai 13 C. Penni.8te. 3 H. Rebmann 13 K R. Helper 10 .1.t. !brie 12 Dere Tilt 4 (1.. Miasma 5 .891 702 .813.1 .1100 841 .847 968 600 .760 (kwsaa and LoPas• played in Ism W. thee• pass. G.esequanMy that airseesas aro oat mode spa Areas M 1•tt•ta.•ra Sick Headache CURED PERMANENTLY WY TAXING Ayer's Pills '1 was trOSM.d a M.E time witha Net; beadaehe. It was .scaly .etrompantM with *every pains I. 1M ISIMMOis, a mass of fullness and tedw.aso m sr aye. • Dad taste to mymph Mapes named, hands and feet oold..ad MI Mas at IM stomach. 1 tried a g.tod many reer mea recommended Ise thio esatheMat: bat It Imam natal 1 Began Taking Ayer's Pills that 1 resolved anpthbne like perms• sent benefit. A sink hot of thea' p1111 did the work for nae, and 1 am te.w Tree from hes.lxehe•. mot x well man " - C. 11. Ht'TCHIHue. Cat. Auburn. Y0 AYER'S PILLS Awarded Medal at World's Fair ♦ yer'a Sia rsapa rilla Is oke cele. WE MAKE Sewer and Culvert Pipes A11 *tars from 4 la. r. 14 ia. Also l'men 'Mama •. WRITE FOrt' PRIORS. THE ONTARIO SEWER PIPE CO. OOi ADELAIDE •T. E.. o,torowr AT maroo. TORONTO. ARK of REFUGE FROM Rffusurism. ,I)ISTINCTIVE FEATURES �J OF KOOTENAY its application to a wide range at diseases. Soo cured in 6 months in two cities. The potency of the new ingredient in combination curing Hemorrhage of the Kidneys. 1ts startling cures of Locomotor Ataxia and Blood Diseases. the restoration of sight and hearing lost through the effects of paralysis. The removal of all traces of mercurial poisoning from the system. Its cures of Chronic Rheumatism. WRITE FOR ►AIPIIIET OF STARTUPS Cif S. S. RYCKMAN MEDICINE CO. HAMILTON, ONT .SRISTOIIB PILLS Cure Biliousness, Sick Head- ache, Dyspepsia, Sluggish Liver and all Stomach Troubles. f BRISTOL'S PILLS Are Purely Vegetable, • elegantly Sugar -Coated, and do not gripe or sicken. 1 BRISTOL'S PILLS 1 t gently but promptly and .ughly. "The safest family icine." All Druggists keep BRISTOL'S PILLS •