HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-4-30, Page 66 A Conjmon Affliction Pennwalt Cured by Teak AYER'S_ A CAI -DIIR1'S STOAT. '1 use attliete.l for eight ),atr+kiteithattit RI.. .m. Unriog th .4 turn.. I.trr, do Meat many rnrdlclneg whirls weir highly ree- onmwuded. hot now gore me blip(. l w a, at last Lel. 'sed to try Ayer's Aetie- parilla. by a trine' who told me that 1 tout puteha.r .1e, bottles. ri.4 use them wt. -alter: t , direction.. 1 yielded to his p•r.u+t.kon. t.oia ht th • irk t.ottle. and took the contrisits of 14i4r.• of these tl.•. without mowing :w' d;rret benefit. Ik'tore 1 had Oi.tvhed the fourth butile, my hands were as Free from Eruptions as ever th. y acre Ms I.. •;urns, width is that of a r. .-,Iri.er, revlufres me to be out is eold and wet weath.r, often animist glo.e., an.' else trouhtr has n• ,er ret"rn,•.i "- Tu44•A0 A. J..INm, St: .4t(. 1 ki. uta. Ayers oni, Sarsaparilla Admitt.d at the World'. pair. 4ycr's PIM l'e nuc the Bowe'.. :11;111\1► Ti1E 1.1k1.•. .ale.. Nevtgat:on opeosel .t \1;dlerd hhur.da last The schooner Fenny 4 en pbell as being fitted out at smote, Thr dredges have c.mmetcld work at (out of Lake Huron. Toronto 11 oil 1 The water in the harbor i11 sow above 'cf. for the hr.l rime tel 11.1111y .000.. 1 M 4.raod Fronk car rerun• Huron Med Iaternaln.::+1 are vtl.red for sale in the M• rine 14 -cord. life Low station 111 to be eetablahed by the Potted Mete. t.uverumeat at the foot of lake Hume The etr•m huge Dominion was sold the other day at . Iw.o "uuod to Alex. Fr.eer,ot Toronto, for s1,400 There le ho.i feeling \moor shipowners be cause of the l;n.ernn,rnt not uprolog the Welland canal before May. The t e has gone from Whitefish It•y and there is no obstruction to ravigatioo be- tween 1..kes Huron and Surperler. Loogshoesmea at Saginaw. Mich., have fixed the rate for loading vessels at 40 ata an hour, from the commencement of mei- elation. The barge which for *time ears has been known as the 4 It t ail 4 seen S•ouod will here •iter beer the Dime of not urn. -('ulliegwood Rullet in. Two new steamboat' are being built at THE 8IGNAI • OODF.RI(•H OWF., THURSDAY. APRIL 30. fS96. bgwaaht bort. tlu.11ee ..d will he emit to IOW tae barges dtbrlag tae earl) nd/ ei the seeeM. t).r.uK the 1.41.1 part a meanie; will t.ke the Orme of the Mabel end rill, 4t 1...ueeted, arrive w July. be Meow quer. hue b .enieltato •a.1 we defiers agr.v that it le out at all pruh•hlr that the deasght Of eater through the lakes durum 1be w,n,tag eeseuu wail be aoy better teen It woo 1a 1$)b In fact, all wloalauuse r gv•uatt the s.as•w • o.ua.M will be based on the t'r •ft .4 ..tor tee poor se.a..s. or a iew w.i......m. 1: must be admitted. hoer • e1, that to the v..eel u.net who tbuk. .t malt tag ea.aon . uutrw,• the baler q sire. {PI, is still • sotto,. prv'nrm, •• he bee uo h..,•. ef better ware. and woe,. most Nueetoal d •ad- yautae* of curer water. lbs ifie rissemat ' The sew e..am , whale is hey g built o0 T;rs 15. the 4..utreel Transportation wmp.luy 41 to es 0.11.4 the 41 meu.tral Jae v.11 have • length 01 SIJ stet bet+•sou per p.Oaul•r.. GSL '.wt over all. 41 feet bO: ' and 'dlt feet moulded depth. Her awns u to be triple exp.o.•o" and ••rfeer-oo.den nog, with c.I,u,le,. 21 s-1 aad 57 moires diameter sew 3 • motes. stroke. Two Scotch type b ort • 13, treL u diameter and 9, feet long m 11 turn,. i •:ram. Toe carryloe ca picky Of the I: wmont is plead at 72.000 ' whole of wheat ou 14 feet draft. She oto h.,* three spars and a partial outfit of ono vas. Lllr+•.1.• oriel. 4;on. "upt. Kimbell, of the Life -Saving service nu mo.,. • report to l',mgron 10 tavor of the proposed Lte-wisp ••atioa at Fort 4.arwot. He say : 4 evvwusiy the de. nen of the l.i'l is to.tfurd better proseouoi against itw of 1,1c .ud property from •hip• wrecks occurring in the sontheru en of Isle Huron sad .h. head waterm of the r4. Clair river, wh.c„ ti ,w• from the lake. Toe leualey is • d.agert.ue one, the 54.•ata0e on file 111 '1115 .tti.w showing that within tee yeare fourtceo d.astrrs here occurred in this ueighburtood and five lives hoye been lost. several other perws barely escaped. The las of property to estimated at $35,- 80. Io my op,mt.a • life-saving stoups es- tablished to the vic.or y would promote the isterset• of commerce and num.oIty. The House and Senate hove both reported lavot- ably on the b,IL Frear tette. 5. 0.r.. Marine Review: Although there'' already in existence • commission of engineers ap- pointed by gonad• and the 1 rotes States to report jointly on the motley, of routes for a 20 -foot channel from tte lakes to the At1an- tio'eabuard, Mr. Hempen.repreeentative in ('.:mgrs.. from Iowa, has lotely introduced • bill dire:tang the president to appointed • route from either Lake Erie. Lake 4 )utarlo or the St.- L•wreuoe for a canal 21' feet deep. According to the bill, the commis - 1100 H to report Desi 1)eoemoer with sur- vey', estimate', etc. They are to ascertain also the cost of widening and deepeatnp the Erie canal Army engineers may be ap pointed. Civilians are to receive •500 • 1 month and expenses, but the army othcers are to remove poly expense. Med regular I octane'. The ball carries an •ppropriatioa of ;•\),000 for .1peusia, • pNi. uae.i•. The fullowln• are the officers for the 4). 4; S service Petrel, E Dunn, o•pla;o: A. 1. lirowo, chief enrioeer: W. H, Luster, second engineer. Iklphm, 1: W. Pe•re.:o, captain: Mr. Cornish, eoesoeer. The followtog oiliere hace been appoint- ed for the seseoo 01 1896 00 the C.oadtao Pacific s S. I. o.: Manitoba, Captain, E K. Andersson, enu,neer R Kenos, second en gfoeer R Chamber.: Athabasca. Captain 4. 34cl) •uvaU• eogtoeer W. Lookerbie, sec- ond engineer .I Ihivev : Alhert•, captain J. \1rAlla,er, engineer A J. l'.meruo, second 1 eorineer •I 4) oieldeon N..rthwees Transportation Co., S.rnia - Moossch, t'.to, F. H,oh.rtwro. Eng:ewer, E. W. SI.•Kean: foiled Empire, ('.pt. .1. Mo• Nab, F:ng.orer S Krisbaoe Phillipa ship mud, .'hark, one for mown 1 he •reamer .1e rise is commanded hy .1. `bort and the other for the Iced It,.er Fish ( lalford, and the Lake Mlehig.o by .l. S. Co.rpm% Moore. Capt. looney will .ommand the steamer Garden Pity, which has been sold to the Chrystal Beach Steamboat Company of But fdo fur +t• ,,400. The proposal has been made to build a dry duck and marine rale•% at :••andwlch, and the Folioed (.,veromeot will be asked to make • (erre c.atnou0o0. t'olliarwnnd Lulleun : The Nest of the Play t.,, fierce and Tug Line will make Midland their headquarters during the en ening season The company is_estabInhuog • wre.-k.!g outfit which will be stationed at Midland. The •rad$. Oast, the snit of McKay tiros., of Hamilton, .gainer the l Mmioloo l;overnmeot,to recov- er damages for the sinking of the steamer Acadia to the \lorrt•burg Panel feat Sum met has begun to Montreal If the plain tiffs win the cape other suite will be brought . bides■ 4 meal. Then in every possthilitc of the Rideau ('anal from Ki.geton Mills to its confluence with the "t. Laetrooe 11.1.51 being dredged early in the summer. This is badly needed sod will aid navigation very materially. At t there are about `.+0 Ines working .t owbotu cut. lumber Treece. The vessels of the Collins' 'lay Rafting sod Fowardine 1'umpany will all he e.g•g aside hoe uu.. defeaoes. ed 1n the timber hominess until end of Asg o at, principally from lake Sep.n5. sad Georgian Ray ports, from whence tb.v raft the timber and forward to •jwheo. Atter Murat( they will be in the 'ruin trade from Fort 11,Iham and Duluth to Kmgeton and I.eoretan Pao port•. ♦eer r"a.a.11aa Most. In addition to the new steamer Ro00• m, tint, new building, in England, and which will reanh the lakes 111 1noe, the alontreel Transportation Co , of Kingston, will hate i• 00115111.55100 Deet season • new wood ▪ srhnoner, the Morons, which 111 now n earing ..ompletioe a the oomp•e. • ship Tara ,0 Kagaon. ilia v...1 is IRI feet Mack•naw, the gateway of ('hkago, am sot Meer an, 1,r toot boat ..d 14 lest depth of be defended b. torpedo.. hold. she a • three masted .heel, built is tier 4'.0\44•\ Irmadn oars g.w. fro far with their ewsoe4 work that, .oeerding to e.ti.et'. a.eured, Great Remus oeald neem mad 144' sunbeam from the Atl.stie Menan to the door of (Ideas*, which u atakiag IM tnp would pas het nee battery pleated me Amsnme soil -that at the Straits of Meek •0•w. The dry at N's.biagt.. h.s bees that in Maw 14 war with ('heat Reims all the 11.1404 States would have to do weeld be to throw troop over tbo berd.r ad destroy Oke Welled (rise. Set the (\sadam r.re•t Northern Treasit Co., Colliogwood Majestic, l'•pt. I' M. t'sa*pb.11, engineer 1y. Lewis; Pacific. 4'•pt. R. D. Foote, en ether .l. K. Aston: Atlantic. Capt. .lames Wilson, engineer J Aston; Northern Pelle, 4'apt l ,let use. eogioeer S. Wilson. OUR CANALS.' tisane .f ter ea.at. Mer ere tut;dl.g-II. the •*r The following .re some extracts from an article published in • 4'himgo paper and *opted by • number of American papers. The canals between Take ')staid and the 1:eoretan Ray are not even started, as any intelligent person over hers loows. If the other .dicers of the United States army base deo rhombi e( 1M Well.ad Camel am oe, wile ea eye ever boot eta the areat d► le..elees alive beyond, they .ew euootreet- sag . O.shoe haat, 4e ewe. ea Ha.•dt,ree at the .strew,. 00.4.1.../ of Lar. Gatagn with Feet breaks Dear the s. whore Dad a Lake lisres- The point on Lake Harm which marks ,•• had of th• 0s•el tow 4asldin4( us MUM 7:3 'Niles ul 1'ui t Huron. It is poemble that u.r troupe by locoed matches outbid resuh the .•coal Med desuw) it ,o 1111111 to preemie, the British amalausu poling through. N idle tb. C.o.sd Staten hove two doing ooth,og, ilk. -gown .toted • .uat:aa.' h..• to.tight. of oma poeetuti,ty air.. Med they are tw,Wtag .autuse mesa ti otiose the wire moaner west i111511 li•a si ton. rh.ob start. from Toronto cad ram mato by way to !olio T,mo.e uric Gammas Bay. O o. in l.eorgtaa hay Clay there will he old? the lurtaawttlr.s et .M•ckas.w to poem %itale they are digeias them two meals the lit tish I,ov0O0.my thsa►iag that pa- e,t.,ly both tweet let destroyed is pla.auR •terway, who k soul flask the two anWlo0ther,c w MOM ml moats scum. 11 is 10 41. p, o uetit the Ottawa neer with Gerltaa be;. •' A plan of defame from attach." se Ma fur Kurd pure it, namely, toe "throttling of the St lawreouo fiver," not been m.oh talked about by thus ea.ruta. .soy► • believe that the United Slates oonld set promptly eoou,ih to tome the `3t. Lawrence iia Unto to 1.01155111( the passage of Rritseh gouhoate Leto Lake lntaria. Well, the C. n adl•n' have thought of this also ►,.d they lave prepared tor Provided the United "ales does error • big fortification en the St. I-+wreoos, peat whiob no vessel et light drought oould force a pat..ge, and pro. vied ,t sie1e1 both beaks of the St. Lmwreoos thurou*bly throttling thee, etrraat, It would he found by the time this wee a000mpliebed that 4.reat Rritai• had succeeded is getting some mores of veessls tato Like Ontario end well uu their way to Ch.tegu, thus res• drriog nugatory *11 3t L.wreuue river ex- ertions. How . K. *ending them through • river and umbels dug far this very purpose Koowtog that the Americans would dipnts drat of .II the passages of the St. Lawrence river, the Rideau Cool was oowtruoted front 1 hurts. to Kiugatua era lake Uotano- Rrlush gu0ooats minim, up the St. Law- reooe tan turn aside •t Montreal and ty mews of the lachsae C.1141 Med the Otta- wa river reach the capital of the Province of Uut•rio, from which place Ih.', o•n go tepidly through the Rideau canal to Kure - ton. l'b,s pase•ge of the vuubo•ta would thus be made from the ocean to Lake t).. tarso without of oe Donning in sight of Costed states sod From K,og•ton the gmmb.ala would make their way to Hamiltoe,atd fleas there tbrougb either of the short moats mew 'twist motley either to Lake Huron or Georg- ian Ray. Thu system of canals, when completed, wilt plain Cbacego or any other ulitee eo completely at the mercy of Ur••t Rritaiu that uole.s a fleet of torpedo boats is put in the lokeii the enemy dao exact ransom mos- ey enough with • few IigLt-draught ger• boot to pay war eloenses. Ignorance of the work the Canadlaw have been pushing is dense and widespread. DEATH FROM HEART FAILURE. Haul *Mho Yater beer •vntded by the Lie of or. Agnew '• tare ler the Sear{. Pcomptte.s Is ids drat e0.euttel in all cases 01 sickness, .ad upectally in heart 4,...e.. Mtuuten may mean everythlag. The use of .n effeouve medicine may mean the ,acing of a life, where the use of that possertug little power may simply leer* death w take ler uoures. Owe greet virtue of Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart is that it gives re,tel almost Immediately, whether the mase be one of organic or sympathetic heart disease. The numerous teewmonlds received by the proprietor of this medicine beer the .trungest test nosey to this fact. "I would not have beim dive today had it not baso for your medicine.' is the cheering refrain sit • l.rge percentage o f the letters received hy the proprietors of this remedy. Sold by J. K. Davis. •re no bettor ac 4uainted with the topogr• ' pby of thus Province and the public works of the same, we will stcoes them tor saying • that they can take 4'.eed. " before break- fast, " in three dace," 01 "112 00 time, and extend • feeltsg of p,t% for them that they know en little .boat the land of which they talk so desparlogt'. Mere ars some extract. 1'141, A...,, April 11. Every 4'hioago Con- gressman and all others reprteentlsg dis- trict& touching the l.reat lakes have Oast been given information which will oaues them to redouble their eff0rte to secure for the protection of the lake tittles • part of the (10,500,000 which Congressmen ('am ma's committee has recommended be est 1'hiaar, bunion. men have ►'eel told item. fact. by the are , otli era aad have mom mumoated them to other cities. 1e, seem., though un "0. appears to hole aottoed it, that the Canadians ,n these pipi.g *lase ef ;Waco 0r. raptdl y ooetruct:y \\.\babe feet of which is to afford p.s.g., wham war 0015,00, for ltntieh gunboats, whose ob- j.ot is the dertruotioe of Duluth, Milwau- kee .nd 1'hi.•agn. 4)t her meals prej•ot- .d, whoa completed, will enable . British gunboat to pass from salt Water to Duluth without paining a ensile Amert.an ova. The (aa•.Isnas .re saying nothing but .,.g- ems ditches. .1. T Thompson, chief ordemos officer a the Ibp.rtmeot of the M,00oen, bee font told 4 hio.rc people the the Struts of • very substaatrl rammer, aad will he e quipped with the latest appliances. • leu Th. Whig mates sleet the Kmgtom aad Montreal Ferwerdeng 4'omp.ay will for.' • view Ione of I•t. horg00 to ply en the upper lakes sad will ht out the bargee Thr.0b. Laparlita sod Hiawatha 1ar the line, wbktb will he eemwraded ibm7 Oar* Pall - Wow .ad Smith. The tem WY/ b• tre.e.tlra l 4•et • earl oa. The truly rifted engineer always makes one part of his work tit into another, and no energy is ever wasted. A wealthy engineer who had set up • very tine place In the country, where he had carried out many pet uonetructivw pr0fecis, was visited then by an old friend. The visitor had so much difficulty in pushing open his front gate that be spoke about it to the proprietor. "1-ou ought to tic that gate,' said the pest. "A mai who has everything 'just as it should be should not have • gate that is hard to open. "H•" exclaimed the engineer, "you dont understand my economy. That gate communicates with the waterworks of the house, and every person who °omen throueb pump* up four Radon of water l" 1 HANKFUL FOR SPEEDO ASSIST- ANCE. she Tr.I,me•y .4 Tbes..sd. wee Move 1 .ed rush *wrtrma tiIO.ey 45111e. A fried in Deed is a friend iodised. It has been mid the way to test our friends is to try them. it u so with • medicine. So .soy medicines .re tried. but found want- ing. This is never the ow 11101 South American Kidney (sue, a it is kidney ' trouble that is the ailment. It dose not curs anything Wee. There is not • Uses of kidney tiouole, however, be it ever so dis- tressing, where .ilii^k relief will mot be give•, aad by • little premises altogether re- moved. The proof of the podding Is in the eating of it, and what is here said in what thouennde say who have used this onedioioe. Sold by J. K Ds.ie. RELbO! The Old Reliable 81111 o� Deco, THE BEST AND ONLY SCRANTON COAL th• Choseiat (hal erw geld in this market. All (led weighed en the Michell Heeley s that ws"w sere yen gee year weight. Ordt Inst at HARPER fit LIK'M P •ttt.xi.ri 14, WM. LEE. • PLANING MSL. ESTISLISNEO l$M. BOOTS AnSHOES ucIiaiias & We have now in ,tuck a finer variety of tt.aU1Aora•afM ABH. D00R and BLIND Lady's Buttoned Boots Desloge la all Wade .1 LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES and builder's material of every description School Paroitnre a Specialty. IF YOU WANT a WII ■ A SPRING SUIT of First-class Make Good Material and Latest Styles, -('ALL UPON - HUGH DUNLOP. rhe wewt-w. 'swat• heli sealant' of y1..tgwl Clothing Clothing Clothing K INCREASE OF BUSINESS Has made it necessary for to to leave the old store and take • larger one. That fine store in VICTORIA BLOCK next door to Sharman • Shoe Shop, is where my friends and customers might hod me now. Hers we expect to do • fiourtahtog trade. We have just re. ceived a new and well assorted supply of SPRIITG C1.00DS in the three departments of our busi- ness, namely READY MADE CLOTHING GENTS' FURNISHING and CUSTOM TAILORING We mean busioess end are bound to sell. Light profits and quick sales is our motto. L. CARD & CO. GODERICH. WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. Excelsior r`LaK,.: and Oxford Ties both in Black and Tan than has ever 4.efore been placed upon the shelte•i in Gr•It•r1eh. In Men's, Boys' and Youths' we have all Mtylos llna:'tit'.' and price•, Loth in Black and Tin. WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE SLATER SHOE. WM. SHARMAN Jr. - Plough Points - p0.0. • Mill and Agricultural Repairing and Casting - AT THE - BICYCLE FACTORY We are now running the Moulding Shop in connection with the Repairing Machine Department and have the Patterns of all the Plow Points, and Mill Patterns formerly owned by the Ptuncimaa Bros. 1 We will cast every day if necets,arv, rind our prices will be found as low as the lowest. Give U8 a Oall ; we want your trade. We will buy your Scrap Iron. ASK TO SEE OUR BICYCLE. THE HENDERSON BICYCLE CO.L.T° East St. Goderich, Ont. HARPEI{ & LEE. PAINTS, OILS, ' VARNISH, URPENTINE, Pure WHITE LEAD, BRUSHES, XALSOMINE, Do you want a pure Reath--Jlixeii Paint Yes. Then buy only the ATER and ¶ET I ' I PIIOOF «EAllYJIJEij PAINTS All Colors to ehoose from. All «izes of can, from one-half pint to one gallon. HARPER & LEE. Tile Kooll DoliMe AcUofl ASHES IT IS NO FICKLE. You simply treat the Eggs with PRESERVER, and Isy them away In a basket or box............... .AT DOWN A SWINK, WHIN THEY ARE OH[Ar. Call for book riving 1,111 information, free .f charge. TOR MALE SY ALL DRUGGIST&. Patronise T I ree Competition. Tots Oonansas Pawn Ramiro? Own ?rawArm les MM .0.Nfebe4 M (Ivo bks piddle dretalow msrT4s Melo fid lad pow ms.wt sonno Mlm to r ma.aa0 on b Ions prfeetM45 .N r tb. Waren Of 1b it enema the 4 .4rI u 115.7 woes win , w s b W Its.sb moon= If IN ` a="Molin,. S.Nllb show you bow ,t works. It will oast you TAKES THE I.VADI loved fall other Washers. it competed with over 800 washing 01.0144045 of .11 kinds at Chicago in 1893..d car- ried off the First Premium and Gold Medal. it is easy and quick. Ne noon board required. - GIVE IT A TRIAL - Seed me y our address and the moms aloe you live oa..nd i will seas mil nothing. tf Be: 130. H. HAL e - NOT.ICE. - ALL PERSONS OWING R. W. MC$ENZIE Proprietor of the CHEAP HARDWARE STORE, GODERICH, Will please call on him and pay up. He want^ clean balanced books to commence the year', operation*. SHORT CREDITS AND IAA' PRICES will be our motto this year R. W. McKENZI E Maas is T l BIink $1.00 t Tar Maas