The Signal, 1896-4-30, Page 44 THE: SIGNAL : GODERICH. ORT.. THURSDAY, APRIL 30. 18,4 gilt $i9aa1, m rVmLiaan IVIRY THURSDAY MORNING ■Y t1w. MIEL Mw•s . ORM et Pa (Jat.rioand It Nortaatrosa, Terme ot n•bscelpssea pee :oath n Messes Mxrwowtk., Om mar. • 11 sa .. ice Leek or T.ev tease. Yvv iikbel is • .warding re.•.'•,t of tbe Aare Itwhish o Nil to falt Into &near.yea ere paid any. dee that It It not Whoa • ciente of address is dc.lra. both Me eld sad the sew address ebur'.! be gl' • i,. a.reret.b.E wen.. Lit and atter ease ,iv.r'.•'n. nae. •••'•. �trlm6ee for flyer 1•.•• •• *ail 1 o.nrs par Its, g� ...soh a.hn0..0. i i.......... .....---..w oar S i. y`y- t e. ate. entireentir*r 1...1 sly La. - ver. u. -••••• s' oar seas tl..n. ream. s iue i• w tt seas. d .. d Leer (11...'..e W•.•••' •ant .i.soiling " •. mains Mll. p sort o,..• . a., Muerte e. Mitelm?) ohms ae eel. met is •a• .d III •t r t " A '.. •t - e.. r • Mee .•a• .www.► I,.v..r • .a I„ -• A. opai•t HoMM.,*ar.. tee n' of �A,e' •• �0 111rwtote tl.e pr. -.••fiery 4-,• ft of s'.y "I' Ni . eow.s ... to he cnneidenrt .n int. vertleo.e.-nt aid CA..wd a^^ - 1 • r, Lo• al aotkee le nonpareil type ora coat per word, smoothes tate thea fie. Lomat seems la srdtsar, roadie' type two m el per word. No sotloe for less t� !Ma Matins@ for ehnrohea sad othq religions and bea.volest le 1115(1o0e half rate, Abel "The eis.al" MUvesy. tlebacriber who tall to receive Tuns StowAL ratralsrly b7 mall. will c •refer a favor pp7y N. quietism ns of the trot at •t early an &teas poest bite. Rejected manuscripts o.eot he rearmed. Consepoadesos mum lm writtenMs ~side or paper wily. ►.bilabes Melee, 1. C. IIs Tounel, of Oederlch, W bees •p pointed Loral Travelling Agent for the town- ships of Ooderiob. Cathartic Aabdeld .red W w mesh. Level po.tmaetere over the district ars also empowered to receive subscriptions to Tog Hien A1., AL commealoatlons must be addressed to U MOOILLICUDDT, To 8i.wat, Tissues' Dail Ie. Ssderlek, Ont. eoDiptucu. THURSDAY. APRIL ft. INs, A MORIBUND GOVERNMENT. THE dead Parliament hos Tett to Canada a moribund Government. At the passing away of Sir JoRN MAc- IwOL(LIt the party which he had crested and the Government which he had formed began to show signs of disintegration. An effort to bridge over the diffi- culty which was occasioned by the death of the Old Chieftain, by the temporary appointment of the Hon. J. .1. C. Amoy, was conceded to be a failure a,: soon as the attempt was made. No better success attended the leadership of Sir Jot's Tnotip,o ,and the complete collapse which resulted from the Premiership of Sir MAM•- itEtzi* BowiLL is now s matter of history. The political wire -pullers of the once greitt Conservative party could We but one way out, and that was to introduce once more to Canadian politiotthe personality of Sir CHARLIE)) TUPPER, and a cabal was formed against Sir MACKENZIE RowEL.L with that intent. The result is known. At a cntical period in the sixth session, seven of the cabinet Ministers mu- tinied against their leader, threw down their anus and said they would no longer serve under an "old imbe- cile." To his honor be it said Sir MACK ENzIR accepted the gage of battle, denounced the mutineers an a "nest of traitors," and starved them in- to submission, all with the exception of Tt•rvRR the Younger. Toren TUPPER the Elder appeared upon the scene. He had deserted his post in London, ostensibly to consult with the Premier upon huainess in re- lation to s matter considered of im- pottance between Consila and the Old Lend, hut in reality to conspire with the mutineers in regard to disposing of the old Premier and placing him- self in the m ild's. The resignation of Sir HImIRRT TUPPER created a yen• coney is the Cabinet, and in the shuffle that ensued the portfolio of State the .junior office in the Minis try-- was offered to Sir CHART.**. lie accepted the offer with alacrity, • deal was made with McK mot, of Caps Breton to accept a Senatorship and resign his seat in favor of the old baronet, and Sir CHARLRe became a member of the House, 'mauling the leadership on the day of his entrance to Parliament. The failure of that leadership is known to every Canadian who has taken the .Iighte•.t interest in the political situation. Sir CIIAat no went forth to shear and was badly shorn. He boosted of what he would accomplish when he put he armor on, and when he took the armor off,shatne and humiliation was his portion. lie found that the all meld not he run with the water that had passed that when youth and vigor was on his side homey have hewn a strong lieutenant, hut that age, which had .nfeehlwf him pby.ical powers had not endowed Ilan with thus attributes of eneceesfuI generalship The country has followed his so time closely and noted his failureraad he himself has admitted his failure by the frantic 'aorta which be has made to strengthen bis position bye,'jlking the assistance of Wren far more able than himself. Sir Jo131 MACDONALD n ever did that, when ono of bis lieu tenants loomed up, the Oki Chief took tho first occasion to clip the wings •o that the rising stateman would not fly too high. With TUPPER the cry is "t ('owe over to Macedonia and help us." it is a wail of sorrow the dirge of despair. WEST HURON CONVENTION. THE Ref Ism Association of West Huron will meet in convention at Dungannon on Friday, May 8, ate e. 11. tc nominate a candidate to contest the riding at the ensuing general el- ection. The coning contest will be of vital interest to the country at largo, and there is every reason to believe that old West Huron will 410 its share to forward the cause of good Govern- ment. Three delegates to the convention are required from every polling sub- division, and no elibrt should he spared to have a full delegation on the occasion. Addresser will be delivered by M. C. Ctwiiu ', the old member who in so many hard tights has carried the standard of the party, by J. T. Gso- how, the popular member in the Legis- lature, and hy other stalwart Liberals, who have fought the battles for good Government in the post. The work of tbe contention will de- termine the result on polling day. Let there be no laggards. Paste the date in your hat—Du■ gannosi, Friday, April 8, at .: e.H. SNAP SHOTS. --The men of the Cameron clan are getting reedy for the fray. — The holding of conventions is sowing the seed tor future statesmen. W bat wit the harvest he' —The Cabinet members at Ottawa were "ohilled heel " whoa Loretto would not allow the $300,000 appropriation to vase — — — The way the political rabbits ot the Ministerial party at Ottawa are run- ning to shelter is proof poettiv. that • large -sued scare i• no. --- Ex mayor E. F, CLARKE, of To- ronto, is spoken of as an indepeadeat can- didate In one of the Torato divisions. A better .eleotioo could set he made. —This Iiominion of ours will never amount to anything until the politicians qua preying and attend to politics, and the pastors quit politics and attend to praying. —Sir MAC[ENZIE BowsLL has re s-gned the Premiership and TrrrEa will b. Premier until Jose 23rd. After that date there will Os two liyinges-Premiers,it is de- voutly hoped. —Tom i.R's ultimatum that no man will be erne, 1 as • Government candidate who fails to •pprovit of the Ceero*oo Policy is giving the marble heart to many ambi- tious I'onservativepoliticians in Ontario. M. C. CAMERON is in great fettle at the time of writing, and after the coo- veot.on will give a good account of himself to bringing about a victory for good rovern- ment to the ooaetttueocy of West Huron. 1 lie Tupper Ministry is not mak- ing much headway in it. formatio.. Up to date either I:Nermor K,i- FATRu-E, Chief Justice M1KEI'ITH, Lieut. Gov. CRArtEAI- .or K B. O.t.sa has signified any intention of joinl.g the patchwork combination. When LAI'RIER asked his great audtenee at Sohmer Park, Moetrsal, last weak, " Are you ready for the battle, my heroes' " a mult*tudiuous •' Yee!' was the empress*. A similar answer could be ob- tained from Oetarie's Western Peni.sela. - The Montreal reception to Hon. �1't1.rR1U !Arnica Friday lab was the greatest demna.tretaoa ever gives to a paM'o man in ('anada. The newspapers bf every political .h,hholetb and creed all smite in prates of the etre of the gathering and the enthneiaem manifested os the oo- oeioa. That aisle anti esteemed resilient of ninths, ,lo,,p Rax.rmap, no looming up as • Doming ,ateem.a of moa, these days. At pretest he seems to be is favor of the embryonic Tirrss oombimaU... Rut there is no knowing what a day will bytes forth, two tar as Mr. RANN011 n. views are ooa- earned. -►s Sir Joslt MACDOMALI) uncal to say, " The toads has s.asded : the heather is es are, sad the general eke 140015 will be held o0 .lune 23rd, but hen in West flares things politically are moving Nosy in • quiet, even way. You see, we are very mete used to elections is this riding, and ene more or less doesn't worry ea • little bit. If the esteemed Frye Press, of London, will tell its readers what the C. P. It. me this nosstvy h reused milli's* et dollars, .0d then all them how many tees ea tits 17. P. R are owned by (.each, they would he able to tell whether the asses Neal the 1iablishs, es far se that parstemlar iamemsoat is eeMered. without any fur- ther artber palaver hem he Tres Pry. Apagat Tory politician mays the .3.11 a� ieampslge will be rue en the hi - Mal remenhieees .t Hve. J.us MAnsow- ALD to kis We Whet. " Mein Josnes mw," said be, " will he marsh themesd, of yeses IN ca` TI. le • beset feature ea Isaiah se ran as dssM.., hat see seats* I may se wad Its res en Brun Joss's masa as o0 Trrrsa's Mesh. —It is probable that EDWARD Gua - war, the well knows manafamerer, entad formerly the right-hand supporter el the N. P. seder Su Jima M* r opat.L, will be the Liberal uasdidate ie Web Toronto. H. is against the wisest studios/ire pulley of ilia Goven.ant, and *lama that the N. P. n- o sed of being • be.yl% to the ooa.Lry is sow • detriment. And as gay we dl. —There are • number of cock -and - ball yarns is oueulaiies regarding the poli- tical ettuauea to tate motion, sad oar Meads the enemy ars Moly engaged build- ing slates tor the Uangaasen emirs/ its to he held by the liberals 00 Friday. May 3. W• own mare ties busybodies that they need not worry themeless as to wbo shall be the Minta candidate. The Old Chief is still with as, area the Liberals are in no pother about a representative. What is really pothering the ether fellows is who will he •Derr oasdidas, WEniMIL..aa, Batt, Hoi..ri, Jus KIDD. HEtToN or JOHN RAN.ro i. —The following from The Mone- tary Times, a .o.•partisam eommarptal joarsal, is a strong shot at • moos of rss- .atity in the me of the franking privilege (y S S. Moats/A, ox -M. P. for Hamiltos. Now that Rrc•oAti Man no Imager tow be frakt.r privilege the work of sending out the sheets to being done at the pubbo ex - mom by that equally tamest and patriotic ('•nada.., the Hoe. WALTER HI-MrHRIK. MoNTAotE: Then has bean pent se from an Ontario town • Hour of Commas, envelope. bear - tog the freak of "KS. R., M. P ," addressed to • commercial firm, and 000 01. ng a four page sheet, entitled "A Political Review ; circulation 350,000." The so- o•Iled review vont/woe • report of the speech made by Sir Deiald Smith ; shoo a ortucum, to the main disparaging, of Mr. Laurier, the leader of the Opposition in Parliament, and some at• tacks on Fres Trade and the Liberal party. These occupied 17 out of the 24 ooiumns of (he sheet, the remising seven columns be- ing occupied by advertisemente ot ea al- leged rheumatism cure, of which the mem • bar of Parliament whose initials frank tbe copies, is the proprietor. A more shame- less use of the mails to puff • pateat medi- cine at the expense of the mimicry we have never seen. No wonder that even • Tory partial, disgusted at such • proceeding, re- proves, albeit under the guise of • Oman - try, such an *nduonsible peoo••disr. THE CAMPAIGN. Montreal Star: The eountry is not in • cooditioo, neither is it in the mood to ea. dues a campaign of estravagant promises. True it is that the politicians have shown us In the past that many promises Duo be made without ultimately oceting the 0000(15 very .5031, but the game of scatter- ing sham promises is • perilous one to play. There Is always • poestbtlity that they will he redeemed, should the pledge -spying poli- tician find himself :n • tight plaoe ; and, as • matter of foot, more or less public mosey is usually spent in makaog • bluff '• at the redemptian of some of them. If the sac - easeful party dare not ask Parliament to build • tunnel or s bridge, it can order • survey ; if • long canal cannot be ooeetrUot- .d, o0tracts can be. let for sections of the work ; and all this Dots money. Then the fioanotal condition of the i)o- miston is such today that • promise to spend • lot of public money on • local work which the ,ountry ciao get along without, will alarm many more voters, drawn from the prudent and informed cls than it will please among the locally interested cls The time wan when • proposal to rive a handful of good dollars out of the public chest to a local work displeased so few that at was usually • paying political move. fray ty Ian everywhere said "Give it to then ; at will get votes ter our fellows there ; and what do we 0515" That time has paved, however; thanks to the partial dissipation of party bigotry. and thanks, too, to the far less pleaes.t oircumetance that the in evit•ble fruits of this partisan madame are now bitter in our mouths. We have • hie debt, the interest charges upon whish have lately been teaching tia the meaning of • national deficit: awl who can Nit bnw much of it a due to the " follow mu leader" folly el the partisan past Canada is very conscious of a desire for an esonom,oal Government. no matter from which party it is to be drawn. The wide- spreed feeling will mak• • o•mp•igo of reckless promises exesedi.gly unpopular, and cannot but mase voters hy the hundred tgamast that party wbicb earns the reputa- tion of being the moat ready to empty the treasury into the hoods of 511 who call. VS • are paying tares enough In all nom scoeooe• •and we have a deficit. These will stand as twin objections to • sp.adtbrift policy, peaseseiag weight with • thousand voters when an U•550 wry post cane car win but me. The shrewd pnlitioian will note the temper of the people. LEEHURN. Mowl•Av, April 27. .lames Lioklater is dewing • large drabs through his farm east and web to ran late the creak sear the foot of Rattereut Row, using tile. The length of it will be over half • mits. The C.K. meet, new ea Suedey evening at half pest .eves r. r,. fee the eamf.g Sommer. S.vesel el the stemb..e won pres,nt at the onion .seting of the C. F.. 500381n la ViMsita7t Methodist o►arra se Friday IIs was ea smallest meeting- Ead rad tatsws. sttlhe. The ever slaving farssar's e'Me and her delicate sister in the sit,. 'early more than they oars to tell. TLe dirk rings mend the eyes, headaches, diadems, pal- pitation or rheumatic twinges, betaken • run-down system. The blond i, poor. and is a har tc enloymeet of life Seott's Sarsaparilla nnrifisa the blend, strength- ens and vitalises the system, and speedily restores the blooms of health to the cheek& it curet when all others fail. (fish.. Master D. Canteie., .on of W. OsistPere* , who Isti re.sssly moved M Meant Y with typhoid fever, and his metier trate .ver en Monday te mune aim. Miasmal' • The Homy friend, ,f Mrs. Willi. Fraser will be sorry te Lamm of her daub, whbb eswrr.d se Tmadsy April 1 Urn Fraser tree the Meager' daughter el Mea Thyme. .t Mervls, mod tem eey tweey-eight yes d ego She Imus" se WARM um M_ a re"` CODERICH BARGAIN CENTRE. imelemeat este .t the weather, the mooed ass" as North -es embodies atone lisaday sesame lea so hear Rev. I. uillesd, .1 W iegasa, lesbare .n " The "-m.sih Cave." was eel as horm se it ahsald have Mem. However, thew wte had the pleas - are .f Ii.t..i g te the rev. nesiMari oars well repaid ler maturing .at le snob threat - ming weather .. that .f M.mdsy evening. The looter* wee brim -fall el Intarset from Mart to welsh. The pastor at Norte -.t lii.t itiirt oaaroe had said a good deal about the elo.ie•eo. .f the preacher of Weighs= who was to give the lectin, but the expsestions of the a.4i...s were more than realised, and if Rev. l)r.Oigerd should some te (iuderioh ea • similar .tastes in the future, we nae predsct for him • moots larger 5sdi.mos. S. (3waua'. AT HOWL —Oa Tbaredsy emening the (1 •rohwe.sa', (iafld, of St Georgis held as At Home in the school room, whin was aiody d.00rwted for the c omanoa, draperies sad a•g• beteg neatly feetooeed os the walls, and flowers and other .mbell•ebmenh ohavmtoely or - ✓ anged round the room. There wore two tables well supplied with fancy articles, the manufactory of the members, use tut can- dies and Date for Rowers, wordy rose., the product of Kingham'' greenhouses. IMoog the evening refreshments were served, and the following program presented, Earnest Heaton being the chairman, : file., " Mark the Merry /Ores," Moir ; sag. " The Vila lags Blacksmith," Mr. Cel : violin .less Mrs. Carlos ; .nags " Uslolsea," Mise A. Karritt ; Duets, "0 That We Two Were Moving," M s Cbtltoe and Mr. Cuff. Part II : Duet'. "Swallows Height,- the Mi.... Bumtt ; vtulm solo, Mrs. Curzon : snag. " Katey's letter." Mies Chilton ; se0g' " The Musical Party,' Mr. Cuff ; portions, "Good Night," choir ; God Save the geese. Iaeb somber of the program was . *sely rendered, Maes Chilton reo.tvtna • well merited e.00re for Katey'. Letter, to which she responded by again singing the Wt ver... There was an exo.edi.gly good gatherug 000ndertnd the 000010r attr•c. Seas, and the net result of the At Holm 000sid.rably tooreeeed the amount to the oredit of the Cburohwoman s I:slid. THE 77TH ANNI\r.lt"tRI. — Ito Sunday the Oddfellowe of Godencb celebrated the 77th anniversary of the introduction of Oddfellowehip te the Am.rioan ooattnent by attending divine service in North et Meth- odist cburob. Then was • large attend mos of the brethren. seventy Meg press sot, • few lees than lest rear, bat ea that occasion, we are informed, that some twen- ty from the Clinton lodge joined with the brothers of Huron. The proowios lett the lodge room shortly before eleven, and the members were seated an the oburch before the town clock chimed the boar. Oa as e.mbhog in the lodes room atter the service Iaspector J. E. Tom, seconded by Dr Nicholsoo, moved that a committee be ap- pointed to convey the thanks of Huron Lodge to Rev. Joseph Edge for his able and appropriate sermon, to the choir for the ex- cellent musical service, and to the trustee board ot the church for the comfortable ac- commodation provided. The motion hav- ing been unanimously carried, and the com- mittee app .*orad, the lodge ad- journed. The lemmas, prayers and s.rmmi of the service were mush appreci- ated by the Uddf•Ilows, for in each division there wan allusions that .truck very close ly parts of the *nitatary ceremonies, and intone coming from a brother who knew not the mystic bond, made them the more acceptable. The sermon walla partto- ularly able deliveraoc.,its illnstrations heing psrttnent,ite composition of great merit and It. delivery eloquent. Around the pulpit platform were beautiful flowers, o1arm.;ly arranged by the Indies of the 000gragatiea, wbo are to be congrotulated on the pretty deploy. On the whole the Oidfellowe are to be oomrrstul•t.d on the celebration of their 77th anniversary, as the day was hoe. the turnout good, and the serves excellent. The Viotoria Embankment, in Leedom, has • surface ot 48.000 'sonars yards, and mita 03,000 • year to keep u repair. HOPE WAS ABANDONED. THB PECULIAR CASE OT MRS. HILL, OF WINCHESTER. THE DOCTOR TOLD HER THAT HER ?HOVEL* WAS ommourT1Ow OF THE VOWELS— TEEM WAS w0 14055 Or RSOfttaaT- 00T HEALTH 0As Al.*0rTe0ILCULO4'aLT ants t*D. Iran the Marrisburs Herald. Mos, Hill. wife of Mr. Rohe. Hill, of W i.- ohess.r, met many months age was looked epic se ono wham days wen Membered. Today she is • headmen*, healthy woman 'bowl•' no trams of her former desperate oemdiIM., Mad it is therefore little wonder that her ease bee crested • profound seem - ties le the neighborhood. To a reporter who sailed epee bet, Mrs. Hill expressed • wilU.pssa to give the story of her illness and recovery for publication, .0d .he sold it wait an earsest.ags that ooay.yed to the Imreme better than mere wends multi do, her deep gratitude to the medicine which had brought sheat her restoration to health sad strength. "1 tool,' she said, "Limiest like see raised from the dead, Lod my case "cone to me littls short of mir•oalos.. Absent .ear ago 1 was oeaased, sad short- ly Mites I mea taken with Meier in the smith ,Med suffered terribly. Although 1 had 'sed mediae 0tes.da... 1 did .ot seam to ret betty. 1. feet other oompliostione set la whiea seemed fast h.rryker rte to the grave. 1 grow weaker sad weaker until as 1•s4 I wee ereassd to bed, where 1 lad ter three swaths. Mybowels were i. • I. mble Minis., mei *ra- mble u last the deotne sail he..uld de se mere fee tene es with the Mbar sempli-i't5" i bad amem apnea el the bowels My limb" and fade Weems Ier- rlbIy .welMn, .y heart bssame weak and my bled .nand te have termed s water. i .seam..impl) an ameeletpa llviar 'kale Ma At ism the defter talig use Mai 1 was Mynd the aid of heiress skip, o.d that farther attendee a hili fart would de se d1ed. One day eemeMms Wer .y (stunk The Latest and The Best Every purchase made of us is a stepping stone nearer the goal. Every transaction is a bargain, therefore a money saving inves :tent. Low Prices coupled with Big Values is the combination that wins your trade in uur elegant assortment of Spring and Summer novelties, consisting, of Stapl ' and Fancy Dry Goods, :.REBS GOODS, FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, etc. There is a telling sotuething about our goads that places Assur- ance uppermost iia your wind. You know boa have the quality yna know you have the style, you know you have the right price. This is what we strive to _IIs- _egos ;this is w_hat we do kw you We try_to make the fair and square deal that brings you to as the second time. We have just received our new Kid Gloves ; we expect the duslity and price will scatter these gloves quickly among a prudent people. JAMES ROBINSON. Oorner Square and West St. Oath Store. visa samosa esy Msaide Wearing every motaemt to see me breathe my last, Mt 1 rallied. and at the urgent sonoitasMm of a friend it was deeded at this apparently hopeless juncture to sir• les. Williams' Pink tills • trial. io lees than two week. • slight improvement had taken plane, and from that out 1 slowly out surely progressed t ward recovery, natal as you own see for yourself. 1 am once more • healthy mosses It is impossible for me to express bow grate- ful I feel toward. Ur. Williams' Pink Pule, which under God's blessing hove restored me to health and family and friends. 1 1ee1 that the world should know my .tory, .o that some other suffering stater may b. able to find health io the medicine which 1 be- hove will Dever tail." The expertise:* of years has proved that the-. is absolutely oo themes du. to • vitiated 000dttios of the blood or shattered serves, that Dr. Wilh•ma' Pmk I'ilb will pet promptly cure, amid those who are 'uf- feries from such troubles would avoid moot misery and save money by promptly resort - tog to this treatment. Get e he gestin Pink Pills every time and do Dot be per- suaded te t.k • an imit•tien or some other remedy from • dealer, who, for the sake of the extra profit to himself. may sap is. "just as good." Dr. Williams' Pisk Pills make risk, red bleed, sad cure whoa other medicines fail. Have You Called — AT TRE — NEW SHOE STORE Next door to Misses Yates' Millinery Store Yet ? MY STOCK is ALL New, Seasonable, and up-to- date in every respect, and will be sold at the lowest prices that SPOT CASH can procure First -Class Boots and Shoes for. REPAIRING promptly attended to at reasonable prices. t3rYou ARE INVITED to call and examine my stock J. McNAUGHTON, Gash and One Price Shoe Store. SOME WALLS were 5t intended for papering. Hut Malls that are • part of your lite as much as the .k7 above de treed to se CLEAN. PRF:TTI' and CHEERFUL and the right kind of !'aper does 1t. Omppaappesrf advertises itself. and that's the moot satl.Eaa- tory this, about our business. IAkay saes fiiend har told you shout as if mus mime and see our stook. W. will advise ami hello you 11 OW MIT wish. Otr priors W wetbisreel* do ►eau's with ea THE FAIR. BBNMIIALER WOOLLEN MILL As retool i Nall he prepared to porch. woos. wt um highest market prise hr nate. et wig for my seasahetured articles. Mr sleek et B'i0 YARNS r Min BLANKETS FLANNELS TWEEDS and BLANKETS ofmet rI~•st cl ga'nsd 1-4.= 7 et eny dssu.lpt ion. ID.'t first. 1 shall PA Y CASH Ill, weal at the kegbsm price 1. the ass tel JS882 GLEDHILL, humin air, Aegg Mb. Ulla. 4744 DAIRY TINWARE We bare a full .took et all kinds .t DAIRY TINWARE Anti SAP BUCKETS which we are telling VERY CHEAP. All kind. of TIN, GRANITE AND COPFERWARE REPAIRED. CANADIAN and AMERICAN 'COAL OIL IDU sasaa5re. beeped up and resins over WORSELL'S NEW FURNACE to JUST TEE TIIIM FOS SBItt NOOSES. Come. and nee it at J. 11. WORSELL co. 7-• a i:' ,s T.., •t .tt rd r "ace el►, THE BICYLES Season o/ 1896. ARE YOU IN IT? If you are not. you ought to he. for the coming stages le going to he a greater swoons lies bicycling in Ooderiob than any of its pee- deo.e•ors. A RIDING ACADEMY for the tralniag of Wheelmen and Wheel- eromea h.s been established in Ooderioh, and the success that attended 11 last year warrants tun in eoatlout•g the work. l'erfeet Satlefac- 1 tion. Terms rsssosable. ER" A full line of tint -class Bicycles fir hire. Now is the time to get your wheels made ready for the season EyerythI.g in the roma lime kept on hand and nose but skilled haste employed. JOHN YULE. 6311 Ricycl. Livery, Miasma 5N. A FINE COMBINATION The out isprim' i. represented by the n . ass, the meted) ot oar bnsiases is roper wted N the square and eh* ability M ple..e is red by the taps lima Ie ' taker • ams teeibl.atime. Thea is sw a..be that we are Offering Better Inducements today sham ever liefera, sod we bar ear patrols' will mite •dmtte's et the .pprie- atty. There sever was a ffelw whsn snob • fes sw.etimeat el AmeliMam seieds'sues M sem se at our Mesa bb mama Te avoid the rash alar sty. PR IDHAM THE :TAILOR.