HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-4-30, Page 1VIZ Beam
18 THI CHLAP1111
.... 13 TH3 BEST. 'l
Fos Otis Tam
TSlater Boet- W a Sharers, jr .. 6
Pastore Fells Rersrv.-Tb. Cesrda
Hope Wee Abdominal -0. T. Fallyd
Parliaeest Dusdved-r. J. Pridbrm .. 5
The New Vostilseed Sk..--S,. B. Poi -
leek 8
some W.1Ie-T1s Fair. 4
(lards 1atpisesete-A. M.D. AWs
S•rpssrlag B.rpsisu W. As►wmi ASN
Asetber Cbmw- tie.. Porter . .
Get es Glasses -.1. B. Davis
Oh ler • Picture !-R. R SiUew•
P•iata red Otle-R. W. M.Kesw
Beemiller Woollen Mill -lens Glad.
hall ..... ., 4
Have You Called! -J. MaNsegbies..... 4
!tale of Hones red L.4-liurrrow It
I'roudtool. 5
Tenders Wasted -S. Mrloueros .. . .
Household Furniture -Thos. Gundry...
lasowtty-L M. Maybe" .. 5
Ladies' Print W reppoea-J res. Robiaros 1
Spray Pampa- Armetres/ Bros 1
OUR OTTAWA LETTER. l °r..d reeills6'Oeja" I mallet "k
hint to do se, nate= Camisole .met Corea,
4 The Salute
The Tolman was wonted and pointed lest
Commercial fishing improved • little the
pest week.
Copt. Baxter has the door and railings as
he brides.
latae• Post The fishing tug Ue.patol u
fitting out.
The fog wheal• was tooting the greeter
part of Tuesday.
Oa Saidey a few we bergs were sees from
the harbor bask.
Os Saturday the raver had fallen to Its
ima•l summer level.
The obi market scales are now fixed on
the Rig Mill salt track.
A number of the bee/Aeneas on the river
lie to be put up this weak,
Then are large flocks of wild ducks to be
e ven on the river and harbor and off the
Copt. Baxter has opsoed out hu boat-
house and has overhauled nearly all he
Tb. Schooner Renege sailed on Moadev
for Golder Volley to lead lumber for le
A tag will woo oommeace to tow logs
from other porta to Godenoh for Eke sew
u wmt►l.
The mows have ovistnasoced to use Mo
I)omald'e beach and aha North pier se
}immediate Reporter : The tag Jobo
Logte, whaoh wintered bore, fres gone to
One of our r.sdente ala me to have land-
ed three hundred porch in two boon as.
day last weak.
The first Brown boat will oommenoe run-
ning about the 10th of May, and the
other • month later.
The last creek in the breakwater was
somewhat salaried by the freshet in the
e arly part of last week.
It would be a mush apprecietd favor to
aeyoleta, if the town authorities would
give the Square • good scraping.
The tug Eagle was hauled out as lbs is-
land and repaired last week, and has gore
to Hayfield, when bar owner lives.
Anglers hays bed ups and dowse psrob
fiehan*, some days gentles eitcelleet strums,
while on other days hardly • fish was ob-
If then a the present depth of water in
the harbor all the year routed, the 14 foot
boats will have • foot sad a halt to spare ell
the way.
The soh..oa.r Kollar" pat on her dress
last weer, and sailed on Tuesday for John -
ewe.. harbor, with • ergo ooiwting of po-
tatoes, hay, supplies and • planer for • saw-
1 be steamer Jones tett shortly after mid-
night on Friday for Wierss. She was, es
route, to leave supplies at Southamptai,
Tobermor.y, and several fishing stetlo0. on
Meatballs Island.
Last week the frame foundation for the
N ewmill was placed, and this week • large
number of men .re demigod oo the building
Th. past week • large gmentity of its ma-
chinery sad some timber were wleadd be-
side the railway track .
The pipes mak by the water works engin-
eer to try- for • flow of water filled rapidly,
As tar as quantity is ooio.reed,tbe test was
• uooseeful. Untortuaetely, the analyse,
while showing the water to be perfectly
Pure, makes patent the foot that it has sev-
eral degrees 01 hardness. The test wells
were plated almlot in the Memel thee the
overflow of the old Hawley well out oat, so
that it iaalmost osrt is that it is from MO
old flow of mineral water that the hardness
Eaginoer Smith sad D. Molitor, while
mounding off the beach sad piers last week,
found that the terve timidity of rind that
has moms .o the beach ree.etly most boa
come from sear ..d aroused the pies, as at
the present time %bow b so bar aortae the
harbor estrum, mid at plasm • few hund-
red test from the b.meb, where them wea
only 5 fest of water, thew se esw 8 or 9.
It asset that 15. lestNaalag of the pima
has dose away with the harbor bar. its
.00adisp taken skew that there is ever 154
fest of want fees take to dook, but dem to
the sorb pier the depth 1s some plasm is
tee lest lees
Man, ea gagvsmrel A.tmal
As • rtes we seceded is showing •
deal of desetiefacties with the w ,
sad gruml.le • beat deal about it. 1. Num
nor we're toe het, in Winter, Ess sold, sad
daring bright erring days we complus that
It weal Met Im.o. T'b. past .sant for do -
sae away with all asaphia is to dress ap-
propriately. is 8semsr, deet drew, wear
• msglige mit and waseh your .etghber
work You'll be seeker thea it you worked
yoerselt. fiat is Wieser, %bat'" d1Aeswt,
Mans is all thew/Um work you ma' ed,
but instead 01 bsrdesise yearslf with a
camber 01 pgemitm, WWI year ester emit
i.t..rBsed with Fibre (Jbnw.b. it will keep
..et ell wind. rats id Rea owl yet le Mem
Pensive tieght th
d se lika weight at yen Emelt
les! prsgrM
le the
1M Cioingonatthe
we of them, in written, gnaw mho and
prove a euieiest cberge,or say that 1 meet
Capital oboes" w5 05 of them to keep. 1t 1•, I
think. to your pereeeal lemma sot to have
• split. '[upper, with wham 1 here eons
overhe twhole tagrees with me. "
So far so good. Hen we Bad Tapper aid
him friend l.h•pleaa trying to farm • aose-
beeettoa for the purpose of what ! Hermt-
ly governing the country
Wall, the Tenet* Mui. the Go..,. -
.5.1'. phut organ, dose mot appear to have
air higher opinion of Sir Charles Tapper
than Sir John M•odoseld bed d Cb•ple•u.
The lorosto Mail of Jaw 7th, 1891, maid :
••'15.,. can be no doubt 01 tee wares beteg
actively pulled for Sir Charles Tappet .t
Ottawa by his own son. with bis ether spm -
mai adherents in the l'abiaet,es'weU as tae
member trom the eastern Provisoes to
whom, es • reward for their loyally to him
In the late wiliest, he has promoted eves
mon than justice in the diva•toi of the
e pode. He u the prince of polat.io.l cracks -
men, no doubt, but we cannot afford ability
o ven of eo rue • kind at such a pries as
Peet of oonuoued and increased dsmoralisa.
ties.' The rest of the Mail" denueoi•tioi
of Tapper ruse •o the same eosin. That as
the record of 15. two teen who are to lead
the Tory party to victory. They all have •
mooed, • splendid reoord, morality and bos-
omy combined.
F.rll.i.eaa was act
l'eutr7-a.ms et the
SsW/ou aid l'emtmlsstes-Chap-
lms and Tepper Mated.
alT WA, April 27. -The last
o wes hso been mooted in omioluding ono
of the meet dieeraodal Perlume.4 Mutt
has over been *stored epos the annals of
the Haunts of Cumu,oee at Ottawa. The
mew b Pulaau.wt mooed u Aped 1891
ted the disclosures of the/ seesaw will ever
remain • .tate upon Lite good tune of the
0onutr). 11 resahel to the forced retire-
ment of a member of the Cabinet and the
expulsion from Parliament and ampraoo-
Meot of • o oaserte.ive member ,t the
House. The oondeot of ••other member 01
the Go.e...seeut in ooaoectwo with his n-
ation. toward. ou• of the foinald clerks of
ha deperuneu• wee oleo 15. .uIjeuI al in
vesu/attoo Lost .wlos.
The 1'rlsuug Bureau scandal was also ex-
posed in whioh .',rough Chepleau • friends
the country loot many thoos.nde of dollars.
AA the eiveeIS P.rlamest owned so It
°outland sad so at coded. W • have seen
Fester, '• ine good George," the highly
moral George, have to admit 15.t he had
permitted his political frauds as York to
default lnierest da. the Government for six
years on • lots of $300,000 made out 01 the
treasury to the Frden.toa Badge Go.,00d
upon which you tax payers are now psylsg
interest in laude.
W. have also semi John Centime's deal
with the Tobayse Valley Railway Cu. si-
posd by wt.ioh, u oeseeotios with esreeia
mining property bet seems to have done
Thu s.mioa you have heard of the
citable of one George I:oodwa tet extras
amounting to 1210,000 in connection with
►u Soulaages Camel contracts. You bin
also had to °oowcum with the claim is
exhibition of the Liberal party blooking
the payment of what they oossiderd an
illegal payment of your money out of too
treasury to levorate oomtra.tor&
For • moment let me read to you what
Sir Meokeezie Howell said stout the
Parliament just olo.ed,ls • speech delivered
by him an the annul St. George'. Society
dinner to this sty oa Thursday not : •' The
Parltamest of Canada has sot added moth
to its reputation during the past three or
to years. There never has been • Perim -
most that 5.e bed so mmoy sleepless nights
and dose w little work as the present ase •
He hoped thee they would never in Cauda
wito... • loemlen et Parliament that would
te the remotest degree he a parallel to the
one just Mooed. 1e. n you think Sir Mao-
k.nzie wes about right ! Thum is not a day
that I do not meet someone umbo says some-
thiag like this-" 1 am a Conservative Mud
I bops always to renals one, but as tar as
the administration of Government gees 1
Milk there should be a ohangs. W• ha.e
bees disgraced by the men who new hold
office and ea to as 1 •m 0000.rsed I ter go-
ing to give the Liberals • chtooe to me if
they will do any better for they cannot de
mores. "
That is the way many people ars now
talking all over the country.
As regards the s•setoo just clood,ese day
alto it oprtood you have had an exaaum
of saves Ministers of the Crown rename.
Sir Mackenzie had refused to permit the
advance of 22,500,000 out of the Treasury
to the Had.00 Bay Railroad .oetome ; be
blocked the rssewai of the .udsidy of $170-
000 per annum to Tupper's pet esteem*, the
Cmgneoto'hap Railway and Iter on be has
vetoed the psyllium of Godwin's claims,
winch they were waiting to pay after Sir
Mackenzie got out of the way. But these
seven Ministers, or ax of them, are aU
back luckier tear heels on the treasury
benches, wanton for you to clothe them
again with exeeutive power for another five
year. Rat look out
Theo again as to the work of the past
stenion Foster once maid he be had acted
"do • moment of weakness." That mom-
ent of w eka*en, as far as Foster and
hu colleagues are ooseerssd, has bum •
perpetual cmc all through this session.
Weak and bel. Could it be otherwise
with • House divided against itself ! They
brought dowuttter nearly • year'* prepara-
tion, • measure by which it was proposed to
redress the grievances of the Ciethol10 min-
ority of Manuobe, • Remedial Bill, in the
dyint bourn of the session. Fifteen out of
the 112 Warm composing this perfect bill
were Awed, but not maul the Government
bad mdatifited the o.aeseity of over forty
e me.dm.ente •loso os them iltwa cl.uesa.
Learner tad others opposed mob an abortive
measure going ou the statute book tad it
dui mot go.
They also brought down • msssere by
whioh It was proposed to advance soother
fear millions dollars oat of the treasury to
the Comedian Pam& R•ilway,but they were
fcred to withdraw it, as they eleryls the
ease of several million doll.rs they were
amkisg for to the way of railway robot lies.
'f%. liberal party had to. vivid • recd.
Ieetios of the $133,000 Coitigae secured in
aid of the Tob quo Valley Pittway to ran to
his mime, rod they wasted woe te invents•
gate the new list of ..lmidies, before they
pwmatted them to peen. la the same way
they wanted to put through betimes thirty
sad ferry malice dollars of .states for
meet year, is the dying bound the mentees.
but the Opposition said stop : we will pass
them is July, atter the eeaatry bee said
who they wish to handle the atmssy.
Rr• vegrancTtee .
HARRIS. -In (rodenoh on April 20th,
1896, her fifty fitartbd•y, there permed
pe.aefully to reit in .Jesus, Matilda Morris.
beloved wife of Thomas H.rre• Mr. liar -
no was aa invalid for moves years, having
suffered from two strokes of paralysis, sites
which ebb had borne • long sod tedious ill -
nem with wonderful p•tieoae and rstiw-
lion. Suoe earlyirlhodrs. MHarris had
been • sincere and serost Christian ; she
had given the best of bar We, youth and
health to her Saviour, and when siokmes
came it was her to real re the swesteass 01
having Gd fore rduge,the oomtorting, up-
lifting strength of the Everlasting Atma
The inMermeas took plow at Dssge.ss
osmetery oo the 2211d. Rev. J. Ede, ems -
ducting the service. The pall bearers were
It. W. McKenzie, W. Acheson, W. War-
n ock, E. Downing, W. Lase, C. A. Hum-
ber Ia the home circle Mrs Horns lea.es
to mourn her lose her husband, one desalt -
ter sed • Mew, to whom since childhood
she has been u a mother, all of whom have
the oomtortiag assurance that she is with
Christ, whioh a fu better.
" One less et home :
The ob.rined circle brokeo, • dear fume
Mimed day by day from ire aoewtomed
Bat cleaomed, and saved, and perfected by
One mon in Heaves'
Goa leen at home :
(toe voice of welcome hashed, and evermore
One (farewell word unspoken ; on the shore
Where parting *omen not, one goal landed
more -
One more in Heaven '
One leen on earth ;
Its pains, its sorrow. and eta toile to share ;
Ose lees the pilgnm's daily crow to bear ;
One more the crown of ransomed mists to
wear -
At home in Heaven '
(Impious Mee arrived here today, to help
Tupper is the form•Mae of • Gevwmment,
it they sae agree epos teres and epee •
divides ef the spoilt Of Merlotti. es 6th
May, 1104, Bir Jabs Madesald wrote se
fellows se He.. Thies. McGremy : •' My
sellsagtw Wink thee QrpM•is is lees M b dm -
wheel wbe • besting• for hie be-
hevior, by being is the ocesetl. theta as •
main few te est. l.ngevi• le (sling he
Quakes by tum mind of the week, sine wllf sum
W Meads. i with yes psttlenleriy /• sus
hist sed impress qs bleu the seessdty of
C1M� ep with (Siplss., twill the latter
wsmlYm j ee mom as te jest* kis
(Foe more an Hearin '
Another thought to brighten cloudy days,
Abettor theme of thankfulness and praise,
Another Usk on high, our soul to raise
To home and Heaven
C. E. L- U.
The following are the topios for the dif-
ferent young people's .001.1ies which meet
daring nett week :
Knox Church 1. P. S. C. E. , Tuesday even-
ing at 8 o'oloek. Topic tor May 5,
•• Be of Good Cheer,'. John xvi : 22 33
Leader George MoSwees Missionary
topic "The obligation to vo," Luke xxiv :
46-48 Leader Harry Lockhart.
North -et Methodist oharoh E. L of C. 1' ,
Friday evening at 8 cloak. Topic for
May let, •'Oar Pledge." Leader Mem
Gundry. C,00eooretioa and roll call.
Vomen ,a Methodist ohuroh F L.
Friday evening at 8 o'olook. Topic for May
let, "Junior (►rganasatiou.' leader Mise
Washirirto., Clinton.
Union Presbyterian °buret, Goderioh
Tp., V.1' S.(' F.., Sunday eventing at 7:30
o'clock. Topa for M.. 3rd, "Be of Good
Chew.'. Luke xvi : 2233.
All are cordially invited to attend these
•s ./pea Letter.
Fourth Cos, of Brno., Wil-
low Creak P. 0. April 3rd 1896.
J. M. M.-Lsoo, Goderiek. Dear sir, --I
was rack tor fin years, I was treated by
Mt doctors. Asytbiog I ate distressed a,
I was rdaod to • skeleton. The pun is
my stomach was intol.r•ble. What 1 did
Mt ernes rip as door, as it wetot dew.. Life
became • burden tome. 1 was told that I
had wooer in the stomach sod that It would
take s lois este to our. me. You oan well
jades whets told the that I ooeolsded I
could not be oared. I hersn to swell so
mach and net getting relief 1 thought my
ism hopeless. I was advised sot to eat for
two weeks, this was o.neoemary are I could
sot me amyw.y. 1 was not in good Mope
to leave bees in cold and stormy weather,
bet i bed omihd.n in you-ks.wing es
seamy eases that you cured is Ibis neighbor -
hod. mane whom were messm of my ow.
Moeda. I tot • trued to drive me to Gd.
nab lest November. i amid sot rest sill
i was token throw. i ree•iaed 5.e days at
the U.M. Hotel, when they treated me
tinily amid well, till 1 got the flassrl hat -
mem you made for me Sited on. i was talk-
ies year System Renovator, improved all
the time, and the Bret bottle of Z. A Me-
ls..sa's iisentr.t relieved ss. greatly. i
as U
wfree from all pals .id eawell the
day 1 1011 (lederioh. i was mambo daily.
i continued till 1 teak three :IMAM' of ;,Ss
ResovMrr, .set two of the Limiseat. I
felt that i was owed sed well lo.'g before i
Bobbed this, but was mimeo to vim
strength .ltd weight, whir& 1 have. i b.-
gss se week also* as seen as i mote. i
be.. bees well and feel as well steer t her
as ever i did in my life. My esefldenee
wee set minsbeed I teener you my els
.eta thesrm. Teem trmly,
66 -IM Nam Rom=aR.ow.
Nonce -The Moat •/rte la Guess.
Wins Btefu. is at the alae o1 J. O. Ward.
J.P onevagaaow. te., whe wW receive or
dere ter enteoripows. advertirag sad Joh
work. sad is •utboria.d is give r.o.lpte ter
• womets paid for the sante
Tpmtb.r: April 28.
Bike. -Now that Sprig a fairly tat a,
alms(a. enjoyed by • number of our yoaag
l i si Tau R.. I L% Al. - I f the proposed
5lsotr10 railway is net • myth, we prmame
It to about saes opentley la the ooeetrue-
itee theteu. wet. wmmeneed
O.v .t Vistil.e Tale. -Mrs. (:y std
daughter. Iflestah, left hum. as Hat.rday et
last week, to vett friends at Ripley. We
wish them a ple.s.nt ,mat and elle rotors.
Rem *Nap Hoy c.- Rev. J. Bdtoond..ed
wife, who lave been es • visit to relatives
sad rewiring aalua.otaooes at Laetowel,
and other p.tints, returned home on Friday
hirk,.y EMEND*. -.loom H. lee is rushing
amprutes ale um tum tarn which ne reaoua
ly nought from 1), m. SloMe' b, Esq., by
drawing, twuiog and toruses in 5 husband -
like manner.
E., IlANTi.1:.-31other Korth is beim*
gradually attired in her beautiful Syrian
mason bebilimesu for 1896, won oo.tasiomal
warm.howw and, oo the whole, ecoellest
we.tner. A 1 mutate to Ice ditlerent i.p•rt-
me.14 1. orieb. sit tog to .11 and wadi y.
Nan RL.lut.. s-t,e.,tee Beglq, mss el
our papular building c.atrw'ore, has takes
• ..N.nlr.ut •O rai.iro,-t . reeideiue fur Mrs.
G. Potton, on Inc property whioh she re -
mealy putu',aced from Jas. Whysrd. Sbe
may rely apoe having good work done.
CONN •Le 'aNa.-11e are pleased to be
.Ale to state that Bernard Redmond and
wife, who have been very III for some time,
are gradually reooverang, they have resided
0o the homestead oo whioh they new IiH
for upwards of forty•.4' years, and as citi-
zens .re highly respected. We hope they
will be spared many years to enjoy the oom-
iortable home and fruit" of thetr pioneering
l N 1 x rA N. -y. --On Friday last, the reale.
of William Lorain, only child of William
M•lloogb, bailiff, were interred in Demme -
son oem.tery. Age 13 months oo the
day of bit death. The deep sympathy of
the onuses of Dungannon and vicinity is
extended to the bereaved parents, in the
early doparture of their beloved child, who
is 5000 to join the happy and blessed of
children in the maoetoos of unbounded bliss
and holy joy.
('outs.. AND GOING. -Mr. Wilkie, 01
Clinton, denten, was in our village on Fri.
day last, we are pleased to see that the
venerable gentleman was able to res0tne his
practice, aa •Ieo were many of his patron.
Having heard that he was afflicted with la -
pup, and had the misfortune to fall and
seriously injure himeetf, we were somewhat
taken by surprise, although glad to we him
looking t•irly well ani 'tune level headed o0
the political issues of the times past and
present. Although advanoed in years we
bops be will be spared to enjoy health and
strength for many years.
INTeauSST -90 Wednesday of last week
the remains of Matilda, wife of Thos.
Harris, of Gdenoh, and formerly of Ash-
field, were Interred In Dungannon cemetery,
ewe' i y -.re. Toe deceased had bete in
• very poor state of health for • number of
year., during which the submitted to hum
affliction with • 4401st and l'hrutian•like re-
signation, ever trusting i0 the (rest Physi-
cian with .inured confidence. She was out
of the many daughters of the late John
Moms, who departed this life an 1895. 11m
bereaved husband, daughter and relatives
have the deep sympathy of the community
In the bereavement.
Carr HIRE -Sin. S. Pentland left hen
to Wednesday o1 last wok to join her hus-
band, who has secured • position at Quincy,
IIL She will be greatly missed in church
work, Ming an exemplary and 00nsistest
member of the Methodist churoh here, and
wee highly respected by the members of the
eburob for her ('hri•ttan labors and zeal an
esdeavonng to promote the spirituel as well
as the temporal interests in the church, as
the following beautiful address and gift
*view to no small degree, the oordial se -
teem in whioh she was held by the ooagr.-
pties and citizens of the vtoinity
To Mr.. a. J. Wetland.
DEAR FRIENa AND Sl'iTCR,-it is with
the most profound regret th.t we learn you
w e about to loop us, and oo the ere of y our
departure, we embrace the opportunity to
express our •pppreoatioa of you as • true
sad faithful Christian, as gent have by your
walk, 000vereatioo,and work in the Master's
vineyard, and we believe you have en-
deavored to be faithful to duty, and in your
removal from our midst, we deeply feel
that as a .5s4regatlou, we sustain • great
lase. We are thankful, however, to know
that what is loss to us will he gain to those
setas( whom, in the arrangement of an all -
wise C'testet, you are permitted to Mete.
We 5.11..e the Lord has yet a work for got►
to de is seem other pert of his vineyard,
and that your sterling integrity, urflsgRing
xosl, and modest,aewuming and ooseistest
UN, will gain for you in your new geld of
labor, the sea high esteem they have gain-
e d tor you hers. We would now ask you
to accept the puree ea • parting token of
our love and esteem, hoping you may be
loss spared to ,ommanioste • blowieg to
others. Wishing you and yours every
prosperityis your sew home. We resins.
years is ristian love.
igned on behalf of the esbgregeuon, Meth•
dist Church Dnsgasses :
Meq. Liras Awon+os,
• Maw Assist Ttgt..Avsn,
Mat. 8. J. Yott'o,
Joemrn A. MAu.evs,
Grouse Ovorume.
F. Y. Mott, of Exeter, was u town oa
K. H. Collies, of Beeler, was is town en
Mint M. Warmer, of Glisten,. ae tows
0. �und•y. *
L H Dicke*, of Easter, visited God.-
rltih last Tbua.day.
Mrs. 1 F. aid Miss Sybil Toss reached
town on Saturday en their return from New
Y ork.
Mn. end the Mures Lockwood leave to-
day (Tbursd•y I for thou future home in
Amherst, N.S.
Jos. Clark left en the steamer Josses on •
visit to W tartou and many baba*( stations
in the Georgian Bay.
Mies host of the Amish te now able to
attend to Wittiness, esw. that he many
traends wall be pleased to see in print.
Sirs Fasmore, a000mpanid by her son
H•rrc,left on 1'uesdy morning for a couple
of mootbs vett to her loose in St. Louis and
Miss Thompson has uloed her Ktoderg•r-
ton a Godeneh and aooepied • smiler pot-
ties on the staff of the Berlin public
whorl,, for wbtuh towo the lady leaves to-
A E. Stuart, of Petersburg, Mich.. is
the guest of R. 1.. Hays. The gentleman
is is town oo butanes' in uoonecuoa with
he property, on the oorner of Colborne -et
and S•ivare.
Adolphe& Exner, of the Inland Revalue
Department. recently stationed at Norwich,
has been appointed to Gndertob in oleos of
F. H. Spence,
Mr. and Sin. Wm. Shaver Mrs. J. A
Shaver, of Aomstor, were In town last week
speeding the funeral of their sister-ls-law,
the late Mrs. Huns.
Fresh trout were in the market last week.
Ladies get your cycling oorseu .t Rob-
The'Harbor Pork was largely patronised
on Sunday
The ran of Monday mused • wonderful
growth of erase.
Regular meeting night of town oounotl b -
morrow, 'raday.
A yuentwFn mow often asked is, will the
Oddtellowa build • h.11.
Ladies print wreppws for 95o. at Itub-
The Godorioh Foot 13.11 team made •
01.. finish for the .seas.
Ragaler mason( of Godenoh Council, No.
157, C.O,C.F. than evening.
.4oh.eton 1101 has erected • new
workshop oo Colborne street.
Regular meeting of the Public School
Board, next Mondy evenang.
Holy 1'ommunwn at St. Georges, at close
of morning service next Sunday.
Mrs. Colin Campbell has pnrohaeed the
Hunks dwelling on 5t. David's-st
Blooms and chart waists from 40o to 11.35
at Roblseoo'e.
The annual meeting of the Mechaotw' la.
statute wa.l be held on Mmiday evening.
A start has been made to sod the ground
around the Curling and Skating rink.
The bnck work on E. 1)owoass a skew
dwelling on St. Patrick-st as nearly com-
o 'clock our 50u. Corona for 39o. -•t Rob-
les.The ...
Albion building as now ap to the first
floor, but there is • rumor that there will
be • eau for bricks.
The GOderich baseball ^lub propoes play
tog the Union., of I:orrae and Wroxeter, on
May 24,h, at Clinton.
J. Cameron. representing the 1;. H. Mac -
ism. Co., of Toronto, gave Tut SIG NA1. •
fraternal call on Wdned•y.
Jas. Yates has purchased the stook of A.
L. Weir, and will eio0ta0w the bneiosm
n ext G. W. Thom•oo'e bicycle depot.
Friday morning, between 10 and 11
o'olook our 10c. skirt lining, 5 yards for 300
at Robinson's.
Armstrong Reece. & Co , have .Destructed
an excellent spray pump, which can he mild
•t • yery low pries. See d. next week.
There was • very powerful and unplea-
sant dor alone the bank South of the
Lighthouse, oo Sunday. Whet mused at.
The thanks of the Harmony Orchestra
are dee Mims lumber for • very pretty gel -
ration eititld "The .lolly Miner • March."
Then will be a Love Fest at the North
Street Methodist Church et 10 A M., on
Ssndoy, followed by communion after morn -
Ing swytce.
There was a large attendance at the
Christian F:ideavor Local Unios meeting in
Victoria street Methodist oburoh, oo Fri
day enin*.
Tbey+*vwi11 be • spiels' meeting of the
Baseball (Club this iThureday) evening es
the old cricket grounds east end of the tows
after pr ouee.
The Square wee fairly orowdd with
cyclists on Saturday erasing. Among the
m•okioes then were • fem of the old
fashioned big wheels, and • kludem.
If paid for in •dvanoe, this paper oasts
Mem than two omit • Dopy, yet then are
well-to-do people in town and toweship,
who will walk nearly half • mile to borrow
•B parties :ttog their sale b111. panted at
Ala adios will haves tree .wiles imams
In this let as to taw thee of ,ales.
Assam sale of boonthold furniture at the
midmost of H. Smith, Waterloo et, mixt
the Rink. en Thursday, April 30. Thos.
oadry, •setiowesr.
Amnon sale of harm, wagen,farea imple-
ments and household furniture at McDou
aid's betel, Kiat.il, e. Saturday, May 10,
eses wooing as 10 a.m. Rory illeClarles,
Assam sale 01 hews red les 682 es Na-
apier 8.. tows el Gedsrid, ea Tuesday May
19th me 12 .desk mea The sale will take
pp5.1me.m N the •.dmi
ies et, Hamilton Serest
tlMa (Miry, Amsedsmesr.
evening b.tweeo 7 and 10
We osn help to make your home oleaa,
bright and oheerful if you wish to. With
paper of the best grade an American sad
Canadian msnufactor., we are in • position
to do so Theo, after the papering 1. doss,
we bay* many useful as well ea ornamental
artiolee w •ttraoti.es.es to yner rongp-
Nnw 1s the tree Erase ye. should deride be
make your par.bssus N 15. Fair.
The Griot from u.• Legal MAIL
• meetly Memel in yeasty 0... Served
■p to Salt iveryb.dy - rue sad
ref.. Lapped sed Ceadsa•ed
prem Ever, Settles.
\VINGHAM1 The Alert bre brigade
are'maku ag a flower bed ls front of the town
Seatorth : Mr. MoCallum, of near Inger-
soll, ho. taken a position with John Kele,
Wangb•m : John E. Swartz ,hipped his
driver, Frank, to Aglitter, Oat., h.% tog bold
at to a gentleman of that oleos.
Bluevale : K. G. Camemore, the new mer -
chola, has eogatted Mw Jamieson, of
Fordwiob, to mut In the poet office.
Chows : The latest inmate of the Home
of Refuge u Annie Hsrme•ten, of Turn -
berry, • girl of 33 years, who is idiotic.
Stanley : James Mustard and wife, of
Chicago, w visiting among friends and ao-
quaiotanoes u and around their old home.
Bluevule : Corte Myers, of Loring,
Mwhlu.n, has returned to visit his uncle.
Darnel Lowe, atter an absence of (oar
Clinton : Geo. Swarm, of !Ashford, moves
back to town next week, and lien Mason
moves to the hotel lately oocupid by Sir.
Seatorth .lames Arohibeld returned
from hi. F.urop.•o tour on Friday test. He
.ombtae4 business with pleasure and looks
as it he had enjoyed himself.
Hallett : Last week . horse **loughs, to
W. Snell, Holten, was ennetrook, and did
as the result thereof. 0. Flynn, Hallett,
also lost • homes from some unknown saws.
Porter's Sill : A short time ago Mr. 0.
W. Potter was milled to Woodstock to see
his mother, who wee very low ; we are
sorry to learn that she bas uses pawed
W Melo= :.1. H. i )ulslage shipped hu
trotting stallion, Baraboo, to 1)etroit, ou
Moody to be trained under the out of the
celebrated trainers Stanley and 1)..bar.
The colored gentleman, Oliver, went i.
Exeter Rev. E W. Hunt, rector of the
Trvitt Memora.l church, and t•mity leave
this oleos about the let of Slay, and at is
rumored that he next field of labor will be
to the land of the stare and stripes
Exeter . Mise Sarah Phar bed the mis-
fortune to fa!1 from the platform of •
clothes reel. and in the f.11 sust.a.ed • se-
ven injury to one of her arms, which will
render her unable to work for some time.
Leedbury The sale at John Common's,
on M..ody last, was quite successful and
was well attended. One bores sold for tit,
and one brought 1104 ; mows brought from
830 to 140 each. The total amount realized
was upwards et 41.100.
Clinton : The Flint News of April 13,
thus refers to a former resident of Clinton :
--Henry Cole died this morning .t 3:45 as
the home of his daughter, Mrs. .1. 1'. Cole,
of 613 Oak street, of kidney trouble. De-
oe.eed was born in Ireland 81 years ago.
Brussels: Mr. and Mrs. I:ovier Ureas
have the sympathy of their many 'seeds in
the loss of their eldest ion. Toe 111.1*. lel•
low was taking the meeee, and • oompli-
wtion of oongestloo of the lunge set in, .red
he .uooumbed. ea he had tor some isms been
troubled with weak lunge.
Stephen : The weather last week was ex-
tremely hot and more like summer than
spring. It was so oppr..uve that several
bursae working did from the effects of the
heat. The following persons lost horses in
this way :-E. Jody, Stephen : C. Monteath,
T. Russell and W. Armstrong, Uaborne
and John Taylor, Hay.
Exeter : J. W. Harraos and Rob*. Fera
gusto, who have boom attending the Detroit
Medical lollop the past tour year, return-
ed home last week to spend a few days,
prior CO booming permanent ritizdna of
Goole Sam's domino& Both have paired -
creditable .x•mmwtiose and are now entitled
Ito affix M. 1)., to their wanes.
Sealorth • The young lad, Ferguson, son
of David Ferguson, of Tucksrsmtth, who
had hie eye sevorly anjured by being struck
by • stone, whale playing at the lied Schoel
bootee, is still in town, staying at Wm.
Henderson's, (:denoh at, and as being at-
tended to by 1)ooten Soost and McKay,
who hope to save the eye, .(though the
sight is permanently destroyed.
(,oderioh township : Another of the mo-
w ers of 4.odench towwhip has been taken
* way ; Gd, in the order of ■e wise provi-
ders, has been pleased to remove by death
Chas Lovett, w„ on Saturday, the 18th
int. His death wee not unexpected, se be
had been ailing for • considerable length of
time. He was • Dative of Tyrose county-,
irelaod,ttrom which, shortly atter he mar
riage, he moved to Mnatreai, where hs r
bind five yeas. i)unng the rebellion of
1837-38 be was mild out to the ssrvtoe of
his country. From Montreal he mme to
Gderaoh township, and settled on • farm
ea the Huron road near llolmeeville. This
farm ho was cored to leave, having been
burned out. He then took up the farm on
the bum line on which bodied. Hie family
oonsetd of nine daughters and three eons,
of whom nine are still livinagg He was •
member of the Church of Fnglend,ead took
• deep interest in the work of both oharoh
and Smedley sohool The I•r5e number who
attended the funeral, and the deep sense of
• Imo which .11 appear to reel. speak louder
than word. of the hold he hal oo the good
wishes of the whole community in whioh he
lived. He wee in every respect an ideal
h ttsba.d, father, neighbor and fried. The
sorrowing family h.v. our Mooers sympathy
h thie their ties of bereavement, but we
feel that they nand not sorrow as these that
leave so bops. A happy minim awaits
them as that sty mot inane with heads, eater-
s•l is the Mame. His e.rviris, ehildres
was fellows Mrs. Jetta Searles t, Lead -
bowl Yes. George Tye*. and Mn J J.
IdeLasighlas, H.1lett : hire. Gee. J ..w-
art, Mates: Mn. Fr.nw Bso*t, litre, Mid-
dlings': Miss Kitty, was lived at halms, amn
Menem (.Marla, who lives about a mails
mirth, Jam. of 8.pett, sad Noble, who
[loom este bsseebend.
Te.ers pine, 1. •gamy.
"I was troebld with blind Itching
piles for 20 veer. ; was erosible to work
and tore my flesh in agony. United
States and Canadian doctors failed to re-
lieve. Chase's Ointment was s god -
seed. i am • hotter mac than in 20
and um able 16 work every day.'
fillip Walla., Blacksmith, Iroquois.
IOML atom's (heteeet °sees piles,
eeeeeemkeeo irritant dimsses. All dreg
gifts, /0a per box-