HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-4-23, Page 8411 THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT., TSIJRSDAT, APRIL 23. ION EXTRA SPECIAL — TRUE ARM. THE — Wall Papers —NK ARM: -- Selling for 5 cents per Roll, Regular Price 7 cents. And the 15e. kind w.• ,arc -yelling for 9e. per roll 500 Samples to select from. REMEMBER : -'a These Psalm are ALL NEW and must be sold THIS MO TH, as Wc• will not tarry any over till next season. BOOKSTORE. NEWS OF THE DISTRICT.; From ourownCorreepondentie I ',herr I. Ialermarlea tiers Tltst enamel be Feud Anywhere tis. -.ewe of the Coast, spectrally RepsrSs4 for The sheat LEEBURN. TrannAv, April 21. 'pring work of 1896 u ectal', into hull motion canoe last week and now long hour of work is boomer. The tint grain of the , won sown were pees by John t'biaboim on the 15th. Friday of this week Rev. Jas. Hamilton will preach at the preparation +pretosa for 1 the communion to be admtnuterd by Rev Graham at the Bethany Presbyterian church near Porter's Hill, Cdertoh township, on the 25th lost. CARLOW, 1 rr.,I.Av, April 21 Ale:. 1'ouog, sr-, and was have purchas- ed • thorough bred shorthorn bull from the 1Mckeon farm, Tucksramith. Dili Silvio'.'law.-er& - Mia Burrows,' principal of S.S. No. 1. Colborne, is sot yet able to tabs charge ot her class, so Miss Tyndal is filliav her position. Bi .1)41-M, ClIAy.a. A. Gledhill hes sold out his business to Mr. Tudor, of Parkhill, who 'Epochs to be opened out by Thur.d.y, and as the new arrival is an old hand at the bushels, he will no doubt won work up • paying 01110100011 fiUNOANNON. None -The local ages., t• Dungannon for Tec Banat. is at etre Moe of J. O. Ward- J.P., ooavey.aoer. to.. wbe will receive or- ders tor .uli.oripuoms. advertising and job work. and ,s authorized to give reoelpt. for • mount• paid tor the same MONDAY, April 21. 1sy•K.)yrtisvis, All and sundry are bus, ilv enraged in housecleaning, gardening, etc., oto. Robert ('ladenoing as renewing aciithiP fences We are pleased to os. him look se brisk and cheerful. ()ur expert and well known building oon- tractor report • prospect of plenty of work the ensuing season. Scrums.. In cones. ueooe of the very bile weather quite a quantity of springgrsia has been sown. Frit I)AaurA.- -John Robinson, • former resident of this vIcimt‘, who has beam here for some time on busin.es matters, left on Wednesday to visit relatives in Ibkota and other points. V my, •K.—Slue Jeeste Cameron. of St. Helens. was in our village on Wdawdsy, and gave your humble oorrespoodent a call. We were pleased to see the young woman loeking w well. HAPPY PAT►a_ On Moodsv of last week , Wm. Habkirk was mds a happy pater, be. tag presented with s fine bouncing gen, and i• OSsesunes.» he is wearing many smiles. We oosgratul•te the parent* no the pleas• big event. Toes AI.o. tln Friday •vouIng of teat week • heavy storm of wind and run, ac- companied by a volume of very dial wave' of clouds wmewhat similar to the dark Monday is 113112, came from the west, and swept over this section. P• w,i*',t -John Hiles. merchant, pur- chased about thirty acres of land from W. MoMath, i►ungenaoa, last week. We pre- sume be is prvpeotiog in view of the Propos- ed electric line of railway, which is to pec throtwh this section of country. W. wish him .ocoses. Stx.n.e •i ('oi r. n- tin Saturday :..t munimpal father of the township of West waw.so.h met is the township hall,all the members being pressor. After the tran.ac Bon of muaiiipsl business, the oou.oel d loomed to most in the same place as a court of revision of the asseesmeot roll on .Satur- day, M•y 30th. tar. -Tb. oslebratinn of the 77th birthday of Her M.ir.ty Quota Vic tort• will be observed in I)nagannea os Mae es $St►, whoa • sense of gam.ad sports, • e•.pssdl.g of bones will take plans. The eentgflRbs of management is making r- gttginellient• to procure speei.l tektite for a elm' .$ to be held in ahs o•paeieus hall of ilagannoe Agricultural and I►nvug Path Amiteiattea. M.tsru,.e Rerimy. Report for the month of Marsh of the standing of the pupils of itaug.seen public school in point of ..o.Ilssos a.d •asdaot Fifth forte Franhi. Motwra, Rite Rowan, Willem Bagley fourth form --David Smyth, Wm. w Yteart, Lulu F.dmd' es : third farm Ali- bis Malloy/1i.Amnia* Milligan, Everett Malleigb, Cora Roberta The same are in order of merit, A. ret, the Mg eR W sea Mea seas le ( interne. 1 2 the oars of Housekosptsg is saved by having f our enders for Groceries and Provisions promptly and surly filled with fresh sad reliable goods, We give you the beat service sad none but the beet goods. We are he•d•1 uartere for BUTTER AN EGG 1f you have any to se'I let La see them. and it you want to bay we cera 111* the Maple Syrup. fresh and pure. Just in from the country. GEORGE HALEY, 1*-%ni Homilies - et.. Nest Ofrnsll s. �:SEEDS• feater Yam CAI Cor Teta ;; ! fella NUSNA•T$ m a■fifi �'d ; ladeger saTAUNITI FRt :1;11 -a Fuchsias, assorted . Bae. :I 1 -1 Rosea. ever-blooming.Bee. 0 a Geraniome. good see_ 0 a V Si Canes Bulbs, es4. for sec. .p A -0 Montbreriaas►,, pretty Bee. L -tea Gladi's Bulbs, mxb.,Me. } V -Sweet peas, Coll lar ver. Boo. L la -Window Coll., t each fain ( Iiy and Show Geranium _� (:olrus. Mn atra-Cilie Mrs.. -an Primrose. Fuchsia r' 1 Heliotrope & Tradescantier feet 5 "t.STEED NEW BOOT and SHOE STOBE J. McNAUGHTON has opened out a Root and Shoe More in the prom tree MAT TO MISS YATES' MIL- LINERY IL- I.iNERY STORE. where he will osrry on the ONE PRICE SHOE BUSI- NESS. A fall stock of every kind of Boots, of lat- est style and best make, kept otw.taotly o0 hand. RF:i'Alltl tended to NI: carefully and speedily a1- Inspeotroo of Goods and Priam invited. Remember the mead -Oa the NORTH 511)1( OF IIQUARB. SIGNS OF SPRING. The sieges% assortment et NEW HATS We ere effect w to the palate - be In harmony with nature es else dean bet metas attire. awl bey yeun.tf•.Mae MST. Ales now'toek of .11 the Wont 1. Stews. Shirts twines. Oda. Meek weer. Resiery. stn, at 0. R SHAMS & 00.'S J. T. AC H ESON SPRING CAPES • Carpets ! Carpets ! HARGAINS For Ladles and Girls we show • veru peaty /ape in Few. Nave red Brew. as $1.00 a cin, • beater tele with Dsmhle Gape, in Iwws, Black mod Fawn as $1.26, and • very .t) lis► Braided Caps in all balers m p 00. LADIES' BLOUSES Sample Blouses, last as good as any ether, ally halt the Bee them to ens wiadew this week Some d them ars weft $1.00 mad age $1.25. Year theme while they last ter 50 seats - JAMES' CASHMERE HOSE We hays nee plaited in stook 5 Ames Lediee' Fall-fashiessd (hshmre Hese with Herb Spiked Hoek. regular 46 seat liae, oar poise le 37{ mate. is fl;. 9 and 91 Inch. V ARPETS: A osmpleee sleek ie Unless, All- Wool•, Tapestry mad Brow _! ew e01e, wd oar p(3•m trswt he deptiestsd by limy store in the •swa ties air Special 4b best Tapestry. M;ILLINERY-. A leak through oar Millinery Room, first at the style •ted , QM, quality and same .t the linos ticket, and you mu ssderet•.d wby we are drag the Milliary trade of the tem. We Invite laspeetige of oar diffee..t Departments 7. T A CHESON. IT WON'T COST YOU MUCH To decorate your house inside thisr1n'g when you can buy all new PAPERS Direct from factory, choice patterns, at 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 cents per roll Some of the latent and finest patterns, 121-2, 15, 20, 25 cents per roll CEILINGS AND BORDERS TO MATCH. Large stock Window Shades 50c. to 31.75 each. Shade Cloth, 36 and 42 inch, by the yard. 36 inch Window Paper, Spring Rollers, ISc. Special value in Stationery, Bibles, Albums, Fancy Goods, etc. N. B. Wall Paper all new and about 100 patterns to select from Next to JAMES ROBINSON'S Dry Goods Store A. L WEIR MILLINERY e es a all Our Spring Opening was a great success ; the new styles were well appreciated Besides the large stock now on hand, we will receite fresh additions Almost weekly throughout the entire sea- son in order to have always the very best and newest. MISSES YATES. Easter Millinery . . 62-3m The undersigned having received a large importa- tion of Spring and Early Summeu'Millinery, is prepared to supply the sweetest of Bonnets, Hats and Trimmings. The goods are Fashionable, of Superior Make, and are in Color, Design and Texture unexcelled. MISS CAMERON, HAMILTON STBEET. WE'RE IN IT That ie te say we, WILL & "JACK" CATTLE bee, bought out the business of JOHN RALPH, on HAMILTON STREET, ..d echos waiting for our brand- new stook to arrive, wo are enxioas to tsko .11 orders tor Plumbing, Fitting, Eave-Troughing, and Tinning, and re•reatee to giro yea esitiefae ilea is each sad every Bee, K Leave your orders al Jobe Ralph's Old Stead, Hamilton -Ser W. & A. T. OATTLE, Plumbers and Tinnere. Livery Dulness Changed Hands. j. C. MARTIN begs to announce that he lite purchased the livery busi- ness lately carried on by MESSRS. COATER & MCCRACKEN, OPPOSITE COLBORNE HOTEL. He will renovate and thoroughly equip the stables in firatclain style, and asks the public for • share of their esteemed patronage. Rates reasonable, J. 0. MARTIN. Terrible Gild -Mss. Myles w•' pr.i�g yes today. mem tea. to Mem Browse s. I wee ea she ether lid. .f the gardea wall, and mrd 'sm.' Mamma --/1 bM did she say • Teta& (1Rd--eine said there were worse aid ,ably •ball yen is the seighberlle.d, after all. -- Dame- What ads you rive nip that playyea !!e Visa le have i• rye, ama- teur eum•ms m•e}say ! Did the metra •11 bask amt! FotRs--Ne : that was', the melds d : bus ear Im/i•i lady imieasd em f • dross with • main three yard. I.gg, asd abase b only oiFlit feet by sic. "• Bo yea have get . wits`" said Gibs be • .awry -married mea i des'. knew --deli ks w," replied the teas with widest h'itatha Seatetim.. I Mink I've get her, and..weotime. I Wait she'' get M Yes me, i've ably hese mar - tied • few meathe, sad I man's t.11 yea j..0 yin haw the esmbiwattam is pias is tura eat.'. 15 is salwkated that ens -twentieth of the deposited is the banks of the Defied IGagdwi will .ever he eleim.d. Thre a but e.e temple fa the world. and Ilse is the bele of team. N.thbtg b holler thes tab high Ira -Novella Carpets ! Corbels! Carus !! Cadets !! IT1 ... eke may people is teas. b gaol, we w the sale peal* in lee meaty bay sassy a stook .f Cereals appteasisisig 1. Was, Variety sad Ryle sloths My Beiehs, end ee matter whet ether people say be she son'wy. 11 you wows be his Hatpin where yea men gee the Limper' Amerman%. w Base sad latest Sty* and bt all adds the Cises Prim, ease le the smelt te seines from. Oar tamp rsaaite beta a 10 Coat Hemp se the hem five Frame Brussels Our anis.*. ..d Tersery (aarp.ts are et she newest patterns and dssigek wish herders to marsh, •.d the ..l.n are simply .Mga.s. Yam .bald see ear Bnsmele at gi, Our sew AamiaNr. the dart ever ahem la this tew., delights everyone who ho sew them. They are glass be he ,ellen fns the 8prhg Trade. our Au W..ie in thew plies sad two plies .re .bead .f anything heretofore v •ks marks* u quality. deeps aid ..10n s Usage (brews this year leek almost as geed m grows el poet ._.sass. The g ewieg bade we have ambles ns largely to baoaam suns Meek aid we are sew is a heater pestslem than ever be mese the r•qubemeate et ter' Dada Wham yea wastCarpel•, v. se . leek. We are whiled that we ma flu your emigresmre es y.st adv..mg. asj prhep man yin moss7 leo by hacks, ham as All Caw pets mads sad laid if squid. We sal teak. • 30 te 40 yard Limpet is ahem• two hem, with ear new Cerpss ashie W. have the cwMt s Meek of Oil Caseins •ad lawless. ever Owen is Oedema, s1 prises be ash every.... Our lama Cert•is Steck is lemgse tb•s suns. h is seedless 10 yams prises. Oar Meanie Stook ef Csn5'p and Table Cove. direst fro. the ..oboe. dense everything fns quality and prisms Rugs mad Male sere .f mu best .p.o10I*', .15. .. Bass et Damask, suitable ter hsroihnp. We west yes te see ear Table Llama sad Table N•pkiae direct from &Item, h.1 We weal yea te rmmwasbr ear Art fbltseteo and Art Medias. pargm•val Sprites Sleek is hotter time ass•1 is mess Imes 1s Prises, Cloaks.. zooms, same Otaggb•s.4 Alum, Beet 1.slh.. we era •bad of ocher esseoa 1:012.E88 door 8: A largo arerimget is easy of the .ow fairies egesi tieg of the oew Saws Roy.lti Black old Colored Lanes, Series ..d Smiting 1atrWs. We here • lea of Colored Dress Materials, doable width good., thet we s, etlineg for about half prim. Tweeds, Clothe, Mamba's and Wereetde to great variety. COLBORNE EROS. The Oust Grp* Warehouse of AN Gossip Business Change. Having purchased the HARDWARE business from Mr. JAMES YATES, I intend to carry it on at the old stand, and hope to merit a share of the trade. SAVE THE FRUIT CROP. I will be glad to see all those interested in the Fruit Crop, and advise when and how to spray, and what to spray with. Fano aid Garden Tools and ifflkIllefl1S at Popular Prices Also PAINTS, OILS, and in fact everything in the Hardware line. ALEX. McD. ALLAN. GODIRIcn, April 13th, 1:486. AT MUNRO'S 1896... For SPRING and SU MER ... 1896 A Lary_ Assortment if Parasols Umbrellas correct shapes and stylish handles. Gloves Fine Hosiery at usual. 2 specialty. 5 per cent. off Oar 50. Creel pe.sonaeed the beet ie market at the pries. Double warp Math Lustros, herd &oisb Meek wed mitred benne. A fall nage ot Sateen f )rpvles, Art Id white .ted oolor.d Coi.epot (Swiss and Weniagh•m sakes.) Velgemgeaes Lases tied hdgiars. Swim mod Jemmies Bmbroidenee with is- sorti.., te nob. Ladies' sad obildr..'. Summer Under- eleshisg better sad cheaper them ever. for Cash, or 30 days. A. MUNRO, Draper. - Plough Points - Mill and Agricultural Repairing and Casting — AT THF: BICYCLE FACTORY We are now running the Moulding Shop in connection with the Repairing Machine Department and have the Patterns of all the Plow Points, and Mill Patterns formerly owned by the Rnnciman Bros. We will cast every day if necessary, and our prices will be founts as low as the lowest. Give us a Oall ; we want your trade. We will buy your Scrap Iron. ASK TO SEE OUR BICYCLE. T"E HENDERSON BICYCLE CO.24 East St. Goderich, Ont. $1 will pay for "The Signal" for a year TIMID IMPERIAL GODERICH FOUNDRY' RESTAURANT. Them bee *seamed seats et the esderbi midatm prepared te de all buds of es'gar aadlemeebW art. Ass W attwtlo. paid to PLOW REPAIR. HOUSE OASTIN G GRATE BARS. and all classes of work termed out- by • Srms- alma tawdry. The _mess l enmities of the pre,ttater wnl be elven te enory pines o1 noir! tiww w the ►at bele werk- easeyaweri�x .by mail ealisased. B be termed oet�trri.•m she weeks. nese re= is war of erbre=, 1ersie Poe moose tPh. H. D. REED, Pre miens Oedema Feats&y Ti. aaarslsase remeettuw bevies stemntlw se the fact that he ba. rentew~fens Owe Nese mad emelt It tip la ev-v way the cwv5alwee sad embers of the ble will he Nsasad le have yea sail teem ens a eelt.t esteem . ' ester rouredt Eames rear` (loam ladder roe sen .•ser see that an carry ears Tae Cuofce•r Cofrraerlolrtay, Purim F.v rlyi salt beet brand. of CIGARS and TOBACCOS. STERS `Salt ens .trued Is may wee As dedr LIE 14