HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-4-23, Page 44 TIAN SIGNAL : GODERICH ONT.. THURSDAY. APRIL 23, 18N. 51t, m masses IYRAY THURSDAY L(tH1tINO Bp S Ue4Il.lMT i11. Otlso of lases rtea JI s vy 7rertltiAsat. O Teems .f apbaeeegetw t ee neetl,la ridvs..e_...... .... ... 1 11 three neatly MI1 UM feel. •' ...... 1 de Lowe M Tee, Int••••. Tow l*Mi is a madam roman of U.. We wha.ir► •Maw or► h ewe eel th 1. ass wad re tall tot. sr*ear. 'a a coma. et .d4d roe► 1. .Yrae. bete Me old sad the t.w s.L!: a n •...14.d be g.r.•a. Aay.rtial.. ase. l sad ataer damn .dverusm.a:s. lis. d er taw tar }Intl leder• . s- a:.tt• yr. p.r 1' -• f. 001.11imvent Ins -'trend Y -••Row Ar a M^p.reti Math. •astmee a.xe• el ata liars and ...der. ea east year, •^eenteeit.••. W Leat, reuse. Sar re4 Metwe Cb.in ♦Mast r.:. ' .r . Wan,. d and ...• want., mot .oe-ins $ ftp.- w.oereil. hi per teen\. Meows m %Cease ase ihrne n- a-tese* Y ens it 1 1 $I fur br.t :aoa i . c. p r ezb ssia.et ee...tb. Lamer sae.* a pees•'rtis.. 'y sfrbe al Root, •, rte wooer. of a reel, Ie no pee.•,ore fly messier, b..eb of say tdtl- Vle,al sr eerlp.sy. to be ..eectered .a II&- veruseseet and ceased s000rri.aay. Lem! aortae la wapsretl type ode pmt per wawa* settees lees thea rib, roil eaten is ordiaery nadirs type two maw `Maes for Marshes Gad ether religious sad benevolent laetft.tieae hrlt rate. Abp.. ••The nignst" etserveey. e asaerlber who fail to receive Tire Menai re.alsrh by mall, wad s Thr • favor by ac- quainting cquainiing ar st the tam at as early an &atom R•deete4 masseeripb mese. be rsvaed. Oerr.MeNease mutt be mineable sae side o f paper only. P.W/.b.r'. Adele . J. O. L. Teasel, of ON.rieb. km bees •p misted Local Travelling Anode ter the sews - Mas O.daClaiborne. .iborne, Aed and We Leu•l postmasters over tko 41Nrlet w also e ewpow.eN ta receive eabeerlpd.o a Tis ams AL AL emamseleatlune muse Middies.& a D ModILLIOUDDT. Tun illsenee. T.l.wna one Ilielesisk. Os. eoDialCH, THURSDAY. APRiL 11, IN{. MR. CAMERON'S SPEECH. THE speech of Mr. Ceigsolr, which we republish from Hansard this week, will repay perusal, if for no otber pur- pose than to refute the false state - menta trade in reference to it by The Mail and lmpire and lesser lights of the Conservative press. The Globe on this point has the following : P. P. A.." writing 1p The Mail and Empire,mys : —"I would ask you to explain how it was Chet The Glob., in reporting the speech of the *somber for West Harm (M. C Cameron), is ib issue of tbe 9th Mee, omitted to Worm its numeros read- ers of the fact that Mr. Cameron stated that there were 300,000 P. I'. A's gotog to sleet Mr. Learner, who would be the next Premier et Cerste." We are glad to is. form " P. P A " that so far ea our resell.. ties go. we did not report the.tate.eet became Mr. (:airs did nos make any web statement. STEERING NORTH ST SOUTH. OUR good friend the Expositor, of Seaforth, grappled with a big job last week when it published two articles side by aide, in one of which it showed that the appointment of Judge Mas - SON from the floor of Parlament was wrong in the extreme, and in the other where it undertook to prove that appointments of sitting members in the Local How. to offices, which became vacant whilst they were et - ting rn•t'mberr,is all right To use • Westernism, The Exposit- or "bit off more than it could chew,'' in contending as it did. Appoint - menta from the floor of either House are tight, or they are wrong. If it is wrong to pitchfork a sitting member into office from the floor of the House at Ottawa, it is wrong to do a similar thing from the floor of the Local House. if it isn't wrong to do it from the Local House, it isn't wrong in the caw of the Federal Parliament. Our esteemed contemporary saya,al- so,that only some five or six appoint- ments have been made from the Legis- lature during the Mowat regime, and that, thetvfore, no evil exists. As well might he contend that because but three ar four murders occurred in a country in a given number of yuan*, therefore there was no 'temerity for capital punishment. Rut, unfortun- atsly for our esteemed contemporary, the figures are against him, es he will find that instead of five or six, ap- pointments there have hoer some thirty or forty where members anti ex members have been shelved, simply bemuse they have been in the Legisla- ture and have had • " pull." if The Expositor doubts this statement we will reel off a Boole or two of the names to him on a future occasion, when our space is not so scarce The Toronto World, lda few weeks back, spoke as follows on the quer Hon : " A man who seeks the on, ij once of the electors in order to make or earn an office for himself is a fraud, and peblie opinion should on *tamp Mm The World is right, and Tug BrowaL will go a step farther and say that the member who will defend such au appointment by voice, vote or pea will rand watching, for sine times oat of Ida he is only wsiltiag for hi. ova tarn to MOM SNAP 5/401$. —The Dominion 8bctiosa will be held Tuesday. Jere 16. —The rem of dm writs for the General lassies to new h order —The Torras boom has burst, and IMO as effort in le be rade to esaj.re with them aim el Massone. Oa.rla&w sad MACIaer1ALD. —DAVID WennMLLaa was in Wat- erloo *Maty las week weaves Se power- ful jaw is fever of re.dlal leerl'res and Jos Saaua/le Me distiller. —The Conservative convention will be held at D-sassee& N • weeder if tdhe Steers r to get as far as possible from Oaderteb awaship sad Chaim when the new Government osadldsta r bresghi o• ea tbe ooerres platters —There is a merry war on between The (Tinton New gra lied The tletortb Expositor i. regard M the precis of tip - potation's' to ofii. Prem the floor et the L•eelatare. The Exports, wish ..call• takes part with 1a. bag battnbMe is this time os the wrong sid• of the gaieties. —Mrs. Biu, of Ottawa, who waw fogad Bailey of havtag acted with aheokeg cruelty towards her groadobildre.. Ings Mea .aete.oed to imprimement ler lite. TI e e.t see u a heavy nue. but. ale ber actions were beyond questnou Mended to oompeis the death of the obtldrw, it metetaly fits the MUM —We are in receipt of a cpm• mumo•tion from Sh.ppardtee, m..e the r. - coat pollee os@• at .•ltJord, taking excep- tion to the report pabluh.d in The Sar. The proper place to have the nuhj«a emit laced to in the oolamas of To. Star, which publ'•hd the article to which exception is taken, THs SIOMAL ie sol utarssad in the ooatruer my is any way ar shape. For • loud professor of religion tbe Ho... Genius UCLA/ Forret wrestles with the Ten CoamatdttmY u a mantra that would brim • blush of shams to tem.!, Man unbeliever. "Thou shalt sot oov.t thy uslgbbor's wits " was frowned down by bion several years ago, sad Sunday morning hr attempted to get over the sju•otnn against deseoramng the Sabbath. CRIME AND CRIMINALS. Two then were arrested at Hamilton to(the act 4.robbing Mr. James Beatty c7, that city. H. H. Holmes, the condemned mur- derer, by bee. baptised into the Ro- man Catholic Church. The trial of Lapointe for murder w111 take pace at Brockville May 11 with R. C. Clute, Q.C., as Crown Prosecu- tor. George G. Jacnby and Morita Ntcho lea, wholesale liquor dealers, of Mia• neapolis, Minn., have been arre'ste.J a':L a :a:c ::: ., -dee .doe.. .f Hiram Walker's club whiskey. A Point $t. Charles woman made several' attempts to drown her 2 -year- old baby girl, but wita frustrated each time. In consequence of the disc -over, of a plot to steal the Crown jewels, the guard has been increased at the Tower of London. Mayor Tuckett, Police Maeletrate Jeffs and Chief ofPolice Smith of Hamilton visited Buffalo to inspect the police system. Mrs Bell was sentenced to Imprison- ment for fife In the penitentiary by Mr Justice Robinson for her atrocious cruelties to her grandchildren at Ot- tawa. %PORT% ANI) Serious and fatal accidents to care- less eye -hate were plentiful in Toronto last week. The A.m. ar Afghantetan has or- dered rdered a su1'I.'y of bicycles for the wo- men of his barem. Three Brantford gentlemen estab- lished a record for Grand River canoe- ing by sailing down the river from Elora to Brantford. a distance of 100 miles. In 9 hours and 33 minutes sail- ing time. The following L.A. W bulletin has been given out by Chairman GW ron A rale to ek. folowing effect ha. been quit- generously quoted as part of toe LA. W raring rules, viz : "Any cyclist ceases to be an amateur by riding .Iter April. 1j1t, in any bicycle race. upon any make of bicycle offered for W e or manufactured In any factory. store or other place et berries In whish he is employed In any capacity whatsoever. Vitt RRLICIOVS WORLD. The Synod of Niagara will meet on May 12 to elect a atworesor to Bishop Hamilton. The Itsjvatloa Army is London her. been forbidden to bold meetings on the street punters. The Prertbytersaa Synod of Toronto and Kingston Mil meet In Oolling;wood on the 11th of May. Rev. Andrew MoWilltsnta, formerly of Peterboro, was inducied se pastor of the Wentworth Prembrterian Church; Hamilton. Rev. John Scholfield has been for- mally Ind uoted Into the charge of Itrentf.rrd Congregational Church The attendant orremookes were simple but Impre• ive. Th. House .d rister(1 of the Church of I.neend has concurred In the trent. Dation a( Hdatwop Hamilton from the Idelouse of Niagara 0 tollawa Conse- cration will take place on Map 1. The Pope will bestow the (]olden Ras..' 1llxart Primes Mark Louise of Buiseria as a token of the approval of His Bothers of her opposition to the nonverwion of her non Prim* Boras, to fly (1r.'. Church. Gen Booth has cabled to the Sal- vation headquarters at New Tork In- structing the ottic.W, to publish the lettere in tlw4r pnewo •ton in regard to the Midwife by Itallington Rooth against *Jn . the amoral and bio armt ratio .nlo- 1 bm ' time W.. - Maes On N. With all her fre.k• and fade the " New Weems " dos set eowlneere I. enjoy the mwm woenfort with her meesish Moth hg that • seas de. Ter she will always sa.nflee serer fes Nth awl •Sar, while with • w .comfort emotes fires M..'s mite and overe.ea.dmit of emit Mw changes le style the saaia gaieties is to gen • beeswing oder sad, her ever• weather, to make them warm emote whitest the iamb halt or might. And here tam •eke eilmate o of the em•ay font air apvrepri.ti..a of their styles end her sew the i.vala.hb row. ammo* m wk.b Mas roteeel.s deem, ere e.bly Wit, s Ime H is Meter sew eat veers ter the Mas. d Mb bsals►hl warmth H gees, • ,..herr R. vA A Rea left Seem tam wee fes r r wee.th wMkh direr .ad w we Obv.lee4, O►k, where be will Like big pee- peneirela Ills se'be er. Toa kw the mass. NEVSTOPK OAYi e rPit Important Evsntel In Pew Words,, For BUOY Reader* Tae apse wormers _.eeemempi so erwll r ..abased anal rue bide Way sr as.eeslen .bre* M els Madst of env raper -a banal dense rhjsemmli r aarabrel.d •aMmeeam TKADK AND Oo1•MERCa. The Committee or Ways aad Means of the United ■ewes Howe of Repre- sentatives bae der clod to take no scree at present towards a revival of reci- procity with Cads. YOLITIC$ IJV TUR rioviwcae. The prorogation of the Manitoba 1egbalaure, wick was delayed by the schools conference aegotlatiocu, took place Thursday afternoon. 'There waa no buala.sa other than • few qua - roue anted by the Opposition. YOLITI4M-IN VICKI AL. The British Radical t7ommlttee, of which Henry Labouckere, Sir Charles Dike and Hon. Philip Stanhope are the moat prominent members, will be dlwnl vest. Sir Micheal Hicks -Beach made the British budget statement, which show- ed a surplus of •4.110,.00. The esti- mated expenditures for the current year are E ih0.1)47.01d. m •II'IrAL MATTOCKS. The Hamilton Lloense Commlewtos- en have retuned to make any reduo. tion la the number of Hermes. The Tercet* by-laws authorising the Issue of 1125.500 rebentures for build- ing the York street bridge and replac- ing the wooden section of the conduit with steel were carried Saturday by large majorttlea. • SVICtDan. Frank Falls, brother of H. M. halts oe Northway. Anderson & Falls, com- mitted suicide at Simone by hanging. The Beaver Hotel, Toronto, was the some of a desperate attempt to com- mit self -murder, the victim being one of the domestics, a young German girl named Lena Kegteniska. 70 year* of age. She is likely to die. ' THE s5A44/N'13 RARLICRT. New York had one death Thursday from the excessive heat. The Dominion Ifner Vancouver left Liverpool for Montreal Friday, being the firs boat of the season. The Hamilton Steamboat Company is getting its boats In shape for the e.t.mint season. The Masepps. recent- iy reetted, was launched Thursday. RAILROAD RU IIIBLI NOS. Sir Charles Rivers Wilson, president of the Grand Trunk Rallway, will salt for America on the 25th inst. He w111 make a tour of Inspection over the road. The Lewiston and Youngstown Fron- tier Railway is now assured. The con- tract ham been let to the builders of the gorge road. Pour hundred men w111 be put to wort as soon as track ma- terial can be shipped to the ground. The road le to be In operation by July fourth. TEM DEAD. John Geoghegan, brush maker, Lon- don, died suddenly from a hrmorrhage. Victor Oster Teener, the celebrated Austrian sculptor, died 1n Vienna, In his fifty-second year. A state funeral was given the re- mains of Sir John Schultz at Winnipeg. Th., mains arrived Dy the Great Nor train from Mexico on Satur- dajr_lfternoon at 1.20. The body waa taken to the Legialative Chambers, wive It lay in state on Sunday and until 2 30 P. M. o Monday, when the funeral took pace. POLITICK—DOM INION. Conservatives of Kent County have nominated Win Ball of Chatham for the Commons. Cie and after Monday next until the end of the session the Dominion Sen- ate will had two dlettnct sittings each day. Ald. Prefontaine, M.P. for Chambty, was nominated by the Liberals of the new division of Malsonneuve for the Commons. it Is reported at Winnipeg that Hon. T. M. Daly has decided to abandon his present constituency of Brandon and run fur Marquette. in the Dominion Howse of Commons Mr. Charlton moved a resolution sym- pathising with the Christian population to Asiatic Turkey. Sir Charles Tupper seconded the motion and It was carried without discussion. POLITICA- EORRIQN. The foreign Ambassadors in Camtan- tinolpie have protested against the ap- pointment of a Htusulman Governor of Zeltoan. It 1, stated that the Papal Nuncio at Madrid has been Instructed to pro- per the medlaUon of the Pope in the Cuban troubles A Corean envoy has been despatched to St. Petersburg to negotiate a loan of s1.000,100, giving Haatgyong. the northern province of Cores, es security. The discussion se to the responslbU- Ity for the disaster at Admire has caused great tension between (len. Ric- ootl, Minister of War. and Gen. Pym l rano, Chief of the O3eneral Staff In Italy. The Corriere Napoli urge that the Italian Government either abandon Ita•sela or have England compensate Italy for the latter's retention of that place, which 1s solely to England's ad- vantage. TNE. A"RICULTURAI. WORLD. The steamer bake Superior brought 140 English farmers bound for Mani- toba Arthur Robinson, a Marchmont Home boy, was gored to death at Ty- endinaga by a bull. it Is not expected that the bill pro- liblting the Importation of live cattle into Rrftan w111 be passed thls year. The fifth annual meeting or the ns - so sloe Cattle Breeders' Association was held at Toronto. Mr. Thomas Bal- lantyne we re-elected president Work on the new buildings and al- terations decided upon by the Western' Fair Boar4, and for which Mem bee been granted, will be begun at tae earliest moment possible. A large deputation from Montreal waited nu the Government at Ottawa, asking • grant of tSeeel00 towards a World's Tate in that city next year. Premier Rowell and sir (`baaiee Trp per expressed smoothy with the en- terprise, but declined to promise say - financial aid untii &IMOred that To- ronto's proposed exhibitions would not conflict with It. • mamma a Pares` Mr. Pep (hewn r... I) - Mere as en s- weet is tis paper .f ens a.re bey .ha west Mee lea Mho raver se temeley sed was drwo es leeway —I 'epee his fe k• kepi him ee beet rewash w.gh Mho week gra to esker sad rapt big SWIM'S thus he didn't have no Mkt. to leers to swim' TOWN COUNCIL tta•.as es tW t1•t.•ata.tar leeeMes The seeks measles d the Iowa sena wee held es Friday evest.g, Hie Worship Mayer ahem= prodding. Pretest, Renee Presages'. reeve Sds..rd CMseA- lee. Geode. Orwell. Nabs. Wilms. Dealer. Nk+D.Ms. Canopies, Swore, CUMMINS and C1r+1sM The .thNes el lest regularsamilag were rood. approved .ad sipped. The m.ds.rer's etabm..t was read .s fed - lows : u rre B eldame ea Heal . $375 40 Bilk Payer@ 81.500 00 Mushier Cemetery 64 50 Tezes 647 46 Lies.eee 60 00 J..dee'.Fuse 1 00 Wader Rates... 232 86 Ne. Rea Leeds. .. 16 10 B Jerrie Light Rat. 101 09 Total 3006 40 stnut erre as. Bilk Payable IOW 00 Re1Je/ 98 02 Printing Ad 123 76 76 C.C.sod O 1708 Seadrift 148 Crises Com 17 50 E'eotes.. 4 9D Pimples Steles 954 31 Pars Worlut 46 50 Beak Wens 32 66 eatery soot 162 88 r bbo Schools 407 59 Maitland Cemetery 3 15 Market 660 Total 4 .... 3776 46 Balance 217 96 Report of Seater sheer* 18 isarmmsa atop past three .•.the wee read bad riled. Soros Hood tendered kr r algetic n, to take effect from the 1s of M.y. Oe s.. - emu of deputy -reeve red H t)aalop the repression was referred te ees•etery ogee mitts to repave at •ext .•Nang, A oom.natm5es from 8 R. MoDioagell skims ea sxteeien d time ter payment of tare was left a the bride of the mlleoter. A letter from W. J. Praise, secy. B. B. Club, asking fes Sao of Apramltaral grounds for proms* sad Mieb s, was reed, sad, ea serer of the terve sad H. Copses, was referred to public works emanates to ranks prover arrangements. A sommeaseatioa Prem Cemorcm, Holt It Holten., os behalf of D. M. Scott, • Maim lit demege to • Soyols eased by • peas et timber m frost of the Albion Rotel, wee read, Gad oto .notion of J. Wiles sad H. Wale". referred to patio works co.miitee to H. Lek wood's r.aignetion as Collegiate Instituto trusts was read end aooepted,eed Thom, Wsberald, P.S.O., appealed in his pis on worm et the reeve mad IL (hem- pen. 1.- w A oo.moa•tios hem B. Rose s, re- questing Me appointment er • paid medical . 6oer ea the bard of be•1tk was nod mad on motion of deputy neve sed M. Naar - ria, referred to special oomdtt.s to report. A oo.teusieataoe fro. E. A. C. Pew to tbe Electric Bailw•y, was read end laid ce the aMo all set .meth6 A em.menteatiee Prem Copan Babb was nod neerdeog the feg whistle, •sd ea merge of the deputy reeve and M. Niebol- saa. referred to the harbor oo..ittoe to re- port A oemmuniesiee from C•pain Babb wee rend. pouting ea the steamy of swimg the bathes* hew nearer the late, was read and on mottos of James Wilson and etre deputy •reeve, referred to public works eons - name. A number of applications were reed for the posies of sexton of el Maitland Ceme- tory sed on area o1 thedeputy-reeve and K. Thompson. the reek was direoted to adverts once is the local paps fee • care taker aid Omit ell applications be referred to the ee.mtery smartie to ropes on. Moved by dewy reeve, @se ceded by M Mares, that Dr. Holmes sad A. MoD Alles he snowed to address the oteasil, sad the motion berrying the uestk.es asked the penned to look into the ata of chrism far the light said water supplied to t be oaring and skitter rue. Os mowed the reeve sad Jno. Cralg4, the question was referred to the I oemmittee to re- port. Report of Court of Revision was read re- oo.wsding that no rebate the allowed W. C, Oeode aid Meagre. Smell & Co. at taxes re the Albite Bre and shat o odes be takes en tie implication el Sarah S. Ed wards ter relators of axes. it, Dunlop sad M. Nicholson moved the adoption of tee report whirl wv carried by the follow- ing yea : yea., Prosdfomt, Ca.ppeteomn,, Teo.psos Cram* Centres. Wilms, Den - lop. Nickolas, Holt, 9. Nay., Nairn. Coeds, Colwell, Sweets, 4. The weer oovemitts reported that se sties be aka en the applio.tioa of C. Pesaiartem, re the formatio. of • bend. The report was adopts& Moved by deputy -reeve .ssended by M. Niobelsea, that the quarks or appointing • paid pound -keeper, be referred to public weeks summit's* to report Carried. Report of Peens eo..ttae reeemmesd- aag the pay..st st the following eemeoa was •bused, Eimer 914 50 : Star 91$.99: Ns/Mmnl Carbon Oa 917.00 ; Vasa. Oil Cm 911.76. Moved by she neve, .eseedd by it. Themes, Mat the question el pareb•mhg feel fes the wow works be referred to the waw end light ...mitts to remit as mart Carried. An est for pmmags from the P M. and ese from Jeb. Hmlsr Mr re-8.erimg • per - ties el iilai*:dtnd bridge, were ea noels et John Crvdgam sod tam deputy -reeve ordered to be paid. The perk works em.mitese made the Weeks report where wee duly 'deposed se metre el R Hempen aid the reeve. Report et puMSe weeks sommisa..: T. she ayes ..4 smash el the Sewn of Galeria : Deadens : Year in se leave a melte the fellowipg rend lea. That • by-law to raise the mm of $$0.000 for the marmot d parrying eat • sewerage ayes. in the tow' es the lines kid tlowe is the pl n prepared by Anse M.De a.11, O. IL, be prepared and enbers- es Mnd ee smk oemil et fa _next meramg, soh yew to provide ler se salsa st • pets eosin of Nae rmmm..esded by Mr. Me Hassell. Pees she ideraMen bier• year seen - mast Nis sailed Nat shove era .111 be quite .seeker le e'sa&wma she male swam sod probably so.e et the Sierra If the week le promoted with the m..mmr sad yW em..ittes 1 d spike N.bald. se Mme lima be Ise le hovktg tie bylaw enbertted le the potpie. $ted. TW the shakoes el the ea..Mbae told she ewes Sweeter be empowered be parishes en es feverabls term se parbls the goer te he waved hem she eons el she Allis Heat, sail have baa reed en the •.sea where regales& 3si. nes M the moms of Iran., eta. M the leeporee ~ bee Om s seseherred 4 ewe CODERICH BARGAIN CENTRE. The Latest and The Best Every purchase made of us is a stuping stone nearer the goal. Every transaction is • bargain, therefore • mono" saving investment Low Prices coupled with Big Values ii. the combination that wins your trade in VUr elegant assortment of Spring and Summer novelties, consisting of Staph a and Fancy Dry Goods, DRESS GOODS, FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, etc. These is a telling something about our goods that places Aasur- anee uppermost in your mind. You know Tau have the quality, you know you have the style. you know you have the right price. This is what we strive to give you; this is what we dunce you. We try to make the fair and square deal that brings you to se the second time. We have just received our new Kid Gloves ; we expect the quality and price will scatter these gloves quickly among is prudent people. JAMES ROBINSON. Owner Square and West Bt. Oash Store. Common Sense BICYCLES BUILT TO FIT p FIT TO RIDE You have seen the above words so often that they are engraved on your mind. It's a good healthy thought ; leave it there. Send in your order for a " COMMON SENSE " now so that there will be no delay when the iiding season opens. We intend to have a BIG BICYCLE OPENING en APRIL 1st. A finer display never before Been in Goderich. All are invited. A number of 000D second-hand wheels for sale. es -S. GEO. W. THOMSON, Noes! feet of Seiler pl•ak. 4th. That the trees is the perk overea- ter the harbor I(t. *ridded, the graon& cleaned alp asst tamese repaired mea to pee- ves earls sates in. 5th. That 200 shade areas be premed for rearm' of add re-phaiag dead trees 6th. That tie clerk he hersstod to as ease advertise ter • oe.pment pence to take ease of the Court How Park. AU et which is remonfully subverted. Rower Tllorronw. Chains.. SIMPLY STUNNING are sr b.rw.lns, and the Whet et melee tee is meet 4.145►Mul as re aectks bat confirms the ire e.otiw H pI..wabr sunrise. By all .eam owwlt your ewe Warm bad seem 1a and leek over oar amok. Yse will Sad Jest what you waat to Ix tippler home wase b*ewelwiag, First, WALL PAPER w►is Is .shag fest ; mot. FANCY WORK and niekmaeb of all desorietlone to smoke year home lick new. Ws .oke over your note Plllowa. and do all t ors of neediework w. are very boon sow bet will try te ds fore 1f you rave your order. We have • kris mere of FISHING TACKLE whleh will be wed wt at cede, as we are gena pet K tile line of bedpan, aswee who yea spat early. THE FAIR. DAIRY TINWARE Ws have • tau sant .f .n tads el DAIRY TINWARE SAP BUCKETS Whisk we w sellae VERY CHEAP. All rads et TIN, GRANITE ANO COPPERWARE REPAIRED. CANADIAN and AMERICAN COAL OiL tell nesse bowie re sail rearag ever WORSELL'S NEW FURNACE AST TII T1IIUS 410 IMAU 018112. doe. ewe ass is se J. WORSELL 1 Ct. Tb. P'sbret rte, Mane w rue. Rea. THE BICYLES Season of 1896 ARE YOU IN IT? It yea are ail. yea ought to M. tor tha settee season is leis cobs • greater .uoew for leselisa Ito Oederioh than say et Its eredeessoive A RIDING ACADEMY fee the trishaw et Wheelers and 1thml- wasaa bag bees established 1.Oederls, and the mores that atbrded 1t lest year wastes* um 1a .atlaaleg the work. Portent estiet te Ube. Toms re o..ble. OW A fad line of first -clam Bicycles for hire. Now is the time to pt your whited@ nada ready fee Or @@drop. sverytblng In the reps& Use keys ea head. and sone bet skilled hand@ employed. JOHN YULE, batt Blweld Livery. Lap Belle. A FINE COMBINATION The Mas ie prise Is .spree sesd by duo @hese., the '*tied of our beakless le repre- sented by the square end the shalt W pleas k eel by IM tap. res. h melts • gne ...mtmadipm. 11mu Y so dente that w. w Offering Better Inducements today Mrs ever bermee sad we hope ser pokes TM take .dvmtk * d %be •,paras maty. !here user was a Um when sash s One a....110....404 gest-ekee garb eats be ones es rem sere this ..elms. To sena the lush bliss .any. PRIDEIAL111 TEM TAILOR.