The Signal, 1896-4-23, Page 3THE SIGNAL : AODERICH, ONT. THURSDAY APRIL 23, 11116. 3 p.fatlltrr. NICHOLSON LAIL seams weenie Peet Or1M& Wear_ L MI smmd,rd sad y��vel Wear_ se hand , pl.twss �w► use of R. i . MO rtARDSON LM D. K. James readea ..r Me ral 's Hey Nem WII-lv rT M. TURNBU�LLL. DO fel.. LD.S.- wttb Dr. wf idane•0•L IiNU wed paws - tsath mounted es sold r.1am- y�s1 aUeselos gives Is this �ww1 the ..Kral teeth. OHM a ...w [reek. 110 -It IZ.d1e I. DE. MUNTI . PHYSICIAN, BUR p osalet, meat eal a. trees ily Seel TAIL J. RA111LTON, VETERINARY og..., grad11as,ss.ofrd mombsr Otens a al an Were. day et Estimation burs• Marriage Lemmas. U% N.ANS. ISSUER OF MARRIAO/ v v . liminess. Hederteh, toot lel /y 1a L LI O. CAMERON, BARRISTER. SOLI ITN. astir. ;on vgsant. tc. Uleo-.or. Hama SS asd iR. Ydnw au.. 09P. tlmbruo 0.11 1ttlEbT HEALON - BARRISTER, y primer.Week, Woe r.NNota•7 Purr Aotests's lis ly CAMPION,t}C., BARRISTER, SOL - 171 sewer. Notary. Lo. tiros over MMucol Hall neoare. tegmen. AI U. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, SU- M.i.tor. oosisir.oaser. etc. Mosey to ane, : owe. Hassime and 111. As- dIn rew's-ets. iled rlo0. ter. Sit 1 OP TU$ E. DANCEY, BARRISTER, negionerle leas at lowest rates. Mo1M.'o ak� tl► carie Ompaveyesser. Mo. Mosey Colbert. Hws.l. Wderio►a Out smut N. LZWIS, BARRISTER. PRUO- Owens �ttk Or hear. e «vas R0. HAYS, BARRIbTER, SOLICIT - . OR, to. Ultee N'rthec. ant deer 9esaa Omow Pr, vet. Peas. to lead at lower rates of later[.. lit ARROW i PROUD/00T, BAR - .J rimers. Astonsegs, B0lM.orw to.. oohs Nob. J T. Yarrow. N.0-. W. Preed1001. iAMERJN, HOLT & MOWANS. V 9Yrietere, Sols.11wre to Cn.oery, Me. oodert.;a. ll. 0. Oaesure•, [l0. ; P. Litt Daily Hot se& [ 0. WARD, CION VEYABORR, V • a:a., ..4 somsdeMerer;ad e ball. . tis, deamatiose or sotsesa deolaes- rose la or esssermi0K any bottom. suit or pee- ondiatt is Me limb Coen e Justice. the Ogren et Ameba ter Ontario. or Is aay treaty sr Meuse, Coon. All Ireassetl.me oaiat sal pram[ fly *emulated. lleoi.a.se abd t bderr-+-Dants•mmo, Oat ��r Loan11 nZna ln/YPfaaD.S. MONEY TO WAN. - /60,000-00 !'rives. roads to teed at M par went no - orally. Y. o. CA*ZKON. Hsrtoa's bleak. .ppeNte Odberse demi. oodeeieL Ml -d LIRIV ATE FUNDS - PARTIES DE- strew se ebi.iaase mousy ea Stet eras am weed can do se at Si peg Drat by a► [Sts to J. A. McIUNAUN m Roolit. Pram bold Ifutldies& Toronto. wWAis (1 IMAGER, OONVEYANCINO AND Inearanes °Sow. oppodte.M•lth.'aHotel MONEY TO LEND ON MORTOAOs at N per nat. Notes dleooeated, C. =Amok. eine eppeM0. Martin's Hotel Hod. risk. FJ. T. NAII"rhL, P'IRE, LIFE AND aseateas teeerm'se week; at lowest wOso. -Our. Nerth.Mt •ea fjYwire.Rod- t600,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO OAMERON ROUT t HOLMfa�oede• rtrb. MONEY TO LEND. -A 6. A R 01 mesas of Private Fowls ter investor's allowed* raise a tbet-elesi Mortgages. Appy ••ARaOW t PROUDYOOT A YOUNG LAD'S RESCUE. WNFINKO TO HIS ROOM FOR MORE THAN A TEAR. .:d I0Tema 0017eoa. 1111100410 rales In MIS Mels/Unt UI ■r Lett. .MD .IMI -aaIWO.D ALMOST TU • L1.1MY aaL- seoO. hem The Wdtsvllle. NAL. &sadhs. Mr. R. T. Beckwith is the proprietor of the Royal Hotel, Wellsville, the Inset ir- *onset hostelry is the tows. •.d is • urs well knew• sad samemed throughout the[ sashes He has • bright, h•.d...e-look in son, 13 years of ago, aimed Freddie, who is a lad of mon taws average Mull' grace. It is pretty well knew. is Wolfs .ill• that Freddie underwent • very seven hisses, though perhaps the meows se whir' he ower his recovery r set es 'morally know. sad • state•eeut of the ease may be the meas et helpw.g some sheer sut.rer. 0a the Mita of Urosmber.1893, Freddie was takes iil sod oo.a.ed to bra rem ..d 0r bad wadi March, 1824. Tee aileron p►I - stems@ were called to daring ben loos ill - seas One said he bad le grippe sod the other that his tremble was rheumatic fever. RRADCLIFFE, GIIIIRAL . auruuse, Real Etas. .ad Ifro.ey Lsaul.g Ap.1. OW .rd* ores smear is wpressaaM. Mew to lead es straight 10000. at W lewd* rate et at.rM JMsg. im say way s. mutt th. earrower. Ors►- g.► m Iid deer trees square, Wad* Illsresistede. tf..ittalfi.r iantlIda%.. i 1ODEIf;IOB MEOBANIOB' INBTI- lx TIME LIBIABY AAD ILBADINO• MOON, ear. et fast street sit /guars lune Mira lips tress t se e 0.0,. sad hum T to Ie 0.0. ABOUT 1000 VOL'S 114 LIBRARY. L.adiwg Deily, .W..0ili red tud wr'w Paper ea Pile. 1[t1 af,taHIP TIMM. OINLY es. ms.tas free use of Library sad tress EINla•tfens for ss.mbership reanivsd by Ubr iia. lemma a J. H. 00LBORNM. H. HAMILTON. Librarlaa. .od.ete Marek 11th 1i. 4 Au tion.. PIIMM. He was trout,led with severe poise through the ...ores of ben lege and arms, after three or coat days was obttged w take to had, where be I..y weedy •11 water, so/er- rs ternbly from the pains be became re - dead almost to • Metros .Od was usable to relish food of any hied. Dorian hr *N- eem se sufferer, rei.pse owing to trying to get op wooer than he Mould. Boyllke he was a:tow to get oat and eajoy the bru- tal spring sunshine sd for sever.! days was carried out .od taken for • drive. This brought on the relapse. The doctor was again walled la ad as be oa.tmsed to grow wpm he was ordered e.om ewe to bed. Mims then looked very dark as despite the medical aid be dad set get a better. At last huth father decoded to try Dr. Wtllliam.' Ptak P.11& Soon after b.gaoei.g their ase Freddie boson to feel batter. His appetite bares to recurs ad the pair were lase se vers. As he oomaimed the use of tb. Pink Pill@ he regained health ad strewth rapid- ly, and is .bout • swath was apparently as well as over, the only •asiaaiss symptom of his trying disuse brag • dight pain in the leg, wb►n0 dad not disappear for several s ith& It is over we and • holt yeah ago ,lase Freddie took hie let pill, and in that tams be 0.s sot bad • reourreae of the at. not. There is no doubt that Dr. [Til hemi Pink Pills cured him, .sol both the boy sad his parents speak highly is their grain. Dr.iWilliams' s' Pink PJB are the medical marvel of the Ste. Is hundred of oases they have oared dear all other modicums had failed. They are • positive care for al1 treatise arisiar from • vitiated oonclitics of the blood or • shattered Of -vas system. Sold by •11 dealers, or by mail, from [h. Willrase' Medicine Company. Brookville, Oat, at 50 ;cants • boo, or sit boles for 42 b0 . There .re ;ossieroaa imitations and substitutes against which the public is ova used. THOMAS OUNDRY. AUOTWNEER ..d lasse.s.M ogee .d.rtab. OnL Asset hor,.I.M.dMA* .reel Owe. S �•t- tended se le etty wart et the Peaty. ISM JOHN KNOX, ORM KRAL AUO- Ito.eer eel Lad Valence e�p.likid�errlle0. Ilt Out. •souseserf' 0 Is as �,,, r ees mfinei eriss sees rah a hiss. Osiers •lleffan t al r mall to Ids teietm► PDQ, erooehtfi seteeded ...tam Iterea'MAOI Oras[. Assesses MOM Professional E C. STEELE stun a.ourtume, etraveYes, .a.porseOAlr, TAIAAToa. Odes--Oer. 0.InAw and Newi• .. 4I 3. $fed Gees y Most OemplMe Or Fi= a1d .all .cert ie ..gun WRITS tf111 mover* s man rT WIU. Me Tw$ts,{ SNlCI ssfnlsly*els_89 tll.wla Bea - A ...weld Med. Bsssath the slam they walked alma Reisrsimf, (rein or strear4 ramble ; " Nee, Josh." she said la sweeter sena, Please tell mol, de yea eve gamble !" •• Dearest, 1 des'[,' was kis reply, Ha ruse aglow with ro lureme blies ; •• Bs* who weal. ss) I should .et to Costa 1 always bead . hoed like this?" OF INTEREST TO WOMEN. FANCY WORK HINTS. Meld eroshot is • [..oris. form .t how - laid doesrui M. at the present MM. Some of Was sewer book seven are rade of Mated lase, prated with gold and sol- ace. ol- m The old fashioned M.rn•rdw braid Imo h L wed ed s. outline pattern with Tory Rood results. Mosher r °rowedd of mgre ohm. have W wavy liner of the watering crowd est is tiny spangles of heeds. Pretty cradle shades are made el veer .hie pare.siset painted in oil miens •std brightened with .old. Two wooden Ionone pigs', tied together crosswise with sassed ribbom, have their book stalled s do duty as pa muskieme- A weepy is photerr.pb screw le made of three •beets of glass, homed ..d meant. ed with "trips of ribbon .ed decorated with hew,. assassins tea clothe are sow made el gold-selored loos. Round the edge ruse • burger, resembling black 1.00, .red worked with black silk. Egg cozies are mode in the form et • water lily turned upside down, the stalk terming the handle. The petals of the Bower ore of white or yellow seta, and the leaves of .rein. The Gewalt lamp shades bare • trill of painted 1.e.. The ground to yellow. the details ooloeed .000rding to their ob.raoter -blue or red for flora! motives .ad gross for leaves or stems. Narrow piece. of .ilk that are too small for .ay other purpose ars troaetormod into obormmg sheaths for folding leas. Balk •ord is sewed armed the edge amid • loop of the word left to orrry the bag by. TO HEM TABLE LINEN. Cerfol ■Iste lee rho M.ewlre WO* sees the aegis. Tablecloths out from the web are muob cheaper then those wove° with • border, said if linen of • reliable manufacture is seleesed, ore is sure of • durable cloth, says Remark ad The sides may be left selvaged, if one pre- fer., though the ends muss be hemmed Then are many wrong ways to beim • table- eloth,ad there may be more than owe right way. Hen is ane right way, •.d unless • hem- stitch is preferred, is is the 'sly right way. Tura • very marrow hem -a quart r of as inch is right unless the limen te very heavy. then a slightly wider ow is allowable. After the hem is turned and bested fold the hem book again to the right side of the cloth end sew the nim to the cloth by hood in • "topmasts" or over and over. Them Herten and prr-e the hem an place. Gentlemanly dart s Wain. Then are shirt waists for the new woman this year, as well as for the Satnsier girl. devoted to tnW. For the yeses parses whose tastes are Maimed to be sestlsm•nly, there are shirt warts trade to order, which Bt to priories sad have ME litres collars ad cafe. Ose of these waists is of a striped ellk and lines sarecial. The stripe are used to the dome to ran •round the arm instead of lengthwise. The book is out with • yoke and three small boz plaits are daftly .rr•aged in the front each aide of the banns. With this waist • four -is -hand tit or sleek is worn. CRISP AND CASUAL. There are nearly 36.000 gypsies is Brit- ain. Owe -third of the recruits for the British Army "slim os Loedoe sad Dublin. A raennorpp, galloping at fall speed, elvers from 201*. to 9tft. every stride. Photographs hove base taken of the oma fully tv hundred tags below the surface. The Chines NatWest .them is se Imp that poops take half • day to listen to it Colored sae sever have Nee oyer. Their eyes are always dark brown, brownish yel- low, or block. As Antarctic ioahere lin ones sees that was 20 mile wide, 40 mdse in length, ad 800 ft 0140. It we moved oar lop peoperd..stely e 1004 as an est, it is e.11eeaala.s.d we weed travel moody 80M mile per boar. A anions het bee boss mend by Arnie cm/reliefs. 8sow, whom .t • very low tor gsrotUre, absorbs moisture and dente ger- mean. A. i0' marriage lord plane ressstly a Holland. The couple were married es the frosts Zsyder Zee, the .mesio.f bong fol- lowed by • donne on skates. The sun. if hollow, weeld held 300,000 globes as large as the earth, sad a aye sap. wry of hourly viewttg 10,000 risers series would require 56,000 year te ee all its ser- fage. .-,doer.. maria is rise tom roan "tanthe seentry emit g 1. 18' 9 there were 816 Wirth' fwd guilty of murder. ad whom ts1y 23 were pat to death. Mamegs neatens is Japan is &Inais- weed almost ..[hely by Wad gonna. The roans is iled the nese at Mash la men s benneis !thee is peens bland with night. The largest era hearken brattish' etas* aver quarried is Briton sae takes from the Plas►artea bed, near NerwW, is F.bre. my. 1899. it wee d one pians. wines* amok er flaw, sea weighed over thirty -Ivo tome. A neati sierra light et..►.asd1. power cis i. nese d w .s • dtataseo .f eessae•s mr- ter el a mile .. • dark, dews sight. sad ens mils ea •'easy sight. L• a eaespelseolly akar ateneSpbere • 11,10111 hent .t 3 2-0a.dls pew sea p0..1 •ieible .1 • drawee of three miles, while ase of 17 2-e•.dle power was sees •t the side.. fiapsimemte skew that spiders bate • Wog raw of .W... It is net always pea .rite to tell. hwe.er, whether tit ewer animas pensive by .sght or kiewerg. et by the arias air a mottos has se their bodies. Itis said that sire ars .snsitive to motions .f the air whin to bagss sen mite se seesd w1OM.er. IutPaiuknot& Ns. Joe Mears. UrsiQi.L t eterbose: Dau Sea - 1 0... bets troubled .Ila Neuralgia Mere or lose for to some. For the last 10 mare may .Menage bare hots *user, mod last Mier. .heseu admod tete to try • 00. d* •' TmspMteere Piet Pardon " After [suns throe .r low powders a0 pate left 1 mattoued ob.M. Yews',,. mini three lone ..en takes. std haws ►.d o• mournsw ol the pain I.v about one or fes months, 0. J. JOr1JNL. ltrwlgesolt►, Ust. Tse Powders ares reaitIve Ctrs ser .�.ttga.dl.sa gessulida. seldtes.lfr.rtp. Jute as true.etcn uy W. 0. 0000*. ..eta °1�^le . PAUA0 TAR So* aGcu,solt Raailics mit OMR RELICVII tot ORYjasa �1 s0 PRWU T$ owl Punut r • 2s. GORE CONSTIPATION, i BILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA,z SICK HEADACH RESULATE THE LI ONE PILL AFTER EATIN. INSURES GOOD DIGESTION. PRICE25 CTS.T.E 1010'$ M(D to CASH foL BOTTBR aid EGGS I have dtW s Nis CHOICE RECEIPES. IL :collect Cookies. -Take mise table- spoonfuls of gjaaal•s.d sager and four of bettor, and oro•- them well together. Add four well -beaten eggs, ons oop of milk, • little grated matron, - rime of earrawey seeds, two hoopoe 0..spoostuls of baking powder, • pinch of Wt sad enough tour to make • dough that will roll out easily. Cat out with a roots Mona 0attor Led bake is • moderate oven about twenty minutes. Spies Pudding-0as triplet of molasase, os. -halt capful brown sugar, .so -1 -ter metal of better, see cupful stoned rainier, .so -half • respoostal of cloves, ,renames sad nutmeg sad • .m•u toaspeosfal of soda dissolved is half • capful of warn water ; Boer h to make as stiff as amuse Pat into a greed mold ad Road the mos. M • 1•rgo kettle win sot sten thea two Mob's of water in die bot- tom, jar ..Laleet to keep up • large vol- ume of steam, but all eseegh to mew sear the lid of the mold, A padding heeled a donor* way is more d.Ble ass when hake, but if you prefer to bake 'ether nes swum it, have a het eves sad be sandal that tt does set bake tee loos. Remiss Meat Padding. -Minos • pat of emit veal. Meshes. molten or beef ; take • sap el seed Meek, Wetly &vox o', ore en. nesse lasses er tomato seises, • Ines versa - mill or bre' d arembs, popper amid salt ; mit •li together sad wawa with • ropier. e1 ossa sad parsley. Linea nest m0M or nes with .e•resf, previously boded quite Mader. 011 the bars with die miss* moat, stets fee half as hour. Tura oat et w Woks sad serve with • white sauce. FOR TIRED FEELING Sth.oettes 1. waste - ever -wort mean .herbn uta-gasdd's lla nen rets than deet rite the atdnw& Overwork Y whin yes de after ostamge .ease asks yes to gait. O,.... t .f ay had doe mere thea are, N 000.0.0. yes. Jest • Yale mere •/0.r yea eisght be quit is the " w mesh " that min yes .p. The Need gess est to •11 pares Were loan semi when yes ~week. If die kld. are apt be ported 1lteriq order. mere p ss a hjesbd 10reue& them be dl parte et the hey thea sansl,ged thee be say adhi.R of neer-wort. ` e Airier se Few Weep e'r'e1.UaMe & de pad week thee le bass ani V pelage ht espied=die bleed every udease. This why Dedire Wag PYb Igen s p.npi b ani poem emery. DRYGOODS STRAW HATS which 1 am sellllag at a reduction to prices At the Cash Grocery. H. J. HORTON, ser. Meatrea1.1.Ind square. THE STIFF OF LIFE. Seedsl Seeds! Seeds! Timothy, Clover, Golden Indian Corn ,FEED oa REED) Flax, Grasses, Mangles, Carrots MAIL Adulteration ad *abernethies Is food pro dere bar• of lee mars Meows se brays a evil. that t,ov.r•meote every where beve be.s obliged to mil la t:.e services of •ay.lyate to chore their spread ad neve the lire* of the poopie. Ose of the y i.aortant articles of food ussusetises/sroomws wholesome IADlir.m ., It most be made from Malt •Ind Hop Tenet ; toe for roams it h easy soluble 1n the Jaime of the otweb. er, a other ward.. light of dla•d*toa. Hep ad Malt Yeast h pronounced by the bad* analysts la Mashed to be the pure osd enaduiur.ted yeast. sod r used by the bed* Whore la the omits y. Akita Jelly. -A daimty dish fer Inn - en er to is the fMlewlas : Prepare • 'broken minty, pit ate • kettle ad sever with Meld water. 16 mast get bail bat sim- mer fer two s three hexes until the meat talk teem the hem. Whew demerits from the kettle and est in small piens with • sharp WM. It seg be .hopped bus epode she appgareeee et the d0A whew 4ia0 4. Bol the been, ale, eta, le the linage seed te.eed l • Brie mere than • pat, is Inas[ Moo ha sw.a.d. sea ---I with salt, pp - pa • et • little parsley. Mi: the tkere.gb- ly with the slashes already est, peer ogle • Meek am.ld, pu • weight se we. mod let I1 ,lead until priestly weld. It will he very MIS sad .as he served es • 4.b dish. Owen Dtr.nf.g for Canine Salad - Whip throe taetsspo- of .gid most ream net. Own labl'epooss el yelper sad oda grads - ally ewe -halt sap ofv*•�e gad sew half neepe'sfol of telt, M�iv over the cabbage, 'high should how boos M the le. .heat, .ad serve se esu& Peewee Wed. -Cat odd tolled polarise isle dine, mess as sates and sift with the pews. Lay is M • salad Mak .ad peer ever H . drem.sg .t use-b•H W.speMgf.l of salt, w leortn leaggese .1 p�pp�e two addep•ns et veneer sad awe `Irp•w' el salad .11. ee M trete..-.d arena. hedge thoesult14• The dog of apniea me everywhere le debt: The panive gad new dews the as. W Anil ere ewers.berI.their psensmei* TO. peel sad the heherphos mea, IN MY BAKERY (RED moo WHITE) And every other kind grown by Farmer, Florist or Towns - Rock Bottom Prices and No. 1 Quality is my motto. T. J. VIDEBN The True to Name Seed Store, East Street. 9 You are invited Newest Lasts Exclusive Designs Lowest Prices to see our NEW SPRING SHOES OUR STOCK IS NOW COMPLETE IN ALL LINES and we will sustain our past reputation of tf Best Goods at Low Prices." H. B. POLLOCK. POTMAHOFF TEL Yee eaa ger tee oma ere* as meeb Dread made Geo Hes Teed* as yes ow for terse meets from the premed yeasts which are foreleg themselves au nee public but wbteb de eat sad owe* give the same sweet flavored bread MY BREAD IS MADE FROM THE PURE MALT AND HOP YEAST AND NO. 1 MANITOBA PATENT FLOUR. It ad prove tor yo.rselt. it I. the meet .ad uwseted* bread that can be pred.mad et say yeast es the market. My eau mortises In the ,Luken bushiest has peeved the.e to be facts. D. CANTELON. PANCAKE BREAKFAST w • i. the this ler a mat the year. If you have never this haters. yes will when yes have tried neo of our PAN CAKE OEREAL$. supplemented with aims W ser We This new blend of tea for family age is now on sale at our store. . have also the finest in FRUITS and VEGETABLES and keep on hand full lines of best Family Groceries, and the moat reliable in Dairy Produce, Seasonable Fruits and Vegetables. STURDY BROS. The Grocers, on the Square. A Little Knowledge to the fact that the PURE MAPLE' SYRUP sal FMOMNT COFFEE we sin tho 0st Reads presteabl& C. A. NAIRN. is not a dangerous thing when it directs your attention Forest City Busin,l; ; and Shorthand College, London, Ont, is giving the most practical and business like oourue in Canada. Everything strictly high grads. Write for catalogue and College Journal. School re- opens Jan. 2, 1896. J. Vii. WESTERN ELT, Principal. Is The paper upon which this is printed was made by •• • The t R. E env;) \' Co. t d .1 rll,l-1_ • • • • N'ho exclusively fu�pl� this newspaper. CHEAP CHOPPING AT THE GOLERIOR WOOLEN MILL. 1 beg to gay that i haveop.wtsd a .tore owner of Colborne et slid $goaro, in Mr. T.ewitt's Knitting ectory, and have elude arrangements with Mr. Lewitt to attend to the wiling of oar popular Woolen goods. You will find our stook fret oleos, and made of pore wool, well eelected, smarting of TW EEL'S, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, TARNS, ZTC. Now is the time to buy your woolen goods as wool *sat advancing in prim. Buy the 1 have of a new G�rainp upChopper in the Woolen Mill, and will he prep red to do thawing every day. Grainground Bee or wares, sad have pat the price down to 4o. per pagoda, pohoping by doing good work sad fair dealing to receive a liberal share of your patronage. G.M. COLLINS.