HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-4-23, Page 1FORTY-EIGHTH YEAR. -2666 T FI E] 1WWW13PAP3E1t OP I U ON OOVNT' . GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA. THURSDAY, APR. 23, 1896. 1. °Ns DOLL WILL ...-ae-empale /OR iBIJIEU, es -M1 khan THE SIG semis des - Foe 1 COs ..0 worm D. McGILLICUDDY, EDI NEW ADVERTISEMENTS APRIL 23 OUR OTTAWA LETTER ho "y'r ___ •h' "ft." sh"k° b. OVER THE HURON TRACT. i paid as 11 went to the Asditer Gamest pemd•b 6.+.ke..t-C. /L Nara Page s engine* .srsiBmb. Tie thin Boner sad Egg• -H. J Hones .. .. 3 6 6 Sstee Wasted -It ()ascots* Mets Chir ye -R R /fellows Tho Mae m Tows -F J. Prtdh•se 6 R..dy•limed Paint -Harper h Lee Simply 8tassiai-T0. Fair. Ready lido Cluthisg-Ica A. Reidb The New %Poon Not n 1t -Fibre GM - Deis Co hatmeisCo 6 Whoa Tim Clea House -W. C. Goode 5 Name to Ceeditore-Isabella Semi... A Foie CesiMeaMen-F. J. Pnditem 4 Old Papers for Bala --This (Kos Speared t0. Statism Risk -Ladies' Aad Satiety .... b Said Cars for 8d. --J... W,Iki..e.. 5 lt'. Hamas NMar.-Jas Robin's6 Hess. ..d Lot for Sao -Rube L Yams 6 Jersey 13a11 -John L A, kin. 6 Carpet s.sson-l.:oltarse Rams. .. . Laeslr-A L Weir Harem for Sae- P. McCarthy 5 Case -lies. Haley 8 6 4 5 b b 1 r(IRULT rrRtWWAL. Dr. and Mn. Montague arrived at Bt John ea the steamship late Sup- erior. Hon. N. Clarke Wallace wits be ban- queted at the Gladstone House on Fri- day night nest. The Queen at Clmies has received a letter sent by special alde-4e-camp, from Emperor William. It is reported that Emperor William has accepted an tnvitatlun to visit the Queen at Osborne In August. Lord Dufferin. :he ltritie.h ambassa- dor to Parts_ will retire from diploma- tic life about the middle of July. Sabra M. Ashley. of Poughkeepsie. bee obtained an absolute divorce from Harford Aahlvy of Belleville. Ont., & wealthy mUlowner. Mr. W. H. P. Clement d Perkasie is the winner of the prise offered ter the beat school history of At,.da He wrote under the name St. Lux. Reports are In circulation that the condition of the Csarewitch. who M veining Nice tor the benefit of his health. has became senceialy worse. His Excellency the Governor-Get►- en•1 presided at a meeting of the Canadian Historical Ansoclatbn, bad In the Canadian lmtltute, Torooto. Prince Ferdlnandof Bulgaria hn ar- rived In 8t. Petersburg from Constan- tinople. ondo-tinople. The Clear gave a banquet in his honor at the Winter Palace. Mayor Strong of New York tender- ed a reception w Field Marshal Tama - Bata and Minister Kiwtno of Japan. Preparatory to their leaving for Rus- sia. Timothy Anglia ex-M.P.. formerly Speaker of the Dominion House of CAnunon* and at one time editorial writer on the Toronto Globe, is serious- ly 111. It Is announced that ex -King Milan of Servta will start In May for a tour of the United Steam, which may ex- tend to San Francis** and around the world. Their Excellencies Eir1 and Coun- ters Aberdeen attended, the Cansdien Horse Shaw at Toronto. when the events were of exceptional Interest. and the attendance Mahlonsbl* and large. wri$I.O 1Agoasttiho Capital 11"11"4. Ye■ love hew • darn ••- piastre lez.ry for the e•sp•yete al C•a•d•; The Curran Brides ; Toe Oral, Ge lepe • W anddySoo Coral jobs wit' keep pot L year 11.Mmvwl .wilt.. -,Nene the Liberals are exp.rh.eiai berm Seeable is finding bogus mediate. (.e .•fled Liberal dandidaten) pot .p by tory aureate is the hep a .plitH.g the liberal vote. O.r Ire. Lib- eral Meade should see be deceived by their Male pm. weak, ta a.y thinking m•i e ho.0. be at ..o. •peeress. 70. Sf+ ei the e.wlentrm Canal dee- Aatr4�M/d AWmpt Nadia M ass Melligae-.y-W>ret the ttaesaIry isllr8 Neve id M Pay. oTTAWA, April 20. -As far book as Augers el last year I Odd yes to be ea the looker► for •.ether podgiest @sandal s enasmtioa with Sw1.ges Canal 000115ets, sad in thane letter. a February 24th, 1 (ally expend the deal ►e*we@e 0.air5eto. Good cut and J ohu Hagprt's department, Tee "vests of the poet week have justified my prodwuos. So sure was 1 that the tressary sheet was .gate to be raided that I folio wwa the nes up to watch of wore to - Use Use of the o0attecuits ea an adj maw motion of the eamal MIN to lee ID rho hope lea al,dette t me to drop the matter M there ".. ,tediy nnthtae in it. Another .1511.0- 10, *aim ono ..f tho ether s.cunt..lsu name to me •5d coatide.IIy told is. be was • Gnt sad that if Goodwin got paid for W extras is would 0.• 4bltal • pr.od.u••.d he would pull from twwty-eve to thirty tion- msd dollars out of the Goverament ea the Same Ly. Well, that Grit fri.ad thinks it was " awfully ares " of me to keep es. bat what lie told me wily west to menses see that I was en the right track. 1 perneed, and kneeing I bad • good same 1 pl.oed tie aster in the Mods of ono of the shiest men ea the Libelist side of the How, Men. L. 11. Davies. TES amt'LT. Having smeared the papers he bad moved for in o..eeetios with the Goodwin en- tracte Yr. Davies opened MS address to the Haw by returnee so the wholesale role bine the taxpayers of Caned. bed been an► jeered to as • remelt of dtsioow ewers - meet and dmbonset oostractor. The esti meted oos• of the little Rapids Look., he mid, had been 445,800 ; expended a the woe k $255,00/. G•lepe Rapid•, estimated met 4312,000 ; actually paid $629,630. St Charles Bn.on Railway, setaseted oost.ls- olnda5a land damages, 066,000 ; sated ex- penditure $1,732,238. Lis$.vtn Block, es- timated Gee $440,000 ; expended $772,000, rata a oasstandiaa 0l.tm of 0225,000. Cur- ran Bridge, est1metd oast $233,000 ; sots. ally paid $405,000 ; still mimed 79,000. 111r, Dates also retailed the Quebec Harbor treads, Levis Doak steal, Fwgatm•It Dry hook job. After referring is the &agrees them.m.d.ls 0.d brought upon the man - sty Mr. Davies said : • Ie therefore be- h oove" as to wan* carefully toe eentraets whioi aro mow being earned cat ; sad it harm* been brought to my kaawiedgs that there win • p enibility -say, • probability -of • very grave scandal in oesneetien with the nos tr.etics of Seuls.ses Carl, I thought it was my Maty r meso for t0. FOR In RN OF WAR. Spaniards and Cubans have begun klLling their prisoners of war. Egyptian troop and friendly Amba have defeated the forces of Osman Dfgna. It 1. reported that the Italian forces have defeated the Abyssinians at Adi- pat Y&jor-General Sir Frederick Carring- ton has been appointed oomtiiander- I-chief of the Matahele campaign. The ten thousand British troops that will be pent to the Soudan In the autumn will Include three battalions of the Household troops. The executive of the Dominion Rifle Assockatlor have arranged that the Insley team should sail on the Pari- sian on June E. Mr. Chamberlain hon announced the intention of the Government to send additional troops to South Africa, and to permanently Increase the garrison of Cape Town. Col. Lake of Ottawa. will visit Eng- land In Marty to .upervleo the suppliat of arms and batteries recently voted if the Dominion Government. A mounted British force had a brush With the Matabeles near Dulaney°. killing fifty of the enemy and driving them back, with only one trooper wounded. The ,.ituatbn In South Atrim is very ler-loos. and It is feared that Buhr- W•Yo may be captured by the Mata. - trier before tdntoroemente ata reach that place. The recent defeat of the dervishes In t he vicinity of Su b fan has had • very sautary effect upon the tribes who were wavering between .taeoritig (he tik Khalifs and e Stith pow.i. There are rumors In Rome to tbie effect that France and Rued& are or- ganising the barbarous mountain tribes In Africa to pour them down upon that adjacent posoreolons of Euro- pean nations TOe Dally Newe pannis es a ey- epatch heen nitro saying that Ooh. Iinyd, aomenanding et Rumen). he had en ensgssermaet with and defeated to permanently increase the garrison the dervishes. The ('eked states Senate Com- mittee on Military .Affairs has ordered • favorable report ow the bill for the r oryanlzatbn of the army it pro- vMea for the enlistment of 10,00 mem, seven regiments of artillery: 10 regi- ment• nt cavalry and 1K regiment of infantry. CARO AI.TIRC. Tern lives were lint he a tornado 'Mich swept over lealSrrton. North n►ahota. • Erma Mag matt, aged eve. wee kill- ed by a Toronto street ear oe Satur- day atanday afternoon. Edward Lash, eon of George Lai. int s patios of Ible hared whys par- ley le • saw mill at GoIL "Mews summed up is tin Goodwin 0.d, .eoerdieg l the en4esr's stab.sst, hers permitted to ptamis•Uy abandon We work •iter demi the ensue* part of it. The Geyersment Mid massy se mouthy from Goodwin to fawn the ..mplettes of kr contrasts, but Reagan did set enforce t0. Isw Goodwin. however, net up • clam for • watertight embaknsoa► wbssh, if al- lowed, w..ld have given ki.t,$210,000. Not @sly Mae, for If his again were anoin- ted the other ewtraotors (my Cant friend imitated) weald have be•s able to 0.v claimed extras ea the same sort of work to the extent of halt • anion dollars mere. The shied engineer, Mr. Maar*, is de• n oweeiag Ge•dwin s elatm end . -"Thin is to my, the (Jeverament would have to pa the oostraotor $210,000 for alleged weri which was anther necessary to be don. -- ser was it dens. .or ordered to bs den. if snob • prepceSreus demon as this were entertained ea there neoanus there would be se mama wby other ewtreeten should est be similarly dealt with. Thr would neiSt ia the meal costing from $500,000 to $750,- 000 more Chas my estimate tor earth exams - roe. ohne in my hullo @pale. ars • shadow el valid exon could be given for snob • oosree." Bo wrote t0. Goverm en.t's run 55413.rr The one was referred to 84, Jess Thomson as Minister of Jenice awl be reported .gni d 0eedwi5'• *Lim. Thin was ie lisreh 1894. The *bid engineer, Ws three oni tssts, the Deputy Minister ei Red - ways.. hi Lw clerk ad Bir Jeb Thomp- son bad all held the men opine. The n ext we hear of the one le fa a letter written by the Deputy Manner of Jeaie oe I5t0 of Joinery, 1896. ieformieg the Me- ntor of Railways that the 55.8.151'101 of Justice, Sir Charles Tupper W, Ware i king out of the dpenme n ea the 710 el Jesuitry, Mid him Goodwi's claim amid be Although there wen a wines opines or Penne Kinn by the D•psm rt.at .1 JtWias. Haagen seised apo tj. ad adored the Auditor O ts ;Med- 'rs tbis..•twithenedsg, that the mann ere bad positively refueled te sanity M the Bet the Auditor Dowasi refound ..d, se be is empowered ta do, tank rho spleens e( outside iLseryeI' who emend Dia The why fear new was tis• the treasury beard might eremite Dam sad the Aiine Gen- eral kid the whole ewe before the Premier, Sir Manama Howell who mid the Maim ✓ esold ant be paid. There the manor . tads. Had tide deal bastes. H•ggert's damn - meet and Oe.aeetSr Ge.6wwn not bees m- aned, had not public .*seetioe bow draws le it through them lettere. 1 have positive ✓ esew for M.Y.4 t0. messy WS.Y have hon paid to Goodwin A Ureic* of the dwapmo . of this woos that w111 tetsike everyone se • Hale otrws, odder shady, m the verbal= d the 55ll -sieior of .Jennie, sena ■y�e� ►byy Deputy Minna sad ep- • whisk seYan wee liner What will the think ed task • dealt Bees 1* look eleetineale appreselles dad w meet have the md11.r d w t i net Hargan'. view I hear *day that hie ensues w/ 0. tbM DUNLOP lit DAT, Apr. 14. Jab Shaw, jr., of Galeria, .pat Easton hone. Alfred Densis wn alien here last week. Wm_ Walton, el D.sp.no., was the tar e( W. Jewel Inst week. Then was • maw tee •t Thea Tin• bore's ea Friday. The followiaw pupils were @.eeeedel .t the promotion examination which wee held on Mar. 26th ..d 27. Promoted from sea - for third to forth, Winne. *haw, ii:.t. Barker, Ellie Haley, Id• Barker, L.hy (naming, and from sena mooed le third. Etta Tram and Eddie Whitety. Moi»&v, April 41. AN UNIVQS 8NDiI'..-After the ('•R bee oe Thursday of Last week the matron sod sondem repaired to the market males in twee sed trios sad got wombed by oar market Work who had to get .n .1srtaet to help em in this .nxpeeted but ploae•st duty. Ism week we enjoyed • few days' visit to Porter. Hill ta Godoriob township, t ling u n impromptu meeting of youngnn whish the sayings of • wheel o torte, future fate, • Moon in geography ahem • lake, closing with s amateur w.t.►msker wining up the reek. Visited the ewer h ushes of Remade sed M•plshers% the ssaapp Mang boiled by the Mat 011 fare•e15. as Iekm from the treat Squirrels in the bush 0.d • lively time. • boy from t0. Forest City with two lade from the village bong in fell chase, being quite expert 1. dimhjew net.. Th. squirrel. getting into low loo of seen size, was sawn* and bleak - ed up i5 it, then taken in triumph to • windmill •5d • sentry posted, but while u oonultatios t0. squirrel .seeped. later •oeordi.g to ser eestem y' visited Mn. Maim's'', one obi the elders pioneer*, sow searing her 90th year, 'bowie, her the photo of • fellow pioneer of may mare ago in the early settlement of the township, bat who her posed beyond. Mr.. McDosgali is • Arent reader. oat de se wit00.t the epees mid is • •troog Reformer in polities. We met Arokie McDougal w0. dense *his Winter has been Midair papa -mings sees a fortnight u t0. 0.11 ever the bl sk• smith shop, with good .adineee, •ed now the South Star L 0. G. T. leap arises Lta 1 for the third time smote weekly there It is mid to tarn the right sorsa for the lrovalse u.tgleLfee wimmeree tamper - moo and ealvtioe,• lamp pmt with • lamp will be emoted in the near future to be • Memo to guide when the moon sad the 'tin* shine not is the sight. MUNICIPAL COUNCILS- Wp1E14:M TOwISEIP. Arum 6, 1895. Conseil nee today. Montes of last meeting reed and passed. Moved by C. WiULma, eeoe.dod by Jae. Johnston, that the following °Mogi be .ode in p•tb- neaten on account of the former not quell - tying Je0. W. Yee. for R D. 35, Alex. Nihon for RD. 34. Robert Anemia K.D. 46 north. Andrew Sheppard for R. D. 34. Aad all p•tbmmtore net rN.reiei their lien seer beton the let day .f August will be peoe.outed aooerdiag to the we. Moved by Jae, Joheto., mended by Cho. Williams, that the following be road sem- miseiseeea : No. 1 Jas. Johnsen, No. 2 Jen. Cseelly, No. 3 Jobe Cox, Nes. 4 .n 6 Tbes. Churchill, No. 5 lime, W dli•me, the •'.wet for nob division be $250. Moved by Jas. Connolly, e.cosdd by Thee (hurobill, that the reeve be ..t0enzed to mak. • proposition a settlement to • grim - 'roe rained by Mr. 8w.fbeld sad roper' at next me tiau of oo.neiL Moved by Chir. Walllema, ..00aded by Jas. Jolene', that the deputy reeve be aiberined ta sin Jas. Steep with • grievses whisk 0..0. a . water norm and report et seat m.sWu of oesni. The following •aunts were a- dored paid - Wm. R•my, Axing peewit, $Wm .Porde. W. Pmund orde, pktnk, IS 50 ; •me+er's e•1•ry, $50 ; •o seeer'e petatsp ..d Manor .ry, $1. Adjourned to mot me .'seed meads, ft hay. Iwo Salkeld sad Jeb Andrew prenatal' porlioo taped by ei..t..e r.tep.yers, pram' that t0. Laren read Len i. :Un - ell's sed Job Amdr.e) property 0. sold. Jeb S•Ikad, ire.. who wee prawn, .fated nor be bad as *Westin, if the seawall woad spend 1he mosey a the lee ad 2nd owenelle between the mid aide rend and Gederisk, and that 0. 0. glow • riwht of way .lees • feet path to the lake. John Audrey' grid 0. woad willingly give said right, bet would not dictate to hid .0116... e s to what they ahold de who kis inn e ra was and on earth. As Jeb 8.1k0 4 wasted • written right el way, the sewed (meld .m take beti.m in this mater. Jotnos-.-Jaya Mdb 8a1k.•.JeA.dr5w n M wepressen i Tho• fog .01.11. be try sad gee the semen sa,d levy redse their wry ether to s Ydesluw YeDoS•Id the Spring, and thin lave W series fres Lake a0. W teedo. pys8 interest w borrowed manor. T0. Mr. Jens is bene, repidly pnp•r•d Nun ffTpapT, Clerk- ns for the Georgia. Bay reels. AUCTION SALES - Soren Pee* : The eekr. Bavaria is loading - geppUM. for Provide.** Nay. their sale Mlle prtsted at The heavy ran el Friday erased a greet fhb efleer V0.'.. he. sal 1Merw eraesi in the river en s ebb IM n se the time of Wm.Before nag Canna Ran will han to move Amsinw one of harebell ranter* at l0. 06 b•Mnelt 0.w lekow..4.. raidenss aim H. Sethi. Wsorlee.et, noxi Suskore. _.mmo.ly land ser, are pass- QvRsak. Thursday, Apel) s0 Thus. (•w up tae rivers Mese .ohera /ry..weti..eer. Awe". ole d bans' wmgas.fssm Nemels The tee Chime aerial ee Saturday for meets sed benesheld formers at Ms Teberoseesy for t0. Hummer'@ dsbing .14'1 hotel. I sWI, en Saturday, May 10, TM tab Bee (full Amoeba *el ef per' ••fawasami M 10 a.m. Rory .( r05, day ter u Hay le .tart lng a.e*nasow. The tag Queen left pert ea Wanes - Aeries ore 4 firm Seek sad dimple- deg for the Dodo. ta 1110 (or w "MIS. mane. en Ilenday Aprli 4701. en the farm ef W. T. ?dire. lee 1. en. 1, L D ssrut. Ash• e.menreisg al 1 r. m [ . Jahn .ss, . ()What from the Local MUL A weekly Digest of fea517 Mew. 5ervN ■p to awn Everybody - Mab sad resat Clipped and ekmdr.a.d Prean Every 5.011... B It l; SS ELS B : Bishop ward has lone to Louden and the family will remove nest week. llolerwn 50 . A Campbell parob.uud t0. old A. G. Campbell bome.tsed for $4,660. Gray : W.W. Bo). Stb oon., lost Nether boon toes ee.Y, o.-.,�,t tau tamde of • an• sift. aS:nel : Jtrh. C. V ..gt, of Gretna, Mad• b•b., ...Ii knee he:., diad eudJ.t.ly last Thursday. 1100..i- : F. Mean. is at t0. hospital, L ...lee, a bare it '001 Se n.0ese5Y to Save es t•p.i.tuw performed. S..lorih : Maes Waugh, dagh.er of J. Waugh, lett last week for Moos; Pleasant, where the has been allowed as tswb.1. %% MOSSO : Geo Duffield is (ox terrier "Doo.' oommatted sande (set Suniay by juo plug into an au sol. nth. los a the over. Si..forth : H. 8. R,bsrt.on, matbee•tio•l matter ue .he C....s,late Institute, sustain- ed • severs .pro to toe ankle while se - gaged u • game of footb•IL Exeter : Rev. E. W. Hunt, of Exeter, h.s tendered es coopering as rector of the Trivttt nun in the above motioned piece, the same to take effect on May lag Seatorth : The Mums J. and B. Barr, dpugbtere of Ras. Mr. Bur, left oo Seria- lly last tor Griaby aid Orilla, where they bold pooittoos as teachers in the Col- legiate Institutes of the reepeouve Poem LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF. The Bicycle Factory is booming. The knitting factory . busy filling or- ders. S•turd•y evening oar 503,Cormts for 39o. Robinson's. The am•Nvr gardeners bad • busy time the past week. Tbe G. T. R is doing • bin business at this end of t0. line. Assessor Raid has delivered the •duder- Mest nouoes for 1896. Ono woU•k.own lady rides • prettily needled Common Senn. The modem when moving around the Square aware may admirers. The Oran n Fsetary is sending shipments to almost every part of Europe. Prawn ban tno past wool, been finish- ing among she C. and 9. Milldam. The harpers In town for several days last week gave M some delightful music. The Albion Mores are roofed in bad are b.tag paned forward fur occupation. The noun heavy rains are tom Io some of oar cellars, particularly on West -n. Reiner meeting of Goderioh Cometh No. 157, next Thursday *ening t0. 30th inst. If you wet Wall Papers sad Window Shades try A. L. Weir, West side Square. Jac 1'ule her • large number of pupils, of all ages and bots ram, :.akin bicycle {m - seas. The boys.n still around trying to gather (anis to buy bate, balls and noro.se Maks. los oream was served at several of the net.ar•au lata week, an early start for Gederian. The watering can made its •pp.anmce ea Thursday, aid the thunder shower followed ea Friday. On Friday •fternoos Prineip.l Halls dis- missed irmimed the pupils jar before the thunder shower awe down 100 Writing Tablet• worth 1.50. Dellis, at 10. Exon floe Note Papers for 10.. • quire at A. L. Weir's. The Carling and Skating rink wen thoroughly rowed out on Saturday. the ice having .11 melted away. T0. bathing ...oe started oe Saturday, • Lip number of bey@ taking *bear first dip fee 1896, to the front channel just below Platt's old salt well. The lady's Aid .00kety of North -.t Methodist *burn 0.v assured the Carling Rink for the 1210 a .iuly, ad are making arrangements to coeomodato eve hundred people with meals and refreshment.. The attraction at the present times is echt'ag, and • ,end pole sad Can are every- oe's delight. See yes gee the right kid by tallies at T0. Fair. where they has • nee - note stook whisk will be sold out at oat as they are going w► of ski. line of beeinem. THE HARBOR. Tho water was very low ea Saturday. The barber is erowdd with ye eg Bass leave already been mesa in the riven The legs will soca be dropped into the harbor. Marlton is 0.Udiag • large yawl for t0. Creftemm. Drama's lumber r .coving es.tw*rd was soendieg en Friday will thin year flab d Mind (i.kis4 Prem the North pier the past week. Working M are 5.xleenl7 waiting fee the wtheritaee to make a Merz ea the liar - fag basis lee was nese ell ever the lake en data, day, and the harbor 1011.00. wan alines* Mocked with it. Monne Pent The eshooeer Sophie will .lea, for Infield( tomorrow (Tuesday) with hardwood lasehee. The Weans toot bans oo the river were n ot started fats week was be- cause of the 01gb wafer. The tugs matted oat on Saturday niers tag to lift erste, but the fog wee so thick they were forced to recurs to port. A short diseases wee* of the life -boat home, the lake water has washed through the dock to the beach, sed it looks as if • washout may follow 11 the pond 1n sot filled ape O. laturd*y two peps slipped trout the desk tate the hartoe, sad it would be digit oal1 to say whin armed the greater seam ties, the howls of the ears es er the antics e l their owners trying to save their pets. 1b* tune Ilea Kin4 and Seibold pulled t0. Jones out of her winter berth on Tuned.• During the Winter the amnia bat settled ea the bottom, Movies the sed sed mud . p in (root of her, • ed several hese were broken before .be was polled into deep water. COMING AND GOING. Mrs. Gee. Liolt was to tows for week. Mn. Sesser returned from Berndt*. this week. Judge Mato& has returned from Owes Sound. Xavier Beohier, of Sarnia, was in town this week. Ches. Garrow, of this week. Captain E. last week. Cies W. wi Fridey. W. M. Sinclair, of Brussels, was in town oa Tuesday. R. Hereford. of Clinton wee in Goderiob oe Moad•y. Wm. Murdock, of Luoknow, was is town n et Thursday. Mrs. (Dr ) Whitely is visiting friends is the gases City. Wm. Lee returned last week from. abort visit to Toronto. Mrs. Renal* and children have arrived is taws from Kisoardua. Jas, Soots, barrister, of Chaim, was is (;ederioh ea Tuesday. Geo. Haley and Tom Dungannon last Sunday. D. F. and Mrs. Hamlink Prem their New Vert visit. Miss Williams, of Kincardine. is the got a Mrs. Ross R•rs.11. Capt. Duman M.L.od. of Sarnia, paid • visit to this port last week. Teacher Blair. of 3. it No. 10, (iodenoh tp., was 1n town o5 Sunday. Revenue inland Iespsenor Cavn,of Strat- ford, was in Godorlob this week. R Hooper, reoently of the Collegiate etefi, wee visiting to town tits week. Jae. Cameros, nt the Collegiate stag, has retcrsed from kse prote.aionsl visit to Los - den. Town Clerk Mitchell expects to l. able to resume the duties of hs office in • few d•yt Mier Annie W. green, of Rosedale Farm was visiting friends in Lueknow and Kintul lam week, Wb.. the meaty Judge moves to (lode. rah tow. will be as addition of tee to our population. John Bain, sr , leaves per sir. Jona for ►be Duck Island; where be will have *harp of the shore work tor the Baalo Fish Co. this .sato.. Toronto, was in tows Campaigns left for Buffalo Hunt, Woodstock, ase n town Burrow' visited have returned An Open LMMr. Foatrth Con. a Breve, Wil- • low ('reek P. 0. April 3rd 1896. .1. M. McLxoo, Goderiek. Dear sir, - I was eiek for five years. 1 was treated by six donors. A.ythiag l ate disavowed mo, I was reduced to. skeleton. The pais in my .►emacs was intolerable. W hat I did ein mom up as noon ea it great down. Life be- came • burden to me. I was told that 1 had omen in the stomaeb and that it would take • 1e.g time to ours me. Y►u os we/I jingo wbea told this that I oonoluded I meld not 0. curd. 1 b.ga to swell .o much and not ening relief I thought my ease hopeless i was advised not to eat for two weak., thin was anomesmry ea I oould tire* sat arrow. 1 was not in good shape M leave some ie cold and stormy weather, bat I bad eoaddws in you -knowing m any *neer that you oared n Ibis nei,bberneod, @moat ahem ware Dame el my owe friesda. I ret a friend to drive me to Godwieb net November. 1 meld sot rest till i was taken there. I remained five days at the Hain Hotel, where they treated me 'timidly and well, till I ret the &noel barmen yea made for me fitted on. 1 was taking your Sys- tem Renovator, improved all no. time, and tie first bottle of E. A. MeL ear.'* Linn sent relieved ale 'rosily. 1 was free from .11 pate and sang well the day i left Gain rich. I was gaining d•llly. I oo.tsmd till 1 geek three bottles of the Renovator. and two el *the Lieamest. I fat *0.t 1 was eared end well low before I bad lank - ed this, but was maws to gate strength .ad weight, whisk 1 have. i bonen te work almost as .eN M 1 same bowws i have been Wal eel teal as Wal ✓ ine Nes as ever i did is ere Eh lay con Siena was net mYpiased. I bonder you my einem thanks. Veen traty, 96 31 NOM /b.nrrao'. The Denham of Fere. Elba warren ono, 0.a been harming to gale, end bee 0..a taking lemon M a private ridsg-1sbea M Br440*.., •nompaled by 0.r beebeed. who wee meek 1I«.std s bar pregrese L eider to shady the rider, tt is sae*oesary win a Misner for the snrueser be nese hie arm armed t0. pupil at be walks beside bar, hog be this ease 10. mein wee name - Cape Babb has ahead, began work on kr shy of hl1whg the medal prestige. T0. Mr Illebel 0.i@ sad We bathing est•blbh Dino of lila, eaieer.slt his hesitation, msaidalt, mwin on emend mein. '11h, yea saga.-pems put hareem str age at 10. arm armed emir .0- poor ararmed Lar waleb- ■ CAMERON STIRS 'EM r Rldlouloo Tupper• Boaatln, TOn Ataardlty .e Ma•t.g Protracted Par. Iiame.asry •..tl55.- wlt.ro (glee. Tapper Eopeet 1. Get Rh Sa- lacity T-44ratn.t Talk. AS The Mail and Empire and lesser his of the Tory press have been falti- (yise the record of Mr. Cameros, we gave the following full report of the speeob de- hvered by km, taken from Hansard, the e80al ropers report of the How Mr, CAMERON (Wen Huron), I de n ot rise for the purpose a ening part u • daeo.ssioe which seems to have bees prelesq- ed unneeneestily already. I rtes for the pur- pose of 'snowily asking the leader of the House if be has not realized the solemn faros 1* winch Perltament . now engaged. Parlament uadettook to deed with We question some time ago. The mesad nada tag of the Bill was carried by • fair aior- sty. Th. Oemmittee stage bas resobd,asd yesterday merman at three o'clock, woes it o as Lime for all bosom mos to be an bed, the hon neonates penned in pressing forward the Bi1L A moues was made that the committee ries sad report progress, sad that question was disarmed from three o'olook asterism until 4.30 yesterday au. - sees. Up to that tune we uiderrook to dames the bill on its merit, add the nom - mites sat till 5etw.m three and four in the morning, time for every man to retire to bed. The Genre/nem refused to allow the committee to roes. I ask the leader of t0. Home now, what has been a000mplish- ed arose three this morning until 3.30 this afurnoo.' le it his desire that Parliament sboald become a object bad Ginnit of sea - tempt! Dees 0. dews that the lives el bon members should be jeopardized by the meta 0. is p mt.i.g' 1 •m aware 5051 100 bon. gentleman dieted nee 0. esus willing to die in 0n teaean in order to faros 10. RJl through- T0. boa 4ostlemau may desire in his latter days to 0e • martyr, but 1 ven- ture to my there are sot may be.. mine - bore who desire se to end their days. We we willing to give • renewable flan at re•eoo.ble hours for the eoouderation a this Bill and to disease the various' classes a their smite. But the boa. ,entlem.ai mast see, a everybody to t0. **entry epos, that instead of advocates the progress of t0. Rill by hie policy. he is retarding its progress. What attention have members of the Adminutntioe been paying to this Bill for toe lest few nights! It te quite made@ that any important Bill of t0ie kind, i. - volving complex clauses, everyone of whisk is opal to dt.csssio0, it pared in its pre - sea shape simply invites and courts littg•- rest It is irop.rtent therefore an Meow - eine the vhriow clan..., that members of the Administration, especially those who have the Bill an charge or •misted in pre- paring it, should be in their smog in eras: be give t0. ommeery explaoattoes. I ✓ eached my seat in tits Heves this mania, at 930 ♦ r The (root WO Oil was graded by the be.. member for Peterboro' (Mr. Suoveo.es) ad the hoo. member for An- n apolis (Mr.Mills) with the hon. *member for Muskoka (Nr O'ltrisol sandwiched be- tween them. These were the only three members nu the Miuiet.rtal beeches ; the mooed row was in a similar eoedi4tw. How may Murton were present' The Minister of t0. Intortor sat in hie e.1, like the last re.. of Sualmer,bleomint alma. Within • few minutes came in the Mimister of Public Works, end be sat Neu his seat talkies to the bard of the prairies, lateen ae doubt to kis eloquent periods. Mr. DAVIN. I rim to a point of order. I think the boo. gentlemen u bound to re- fer to any hos. number in • given manner. Mr. CAMERON. 1 referred to the h... member for Aessibeia Mr. DAVIN. No. Yr. CAMERON. T0. Minister of Pub- lic Work' rewreed bee mientes, lead thee west opt. The Monster of Railways awe in for about ten minutes. He sat with the Clerk of the How, no doubt\ dimming oonsdtutioael law, and .t 10. •Nine tune crooking jokes with the obair*s of t0. cosmmilt 5. Than is the way the Govern- ment has been .11.adiaw to the interests of the Manitoba mimerity. At twelve *'*look the Postmaster Geser.l sante in. He win sympathised with by the hon. member tor Muskoka (Mr. O'Bries) for having nee up .11 might, but he awn ism fresh sad brlek ✓ e be well could 0., with his hair parted is the middle, well oiled and elaborately purled, and wearing • red rose n hie but- tee00le, as brisk es • bee aced M Madame as a dairy en • May moraine. Re ranine' bee manual S, and the oleos that saw Wm saw bine so mora Then there is the Min- ister of Justice, w►c introdueed t0. Mal and should be able to explain 10. name alemes. Re was anent. Thee there Is t0. Secretary of Stair, tbe metier mind of the Cabinet, olio moved the mooed reading of t0. Bill, and no doubt had posted him- self thoroughly as to its emateots, ad the reams why tm onuses were te.drted. He was net is his amt. Like • wise one 0. was taking reasonable repose. The Yuen ter of Marine win abeam. the Minister of Trade •Lid Oommeres was absent, the boa. member for Victoria (Mr. Prier) was in 01. place for • . few minutes, ad them dump - peered. That is the way the Government have been attending be tbe interests of the ucfnnrity la Merteb•, the minority whom interests *bey propose to o.SD.rve, Is when interest this sill in being tared through the Homes in the lea days of • dying Perlin ranee : ad yet when .0 importing dimes - roe 1e before no Hew Ministers are mei esest te gae ive the oematts rry ezpl•.a. renmaly pretest .saint bon. awem0ere beimg asked to sit day and sight it is en- reensea le mod venetian* and the leader of t0. Hoorn we pent to no slaw Mmes seelede Mine ex..pt sed oesonse, and then t0. IQdttsre were eresent to rim ante ex• No doe knows boner thio the a state Shag /log. Rill w W the people no 0.5401.. by the tan. All t0. p.evimesa are arrayed anima t0. ening Dem- me.. end ret we are ang hern* e to fer • *fl MrmrMb Parlament Midi eseesbers w W able to mrider with dear and un- reeled Winnings the hen. member for North Skl.me (Illy. McOarrtby) enbmitt•d •