HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-4-16, Page 88 f THE SIGNAL : OODKRICA, ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL 16 1896 _.• EXTRA SPECIAL THESE AtU: THE Wall Papers -- \% F: A R F: -- Selling — Selling for 5 cents per Roll, Regular Price 7 c:nta. Ani tlir I kit. u. wtItn;; for 9ce per roll. 500 Samples to select from. REMEMBER: These 1'up r. are ALL NEW and must be sold THIS Ito:NTH, as we will not catry any over till nest season. BOOKSTORE. NEWS OF THE DISTRICT.' from our ownCorraapoadanta !here 1. larerwsallea Mere That Cannel be resod any where Rise - News el the County Specially Reported M Thr a*Rnal. ASHFIELD. MR.t,yr,Apr. 13 Mies Flora Mclooagh has goo* to Toron to to live. S Rivett, of the I lth eon., has sold his farm to John Hilen. ? .Soho Smith, ot the 13th con , W. Wawa nosh, cut his foot badly. Mr. Hewer s steam sawmill ie in full blest, atter lying idle all Winter. The scow is fast dieacpearing, and the recent rains will make vegetation begto to grow. BELFAST. Ti roti, April 11. \\ , .1. Irwin has rented • farm West of here. Spring hes arrived and is • very welcome guest. Miss Anna Rieke, of t.oderich, visited our school one afternoon last week. Allen Rowles has returned to t:odertoh atter spending his holidays at home. MIA. A. Richardson, of t.ederich, we home a few days this week. Those who spent their Easter holidays here returned to town 3lood•y. John .lepsoo, ot Seaforth, was the guelt of his sister a few days last week. Mw Fanny Hawkins returned on Satur day front a visit to Mrs Mures.% tiodenoh tioe some lobe on the school grounds. The grounds will be much improved by the drain Mad the gravel. • WE'RE IN IT That is to say we, WILL & "JACK" CATTLE have bought nut the business of JOHN RALPH, On H.\MILD uN STREET, sod while waiting for our brand- new stock to arrive, we are anxwua to take all orders tor Plumbing, Fitting, Rave Troughing, and Tinning, and guarantee to give you satiefac• The scholars are ur•ngiog • foot ball tion in each and every tine. club. and will be ready for work before lose. Pr Leave your orders at lotto Ralph • W. H. Reed, • former teacher of our Old Stood, Hamilton -St. school. paid u. • Hying visit last week. He looks well. There are quite • lot of the tanners around here making maple syrup. We •x pect taffy pulls wilt follow. W. & A. T. CATTLE, numbers and Tinnera. LEEBURN. 14 The to/abuse on thetroad 1w out of raw, SIGNS OF SPRING. but not so with those oa the lake. They will be men for some time yet. At the commuston service on Suaday there was • good attendance, Rev. Mr. Hamilton conducting the service. Rev. Mr. t.raham, ot Hayfield. preached the prepare tion service on the Friday before. GODERICH TOWNSHIP. Toseutr, April 14. A sow belongcag to Jae Edmundson, lot 13, H•ytield Road. t:oderich township, re gently littered eight pigs, one of which had two snouts and • protuberance that resembled aa elephants trunk reaching from the front ot the head. If the little chap had not suooumbed, Mr. Edmundson would have beer enabled to supply some of the travelling chows with • freak the tit.• of which had not before been placed oa es• ht tuuun. POST ALBERT. April l t Harry Hawkins returned home last Nat Moloy. Wm. McConnell is home after a long ab NUM TM leading occupation this week sucker fishing. Mire LiraM fierce, of Crewe, visited in Port Albert last week. A mareting was held at the schoolhouse on Satyld•% evening for the purpose of let NE 'BOOT and SHOE Ifni J. McNAUGHTON has opened nut • hoot sod Shoe Stere in the pr+wime NEXT Ti► MIRS PATE. LINERY STI►RE, where he will carry os the MIL - ONE PRICE SHOE BUSI NESS. A full Meek of every kind of Hoots, of lar ire style sad best make. kept eesatastly en Mad. REPAIRING carefully amid speedily at temidsd te. l speedos ul Omda mad Priess invited. Remember Moe ward—Ola Na NORTH RIDN 01 SQU&RR. The eleeaat aasortmeat of NEW HATS We are offering to the nubile. lie in harmony with attire as she dons her Morino attire. sad buy yourself a Mae. *leo new stock of •ll the leteet in Moves, ghirts. innate. Cutts. Neck wear. Hoskin . etc.. st Livery Business Changed Hands. MARTIN liege to announce that he lic.s purchased the livery busi• newt lately carried on by MESSRS. COATES oppi nun: (%)1,ttoRNE HOTEL Ile will renovate and thoroughly equip the stables in first clams style, anti *aka the public for a share of their rastertairti patronage Hates r..iummable, .1. 0. MARTIN. III lot. J. T. ACHESON • BARGAINS Ter Ladies mid Girls we /Mar a ver‘ molt, Ceps is Taw% Navy sad Brows at $1.00 mob. a better lute woe Double Car, in Brows, Black sett laws at $1.26, mid • Toll *Wish Braided C4P• all Cokes ri 001 A In ES' BLOUSES Sample memos, test as geed as any other, only half the price. Mee them in our wiadow this week. Some of them are worth $1 00 rod some $1.26. Your Amos while they last for 50 mats. JADIES. CASHMERE HOSE We hare lust planed in stock a dome Ladies' Fall fashioned Combeters Hoes with High Spliced Hoek, regular 46 mat has, our prise Is 37111 mats. te fli, 9 and 9'. inch. A ootoplete stock is Ultimo, All- Wools, Tapestry aiad liras eels. sad our priors comet be dupticated by any moire to Um town. See Mir lipssisl 45 cent Tapestry. ILLINERY • A look through our Millinery Room, tint at the sty le and quality and teen at the prime ticket, and you can understand why we are doing the Millinery trade ot the town We invite lampeetwo of our difforest Departments. IT WON'T COST YOU MUCH To decorate your house inside this Spring when you can buy all new Direct from factory, choice patterns, at Some of the latest and tinest patterns, 121-2, 15, 20, 25 cents per roll CEILINGS AND BORDERS TO MATCH. Large stock Window Shades 50e. to $1.75 each. Shade Cloth, 36 and 42 inch, by the yard. 36 inch Window Paper, Spring Rollers, I5c. Special value in Stationery, Bibles, Albums, Fancy Goods, etc. N.rB. Wall Paper all new and about 100 patterns to select Dry Goods Store A. L WEIR Next to J AM ES ROBINSON'S MILLINERY -:- Waro the mit smogs tows. is WI, wo aro oak, pages the smutty thy oarr, • mask el Carpets wsproashisg Is alisk Variety sad Style to the Won City Smelts, sad so matter what Mbar meets say to the matrary. it yes seas to bay Carpets where yen OSO gm Ms Lament Amortawst, Vass sad Loam Styles, aag be au Ogg, tbe Ctomot PnOSIS, OSSO 1610 NOS& SO eldest from. Oar ramp release tram a 10 Cast Heap to the Met Five Frame Brownie. Oar Bruseelle sad Tapestry Carpets are of the mimes patters. awl designs, with herders to match. sad UN salon am stoutly elegant Yoe should ago oar Brumeio as $1. Our WM Axsaiastor. the dret ever show& in this town, &hems every's* who Item seem Mem. They are Ileum te be sellers km the Bering Trade. Otir All -Weeks te three pates am two aro Mood a mytium harstadoes usarket is quality, denims wad calming. Laws Carpets Una year look almost geed as Wools of past mama& The growiss wads wo tom mobilo so Imply to lissome owe stook sad wo am sow is • bettor mums thas over to moot the requirements of the trade. WINOS yes waist Carpets, give am a leek. We am matimied that we can ill year oaten te year advaatage sad perhaps ears yes roomy tee by begin, trim at All car - psis wads sad laid if mowed. Ws OM make a 30 to 40 yard Carpet is about two Mere with ear sew Carpet Medusa We here tits largest stock of Oil Cloths and Lisolewne ewer shown us Goderion. at primes to snit everyme. Our Loos Curtain Stock is !timer time ever. 1t seedless to quote prime. Our Chenille Stook of Curtail,' aed Table Covers, direct from the makers, dowse everythiag ter quality and prices. Rugs aad Mate Gee of our beet specialties, also acme hese of Damask, saitable tor tumulus's'. Wit west you to sem OW Table Limas sod Table Napi. Ma threat froun Belfast, het asd We want you to remember our Art Seisms mad Art Our general Spring Stock is bettor Mom maid is moot lo Priato. Chastbinia, lophers, Scotch Guighossa, Puims, Spot Muslim, aro aro plaid of other seasons. Our Spring Opening was a great success the new styles were well appreciati Besides the large stock now on hand, we *ill receive fresh additions alniost weekly throughout the entire sea- son in order to have alway-: the very best and newest. MISSES YATES. Easter Millinery . . i 2-3m The undersigned having received a large importa- tion of Spring and Early Summer Millinery, is prepared to supply the sweetest of Bonnets, Hats and Trimminys. The goods are Fashionable, of Superior Make, and are in Color, Design and Textute unexcelled. MISS CAMERON HAMILTON STBEET IT'S 1 GREAT LIMB Of Paint to put on a Poor Article. 11 wtu tam but • short time and mat marl, so mach as • geed eno.whils the tatter wilLiast for y. and loyk bright all the tilde TM, teonomy is In the use of • wood artiole. As each we me twommond ABSOLUTEtY PURE WHITE LEAD flitsranieed by the White Lead Asenciatim of Camelot mid recommended by out erode ',poison for rears as the beetothite lead oa the DAVISON & CO. Good lleod• and ttieht vetoes. A 'Veer swish sow' broke tato A Kam- elmet's bum yard during Moaday sight; R. IMPERIAL undersigned respectfully invitee yew attention to the tact that he bee renovated Me above place sad fitted It up In every way Om dm convenience and comfort of the pubibinsd will be pleased to have yon call and terse ear ectflutinimice elliOY Yourself and inane pew - Ouse inside. you oaa easliy see thist earn only Fixirr and bent brands of CIGARS and TOBACCOS. OYSTERS a Hulk. er nerved in our paean way way roe desire THEM GODERICH FOUNDRY Thom Mr ma assonsed control of the Michell paid to ix io sow prepared to do of aention and mikokine wort. Spec - PLOW REPAIR. HOUSE CASTING GRATE BARS. aod all rimier* -1 work Inrised ot.. by a first- class fousidry. The personal nitention of ths prepretor will IS MVOS la every piece of work a..., as the prowlamaad sone bit host work enenetip will be turned out from the works. ceder. hy mail solicited. and promptest, win to a speciality. 'semidry la .ear of Readereen raw with entrance on Conihria-st. dellgross Oddlidloin molobreso their mei- remora by siteadise Divine Morale he North et Mothedwi Ann& se Sunday A Isms assortment in missy of the sew fabrios oosittattarr of the now Satin Royale. Black and Colored Lustre', Merges end Suiting Materials. We have lot of Colored Drees Materna* doubla width goods. that we are olleriag for about half prim. Tweeds, Cloths, biaetlings and Worsteds 10 great variety. COLBORNE BROS. The Great Carpet War•houss of the Gamer. AT INCUNRO'S Parasols Umbrellas corm./ 'haps and delieit hatuilea. Gloves Fine Hosiery 5 Per Our 500 Corset prenoanoed the beat in rearket at dm pries. Double warp blank Lustros. hard finish biaok and colored berm. A full nags ot Souse Drapeetes, Art Muslim, white and oolored outspot Swim sad Nottlethem makes. Valenciennes Laces and t.drairs. ',ewe and .lacooset F:mbrinderise with esettons to witch Ladies sad childroo • Seams, Coder - clothing better lied cheaper than ever. off for Cash, or 30 day. A. MUNRO. Draper. You are invited Newest Lasts Exclusive Designs Lowest Prices to see our NEW SPRING SHOES OUR STOCK IS NOW COMPLETE IN ALL LINE 3 and we will sustain our p_c-t rer„..t..;ion cf " Best Goods at Low Prices " H. B. POLLOCK. Seeds! Seeds! Seeds! Timothy, Clover, Golden Indian Corn FEED os SEEL). Flax, Grasses, Mangles, And every other kind grown by Farmer, Florist or Towns - MAIL Rock Bottom Prices and No. 1 Quality is my motto. T. 3. VIDEAN The True to Name Seed Store, East Street. - Plough Points - Mill and Agricultural Repairing and Casting BICYCLE FACTORY We are now running the Moulding Shop in connection with the Repairing Machine Department and have the Patterns of all the Plow Points, anti Mill Patterns formerly owned by the Runciman We will cast every day if neeeseary. and our prices will be found as low lei the lowest Give us a Call; we want your trade. We will buy your Scrap Iron. ASK TO SZE OUR BICYCLE. THF HENDERSON BICYCLE CO.L2L° last St. Godarich, Ont. $1 will pay for "The Signal" for a year