The Signal, 1896-4-16, Page 7THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT.- THURSDAY APRIL 16. 1896.
The diseases of thinness
'are scrofula in children,
consumption in grown
people, poverty of blood in
elI her. They thrive on
%i.linese. Fat is the best
"Ewa of overcoming them.
erybody knows cod-liver
oil makes the healthiest fat.
In Scott's Emulsion of
ct,11-liver o t e taste is
Ilai,!(.1en, the oil is diSested,
it•sready tomake fat
Wbes yes oak ter Scott's t{l sponse and
.aur Pee yes • le .
w w111h I M plot_
1 ore w tM mea e.d Sieh ss I -)su as
'emit that meat
1/0 wee and SLIM
Ower • Dara, Choodoo , asbvih%, Ont.
W •.e weeps with yen whoa von are sed.
sad 1 ewes with yes whoa you we gtad,ead
ewes.* with you whoa you tee wed • The
edit, r. Who has to be both kiad sad wise
cud sever (hardly ever ; lies, and when he
deer. routes surprise ` The editor. Who
cwt • a heart as .loll as cheek, has • spirit
pro. t bet enwk. and lives on forty owls •
wait . The editor
A.dreetal.s tis. •sadness
proprietor of • m•oagerie relates
that t.w of his how otos had • thorn taken
est c t ha pew by • Frisch Lieutenant 1.
Algeria. Tie lion afterwards ram ever the
list of °Been Weaves so tbe regiment of
4s tordectee. sad nuc of gratitude devour-
ed ail of superior mach to the liemenant,
who thereby found bialsolf memeted M the
reek if oobaOI.
The Wel Lady MAIM
A Methodist paper says that Wes brothers
who ware preacemes maga • visit le their
methot. Ota ef them said : "Do you not
stink. mother, that you ruled with toortgid
• rod in oar boyhood' It would W.e ewe
better. I tkuk, that you had used rattler
methods." The old lady roes to her fall
height and replied : "Well, Willows. when
you have raised up three se rood preachers
as I have you ass talk.'
0•y Talk.
Twee Mother (te.warty)-Yee. my bale
Mire, the is year teeny weeny little baby
seam lest be • drliag, bless km tide
Now, warners ' He 0•n talk, toe. Sit up
Why, and talk to your hide oowi..
Baby --flee, goo, goo, awoy. wow, goy,
sea. Imo.
Little Niece (ie digital- I've dot • Law
doll a home at Wks bettor tae either of
mwendsa 1M Msg.
Maid -G..Ils •. wishes to... you,mem.
Here's hi. card.
Nile FI1rt. -Um i dco't rea.sbee that
✓ ms.
•• He std, mem, that you was to see him
et .Ise give bun something of his you
" It must be •omeoae I met •t Margeie
lest Sumter. Take that box of nags, .ad
tell him to pick out his."
Mutt tea. a Soy •e.
rental poem in the children's pimp
w as. "What ooe • boy do, anyhow!"
Well, by the proper um of a tack he Baa
make ha p• talk is four did rent la.geagss
by dropping • hole •mmosu on her itaek
he ow snake the family eat drill • bele
through the woodshed : by his free and die-
isgeo.oas eooverstres to hie sister's beet
young men be oan mike 'kw sister Werke
trssimistio (ethers toward the uninerss
What can't • hey do!-Miatw.pola .lour -
♦' idemerei
" Mede • blanked fool of enroll hast
•' How's that
" Had • little tiff with my best girl.
Told her she was the newt trying perses I
•' `the said she supposed she was. Then
the gave me bask my ring. ed told me obis
guessed she's try some other hollow for a
, Keogh !"
, • I should say moo. lilt ooet a three
pounds at lees tor mooch flower sad ooa-
tentionery to goer* myself "
Tb. m.rderer masers .s es Mills. lite tier
PIiII.AD.LPHIA.-H. H. Holses.the gv.e1-
est murderer of modem times, hes made a
.afeseioe I. it be tells haw and whims he
pmt to death no fewer thea twenty women
and children. H. gives •ll tb hoes. Hewn.
plum an scoout el No Werdra whbh be
pie orad, Wit was prmvwtsd Irma e•rryttt0
one. h was wall•knewn that be pat deem
posses gal ell the meld ; ss, when ha sen
heel= Is misled, these will be wowed of
the violent dwelt of nine people wheal
abatises fres their hens end their friends
his hitherto hes. awxpl.ised• He de
scribes is down the murder of Ulm W il-
liama.istms; el quitter, 1b.matter el the
°awls "who know too meek"; d Benj. F.
holed the mrltder for ekteh he to se
hang --4 d the Ptetsel childra la fact,
Holmes, iteing n the shadow .f the gal
lows wile the low bops goso, with the
Mae and Maw of hes With hsd.beyoad •
Mews hes gives way M Ws verity as •
.elem.., .ad bas writ.. We life. H. is
te be bagged to May, sad his oo. ,ares is
N be Rho last work .t bis extraordinary
saner of calm& His bole book will have
• shelf .11 to itself in the library of orlain-
obgy. Firth of his warders was deliberate-
ly, °arefully pleased, sad executed with
cabman sad poseiswa. He was • peola-
eooal murderer. He had waded warder
es • We art. He pawed It to make • by-
law, bat Wee ler tts own sake. lie de
liberateiy *Wee . osier of crime when he
WWI • farm boy up La Vortooat. He &dead-
.• • neediest college M vi sip btmalt for the
tekisg of Iib, fat as other welt ro to mol
to equip themselves ler the saving of
We. He tried every sort of murder poe-
tising. suffoottem by gala, etre.guleuoo
with the bare lingers, bauog to death wits
a club-- *very sort uoept the crude, wry
He was born mad bred oa a farm, m ear -
menthe(' that would compare vert favor
ably with thea that have produced the
soberest, most virtuous au/.ens we have.
Therm is • faint trans of insanity La am fem-
ily, but he bim.df --it is too alight to nes as
• basis for •lthat he is ;seen. Hs
was • good sal 'curial youth, load of
his fellow beings -especially food of women
-usd tact was his easel Gh•na:tot to Rho
mad. H• wee always well liked by thea he
met. He wee always gesroas with his
mosey. Nut to warder. his greatest suo-
oeesss were to love -eking. He laves
several wive La different pro of the wea-
ry. He was polite, courteous, gentI.,sveo
to the very last. He murdered with a
. mile et hia lees, •sd if it was • womw or
a obid who was wigwam hie Lateotim,with
• two of•rmsnt apoo his hp..
To • men whose passion woe the killing
el his fellow-or.•turee by plot,•d stealth,
the Natural occupation was that of tamer -
awe swtadlr. The pronto .1 Lbw, bestows
.re Jorge, the swindler kills kis 0000mplioe,
thereby svtag the expense sad d.agr of •
wbsutate corps.,.votding • division of the
profit., and ala hevtog the pleasure of in-
dulging • penchant tor murder. Thea en-
ticements appealed poweefully to flolatee-
whew teal aamo, by the way is Hennas
Webster Mwdeott. He became ea meat
awe swindler while he Lase will in the med.
al oollege at the University of Michigan -
Hs made • good dal of meaey sad spew
It freely. He wataattted several murders,
but they wide sot oat °1 tbe aaual He
was simply serves his iippI..tioabip. It
eras not until be setsbluhed himself is
('bioego th.1 be became the reel mossier.
He had beta looking about for sere limo
for a definite b• itauon where he mould
pursue three oocup•tioosswindling. soar -
donne and love staking -at hie ase. He
telt that it he coal.* build bissself a suitable
home be could pursue hie passion in a most
leisurely and agreeable fathom.
So ho did build himself a boor -the
famous cube st No. 701 Sixt) thud street
Chicago. He selected • sate sear the
Wrld's Fair grounds. The World's Fair
was about to open, and with so way
strangers w.oderia` »boat b. could 6d
mast with whoa to Inose himself. He
must have thought 001 the plain of the
hoose oeretull y. 1• had neral chambers
and smotbenng rooms, • retort for Yarning
bodies, • •iutck-lime pit., beeches and
Noels for choppier up oorpe.l, and o
sounds oould passably retie the street.
Herm men, mimeo and children were mur-
dered and annihilated for the money they
had with them. for the iaeur•ose en their
lives, because they knew too nook, because
Holmes was weary of them, or for no other
resew than that he was food of murder. He
killed his friends. He killed his =awesome.
He ktll.d children.
Afar over a year of oat& pleasure he was
compelled to give up "the weds" He was
Premed for money. and as matey would of
0015 10 bim 11. 11s4 tv go foitb 10 s..k 11..
Theo came the great Pretzel cooeptr•cy.
He married • young and pretty. wom.a,and
spent the interysls of honeymooning in kill•
tug t't.trel, is choking the three Petted
children to death and burning their bodice,
in plotting to kill Mrs. Pieered and her old-
est daughter. He would kir hie wile and
have her for • few hours, strangle • child,
oat it up, burn tte body, hide the charred
bows, stun to his wife, embrace bus and
amore to bed to sleep wally and sweetly.
When they arrested him they found in
his pockets letters the Pietr.l children had
wriitee to their mother-wooderfal, Mao -
welt. toying letters, with pathetic mis-
spellings and slips i. grammar. He had
killed the oblldree, but be ooald Not born
thew lettere. He hired to read them.
They were reals very curiois sad inteteat-
b I. prises he made • pet of • obicka, sad
doyoted himself to it with • .ohsitude Hitt
was mast teaebine ; sad he was always
thinking of ids bey up la New H.mpsbire
with h1. grand-p•reata He took • great
deal of pride m that boy, and showed in
may ways • gasaise affsetion for him.
Then hover was • mon ezlreordi.ary
criminal than this man, who, if he live•,will
Wag as surely se the sea rises the moaner
of May 7th. '
Spring Complaints, use scow's aARSAPAt11.t.A. It is the best
spring medicine to be had anywhere. Scott's. is pleasant to•take,
mild and gentle in its action, and an absolute cure for Sciatica, Gout,
Constipation, Scrofula. La Grippe, indigestion, Dyspepsia. Female
Troubles, Nervousness., Chronic Headache, Catarrh of the Herd.
Throat and Stomach ; Syphilis, Skin Disuses from impure
blood or a disorganized system, and
Catarrhal Stomach Troubles,
Mr. Joseph Morrow, Merchant, of Fullerton. Ont., write': "William
Cornish says that Scott's Sarsaparilla is the best family medicine he
ever tried. His son William who works fora farmer was laid up
and unable to work. His system was generally run down. One
bottle of Fl1ott's Sarsaparilla cured him immediately." For further
facts write either sir. Morrow or Mr. Cornish, personally. Then
iSeett s Sarsaparilfi
/lt do&ier., 92.d1 par lards • 011.. 004, tSss/eesi/W s dew
TWIST Arr.asNvut HAD $000 , dot . 1m roe
T)1afa wartier AND ON TIM IITea1 UTH
0) nus *aa PAID A $1,500 DLsAa1WTT
IateULAS,$-ANOrltak Casa IN *011)1
na&000? NSALTH AITaa ALL bail
Y YfI. IAILat).
From the 'Seaford Mealier.
Iteubo. !'stab is • resident el Griereville
who -A•. b.en shows to the editor d the
Mo.itor for • ooOslder•ble number of years.
For several yearn M' Prick has b... te
bed health, has bolo an Lawson sufferer •.d
was doctored incurable by • umber of
pbymat•.s, and was paid • disability utter -
awe of 51,500. Lately, to theestomu\ment
of those who had k.ows_-theit be was pro-
nouoced incurable, Mr. Penh hes been
Drought hack almost to hie former health
Tau restr•uoo he attributes to the use of
Dr. Williams' Ptak Pills, .d kowtag that
his story would interest the readers of the
Monitor, • reporter was sent to
interview bin. The following is Mt.
Penh's narrative es e1ten the reporter.
"1 bed been sick for some live years. 1
00as0lted In that time with no lea thou elm
of the .set pbyetaais 1 oould had, but nose
seemed to help ma w tar as medians was
oo.oeroed. My limbs sad body were put-
ted or bloated a 1 could not get my clothes
o.. 1 bad lost the use of my limbs miters
lye When 1 began ts k lag 1)r. Williams'
Pink Pills i weld not drams myself and bad
not dressed myall for two t ears previous.
1 .weld not wee open my mouth eseugb o
receive any soled food. and I had to fed
with • spoon. 1 seemed 1. Wye loci 1•w. 1
weld not clot up or down sae doorstep,eod
if 11e11 down I bad to he therm till I was
helped up. I Wold sot get around without
• mise sad sad • orutoh. My flush e•oesed
M be deed. You might have made • pin-
cushion of me and I would feel no hurt.
The doctors told ma 1 could sever i01 bet-
tr. They said 1 had palsy on ow side,
caused by mewl soleroeu, the iffeot of le
grippe \ on might roast me •.d 1 would
not swat. I was • member et the Mutual
Aid Associatioa of Trooto, and, as ander
their rules I was entitled to • disability is
suranoe, I made •pplio•tioo for it. I was
examined by two doctors on behalf of the
Aaoci•tioa and pr000unoed permanently
disabled, and esu in dee time paid my dis-
ability Assurance of ,1,100 This was
.bout two years after, I first took sok.
Things went on ie this way for • °o.eidr-
.ble period. and m) helplessness was, if
say thing, on the increase. I wee continua.
lly reedier .bout the oars throu/b the use
of I)r. Williams' Pink Pill., and at last de-
termined to try them. After using tour or
Eve boxes there was • change. It first
made itself maoilest by my beginning to
sweat freely. 1 made up my mind to give
them • thorough trial and to my surprise 1
have gained in health and strength ever
since. 1 take o0 other medicine erospt
Pial Pills. 1 began taking them when all
oihee medicines and dootcrs failed to du me
.by good. I could not get off my chair
without help. 1 never expected 1., get bro-
w but Pink Pills have rescued me from •
living death, and now I .m happy to say I
can work and walk .d get around 6wly.
I at be.rtiiy, sleep soundly, and feet like •
new maw and I warily the Gauer entirely
to Hr. -Williams' Pink fills, 1 cannot my
too swell in their pats and recommend
therm highly to all similuv afflicted."
The above is Mr. ('etch • ungernished
statement of his owe .ad we nicht Gild, we
know him 1. be • respeot•ble, Fellable
gentian, who has no interest in roomg
the stateme.t only to do good to others who
might beam* afflicted as he was.
This street testimony prow the claim
made that Dr. Willuai.' Pink Pills our.
when other medicine@ fail, and that they
deserve to rank as the rnateei dieoovey 0f
modern medical seisms. The public Weald
always be em their guard .mad.* isitatio.s
sad substitutes, which some unscrupulous
dales for the asks e4Sxtra prodt, urge ap-
es psrebes.a Thaw is w other remedy
"jest the ate as" er "jest se good" as Dr.
Williams' Ptak Pills amid the gwnsiee •1-
w.ys haw the fall trade *mark. lir. Wil.
li.m.' Ptak Pills tr Pule People, on the
wrapper .read every hes.
Sett £eememble.
CesteiMter-1 have hes • little dory.
Eater -Duos it say earnest' about 'I.rr.
'Oen,- hlf. • word.
t1 Dl.. ;the ' lever throwhis 0o01
leis e•f Wag, pie issbis kis •
t'glttrib Me -.41 •s.
Editor -Is t11* aWylithio 1. it sliest
• ethereal HIM' 1 /
Ce.tribster -No.
Editor -Does tames uplsk works ' bane
isg with leve ' !
fW.tribater-Net woe,
F.ditr- Does the bre ' tear his heirr
the berei.e's hes fairly glow with pleas-
Contribute, Ne.
Editor Then I ewK swept it. it .is-
lets@ all president. Tek. K bask bed rsa
those is, sod I will esedder It
mr •. R nada.. besWasssa. arv.rwy
la e/ed - Pai.ra0t.s knee 1104.e01
*. tasdy-4tiwd by wee Ms
w ai.dli's Odder, MM.
Onosenat lea, April 131b (Spusbl►-Or.
H. ie pled..•. rapper. heeler sad lesehm•
many was injured by hlling en • kab wide\
mimed ►1. hely Pram beswtk sed injemed
lee bladder sed killseya H. Lay.: I was
semis ei te sty fled ler ix eves sad was
rarely able M week, feslbg tee weak ism
the injury ewer 0100 year VI. 1 haw
takes see boa .i Dead's Kidney Pills sed
M Wind amid as dM beYsd ea
ewes Were 1a ear Ire. Oee bas was math
sae Mabel dein be me. r ler yealMb
to .Mute /mr • bosh r dears."
TM laporLnl Mart It Yl ay M la a
r:.vaery . flat...
The majority of persons du not know
that the sky is blue un 1w..own of the
thuus.nds and thousands of inelltulla ,.f
attune of dust mating In the atmos-
phere. Were it not fur dust we would
lack light un \1•eth,•r Earth and the
heavens would is .tn inky black.
Suppose & room absolutely dark, anv,-
a bole thn.ugti tele• .t the shutters. A
ley of light will .tart through the small
opening, and one eau observe tiny par-
ticles of dust datwulg l,i bright
d tlrtlxram ,rf 1101'. As a nlulti r of fact
K h nut "the light" we set., but simply
a refltotluu, caused by thee- mutes of
As 11 Ia with the bhaft of light In the
darkened room, so it la oil a large
male throughout the air. The sosuy
millions of particles of dust catch the
right, r. ilea:ing It back and t dill from
wee to another, su maklug the atntu.-
pbr•re luminous.
It Is for this ra.•um that, were tt not
for the dust, the sky would appear
'lack, as It dues at night when there
Is 11, moon, The sun would appear as
un immense glowing ball. The mean
and Stara would be vls:tilethtetigM.ut
the day. would aI.l'tar dif-
ferent. Where the light touched the
' yes would be donned by the brtl-
liancy. Th'e mews,. sq tnese of the
shadows would become an intense black
and the outline of objects harsh and
The sunlight, wt:r••h has berm a;laly-
lied by memos of the sprrtruneope. c,n-
sists of all the 'maw. of tn.- rainbow,
their total forming the white light. This
white light suing thruugh a crystal
prism Is broken up into its set mi com-
ponents, the so -rolled fundamental
colors. These seven district colors of
light are the result of the different
lengths of ether wat.•r, blue heading
the Itst as one of tdi.' aborts-mt. yellow
being one of the templet waves. Thus
the 'Meet dust molecules (Wing >Me
highest in the atmosphere reflect uoly
the blue light. Impartu.g that tint to
the- heavens ahoy•. In mining districts.
and those where factory engines
abound, where the air is full of large
mrtlelrs tet coal god other duet, even
bo an otherwise clear day the sun will
have a reddish tint. The cause of It
is that the panItiee of duet are tete
larges and too le.w in the atmosphere
to reflect the blue light, only the reel
being reflected. For this reason the.
sky In the countrt• will be blur while
above a large city „n the. same day
the heavens may Prevent a grayish or
w hitish color. on account of the dust
atoms being rather late, and, there -
tore, not reflecting trio- blur light.
The reaaoo that in s,.uthern parts of
the globe and near the equator the sky
1. very blue Is.'s In the fact that the
sly is mutt drier and the- dust Inuit. -
rules. not being enlarged by moisture,
are thus enabled to reflret the blue
eok.r of the sunbeams. -New York
N•rleallag the cloud*.
The motor of Count Zeppelln's steer-
ing balloon is of aluminum with a six
to ten per Lync copper alloy. The bal-
loon can rise to a height of &bout 12(50
yards, carry a weight of nearly two
tons, and, it necessary. remain seven
and a half days in th.- air The ex-
pansion of the gas by warmth Is met
by conducting what may, to. called the
overflow into a reserved slate, su that
the balloon cannot buret, and yet love
ho gas. Ascent and d s.-.-nt are effect-
ed without throwing out t.aliast or loss
lK gas. The advantages of Count Zep-
pelin's balloon have been fully ack-
nowledged by the Pruertan mtlItary au-
thorities. They reckon the maximum
speed attainable to be five meters per
second (say eleven miles an hour).
but the Inventor claims at Least twlevc
meters per second. Th.• count says 1t
will keep l4 up to the tune of 60 miles
a day.
Ice■stern. t. Order.
If the. Invention or W. Hazenflug of
Tates Center. Kan., w111 do all that he
claims for It, getting a ah•.we-r In the
arid reglons will be as easy as making
• spray from the garden hos.- ..n the.
/ bores of lake 'Michigan 1fe has an
apparatus which consists .f a 1.peeiatly
constructed gun. 14 feet in length,
weight 400 pounds, which, when lou.icd
with the necessary material and •
plode•d in the air, dls,:harges a to.
tura-producing subeetance to a hrlgtIJ
1A miles Thr.e of much di..c•har
properly dletrlbuted. he claims will corn e
duce a rainfall of from three t.. 11."
Mche• within 24 hours at a total meet
o f not to exceed all dollars. He will
make a test of his device at areal Bend
u soon as atmospheric conditions are
Welshing ('sateen Air.
The weight of air ham often been
tested by compressing It In receptacles
by the alr pump. That it really ass
welpht when res. eompreesrd Is •hews
by the tart that 111e weight of the
vetrelr is Increased slightly by riling
them with erimpreseed air and that
rush tclwls become ■peel scally 11ghc-
• f' ar amen as the air contained In 111.411
■ exhsuste d many elaborate
Menlo' on the weight of air have proven
:hat one cub* fust weighs .,Z grains,
,r te.nrrthing less than one and a
master ounces. The experiment •1n the
aelght of air 1e supposed to tae tnade at
the surface. of the sank• with the t. m-
pe-rature at Ile deg. Fahrenheit. Heated
Lir Or air at algb elevation 1s much
Debt& t.
A U.odypr'e rfeake.
Publisher -Dear me, dear um! TMs:
Marge ev ry proof-reader In the place.
Editor -What's the matter?
Publisher -That little paragraph I
unit up for the personal column about
Mrs. Burnfngton. i said she was per-
fectly intoxicating as Lady Angeline la
:be -Falai Bond," and ire printed 'per -
Wetly Ustnxloatmt!' What's the matter
with thla establiahms.t, anybowt-
Rarper's Hagar.
Whoa a nom 1. W..\.r.
Accewdtng 10 eepeMments with the
Iynarro meter, a man he pr'.ei.lIy him
weakest when hes turas out of bed The
wm•m1•r More M greatly increased by
s4sserec , bet It attains its b1ea.1R
point atter the midday meal 1* then
etats tot a tow hears and rime •gam
le a ar'd earsdut6
Briber •.1N. caption so r M brtd..s
la hie " lteaanw of the Coast. Mr. obey t our tether a !"
Kettdtnaa Mlle the lollowism story of • pi could tun lens to is
lot, who was quits • ob•raoter la his war 'rhos he whimpered wi
He was brisslup • ship •orthward, w...1. " 11.11. 1 might, ue ti
an. duels. ? *
ems' -s--.
he was invited ty the craws to rut down " Out l do sot suerg w tty '
below and have • WV of brandy
After tski.g hu brandy, he proceeded to
light has pipe •t the •lure- Now the imp-
lant possessed • Lags monks), and it was
shivering sear the •cove.
The [slot meld A suety day. sir :' and
the mookey rave• re•pon•Ive'thivr.
The pilot west oft with affable grutTuess ;
"The Soutar light's awe, out the port bow,
sir" ; and still the monkey made so as
Nut to he staved oaf, the pilot proo.eled
•• We'll be over the bat to so hour, ter.
Kut, Sainte/ to .licit • rapes» Ives to
this ple....1 information• he stepped up os
deck, sad, ranging himself •I..ogslde of the
0 00000000
`! Oiliest, as welt
ea Is ewsrytbing else.
Did-I•akl wed Soaps sad otd-
leahlee.d drudging at as\ -Myo are awl
wee room.\ ler sup -to -date prop*.
he. they
re all
sad are keeping tier bermes clean,
11186.181 sed cheerful with very little
Yee. To all was nee this wants
le ma
For every 12 Sunlight
BOOKS FOR I wrieppers sent to Lever
os. LTtd.,or,nto,b.
lp.per-bound ook
will be send. ox a cloth -hound kr 50 wrap -
• •• ••
m s1.Aelee. Rae,- acne. tweeter
Palace, %e■r.lrlr Pal.,
Pala 1a the rode. eta.
i•r,.mi.,., K..... -' .. .,.-. .
The "D. & L.
Menthol Plaster
A...% a,-1 pats, I. A I. t:.,ai . I r ..a.,
1• r eer.n l • at . a 11.. 1". t sal 1 ,a,•,y-.,,
• ,:IawuunrH ••-..5.', M r.-• a. a sal•.
• sued r,.•alr.n.,dr ".b.., they r, h►.
▪ ;,• -- A LA1,4r1,. tt,:Y•ata{...•. 1..2
Peter lir.
ACis St LAWRENCE CO, !.rt.
leo;?lesor-. 15.: f. v nAL.
4,4416 ta.71.4)/rtj
MI 1 1 H MIIII 1111 MIll
Whenever in need
of kidney treatment
always be true to
yourself and refuse
any substitute or
imitation of the or-
iginal and genuine
IM1111IMO 1111all 1
'•Rye thorough ksowledae of rsl
laws which govern theop.•rotlona ofthe dt*tugo.tlos
and out ritiom. and by a careful application of
the fine oropertie■ 01 well m•la^ted Cocoa, Lir.
Epps hes provided for our breakfast and sup-
per • de4Mately A.voure4 beverage which may
MVO tee many heavy doctors' bill•. It la by the
judicious ase of such articles of deet that • eon-
etltution may be gradually built up untll strong
eeo.igh to resist every tdency to disease.
Hsndrede of subtle maladies aro Rods,
around o• rad to attack wherever therm is •
weak point. We may stoats many• fetal
shaft D keeping ourselves well fortfied with
�psaroro and a properly nourished frame.'-
04d1 Sere(n O.eeffe.
]lads elmply with belling water or milk.
Bold wly In osokets,by (homers, labelled this':
AAHia taws a ire. Led.. maa.iapat010
4Steesl es. ta.d•o. Ibsslaad.
Coal & Wood Yard
The undersigned begs to inform
the public that he keeps on hand
all grades of
80aa1a1 ett.sYsa alive to
Call and get prices and see sampler
of wood.
Office and yard, NELSON -ST.,
soar islet geek 0s1M.
Preaca ter
X.& -Wooed. NO reale of good groes bard
s ew ewd,Wednesday sad � i will be nteninep tram
m7! es ale p.m.. to ,eodw a *.s .s1, Non
.makes at oral end mad.
Break Up a Cold in Time
&r Uaa4 j
T1.e gulch Cure ler 1.01141//1
t (1L110. 4'00(7. B1(lNi-
t 111TiK M0A/tiiftllirt, secs
Mos. jour. Noeeira,
fur Sone: n se Ave.. Tomato, writes
. Pn'r r.. -ted Yr woo a••t io re
n. 1 • 4ML...t •e.,W elite • res area a
....1 m,rlr eral•erel.l1 0 oft*maks
r- Ler r• W (Wu
Woo tee..! e o al la t .sees cared e»
Lwl.7. 1 repo a he r• •abs reawr
, ti L4 .+v11P w t..1..ete►
r..e/at .,
. I Liu;. kuchdr, N.B., wades.
u••,.. br Braes 7y.5.5 .+*r
.1 .. my r Yir 1 leve. ter rwr
. .,. • til Laval Mr.•w.-
Large Need% Of ens
: t'. t A LAWKYNCS CO. Lvs.
.► I roptiwen, Mowlsrst.
anza &AVIOG BEER 0E -Pr
With that COUGHi, if you do teat
want to repeat the experience, bar
a bottle of the
Gray's Syrup of
Red Spruce Gum
The beet Cough Cue in the world.
Soli everywhere 25 cts. a bottle.
R[faalf WATSON 6 CO., P.or.srvoaa
Look before you leap.
on't Bicycle
buy a
I aid 7ou see those made by
The Welland vale NIrg. Co.
specialties in IliL Wt.eele Include
Patent Solid one-piece Crank Shaft
Self Lubricating Hollow Axles.
Large Tubing and Barrel Hubs.
Larger Bearings
Any person purchasing • wheel from us.
who:does aot understand the art of riding. will
be taught game FRKF. on another machine
beton getting the sue.. one, Inspection to
Obtained, and all bonneai In the U. 8. Patent
Oilce attended to at MOD KRATR "Rm.
Our office 1e opposite the U. 8. Palest Ot
ice, and w t eau ohtafn Patents In lees time
Mtn those •emote from WASHINGTON.
Send MoI)RL Olt ORA WINO. We ad
viae u to patentability tree of ohargs and
we make NO CHI iOZ UNLESS WM 08-
74 fN Pat TRNT.
We retr, Dere. to the Postmaster, the Supt
it Mossy brdr Dl v., ad to orolais of the
U. 8. Patient Omw. For circular, advice
brae sad Feterenor to •ental olleste la your
sewn Stats or County, write to
c A •sees j e'•-,
0000.11. Petsat OeosWuht•gton I) C.
te �l
9wesaeorfe Caryatid t B1.ekel
Atanafsetarer of all !lade of
Smoke Stack., Salt Pelts, Sheet Trott
Works, etc., etc.,
And dueler
Engem, Maobinery (', fie.
All eines of Pipes and Pip Fitted,.
Stam •nd Writer (lasses, Globe Valves,
(leek \-elves, I.wlrsieto, kiloton sad is-
jowrs ('e• a Head at lowest
A .s..yl lin. of Steel Water end Hog
�� ler see of farmers and other*.
A.palrlsa prti.mpuir •ttetdsd so.
IMP/ P. 0. Nen •. Uede..eb.Oat.
Worba -u se a. T.'A. waw. (Warier