HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-4-16, Page 66 W. B. herd. Almost a Hopeless Case. A Terrible Cough. No *.at Night nor Day. Given up by Doctors. • A LIFE SAVED BY TAXING CHERRY ATER S PECTORAL "Several years ago. I caught a severe eoid. att••nded with a terrible cough that allowed me no rest. either day or night. The doc- tor1, after working over me to the best of their ability, pronounced =yeast, hopeless, and sale they could do no more for me. A friend, learning of my trouhlc, sent me a bottle of Ayer's Chetry Pectoral, which f began to take, and very soon i was rreatty r. hated. By the tune i had used ttie whole battle, i was completelycured. I bale never bad much of a cough sites. that time. ao•1 1 Srmly believe that Ayers Cherry Pectora! saved my life.•'_w. II. WARD, 8 Qt:imbr Ave., Lowell, Mass. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral IISHEST AWARDS AT WORLD S FAIR. lifer's PlUa the Deet "amity rApine 1,')1'1 k EIiI;1•_11;t.E�. • THE SIONA L : GODIRICR, ONT., TARRSDA T. APRIL 16, 1896 at the top to keep it clewed, end bake Ia s slew eine neatly .a hoar, or natal toads, all thro.gh. feel them, put them m • deep dish mad brows lightly, bastion freely with hater this will �d tone musates mere. 'sad Seneca with pepperopepper ed butter over the top. Te W1 rotates. erMllsb tttetbed Wash the earth it the potatoes rad scrape or pm* the skis off, as thusly as pus - 'able, sat oat, for motives of women, , but sip brwuss the outside of the potato a al- ways the best. Theo let them stand wel- ted la water about two boon . wash awns well ; put • h•sdful of salt ui tits eau apse they are W be bulled in, caesium, of course, with acid water, and Loll quu\1., the •tu...er the better. as/ied wales.. Peel and blench eastern small ooiosa Prepare • mutat of vi butter sod 2 o0. dour to • 'tempos . pour ou it ono pat of milk sed veal broth, or water boiling. Add t0 it the ootoas, sub •+a peppercorns, s bou.,uet of parsley, • blade of 0100. and • teaspoonful of ..it A lump of auger much improve•. Whim tender, remove, strain the series sad serve. 1.ralpa. Sailed. When turdips tire young they are beet burled whole. reel them tint vary thinly, sad throw them into cold water till they are ready for the saucepan. Throw them tato boiling water slightly salted. ',bey will probably take about twenty mtautee to boil Sere. •guile plaa,.or with asy Lind of white sauce. butter sauna, etc. Old tur- nips are beet mashed. mygg S wiled tire. }'u.. out •11 the uobusLedor defective grains from • per of rice. and wash tt im plenty of cold water : put it into • ponce lata !toed etewpan, pour to It three yu•ra of boiling water and halt • teaspoonful of salt, bel it lust seventeen minutes from the etme it begins to boll . thee drain oil all the water and set the rice over a mo•lerate bre to steam fifteen minutes with the ltd oil. To poll Steve rya.. !'eat should cot be libelled till lust before they are to be used. After ehellt.g, put them into boiling water, lust enough to oovor them, with s little salt : and when ' hev are not very young. put a little sugar to the water. They will require about twenty minutes to boil. %%hen done, strain them through • colander, and pat them in- to • vegetable duh with a few bits of butter stir them gently till the butter Is mixed with them. etre 1 if all crudes ct food, boiled rice is di- gested to the shortest time -en hour. Rice aontatne a great deal of nutriment in • small compass. Ther• to hardly • way to which it can be stewed down. in which it will sot make • cheap. pleasant and men - tutus dub : and tt n particularly proper tor, and pslatab!e to, the aged. the infirm and the young. Rice soaked to milk or water four or tive hiure before it is used, will need but • abort time to boll. rose.,-raddlag }'ick • quart of split peas -that te, re- move all impurities. or discolored peas, or shells. Tie them loosely in • cloth, !caving pleats of room for the peas to swell. Boil till they are soft, which may be to from two to three hours. Take the pudding from the water and put it in • baton. Open the cloth, and bruise or mesh the peas well. Mix in • piece of butter. with pepper and salt. Theo tie It up nightly, put 1t tato the pot again. and boil it for half an hour. When ready, turn it out of the cloth into • vegetable duh. If properly managed, it will tout whole h 1e. restate Fritters Boil two large potatoes, and mash them • rern+ rl .lad To make a porter" salst, rays a Spanish Proverb, there eh.�uld be s mar for oil, e spendthrift Inc t &newer. and • madman to cup it up. sa stew T./lee• • aid till the skins e+o be removed, cut them to thin sa.:cs with a sharp knife : Sat in • ..lad dmosso,w tsh and ••o, sloth pepper. silt and vIneger, tot, if likri, • littleeug•r. stood t'vm on dee before serving relwlee. washed "'lib 011111•••• Prepare some b0.1-1•.n;oos by potting them through • neve, awl mit them with potatoes. In oroportiovng the optima to b..' the potatoes, •.0 will be guided our ss wish to have more or leof their flavor. tolleranee.. To • d eh of pashed motatoes add one- third of their -;u.atity of young cabbage. savoy or spinach. previously niashed or boiled ales. Season with pepper and salt, odd a little butter ; warm, and mit well to- gether. retitle Peddls* Boil, peel and mash three pounds of potses tri, to whhob add • quarter of • pound of 6nely'shred suet, ann d the sae of grated cheese, or beaten herring, muted with • ••u•rter of • plat of m 1k, and bake halt an pour to . quick ores. %enviable w armee• IBalledi I'eel the marrows, halve, and tt very large, nuerter them, remove the seeds, put them into boiling water. and simmer gently until tender. Tata them up with • dice, drain end serve upon wast : or send to table u•compani.d with melted butter. Arled lire. Roti the rice quite soft the day before. so that it will adhere together well. Next mont•g cut tt in dso ices an inch thick, d cook it on • griddle with enough lard to fry brown. It ie au excellent breakfast dish, i cid rim left Wirer us er from dinner may be ed to than way. A rte with•■l Throe pounds of potatoes, two good stied turnip., half • pound of onions cut in dices, two nun.es of tapitoe, as much dripping or putter, belied under • crust with pepper and salt, make • very savory duh. If the potatoes end onion; urs previously boiled, it will to an improvement. Hewed Terrines sol remove the skins from some em provide needand prettily fitrsr►iema eyes thresh the *beets ere ed plata Ma elm, .ad the oeeKietp °sly plain patch work quilts. Ova little lady el ear acys•istasce b.. • cradle furnished se Body that perhaps a de.ortptsoa d it we.11 be of sotereu to the methore. The metas is fess the ace of the cradle, four noises thick wad filled with hair. This te ooversd with • smelt• .hp, made to lit tt exactly, sod buttoned et ole end. Whoa thes baumtroy es soiled, it i. to .lip off and exchange 11 e, fur a free\ se and to that way the wiertre•s ie always kept n UMclean. Neat theis a putted pad, the sheat, which is .if bee welt* midi•, with • two iaoh hemstitched bus tri sr.,mid it. Tne upper .bent is just like the dower one Thea he soft white woollen blanket s hem use loch deep all erousd stn fest►er- stitched with Asiatics twisted embroidery alk is pale blue. Then was • soli ts•lber pillow, with • d ° slip of white lams, IIsi' at the bottom with • two inch hie. doen heur:tched. A pen of white cau •e, of the neper .ins, was porohased tram • dealer is= work m•teriele and end for • Threads were draws all mimed It, to IMO a deep fringe. In the centre the s50 S embroidered • mosogr•m three inches lea& to whoa and blue Roman dose. Blue pad while violets ec•tttt5d over the spread were worked with Asiatic filo..1k a their aatur• n .I colo, ring two shades of green for the leaves. This is one of the handiamest bedspreads 1 have seen, and like evertiOust shout the bed. it can be washed any number of times and look none the worse for it. 1tl 1. Aba.rd. I! a absurd to try to cure rheumatism with sareap•nlIss, .o4 the ordinary edyer- tteed compounds which ere recommended for the cure of almost every disease eto which the buman flesh is heir. dt Thu same, as all know, u caused by ss acid poison in the blood, and can only be -,utckly and .dectua►ly removed by the ale of an internal reined v. which will neutralize it, and thus destroy Its irritating propasat- ties. The ingrs4ient. et South Americas R•.eumat c cure have not been Iona known. but are recommended by some of the lead. tog English medium' words as beteg to rhea- m•tum what quinine is to ague, an absolute seecifo. The tint dose of the remedy gives perfect relief. end it at once begins the chemical process of seatral+ung the acid d the blood It usually cures in one to 011111111 d.,.. Sold by .1. E. Mom •• A kiss. I'm told," said pretty Salk/ Brown. Is both a common and s proper noun " That's true," bar lover said. •' but. you will find It is a noun not easily declined. well : beat the yolks of four eggs end the whites of three, and add them to the pot• toes, with • tablespoonful of cream, an- other of sweet wine. • •queen of lemon luice, and a little nutmeg. Beat tau half an hour . it will then be very light. Put a good quantity of lard into • trying pan, and drop • spoonful of the butter at • time to to it : fry them, and serve with • ssuce nom posted of one winegl•ssful ot white wine, the iuioa of • lemon, one dessertspoonful of peachiest or almond water, and some white auger. warmed together. Potato Pte. I'eel and alta. your potatoes veru thin ac - t0 a pie duh : between each Iyer of pota- toes put • little chopped noton . three .fuer ters ot an ounce of onion a sufficient tor • pound of potatoes1 ; between each Isyer sprinkle • Saito popper and salt, pot in • little water, and cut about two ounces of fresh butter Into little Mtn, and lay them no top : over it close with puff paste. It will aka about an hour and • halt to bake it. A.B. - The yolks of four sego boiled hard) may b. added : and, when baked. a tablespoonful of good mushroom catsup poured in tnrough a funnel. Te sett reneger. fully ripe tomatoes, cut them into smell It is well known that • good potato may pieces, and stew in • tin or porcelain sauce he eroded by bed eeekney : and by good pan for about half en hour ; season with management • bed one may be rendered salt sod popper, and .44 •little trotter and comp.railvel, good. In fact, no vegetable depends more on the 000kinq than • potato, An iron eanc5per is preferable to • .in ose for Iwthog potatoes. as it prevents their boiling too Lou. The best way is to wash 10''. very clean, and then put them no the Mb with out cold water enough to cover white anger. When stewed tomatoes ate te be thickened, use breadcramb.. a/owed &rIlrbebe.. I'ael Tose arttohokes, and hove tool sof fieient waiter, slightly salted, to Dover them boil until dose. then straw, and have ready • pint of boiled milk, into whioh some ...our them ; when it has begun to boil, throw in end • little pion of hotter have been pre I • handful of malt. and add • pint of oold yiouely stirred : hail ten minutes, and diets. water, which chord. ■ their bodice, and Iearee told boiled potato.s may be Nereid to the pine way. Pe11,1w.I %lp. Wash and peel some nisi potatoes and slice them very thin on the potato cutter put them. le s .Ingle lever, over the surface of deep, hot lord : tan with a skimmer. and as sons as the% are • light brown plan them on a folded brows paper In the mouth of the oven . reopen* to thu way until ail are cooked. ' aoe.led Pel.lees. them time to he dose through without al Iowan, them to creek. ks soon se done to be ascertained with a fork), pour off the water, and .et the saucepan nn the fin for • • short time, until the remaining moisture a evaporated if not immediately wasted, do net place en the lid, or the here will be confined, but Dover them with • cloth. New potatoes should not he over boiled, or tb.y will be tasteloes and watery Potatoes to wash should he boiled firm, as above, then peeled afterwards : break them smooth. hid- ing • little milk and salt and Mutter. 11n11 till shout half dnne,ukr off the skin, Wale. Moe sad ►stale•• and roast them is the eyes to a heht brown or, pot Olson with the peel on in mixes of • wood tire. This latter u an 51 - al lant vent hod He earefol in your ohetes o1 pre vegetable varies so m.oh is deeps. cosiness/ace and flavor. Welk ed •.Neta. The large Spanish or florae best for thele porpna. Weigh the email& else., pet dot. • satse•apaa with slightly• gaited water. sed boll an hest, refiguring' the rotor with ranee tboilisg hot) sa it heels away Thew ten ea the wast, oke est tho estewa awl lay them en a Meth. Rhes all the meistars any be enserb•d : roll awn la .peso .f Interred tigwe-piper, tenidap it THE SUFFERING OF OLD PEOPLE ' d iad• •Irple and wt .Irk .ilvf In Ibe toe .1 souse Americas Sidney fare. The suffering from kidney trouble e.dur ed by men and women who are getting • little op is years is often exceedingly dis- tressing. The annoyance and incoaveaie.ce c•u•ed by • derangen"ent ot the kidneys is only too plain to ell who have been troubled in thee way. How keen the distress ie at anter from what g koowo es prostatio troubles a the old. such as enlargement, in m ti•matmon and ulceration of the prostate an gtds. Without anv prevent or after un- pleasant effects South American Kidney Cure gives Immedtere and lasting effects 10 •Il such ewes. It u • wonderful medicine for kidney trouble of whatever kind. It ie essentially • kidney ours and boasts of nothing mon. But it is king here every time. Sold by .1. b. Davie. ll not a world of meanie, thte etaeaewt embodies Jetet whist 10,1 aro lo.,k.ag for, la it not 1•utnam. Painless 1'ore F1tr ct. nr the greet sure pop corn eve .cts la Go tate wet It makes Do sore spots ; site, 1105. sots speedily and with /.runny new aged Mildly, without inflaming the parts : peso keels i to set be iaepesed upas by units NOONw t1... nr • tantitstes. • A Yankee has lust invented • pair of braces that 000tr•ct oa your •ppro•ch to water : and the moment you come to • puddle, life you over, and drop you on the opposite Ede - May • Md Moat mothers will be with me whoa i my then is asthma tee pretty 4w two damn ty fey the baby 1 bed. SeeeMlmes we And that tin little lase trimmed ergs, show as tewaptlegly i. the .hep telladewa, are ti. et - P1' for war peakeNar I hems tenses s For quick and easy work For cleanest, saretcst and whitest clothes Sanitise is lest ta-iee�� For every use shout the house Surprise works best and c heapeat.a.«1L Soo tar ye Noah and the Slater Shoe It isn't every shoe man who knows enough to go in when it \ rains, like Nosh did. Some of, them daily on --the outside too long looking for the rainbow, and \ then try to get in after the door is closed. Some shoe men don't know a good thing till their rivals have proven it good. We know a good thing at sight, and that's why we didn't let the agency for the Slater shoe slip through our hands while it was possible to obtain it. We hate to play second fiddle, and consider it poor satisfaction to howl in discord when some- body else plays first. So we secured the right to sell these Slater shoes, and now we are comfortably sitting inside playing first fiddle in the merry music to which these famous shoes go marching out. That's an old story abo'it the dog in the manger, and the shoe that's envied is always the shoe that's abused. We will stake our reputa- tion on the fact that the Slater shoe fits better, wears better and will keep its shape longer than any other shoe in the market, which sells at half as much more money. Goodyear welt construction—black or tan. Twelve shapes, many widths. $3.00, $4.00, $5.00 per pair. We are local agents. WM. SHARMAN Jr. Cor. Bast-st and Square, Goderich. e Blower, supplied with every beetle et Dr. Agnew s Catarrhal Powder, diffuses this ar powder over the surface of the noes' p urn sa,ss. I uend d deb t c use, ghtt 1 to t n - HEART DISEASE WELDS AN IN- TENDED VICTIM, Ter wife o: Cap, Iran. Nwast tadlcally . Cared of' Mears Ietooew of Poor "ear. ilia adtsa by ay. Agnew • Care log 10e • Nears. Mrs. Cly. Mugger, Stases, N.M. "For over four years I was ••dieted with severe hart trouble. Smothering and choking sensation, swelled feet and ankles. and pais in left ads were my .ymptome. I doctored cooatantly, without benefit, and in fact had despaired of ever swain being well. Hr. A,.•w's Cure for the Heart was et last tried, and to my eatontsnment gave relief inside of an hour. 1 have now used three bottles sad am completely cured. No one can use tae strong lanes/pi h reoommeod ing this remedy. as its powers to core are truly wonderful." Sold by J. IC Davos. The Salem* monthly declares that the coming generations will he bald and tooth• lees, and, sure enough, • great mane are born that way already. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION. HAM- ILTON rev. W, M. Wade. teeter .f Narllte. • IteMlse P.p•sropel •0.010. [adorer. ter. Aguew's Casarrwal rowdier. A leader of the Epgoopal denomination in Canada is the Rev. W. H. Wade, rector of the ('hush ot the Aaowios. Among the mew ben of the church are cumbers of the most wealthy and taa!:rooable pee.Ote of the Ambitious 1..ty, and beloved indeed se their rotor. Is hie family he has used 1)r. Agnew's Catarrhal l'owder, and been mon than pleased with the good reunite obtaiesd. The metastasised' has been such that over hie own sigsatan he has frankly said to the people of (Assad& that the medicine is a gond thing, and vivre the relief that is claimed for it. 1).. short puff of the breath through the WONDLRrUL DISCOVERY. Excelsior Egg will ,til• Ittles ,neat eon 12 •ONTess. IT IS NO PICKLE. You simply treat the Ens with PULSERVER. and lay thew away In s basket or hes. ••••••••..•.•. .AV DOWN A Stored' WNrN TM1Y ANI GM8AP Coll /•w hook giving his inlllrtn•tinn, tree. .1 clung.. FOS *ALS Yl" ALL DRUGGISTS. Heves in ten minutes and permanently cures Catarrh, Hay Fever, fold.. Headache, Son Throat, Teaseling .ad hswbsss. '•C mate. Sold by J. IL Dania. 1b. Latest riles le Advert •len Canadian tradesmen, who claim genius for advertising. should listen to o Borgia grooer, who thus inform. the I•ur.Itc through the columns of the •• K Teen /et' ung," a 1 •erman stwspaper " Twins are come to me for the third time. This time • boy and • girl. 1 en Veal my friends and p•troos to support me •featly. Excellent butter, well worth its price. "Similarly sausage and °beeae. No small objection which young tolks had be the old•time spring -medicines was their •s.. —swum. to our day this objection Is rstl•esd sad Ayers Sersap•rilla, the moot powerful and popular of blood -purifiers, is as pleasant to take as a cordial. IF YOU WANT A SPRING SUIT a• of First-class Make • Good Material and Latest Styles, t :11,1. UPON - HUGH DUNLOP. Tile Weikel. ik.L Ctedkne keit le Mak'.f 'Beetroot Patronise True GRAND JEWEL. 1 BU1 01 STOVES. WE BE HIVING IT. The Grand Jew.' \Voorf Cook StOt1 •vent Ste* ON) ..ti the NOTE THE FIII.Lt)WiNt. POINT4.-1. The'llrasd .Jewel has a , • . Med oven. which *sakes it bake with about half the fuel required by other large-touse. 2. The Grand Jewel oven plates are made of Steel. They cannot erect Sao • patent double floe in frost of oven, which makes the oven bake evenly .11 over. A Dumber of second hand Wood and Coal Stoves cheap. Competition. Tam CANADIAN Pionne RUMAT TtumaAr7 We bees 10.bllghed he give nae rms. ar enlem ervies with Air amid pa wouseat esmptN lea. It lo ta.sesed ea bedews minde . sad Is Melanesia at its patrons. deagnee belimvs�e 118. les. el every wogs who rag emus tes�•fiM nes Ian Immo .gemeet ea wN\ ort ,tasm atm= fig iplde a 5—. /steeds alit �,g� wires le all t the Shawae�)Mlfrb Oide mala g -itis aw wm►.l. I. It Lw.' 1' allagt>a gesso* HARPER 6 LEE. The Kroll Doable Adiaa WASHER TA KES THS LEAD} Fervid Wether Webbwa I1 oempeted with over 800 washing nesehtaer e1 .11 kinds at Chicago in 1893 wad fer- ried .Q the First Premium sad Gold Medal. It is may and quick. N. w..h-heard required. - GIVE IT A TRIAL - S.sd me your address and the rens,n aim you bye om, and 1 will Dome .red dhow you how it work.. It will net you nothing. tf Be: Iso. H. HALE,. li rich. - NOTICE. - ALL PERSONS OWING R. W. WEENZIE Proprietor of the CHEAP HARDWARE STORE, GODERIOS, Will please call on him and pay an. He wants clean balanced books to commence the year's operations SHORT CREDITS ANI) LOW PRICES will be our motto this yetz R. W. McKENZIE 8ubNeibe krill MU $1.00 IMS lines