HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-4-16, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GOD SRICH, ONT.• THURSDAY- APRIL 16. 1891. "C7CT_ AC=SON az SON_ Vassar Waists and Blouses Perfect fitting this season for all women, in all sizes con- trol lug the choicest numbers from the beet blouse makers. BEE OUR SHOW WINDOW this week, piled full of HANDSOME STYLES, PRICES FROM 75 o. to $1.35. Parasols and Sun Shades 25 dozen opened this week, new, direct from manufacturers. No' 1 New York Styles in Dainty 'ER, GOLD, DRESDEN acct! . %:1 T I;II. J L II.QXDLES. Prices fully 20 better than other adores who buy through whol•'ftale houses or in smalllo�ta,.. INSPECTION INvnID. W. ACHESON 8i SON. WILMER SMITH, UNDERTAKER, (}OEL RIOI3, ON �- 1 oder'taklog Department la c of ear Mr. J. IL tlaelgnv.. preen cal h..ral Director aid itmbalm er. ls11s promptly attended t etgtel er dee. fH E TALI OF THE TOWN. From the R.port.r'■ Not.bo.Ek M Iles's* a tele u' . Tar (Chats. 1 redo We teat N t a !!blot'. ♦.sass ie Tato• Iles.., u• Milt two wrest Ia.�-Bars., 1f f ou wait an &rtimk• picture you call in an &mist of known reputation 10 paint it : if you want a photo that scull be a life -Ids portrait woo should call ea an artist of experience like mallows. whose photographs have b.en truly termed living pieairs... l'om.mOo Seam is I ommon Sense. whetter it be the best wheel muufsc tired. or that neceviarr gift in mac that directs him Se- ward. erward. F J. I ridbam • for a fashionable spring suit that will 111 him to • T make one feel Comfortable and wear without end AT W•I.kBeres --M. (:. Cameros Y crown prosecutor at the sitting of the High Court of Justice held the week to woo Orton er i:A.HALL. - Th* will be • special meeting of the l:. B. B. C. in the Temperanoe Hall this I Thursday, evening, at 7:45 r w ,. full attendance te relocated. Hr t• I'a.L.It.0.T -At the reeeDt meet mg of the Eduoatioaal Society to Torouto, H 1. Strang was elected to the presidency of the t'oll'gate and High 7.chool depart- ment of the organirattem A...i' 1. St..ue..--The court retinae was posing at the Summer end of the counts building on Tuesday. it a not often the northern seat is so ooedp..d before the more humble b.es bare started outdoor work. FLill.i. .a.re Tot• Prier -Tug Evalyn, t'aptate John Co' riots . Sea King, ('.orals .las. Inkster. Seibold, Capt. Peter Wylie, and four boats owned respectfully by D. 1 Marwick. Robt. Clark, Jas. Cretin.. and /Vet. Saunders. He: Was W.i...wel.. --- J. (.. Ward, J.1'., our able Dungannon oorreepoodent, celled on Tilt Sic. A 1. os Tuesday and was warmly w.loomid. He visit was the first to our taaetem .ince his resent severs ill- ness, so all were pleased to sea the wea- kener* facie. A Jocn'Ai.l.rl.' Cdt r_ -Pala Mel'oanell, of the editorial department of the Furniture and I'phohterinc Journal, Toronto, &000m - ponied he oouem Wt!Itam, wbo was re. turning home from Youth Africa When io town o. Friday he made • trst.rssl Gell oo To[ SIGNAL. CIME Suno9n.- The oleos seams for base and pickerel oowmenoed y.e3erday and will last for the Brat -.rimed, to the 15th ef June end the latter the 15th of May, both dere "Relative. The aloes season for speck- led trout end. at 'sidelight on the last day of April. F KOM YnrTII Arsucs.-tt m. Mel'os.ell. of Ashfield, retained fart Friday from East London. Youth Africa, after an &beenes of two and • half years. The gestlemea looks hais and hearty, Rad we oe.patalets him es his safe mars flea that, at pretest, die - lathed parties of the Rrit eh Empire. C. E. LecaL U991o9. The next meeting of the Christian ltmd..ter Local Union will M held es Vielwl.-00 MNtediet church en ?ridsy .basing the Mb Wet- As Eve yew peoples' .eeiNfae mew belong te the hulas .e debt as enjoyable time will be speak All are endeemo. M ASV T.Alr a s. --.1. M oNs.gbtes, the ams phos awl ease More seas, whet petted stet siert to Mimes Vanes' eeiUi.ery ,Casa asset tum^ ago en.x.elhwt Meeh of goods is his lite, melees a Omsk Cls pad p.pls of 4.ederiek and viddsy ter the genuses pee. resags he has re.Me•d ; and Mee extras& Cheeks a hit esmfeerss is the lees).be►e trade far ewe1Mies rnddived at their hada. 66 A Flee A.Iuarttstn e• Rant Wed- e.d.y, Alf. Bingham he+ssbt Tm■ 59.19.11. efliee a Bea as,wrmest tl ryes. o..0.etsg et Pearl, Nlpbtl. end RAU spades The ruts were M &small appwruse• e d iha tvoetsss, wee of lite rya.. Honeys that he hes a duels* easing sp. end will he able le wppy s whds .0ghbeheed, A Reuevw tie Att+tatntiSa.-Ow.nl- Ifor Wileoa was at Till SII:'al. oa Friday to tmenuon the fact that through • twenty• five coat advertisement In the (ourn•1 he had sold the property. on North -.t that bad been so long for sale. Mr. Wilson did not fail to .tate that be was a thorough be- liever In •dvertming. AT H. -An At Home will be held Thuredal evening, April 23rd ,St. George. sight, in St. (:sorts. Sunday school under the auspices of the Ladles guild. Some useful and ornamental articles win to of. fared for sale. A musical programme under the direction of W. A H. ruff. Admission 15 menu. Refreshments served. 1t A Bi. Sri." Tle... ---A visit to the store of Censors, Bro.. will surprise those who have not seen the firms stock of carpets. There are hundreds of rolls to select from, iaoludios the best makes rI Europe and Am- erica, and as they an of the latest styles, and choice in oolore, everyoes oan be suited Maser& volt/erne also show the latest de signs a oil cloth and linoleum, and these goods, hke the tarp.ta, are fit for pelnoo or enttag.. Bowt.t.c Cuts.-- A large messing was bald m the Court How oft Monday evening; for the portiere of farming • bowling &esooiatieu when the following executive was appointed, for 1 R. *, Hr. W .1. R Holmes, pre... lir. J. R. •haonos, Vice pre.., R. G Reynolds Secy. - Treas.. Meson. D Me ormlck and F Campion. Fxeoutive I'ommitt. e. Membership tee for the ,.aeon has been placed at $2. THE Col- .Ti J I..[ On Tnnr.day, Jas Masson, 4,.C.. of owes Sound, arrived in town, and in accordance with hue commie - moo as county lodge •seon.ad the duties of that position for Hares. After • day in town He Honor left for owes Sound to make prspr.ttooe for moving to the county seat of hie new ofha.. The pew county lads. was, anul he appointment, M.1'. for (:my, and is married to • eater of Mrs H. I. Stranc, Hy Ito, Le, ROWE !lair, - The following ere the officers of the Huron Larose. I' lob for the year 1896 Hoa. president, M. C. l'emeroo : poo vio.presideot, J. T, Gar row : president, J.J. Walsh ; 1.t nce•presi- dent, Chas. Reid : 'Lod vice-preside.t, Wm. Thompson : oaptatn, Jobr. Hall ; secretary, D. Johnston : treasurer, Harry Wanes. Committee of management, Wm. tnecktord, chairmen : H m. Thompson, ('has. Reid, G. L Allen, sed the captain and secretary. Tnx H B.C. The lint regular meeting to the now club rooms of the ff. K.C.,West- et. was held Monday evening, the preside.$ in the ohne. There was • good attendance and a number of oew candidates were pro- posed and accepted. Reports were receiver; from the rooms oommittes,and t16e suite and emblems oommutes,ud from the Club rep- resentative at the annual cooventioo reoeut- ly held .t Toronto, all of which were voted .tatidsetory by the members in attendance: - Th. question of placing mils sigma on the roads leading to I:derioh was takes up and disuses., after whiob the matter was re- ferred to the Captain and rod oommittea. LOfn 9800? -The last wkly shoot of the .sasos's aeries held by the members of the (:un ('1nb took place on rnday &fter- mons when idos were oho..., J. S. Platt and D. Marwick being the o&ptesina The following shows .hooters and shots. NAME I. yd.. 16O yds D. Narwiok S 9 0 4 0-18 4 3 7 0 0-1132 A Davi toe 7 9 9 6 9 41 10 110 0 4-16 47 W, Itutaw 9 7 8 9 0- I1 5 10 4 3 3-96 67 M. MoDenaid R 6 it t 4 A 6 1 6 0 4- 0 41 Dr. Mennen 4 0 710 6-16 5 1 0 6 10--11 ST Total J. u luau 3 2 5 6 8 -17 0 r. Nagel 107 f. 7 6- 6 F. Pretty 3 10 6 2 10-11 1 VSM...gt.n • 5 6 v 4-11 0 J. Andrews 1 0 4 R 15-11 Total 6 • 0 5 7 3 6 2 4 i N 9 2 0 1 161 0- 621 7-30 M 0--13 14 5 31 OD 6-16 216 A t.eAI. Massie.. -The wool meeting of the Galeria Curliest and Skating Amoo- iotien was held is the Court House on Toes day evening, • large number of s4okholders being pretest. Tho earned officers for Cha rearrest year are Hoa. per., Sherif! OM - hens ; hen. vioe-presto. , .1. T. (;arrow, M. PP., Jds4pb Williams : Pres, .las. Clerk vfee•pres, A. Moll. Allen : dirseters, D. C. Streams, 1)r. Holmes, F. Jordan, W. L Herten, W. A. Whores, W. 11. Mersey. M. Ntebel.on, Dudley 1ols•... W. T. Wets►, eery., C. A Haber, tress, R. R. Willlo.a (lift'.ittes .1 usue.gemu.a, Dailey Holmes, ob•irse., A. M.D. Allan, C. A. H..her, D. C. SOt.e1.e. P. M.'s Corer -Oa Tuesday tow broth- els mama Career wen edged hiders P. M. Seagar with hetes disorderly a Rdtdwd, end big bund goaty were rush deed W has ease ....Oa Fri- day Herm ■nye was sheered with dim drip eeadeek, sod allowed e 0 es paying reels Oa the .Ames.... of !led y and T..day Sae ter tenet nen hasp* woe maim to. death et Field. el Whig- I haft, 8'fe take. te Conten tee she prelims (nary trial. At the cisme .f the ease HL W esebt f deterred W .4..- till Wedges - day, fines•day, when he desisted to o•mmit then er eslssIaught.r, tie evident« pretties that Caere had hew a essepusey a .crit as anis' •et, and that the detendas . ware answerable fee the reselt. A Cuss ('Au.. --Ow •washday teersoag et 10:40 while A. M. Polley was sear the A1Msr bllock, he rouoed that the noes wall that had baso left steediag was serapes with the wind. and he ie.ta.ely gave • shoat that made the well's. ring, and what was oonoiderably betty, soused the men that were w.rkiag below It M speed to places of safety. Hardly had the eTlpisye« got oat of mirage befoee the i..e..e wall was in the cellar to • tho0saed pieces, and those who bad bad ea aloes • oall thought they had never heard so sweet • .orad se Polley s 10 40 call. At the tress of the ao- aideot there was a stress southerly broths, and the wall havingg been weakened by ink rig down the South -ft angle, there was nothing to counteracts the form of the wed. A DIerl.eireHE► STrpa.T. -- Cosspioa- oo. •moss talented men is 1)r. Jobs R. M*I3•e, who lately graduated from Trinity Medical 1'utv.eity. The doctor was three years aro • .t de0t of the 4: ad rtob Collegi- ate institute, •ad adds elle more to the het of those who bare goes forth from the school to win disttaguished honor. He es tiered his medtwl Dour.. in Sspsember, 'J2, and has oo each •ad every snowuuit..a, taken the highest stead, • summon almost without parallel m Trinity. U. his primary e xamination he secured the fent scholarship, • son of 050 and • oertideate of honor At his second year exam. b. had mender 'nooses, 'souring she first silver modal and oerutioate of honor. There being oo pub- lic exam. at the close of the third year the only )ompetrtioo reexamine was the heal. 11 this be cams out first, securing the gold medal and certificate of b -ter 1)r. Mc. kite has proved himself • et, loot 01 ex o.pti.nel ,:, lily, .on hie n.uv. villas., Loot .I.h. mi../ he pi mad of her ole.. r soh. 11,..1 1 ..i- .I t 1 1 189t,. -A recent otroolar bel A. out from the F:duesticn De- part/omit .hoes 11.1 Nie dates of the el - •m ea:,one r giver" in the . thee' calendar ha.. bele chao,ten The data. finally de - side,'. re..re as (t•lit.w. High school ea - trams r'•mi.•tiou wa4 publio rtni..r.l Peel, log hegts July 2.41: Fon.i 1. orCornmereial Jul. :to, Form II or Prin,ary .I my •t h, Form 111 or Jui.ior Leaving .laly 111.h, Form IV. or Smoot Lowrey July 1ltb. Forms of application may he ehtaiaed from the Inspector or the Rducetion Department Each person wile proposes to present himself let one or more of the Form exam- ination. shall .end to the lnsp.otor within whose electoral district he intends to write, n ot later than the 24th of May preceding. • 0eltoe states the Forme for which be is a candidate. The blotto. required under i 1 above .hall be accompanied by • fee. In so- oordance with the followtogschedule First Form examination, 02; Second Form exam toation, port 1 , $2, part' 1. sad 11., $5 ; Third Form examtwtion, $5; Fourth Form examination, ;Parts 1. and 11.. each $3: taken together $5: Second Form ('ommerciel examtnetaon, 15, whoa taken at nes sum- mation: part. 1. and II. of Second Form el• . mination,t.5: the additional subjects (takes at • separate es•mtnatronl $2. For candi- dates for examination In the additional sub- jects, for the porpoise of completing • coons for pass M•trioal•tiou into any University or I.eroed I'rofwion, the fee .hall be 02. The fee for high school entrance and public school leaving examinations is one dollar, sod msbe paid whoa eomm.ocmg to write. Cin x..' C.• .I SITTER. - The Citi en's Committee of i.odsricb propose having • public banquet to the Curling and Skating Rink, on Tuesday, May 12th. The inten- tion is to make the town known far and wide, so that the gathering will be • gigan- tic advertisement. At the meeting, last year . work will be fully d.tailed,.ach oom- mit4e being answerable for the items of its own division. The great dvance in indus- trial eetablishments the past twelve months will afford the orator of the eves- ing • grand opportunity for • big •4, as he will he able to .how that the pretty town of Godertcb has more than held ite own through • year of great mercantile and manufacturing depression. Although the & flair will toms off before the great polrtiool battle, there will bean absence of politics and liquors, and it 0 expected that • largo somber of ladies will he present et the gathering, thus dela/ grace and beauty to a same that in years to come will be knows be the Mat pater. et '96. We are inform- ed that the le•diee journalists o1 Toronto, Detroit, Leaden, and other points will be speoially invited . that a spacial train will be run by the t:.T.R. from Stratford, and Chat railroad and steamboat computes will be reprwated. The tickets will be placed at 41.00, sad it all interested in the townr. prosperity parchoe, oma, the May anniver- sary is the risk will be e hie wooers As the big .tri 10 sade by the town the past year is manufsotsree will doubtless' be a Issdts, topio,weeild it sot give point to sup remarks made in Chis oen.ection if the Oedema Btorele Club of Huron paraded is iall etrongth at the station to meet the ' pedal train, is order that as warty riders as possible may .bow their ('.teas Seasr. Situations VaNat WANTED BT • COMP*TSNT di ker. work W the fiat. rise L BURROW!. 0t D•vid-et 1t WANTED -A GHNERALSERVANT. Apply te MRS. OARROW WANTED - • (GENERAL HOUSE eilerined. APIA, a MRs, HORACtt NORTON. Th. Ore see . M tf Summer Visitors. SUYYBR VISITOR& -TER CM '.o..wallies have elri0y iseelved several application tar beard ter shay vIettron As/ parts« ssK near O.dorIM hay Iso houses er rooms ie rent will de well te esseLedAres a Eie Clt4re.'I (to waiter full pertliskeennsele~ .f meow prise .f tend, ke. U ieiireeesoll to ms nea path ler wWb tb•eleef the 0.T R (as hay* agree or P160s to their Ono Otiose far the Eco says what de you use lea ant - fie your skirts and al with. 4 never per ser h per lectly lilting gowns. they WV" seem to luso their shape Of course the don't. Sponge Crepon won't let .hem -n s that new n rrlinleg that you hear so neck about take' the place of hair cloth. cnaollne. etc., and you dui ka0w how perfectly a dress ...la fit till you ny h : it a .o • e.y for Summer drosses. gives body and ..t"to thin mater- ials and makes the skint are beautifully. Doesn't cut Info the Librla, never breaks or pulls i• t he seams. can't be crushed net d shape M Inches wade, Ask to see ii. •ee.e«...••• •..... e..e.e .....•sews SPRING STOCK DRY GOODS READY-MADE CLOTHING ETC. NOW COMPLETE! SEE MEW ADVERTISEMENT ► JAMES A. =ID. tth .larch, 1t• )6 DEN PLANT pion }'Ot' I; I 1oltSEs are rot se fear .s"•e ei•i. pera•p•. urtdIthei _ they DESERVE 0001) CARE Use our 'yoNll' CO\UlTION POWDSH •wA main tl•eot Omit. hare.* sad well. 21 ct.. per 10.. 5 lbs for fit. EN(;LISH i4EALING ()1I. ('u.• sort 'Orr. Khat .1.00018. SSe. 6iJ.wga •ig.tw, uA0D1'r �[RLa, illsltrrnt T Allfl-• tai 111% / t'K\ITI 110 i'ul.I011. W. C. GOOD ( 803T. �MHIIPLANT N FOOD THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. 4:ed.rteh Prises. Oo.uren, A girt'. I'.. 1K Fall Wheat. uewl stud•rd... .. 0 7s 4 0 M Fall Wheat .oldie 0 M 4 ON Floor. faulty. per rwt r M 4 f 25 / lour. Falk per cwt _... 1 10 to 2 10 Hear, p.lent, per cwt 1 41 4 t 40 Man, 0 ton 11 00 1012 M Shorts, • ter 12 . 1011 06 Sere..lblas • tel. 11 M 411 le New Oats, 1t hath o 22 4 021 Pose. sbust.•sass.., _.. 040to 0:t0 New Hay. • tea 13 00 1014 80 Old Hay. stea - . 14Mtelt le 909.10es, / Mesh now 0 95 10 0 x. Mutter, • 17 to 0 10 Ile. troth unpacked, a dos 0 10 tee 11 Wood 360 4 100 Hides .,. 206 4 300 Sheep Skls. ............. .. -. 01111411110 Lire Roes _. 32:.4 350 Br.seodHoes 425to440 B acon Ham. ter 116 .. .................... (' h .seise oar Ili ... ....... TO ADVERTISER/. Iwtioe of amigos mast be left at this Office not later thee Saturdaychampsseen. The Copy for champs tenet be left not later than Mon day noon. &signal Advertisements aoespted np to noon Wednesday of soak weak. Trove ear Oulfas Mad f li S SA11D TRUNK RAILWAY. ♦1Rt1rr. Mp M t1M nty Masad express .... 9.511p,m r�. 0 R 10 0114 Midland !Upon 6.55 a,m 01040 1 0 10 to 0 11 10.50 a. m 1.411 p.m 7.10 p.m THE COLBORNE BETEL BEING thoroughly refitted sad refurnished, af- fords excellent aaommatation to the travel- ling public. aid the farming commmit -. At the Colborne Hag will he fctin4 that Pertains 4a Orsr,clarhotel. GF:O. BUXTON. Proprietor. - 3134. � ISS ANNA L SHAW, TEACHER Jll of Music aid Theory-exPerieseed corner Ylg(a ■nd Wellesley t4ireets, 0*de- rioh Im 01 f.4.011.1 MON. `iORT(:A(.l, SALE OF FARM 11 l'IWPSRTY.-- Under and pursuant to the powers of • ale nonunion in two mortgages dated respective- ly the 20th nay of October A D. 1811 sad the 12th day of March. A to I1. which will b' Produced at the time of sale. there w11 be of- fend for sale by public sundae by Thomas Gundry. suctloneer, at Gundry • auction tnaft Hamilton -sty God.arlcl.. on SATURDAY. use 25th 11AY of API3IL. 1001 - at 1 ocloak ,-.0 , the following property.name ly : Lot Nmnber 10 in the lth oolceurion. Last ern Division of the Township of Colborne in the county of Huron. containing Ilei acres.. lose one sere for s, cool sit.' ott the south east terser of rand lot This propern i. Situatrd on the gravel road. midway h.-:we'n Carlow god auburn. Near IF x11 of the farm .s r'eard. ■rd. having two n evrr-failing storing enok•. is . desirable stook farm. The soil is clay and Nay teem. There to soma good cedar nmher on a portion of the lot. TKRMS Ten per cent. of the purchase money at the time el ml.. and the balance within 3D days thereafter without interest. For further part 'colors apply to the acct ion or or to H C. HAYS. Vendors solicitor. Dated April 0th. 180n Godench. N.R-Attbesame time and piece it house sod let es At. Itutrid-M, Gad +rice. will he of- fered for sale. Bee advertisement in (ilsderich Scar. AYR AYSiGNEE'S SALE OF FARM PROP - [PTY. 1n he nuttier of Jos. S. .Mur.M/l, nJ (Ar lo.-b.A p or Ooderl.-A ie IAe Comely of Huron The shove named. b..l.g made.. swear - meat to me for the beerfit of oteditors wader chats. 191 R.M.O.. 1 w111 offer for eels by public) o netime, at my office in the Courthouse la the Tows of Dederick on TUKMDAY. tb.• IMh IisY of APRIL. 1606. at the hour Of 11.:16 a. w all the right. title nod tat rest of the said Jas. m. Marshall in all and singular. those certain t or paresis of land and premiere situated. lyinr and being la the township of (lodertrh in the county of Raton. being oossposed of lot Number Right 1• the Maitland ontesston of the said town ship of .odertoh except the westerly 20 7 10 acres. Also Iota 1 2. a. and 1. In conewsiOe R .f the said towo.hlo except II acres, sold to ase Richard Parker. and one sore sold to the Church Society, omensisfwg In ■Il one hund- red aerie of lead. spore or lees. TERMS Or MALI- 10 par rest. corn. bre. . 0011.171570 FerAf..Ab�er� iwlare apply to P Holt, 'JhiZINI'1fr'e�Oe,� Apr. 9. 16)K s T 0180058. N a Sheriff Ce. et: ee PRbI$s Notlsa DGMTNiON KURTi /N. 1896. lrferfoo.,l Metrfre of /b II' .•I R4,1 ep of Heron. Mates,eat 04 .!wiles .*pestle incurred by and ea behalf of Maleetm ('e1h reinersa, a eesd1d.4 at .le electlen • Organists. 14.r. and COe.e•kine ... g 71 M Pos...l Ripeness flu 0 Pristiwe 94 M TTe llephot0111 Peeto. 7pIWIa■s CIN Il 17 110 Resat et Haile 17 Its Lavery 1114 M Passage 13 40 s AtW. li .ameim. e Mixed .......... ..... ass. 14: p m Mottos. THOMAS G l' N DRY PURCHASED PURCHASE from W. 1.. Ferguso. t !fen. of Carlow Mae of their Imported Draft Stallion.. and in (lends in travel him during the cont ne ammo threttgh Ooderich Town.hlp. OK tf For Blab or To Root. 1110 RENT FOR GRAZING --THE 111(i .1 weedew. Apply to I. HEATON, Selk - tar. st-tf FINE? DWELLINGHOUSE FOR SALE. -That lsrgeand commodio1�ortok siredyon red houat se. .tued en Kline M„ -user Wel. Isley. within easy reach of like front. and at present occupied by the owner. It contain" seven rooms. ,with large reception hall. and bath room Ott.d with hot and cold water. The prem..»i commute two quarter acre lots. one of obi••b is in lawn with One ornamental trees. and the other a laid out in a good g arden with excellent selection of small (ruita Terms reasonable. For particulars apply to the owner. F. H. SI'KN ('IL, O•dcrich, P 0.63 tf HOU8E AND THREE iOTS FOR SALE Situated on corner d Warrs. mid Ceyley say. an4 extending Back to 0711 een-M. in one block. House 22x30. with kit chest 12x25. stony and a half high. sanguine 7 recess. h.11scloset. pastrycellar. to.. &lso good stable end outhouses . alto good well and soft -water cistern. Grounds aro well 1.44 out. and contain • Dumber of rboice fruit trees. small fruits. it A splendid opportunity for ▪ ret into farmer to secure • comfortable home Will be sold reaaonabie For particulars ay ply to JAMIMI HARTIH. on the premie.. 00 2m p4) SELL OR LET -A BRICK HOl'& F. 1 earner of Elgin tied Stanley streets. con taisiag holeven rooms. bard and soft water Good cellar. House heated with hot air. For furtherysrticnlarsapply 4 Mn. r. SMIKTH. 11117 FOR SALE CHEAP 40 LOTS IN 9oderleh from 7 acres to 1 sore rash. Also two husk(« and rose cutter. Apply to T. WIATHII:*1.1). Ne. b PIo70.w.. Cede Bch. ales IIID RENT OR aFLt,L-TH ISTORit ANI) 1 See et .les RM. Carlow P. 0. Co luras. at pretreat oncuptsl ky M. A Gledhill. No oppositio0. One of thou best taunter stands In Ontario. Apply to J. A. Mollonagh.3114'bgrohat .meta rpo LEASE. -THE HOUSE. YUR- I. Apply to CA sighed. Moly spted Or.YIIIHROHOLT tHO1.Ft1 FOR SALE OR RENT.- ♦ good Hetet. knows as the (omuaereW, with good building. sed • good custom itn.l sees. For term' apply to JCHIN HOMIER, Heemlller A0O18., Hotel, & d welltRg House she & geed store. all waist: sad with good entb6lld For urss apply to JOHN 009801!14. Res 0.111.1. A Perm in West NI..etrt, ronul.Ing twit bandied sere.; 140 cleared, the nal•aee • good hard weed bob. The lead is erns rate and wi11 set be sold for lees time It is worth. Another ram. within a mile of the store below port of the Witmer* Tarts Deet No, 4, Cenceesl..1. west NIessurl The lot le can posed of M sores sf good lead. and as a farm is OM -end to bene of Its else. ror terms and ray tieider., appy to 07. T. *Wrathy, loos. teller la the Agrlealtursl Patinae oil loose Heck. =bet the City Hoot Lowden. es the sores of 'Mallet Oren. untag to Mand Square. from Dun Oran. Tie will take eaeb er w1D treds ear e t von lent a�1m oft JO 1�IR. Betaftelr. RUBBIR 0IKUT BICTOLR TIRES tams. Mental M sm. ♦ full line of sow Wiring Heid M.dlrues Our ewe tree Pi1N, 1M Per hex the bees need Teale Rads (31 PF.esI $4 1 00 * SPRINO RLl)OD ��I RIIILW;, ifp.toa e• 1tV1e,-W masa CACTUS HAIR F011i heaesse growth w W wares des - &00 rwaree oder 0 On IURS JAPANRSR 0HUg and MOTH yCaaAMPPHOR'LLIA faneftpe Jai rl rase. sl ..t 1. ft .auk" ('OPPERAS, BLUR HTOti IRIS 418*JIN.OAMIKINATB411 MLk, etc . fot tst(o Oprq 1Mah• alit. sad reeedpls ' 30 oessralD.:,,�t LLIAMN, 1ti1. w�I wdsllw, Cs ARE YOU LOOKIaWO Iron PURE DRUGS ? Thee 1lite Y the ahem Isla •a.ald coos to .... .. TLs week we are showing • aloe lla. of JAPANESE. TRAYS LEATHER DRESSING CASES' MANILURE CASES SHAVING snit, Ma. PERFUMES Also- I'I PE: sad SMOKERS' SUN UIt11:a, TOBACCO POUCHES, PURSES, CARO CASES, .t0. Why art stye your fr:eni who wears GLASSES • mice cold -rimmed pair J. E. DAVIS, Phm. B. Medical Hall. IT tet_ BEATS EVERYTHIN(t The priced - - We t.11 Furniture at OUR FIGURES K NOCK THEM Ai414()UT SMITH'S FURNITI'RE AND UNDERTAI:ING Ef MP0RIIIM. ON THE S4JUARI. F. SMEETH'S PLANING MILL -ArD- SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY, I take this opportunity tc Inform the public that 1 am.tlll In the business notwithstaodlag all roaon 10 the contrary. and ant prepared te de class of work in my line from mettles • window frame to erect lost • S•tory 091 with mansard roof. Setima1.. furnished e competition invited. Th. furnishing of banding material. Boob se lath. shingle and limper a .pecWty. F. WHETS. 0.deriok, July lith 104. Loan and Ssvla6rs YuMs1F. I1.' 18 NOT WHAT YOU KAHN, BUT WHAT YOU SA 7111. MAK18 YOU Ri(7H. THI HURON AND BRUCE LOAN AND 1N7 EOTMKNT COMPANY. Sor.tetrosts-Cuervo. Holt and Holmes. Dg0OaIM -Interest Compound every ax mouths at four per omit. per anaam. on 5011 from cue dollar upwards. Depositor. will And It 4 their advantage to Dome and see us. l.osx0--Hay be secured at any time without delay on the security of approved d..IraW property. Rxpeblese moderato. AeolleaUoss received by the Manager or solicitors. The Company's *Mose are located on North Street and. Cart House Square-*poodle Ht'Rot (tldtr.L Moe. HORACE NORTON. 4. H. CtOLIBORNE. Masse.. Preadult. Now Machin Shops. NRW MACHiNESHOPS-ALL WINDS 1, of Repair Work dose at R.aaena1. Prises. Fermis[ Implements for sale. Maob- 1.5.rryy. new sled second band. bought and es 1e,1ses sad i eilre. for sale. Mead lis old wagonrear V(ccprta and Tr.falntOc areas J. BAXTER El' NCIMAN. tBtt For Sala - 'OR SALE -A WELL-BRED COW 10 11 salve about May 6. 1. a Wonderful bet- ter maker. Apply to JOHN HYRUIP, 10 It BULL CALF FOR SALE -A BULL eal1. 14 months old. pure brad T0rsam. colored redfor sale ♦pppply t• Jot.. 1P Sal keld. let 4. eon.: Oonerich township. K. S.M Read. 0 It nasals.' Nottoss. SEEDY FOR SALE -INDIAN OORN, Flax Seed Clover Heed of all kinds. Timothy teed Laws Grass. deed O•a. Harley. Peso.1�illst, Hoagartan tarsal Seed. Ornhsrd Grana Moe (Irene Mammoth MnogM. 1 White aid Red carrot Wed. Ground 011 Oaks, and an hide of Gorden &.4 F41d sends winch well he sold at the Jewess market pries Si. MOANS. N 1. 4 Ir. Heal Inn end V ici rlaala LaNMNi. W • N!1''MON IrlTENSES. The Wort House Lassen' Ceemieslener. will M«t le maw. at the l.sp.rter'.l)•ee. oe MONDAY APRIL ta'r11. It>M. at 6 •'*leek e e to eeesid.r apl•neatloas for Ileeesse dories tae Hesse. year 100017. Th. fell.wleg are the See am Roasts R N. 1.1(0718. Oederfeh. • M PHPRAMs". ilsamllier 4(111. M• DONALD 01.4it The number of Hotel tseses...swed Canso On Breast yoor of *064 w.. In, 2 gasp Resew aid 1 Brewer's Linen.... There ere the mew .umber el &spikiest* is car tale year. .y �ttg� yp1 Oleg be ea &t 4 l*. I .,..ar, W.7 PAt9I.i1.Clates. tt 11