HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-4-16, Page 44 THE SIGNAL: GODBRICH ONT., T111718DA.Y. APRIL 16, 1816.' BUSINESS CHANGE. Having purchased the HARDWARE business from Mr. JAMES YATES, I intend to carry it on at the old stand, and hope to merit a share of the trade. SAVE THE FRUIT CROP. I wii! ;!dd to see all those interested in the Fruit Crop, and ad- v se w!:t-. i anti how to spray, and what to spray with. Farre and Garden Tools and Implements at Popular Prices; also Paints, Oils, and in fact everything in the Hardware line. ALEX. McD. ALLAN. (:01.tklre, April 13th, iSM. flu �igxxl, srnt.D11111111 to prove that es s man of affairs he is ) VERY THCRSDAT MORNING more gifted thin are Many of his late sip D. II. *, fellows in the House and some of there are Iste fellows now, in every r 'DIRiCH, THURSD T. APHiL 14 OIL senna of the term. But we do take exception to she policy of electing men to office from the floor of the House 1M weeks ago, 1) LTU Mc- of any deliberative body. The min ( %RIM( said, on the 110 of the I' Huse at Ottawa : '• I am certain that there are 1. any members now hanging on t ▪ irts of she Government dement mpensation for their vote in t ,ape of office. It is not true. •old mention their names but it is • it true.'. When the statement was themselves when oc.xsion offers. sod by the parliamentarians of this mew if Mr. MAss,N did set with a right try, both Dominion and Provincial. good /cal on the occasion it only goes • THE PARLIAMENTA Y CANCER." great the ng e himself may he eminently qualified for the position, or he may not be -- which is often the case ---but the prin- ciple is wrong. without a redeeming qualification. Public office is a public trust, and should be so respected, and no roan should be asked to use the ranchiae of his constituents to acoom- rnade plish private ends. Tee SH;NAt., as I owl of disapproved arose from the it. Ppsders are aware, has taken this • wverament sole of the House, and pwitihn in regard to appointments e cry possible effort was made to made by the Local House at Toronto. use the member for Simeon to re and holds firmly to the name ground et. the statement, but he didn't do on the present occasion. a... The following week THY. Ste yeti. There i, mo extenuating circum• published an article entitled, "The starer. From one end of the country Parliamentary Cancer," which wend to the other the Liberal and indepen• a.,nlewhat fully into the question of dent newspapers denounce the ap- nn.mlers of Parliament being appoint. pointment, and on the door of Perlis e.l from the floor of the House Dom. sent the Government's latest an i.lion or Provincial. The article has worst job his been attacked by Grit Niece been largely .quote) from by our and Tory C' .c. DALTON McCABTIIv intemporarien, and waif read in the says the appointment is " Itagrant,dii•- L.egiaature by Mr 11 %%core, when grateful and reprehensible,' and a •contliog Mr. Ci•i:KIRk resolution fie- poll of the House would not elicit mincing the system! of appouttitig dissent from a corporal's guard of the 1 emlters to oIlh.. ;,meabers. The appoi:itment is jest as t$incethat time the .iuestion has been flagrant, disgrscetul and reprehen- t then up by ninny of the newspapers ode as would be the case if, after of independent thought, including The eleven month : have elapsed, Mr. G.t,i- ilamilton Herald, TorontA World. St. now or M ;tliso1 or Mr. McLese, Thomas Journal. Toronto Star, Ottawe who had hero sitting and voting dur- Journal, Clinton New Era, Windsor ing s clone session of the Legislature, !Zeroed, and other., and the consensus were to be appointed t., the vacant ..t opinion is that any Government registrarship of Huron—because they were solid with the Government when the .division bell rang. There is another feature in tbis ease which requires s word or two of reference. For the past eleven months i a cues in point .1 tMI2l M % wwim• v ,the duties of the County Judge have •'., of (►we•n Sound. who represented been performed by ,Junior .Judge orth Grey in the Patliaument which 11MvI.E. and we have yet to learn that 1. now en its last legs at Ottawa, has 1they have not Iwen efficiently per- formed. erfornme.l. For setue thirteen veers previously Judge i►ovtt hard been .Junior .fudge of the county and had, durhig that time, acquired an sc• quaintane with the work which cer- tainly should have placed him in the graduation clans. Last year an act was iotrtelucedintothe Legislature with the object of limiting one county judge to all counties not possessed of $0,1100 ni-e not considered straight by three inhabitants. This year the law was w'.o know the inner workings, anal it further and more satiefat•torilyamend- t,:.e been challenged strongly it. the ed, and had it not been for the undue ens end nn the floor of Yarliament. baste of the Government at Ottawa in I• is stated that had Mr. MA.howlfoisting Mr. Mts;ioe upon the bench tel sgsinst the Coercion Hill hein Huron. Judge 1)o%LE would have •.uld not have received the parch• I been the .ole occupant of the posi- tion on 140.1 after Tuesday of last week If•for any resaon,Judgr Dnri.R should now find at in his interest to retie: or resign, or if Judge M A veno were ,til -her promoted to the Supreme (7ourt,on. ,fudge would have to do the work that two men are now paid for, .overnment, in the matter of the new so that it will ie 'tern at a ;;lance that -arrogate appointment, from being • irrief out, an was originally intend- • 1 all .11 which goes to prove that 'Ir. MAM0N is a gentleresn who at• '. ads strictly to business. Tee Reiest finds Iwo fault with the new .fudge for looking after Number imp. for it knews that humanity i. it debarred by it statute oft tntario frail thing at hent, wed there is an Pen-moelly. Tres Stem 41. has no ob. •zoom that says " The iertd helps Isrtinn to Judge M Aaanet, tut we de - her who help themselves." There test the %iciness queer- which hae see very few men in Parliament who brought abort his appointment, a Sys are not willing to do a good turn for tees which ha. been too mach coddled • hat . ontinue•e the policy is running •• contra to the will of the electors of the wintry, anal doing that which is r'roni;ly r.•puguant to public opinion. In Huron at the present time there en appointed County .fudge, a posi m which has leen vacant for nearly .. year Mr M t.•u(N is looked upon as s lawyer of good average parts, is p.•ruolially popular with thaw who •iow him, and under ordinary condi- , one would be welcomed to the posi- ,10 by the her and people of Huron. it is claimed that the appoint- in•ent has (leen made along lines that Ant of office . that had he not de .• rted the Hoose prematurely, Huron ,meld have had but one Judge, which all its population entitles it to . and it is also said that the hest. with • 'itch he rachet for the plum has I.Imrred the policy of the Local there is no nine- occasion for a ee.•ond judge in Huron than there would be for wheels on a toboggan: sad yet the tszpayer is aselll.d with the extra charge in the shape of odery for a judicial othcer, who, if his appoint- ment were made t • lay, wooled be THE SYSTEM HAS A DEFENDER. T H E best defence of the appointment by the Dominion Government of Mr. M Mesas, M. P., to the County Judge= ship of Huron, is the following from the Hon. Gv.o. W. Ross, Minister of Education for Ontario . Had it been shows, he observed, that the independence of any members of the Hoose h ad beeo overthrown, or that env offices h ad been filled by isoompeteot persoos, a ease might have been made out : but such bed Dot been done. No one could mestion as iwteses where any member had bees, directly or indirectly, influenced to hie vote by the prospect of Olio* stow Confedera- tion. The breath of susptatou did not rest on • single mai. They too. Britain as their model, and how maov of the (.overeele- (:,neral had been members of the British House, All of the Lieutenant-1icvxsore of Ontario have been members of the Domin- ion House. The paving of the bill would declare that the members of the Hou.e dis- trusted themselves. Again, the b ll could be easily evaded by the appointment of re- lattise of the members, Lod, for that mat- ter, • year would be • very short time fur a member who wee really determined to sell himself to wait for his reward. t ontintung, Mr Ron declared with yigor that the members are not purchasable; the reputation that the committees of the House, sock u the Private hills l'ommittes, have achieved shows than sufficiently. The peeing of such a bill might coeur result is the :ring to the House of services of truly aisle meu who would hesitate to enter it ander such conditions : and, for that mat. ter es -member., by resson of their expert. lease, were peculiarly fitted for the tenure of snob ofkese. It was it personal affront to the members of the House, Mr. Rose de. elered is oonciuston. Of course, when lion. Mr. Ross was dieing safely delivered of the above piece of special pleading be did net have the MAtsnr appointment in his mind, but as it is just as true of Judge M Arson's appointment and of all Dom- inion appointments from the floor of the House as it it of those from the floor of the Legislsture, we could not resist the temptation to quote it in favor of Judge Maxima. Was the able and erudite Minister of Educa- tion, on Wednesday, April 1, merely springing an April Fool address on the expectant Grit office seeker, the Tory member without the pale, and the guileless Patron at one and the same time, when he clothed a naked enor mitt' in such flowing periods -Rev. Dr. MACKAY, of Woodstock, who deesermed from hie pallet recently the Sabbath dsserauoe, whiskey debauchery sad worse, of dwellers ID high planes at Ot- tawa, handles it trip hemmer with ease Dai grace. He matinees to do business at the old stand. It's diamonds to .doughnuts that during the sett .sanies of the House the Local t.overameas will pet an i.dependenos of parliament statute on record. If Pet- ro' G'oate'e reeslatins owns up today wad the How were is sesstos it mold be wr, rt.d without any trouble. -- isn't it rather late in the day for Sir CHAtitit Terror to deny the author- ship of toll Miter to .iou. A. MA, nnit.rtt.i. in which, referring M the Reuses Catholics, he stated that he had •• no osedidanw is the lewd." Now be M trying to prove that he has ae wslidesee fa the other follows. Our esteemed contemporary, The Tornato Star, le badly speared building political drastures now a -days. It tress - lane, is prespeetive,llr (hot m RN MON' AT sad Hos. (own. W. Rove M the How of Coes- mom, and thea says el the Legislature " Hes. Mr. Hardy will b. Premier, sad Atty.-Gourd, ('el Gleans will hearse I eusmisai.aer of Ureas Leeds, sad H.s. Me. HAaenewr. Midellf.. of Rdaeatiew Rea. Mneme. Myna"! and HAsrr will r.- mebs at their old pews. Mr. Twos 8.1.- Lemma. .1:LAATmma. .t-Rp.aker, erltl ..onus. Vreela- nd tMetary, and Mr. R. J. DA V I% Prim- Isotal Tre.gartr." All of whish as this dM Oases from The flttr .cies looks emeaNggly GENERAL ELECTIONS. IT no. assure.! that Sir M t.•Kee- aiz Booi.i. will retire from the Premier• skip before thm end of the week, and that Bir Cu txi t T11 rkn will be called to re Mastra:t it Miaietrm, after which en Im- Mediate appeal to the conotry will be made. (our information at the time of gotog to preen is that the elections will be held en Tuesd.s. May :*tette. 1 be Literals of Nest Hares mat at Duce make preliminary errasrem.nte for the holding of a cooveotioo, the date and place of Holding of whicn will be presently ea Bounced. SNAP SHOTS. The rats are deserting the ,ink ship at 1►ttaws.. This week will put the country within easy range of election day. —The politicians are beginning to genre themselves for the next political saspnlgn. — The old "extinct volcano' at Ot (Bows isn't belching forth smoke and mud to the ssme attest as of pers. — The independence of Parliament agitation is •110111Daag large pr'oportioes. !et SI.:NAI. sot the bail arolliag. —Its a mighty hared thing to find as old-Itn. Tory in this mottos who takes mach stock 1a the (.overnme.t'e Remedial Rill. - - The (11.1 Warhorse of the Cum bsrlaod will os .. bis neighs daring the sewing weak. Toe politioal oat -bin is get Nog low. ---If Sir CHAHLRS Twigs prefers heath to the non -paving of the Coercion Bill, it is time for the Old Man to taro hu lam to the wall. — It is hard to determine whether $ H. Homers, of 1'hiladelphu, stands out is holder relief as an absomel murderer or so a motormen', ear. _ —The report that Sir CH %Rl.En Teresa has Does seized of lump -jaw isn't osrreot. His jaw " is es strong and un- yielding that no lump could possibly- form on it. The newspapers and public men are tam joining Ttts Sm,:.Ar. in its crusade io defence of the independence of parlia- ment io the bestowal of public appoint- ments. The now (',.unty Judge of Huron is a very much advertised man. Am the cost of the advertising doesn't come oat of kis salary, we presume be can stand the pressure. --- The t thaw* niet111)ers should thank heaven that the Speaker who ruled that Saturday was Monday, m the ('asrcio. Rill debate, did not also rule that Sunday was Monday. The rnelalious tole: of the mem- ber tor West Huron hase bees wskisg the mimes in the chamber of the Hones of Ceen- m.as Like Mose, of old, his eye is not dimmed nor he natural force abated. -- -Should the Hon. (:Rn. W. hoes eater Uewiaioa politics he will haws to chanes his policy on the appointment of sitting weathers to ethos, if he desires to keep is It. with Liberal pri.oiples at Ot- tawa. AUCTION SALES. All pentose getting their tele MIM misted at We 'Mee will Aare a free Donee taesstae 1. this list oe to the UMW elf silos. As.ties sae of farm stock sod imple- ments es ties lean .< X. Re•ahler, F.1M Re- serve, on Saturday, April 18, 1886, own- tissadag at 1 ►.r. Taoo. (ironer, Aso- tieasar. Assuan sale of household rarnit■rs at the resid.a.e of H. Smith, Waterlso.m, nett the Rink, a Thursday, April .0. Thea Ouadry, meneaeer. *. Ins sale el farm stock sad tomes meals trill be Mid es the farm of ('h r..ad M. A. (Messer, Port Albert, e.mmeasieg as 1 r. e. ea Tasaday, April filet, helm Grille, asst. - it swam than we ere es hater • Isepe awn her et tater bees tell and laeeesso clubs Mie .saes., for .early a hundred ►.ye sailed as this Allies last week for it .sntrrks- tt.a Ilse ei the .1.bs will b. emposed .f real lisle ease, for of three aha masa en li.estdey, .t ese wee es high es Alia hag saw mentor. GODERICH BARCAIN CENTRE. The, Latest and The Best Every purchase wade of us is s stepping mons maser the goal. Every transeetioo is a bargain. therefore s money %ovine investment Low Prices coupled with Big Values is the combination that wins your trade in our elegant assortment of $prilig and Summer u.tvelties, consisting of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, DRESS GOODS, FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, etc. There is a telling something about our c.o.'s that. places Aelur. saes uppermost in your mind. You know you biros the quality, you . know You have the style, yon kRsw Tee have the right prier. Thin is whisk we strive to give yen ; tbis'is what we do give yea. Me try to make the lir and square deal ISM bring- you to us the second tithe. We have just received our new Kid Wove.. we expect the quality and price will scatter these gloves quickly among ,. prudent people. JAMES ROBINSON. Corner Square and West St Cash Store. Common Sense BICYCLES BUILTTO FIT THEREFORE FIT TO RIDE You have seen the above words so often that they are engraved on your mind. It's a good healthy thought ; leave it there. Send in your order for a " COMMON SENSE " now so that there will be no delay whtsn the riding season opens. We intend to have a BIG BICYCLE OPENING on APRIL 1st. A finer display never before seen in Goderich. All are invited. A number of (amutl second-hand wheels for ,ale. r•. -:tin LOUD TALK GEO. W. THOMSON, f. may he 'necessary. but when .t comer to .peak- ing of the many . hake things to he found is our stock of Fancy Goods & Wall Paper no talk at all is neesseary. The goods speak for tttemeelvee m 00 u.crrta4D manner. tJuality sae ('rice are pointe we pay especial mimeo', to. We have lust reoeiye.i another supply of TINTED TABLE COVERS TRAY CLOTHS CENTRE PIECES sad many other fast .ellen is this line. While oar AMERICAN WALL PAPER CANADIAN continue* fe p'esse and are tefsg rapidly. Brag I oar room Is- we'll paper it while yes welt THS FAIR. DAIRY TINWARE We have it full stock of all libido of DAIRY TINWARE AND SAP BUCKETS which we are selling VERY CHEAP. All kends of TIN, GRANITE AND COPPERWARE REPAIRED. CANADIAN and AMERICAN COAL OIL Tell measure. heaped up sad reaming over WORSELL'S NEW FURNACE inn MST Ti1E TMIN MR loll NtldES Owes. W we It as J. N. WORSELL on.. TN lbertvei Ti.. now any r.,..r., We. THE BICYLES Season Of 1896. ARE YOU IN IT? If ren are not. you ought to he. for the coming sessoa is sofas to he a greater suedes for blotches is Oedericb than say •t Its pre- tlesessora. A RIDING ACADEMY for the toasting et Whe•elm.s ad wbee' women has hoes established la U.derich. and the oncoses (Dal attended it Inst year warrants me In esstinaiag the work. Portent n.tbfer tion. Terms restorable. r A roil Ilan of 55.1 claim Bieyolse for hire. • Now is the time to gnu your wheels male reads for the season. Iverythtng is the rep.ir Ilse kept a hood. and Dose but skilled hoods employed. JOHN YULE. kid Inman Livery. llttiestesM. IT§ THISWAY " Fine clothes do net make a Bao," hot they go a long way towards keep ing a man's respect for himself and that of other* for him. It ,doesn't Dost any more to dteas neatly t ban it does to go armed with an ill fitting coat or baggy trousers. All you have to rte es to deal with a flretedass house like PRI DHAM'S, where f .old ar prim mt a' Ili