HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-4-16, Page 1ryas 1S -u.- TIiE SIGNAL . 18 THF. B 61sT THE CH$APIIIST FORTY-EIGHTH YEAR. -2565 TH8 I -3EI* VINO NIEr1PITIEIPAJEDZER, 1014 OP HURON Oat/NI-TY , 7 ON DOLLAI, ••WbM. sim WII.L PAY ti derbies • Tutt sigh. IN murmured. THE SIGN boa(w GODFRICH, ONTARIO, CANADA. THURSDAY, APR. 16, 1896. D. McGILLICUDDY, EI)ITOI MEM► ADVERTISEMENTS -APRIL Is Cow for Sale Jelin Hyslop. ... ...... Chasse of Kuaoeos-A. MuD. Allis .. 4 Mill and Agncultene Repairing -Hen - dares Rio) ale (w. 8 Cerpete-Colborne Ilk*. 8 Henderson Pleat Feed -W. C. Goode As Artistic Ptoiaro--R, R. Bsllowe . . A Long Winter Wel over --The Fibre Chamois Ce Al Roam on SL Oesrss's Dy -4 .b• wanes s Gadd Toilet Articles -Jas Wile The Genuses Tonka--N.Alphw Tabas- co Co Assignee • !isle of Fars Pri perry-Sber- riff Gibbose Spring (apes -J. T. Mb 1' seer Waists or Bloaem-W. Ailment ASoo Sprisg Blood Furthers C. D. Williams Comae Sews -F. J. Pridbaa Its • (:rest Waste ---A. B. Davison. ... Este Special Geo. Porter's.. Mortgage Salo -R. C. Heys, solicitor Maple Syrup . G. M. Elliott . It W'dl Pal You -Jas. Reburies Mani Thank. -J. MoN.0 'btoo - . Itoilaio. kleoti..s,1896- N. I'roadfoot t.soenl Servant --Mn. Carrow.. .. 1)ressm•kias Mies B.rr.wa Summer fetchers--Qttuu.. CemfrilN.e. Ilea{ Ns pammutee •hourise praasd say further Many malllliramd u 1:r.y it was right 0V R THE HURON TRA That eo ride well. list Sir Charls Tupper hes owns to the Nentry. The watchman aha newspapers and OUR OTTAWA LETTER 11-1 !THE QOGNTI iUDGEHIP- andnfuse E n.unes ware Id tlr.ti... '•Tlaitoes, omn.pir.ts.. • . , Mswle ember Horeb PnsaBl will west welching. have been WWII.la Gotngon at the Capital HOW the MOve 1.00101 Outdo gNMINIMm tb° timer of the House. LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF. The rUrrltea. Will be seta t■ tate Last Bargains 1. Parasols, Gloves and Hv oer) 5 tearh et may e» narsaing neperte Rohm... 6.b ea • tensing Liberal earlier,Itsgal.r, meditate of the awn oossc►l morrow srmtsig. air Marke0alr eepeeed The junior haw ball teams ware est 1 ---- peaouoe this week. Last Sabbath's sun anse d dress was East 5 OTTAWA, April 13 Never in the ler Sunday number 2. 1 history 01 the LA:oral party bare the re- 1 Quite • number of ou• people were at the 1 ports Nosing in treat ail quartette been more 1 eeMWgy 00 Sunda) . encour•gise' e thou theare at the present mo- I Common Seas* boo boon ',booting "nand moor. Those of you whohavoroadmylett.n `` e this asst. will bard') say I Wave talked very much here The Public acemte reopened atter the 8 tofore of what the Liberal party would do at Easier rely on Monday. the nest election. l'ou have not heard me Aelmesor Reid is bard t work tllltag in 5 the assessment slip* toe 1Hdb 5 1011 of *weeping the ooaotry, of overwhelm The question u who *aorta the infantile tog electorate could horgh 1 felt an hetdh- club* os the oollectt0g war path " 8 gent elsotuna could h&rdly report the ver F.,r bargains t Lace ('urtuoe take • look 8 diet they gave •t td. P°11,110 1891 1 hove, •t quabt) dud peau. et Kobtnaoo's. 5 as • rule, pointed out why mob • warden For skating and curling ppurpoes the 1 should not be &pato given, but 1 wanted West *t rink is dosed Lill the F.H. 1 eomethtog mon pos.tire as to the gensral The juvenile base ball ooliesters wore 5 "marshalled' tato Its* the past week. 5 The warm sus Ott Bunchy mused current 5 The is sheltered spots w bunt into dont. Regular mesung of Huron Chapter No. 5 30, A F. and A.M. , next Tuesday evening. b It memo as though A. M. Polley's sound- ing votoe saved men than one Ids cast Tus- di !t u .nnounoed that the bicycle club will introduce • natty uniform and pretty colon. A portion of the roadway between the S.1uare and the o.twMry was very bad tM past week. The mamas TONKA Smoking Mixture ie delightfully cool and fragrant. Try • 10 oast package The adjourned heater veetry of St. Georg. s will be held to the school room n ext Tuesday evening. Gentlemen of refined taste chew the f•m- ons BEAVER Plug exclusively. Refuse slump unitat10ns. von Strang has charge of John Comer heed,'uartere and see the little ar•ny mime t. on • department •t the Collegiate during ing up the reports as they come to from our agents 10 every qutr•er of the Domisin0 lied see bow perfect has beeo made the ma chtoery for securing information. This is meanly due to the untiring efforts of our popular whip, .lams Southerland, M P. Never has an org00ir•tion of this sort been made so complete. Now while 1 have all this eecourarine n ews for you today, 1 want to lmprese the f•^t awn you that the battle is not woo un• tt1 the last vote is polled. We lost Brom. oouoty I'•v one vote N • lost West Huron, when Patterson defeated Caslero0. by lo vote.. 1 could name afore* of counties that have been cured oe equally smell majora. tie. at woe time or another, and for that reason I say complete Your own loll organ :room at once, for the loss of one vote might turn your own county over to the hands of the enemies of hoses' government. A m+mher of tb. C.Mnet told me on `l.tur day that possibly the elections would be held on the '25th of May. Go to work Wath the same will and deter- mination you would show in defence of your homes easiest an Invading army. As I write 1 leery Imo beer Nam of you my the country has so worse easyy than the Government &t Ottawa For Mebane years they hove pillaged and plundered sod with the spoil*, the money they haus robbed you of, they have oorrupted the electorate to keep themselves longer in possession of the treasury chest to for THE REMEDIAL SILL WITHDRAWN - As Appeal N JIM Omer, WTI be hots be Order. .pecei to Till.: BR)s AI. Urea,. A, April 15. The annouesment is dslloilely made that toe Remedial drill wall be withdrawn tonight. The(.overomeot has throw's up the sponge oo that questlou and Sir Mackenzie Rowel). wili retire from the leadership. Tupper will form • Government and go to the couotn, if the Governor G..er•I will o.lt him In. The election u expected to he held Tues- day, May 21. THE HARBOR Navigates is epee. The harbor is nearly free from tat. The ete•mer Joss has bad • new lower deck put in. Gulls In Inv numbers arrived in the her bor lost week. The schooner Craftsman is slightly aground forward. caption Baxter has some of his boats tor tree memo's trade. The Kolfage rs being fitted with • new boom on the foremast. W• rnav expect the tint catch of trout and wbite806 tomorrow. All the tugs and baste for up•lakei fishing are being prepared for the ,nacos. 11 hen 01ettl0g the harbor, • genal few is missed. • cheery voice onboard. A inert was made this week preparing the steamer Jones for an eagle departure. The tugs Evelyn, Sea King, Seibold and *ea tlueen made • trip round the harbor on &turdar. Lighthouse keeper Campbell u again making morning and evening tripe to the end of the Nortb pier. 1Cm. Marlton launched Sander's 6.h - boat on Monday : the lower pori of it was rebntlt during the Winter. Captain Baxter is already getting boats and boat house in order. The cap• tato'• new bridge to the island is • great tmproyemsnt on the .oe-mw one et last season AUBURN. Mos DAN , April 13. 1' grown returned from Manitoba loft ween The farmers are making maple syrup and suitor Ws are glad to see Mr. Moore around seal o. lir. sad lire. T. Asquith move this week to the sine Mr We r spent his holidays at his home to Winghem. We •re glad to bear that Miss F. ('lark u reooverinr. Miss Maggie Pollock, of Goderich, ,peat Sunday at home. T. ldate. and Jack McAvoy, of Goderich, .pest Sunday here. Mr. Acquith awl family left oo Tuesday to read. at the Soo. Mr. Coates leaves this week to join be husband at the Soo. Miss L. Rowed and 111. Debi. leave this week for London. Mime. A. Ferguson and Toes Sprang were home for their Nostion. Miss Rose Youngblut wee ,intim( friend. in Gederich the pest few days. feeling in the country before 1 committed myself to • prediction w to the result of the general elections. Now 1 •m us posssemon N information that warrants my saying that within two mouths Wilfrid Laurier will be pressier of ('aced•. [Give 1 ever deoeivd you in Iay:og facts before you • Search my letters through and you will not find • paragraph in which, for the ask-, of eoormg • politisl point, 1 have misteted facia. For the future, long after :he eleotaoss are over, I hope to retain yuor c6ionoe, and 1t would ■tend me little if n ow 1 should venture an 0910100, yes • post live statement, s to whet the result of the electrons will be, and have my prophecy tail. The conclusion reached has not been arrived .t after .wnsultteg a few indivtdnala to this county and in that county, but • meet careful analysis ot the thousands of lettere that bave been recetvd at head- quarters here during the past two weeks trom every oily, town. villain and settle. meet from Atlantic to Pacific. 1 wish some of •on ooul d for one moment look in at TILAIT.•R+ .ARP ,Y).1i'IRATUat.. Such is what Mackenzie Howell has called at, of those who now est •t the commit board es hie oolleagae•. 'Yoe have often heard the saving that • moo is judged b) - the oompany he keeps and while ooe is just•6d Io putting down the boost man who may be found in the company of oo.C• deem men and rogues as of the same stripe, there are exmptimum to this rule and 1 will give you an illnstr•ttoo of it. For years the Liberr1 perry don been fighting the Government of whioh Sir Mac- kenzie Rowell is • member, but in .11 thaw years, while his colleague. have been charged with corruption and all the orients in the oategory,the finger of scorn hes neve been pointed at ham. Within three weeks he retires altogether from active politics, deceived sod betrayed by thaw he had bees surrounded with. Whatever his other Nolte may Nye been dishonesty was sot me of them. 1 bore told you now why his solleepues conspired to hie dowsf.11 : " he was not dleboesst." Can you red between the Item • The Conservative party is put- ting ep the worst bent of their lives today. They are driven to desper&tico end are pre- pared to resort to desperate maim to bold on. Sir Mackenri. Bowel' .taode in their way ; be would not lead himself to their plots. to their nide epos the treasury. and they bare depend him. Who is the man, the saviour, they have brought into the fight to fill lite place : to 611 the role of leader • Son., one, yes the Toronto Mei! Mie Maria Pollock. of I:ederioh, Gelled him the Prism of -stop, The Mail is Saturdaysod Sunda • at home. tit I ttrEarly ham now. ) Early in January, Factor and kis friend. Mr. end Mies Vases. .f (lodetrieb. wan visiting friends here knee week. R. Brews and Mine R. Wilson, sMdestls at the Clinton Collegiate 1 %uS., were home for Beate told you that they metered Sir Meckenzi.e Cabinet with mi giviage. Why • IN see give you • peep into the inside history burs. They knew they could make no nes of Sir Mackenzie Past experiewn told them .a Mr. W&rreo has .torted • b•k• shop in He was so obstacle is their way. He bad our vilest and it 1. hoped the peopl. will I isoi•ted in vain on Fosters freed0. patronise home nt&eataetore. the Frederioton Rridge Cs. pay's, op the tax years' interest os • 3300,000 loan they Nes Fetberisg_es M book to the village, sod intends laving her sillinery epeeisg .t Mn Houma*. melt Saturday. I las young mon mays lilies are Isis favorite flowers. They were see N full bloom last week, but we think Obey will be rather •caro* for a while. 10 Mr. Haugh'. mans. ea Someday he or wed that the Atgsutts did not write airiest souse kiwi. of Inman proesitlsg is the ohsreb, Ultima for his tett 1 ('oei.th- tooe z1. : 34. Lase Tuesday evening being Mersey even - retg is the IAigN be exi0lent program wee ty*"psed elk am essay was given by D. Rids, white proved Moll be hod been leM- 101 1s Wegefeg bed defaulted. He had blocked the .ehena by whieh it was proposed to hood over 42, 500,000 of mosey out of the treasury to the Hudson any Railway Co. He had refused t0 resew the eub•idy by *hick for 20 years the (higseet• Ship keilwey Co. were t. re - mire 4170.000 00.0.117 out of the tress - or, Tble is only • very .nail ..,.. e'sM- ties of the raids ou the treasury fiir Ma- kesmle bee rbssked. De you weeder tbev entered 910 M•ekmuie'e Were with in. Ovines! W 700 Aske the dtersisatios they hove shows to get rid of him. Well they bare woee.ded 1. driviug him sat of polities' Ids • ad sow thew tame rose are sedan yea to show year ee.idenee is Nem by rearming thea le more at tM that gentleman'. short absence. Organist Cuff, of St.. George m has purr Named the property oo North at so long owned by the late Major Henry Cook. It will pay you to take a look at the bar- gains to 25, 35, 50c. Tweeds at Robinson's. Also ask to see their sew .50o. Corse+, and oompere with some 75c. lines. Some of the most delicious maple syrup made this or any other season can be ob- tained et G. M. Elliott's grocery, H•m,ltos e tre', 65 The oollectore aro gull at work trying to raise enough money to move the Maitlend house to the proposed location over the har- bor hill. Toilet .rtiolee-Cold Cream, 10c , Tobe Tooth Paste, 10c., Witch Hazel and Glycer- ine .1.Ily, 10c., M•rquood's Freckle Lotion, Melvin& Cream, Melvin. Lotion, Cream of Witch Havel, and • full line of English, Antiproton and French Toilet Goods .t Winos'. ('ash Pre.enption Drug Store. Tar e:enrret Oplatee bream ke he .anus the •wpelstment .r Mmb... trent lee rle...1 revilement -11w Pettey \N ■ Coed One COMING AND GOING. Tom Murray ie is I•tot t. F. Elliott, of Resew, wee is town on Friday. Geo. Powell, of Rlytb, was :0 town on Friday. F. Davis, of Sesforth,wee in Gederiok on i'hsnday. Mn. Prondfoot returned from Toronto last week. R. H. Collies., of Exeter, was to town en Saturday. F. Reai•mtn. of Montreal, spent Sunday to Goderioh. Stanley Hays, of Seafort b, roes is (.od. riob Saturday. Mir Charles, B.A , returod from Terco- to ea Saturday. Mr. sad Mrs. Jamieson Reid have return- e d from Detroit Percy Walton, of London. was at the old home this week. 1). Grant, of she Collegiate, has tetarned from bis holiday trip. Mr. and Mrs. Gault, of Monckton, N.8., are *annex in town. H. I. Strang. 11 A.. returned last Satur- day from the Queen ('sty. Wm. and Miss Grace Ione .re emendate • few days in the Queen 1.;Ity. Ws. Waddell hu returned home from • visit to Detroit and London. Ex. Reeve Jae. Johnston of West Wawa - sash was is time on Tuesday. Mies Cee. Ian Tome bas returned from • visit so mien... u Cland.boye. Mi,. Inure Acheson has "'brood to To- ronto 10 resume her musical n .ales. Our old resident omeductor Holme was visiting relatives in town yesterday Mies Watson, Montreal st, hes returned from a week's visit to friends in Toronto. Mrs. and Mien Attrill and Mts. E. Heat - os have returned from their southern trip Miss M.Mnrd1, of the Collegiate, hes returned from a visit to her home in Kip - pen. Mis Mary her wheel in week. John ('.moron. of the Collegt•te IsNi- late eta%, a writing for • higher university steadies. Mrs. .1. K. Grant, Mrs Kay and Miss Jessie ()rose. of Winnipeg, were yelling friends in lawn last week. .las. and Mie (lertie IMO* returned from Wyandotte, Mid. en Monday. The gsstiomaa elates that his daughter Annie is still ..tweedy rel. Mn. Warren W Thomson, of Seaforth, re'.rned bona lees S•terda Weerepead . week with he parents, Mr. sad Mn. M. Sheel r& H. Meedel. formerly of 11e.m111.. gave TCR Sweet. • eel on Saturday. Hermon was for • time spines, in lee C. P R. Tt rise, West -et, hot f. sew trate dispatcher •t the Mitetges (waved shoes, Detroit. Lawyer Bir►, .f 8m/orth. was i. lb* Co! sews es Turley. E following :Lie *owe ,If tba pub - ti.: opinion, reosetly ezpreeNd The Toronto World A man who seeks the coobdmee of the ,lectors in order to mai. or ears an office tan bimeelf is • fraud sod public opinion should eo stamp him. (ince our 1.0vere seen t•, whether I'revtacial or Federal, come to see 15.1 their proposed Iegulewun must oommend Itself to the members o■ which it is put forward on its uteri's, and net to their prospect of self advencemeot for supporting tt, there will Lie toes bulldottog and better legisi&uon mimed Le Towel returod to Crediton dares the peat Headiest Times • That's s very good story &twat the est Mr. Mewls, \I P. for Grey, hurried to Toronto to he sworn m as County -1 udgo. just ,u (11•e 10 Sar. ria peel - lieu ea ,luaus of the Surrogate 1'ourr. This is aid of the Rowell l.uversmeot • dtiath- bed appututmeute. Shell it be •flowed to mood ' • Montreal Witues• lir. M•.suo, the ('m- serret se ammbsr for oda direr, robe has espported the Kem.di.1 it:tl has received Ms reward. He has been appointed - judge 10 the ,ountt 0t Huron by the Gov- ernment which he has served, and will not be celled upon to face the wrath of the peo- ple whom be hath t.eutyed. The C..aNr- vetive candidate ter North tiny will be an eatt remedlalist : that is the great game of Use Government, but in will sot work. Mr, Memo° was probably one of the members of Parliament who indignantly ovoid down Mr McCarthy when he declared that he could name the L ooservat,ve member, who expected to be reworded with othc.0 for their vow on the Remedial HilL The To- ronto World, a Coo,ervafive organ, taunt+ the l:overnment with this example of their member -bolting. Such appointments are oalculatd to shake confidence in the ad- ministration of tiatice by our noara. Guelph Mercury : Another mat is now vacant to the Hous by the appointment of Mr. Masson. M.P., North I'ny, as Senior County Judve of Huron. lir. Jlasseo hes had the premier of this tor • long time, and it no doubt helped him, though represent- ing a strong (Prange oonstttueocl, to vote for the second reading of the Remedial Rill y ♦.roc . Toronto globe Judge Madmen a mad ram to Toronto had even . greater reason for ite precipitation then has already appeared. If the new sod learned J udre • interpretation of the law is correct a tew hours delay might hove deprived him of his lob alto- gether. Among the amendments to the law to whioh the Lteuteoant-Governor gave hit sweat oo Tuesday was one providing that for meatte. of 80,000 Iohebtto■ta or dem not mon than one County Judge can he ap jointed. The population of the County of Huron, accordant to the last census, is 58,- 173- Mr. Mason appears to have conclud- ed that It he did not get .worn in before His Honor wonted to this ameodment the preferment wince he had so hardly earned would be beyond hu grasp. It u • somewhat singuler oemmeotary on the legal quahtstisee of the new Judge that the readier of the Ise on which his great race to Toronto was based is held by - good authorities to be wholly wrong, In the first dace it is held that the date of his oosmisien regulated the matter, so that his kosiog•pireen dight to the Queen's Park might have been made In • more dig oi8ed and judicial manner. On the other Mott, had it been neceuesrv, Mr. Mason would have been tat late. dt has been held in more than one judgment that the auth- ority of the statute oovon the whole of the day on which the .east is given, so that anticipating by an hour or two the assent of the bills would not have saved Mr. Mason's boos, had the date of the administration of the math instead of the date of the own. mimeos regulated the matter. The &mead - sent, however, will have • cad meaning for some of Mr. Mammos oolltagueo, who have, like him, been misrepresenting their oon- (Altoona .t Ottawa, and will low their re- ward( by this timely check on appoint - men is. UUNGANNON. Nortcn.-Tit• local sewer to gun .anon for Tau either is at the sloe of J. 0. Ward J.P.. oo.veyasos. to., *be wan receive or Aon for w4ortpuoss, adven0log and Job work. end le authorised to give reo.lpu ter s non's paid for the sante MiPtlAY. April 13. BS* tall u► Ti.. D..,. -A sheep belonging to Stephen Stotners was killed by • dog easel is the vtotntty W11t 1 Aw, KT. -Oo nest S•bbetb Rey. K. Fairburn will preach • serums on '• Why I am a Presbyterian... Alto' 'so ArtAI1.-We are pleased to tan !taster Wi,l,o Crawford is around, bavieg resoveeed from his nicest dines.. 1 MITI .. --Mw Eva Christie, of Reach township, Ontario county, is the rumen of her muter, kin. Holtby , West Wawanush. FALr W n s I r (.31.. ,1 Reports hen •re that the tali wheat crop looks veru prime trig, and ,f not lolured by frost, will be a good crop. 1y. 11'e are ple•a.d to he able to 11101. that 1Ir. Fairborn. who hes been mitering from an •Clic. of pleurisy r gradually recovering. Covet it Norm-. On nest Sabbath, 1)i - toe ssrytce will be held in the Presbyawrtan church at 10:15 instead of 10.30 1.11. until further asnounoement. Huwe A..An -Kober' Wray, who has bees attending the funeral of his mother, hoe brood home We extend sympathy to him in the bereavement. W INTRA %' a 1TT,Rtt - The cold wave that come In with April was terminated on Fri- day of last week by • warm, spring-hke rain, rias which we have bed excellent weather. Is Ori* 1'n.t_A,.r. -Messrs. A. Hawkins, and C. Connor, two of the alma prominent and eeergetic citizens of fort Albert,visitd our village oo Saturday 1•.t and seemed to enjoy themselves. Mr • i n AI. -The municipal council of the muatolpahty of West Wawanoeb will meet in the council room on Saturday, the 18th Inst., session to oommeo0e at 10 t h. sharp. All concerned take note. Ry.r.,xn Ftit.u... -Newton Campbell. who bas tor 001110 time been asistang his brother•in lab*, -John Hiles. to the mercao- tale buttoner has n•.nmd work ou hie farm at Westfield, East W.r►000sh, we wish him success. Isabelle Mal - lough desires to express thanks to luurt IMogaboon, No. 70, C. O. F. for the prompt payment of the sum of one thousand dollar, beteg the amount of insurance on her late husband's life. ELS. TRP I: 11 I.,. 11 A letter has been received from E. X. 1'. ,'5b*. the promoter of the Huron and Ontario Electrto rulrood, stating that the charter has finally petrol and that the 000struotlon of the rod will be commeo.:ed as 5000 •s possible. Bran.. -To all •ppearanc, we presume that as the fowls of the ear are busy claim ins their warbling Spring nutee and build ing their nest., croaking of frogs, trees bud- ding and the arrive' of Spring birds, anti beautiful reedit,* of prase. mho the activity among formers in preparing implements. etc , for Spring seeding, Sprrug is fairly set In Goo'. Fog I►t-w I..us. -- A. K. McRev,e Dungannon toy. has recently passed hie primary examination at the university and succeeded in taking a silver medal and • seholarship of $30 Considering he lost • good deal of time in connection with the ill. sees and death ot his father, the late lir. McKay, he deserves grant credit. We ox• teed o,.ngr'atulat 1001. ArrH0 ,ATIt11t,-Ae Friday eveltog of Inn week was the close of the term of even tag clam in conoectiou with Dungannon Mechanics Institute, the students, toevin0e their appreciation of the teacher's services, then took the opportunity to present him with an appropriate dares. and a beaotaful picture, also sa easel and music holder. We congratulate him. Although taken by surprise, Mr. Allen mode • suitable reply, thanking them for their recognition of hu services. w','A*THy r1's•4A-M1'. Friday eventrs lane to the Hous at Ottawa, Dalton Mel'arthy is reported by The (.lobo as paving his regards thus to the appointment of -lodge Manion Coming to the appntstment of Mr. Mas sen. Ise said tbst his coliseums meld sit have helped noticing that dur- ing his last 1'&rltammtarr arm he was • thick -and -thin supporter of the Government. When, in spite of the .mil. meet of his constituency. he had supported the remedial bill, wh,epers were not wast- ing that as understanding hod iewn arrived at between the I.overnmmt and that boo seatlimso. Why had the .lud,eship of Heron been kept open rem May 14, 1995. Why was the appointment made at this psvtieolar moment' Remus. it was neem- mry to forestall the act which the Liaise - tare of Ontario hod • tnpt..l to abolish the mooed Judgeship in Huron. It war neos• gory to fore* aeon the Jo,ir.iry • tealm whom the people bad (belayed was nnrew- eary. Whether bargains had hien mole between the Goviernmt•s• and the gen' Immo whom 0001011 were uw.mt,n.ed is the frown papers sand on the flow of this Howe, then were at •ry rare mssmamma for helie.iy that thee had been told that they world be rswsrded if dotty tall tient feithful to the ani of till. Peltameat. Mr Mc('.rthy said be dM not knew that (;.median history . h.wed . nwr. 6.greet. a more ttierrerdwl sal • 000140 rworehoteil'b. frn' .'Stet titin bas takes pin Me work. 1f skis Hetes W men sit:104 !Are to owe pieitis se • The OMat trom tit. Local XIII • weekly rarest .r leanly aro,. t►eried .i to hen Everybody - rtes .ad retail tamped .■d 4 oedemaN Irma Every $eetl•a. CLl N ToN 11'111 l- wertuu hoe 11•- ttlrsid fres Stratford hospital, where lie bee bolo undergoing treatment for • moo kites Zurich 1'bosom 100 -acre farm to F of $5,500 Hallett . Richard Redford, an old resid- ent of the 14th 000., has removed to his new farm in (;ray township. Zurich . Fred Letbeld and Mies Date Wooly, both of Zurich,united bands in holy mat roomy W edneeday. 'lockersmith Mrs. N ('owes, late of luckersmith, died et the reetdeoce of her daughter in Rutfalo, on Tuesday. McKillop : .lams Cowan, of McKillop, has purchswd the Lapilli. farm, adjotniog Seeforth, phytum for it the sum of 47.700 Clinton : )o Wednesday, Robs. McLean. of I;odench, bought the handeeme 0atneg. driver owned b1 1P. Mc(;orvte at • good tigers. Exeter Mr. and Mrs. •Lobo Spackm•a wen in St. Thomas on Frid&y, attesdA,g the Nowa' of Mrs. Spackman • suitor, Mn. 11.11.7. Rlvth Atter • loog and palatial illness. an old rs,dent, .Cohn Thompson, passed away on Wednesday morning .t the age of 77 years. Chntoo David 1'antelon, second son of Wm. s anteton. left on Monday evening for Mount forst, where he goes tete the pro - duos busters. Seeforth The infant clan of the First Pre.hytertan church Sabbath school, Sea - forth, have contributed =.3 to the fund for persecuted Armenians. Hensen : 1). Urgnbert has leased John Corbett s 150 -.ere tore, in the township of Hat, for • tern years, sod will have it worked to addition to hu milting interests he. ire.odeloch township - Rurtoo hes rent- ed the form of John 1 biclough, oo the base line neer Clinton. and Mr. ('ololough will move hack to his property in Morris, near Myth Exeter: The sympathy of their moor friends ,s extended to Mr. and Mn. I hoe. Brown. of the electric light station, to the death of their infant boy, which occurred m Friday Exeter Alfred Morrish. of t.rand Read, whose •uc,de01 was recorded to last week's Time., had hie um amputated 013 Wanes day, sod the doctors are now hopeful of his ultimate recovery. Clinton - Slam I. „reIMcNeil,only daugh- ter of Peter MeN. , coed on Tuesday after a short illness of t.ravee disease. She was ju.t budding into toting womanhood, being in her sixteenth year ` Exeter We regret to ann. un..' the death of Clare, daughter ot Mn. Femme. tl'illi•m •t, whish o.,currd iso Monday. She had reached the age of 14, osd was a bright sod amiable girl Seaforth Mr. and Mn. Andrew Thomp- son, of i.ondon, aureate of Walter Thomp- son, of Mitchell, and grandp•rena of W. ft Thompson. of this town, oelebnted the 64th annivermy of their marriage last week. Loodsboro .lobe (i&rrett has purchased the meth belt ot lot 25, coo. 11, lately oc- cupied by Geo. Seders. for the sum of 82. )0. About ten year* ago this farm was sold for =3,303, and about three years .go was sold tor =2,9150. Seaforth .1. M Prendergast, • former student with E. W. Twddle, has posed his final ez•m,tation at the ('histo i)ental I'oiler', with high honor.. Mr. Prendergast will practice In Chicago, when hu brother, Joseph, has a lucrative position. Seaforth Wm. Rroadfoot, of Fort Qu Appelle, Northwest Territory, who has many tnends hereabouts, writing on April 3rd, eye " Snow is nearly all gone,but we have not started seeding yet. Have had a tine Winter, and ettock has done well.' Losdsboro Lst week Robt. Pole was surprised by his eater oomiog to see him. She lives at Owes Sound It is about 34 years nom they heard from each other. She is • Mn Raley. and her husband taught school In Clinton and Gdenck .ivenl 7.000 a ('bnenogo. bast we. L lis.;actor Paisley vatted W •ngh•m and laid information be- fore Polis Magistrate Seeger, who was 111 the town on other bp*ines, charging 1'oltn Campbell, druggist, 4t{h selling hyaor oon trary to law. Defendant pleaded guilty, and a fine ot 32{ and cora was imposed. Belgrave : Many in this district will re- gret te learn of the death of James Mc- Crae, for unsay Tears • resident of this vi- cinity. H. deed at the residmm of has sou in the township of Ross, soar BRuce Mines, on the 2501 of M.roh. He was 77 yeah of •ge,and was 0 native of County Fermanagh, Ireland. API►rr-• r' 1. r+►..1 .T Mr. T. G. Allen : I5:AR SIH,-- 4, the arm of the evening class is 0000.0tioo 01 t I Puo(an000's Me- ohanio'• Institute is •bout to clow, ere we part as teacher and etu.iena for the present season we wish to avail ourselves of the op- portasi'y to convey to you a seam of the high appreciation of the benefits which we have received by the patmt.kiog and in domrtoble energy with which you Kaye as teacher peformed your duties in that caps- eity and an soh a manner as to evince to us that you be.. Identified yourself in no small degree with our iotereea, thereby seeking to promote them in so for me yo0 possibly could do so. The interesting and pleasant, as loll as proht&ble, time that we have 13000 orlvtleged of meeting tovether as teacher and at bleat will always. we trust, be • happt reinln,.eenm, and as we feel we cennot give expression in words of our deep seam of gnttttde, you will, therefore, p1e..e swept from us the following arti- cles rtycls A picture, esssl, and music -bolder as • parting memento of your students of '95 end ''1t, Wishing you sod )oars health and happiness, we subscribe oures!vs students of the evening class. The .hove address was reed and present ed by Reheat Davidson, and the ix.emts- tion of the article.. was made by Albert Ferguson. The name. of the studesa ate Robert I►sv,enn, Albert Ferguson. William M-rrow, Ernest Duff. Robert literati). T. F:. Therein. Peter Ryan, George Horne. James W. Medd, Wm Smiley, 5 has t:trvis, 5:i. Anderson, Frisk Glens, sad Alex. Pent- land. C.E. L U• The fallowing are the tepee for the .It(. fermi yonsg poples societies which meat during reit week Knot ('hereh',.P.5I' K., Tuesday even nig at 8 0 olnek Tnl.•c tor April 21st '• S5.at we •heel,' he doing ran s.•.w Dos Int. Iwk• 1't 1 le Leader, .lendts Men North et \lethodut churob K L. of C. 8. Fria+r evening at 8 e 460E. Toter fe April 17. "Roraima- 1.• Re.. W. 1. Feed of 1 hearie-et °harsh, ('lints.. medially .re rdially invited thawmattend thaw liecbl.r has mold hu Kauslod for the sum • Long Whiter Well Over. The mac whose work keeps him out of doors in Winter must have • heorty wed tome for Spring. It is hard in blustery w.v• bedew rsrn weather to ielieve that shortly the lords will eine. the dower. will be inoaa blossom and ovsro, windy date and ch,l,en body he things of the pes-. The I trouble ie t5Ot all too *non the weeks to by I and soother Winter is •t hood. Tb. ewe - 1 ota of dotbine is throve ,mpottdot. and tee new idea of tieing FIAT:r I ready mad* clothing i• bound to have rm nee... p.puIan'y From *h.• standee's, of health as well estw onfer! it comms wl. it. • Itself strongly, es 0 odds 00 w.teht, and yet l keeps out the rei• . well am the wood. and .Lich dyantngr. are highly spptso s'.d ty 011 cess. r If our ooewty cerrespende.M would kind- . ' ly tee that •heir ever weever budget. were in est hoods soy late aha. ay. they wetar! sot be left over for • week es r so efts the sew sow. .