The Signal, 1896-4-9, Page 7THF RiGNA1 : 4:4)1,1 I' ll'11 I I\•1
-1• I1.9. 1896.
There is ease for those far
gone in consumption -not
recovery -ease. There is
pyre for those not far gone.
There is prevention for
those who are threatened.
of Cod-liver Oil is for you.
even if you are only a lit-
tle thin.
aCOTrs a?uLa.ot1
blame. • lamed by rev mrdical'robwtnn tar tw•.ey
Ems (Ant row Jeer., . I hu r b.c•....- .117 d. •. •
wsikk-auraYna uayuraz al..yr ort/r, MA. Or. nr
.I -hr•. ()rl _i Hr/apAsyse.•
� 1s t�Ms-- with Inob•saark of
c let from the jewelled east sxtow
Comes now to .od the dry • teems.
fast *fibula tells 0' •,•e eel wow,
The Dever famine.: Kotler more.
The sky w filled with portent. dear,
And carob of the birds ars meet ;
The bl.ckeu.d fringe of peter veer
By .dy cups sad blossoms sweet.
1t brushed acids ; the north wind eves,
A.1 over hill mod 1.!. and glen
'rhs re•t t,nug' • of i..urgeon a trees
1. the spirted su.ehtno gloom
The *parries. pipes h:. 8 &ted song
To cell the tisk autism....
And the loosed tumid Iwps sl •ng
With joy to great the .011.4104 sea
So to • world of weary can
The Master's crown of 11141. *hue
Comes ea shminate despair
And put the promised refe to sight.
With Mote of that 1•r Syrian sky
Under whose blue lite'. hope was bon.
Feet as the oirclmng .gee fly,
Return the wondrous Koster mora.
Brine plied wreaths sod poised' fair -
May futb .hound and love meteors,
Aod the treo,6gured earth
Mtlleoonal j, cs and endle.. "sins '
-Jost. Hes-net
The remelt of 1:.4'. Mated
All thins* wink together for gnod to
them that love Gori. Th. tears are not • 1
wiped away. i he sorrels• are sot .II ended,
the tribulations are tee all ever ; but, be
obese we know that l: ••t is love, ►ad be-
cause we are living glider H • roof and w th
Him, Amo know that the sorrows std the
ten are •hemeslvn (:04'. ministering ser
vent. We so logger [tuck of Pam .s pen•
idly. and when grief hem email Into our
homes wonder why I:od has set the @eel of
his wr.tb upon us In the beeriness of our
grief a Is herd to real ie that the pain, sod
the troubles .ed the sorrows; that come up-
on us are thew tbat belong to the Father'.
Hour. Ile Hluself-i het is ire. v.<y mean
tag of the lneerwtio. H• H eine takes all
the sorrows .nil tro.••1.. He allows as to
tabs. Un we ko..w whit it is to wrestle
with terep•attos' Sn doe be. D • ere keel,
test it was to 1•e deepteed of ones? So did
He. DO we kt'ow wi•t a ie to tollow our
loved neve to the grave • ' o did he
There is no e11Mrience nr pita er eiuff.r-
dna that h. did sot kenos. No tee glistens
on your eye that hu 004 fire[ glistened on
His Trsor w no heart three ,n your heart
that his not first throhh.d i. His.
Thr pins .if Gaffe/ices ret 1 fe-we do
understood them, but we know tb.t they
are the ministries ot love, sod e• rte Inger
either treat them e@ the venal y of limns
mar think of them as the self tab . ted ..tor
al onneequeuors of our oars folly and mi. -
conduct. SO w. are she to helmet, with
Kroening that "ell pars is gals " C.'holin
Aeased was travel • TIME el• RS
ndrred _t'.s a da,. GOSSIP OYIJ CB1F��
Diem.mhave been discovered is (.11.s
There w airs kilted restimeets ru ahs
*web army' 0. the WNk'a Doings Acro
Ku) o►kiliedied male is herwey ►•oto the Atlantic.
sIMTI n. the arm,
Wild birds do set wog mote than eight
IN too weeks h the year
Priwc Amid is the most rapid poises to ai
ostler the bunts system.
The divIlom of the neck dtai tato sixty
mlala/es ortutsat.d Is Bwbyl•s.
♦bolt 1,000 *cosmos are atWbed to the
It •y&I household .t target Broom
11 is'etiolated thee at least 2 000,000 Ib el
rubber ere annually seed for oyclo tyre.
The v•loe of the Waists shops and carries
link ev ry yew: at sea is about £20 000 000.
Over fourteen mhllow are .ons .1 y *omit
ee coracoo and pipes rn the tinned K,sg-
Pt.e'ricit y u used by the (ween's rr,
riots for uooktnq delicate dishes at U•-
The National tilt. Brea' Institution hm.+
'eyed o.•• 4, 008 lives armee its 'et•ili•h-
sent In 1824
Tbs total cordage r..i need fora first,rate
U 1110-01 war • •Lout eighty tons, and
5ause•I- I:J 000 in volas.
Tb rty thousand women spend their lives
•s dr sing and v....6ring the canal heats io
wuthero cod midland F:•.gl•ud.
C.: h' . -one thousand p.saeogen remitted
he Keit<oh 1'h.mnel duan.. Septemher-an
nerves of 18 000 over the same month last
Aoa•or•Loe. • st 1.101100 IS compler.d,
'here .r. 5 736 viewer. epee the Krltuh
e.c. 810 ":- Ger.i•n, 510 the Norweigias,
end 603 the French
Authorities say that a fatal bah from
P rint height is absolutely painless The
mind cc's very rapidly for • time, thso aro ,
o0.• ensues.
Tb. oast of a French •nldter is stated to
be under £20 w vnar Out of this sum he.
receives mho..• £5 in the ships of pay, sod .
a little over £8 for rations.
• It is an teoertained beer," writes a pri-
ses ebapista, "that 'here i. soaroety a h&b(.
tool criminal in the connt.y who hos met
been imprisoned a• • child "
Over neetev milbn&s ot sewing needles
are mage weekly to the Lowe of Redditoh,
when the most extetutve mead(* m•nuf&c-
tares is the world are .itu•ted
Seisetier° res..roh shows that meats, Mb,
milk and other animal tools not three times
more than g or. meal, and other stapes
vegetable foods to get the same nutritious
The Isco 1)aka of devoted his
whole Itfe practically to driving At one
rime be nee to drive a stage e.soh from
London to Olford, dine at the Mitre, and
then drive the night matt back to London
The income •,f merely the principal chart -
tall. ioaritu•ima havtog ?heir headquarter*
in Lindon amouo'@ to over £7 000 000 par
annum. That repre..ste • sum equal to
half the whole ^spiral invested in the Beek
of England It exerted* the total revenue
of all the British colonies together in 1884
and it is,. worth as the present total 1
revenue nt all crew Rri•ieh colooiee, .xolul
..g New South tV•le.,Victnria .0d ('angels.
if there is meted to the sum the income of
the smeller charities, the to'd henevnlence
peal vnlan' .n the metropolis does not
fall short of 13;10 000 • bugs sem!
K.0mmllI.t. eel -Trete well knows rus-
h► 1. Heel M.15. , r•5ie.r .f k a.1 r beech,
.00511110., •er., ba. Cord tar. %serves
4marrkal Powder end felts rhe Virtues.
Fe. moisten in th• Presbyterian Church
of t'toed* are better knows than the Rey.
Monro Fraser, D.II , of Hamilton lie
great teleote have been over and over eters
reoogoirei in the church court. As .
mem her he Ma few 'goal*. cod the people
of Knox Church. one ..1 lbw largest Prea''y•
tense churches in Goode, believes be
is at the head of the het. H• has suffered,
as so many is his profeesiee •aider, from
cold is the heed -a hindrance to
those who have mewl work to do. Dr.
Agnew'. Catarrhal reveler was brought o0
der his &nllce. and over his own atenat0re
be ha. told of the treat bese6to it has owe
hired on him. tr t dose oe all who owe
One short puff of the breath tbronrh the
Slower, supplied with each bottle nI Dr Ag
0ew's referrhdl Powder diffuse. this Pow-
der over the sorl00s of the Owl passages
Painless sad 4.lugI tfel to see, at relieves is
leo .110015., nod permanently cures Ca-
tarrh, Hay Fever. Colds. Headache, Sore
Throat. Tn.silitu sad [loses.... 60 oeota.
'told by J F, Davi*.
lees. Jabs se.rt. a_.0.. •r Nemllte.. erne_. a
Well le.wwa .rltVH ere.Avvrsee
homer Ohm Naa 1'w1 aur isseve. 4 sMPvbaI
P.Nrr. and Triers•e of its Reann.
The ceutino• etnverestion that is charac-
teristic of Presbyterians, and especially of
throe who have seen years of *ervics 10 the
church, gives we eht and influence to say
reonmmend•'toe that they may snake on al•
most any mattsr When we find • clergy.
man of the years of Rev John goon, U D.,
of Hamilton, one of the choreh's moat ow
teemed mioia'ers, .peaking favorably of a
proprietary marbein., we may rest assured
that it posses**, genntne merit Mr Sooty
tell• of the henw6•ti that have mime to him
from the use of this m.dioiete heeaoee he is
able to .peek from an •xp.rimentel know
Mitre, hoeing need the me4tciow himself. Of
it* hes•4ta he bee teerieed over hu ons
afoot nM
Ono short puff et the breath through the
!lower soppli.d with each Mttle of Dr. At-
nw's Catarrhal Po •der, 4jffusee this pow.
.lir over the variants of the nasal paasagee.
Peinfsl and delightful m use, it relieves in
40.winu" anti perwansstly curse Ohtani,
Roy Fiver. C'11.. Heado'M, Sore Throat,
Tnnal•ti• 0414 Deafness. 60 soot. Sold by
J. B Davis.
Seventy-nine ran •to was the year with-
out • Summer Frust eecnreed every month
to the year of 1316. lo. formed • helf inob
think in May Snow fell to the depth of
three ioohes in New York awl oleo Maws-
eh..ett•, in .lose lee formed of the thick-
nelh of & ommmon wiudow glean throughout
New York on the 5'h day o1 July. !.dies
onto we. •o Frear that the gwst.T pertOOe
out ie Aot•ot and dried for fodder sad the
farmer. *applied themselves from the sore
produced in 1815 for the weeding a the
•prisg of 1817
anion( aided by the sista. whether It
1s a voluntary ora hoard sohuol- Ap-
ppaarreaUy there is umbrae to prevent
itoutan Catttullc air ('hutch of England
Parente (rum having their catechism
taught in the ordinary board school;
wbere they have been reluctant w
have their chlldien edlloatrd. nor is
UMW* anything to prevent Non Cua-
fortri lat parents may have their
atatasebtam taught in Roman Catholic
Mb* .wale. N ttoaabrtel•ad as .N w mad Church at England schools. which
Creaaeol r, Mles.ed war wi11 henceforth receive a large mu-
sters of anandal aid from the elate.
sawed is tae bondage thew amer1ea5 MIN prupu.dl, *hiv unsettling. is not
open to criticism un the ground of ter
Ilsknts bigotry i'hr Lobetal: al•o ea-
pected to condemn the new measure
New Tore. April b. -Mr lapse il. Y a merciless u,u.tult upon the salved
reed sables from Lundou to The M basrds. ik. It is. The authority at the
Ifelle.•a ars Viewed rr..peersal la
ioal..d The L4..at0. 5111.
I ache el boards will be greatly enemata'
bulls Diplomacy and politics are bad 1 by the proposed measure. and lbs
form during Kash r items. and there ' functions of the Education ll. pertinent
Is little of either The rumor -nit -indent at Whitehall will be paralyzed. It Is
have found it difficult to adapt thrv� twlbuig whorl ut d..uluuourry. It elO
a. leen to the transitory period of elm iaat.traltaea the a•ltn.nlrt,atloU of tb5
wholesystem: •t hung* primarYafter three muntha of dotal and strut. ' beede, ne.tarfan •r ward. and sec
Tbere was much mysterious chatter I atelary and *racketed schools abs un -
about the deatpat 1. of MONO Urttish der the direct control of the c,•te.trY
troops to the t'apu under the pretence an'! borough councils. wretch hold the
Of putting down the Dtatabel, revolt. JOU rarest rtng..
Thi Literals, to h1.. hive stood fur the
but Teeny fur the purpuse art coercing peinciple of a•ttalnh$tr..Uun and
Ike 7 ran aYea I. Mr. Chamberlain W. have ehampien•:d eh. t'ourity Ceun.dl.
vaguely rcpottad as frivoling t6.a w ti tired It dlttloutt tar ubh•ct v. the ere-
c:uurrte, but unable to convince Lord alien art & local Di partment .,f Educa-
Salabury that it was neveraary t., tion In every county, with, committees
rented Germany au soon. after England which represent the elective beefy In
bad r lowed her policy uf co-operation control of the wheels. The new bill.
with the Triple A11441n.e by aiding It.- while c.,ntairwg u.:.ny useful feature's.
ly indirectly In the Soudan. Tela in- like raising the age limit for e.mpul-
credible .tory finale' got into print in wry attendance to IP viers. and while
diluted form, and 5(x10 men, it wan raid. rendering the wren(• system more dee-
weuld be tent to South Afrkw. The ibis, really turns out expert talent from
officials, however, made short work of the utanag.t..wte u, Whuehaol and the
It with immediate dentals. local reload boos '• t:rluga in ama-
The situation in Midrib Inland. while tours from the (erupts Geuncils. The
still serious, 1* not critical. Wines are boetllity of the wheel hoards art ex;Mrt
cut and guards hay, been attacked. but educators Is excite! et once. ]fore -
the savages are not lacers. Cecil over. patrons of the .v..;tartan r• hoofs.
Rhodes 1s safe 1u Fort Salisbury. and while relieved by the prospect of ti-
the lupe uttictalr can P,vbably motor- naocial support from the State and by
peace in the British without the removal of diserimulatlons &edits'
reinfur.•etneuts fi,.m England, the their schools. are alarm. ti by the men -
et r -ding of which might lead to a re' 'bee ail local .uperintehdencec and by the
to teal of the thtrlgu.s between Pr - contingent provisions for having other
terra and Berlin. President Krogr-Irs catechisms than their •.wn taught me-
grim joke of uttering the help of the der tbeir auspious.
Isurxhei• In tatablith.rrg order and ger- The bill will i,r►bate:' make more
curnx worm n and children has tended enemies than tr'ende ter the Govern -
W light up the piosalc sitUot(00 wltb meant. The renlalnd, r ,.r the session
a gleam of humor. The sturdy Boer is will be largely i.cupi• .1 with It, and
the Liberals are likely t.. 'wait by so
Urwet t11r.g a compromise measure.
Their Irish members will pliable vote
with the G.,vernment. sin C`ardlaal
Vaughan proteoses to he satisfied with
th• measure: but tuttut•' leaden like
Sir William Harcourt. Mr. Morley, Mr.
Aoqulth, Mr. Hryc- and Mr. Acland.
can hardly fail to haters the Unionist
Children die in the spr;ng.
Blotches bhxen it the spring,
Boils break out in the spring.
Women weaken in the spring►.
Men l.)se energy in the spring.
Pimples protrude in the spring.
Old people suffer in the spring.
hlalaria is deadly in the spring.
La Grippe spreads in the spring.
Doctors' bils grow in the spring.
Undertakers thrive in the spring.
All diseases germinate in the spring.
Scott's Sarsapat ilia se is in the spring.
"Scott's Sal saliarilla is the mot papular and successful spring
medicine we sell. Everybody uses it." -J. D. Todd, druggist
f )ileen St. W., Toronto. Write Mr. Todd, or any other drug
for particulate
coil's Sarsaarilla
a rbarpex,ter even when he jests,
add he hits the mark.
Th.• cloud in the Soudan is hard -
large or black enough to darken
galtty of th •trecess.aster recess. despite
the • array dlrpla)ed in entir,r nj it. To
Del .I,bee Haig Int umbuacied • to 1►•►n-
gola arc now adder! Dervishes swarm-
ing t.ound Swd, tim. The troquettly-
nee. u ' • .::u..0 berm wiles- vettu-
ary ' s been rented inted peeoeically to
r•ctut y• -ars it ablate on the warpath
&cross tht desert or else his ghost hi
revlaltleg by glimpses at the moon.
Tin. situation in the Soudan is hardly
serious enough to justify a hot weath-
er campaign ; the real military work
ell! Ire deterred until autumn.
Paris is in the true centre of the
Nile compblcationa .,
M. Bourgeois. now
Ms owe Foreign Minister. has b'en
driven into a corner. and,wlth his Week
to the wall. has been fighting for lite.
Whet, he was attacked twice and de-
feated once in the Senate. his nal de-
fence Was conducted in the popular
chamber. wbere the Deputies were
eager enjoy the Easter recess, ati'
content to 011010 him t,. bold his ground
sifter a drawn battle. in debate. He
made good use et the Plea that the
premature disclosure of their diplo-
matic policy would embarraas the Gov-
ernment and comprumise their rela-
tions with Russia. More audacious
was his contention that the unimpair-
ed maintenance Of the Turkish rigeta
over Egypt VILA an essential condition
• European uropean peace. This would imply tr
that ance, In resenting the English
occupation of Egypt :and protecting
the right of the Sultan to misgovern
his whole Empire, is acting not for
herself. but for Europe.
The logic of M. B .urgeois is nut con-
vincing, but It has sufficed Gni commat.d
& vote of eunade:ice. Th. Ministry has
another breathing spell. for its detest
in the Senate means nothing sole. Min-
isters are nut overthrown there.
American questions are In the back-
ground. with only desultory a,muteuts
upon them. Ex -Minister E. J. Pb.•.ps
remarks on the inapplicability art the
Monroe Leuctnne to tae Veueauela d.*-
puts and the guerilla wartime of lee
so-called retrel banditti o) Cuba are
received n.ore curdlally ben than Pres-
ident Lr'
ias me.bagc to the biexio to
Congress on 'the homogeneity of inter-
ests of the American co,,ttnent. Major
McKinley's nomitu►tiun la forecasted by
The Chrorucle, one of tug uiob. tt.Ieltt-
gent London journals,as regards Amer -
%can affairs. McKinley is not likely to
prove a popular in Ectgluui,
although. with lair. Chaelberlein now
on reourd *s in favor of restricting free
trade to a Breese %olivetein with to -
called revenue duties on corn. sugar
and other food W Muria In ter interest
of Imperial Federation. American pro-
tectionism ought to be Tess objecI on -
able here than It has been. Mo.eover,
English critics tan hardly be surprised
If Americans rally around a undid
ged ate
pledto the that a surplus
la better than a deficit. American fi-
nance once excited despair among Eng-
lish cr.tles, but lately only co,,tempe
minor they cootraat the Washington
Jericho with their own tre,nendous
wave .t swollen revenue.
'the general prosperity of England la
indicated by the elasticity of the reve-
nuer. due to large part to the. improve-
ment of trade web Amorrca. Ibis coo-
Unuem with occasional lapses. due to
overstocking the American market.
For example. the exports of woolen
goods from Bradford during March are
nearly 10000.500 learn than tor the same
mania last year, and the exports of
cotton gouda from Manchester declined
=100.000 on the same bine of compare
eon; but the trade of both tower'with
the United States has greatly lnereaaed
since the passage of the Wilson tariff
About the last thing which the wootPf.
cotton. Iron and pottery trades In Eng-
land want lea cbangr from the W thou
to a more protectionist tariff. The
Shettlael exhibit Is a more accurate
demonatrat:un orf the utility of a lower
tariff Ib the United State. from an
English point of t iew. During the last .
quarter,exporta from that consular dis-
trict to the Uaited States have Increas-
ed 4!00.010, as compared with the pre-
vious year 1t M raid in the west riding
of Yorkmhlre, where the exportation
r►f wcrh..
ted .stings has increased O00
emit. it. under the Wilson law. and
wbere the trade In stuff goods with
America ham been quadrupled. that the
name of MoKlnl.y 1s spoken of wife a
The .duration bill. Intr•odu eel a few
hour, before Parliament rime, I.rietles
with controversial point& Instead ofleg
bea religious measure exclusively
for sectarian schools. In which four
but of seven of the Welsh and English
chlk:r'tn receive their primary educe-
, tion. It le a brosd scheme, for upset-
tling every question settled by Mr.
Forster M rears ago. and revokable.
(sing the admtsiistration of the wwas..oche l system. Liberals and Nog-Coa-
fertart0 beim expected • nerasuse
wkleb they could condemn rte u es-
0. 110 of esetartaa btgtltry. let fig
are asur)TIasd to dad that /nand a.01
train ender the.. bo • cosines expau-
ghee of the 0s.0osl0es clause The MU
provides that a nameable somber a!
THE FEFi1'irt + MANI10B�-
Case of tk. Prevl..
aee a..eaily .etteved
to Save See. streusel. . ►1 the
wt..tres a oaf e-Tbe
Stu tri wntwa
Winnipeg. Man . April :. -tSpc. 02 -1--
preset/nut ka
pratof np.nnou .
on tate ompromi0e
school measure 'intonate/0 by the Federal
commbui'ooen and W.• reply of the Maui
tuba Ministers thereto aareheard on every
side, and fromear.-fail a.ruUny your nor
respondent b awured t"•yood doubt tea:
the Manitoba .:ase is gr• ..Uy .ttreugtbeaerl
as a result of the cunfa utw 1t Is sato
to say that not oue eupp•.r:. r of national
schools objects to the t•.,:,, 11.14.1.,u. offend
by Manitoba, while no t .- o;to'r hand
*cures of people Olio were somewhat to
oympatey with the (emboli,. non• dt+.•are
that nothlug but State nidal Separate
minxwill randy the althorn,. and that uu
all the remainder of the population may as
well nte resolutely ae.iia•t farm. Maui -
taboos are asl• w:•irbinit event. at
Ottawa, erneet.y truetl:.. that the aut1-
wmrdislbts may unipt•g.
t tLe bill alu
The people n,ay Mho be trusted to send
• mind d.:egistou to the ural Parliament
pledged to resist any lutrrferaore alto the
educaoual affairs uf th•• i.ruvinee.
af11 dr01eew. 2110 poor /ore.11sttle.
One Ilaawp.aow/kil a dine
14 kbill ttbBir+f
400 and 1111 forged of kNasy Teeable
M ass.► anser.eaa Yl...., Cars.
Kidney lroubj.s .n sot os.4sed to those
•4 as, age The grey haired auger. and
ae5sly mold mon The men is the .Igor of 1
1 fe hos his warred by douses
,aig dosses ol three polls Mach of the
•rou►M sl chil.ireu le dos to disordered kit
...vs. South AID* rto 11 Kitas, glare items
• deouvety there of any pis Aad with •11
like repel a secured tot.kly. la the mese
.urresales oe•ea fetid eon.•w t0001 len than
.0 hours. It is • wonderful mesluroe for
lee 005 or*..dig sod imp ski it purpose.
...<1d Py J K 1)..t..
VALUABLE /IWtdidt I,I:..rltur4D.
LIMN .04.0.00(5'. +tail.. In Nthle
nursed Le.. *boot agneas.
Buffalo, April 1. -Fire at the Drlving
Park last night destru �.
! r m
B the tablas
leased by Alonzo McDutiatd, the well-
knowu trainer, and nearly a score o{
valuable horsy were burned to death.
The tiro was caused by the exl-Iuelon
of an uil stove In tear of the cleaner's
rooms. Then were 00 horse, in Mo-
Donaid s :.ring, most of h.••h arrived
here lam Teurivay. Awuns those
wlsieh pertahed carte Red ta.Uaard and
Blue Laid. The burned Mali( -:r occu-
pied the northeast portion ut the h.x-
posltwn (;rounds aril termed a con-
nection between two parts of the cos-
.-red track, Alta erre 1... net In length.
The flames spread with mete fury and
though the fere department re. poudea
promptly to the al..rm,lt was impossible
to obrcll teem unto the stabir:a had
been cuturumed. The horses, madden-
ed by the glare of the fire and the
noise of the engines, resisted the ef-
forts of those who tried to save them
and many of them had to be left to
their tate. the r e'ocutng party them-
selves being in great danger. The
stables were owned by C. .1. Hamlin
and were valued at Here). The loss
on the homes will reach about eelettu-
!SLI D LW l LL ge I' A r Yt DNtD. r.J.
i deck u ho had lust I.•rer,1 to orae"
'arae out of n• obeli aa! said . " nen" 1
10 to good I ,declared
To Lrewthr ih. fr,ah air ;
i .ust ha.. I.•! a lees seep."
The IOst0MMameat .0.s tree Swears-
awseded by then. fr..ywmrry .0..e..
Halifax. N.B. April I. -It is under-
stood taleneral Montgomery Moore has
recommended the eat.abinhntent of a
battery of field arti.lery at Bedford,
N.S. He states that It will be of gnat
assistance to regulars, es It will be
the only field battery 1n the Province.
Sergeant-Major Alularie of the Royal
Artillery, *ho holds a e,ct,rla Crimn
for bravery. will be attach el to the
battery. lie has soon<.1 lie natee to
a petition when has t. • to sent lar Iit-
taw a. here( ant MU,11.441e.• time
in the ant.) La, wipe ed. and to will
mak lia..f.x he ort. 'Lir, will be
six horses to tae.. ..•o••. A .arge Ullit-
bc•r of the requite .: cur n U11.1 Signed
the petition are . < al 1 m teary
men. It Mltl cost •.• et . •nil 1u urjette
Ise the batt_ty.
IllTIaM 3 % I J. I. s.. .' 1 .
eird&r of tb. Rd) junta' %teat 10
L/ml1 di. w,w►al..w+.
London April 4. -The Sun publishes
a Pari& despatch to a newt aux ncy o[
this city stating that a despatch has
bees received there from tate) say -
leg that Itrtgadier.0eneral Slr H H.
Kitchener. Sirdar of the £gyptia$
army baa been older d by the knells\
Oove.nmeot to limit his operations la
tb. Soudan to the occupation of Akar
obeli. The despatch further states that
the Italian troops for earn a in Egypt
atm espect.d to arrive shortly, but that
they will not go beyond Suakin) The
despatch adds that the purchase
t�reasport aslrsals has been saddest"
Tom'_ ,.w I•earr. were Thome?
Now Tort, April L -The Ratt..a 11-
tax law was i. full effect is al
LiPerSeinday features to -day. and wee
T� g 'Berally observed Not os
wit the 00100m el.m.d and their tti.0.
lot Weerts wltbisaeals Amor aka
dlsasotlauued la {M roMlesier
you know of
a case wherein
til'cl to cure any
kidney ailment ?
If SO, WC want to
know it. Over
a million lx)xcs
sold Witht )art a
single complaint
e..a .... pre. rte 01 while he is YTMO
"lke brightest bleats
1.•• value tluam the 4111balt..tep.1111
ei Miers^w is alb-
°here) Nevins.
Positively Curie
b, a.urp.uitgt) short rima la's a
wdnc•,twn.t. tried e/tues,
ort h.aluyt w at eller ts-
W. c. Mct:uraas a Sou,
Wuehotte. Jen..
Nears in • 1.4111054 ryas Mi..l reit Mal.
C tW,....,I.1.r.ab-.•.ilu,awe sad trese *
4tM. aid. lard 0' 0. t.e.'..N00 .f •
0ee•s••••a. ••d0.
Me. J. If 11. sy,, themla,
}an 1 vas.. S,.• Toeo1M0. writes:
0*. prul .7.4414414.44 twig 1r r-
rwaeal • r •1 taraM.ali
aa• a,..• the aur., 1 *a wM
,.owl:• aura, 1u11/14 sits• wr•tf�•
-50.10 •.,o...t 1•..,• n. u.. 1 toles 5•a�w
r,..•,aaW. 0.4.44 o. b.frbamM
W.- Moo. lt. OOM..,lh ,..- w .....
•,..t 1 .n always r....n,,..►1 .:.. +hed
t. :..t....,:
LseOe Softie. es Cis,
1`1.t1:". A I tit ItE`if P. ••
bots Pr p. ,.uta
!t1 ,
111/11N- I/KN.
-•1' -
Take it Always --Take Itooother
For Coughs and olds
Gray's Red
of Spruce
Syrup Gum
and all Affections of the Lungs
begat. you get ours srmik "Than"
the Como be- sad pe • bct4G bold
MIRKY WATSON & CO.. paorwitrollgl
111 It1uNTfi!iAt.
LO O k before you leap.
Don't Bicycle
buy a
Ire quality .
t'a'il you ••e mho -e mode be
1 he eel • •t tale M'rg. Co.
HOOKS 1'011 K it CPPLItS
J'or every ,r "Sun'icht" wrapper,. sent
. lir.• • K. <.... I...t., T. r
.ail p1p.r o, cul b k will be sent,
•ot•:1t bo.inJ 4. vu *tappets.
r••..IND ..••
."01861.: • PusT MENTHOERL
• yy
1 . porn b.,3 0'. l 1wWs teolof
or cr•* ger a ,.at- 1.:1 rD-u.atle pour. aad
an. Irony 0*.1 vi•*•'• .:.n the 60710 3
y..,.turw air ii. ,•..- W .11. Coarse.
taa. r 1) . H o -i o•r.,N. W.t.,a.
1 tri• mewl 14w440.4 rYa0Ma 1e t..•ral ear•
• 4 r.ra
tutat rfooa100. and 0*. ,s 07.47 mw
that It.• *I, .mamat• mama and..rmet.
.ae.t rt
-Jli. aCur,t i�iu••a$c1a WOAD
. lea. w• 0*. i.c. Neu-
r•algla P•I.s In Reck or de. or
• •07 Mu.eslar Pale*.
• RiceI Davis t tawreeee Co., Lid.
Sae. w `ole Pro)atetcra,
Sneeian•• n PUS Wheels Include
Patent ?olid nee -piece Crank Shaft
Self Labricating Hollow Axles
Large Tub ng and Barrel Hubs.
Lai Bearings.
Ass pern
el lowing • wheel from es,
wbodee* not 'Ind. -retell.' the orrtdi"g. will
be tmnhbt same FHKF:. on another machine
It.fore getting the ne.. one. Inspection la -
"Hy • thorough knowledge of the natural
taws which go. ern the op'rat.ons of digestion
sed nut rition. and h - A careful application of
•hr• floe oropertiee 01 welleciertwd ('ono. Mr.
gape haw pros idre for our Breakfast and sop
per a delicately flavoured beret em- which Tay
Wye us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the
i u t hints Una. of such art isle• of diet that • ma
Olt Moon may he moseushy built no until Mr004
.no0gh to reheat ever) tenAeney to disease
Hundreds of mobile melodies ere Reath,*
around us read( e' attack wherever there is •
week pointWa may e.mcane mans a fatal
+haft by keeping ourselves well fortified with
onre hIood and a properly nourished trainee -
reed Nervier (Master.
mere .Imply with feeling water or milk
'iold only In lentos *, labelled thus
J 1.ete arra 4 Co" Wd . leesomsp.laM
4.000.10. l.o54... gang
Coal It Wood Yard
The undersigned begs to inform
the public that be keeps on handl
ell grades of
aper(.( at bonitos .1• em to
Cell and get proems and nee samples
of wood.
Mee and yard, NELSON -ST.,
D C. N
Ca1ftaTS. Tulin •I41i IIfaO COPTPNiNTS
n,tateed. one ell bnilieus in the U. S. fetes.
,r5omi attended to at 111010.R/TVP''S.
nur *Moe a opposite the C. 8. Patent (k-
10 .nA w • )aa obtain Patents In less time
hen those -swots from WARIIIWOTON.
4.0A tr')nRI. 1)H AR 4WING. We sd-
: the tow to Qatentehfltt fres of ehargv and
we make 'r) ('NA R'K UNLICNS m
re fie PATI!.vr.
We refer heroto the l'netmaster. the Sopa
.1 Monett hrd.-r Ottv•, and to oel.aale of Ube
1•. A. (►sire. For .1rout5r, &dries
terms and reter.'nose to actual clients In you
,we tett. or Countr_ write to
f 4 *user is re..
t000a'te Patent clef,. Waohlnst,n. 1) C*
t it
9etwasesr to (Amami ! Shah.)
1/ of all triads of
Smoke Stacks, Salt Pans, Sheet Iran•
Works, etc., etc.,
And Dealer lee
Keels•s, Machinery teethe, Ae.
All irises of Pipes and Pip* Fetter's.
Steam sad Wsur (leaves, ()lobo Valves,
Cheek Valves. l.eoroten, Rjsstov sed is-
= Cnsetantly on Heed st Lewes.
A wpevml Ilse of Reed Wawa sad Rog
Troughs for me of farmers sad others.
estate. Ss00 i M'•�ltalr •tlenM M
w .era..f �e.A grw by ed
J A Plait w1A M 1. the ;��w.,
sod oalerdsr.wa� A.. P. O. ass •, tlle.tertet.. (hit
w M a1s.Iw .dos chew rJlals
O Mime sed weed Walls -0 •at.0. T. L 1Ms4sa. Sedert.t