HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-4-9, Page 61.
THE SIGNAL: 04)1)1r.1: 14 H, ONT.. THURSDAY. APRIL 11, 18K
Restore. .'aural
ester to tlhe batt.
mad oleo pretreat.
tit Who, oat. ire.
K W. Ireawtak, ad
Diem, lr. S., says:
" A little more
than two years: ago
my hair
to turngra
and fan
out. Af-
ter the
one bottle of Ayer's flair Vigor my
bur Was restored to its original
color and ceased falling out. An
occasional application has since kept
the hair in good condition."-D[rs.
H. F. FzNwlcc, Digby. N. S.
0 roweth
of Hair.
"Fight ye.ht ago, i had the vario-
arinMitt, and lost my hair. whieh�t��
ously was quite abundant
a variety of preparations, but with-
out beneficial result, till I began to
fear I should be permanently bald.
About six months ago, my husband
brought home a bottle of Ayer's
}lair Vigor, and I began at once to
use it. In a short time, new hair
began to appear, and there Ls now
every prospect of as thick a growth
of hair as before my illness." -
)Ira. A. W Folsom, l'olymeia St., New
Orleans, La.
dyer's PUL. cure Sark Headache.
The Gt•iat trout the -Local IMM.
• Sacral) •I*N/ of Font, ♦re.s served
err to 8011 F.ver)t....ff - rub nee
telt.. 4 Upped and 1 eedra.ed
.'roar 4.44,4 er.11..,.
W Ingham : I re.- le I tool. , . hrake.man,
wee on • sous 1 i..w' 1 unt:u•g Iron. Bram •
ford to I'.tis w,.re it nes th,own from the
track 11e escaped with • *ever. sh.k,ng
up and a tele b,u..ta.
«'Ingham Meek Camels hue pureteac
the pr+irie property from Mr.. K I
recently purch..e•I 1•y her Iron W .1 n
e t nu foe proal., i 4. a .rte. u1 `22 act ' and
adjoins Mr. t'een'i'e feral,
Hlyth : The home of Ed. Wet ' was tie
'repo of win interesting event LS educt
day, the 2:Eh iv'., whew M ! zr't•,etdeet
daughter of the horsh° was united in
marriage t., 1:e'• Put er. Wawa.°. .
Hallett : A happy event took place at the
resiuence of the bride'. father, Frowns
Little, 00 11 rdors.l•y ler 2i h ►ret., when
bio daughter. Nis Rebecca, *r• united is
soarrl*g5 t.• IC \trll,owrll' of &I- halnp.
Exeter 11m 1 .1.011, while on duty in
J. 1'. K •- 5tr re iso 'rur.lo•, )up.ped from
the count. r cot • 0 netl protruding from a
board, shah penetratr.l his ohne sod . btu,
el hu 1•.01, ..u.10g • rather severe wound
c. ..,.1sve rota e/Ner Ilkee tiros.*
tartrate.' et Farm Crepe tmtmabee re •
perts frees t•Nar1n metres.
A proai...t feature i• tit* work of the
Izperheseetal Uep•rtaest at the O,lu,*
Agnoalt.re College. tluelph, ie the 1.1114r
of different varieties of fora crops. Ws h
1n the pest tem yew, upwards ot 1,000
kinds h..e best grows oo plow similar 1u
sue end *hope, sad *tutted eider by side.
Folly 600 u1 this number have boo grows
from four to roves yore in r0ocees,on. Hem Inward (0. ' or
byul.. e( $.,5,r• ••• 4.0 w • Meir .a,I
11.uihtoru roach -d sot dor areas t•
moth. re. *howl tb«y aught . et era •
w 1.ee hr41 up their sopa b. 1'-r k....a show►
t11..r hwbaad■ mote ant Viva ; bate, held
i u'tM .rare of .t mos. l •, ... u, Mod red cowed
w • nett eutb•r•. to s how bres�►�u��� bort•
thew might
thlght not be bold 1 „: • t*a4 lov•ag
An I cobs •incl. soles. " alas i /hat Came
from the •I i, 0. u, tweets ore* with the
Mosey of • hop•icm coded•..'." 1'.er.euy
the hoer w.r• 'w' It(, the h. i1. v.au.or
$,4'a -et h.r hood wee.. sad .1
ouly have all the available vsrtettw in ole-' 1 woof tato i he Weir sebum
tart° been Pasted but u.1ih•r test. haat tar o.p e.•. e.•1 chased the
to n• ar w r .r � ew •
bees made wit► vartett.e from 1watr-ase Rist, the I t•r pe.► was
leroign 00054.11.5. A sew iapurted vara , direly is was r1k...d.
Liss to pearly all chisels of farm crops have
Rives better repels then the beet Oaten.
kinds io the •verge rovD yww' srPeri
Alter Ib. varieties have hems cv+fully
tooted at the College for .trout eve reap,
the beet est selected for resting le • oo
operative way thrnngh,•ut t)arsrio. Thermal
°o operative experin.eot• are earned O.. I
Chiefly thros,h the medium of
the ex-otadeot.' Experimental l'°lop ; but
asy farmer io Optano u•sy Join In the week. I
provided he •pillt•e for the reef early, and
agrees to make • oarefvl tea: end report the
iwul's according to .pec,6ed instructions.
Within the pest ties years, we bars d'.
tnhat.d to experimenter. upwards ot 32,-
000 packages of oboe* wed., with ver t
gratih'1ng rs.ul'a. I
1.5'141'.'; t *NI(11144.
For a detatl.d account of various teas !
°deducted r0 18'.5*, the reader is referred to
tho report of the Experimental Uuiee,wkich
is publ..hed as w •ppendiz to the Agricul.
tunl College report for the ram. yar. T:•i•
report is pow beino distributed ey the ole
psrtmeet of Aericelture, Toronto. to thor
who .ir•ported the result• of their 0n oilers
time experiment@ 10 1139), .e..1 to ,he .1em
ben of the Farmers'. Istitutes in ()o
Oar Agricultural College hes imported in•
to Outerio moose (erelgn varieties of tart
error, which have made hi,h ro^•.rds h 'h
at 114. Colleen and throughout the proviot
Those which we will steed** in this hr
artie'e are as follows: Se Ionian ,..'•.g
,loenetto naw, Fruit*, ; Poland Whit.
Fran.•. . \land. hru15 ' feriae. R'#10.•
ion Retarded Spring whew[, 1,, once
moth 1'u1.an corn, 1 S. Wnere.
hest N hate Dent turnip, 1'. S
/►.bots MihI-t, 1'. S.: etc.
Among the lemma writ'
crops, the treed of which we o
t•rtn,th• folleeine have marl
(yaw.,•■. Golden Chaff
Havrian ate, Ke.i F
Premien Rine pea., ('
F.tvptian Mummy
top Swede turnip. Im
rot. Improved Ma
F.mp're Mate per
There are ooh
Canadian wh
anise, some
co opeativ
Ha%eel., John N hiJdon is the owner of
• heifer with parulis freaks. 1t hes the
habit of chrome dry yo..1.,, and has on
several oucw•tnn• visaed .- olhee Ames awl
eaten while shirt., saw's, w no. gloves, eco.
Exeter : )In. Stacey end daughter Ella
arrived here lest N .eine .4.) Iron. 'Leighton,
few.. Mrs. :decoy is a sister o1 Mr .1.•ho
and I..otg. Haywood -md :.Ire. Rowtclttfe,
mod visit.•.I K..ter twee• y y«.rl .g•.. They
well 1-lmain hero for Iwu or ihr'e. menthe
Mrs. Stare. 1• sem• my year. old and is as
ether 5181 robust as tweedy years ago.
Hull.[• I0 • privet. letter letter from
John I'I.rk, son of (lento. CI.. k. e4 Ili.
twwnsbip. who W011110 KIM•■•yM.■ 1„h.,
lost ;-p ••.E, he ►'etre to is teeming 1.41 head
o1 omit to for the M .t market. lead hs just
g.vh.J denten' a 3.000 hw,reb of wI ...at to
the @termer. Mr Clark is doing •i l edid-
lv. and ...1••••n in 1*v. with 11e country
Sealor•h \Ir.Fnlzley,vo . m•Ido.re of the
Meador .h ilex n•oll, had hie h.ud bsd.y cut
one day rr.omily. H.• see working at the
skiticl 0r knives, when th. v gra clogged
up, and in ....mating to rebrve then., his
hand yo. caught 041 dt.•Inrehrc• nldrehev.11,
it was v4• so.m.ly cut, which wilt
■enew1u514 his 1.0.u.g elf work for some
Wieghan, T'h'e. Cooper .a4 wife, of
lawn, he:., rest.'* in • hl. county for
*boo' b(• .. .r., •...1 in .11 that Liao. Prem
dance h.• .o highly hlemed them that th.y
hove be* .r 11041 s Inner.' in • he tem..)
Theo •a, 1\'n, (',rope., has berm n .reed
for forte 310 y.•as, snot he .1... has bot rhe
sumo rxps154,.e41 To.. is son.ethtng as us
usual as /1 is recta. k-11••
Morro An o. 1 :..d highly et Ie►med
resident of [lir 8 h conseegio, p4at0.1 �o•slly
away ir. 4 e.r,h me )4.or•4at. Met w.. k, in
tb• geese. .•1 R.blrt 1AMMw, 00.41 143
retire .0.l . o- norm 1/• or seva eon,. .0
Morris •'.•n 40 years sen, wOrr. he hal 1
0004100..!• Iv err , to d 11. • *. " ,,'44 m
.15115.'•, 32 star ago, to Mu. E,,01.M
atones, '.1 H -1'0e. .,.raw' y, w h'., with fox
cbodren, e• ••'.• hem Mr 1.. 41.w was
im It Aim. •n a , ee.'re a 41. ; • Nes, yen.■
is re' 41•'o, 544,' • h • • • to 141 , .44
t s,
win -
of farm
toed i. On-
igh rewords:
tater wheat.
Sprier wheat.
Ian Reonly pea.,
, Hartley'. !Iles,,.
re4 Sherr white oat -
nt h Saw Leg mussel.
, etc
varieties bctk foreign a fd
ha.. Pira •xtelle*t r.-
shtch have not bees used is
vert meats.
st'r►ntwE'Tsis 1896.
Any tern wishing to jam in the work,
Chou .elect one of the experiment. for
1 • J .rid inform the Director of hie (their.
.pplieetioos for several thousand pack
es have already been 400444e.d, *rid as the
supply i. limited, those who apply first w. I
he the surest of 'thiamine the doeir rl out-
fit. 1r might he well for each sppl•cant to
asks • second choice for fear the first con .1
not be granted. A short enotatning in
•trootioes ter conducting the experiment
*elected, and the bier fort* oe whish t..
report the result of the work, will he *rot
to ace experimenter, at the time the
fertilizers nr the• seeds are forwarded Ma-
terial for So. 1 experiment well 0e sent l y
.114)1 •* and for each of the other. by mail.
Particular varieties need not be mentioned,
at all the kolas to be d,.trildled are !how
• hich have done ezo.ptmnally well on ter
Iris' ploy at the College. The ores of land
required for thedlffereet experiments varies
from 4 to 10 rod..
1.per '•r 1 Cr Ratus'T' rex 1846.
No. of Exprilmeate
1. Teetin6 nitrate of aids, superhoephatr,
muriate of potash, mixture, and no .n•uure
with oars,
2 ('om*aring the •dvaatage ot 04tnte of
soda over ternhrer with rape.
3 Aecertauning the relative value of tour
yarn:too .•1 m'Ilet.
4. (;rnwtug truce fodder oropa
i Growing 1•nceroe as a crop for greets
1' I; rowing ('rlmeom Clover as • or. -p for
7. Testing .ix leading venetian of fod e,
R Testing Live leading varieties of Tar -
9 Tessio¢ tit. leading vsrrituw of car
10 Testing five leading varieties of Spring
w heel
11 Testing tote howling v 141411.5 of MOO.
12 Tootle& 6ve teatime varieties of bailey
13 Towing five 1•ad'ng varlet*. of oat..
Id, resting four leading corvettes of pas'.
All material w.11 4.e furnt•he.t a"tire•y
free of charge to each spplioc°t, and the
plot.s will he the property of the person who
conducts th.. experimeut. In brute, w• wk
that each experm'•nter be men careful and
accurate en his work and that he forward to
the It rector • compete report of the re
suite obtained from the test. as ea po.-
.,hleafter the t Iota are hare rated.
C A %Aver, director. Ontario Agrteul
total College, l...rlph, ll.rch 27th. 1896.
brain trse►M a sir. ewes* 1 4 ere ghee
■.1, t .. doom so b. r.rw Oise L t, bee
aw 1 5r • 0.4 wart 4 401. 01 ■4r5aw-
n•.. ..•••• %r ••40/1101••40/11011e 4r -m • re .•
44 •• •1r •• team is 5...0108 romp. of
a. • emote .. q...,. Sea 1. ewe.
1 • ' e1 h•... .. 11/.•44 the
M•'. • . .:,. . pest. Poon .e i•.54at4gn
and he•• .. • 1 wet X1;6 toothally' t.•
lief no • h EL. en vie lair for 4fat h Ib • •••••••.y. 1 4,..4, law, aid Ven deeply treat the FgsS tette
senMb.rl f.r 11.11e.
It hen ti 1•p.r a 1ei•ut.rd to the police 0
o 'y •ti.'n'r .•t If.san• an ,Ito •r a sent t
(ele n hien or t , to H n, lulu, where there're
* de'.,nou h. • I r n, , o . h. outskirts of the
city sad on ' he '..s k. of the beautiful hay.
Th. potion, .. rxr5,.ed 4 y the 4..ciur, who
deerde. Ohsthr, It i. •cam of leprosy •
Once de.•ier.•.I • 1. ler, the persem 4e civil-
Iy des*, and ,s Inc.pahle of email le the
00111"t. or time surd .1' the heep'tal there
Se se. n'me.1a• ,o. 1.4 shout fees hoodred and
twenty pa',eni • It Is filled every two
month• 1. ,h.• p1.e. tam leper mea 6140
u p .11 hope It 1..4. hu ednt,.etoe here he
had, at Jew. the .epeet*oon ot dpieg
•n• •ng h.reo4- mend• se loyal that they
h••,• their 'fleeted trues* to the moue
4*•.,. amid Mune 'hem poo and water se oat•
tie' Sew roam. t h. die.•.plolei of • Revere
meet n•I.1.1, to Nu w.udering 1a thecae'
Ailt4nat.1. r.•• . r bathing in the Iov.d earl. IT 13 NO
b.' weeply • period ' f sofer.ag and esteem/
sot apart ler
mw. of .utb
why sad•
I..okt•g tltl, 1
tae ■ da k to n. ►e1Nti1 1-.:e ail 5 woo..
whin.' Toone hurhsu.l s 0o he. way to
v1 "k.1 int b,•t e•., out to intercept
the steamer, awl ...tot M, Indeed, are •11
•e1awateritIra'vinacvalptt•Atr•g au are Dot • denim
nor a tufts ' 1 Tel
over t0. .1•:- to u.
1 +,ant . m 41 k . *rota +m•nt.1'.te
ly, waiting 1., h et. rum.0t toepwtur o
e•a.y/e, .• • wk tare 1-k 1"' his urn ••••1
f• ' t • ••• to I. 1 ,e t h .come qu•t,
e oomparativeli e'en for pain.
.1 taw wn•ueu
• • " ¢ nalf
M•1 he 1s.4
5,) . wowed to lee k
and G of oil Ilene
Of. ru„►tur .:.d u•oa...hg,
r• tort h.., t1.i. hen. It 04.
e 11,1 mond .. meat ' f wroef,
9 .notke ' u. k 1 found the
ht• Y.' k • In p.4►4r. 11 s fro.,
seer Cod 1 c h• Mer"n- we.... es. held .o-
ust• 14.
eon .b• tet•• rem ••r•anJ*.g
d wu hu he it. and dist... ut fee pure.,
t ot • r •,g 1 0.1, 11, • heir .r••n) of •upelrow-
• t ^ tt
lam. • 14104 your a tfe a •long
tee Oil . hie the .•1 I .hal. noon'
mod y•u 04i1 -e. h' .
e Mian •ies.w ail. we. for . no went
11..•t le ltee0'ttul, a. a a jo. ern.* ea
face. Theo br •toner[ and Mn 10 the
e. 1 ,ndtue'eat Hell Mt 'toot •Iter*weds
see h se al 'w V4 r co'`under •
f.' heed of stereo µ0s or Oakmont! H ad
• Weare te eh.ask.- 11• p,,,.,to.l
esq O. sad there. •. .• es*i. h of a utile
a • ,tr, we sow iter •eti•w.r1• ow•r.l r.,n,.
'• •hint 4 rete, her .riff h rick h 1, fleettow
• , *ha •-4 b. anal her s• m ev. ry 404 ..•d
hen •••v.5,• to u• r• n y'•
11PPe Mable In.,r.rsl..
"S..''IF wale ha, to the cooking
•,bool,`toa1lf rine men to anoth-r.
• Yee, .u.4 I'm grad .h. rt.d,.'
And ir-Tedoluou. I -•k c,. over tb.' 1. ••
e1 the fiat ape-k••r
it ' n t.•t'ro. • y our ;r' :r." he tis•
rid ...el
• No.. It o' *mooed I.er •.et she .lees5'1
0-• w hoot 4r. 00. 0, ant ,h '.,w q*lt try•
OR COLLINt;M 001), t)NT.
� hUhl. 01 TIN Ras? PHYSICIANS.
Noah and the
Slater Shoe\
It isn't every shoe man who
knows enough to go in when it
rains, like Noah did. Some of
them dally on the outside too
long looking for the rainbow, anc
then try to get in after the doom
is closed Some shoe men dnn't
know a good thing till their
rivals have proven it good. We know
a good thing at
sight, and
that's why we didn't let the agency for the Slater shoe slip through
our hands while it was possible to obtain it. We hate to play second
fiddle, and consider it poor satisfaction to howl in discord when some-
body else plays first. So we secured tiie right to sell these Slater
shoes, and now we are comfortably sitting inside playing first fiddle
in .the merry music to which these famous shoes go marching out.
That's an old story abo'It the dog in the manger, and the shoe that's
envied is always the shoe that's abused. We will stake our reputa-
tion on the fact that the Slater shoe fits better, wears better and will
keep its shape longer than any other shoe in the market, which sells
at half as much more money. Goodyear welt construction -black or
tan. Twelve shapes, many widths. $3.00, $4.00, $5.00 per pair.
We are local agents.
Nu grease trod es to permitts then
the - ko•.• ..f tl•c1• .'...1 hru. And wart, •
tow (1041.1'• sreau... •he shape of nrrv• u•
.114 "lie hop- of the pair. • receives
✓ 4er,.et het, fur so 5.40••0, u • 10,44,en re
cover 4,. m a.re w ..t ' he. to..racier. They Y Nov'
mottle slob 1t, it n.. y ter• 401 mew, y•ais, Il,r this remer1 for neem**. prostrat(oe-
iso ever tum . the d .eon- c•' et edam our eieh. foredecks. hot Bashes, rleepleesae-, de-
eh,l.l '..'.
es. .l., the '•.'1• '.sager•► .1 loPM, v. the D'" v""
Mr. H. E. .1eimbrat...f l olu.aweod, -let., Seidl" J. F:. 11.v •.
hed yt'. to 1.41 pe, eta.• erre: 54.1.4'7. .• 1.•
rl. ' 4. 4 • .r. s..• ha,1 t.,.'u • •uagree fr.•m
54414air ti bid. 1 111 wuuid t.ke u
•hf,•r o' •,.waw.., 81.1 1 wry..- •o.04015 th.,
t he eou.4 Le 00.5,1.'x. runl110 h.r:elf. TM `
perm. • .,.retro u'• • hurt t.. 4.14 'heir
.f•• 4.451 4 that .• n. u. s1 10 uhlid lite.
T'., fat.• r ori e.
••1 ,t..• o•.'.( •,,h the moat sil•Ird ptrai.
ruts I' t'o11.agwoo'., si bout 8D) r.li•t
00*4(0g to nay d.u, hoer, I mut have .pout
nearly $500 te this ' y If re not to t:e
wumdried •t Sisal 1 *ea 5,w.•.urlag'hurough•
4y de•"uraged, sed 1'rg a 1' reel Pe that it
aou14 ..i, y be a oh•.,' tum when our i•t'le
ono wou4 i pose fr. m to. A t• .• od u. Hueco• d
We to try S••ath A..,er,e.0 Nervine:, kwr.-
,rg •• met' ung of 1..r w..oderltll cure. t1
lo..1 . flew ed to . he emote of chtl.,ree tr.& Ie i
as win my toil. Jessie. The medtciwr WWI
procure.1 and gita • • the child, a.4 she
tots n•., r been se .-411 and street se mew
✓ he cororueneld to '(.w Swath American Nee
yap- When she I'erwa tee ow she wan
her• ly •' le to mot • •'asst, ha row she non
✓ w.r.und ea other eheldrem. i •m enol
emote her the nt.dle•n., mews that it 1.
e0.'Ame • perm•nf•4tt tore."
Th..ecret rat Nwv -et le that it operates
diretely or. the nerve ors 100 15.4.114 ip m
near the twee of the brain. It is when thew
re deranEld with nervnu• 'rouble that
much 0. her tr.'ot'l. 4n•11.. At (east two
thirds of chronic di•4.-•• nr 4111ote 11* • de-
rangement of the nr von, rr neo.
'irrviwe et rime 1 nods them up, tills tb•
I,Iwe1 with mho's'''. and to etreon• hens the
a.r4• 11routs Mat it es only • little .0.1e
when dire... Aeolis from Its vice lens se the
✓ hsrklr• wen14 drop free. Ike slave who heti
rece....l hot freedom. The care. refe.•tel
by telt i.•4'c.me. se with the woo bef.rt
are Indeed r.markahle, hat each earn/ are
being effected weary der W South Amen
f Excelsior
W11.1 Otte
1005 ragas.
4051 12
WOO err.
tug 10. •
Mt Pe'
the 0'a'•
w I
e • 1 .r otter* . • Item •114ise hoer '.4• pro•WNW there is as 11 PRESERVER. and lay thew away
The benpoal 15.1, a steamer come* to tithe
to tae !blood el Weeks' there .hoes Ce.
41154 M e4*as.584. there to 1455ee 1114
41.ete It wee soh re. h • party that 1
tram18.41 (welly to 01.1 11.1 1, het be.n
WV let In •1150.• 5..5) rad aOges, 4.41 Ran•
of to se spur.. b..4 1s say way 'bow .both
s1•s.ded th. SSpee8tls 4d faalli•• as thou
• • toe 04.1 few
I •.. 4. t,.. 5t.er ooh.
I .-'•.• t .,n p. n, iota
I • • n.'.• . (4-4Taso.
. 'h• f. NO'S of
r.• . MI I, rotor., pi)
' t I1...
Is a hanker 0r Ace. .............s
,air °owe • sute►Lr 111110111M MeV Aft
Coll for nook .Ovine tela la1111111111.fl♦., fin
w im
Cor. Bast-st and Squall', Goderich.
of FirstclassMake
Good Material and
Latest Styles,
-CALL t.l'(►N-
Tb• West -ell. 11esb1.
w sack of reatrr•I
EST*SI.ISgfs Isis.
llhIcIIalIllus & BhYuas
tea• wr•Mane
Ureter. la all k:•d• of
And Dundee. ,materiel 5f ever/ dsoripme.
School Furniture a SDecialt,.
Two OAj.Dt*lr f 40444(: RAILw4r Oa• e
!masters bar loess essabl48Md M Rin the
peM1e • *0 1-4.Mrs servtss with rob sac M
mimosa 50mpetltles.
1t (5 stas•n5d ea **sta.'s 81I44efm *N r
Akio wares of Ice pair.M.
$$4.4r.eo the evggew of every wow sly
la ssmpetl Iso.
RaMA •sseaelb .w sue Hasps.' e
Its.', cesseense wilt all Mose andl
i t soot Ian a1 tars
"Sit»._ " .' �'�'en w
tluath e..ea.
Ti.,* Grand .1••we1 Wood Cook
Stove with St,••i Oven is the
NOTE THE F01.1.0%t IN(; POiNTN.-1. The (:rand Jewel has a 'enutes steel
oven. wh'ch make. it hake .,,h about half tb' feel required by other large wood stover.
2. The (:r-nd .1.841 twee plate. are matte o1 *Merl. They cannot creek. Hes •
past dnwhle flue wn front of o.►n, which reek.• rhe oyes bake evenly .11 ever.
A number rat .send howl 11'nod ILA 1"a 'try•. chap.
TIE Kull Double kiln
show .„u „'.* t4,...ok., it ell. ..rat
TAKF_v THE LEAD oved jell
other W..hers it oeapeted
with over800 west,.ng nmebi■ee
t .11 kinds at Chicago in 1893 and car-
d , ff the First Premium and Gold
Medal It is easy aid quick. No
wesh-friar* required.
• n e your •ddrese sad the eeeeee-
w oo )0e bye ea, sad i will come sad
y „ ou.g.
Rex 130. (3 ooh.
Proprieteor of the
Will please tell on him and pay up.
He wanta clean balanced hooks to commence the year'• operas
SHORT CREDITS ANI) i.l)W PRICKS will be our motto this y
11,0K SALE irY ALL DavOWIPTIL I My kiieribe far Till milk $1.00 a You 11