HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-4-9, Page 5THR SIGNAL : OODRRiOR. O1NT: THURSDAY APRIL 9. 1$%. EASTER NOVELTIES W. ACHESON b SON. Kid Gloves and Dress Goods. 2 5 Dozen French Kid Gloves received this week and opened for Easter. Real Mocha and first quality- in new shades, 4 dome fasteners. 40 French Kid Black, with Butter, White, Pink and Dove Col- ored trimruinL, with Targe button. White, Pink, Dove and Butter color, with dark fancy trimming. Plain Laced or Buttoned, in Blacks at $1.00 and *1., . In Tana, 50e., 75c..111.00 and f1.25. INSPECTION INVITED W. A CHESON & SON. Importers of Gloves and Drees Goods. WIL.B[ER SMITH, UNDERTAKER, GaDIDRICIH, OPT Usdort•ktwit Doperttoast a oasts' et en Mr. J. C deelgreva, pasta cal ►sneers! Dimmer awl Isabel er. • it. prempW atreaded eight r day. THE TALK OF THE TOWN. Fetor do .opener'. Notebook w were'.* • Maio we. •' Ter 6tsass. 1 redo Be tens 1st • Claes Amara To Tats' ■Mew. ss' Saab mw►In West M.' Wbee vote wast . phre•gr•$b. Fon want one thee will be .p w date ter lassos, style sad barest Isisk. Tb, only plea of no Wer tae ow Wo ttl&Nwr le who lee bees • Meat ea ea 'eseemen ant t tist ine rivet fors years. Oe later Day • large number et Whose were gess wearing new gal mese. Amens twee wee tueawd t!e 0fame were ewes ever is•u t were meek Wad for at. refs, material. sad the !toast ef the sorted !Wish is "old h Prtdh•m. Tis Scsooi. ROMAN -The regain meet - lag was set bold on Monday evening. °sly ego amber frees taeb ward betas pretest. •e His Paerea!Ioe AaaIR.- 11r. Haat. r bas rennin ►r oedemassi duties. The eke and trveytbist oeasest•d therewith has bees thoroughly fumigated. Tea L•T. n,. MvDuo.•u.-The fens gal of the Tato kin YeDe.galL wile of the ale Jeff. S. McD.apll, Dh. Cane irk of Ossa her may yeses. Soak Owe beet w e eldmiss of Joseph Kidd hulk week. The den --.d lady was berm a Csrswall. Oat.. 71 yeses rise., wendi s the .szh.r part of free uf. a that tow.. Many years ago she same be Godwin warn oho residd tell the death .1 her beamed seven years else.. Latterly Mho desmall dews. - bas spat the Winter i. Dotrott. and the B.mmsr assess Is the esseh loved tone i. the .ear Neigh- borhood .1 wi ee she sow rens hem her babes. Mts. McDsseall died tem •severe a.1•ok of pswmoslls, rss.lti.R from • odd. Judge D•yle. •ad Mears. F. Jordan, S Camp.ee, P. Halt, JAa A. Masten and Jas Doyle eying the pall hearers. The newsmen were W. T. Keay. Wm. Sey- mour sad Ju.ph Kidd. CAt•uIAs WHiLliall lb* weal eseot- leg was held is Toronto en Hood friday. the total ..Is beiyt 5.607. The Ammo's tit. bas mads weedrf.l strides darker the past year, and is sow ea • geed seryls' and =authorship basis. Robert. A Robert son of Hamilton was sleeted sresidesI.•nd Albert 0. H.rst, of Terme., viol psi4Uat. For Haes dietriet the toIIswim were sleet ed Chief osssul, G. M. Gibbs, Sante. r.p- ressstat.ves, D. Mille end J. McNeish, Lee - do.. R. W. Emits, Landon, i). McKean. Sanaa, B. P. Carey and .1. R. Noble, Pe- weli•, R. MoCassall, St. Themes, W. W. Yasveoar, Goderiob, A. K. Ham. (!deem. H. Ryckm•n. Alymn, F. Rawer. Ails• Gear, J D. Lamest, Chatham. The oos Nat tor the .aresd meet was hotness Pet arboreal.* sad Quebec, the latter wi..1a4 try • majority of 2,359. The only alumn- ae' made is the weer.l rules was the abol- ishing of dee K A Goof" Cot+. set The I.tbor of ILove Marson Bend of North -et. Methodist church held its annual open meausg on Good Fri- day .fteruoa. wbso • terns number of the peseta and (ris.de of the children were preset. A good program was provided, ee.•iattng of readings, recitation, • stir .iw•ry drill conducted by Miss Magri* Robertson and singing by the jmeior claw, who had bees trailed by Mie Clan Shar- man and Ma Millie Campbell. Tb• report by the more its framework was is Sissy Lent lake - ward. The new break is ',alike the two that previously 000srrad, as W damage leaves • .fear opening, wanes* the ea esge.•Itboere ssderesued .ad Tyrieg messy test over the river, are all oesseoted with the taste work. The opening is about 130 feet wide at the top, seer', down from each e.d to the water. The brew. i1 not sees repair- ed. may prove most disastrous, for the west e.d, bag wlthont any tie to the enders part may be ferried entirely sway by • Ng freshet. A Cues. CALL -A. J. Mere .1 the Col- legiate .tel krd • pretty .1..s mil es Saturday. It spoons that the gesttw.s eras rowing is • °lesod room while testis. ea • sofa. sod that .as aeaspsd form the reeve a web volume as to resider the reader insensible Yeetts&Nly the mishap was disowned and • doctor fast for. The M. D., who tses had bis peat es the mead, stated that ameiher boor with the pe wend .',fairly haws meso death. • eoap'aprt Toltwttu. -Bre. W. A. Charismata*, a Il s.Me el the Wising Ledge A.O U. W. died en 8storday et be resides**, Ne1.sat , •sd se Me day the totterid took plass from W late rei- dete, the local lodge of the Order bsitg it setesdeses. The Rev. Joseph Edge we- dtrted the churn sena at the hens and at the nave, Maple Loaf Lads g•rgiet ant the beautiful ritual of the revery, The doomed, slNeegh married to a reddest of Haros,wee bot Male known in this vieiaity. bane We internist was got largely AtN.d- d. TIM woe Tall Oysrraa.--O* S•wday •/terneoi the vie-prerds.t sad the secre- tary of the Carling pub played ter the toy - COUNT? Clean. --Ry the aurae now is sieve, two nails aide, the vie.-pn•ida.t the heads of the meaty Bark, the peps!•- cruising vastly. too of the want v is shows to he 61.68E tet K G Reyeelde A. M.U. Allan Wm. Leas D. C. BMrseha., ship, 17 No 2 R W. Logan U McDonald seatatives os the beard of direetera of the D. M ecee a ee °baa ds& W beelines. iso W sett. -It is sarmisd that before Jame nide the Hares Ilsoyde Club of God.- riob will parade srsad the Square over • headed strong. and the ladies will appear is very large ..=bene 1896, as Menem of 322 over the previous year. A R.r.1s1NTATIVI The captain of the Harems of Godertcb, W. W. Madviou ha. bees dieted one of the Huron dtertot repro Bowsaw CaA$O. -Our old trams. A MeU. Allan yesterday diereses boagb% eat the hart! are hawse earned es by Jas. Yoke. A. MoD A. will o•rry en M. banes is the old stea& lead will telt week make oar readers aequidatd with hie varies* lien et hardware. Ewen Die. -S..d v, although °billy earl wet utderfeet, was Need with • nee warm aisle, sun. the sw.gsenee bong shat pretty has wore segs it great profu- sion Jadyd by the .amber of new bas- sets sad °.Mame segs es Assn Day, dry reeds sad hallisry stele mast have hags bony the past few weeks. Bb O.oas'.-At St. Genres en See - day the Emma Day eggnogs were well al - tended. there beast • geed ssep.gailes se 8 • a..nmsttas4ss and lane wee .t eon other esrviss. The Ewen ctsehg we well a to expeeeattes.. sad the shwa' serves meat ter the day. The rooter, Ihssgb ssRer- Ieg from • severe mid, nedesbel all the menviee, prewhing approves's serums* s>.eaing .ad evens'. Cosmos to Bantu. -Jobs Ralph, a wen thews heroes Me of ear tows. has retired frees `stsisees, sad ie emeesded by Will .d wast" (bale, ewe young and ea - 'apnea residents, wits will starry es the Mass= is every hese* with energy sed wiser at the old seed. Hrilts.aa. Their as sleek is now es the way. and while waiting for it to arrive they len Non Ise work is pla bias. Attlee and warp !!mirk ofOasis . LrT.a•ay 80C11122. --At the last vssd•r mewing of the Odls.ast. Institute Lawry Bssirey the following propene was present- ed : lsetrwraensl ole, Mime Mrs Dlek. .os ; realest. B. Dews welted*. ass '.°eels Msctlrw ; eery se Os1Hrsl.. D. N ava (wrist.. by Kerma Bailie) i 1w' Mee drawer. H. L 8aesls. S.A. 1 reeked's. Mime Rhymes ;...revs. A. J. Were. 1. A. ; resieMes, Min IL,,_; jeered laws, Miss Reid ; readlsg. W. Waste. A BAs Otos WAN.- The freshet same with homes - fere. Ihres8b the hast .tss- •d, and t.ed.4 Mee the saw* sea Met he- irs the and et the G. T. lL Meek sera& w4N epees bass .Mtge M Meskwssr. fifer *wee e.aast fhstefsg wird ens apt undmMdssd • leep podia ass ales • plass MI la add la •las similes Obi *bob of W. t. Welsh, .kip, 1S Hats nom Means -malas. Nett•rMid, see 17, •.d Albert Martin, age 21, were before P.Y. 8e•ger,e barsd vette murder, the oar- . wee i.ry is the owe of the Wee Field, of Wisehsm heviag fives a verdict to that effect. E N Lewis Appeared ter the reen .ad L k Dewey for the defame. The P. M. decoded N hear the ease to Clines, and 'emended Me prisoner's to 4.30 r. r. os Mosd•v rhe lath.. the a..e to be teed is Ws town hall. The defendant. are two re•peeable, t.soosst looking youths, .rash se slater anyo.. Weald era.' w+th kite or Pc 'PPM. IT V1 se a Tu -The egad weekly sheet of the Gas Club eek plan ea Friday after - sees when tide were nese. W. Ranee red •. 11. Devises beteg the earning. The j.D.weg news ,heels sad nota NAMl Nerds. M yea W. Esteem 1010 t 7 tt-40 1 • • 1 7--51 71 pos.I.s'es $ 0 7 5 0-40 5 1 110 16-11 71 J. Aadtewi 1 5 1 5 4-111 0•$$ 0-511 W. L. Herten D. Holmes W. Wattage C. A. Hamby, skip, 14 No. 2 f; H. Humber Jas Clark J. Y 8hepeerd T. N. Dewey, •kip 0 .t the year work woe given hey Miro Ethel Farrow, dewing • large !.areses is ts•mbaeshtp and fis•ses, also • rood work bad begs dose durtag the year is *envie. Sower to the roam of thee who were sick • ed in the Christmas .saes distributing gifts to those who were seely, the gtfte being the offering at the °bildres. • liberal Easter olefin we given ia aid of the Chien NiMie.. Tb. weenies was pre- sided .ver by the preidoet dere. 3. Fdse. Dass or as AGED Mumma -After • hollering Mans, death bas relieved from his .sferins Rev. S. Fear, ea of the old- est workers in the Methodist esferesos. He died at Eler&, on Sunday Marsh alma, at the *denied are of 94 yens. Dsoeed leases ow we and easy grandchildren *II of wham are highly respected. He was • man of elm ranee= powers and weeder fid • Brat -else pre•obor and faithful d. minietr•ter et °barob diseipitso. Servo years ago be married Mie Hough, sister of the late James Bomb, of Guelph. She died some res years ate. Yr. Fear same to Guelph nearly sixty years age. free the vteisity of Noitingb•m, Eagl•nd. About Shy -sig years an (e 1002) be we ant as • Methodist miesie.ry to what i• sow Peal oneaty. Fr.m theses he went te the musty of Ontario, After which he was sstio..d in Guelph, Godwrbb. One Sotsd, Peel, Elora and other plata Oa amount of hie ad - valued vs be was retired in 1876 from which time he has lived is F.lmirs and Elora. Two BeelsrT Cowmen -la Mo.d•y overs` V iowri• Otters Hone we crowded with an appreciative .diose, the 000•gios bear • ooswen gotta' up for • kindly pur- pose. The opening sunder, as overture, • The Motsiriseer," by the Harmony Or. °bear•. was • Warming tntrednetio., bang •zeedi.gly well played ; then the male quartette, (Mets. Dimmtck, MoVie.r, Belcher and Faro) save " One Smile for Ye, Sweetheart," excellently. • viol's eoio, lite Laura Aobens, followed, and, ea M seed with this young lady's instrument- als, we • oarmi.gly artistes perfor.raca Forever and Forever," by A. E. Forte, we* manly vosUssd sad =sob appreciated ; Mise Fisher's reet•tr., "Judgment Day," e p1edidly waders., sewed the lady to he • grand satins of the art of shorties, sad her seere pies* is we way dsufeted hem bee fairly iron hens. Geo. Allan, who was doves for dab swegi.g. we•bsgst,•sd D McGslligsddy. es behalf of the eemsit- too, appeared and explained abs eat.. He she. err the ewmitte of =assesment, thanked these pretest Ir their patronage, the ladies •d gentleness tette' part in the programmed an who had a say way helped the ewes. The mooed part eased with . ehrmngly played evertors by the Har- ingey Oreb•stga ; Mks Finer redid "Mr - row" with mesh gree and pathos : Mr. C,•mp•ipme was at bo=o with ••1lsthlaes" ; Miss Eva Adams§ gave • vocal ode eared- ly, mesially. wed eharmetiy : Jos. Thom- sen is " O.1 es the Dep " we net out of Ida depth t " Mother's Darden" by the seat' gentia0s, we ably vocalised, then all prevent ems " Ord Says the Queen." The wominpashite were Yrs. Lagan sad Misty K Mama. •draws and Q nweig a Vertu Ysmrrtn. -The •sisrs.L mast, et 8t. 0.rge'v egHr°geaivs was held a the shed teem es Maclay .tunic, the rester. Rey. Murk T uesb.S, prvidia r. and Des. Pater ••genet se vestry slrk. Rev. Mark retailed red his missal report, white was, es manes, deptsd mid end=ed to he embodied in the minutes. The vegeta ',late. Braga Hessen a his wade. end Jas. Y. Shepherd we •assted by the veiny. The stairway were en rustles drugs •ppdnesd. Toes Watbwaa. F. F. Lew - free" P. Zak 1st R. Lewis, F. Jades, J. R Platt. 8 Mala.mem. O. ewer. 1. Newttm. J. lathe, .d It 8•dski. P. Holt end 1 Rud.15 . were .ivseed teller. lir the proems year. The salaries et the tiNMal ofisav were Sad es the mane rate says what do you use to st11- ku your struts and s I with. 1 never saw such p.r- lecuy fitting downs. they nein seem to lose thou A Devises p �r5 �j 1140 qM t S 6 ►-1~M Ille.ttban•os $ 5. 18 -! 5 6 5 0 0-11 td Total 111 W Knees 5 1 45-11 A. Davao. 7 e e - I1 Of course they don't. Sponge Crepon sena let them n s that now .nterLni•f that you hear so numb *how takes the Oboe el hair cir.n, cneolles. etc.. esti yeti &e1 tease boo prlectfy • dress [. , tat till you try 1t : It's lovely ferSummer dresses. Ives body and I set thin I ins lied makes aklAf Lire beautifully. Deese't cut Into the fabric. never breaks or pulls la t1, seems. coil be crushed out of akape 64 Inches wide Ask to sec it i SPRING STOCK OF - --p ;a DRY GOODS READY-MADE CLOTHING • :�_.r_ ,1). ETC NOW COMPLETE! SEE NEW ADVERTISEMENT NEXT-wEE JAME8 A. MID 24th March, 1890 Itorklese.t .FROG.IN THE THROAT ,rge,,,,t10 cert.'s. T -•ode Hsm. Tee best reach DR. SAMSON'S CATARRH CURT: POWDER 'with blower. !lies imesedt rely relieves sed pemeetlycures Cold is the Head. O•tarrh eta '.test .•d Is thl.t to the market. IMP -• UAW ter yENDER.SON PLANT FOOD if yea ',field have Sourishlat pleats and lovely Sowere•11 Winter Ne odor sap. wonderfully etlbotive.. ... 16 oasts. *sap. W. C. GOOD E. Neget,. 1 471111111T. Witch Hawn Cheam ter years. Irritations tote. taut the special collections be dt.00stiesed and that the old system be hound was ser- ried. erried. An •dvieory committee, cosei•ttsg of the following member*, was duly dented : F. F. Lswrese, P. Holt, F. N. Lewis, R. Radcliffe, F. Jordan, 0. J. N.ft.1, R. G. Reynolds .•d the wards.. • emotes w- ending Mrs. Holt a..d Miss Denis • hearty sae of thaoke for their v.lwble services is aeisting the wardens a their work, was us.•imowly pawed. Hearty vette of thanks were Ow uoasimoosly paved to the members of the choir for their ungrud- ring cervices. the retiring cburcbw.rdeos. H. Leek wood and Geo. Porter, end the Churchwwawa Gadd for the valuable .r vine rendered by abet corpor.uoo to all branches of the church. Jost before the clow Meters. Holt and K S. Williams were elected as St. George's lay representatives to the synod. The mentor then adjourned to Tuesday, April 21.t, at 8 rat, atter the pastor bad pr000000ed the benediction. Several of the tog. are having the boil- ers and machinery overhauled, for the eta - goo SI work. Good Friday was • disppoatment for thew waists who bed arranged to opus the mason by • ran to Hayfield O..uww. -Tho corks* marsh hawses we*e.m and GedericI emmwtd i. the Weseat rink ea Tuesday .54 idebed yes- terday at 2 • r , the result bate* favorable te We*bam by three slat. Tb. fellewisr news the risks sad were W hgh.= Golsen W. Taylor D. McOsAMb D. tiedierland D. C Saab* W. v.onten* D. 11.1=e F. Paterus, sklf. W. T. Welsh, nip, !f 19 N. 2 No. 1 G. Y. Daiwa Dr. J. R Famines E. Bewle W. Colborne J. R Manseeld •. MeD. Alias J. W. ln.hw. dap, Q A. Eambr. skip. 17 T.. cess Wes Bass. - Remedy • redd- e st in 8► Oesrge's ward made the enrol - sea dlas•ves y thee • oslgsy of shanks were dn=ielW hews* the 4wdYns. Al- u mna se gees as the diase.sry was wad* . deK was est under the Mild*. to drive one the iseraders, het the result el the esa- kstl. vice Meld nee be Merteaal bsycnd the fade that • preepMble oder was fele and welled everywhere within forty reds. Aa.ttM •eesepe i des the ratan awe proving sa•ssoed 1. • dna was tt1111srd add .B Hass wedd he Mei kite& U le nppMd dm* w ad=als haw hags aide imam mem ad bosm THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. eadMMa NMB. Rep -o -. Arrfl A lad FAU wrest. Own stsadaid..... 0 76 to Fall Wheat (.441- - • M te flair. &m11). per ewt 1 M to floor. Pall. per eon .........._. 1 10 to near. patent. per ewt 1 Me to Bois. IP too. Shorts. IP to 11 00 tel 1 lireweege t tea 11 M NI New Osla 0 bat sees...sees... .. 011 N .. 540', xNew' 1 0 ties 13 40 151 Cly Hay. 0 Ma ... _.- 1 Mal Pewee's. P.bab sew 11 i. Psttsrte WMbomb u./astd. 0 des10 to usi M to Hides. ana M a Shaw Mane ...... _ .......... -. 40se L1»...4 Hoes 11 le Ham. per lb.. ............. Cheese ter lb.......... w le 16 le 44 00 40 M 1st 6e en y 1t 17 15 w M 1. 7• 40 •toSIM 11 to 0 14 1015511 situation. Vassat W ANTED -A GENERAL SERV 414T, gnaws Aestiwnnted tees limn •pd7 w MRS F. J PRIMA all. 1t TO ADVERTIBERB. Nodes of changes must be left .t this Office not , later than Saturday n oun. The Copy for changes snug be left not later than Mon- day noon. atonal Adv.rtisesemta aetaspted up to noon Wednesday of each weak. WANTED - • '; 1C7 ERA L HOUSE ••neat. Apply to MKS. MORAC1t HORTON, The Oressent. 0411 WANTED -t. GOOD GENERAL 811t - want Mr Weft of fnur, wens Apply s MRs. LOFTUS L DA 'IEY. On WANTED - CAN V AAASTRq, M A LE AND "'SMALL is every tew*Mlp is Casale. 15 moves fes the en afro weekly ✓ gw•Mper la the world. The ?M"V Harrold sed Wadi, Nor nue Montreal. The r0mp$V Nereid wed W. nor W knee e•lerwod te see hundred sed tw - i•bt wawa w week. gad l ane Misdate large volumes par Orsi.=. 1t Is Impevd is .very department elespeyposel7 e to be talked allow ail over you wr1a, A spesdld wrangle ear s•• with eta Mn,d, Herald Aged oopensaity ter eesyonssee to eM.bl15 •Feerd/ iaewme. xe o ssrMnw needed. Osla woad a sp•ett1 ter kaiak* • seed thee et might. wawa espies,te ras, era, tree, ANtH : owe Lianadia. 041 Hotels TrsWWft 001110- • SAND WORK RAILWAY. nixed atmttya Met ixed Mora Man and Erase, DISPORT. Mallard lawns GAS s.m Mall and Ewan Lwp.a. Misrd sees ifs Rm. 15.40 as. LW p.m. 7.10 5.m. 5.10 pas. T• ME COLiIORNIt HOTEL SEIKO e�►ny tented d Awl rellestta, af. fo ds •,°Mbit ..nommed•tiea to the travel - Ilse aha, .ad the hrmIae eom weltr At the Colborne ev.ryt hise will be ea. the t e.rf•sa N W anllmi �� ABs. BUXTON. W BS's' YUROlf U(7RR$BB. MISS ANNA L. SHAW, TEACHER of Mob and Theta -*spew ed Corner Klgl. and Wellesley Worts, rite ha 96 Por Bide or To Rost. IN MIXT FOR GRAZING -THE RIO 1 meadow. Moly to ii. HEATON. Sell* 1*.r. m tt ?TIONIi �----- Q•nel,Yp fad assogglow •M..tl..�` .e, C. D. W ILLIAMI, P Dopamine Ower Use W i1Mr'a Pure Bakisg Powder. ARE YOU LOOK INA FOR . . PURE DRUGS ? Then this le tae seer* yes shay come et Tea week we are showiest • ince lino of JAPANESE TRAYS LEATHER DRESSING CASES° MANit URI CASES SHAVING SETE, els. AND PERFUMES That will be the delight of all the lsdiee. FINE DWELLING HOUSE FOR SALE -That IArgas.d commodity prick ven- eered house. situated on F Iain I r.. near Wel- lesley. within easy reach of I`.ake treat. and in pretreat occupied by the owner. it 0ent•ias seven roomy with Sarre receptive hall. sad hat room fitted with hot and cold water. The venom. comoHw two quarter sore Iota. we of whfrh is in lawn with Rae ers•meatal Crew. and the of her ie laid out e • good s•rdes with excellent eeleettos of smell fruits. Terms reaeo•.ble. Vor particulars amply to the,rw•er. f. H. ISPKNCIt. AM-riok. .01-tf HOUSE AND THREE LOTS FOR SALE -Sheeted es corner of Warren sad Casey w.. ani extending back to Wil . oast_ oro block. House haze. with kit chew MM. sweet sad a bail high containing 7 rewno. hall.. closet. pantry. caller. a:e., Won geed misble sed oethouaeo ; alto good well and e ft.w.tr elate.. Orouads .re well Wd oat. red contain • ■amber of choice fruit tree.. small fruit., &e. A splendid . ppert.nla for • retina termer N enure .0 'Worm r k home WtU be end reeme•sbie. Fr p•rticul t,• alp ply N JAMES it•ZTER. op the premises1111110 Also-- PIPBS sad 8MOKERS' SUNDRI1B, TOBACCO POUCHES. PURSER, CARD CALIFS. taw - Why sea give your tried who wears OLAS'I4R • rice cold -rimmed pair' rj10 SELL OR LET -A .RICK HOUSE I corner of Ekes sed ata.Lry sinree. 00• minus ,alsvm reoms. bard .ad soft water. Geed eider. Howe heated with hot air. For farther p.rtkabars•ppiy s Mn. f. I II H. Slatt L�OR SALE CHEAP 40 LOTS 1N i' Aodertob tram 7 wren to i sore teak Aloe two bugle, and one coir. AppI to A Ta°t ETH.RALD. No. 1 Plebe et.. The Wert Mures Limner Oke=M.1we•rs win meet a Mess M the lmip•reerl Oise. ea MONDAY. APRIL /171. 1wl at • e'weleot rat. ss ___he ser we ep yew MM. The WeMeese a yeses. slik- M. LIWIS 5.derhh. MMAHER. 18. nDOM A I.D. 110.011 1 The•ts wawa ssit Mead Lieges.. le Us= tIL sohe d 1 Mrew.s"e1M�Meonwwee, M 1 eves se kr _sodthelowed"kbsow eh0 WNW swain et sn.Msseros Is Srtetees veer. fie M r.asl104 M smiil..d uie•Irm I fWyp•rer ver, J. r•nw,sxY.Ga.a "lariths i OR BRLL-TH EIC 8TORE AD 170 -RENT =let ee l At is est rtes. is Q C.. Amren. M� �1Meeewlnt 000apid • eled.W. No appselnea. 0.o of fest .Ayre needs is Ontario. •5517 N J. A. Y.Desegb. 111 Cfareb+t 1 ornate. 'Ip LEASE. -TH B HOURS, FUR- ' shed, l.tsir weepled ty Dr. Malan. Apgar a CAMERON. HOLT t HOLYm40-tr J. E. DAVIS, Phm. B. Medical Hall. IT BE EVE TS RYTH ING The prices - We sell Furniture at Ot KNOCK SMITH'S AND R FIGUIRES THEM A141, OUT FURNITURE NDERTAKTNO Ej`MPORIUM. ON THE SQUARE. F. SMEET 1118 MILL PLANI BASH. DOUR AND FOR RALE OR RENT. - A ped Heel. news as the Oemmereal. with good bundle(' end • peed metes, trout wow, per terms spell to JOHN HOMIER. BtsmUler AnMser Hwai, •.wellies Hone and a freed w ere, alljetst.gswelt d wrosd estbsWlene. r., arms aspplplly 1. JOS_ROts1IR. Bei m• Tara is Were Nioeovt, erat$t.t.g two besdred .re ; 1411 shared, the tisis.e. • n.s4 F.rdwed bee. The lend is lest nu Ind will an le sem ter Is tees It Y weA8. • slither Yarm. wl'��btm...•w mile of iso above Was partOsaeee.sm f west NlesearL~Th.11 t le mNo.t- p.ed sr M ewes .'seed leo. sad et • fare r omens. te ..e. et IW ages Per arm. sad= tlssRgr .�pp117� o tl T. t15b(. 64. al .a the Aaeiwlterel !e • toms s• L... Seek. Me Oh- City tree!, !rides tete+', .veer rlbw wee. le sit a lir tel twit. melt Dundas Strew- Taw or vele: dvrJ r eo..o.S.smUito ser. ',BLIND FACTORY. 1 take able opportu.l that 1 .m reUl la the all rumors to on the 0tr.ry do class of work 1 • whitlow frame to erect' with mansard reef. tat empetitfoo i•vlted. The tura W bad of bondbath, shi.gla• and Isaac y to ms Inforthe paha* be deem sotwitbet•adta/ aid •m prepared N my line from inside. as • 2 -story banding mate humanoid sad es material. web se • epeeWty. 1. SM SETH. .edrtsh. July tab isle Leda and sav1 51 McMog.1/. II" BUT NOT WHAT YOU EARN. BU WHAT YOU SAYE, MALES YOU RICH. THE HURON AND BRiTCE WAN AND INVSUTMINT COMPANY. Simaetrn.s.-Catneren Holt and Holmes. Dwaine.-Istsr.st Competed every ex seethe at tour per owl, per annum. we trams hem one dollar upwards. Depositors wt11 and hut their advantage to mane and are no. LOAwa-May be snored •e any time without delay se the enc*rity of spire ed desirable os.�e ppoorrtt�� Ezps ss amoderate. AppIloatlese merle. ed' by the Masser or eelloftera The Company's "Mom we Iced se Norte Serest W Court How Been--epposi* Raw Saws Ole•. HORACE HORTON. J. H. COLBORNE. Yaseser. t'resideat. RUBS= CEMENT BICYCLE TIBBS is Os. aMa maw le oars. • Imo sae et sew Waft iMend Mdbaine• oar Ives Luo ePil Tea= tem. the hent Now !!amino Shops. NmEW NACHi1RBKOPA_-ALL RINDS l el Ieo•ir Werk dose at Rs•seaaIgo Pride. fw-aiet 1mpl.mo.'. foredo M•ob- sew and wooed hand bestbt sa-dM.s And 1011xs ter gide.aw M J. 1R RIINCIMAN.• ttartt wee* shatowriter For Baia i10R SALE -BARGAINS IN GOOD i' ward seen timber, 1 loch. 2 inch en lumber.inch lumber. all renes end lengths: coder all Nass- elot la, o Ow year res te remove Is BUCHANAN t RHYNAS. t1 BULL (:ALF FOR SALK A 80.1. calf. rid menthe *M. pure bred Darb•m oilfired rot, ter .ala. *poly a lees W. Sal k�•iw1. Ar 4. owe. ea.bh township.wa`field resulsl Modem,. NMICR -TAM IASPECTOR, WHIM is 0sivrieb late week gave ardet test all •eee.Yem.-1.. r See, antterws. etc , then M at soot retereod to tee armesrry. As ate tWi Me�y 1Mr N7 IwR.i.r. the Artlensiss sitter at the emend the .alwallp.edr dt tbe rm sty as it Were tHOLM l son Et Csp50.. SEEDS FOR 8ALB.-INDIAN OGRE, Fla* Red Clever awe et W keds. Truster aged Laws Maes. Sed 0.1.. lharlier. Peas. O erd Orem, Slue a• OrmeMa Sed. t1 Mammoth Y0' gal. 1 while ..d lad Garet good. Greasd Ott Cake. and .11 twee of Ostia. .ad mid Ikeda. whin' will be end at the lemon market prim 1. PALMS Win !ler. HassU15. and Vlleettarl• Ns Walawa ARTE�D-tA �T OI TIER P�OLi't- rip furl Awes•F• . omega .a tee r et Tri. g.mwaltt Maio*& rii8OommAs o UiWIDeR�Ysw0A�B PPU.RORABB1 1•lentrdsdbksir km.or ±..Diiwglt�wa4s. dlssalrbtoe llrwsblp ess r ter r•^