HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-4-9, Page 22 Ting 81614 1 4i • I AIN -KILLER 7110 GIMIAT Family Medicine of the Age. Taken I ntaraelly, It COMM I *atrium, Cramp, and Pols ha the aornaals. Sorg Most Seekkars Gokka eurylia, sta., eta Ugall EXtantellig, It CMOS etc Bruises. Airrns, desk* Oral Iwnhacka Palo In as rasa N Itheasnatiwn, Frosted hat a Grabs woe Wielsoll vs wait salmiwallel possile • A•iiip assessr. es aim Waillowis ilia Mawr las Aro .alie sow its mega saws 'seems* pea awl awe is a awl hes las thasertgise. lain is •••••••11 Ewan iwaslose•ebilear-Tileesier lissisalimarti. se mews iimiselig Pon es .wilimare hie impala • seposwas sisal S• hay tore egatime Nom assmani et iwattswit ler our as gaints ^twos saw" Asa .....arease. owe asinka, aa eicAerY TOW WAITING. •noselgo wet to 1.41kii sum don (But it's marry Lb. vwewtist--wegir !) . tatted wolieweakeo ta a peatiehl imye Where 11`. *Atte 401 be furled, mg tbe step wit ley tt anohnr Itelte 10 lb* ter awe, - Bet Ws weer, the *Diem,. !) 4,eare a 40 9,01 .0 the troubles of souls on- preseed : (Hot it's a-, the waiting weary nnotime, 10 he future, whets God *Maks bast. He'll lov 114 4 ten teederly to rest, tad rowelll Kenya irem the thorium, in tar toms' : (601. it'. • etry the vestals weary ') sere's an end to he world, With ifs stormy frown ; (Rut weary the Imitate Wear ) '''here'e • lothi somewhere that tie oan drown. And where I f.'s (mei Loden* are el I ado me crown -that k G ,4--fer ft...ill (MOW • ( But atgar*. • ,..• wait ni• weary NEWSPAPER: SfoRIES. A seeders eibleta IS is ges.ww:1) 1:io oss'est thutg in the world to iris.. • antis, without *pint, but 'ere is one reo.b. tristfta•s where a o moh (Infer in ft re -note Enklich rural di. • -int towered himself with el.ey by doing afternoon he ead bus mach ..ad four ,ftm teethes top to the 'am Diner like as ....alanerhe. A. the ext.+ slopped one of • De homes drorno•ti •*Tbie •'.d4..! ' mod) responded the •lriver ; "doe as thend a. the ti of the ..tH two er.i'vft (inch. but l eft s• 1going 1., Pot hint :roe 1111 I reit to the me lib ..• 'ppm' place " elowida ailarelages A *tor 611 1: las le pl.e.d on t he haek af .. mule ia a stmel wooden box alit 21t Ns. 40are. 04,.. •10.70: high, which ts Demo .ented ou•stde with galy•uoll :red ribbons die is to th•v eveerted thengh the monied street. of her native town or ie, end ale, that of filo bridefroom, to the ccoompetement of fire V. native tom tome, ;we. Poe, loot deem*. whas before and bo- oted are friends with loiters., and Loom • able itah....1 'in In various devices As may he ieneglate4. it is • vursously weird stebeaele, for all them processions Tata place after d .1 It. The brit* iv net semi unveiled he her hole Dread nattlafterthe merrisee ceremony. - Whew. 11.km& ebe Scene: Loge elotiene estaelidiment. rate widen, man : "1 may mister, this eon' t do, Ter heft', Yen advert:PO t hor• • h!y oktunk ..it. at 25s. Money r. - ,rued 11 ont approved !" Proprietor • " V•11. ny gont man. re cae prink it mnrefo.oj, yen wish 11 !" Irate Witelung Man iCe three oates toe smell new. and only ton in on* • :lower of rem Rent'. the. wet I weal • ny mosey hack. I doe% approve. of it !" Proprietor : Yon are wrong; my root 'an. Shan reed t hot notice again ' Thoroughly dine k imit• mosey mimed if leo approved I' ntmosey e s approved : it Yee not moeriv esiesterig eke WIMPS. The Ku•wan ••lerehal Anoiroff was bon- e s as s poor. wet was fond of onnfueng -be mon ander his command by, .ski g them imentrootell and absurd onestions But no- neimially he met boo metch. Thuonma bit- er January night, such se Roses only nes reduce. he rode up to a sentry end de- moted "How many eters are thaws in the sky eolome, not • whit diet netted. ene• • seed coel'y. •• Wait o lttle snit 111 tell •oV And he 4.1Dherately nommeneed sieenting, -Owe two. eio When he had reeehol nee loindred, Mrs meet litho was half fr. ten, thought it high ism to rule nff ant however wit haat W- iesner the name of th• reedy reekomr. Neat thy he found himait promoted. • to owl me moat the Mt. Presently a kriobt Ids. Omsk his•-• bogey sobsteas of ths proldins ; god be said. "Sere *Seer I Toby this fellow oat M the markst-plaoe, mid let dm aoriona with his bear metal be makes ap the Milarios Wises hearths tia reatainiag tea shillings, his. oat et Iowa Fallpleatiee of eles Olean keillined. eairuktioo of the heart is perhaps the .551 00.5I000 symptoms of heart disease, an't Is deflaed as pulsations that ere perowvol by the oetieet It 01141011 011 UR paroxysms. with intervals of mere sr lose freedom from attack. The heart may berm to beet viol wetly : it issay posed retains' the walls ot Ib. chest ; the vessel may throb in these* the eyes Weems soineed, sod the howl •ohe er ess the ether head the heart mai be very z spad asd *my feeble, sothat the pulse limy sonsiet °sly of • series of rept i and almost impalpable mores. Those emporia, from pelostation or dotter- iag of the heart should sot delay treatmen• • single boor »r Agnew'. Curs for the Heart will always re!ieve this trout l• loth Lo the lest half hoar, sod for this reason in regarded by physicians generally as .tto orneeteet known remedy for the heart Sold by J. E. Davie. The illeeemeas Tommy Alklas The n.it aye Mho' y (aokerd are • heir!' gessoes lot, but not withetearbee 0r! • braes set of felovrs when oceasion recuiree Every Moor has to serve • tartan titn• rI the reeks, and it is ammusing to see th- vistraordiasri 14/crania in their ageo Goo min le • grey bearded veteran bent with age, while next 40 hint a. boy of tif teen ; then well come • tall. this, middle- aged moo, on whoa* side is • burly war ow, wbe might to hie father. Amd so it goes on all down the ranks There thei are, devoid of ell martial bearing, all mite.' up. totally regardless of any grates:0e ap. peerentoe they prised. Theo only point of simil•rity between them is their uniform. w h ten ooneists of braggy bills breeches, s dinoy rod ;octet, and yellow slippers,while • tserboosh covers the head They drill fairly w.Il and the" to the Koglisit werda of command, which of course adds to the itiosedruity. A private's pay as 1461. per day when h- one it ---and that of the head of a battalion le. oat of whirth they bays to provide their own food It is not eatraordinary, then, that .Ileo they they wave the opportutie• of ',libeling they dos. with good 'Boot. lo factt, oars of the meet, cosi mon punishments inflicted on an sternly tribe re for the &rely to be sant there for • oiewoo eond it is visitation more dreaded 'ban eves the locusts. The natives mill it "satiric the tribe up Martinis sad Ketningtons are now mam- mon among the troops, altboueh many sea • woad ',magmas are stalls nee Mad awoke km Noma It re the law nf • pertain Gloucestershire Algae that •Il ellowmee, into/taste, awl mime wieder. must go• license before de- ag truesneee there ins day • fat whose , lass, who hod been in th• lore/Sat wontha without doing e it was te armee somebody h .en nftetwards. shag mum a• lodger) with a nerferrnise hear. "Rave vet got yer linewee• asked the pelseemaa "Me,- iii I • •sh,h,4,,,, e„ h. "Tem yen any priermere, said the pollee man. And he tritionplieetly marehol ery «ita shoes to the snows Mem. Le leading the Mahal" mei the Italian lowboy the bear Aerator...1 balers the seagairate, 'it. vga plesd.e getity, &ad the raegistrate Rare bias • rams swam sa4 theilline Isms,. no Iths emerett• of AM eases, eating hy ha I tagire LII, the full posolty poo•Ael milord had • lot .4 50.51 chases le hie psalm. hes 5 beteg wooly potato', II Oily seemed es •• thieey Mailbags Tee ' seneveata the umeleteste wee 3 $ gum - 1 1.Mai% wan* e• mad SW falfses dew albe eleameglat Mimi tat Ib.' Point "Have you ever experienced the feeling'. Mr M'Pelioaa sad this young lady sof' - ly. "thet tome great opportunity waa lot h to your grasp but you hal hardly the pr Me. 05 mind, tins couraiii, as were. 1<' avail yourself of it r• "Why--er--yes, Miss Quickstep, 1 ha'', 'sometimes had a kind of feeling as d I. ham vort of sent for and couldn't go, vo know Mule Amanda siehed dreseely, and ther• woe a pause,during which the two sat *0 15 • moo dnrkoses of the Qiickstep eerier le,.1 e 'chastise' profouod listener. The door ip ened, and Mies Amanda's elderly femal: re- lative hvoliect 10 "The boel you are looking for, aunt * aid the young lady with enttre eelf-pose• • mon ant some emphasis, "is probehly in t. library The elderly female relative withlrew,end Mies Amenla stook• avant io tbe soft mne - el persuesive voice ot a trained applicant tor oharity -Sem will not disturb us again, Mr. M' Pviliean •••She ---.h, wasn't dieturiene me, he pro tested. An. .tie eat and looked helpleeely at the gioe octal* io the grate, with th. heeling thee owy breath he drew was e mortifyine Died ghastleohlwitter. "Yee. ' vaguely eassereind the bewilder.] youth, and he tried to remember when h. hot started to say anything of the sure "yes of 'oar..." "As you were about to say, Mr M'Pel ker.." resumed the young lady, "there ar. times when it 'geese to sll of us that et must speak what te di our h -in our muds " "And while I seri not ones that 3 reign, tt listen to vas, Mr MT. -limo." she loo -i with doencest mee, "when you speak • nee in tho-ia the preemie.' mariner, yet -- ' he young maa oneld feel hie pulse bee. in, a tattoo no I h• drums el his ears; 110 eat like • bound bey at • oorn.hueltiog end said nothing "By the wsy,- exclaimed Mies Amend'', presently, "I have • new honk nf !nitres Hies, Mr. M • Peltosn,that I am sure •eu w I en,' y twang It is a barge hook, and ven'll h ave to mov• your cheir--why, certainly, you can sit here with me on the @of& never thought of that.'' The pteures defined before the eye* of the young man in blurred, oosfused in,. ages "Isn't this *mars, nig of the •Conreship If Floe...Dee lbonbey awl iValter “ay'pertectly lovely r' -115. *tech ie •i alter r• he eases& "There ' Look closer. liou't you INN ham 9" • 11,.• he eourt no "" "Yne'd love. to Dome rimer. Mr M *P. ID car. I declare, thenah,awl she looked archly at the trembling, youth. ' I am e1. mow sheet el let yen onner any elaeo Irma look exacely lipt Waiter in the picture " Ane 'hen the arm of -that helpless reline Irian &to,* in • towel apolowette snook on way renee the owe of the charming Am• sada One loom her hewl oink on kb0 shoolleo end the hook eserevisge segleeted or. "MOM.' eh. mod an hour later. as sh• toy, eoha teeton on his float, "re hole bey • doer on earth did yes seer menthe en the coureige to ask not to be poor tette t You knew sell eueugh I never rave you • partook, nf sitonnrageaseat." The voting man pateed her osadoemoling l• on the head sad thee 'vibe weevily with the votes of 0 Alex daps/ tbe lathe - she 'When I retake up my Wad to do oat - Armada so elistaids es earth eas Mon me " lesemet Tome bir. 111`P0*lseal. Tb."1111114.10 Suislb Is warmly more mead time the Rehash", Isli• settees of Herefline es ell Made ef sato le it eworsigis • raise Is woad sad rapid, Tootheehe is mired as if be mead lifwa- niattsen lads s enamor la • Mew applisdlnos of the peweefst mei pssestmalseg Nerellhis Ip • weed, seta, erisOlisr labirsal whom ▪ lea • prompt amildeds la Nervilei. Ohm Newelltass *Id DreogIshi am/ Aged sirs rz,.. 11. eel NI (s sista ly •odds a 96 WRONG AS FIANDOW. IMI0HOUCHES8 MARIA THERESE OF AUSTRIA AND HER STRENGTH. libe Gas Left e. leas aad WI01.1 ill 10 A11015 AVM- nigh The Poring litaisne IF•41411 of Liam. Korai Woman -Ais ara- peemee eaeieue Steak. You may fad balhe heard, but it la true, that Cmpresses and Queeus have often achieved dialltietee, by equoe- trim feats that one does nut ropect 10 withal/la exoellt la a circus. .4 err- tain royal lady won renown aa one a the foremust tosajurers of Europe. It v. as reserved. however, '..ir the tail. and statuesque Aralituc5eas Mar.. The- rree ..1 .• ...nor. *0II ,xt ttiat bristlier Id the Emperor, who is th. next heir to the throne, to earn 1..11,e hy feats Id in tait'ular .sorength tn.i• adopr some - wheat of the variety shoe Two years ago sbc ea. losing the elegance aed elasticity ..1 her tine tigurc, sod Desna a twins.. of realer thenics. Sbe soon acque....1 a remark - obit* Platte:es-Doe with tbe Indian dubs, dumb bells, ete This led her to other reethods uf developing the inuscieli. euich as punching th.• bag. wrestling and putting the hammer and the shot. Austrian Yoki mai& °Metal WWI semi- ••fficial,•any that she h.... Itglit, develop- ed such on ontoadhltig amount of atrength that she la J1111.- to raise a full-grown man from thr ground by one Mad. and to hold him aloft on her extended arm fur several secondi. The Archduchess once rode horseback from Reichenau to Guns Anti back. II distance of considerably more than 100 miles. without Mopping. A ouurt dignitary ventureel ts. temonstrate with the Eanilleror about efie matter. urging tbat the Archduchesses was by' such tinprudenoer endengeri ng not only her health but alai the stove...kin to the crown. -Ah. it is easy to sae that you are not a tnarried man." was the reply of Hie Apostolic Majesty. The Archduchess le is bold moan- taineer, and unaided by profereional guides she ham made earn* exceeding, ly dIfilcult ascents In Austria and In Switzerland. She patnts beautifully. U,. sculptures well. writes eleverly and is einguisrly well fitted mentally and PhielnallY to brown, the en - press of a sport -loving people. Einspreas Itilzabeth of Austria, once a performer of dazing circus feats of equeetriandin, has been compelled to 'mane riding beat:zee of her health. and she now walks for exerciseoften how- ever. cov eri rig distance. that woedd weary an amateur pedestriars Queen Henriette of Belgium, by birth an Austrian Archduchess. ountlauele, In spite of her /WOW -% hit,- hair and rank as a grandmother. to 00mM her time with circuit riding A year ago Me gave in the rkling l'''bool of the Royal Palace at Brussels. a rimed - public performance in which she and her daughter Cestnenone put their horses thiough all kinds of tenet Paces and trick riding with the skill of professionals. They leaped their horses through burning teems and over flaming hedges. and Her MajelltY Jumped a pet horse over, dinner table covered with flowers and lighted can- delabra& The site drove a team of twenty-in•hand. herself mounted on her favorite mare. The Queen la a woraderfuLly clever conjurer, too. having been instructed by the great magic -professor Her- mann. now dead. The widowed Con -nesse de Paris., $o extent:the:ley masculine in all her tastes and manners'. shares with her son-in-law.the King of Pertugal, a passion fur bull fighting.. and on her estate near Seville she enjoys organiz- ing bull fights, she herself, armed with a lance. taking the part of a Picador. Her sou -in-law, King Carlosle as eittilful and courageous a torrero a* she is a picador. and in the prmienoe of hie court has laid low many a bull While the Comtease de Paris tackles the bulls an horseback the King dar- ingly air/sails them on foot. He bt not the lino King of Portugal to achieve fame as • bull fighter; for one of his ancestors. King John V., Burl:ironed "The Magnificent," was in the habit of descending in the areas kluaself once in a while to show kis subjects his dexterity as a tomer°. Queen Marguerite a Italy's sister- In- law, the young Duchess of Gellaill. IE !h.: oki r• d-balted PO:loess of the tined in Europe fier time Is devoted to ferollag, tennis, oalistbenica, hon.- earr.t.i: bar practice and eprinting. She has acbleved Jai friction by her nieMl In hale:ling a boa., and by her long rides on horeebaca froin Turin to M Of: :VII and bac,: age•In on the darn. herr« on the oceuseei DO hm annual %net.. to bit relativee Ln German:f- lit... is a superb sorlionow. too, rival. lin, Queen el !Lira o: Ppaln and Queen Pia uf Poi .0 oil. Qucta Pia of 1'ortini4.1 %ears, iv."' hp-elais tor saving lac st Ina .II: tho ler .. of leer tea& The wl..owal ba.44 r at of Mosta ex - (1,...'' In 41.• InG a trt..i...ado..., horses Wore*the taro a ti...1 e.r. being ke)t ,11.. at vie wiiiie tio.• inird maintains a AMA, *. re er v . 1. e car. it • r. *1 mounds veiey ' . but i: -very di* leull, and the 1011110anYr Cato lua la ote• of dal few Russoin viol...ea 'Who te.W. 1, e ma.- tered 17 Th. widowed taiierzp of N<j' A 1111 -5' hero of the Sok • i' tee Le. k1+.1 1 - o nly Lady K. Igo. e. 1._ Re *ere D r .• of elt .•. ....... •,,, h., •. . .1. .. I 1101•Ig tor esrai • a; .,:ei•; e: . e e , fire. Ete a a 4 - ,.• 'ob.* • • ' ..0 often tali. a ..... : I ...... .. ..li IC0 tillklire lett. : .1 .. . i . : ....I from IV 0.1ortioot t . 1. .• , 1 . ' • , 1 the Empires* of ..t.*;.l., r.'.. . •.. • her entries to tie lieh the 3-, se .. ,...i ,i "Count isolls. ' t • Breed sheuld ei soft as it co..• 1. 1... sooner and h 1. digestible a 1, err. To ut.liae thorouah:y 3. . roll It. T1 0 ; add • hitt p to 1 i mall. Peat Cr a I milk and i aka abloom of tit i • 00 k •D veldt Moat a got v y. Peet I.• •0 0 Awording to the la en 'stall., gutsily debt of the srms isiggeggatit fl! .1 NW` f••• tbe' *bole Tee Leairliesi yet MA* 1,4, 1. , . SIMhe the P01,1 urea rise r. w ort with mg 1111reilsad's ret• . it Illesetateland IIII the S.555IeI S APRIL " 0_ READING THE HAIR. - - Awe a Lima tbe Ithydemsosedalle ffrael Abestat la. .Phyariogio'nsianto read tbe Asir as Pel- 1," Smooth .01 15,' waving. nue hair In- doistes gentleuess. qutelusona stiMS- nma We tuin each recall the weasiba with the wavy hair. parted In ate the gentle Christian woma.n and maltaculate home -keener. Curly hair denotes vivacity, e yield- ing nature. Immense love of approba tion. and frequently a la the isoll- resioon .4 Mega and women of great literary And musical Ilif 1. thick. rather coaraw. straight ..o.L hair le said to be fount: on with more order and industry than mental ability. Fiat und aleek-looking hair is heed 54, mehtul weakness. Alas to. the men of taohien ' Straight, fair hair, atiourv,Hng to th.• type if the bead It is found Oran'. tr aveepted, If toxin an intellectual fl. -ad, ae indications a gentle, ant:able and leaned dirpooltion The same hair upon an ill-fortned, stupid heaai ind,cater a phlegm:ate. temperament. Take. for raanipler, th.. loge tir..L f -hall'...1 Kngliviswomati and the- • nexen• let irmt stupid dermas) to- liwedieh pea.nent A marked *Jifl',r,-n,' 5.. 00k11! SW- IM 1,11 the heir and ..yebrows Orioles untrustworthineest. 5;•••si halt .4 the nal brkik red Is hold Mean much!), and perfidy. cm ith t..e.igrit.tii:t;:hintae.yrthav 55 45.,4un)b.rosnh a-t.etm n'entle. loving and very ousting des. That the tonditien th.. hair .-- :d.f,:e.--„it....ddtiyitnhwane erne .1 .44.ute mania by the rniuth and brietling oondition of the hair. Where the hair uf a lunatic is DontinuallY rough and bristling to an extrern.• it mid he throb" recovers; en the- other hawt it hen the heir of a patient row. soft And emee.th.•11 regeolea am a oar.. indieation of mental Improv.• In. re. An ithendanee of %tome. criep, black •n brown hair le &mooted as donot ore strong vitality anti pasetion If light fine and abundont, eelf control. That the. character a the fee, may be cbangevl by wigs of varioue styles la understood by profewslonals. Re- finement win aware call for silk) fine hair. beauty an.' loveliness for sea einem+ or curly. *cupidity for a `hock ••1 roatlie, rough brown or blacit. and savage feenrity for straight wiry blacie head cayenne. Hence the as elfeestion of stage wigs am I.gal, virtu - out.. peeisant. Inver. villain. dot -tor etc -ehleago Chronicle ATOMS OF tLECTRICITY. (allevilattass Theo townie seam prebosolibile to Average Satanism/we. Have you any idea what an "stone of electricity" would Lek itwa. MOO or onefl like ? in short. have you odnd that is ceigiabb• of insaginine what such an infinIteeinsal division a th.• incomprehensible vrould be? We think not- The writer has spent his life "delving in the realms of the wonderful." Yet he in free to confese tam he has rso rnore of an idea what an atom of electricity would be than he has a what is to b.• understood Itt), the armed,. "sour' and -etereity •' But ther.• a.re those who have been spend- ing hours, days and weeks exploring and investigating in the bottomleee ocean nf electrical mysteries, and who heave arrived at imme startling eon clusione. That such a thing 011 abinii 4 ehotricity" exists ham been believed in by a number ot eminent clove Octane and philosopher', among them the honored Heintholtz and our own Thomas A_ Edison. Working on the theories advanced by the former, Prof Richert, a wen -known lettropean Invest igator. has mr le eome ex per 1 - men ts in that line that have Martled even the electricku se men who come in daily contact with thieve a the moot wonderful nature.. Aetording to a recent deterrninatioo a Prof. Rich - harm, the ernallest poesibly quantity a eleotricity-that which may properly be termed "an atom--- is ouch that 4351 multiplied by 1.000.000 three times. !hot Is to sayby th.• cubic of a mil- lion, wilt gtve the number a atoms in a coulomb of electricity. -St. Louie Republic. pampa el. W. A W00Wh50. of Los Angdee, Who wag in Waged Von recently, for- merly lived 1. lass .essee. and tells the fellowing story Judge a M Key, now retired: A mountaineer who neemeci to be half witted was prnught Into court charged with emonshining. "Are you guilty or not guilty •-• ash. - ed the judge. "1don't know what 70' mean.** re- turned the Prisoner. '1131111 you or did you not make liquor without Paillig 'kende'" 'Course I did. It's g054 likker, 'edge." "Well, Metal you know tt was along "'Course not. Pap made It, an' he wer a good man. a preacher:* There was such • vacant look In the man's faoe that -ledge Key believed hio io be seen. Idiotic. 'Turning to the d 1st r I ct attorney he sold : '*1 don't know What to do In this case. The man le evidently non corripos mentls." "I'll tell yo' Mire." 'unrested the colprit. "roman' 'it' Jens let this th%11 diap nn both Odes. - A nd the Cage was "droOped."-WaSh- ll ton Star. The Itsissiaa end • o Hower. `Two young Ruardan officer% attached 5. 15.. (oak Infartry regiment resent:1y nano -:lied over their curie In a cafe ohnntuit st Oritabilrg, and one ue thorn • • t be other acrion the cheek with hand. The sobsitern• were .o mtradee, and the aggremor amPle and satittactory spot • n he tame tn hie senores Thls +lie Ily aceepted ITV hj frtenft. 1. gimentsit uteri nf honor de- ' tfr t the of' eerie shored ?lino, and eess arrant, I with tient, at we& The young lient.nant Di Tree ved the affront and 1or- 5.• 1, mi Wit! hit in the thigh n•lei end nonsequently la un. ('r. further 11.111 Me The traeri- • poweedleare of these military of hetet?* (writes Der ersrt eapher re as stupid as they an* min - 1.4.1111 et Pally News --- Illemove to. elm.. ,.1-.101 foto of movicidar forms are k 1104 the other sittemnies, s. !SONE FREAK MYERS. NATURE'S CHEMISTRY TUROIS ONE RIVER INTO WINTRY FLUID. Mew the Semmes of litivere age Sew /mad -TM Not Neer Lbe Loopme Maw ea the north Americo& Oassalaissit -"" Cataa'is isierrew." It Le • recognised fact In sinew* that vary few great nvers bave been tbur- oughly xplored by going up Moslem For pearly 71010 yoars traveMrs and ex plurcre endeavored to dimover the ammo o: tin Nile by asieending that wonderful river Hut by Lb, time tilt) had reached the diMcult Pan of the /stream their ruippliesi and energy were exhausted, anti they sould go no fur- ther. it is only by seeking the sources of rivers by overland routes that ex- plurere meet with PLictasig. lt Wag la Okla manner that tienry M. Manley traced the route a the Congo la .‘fultat. In thin %ay of procedur.. Frederick tkiewotka wao enabled tu float doe. n to Yukon, mid Smiler foutet the secret of the river ehle. One of the moat eur...to river; thet • haa mune ta. the Lie.. -.Ise of men is the Wobbk ..5 Eallitern Airiest. C110., .1.101 ropiri ttienie. abounding 10 strailete fish and tetuosous terocedlir s. Although it flown for haindreda .4t Saliva t h rough fertile ends the tall - Menge %Whine a water ever re...tert- ian the awa A short 'Deane.r north of th equat Dr ie. rio e • If Pot in a desert region, a feu sullen from the Indian ocean Some a th. more recent explorers tot' A loska and British A mereea that the hlissiesuppi 011/1 no longer be regarded a-- the largest r:ver en Iho North American contiiireot Th;s Mirth:in :s for ihe great kon Illwrr. Accord' tg 5. Ivent Petr.iff. who ?pent o•er two »ears tric Alaska. collecting Ouileriate for t he Min Oen- sup, the Yukon empties Into Orton Sound about one-third nsore er than the Miesteeppl pours into the tiulf of Mexico. The Yukon basin twine ernes the larger part a Northel-n Alaska. and 600 mace from its mouth the river is a mile In width. Many centuries' before tt wee discovered by white 'men It very likely served as the water higbway Into tbe interior. for tribes whom we believe to have roomed frorn Asia to the AnnerIcan eontlnient The Yukon River la over 2000 miles in length. Travelers report that in Algeria there exists a small stream which the ehombory a nature has turned into ink. le 01 fawned by tbe union of two rivulets, one of which is very strong- ly impregnated with Iron. while the IOther. meandering through a peat marsh. irntdimer large quontities of gpallic arid Lettere have been written i with the natural compound of iron ond ' amine acid, which forum this small. yet wonderful stream TI, Rio d• Vinagro. in Columbia 19 a stream, the waters .4 which, by mixtune with nulphuric acid, become so sour that the river has been raPPro- prettily named the Rio de. Vinagne. ; or Vinegar ItIver. The Orange or Garieh River, in Southern Africa. risen In the mountains which separates Natal from the Orange River Free Stale. Thee length of this stream as 1000 miles. Its banks abound in various valuable. wood,., and around it are found rids copper ores. ln this stream are rnany varieties of fish which are found until the river peewee through a rochr region con - 'Lining copper, below which the water is said to he poisunoure lab -lost instant ly killing the Ilse that venture near it "China's Sorrow." a curious name for a river, 30 the tftle bestowed upoe the great Hoang no. which nate in the mountains' 04 Thibet and follows a wonderfully circuitous channel for UN miles to the Yellow Sea. The waywardneed of this migbty volume a water makes the river a oonstant source of anxiety and anger to the 170.055,000 dr people inhabiting the central plain a Asia. It is known to have suddenly changed Re eourae nine times. It has moved its mouth four degrees of latitude each time, empty- ing Ks vast Roods In different direc- tions, and finding a new cdeasin4•1 for Itaelf, where score% of towns e-nd vil- lages have stood. The river has great- ly changed the physical character of a wide area. converting fertile region. Into a sandy desert or snaking shallows a thorn, whether It hi within the powers of modern aterme to save tide great plain from diesetrous overflow and changes of the rivers bed, is a questkoi which during late years, hsel been wftchny discussed, eopecially In the scientific circles a Paris and Los don. A note', r remarkable river 5. the In- dio. a Irmo stream In Hindustan. It rises In Thibet, and len course is a wonderful one. On reaching fiuset, most northern point. It turns mouth - ward loess itself in the hills and re- appears at 'relict in Kohista.n. The In- dus La 170 miles In length- After re aenelnd the waters of many tributaries Its chantl grown narrow, and here it is divided Into many channels, some of which never return to the parrot stream. It abounds in fish anti croco- diles. That claneleal river, the cianges. 3. erratic In its course. Ilke the Pinang Ho. It is promln, nt both in religion and the gengraohy of lndla. It varies not only from seaiion to meson, but from year to year and frequently ex- ehansite old passages for new ones. It has been Paid that the Oa.nges de- livers Into the sea every year 014005,' *00 tons of mud, wand and other solid insittitr. An 014 ante. Here Is a joke which is al leads NO years old. It Is printed to show our lineestora were not unlike their de- scendants, and could on enerepoldon grind out a pun with due elaboration: "In II dInputel land boundary ease «Mee was tried In an Itswev °musty town the other day. the muntiel tor the plaintiff. In pointing out Om boundary, said W. Ile on this olds' one oppnoing (spume' said : 'And we Ile on this side A Juryman cried out unounseinuely . 'If you lie on both Mdse. how are we to tell «Molt Is ta• Omit liar r --Boston Transcript. Suet rem gems mkt. A viewebant alone ta a rove I sof tit dm. ' Why are rev parlay the get: 1 ine.. et willow. tit all fore allaglas; St -willow tftwelaliser "Ake 0 nailed NA IN alostbses1 'see Ivry r Ihrosii. fok 11. "I 111001 ft WM nollilenweserk. Th• Wad moults of pheinamomatiail g. SS ss sad the hem, ...d..-. spa !omen 4111 11.111411141 .1 us i osaposiadisiii A5.,. &raw nib\ 1110/1011, skaith 1.41 . (eatery is sa. 155555. 5. • noidiciaw, at I fully 'bre.t et the lige ra all that AgeeIsssek• it be was. dere dewed Foo.ber • ems oeitmeoil wits. prime porfostiank whims/&r..dIg..1 like me who Ms hie pock'''. teal of gold, ewe always moos obasge for bis ordisesey masetees.--Sessia. 111beimediti 4. Johaa, A Common Affliction Poem* Coed by Wag AYERS sarparz A casaarvicrs STORY. WAS anteted for eight year* withaaft Rheum.. tiering that time, I trod a great many nedictnes whirls were !mold> rer. °mew, tied. but owe gave ase relief. Mt 31 at Lin advised to try Ayers Sara p.anile. by a friend who told me Omit I must Lifetime six bottles, and use them seeording eireetions. I yielder, to his presuroree bought the six bottles, and tma the nameable( thiee of them he ties without noticing spy ;elect benefit Before I had Sloshed tee fourth bottle. my Maris were as Free from Eruptions all Wel' they were. My beefless, «bleb is Mat of a eabdriverrewires me to be eat is cold aid wet Weather often without gkoes, and the trouble. has never reterned."- TOOK** A. Join., Peratford, Ont. Ayer's& .Sarsaparilla agesitteel at the W044'01416 dimes Ptain Monism Shp Sispell0. WE MAKE - Sewer and Culvert Pipes eel lama Item4 la. la 14 5.. Aloe towneesteen. WRITE FOR PRIPEE. THE ONTARIO SEWER PIPE CO. 60+ ADELAIDE $T. IL. It loamy AT saaii00. TORONTO. LINDER OATH. lbe leitooing testi. mono 0. 71r.....fiergaree Patience. rhea older Man betwe W . IF. Wei. ker. Notary pet,. narks the ones dr.tuf cars in de lake y el . ay tneilic.se: " FM' Pk or seven year- I Wag badly • th elect oth Steams - tem wed severe neural- gia lie the head. Al time. I odl'ered very name pain horn violent headaches, arid in order to ..top mina and ripen the advice el • phyDdelan. 1 lied • unniher of my. teeth extra. -ted. without deriving any advantage. "In May. Inn. I had a panel) tie Orate ha the left aide of m7 body: tate wsa followed by the total loot .4 eight of the left ele. beano( a Nab earte violent healaehea severe and mot weakens.. I become totally unable to .10 any work shout the h toe, awl waa nee safe to be left akme on acoount of my dissinem aod mmeral weeknea. "I esewnited fn dtferrent phyekeuse. wise soesuled useanti they told ass that they would do mot they couki, but that I Would neve become well again. "Shoot too months...go Timms mild Ow medicine being put up 1.7 Mr. P R. Riekmaa. M.P., of this. city. and now known as Knoteaay rure. and am liOW taking the fourth bathe a suck medicine. "Salem I finiehed the first brittle I notinsd • great beprov.os.n1 In my condition. I ham emir ved theses at my eyeeight. the me ray Imaidsg, sad the mos of my limbs ma hae come hatilimeA holy, the Waimbehrecompletely d sett in het. though it years dd. FeerrlaWili a new women. bitiMargate* Pattessimal Vine Street. Hamilton, Ont, • BRIsproxii-ii PILLS Cure Biliousness, Sick Head- ache, Dyspepsia, Sluggish Liver and all Stomach Troubles. BRISTOL'S PILLS Are Purely Vegetable, • elegantly Sug.r-Coated, and do not gripe or sicken. BRISTOL'S PILLS Act gently but promptly and thoroughr. "The safest family medicine. An Druggists keep 1 BRISTOL'S PILLS •