HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-4-9, Page 19 - • Teel far' -Ass- FSE SIGNAL 111 TIM SM. The FORTY-EIGHTH YEAR -2664 THB LB.A DI q Q j WSPA PZJ1t OF HU1.ON OO1:71STTT- GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA. THURSDAY, APR. w, 12391. • OMB DOLLAR WILL PAT Veit 1:111+; SIGNAL Fos Orn Tait D. McGILLICITDDY, EDITOR. NEW ADVERT1IM[MENT12-APRIL 9 Poe Oa Vaster Dy -F. J. Paden (Ias_.i A•r.ast Wasted -arta Harass B arton 6 Wal 10 Soo $•itsi-Fibre Q•.a& Os4 Lead Talk -11m Fear. 4 tests Cereals 8.1•- Jos. R.Masis . .. , , 1 tai•'a.In It ---K, alt A. T Osesle 4 Up be Data --R R. tallow. 5 A O.ses.l Servos% Wasted -Yrs. F. J Netlike= 5 Nest.►-Cepeils A. Helms, 6 COMING AND GOING. .las. Wiles visited pistm last week. G. N. Davis ,pest Geed Friday is Lan- des. Geo. H Noire was at week. Cae. Sym.sd' week. Kd. Gsrrew is ep.•dlag the haldays in seer.. Mr. sad lira J•sseses Red w Yeats, in Detroit Mies Cos. to Teasel is vlttiag her eater at Clsadebe7e Murray Witham spent Raster at kis fir•stford betas Dr. Hester 'nay 0.w be sees arwad, we me pleased to mate Yam MaMerdie is speedier the vo•ties et her beam. Hewell. Mr wed Mrs. Teaser. of Toreate,hre ra- ise relatives is tows. Miss Hees •sal Wm. Stewart @pest ifaetertid• is Termite. W@ F. Doyle is at N yeadette, Ytck.. „s • yi.,t to her eater. G. M. Cm. of Tiesshurg, spent Kamer with hos p.reata in tows. Resret* M.Kessie spat the holidays in ih• viaet.y tit 8raniford. Frank S nth. ef Tomato, at the old beim the week. Mies Charles. B A.. is e,1* diag • meet lag of teachers i5 Tomato. Yrs. A Johannes and see, Red, spec' Kamer holidays . T•reete. Mr. sad Mrs. F. J. Predh•s were in the Faget City os Oiled Friday. Misr Watson, of Meseanl se, i@ epmdieg the helidsy week 1a Tresses. Melvin' Howell was nerds, as he hews res Brestdord the past week Mw Amiss Campbell, 0 Seaford', wee .t she family resolve,. for fuel . the old home this was is !.wise lase OUR OTTAWA LETTER- mead is 1d... esaa...d THE ead is letruatr . hotel souse.'. at the he he V. the rate of $36 • day tar hoer weeks u Los - gee yes taxpayers have • psrloot right to What It Gel as On faith* CapI W & Geste ep5welses ob 1 the perpoer N This was visiting whish year gamey was applied. Tete so .Id timer who he bass ea the tort ter Risser as • J..1M5e.r- les Comm Mesh m fie' sal 1 des if M hood get eas el with more mosey t■ that .aero epees the Msstates When Whe *ase *5sead. time "1.. p51 t•Ut the Rewe" • «e wwiar sad see M Vory Ssrmsloo to . 1he eights. ' Ot eoeree,1 de .o' ler a mss - Whoa Se Brays se teens. 5. es.peet Fumed of ssythis(d this sort. but the f..1 that be ...-.sali.g tsars' tea regardt•a •speaditure might lead othare to output him. Thio moa who refuses to tell the public •oueusis o mw.aiume the nes he .lade of oyer $1500 d politico mosey is the man who .4 the S..t•stag of the memo' ssesies mid it was oath "o.ter'viare" be sowed the cab- oose. of Sir M•okessie Rowell Was he aired tin ~phis .ought be out off! Some little time aro K r Mack..s*s mads • trip to Australia, Fiji (.loads sod Hawaii for the purpose of upholding trade ooaferrscee with the several colonial OoT- era..mat. with • view to extelieg ear sem ttwot& ra.t,00s in the Poodle. H. was •way from Ottawa overly four months : be took with ham hie private •ecr'e•0y sad s ause.ager, .ad yet uis total out of this sm• e..r'ast trip to the 0000117 was soder $2000 Ye, Fedor emme to have got Womb with over hell that amount to tour wick*, oee-quutor the time, and magi. h•.d•d as that 8,r M.okenzte was not ashamed a give tne oesutry a detaild etiumment et his expeediteres, while Foster ,elle our gable • p500nta o.mmutee they will have to tense the ministers Whist oosoluaimn de yo arrive e,1 ? But wbo u the first one tether down the wages of the parr cbarwom..,o.- plored .boot the public batldhop, whim he was eleotime approaching or bel fends getting mew ! Who le the 005 to Timex' strata wheat one of his wlle•guse proposes smug • .mall 'scream. 1.s rarity M ens' de - nerving third -alas. clerk ? Ask Gear 9. Foster, the man whose espouses i. Lesdes I..* year cwt you taxpayers at the rats et $36 • day : Gear K Foster, the w who mitered Sir Maskeoate's o•b,oet with obi.- giviaas, bat she reassiaed u to draw bio salary : Geo K. Fester who allowed the Frederioton Bridge to delimit interest for 6 year.. OTTAWA..rel Ste, " How to n, gover" we are �J u tb title el so sassy is seems of prepsrsuea by the H... Gee. H Feeser. Kxm•Hr the lute of Goveresest Mr. Fester proposes dealing with is see generally taewo although the pole coven • • wide field. Is Lissy oil hie museum' to dl - (ate upm the goverstag of one's amiss* : of anis temper ; of e.i a pythons, or ,1 rust be Mat it is of sow te govern a natio. he will toll us The etporho.oe he hoe gaooled dut- ies' hie twelve or fourteen years 000upanoy 4 the treasury b..wb.s ,build enable tem to talk with • degree of .5o0reey tat •.a may le the result of • l0ot usambc,evoO m be has e.) eyed is h.hdltog Rho .ask. That ,amenias• has tress • dear the ter the ae•atry It Gey be that he proposes wain as hew 5. reversed b'msil durteg hie fast 1119 to Ka,ilead is 005 5111 0 watt which I have • wail to ray today. It is • muter that d.• 'sloped before she public 00ooaot. nth - mattes m let Apr.1 rowdier the •rawest y si ere annually paper to dans . oast el Foster's i travel,,sa expanses. K1hoster had been e•esmmed before the *...Inas to Ox• plea se ahem it , h• last roper* .f the Aditor (ieoer•1 as S1531 paid by B...G•o. K Foster for tr•vil....a exfiesast Hero is the motors. that took pleae u oemerndse : Mr Mattis- tit hat te that for' Mr. F•rter---Travelling expenses u Can- a& sad on the Lotdue trip Mr. Marga- How much of it is fee the Leedom tap? Mr FWON -I don't k.ow. Mr Monti-Csi t we got it is the vouchers. Mr. Vaster -Yes won't get soy deans. Mr. Martis -I doe't want details but how mach ter Caudle and how mace for Keg had. Do the •oo.usu not .hew what bum mos the messy was spout is ? Mr. Frew -No Mr. Feeler stated further that the Los - des smesot was probably '• 51000. he was away about et: weeks. Mr. Marta You oa..ot give details or ewes ray what the money was stent for. It might have beat ,pont m your pnyate .1• lairs. Mr. Foster -Tse, you count lust trust the sinister. Mr. Maras- (aarossu0atty) That as very �weemottee oedd test so .tief•wm Ma .f Foster sod of worse the matter had to drop. When as regards the cravollint Coteau Misi.ters is Canada, y >a remember they ere supplied with eased pares ever the r.alway and have at their gall • Govern- ment palace stir .ad noose of portent ano esmeste, yes will be ioatosd to ask ,.or in leavee's some Reis saintly mas, this moral was, this apostle of teespe ernes .s. gad to est away with 51,531 of year hard-earned wages or savings 0a oma year is travails' expanses You any say It is t small 01st• ter to gooks • foss over. bust this is ase the point la tee eyes of the world potty ler. ,may is shoes desoio•bl• tad mesa t5ta °rooked work dose ea . urge Desks. Yes ra'her admire the bank robber who bus bagged had • waken, while the .soak thief who steal • ....•d -head marmot yes de- spise I de net mess to 1aetsuate that Fes- ter stole the sash : tar from ,t, bat I do wish eo ham shat he mealier .xiravaga.os should sot be lost sight of although we have millions to deal with. But why has Footer refused to give yes a Amadei sosotat of that expediters of S1631 ! He say. his sax work- trip to Loa- d.. probably oast 41.000. 1 challenge atm to say at did not act 26 per tett mora 11 roster .pent a oast d year money ea that .5.orable tap he epos, 51.250, tad let bin dewy it. After paying the Does dee tick- et is omegas* the A•lea ie both wows, he W at least oats tb.uoasd dollars a speed is fuedes is tour weeks, -for two weeks est of the mix were takes up is the ass's voyage. Two hundred sad Any dealers • wk nigh be regarded as gsi.g at • page teat eves " Plunger tissues - wadi mall rapid. It is bemuse there are ekssp.sss aliases Maddest y is thus assesses that the saistl7 Fester refuge, to giv dst•'l! 11 he same out squarely sad Mid yes he W tan mai st the basso mss is L.sd1i and had boss "ysnood" you might have hada little ere- mitism for hew end let Rha mates net the... Had he ewes told yes that he f...d "MAI suing" is Leaden a little more expeorive Mae he Mad o•lsalat.d when be put the sees ages year ~Sr yes might have forgives him far "seeing the MAI.," het whims b. amass est o.d pesselsaiIy tells yea to wed year sirs bgsie.g i thee he will give yes se tsfor.s1es as to tibia w he made of your most' saying " I most it," than yes have Night M be 5 little biLiohey eyes think that U after Marais' from a trip to Lades your wife amid de- ems" is yyo°u0r pocket hook • mesas. weeks is lesd.s at 536 • the gttd lady w•.N have 1pod tires s for crew ewsatiesisg yes .title es be Acted f Vat ilor+ ls m5.etei0r mem Mae the users ex- penditure d 41531 by Mr. Feder a gavel - (tag arpw.. A. • puble .so, as • sea in whose hsob yes hays paged the °es1r01 d year s11.s.ys have •riga to know wheel- er Mae gas is mill Se swiss ef your ma - Gasses i wheeler he has �•5Mted4 up the pre- heats, of ee.psia...►esbrlety aM.amM1 , es sono might put it, ter it was Ms Mgkly moral ,teal Fester teok tat had .as, pro - Mae soythieis s. to de wtlk his angry WM yeti 1 8*0.de New yes 8d N. gander toss hearty in ..v.i 155 'spew 54 • rete tale war. mate yes ..king a foss egdce• and thea sgslrlee he reams M error. The Mae stre.ksdy the sespieles Mae he wee Inseam • good time aerie' kg 1....d.. Melt. 1 he did sot w joy Mama he Mw Lille Moes a epodlag Vaster v- catiea at hes home u Mosotho. W. J D Cooke. barrister, was visiting et Myth had Bloral5 Sudsy last LL L Mamma. barrister, el Wfagham. e pees Su•d•y is the smutty te5s. Mem Ie Towel, .f Credible, was at the family residonoe for the holidays. Miss Marks, of srsedrld, was this week the west of airs T. B. V•sevsy. K. & Hick. et Paris, meat gartenide with mauve@ it tows and viat.ity H. I 8trass. R. A., is atlesdiy • pro fanitie•, mostiog is the Querns City. W. W bleme.r was be the big gaieties .f wbeal5/es is Termite last weak. Cape A Melissa left es Tuesday last for eon Huron to fit out the tog Danatt*. Iter Gar Roh•rAma, of Mout Forest, was is tows this week, m • visit at his sea. Mn. adobe, of 8esf.rtk. wme Making at at het Goner'•, Mn. Addles, the past hew days. Pis H•phars, of Stratford, was vWlieg ger aim. aim M. Skates. duras" the past weak. Hillevi Holmes, of Montreal, is speeding • holiday term se the family midweek 0.1 - berme et. CMI Babb left on Woodsy for Milwso kse te take a pomades on the stm•oer Philip D. Armour. W Lvdiet•e, of the God.riea Collegiate (.slits!., l oath." la Ma emblem' is the Forest City. Mr. Farrow, of Rlvimvl., wee is tears ea • Agit to hie brother, Anker, dm Ma- w holidays. Oh•. Bares, el the Hayek Foolery. .pest the Fester holidays with he friesd0 an Bre.tterd. Hy Persons, of the Bask of O..tu're., Mtrstle rd..peet Haler •e the parental reel - des... W..t-w Mies Holes Doyle is hem. from 91. Oath - oris.. opesdtnr her Hester holidays with her paresis at The Piss. Ames Fres he., April 2 : Min Asap ma, of Dmled& has boss • geese at the Methodist P.n..•g• this week. A. D. Yelwed sod sr O•.prMU, w5. W bees .o..Mnng' the Water is tows, reter..d es Wednesday te A.at•kgal• te It see • dregs. Jae l>"yl., ef Aura -se, reler..d from Wyedott. es Wednesday, and left assia es Geed Friday For Ise mama bows i5 Y(.aisa.. Yrs. R. J. Poetised, awl &.gator who W boss the "some el Mrs. W.. Hellas& for two wrkm, left for their a.m. a Den - amass es Monday. Wm. Trish, foregoes d the p.1Mleg do- �fl.►edy tealsMerle his ryBlw boiid.ys with his pmsnhe fa Park. LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF. WINGNAM OUTRAGE. *rrMitb Ken Ob TrIAl. An rid Ms. Ueaets Mode. Term Ise. nes Mona. and Whsssod - The r. ■ •ares• s1. a-*rr 10w. ars Seal sad lawlessly ad.al.ulee,A ON Friday, Police Magistrate Seager, es utistrieuese from the Attorney General, ousted teen is W iegbam to hear evidence es the charge of amoslaugblor preferred agleam Robert Harrow, Thomas Moat- gemery, Cassias Mother, George, ."btppen amid Jerry Flaastgsa Tbo ass .rams out of supposed Improper oomiduct of the deceased mu Fuld, • number of mho Iavt0i agreed tai meet and taking the law in their own hands punish him for the premised of• Room. The aim was worked up by Govern - meat u.ta.tive Rogers, assistkd by Tam Gundry. The crows prosecutor was K. N. Lewis, of tioderuh. and the deloadast• had as o.u*.el K Yasistoae. 1'M mw had bar ermines to cos 0011017 Intl, but were takes to tt wham m Thured.y,trom which pose they sue takes le ()wench as Satartay. The Bret witn.as walled un Fre4.y, fico. Munson stated that m March 9th he mat Hermes wbo informed him that the boys were going to tar and feather Footed. H. thea wick inhere wont toward deseasei'a Moues, where a buy was mot to with • mote to got him (51slol out. but moth's. was dorm that slab*. The !closeness •vesleg be met Harrison and several others. Harnsee wbo bed a pato' and a•rtridrsa, told him to go to Wilson's •teaea. Fie west •ad saw • few et the boys He asst Use prre•er,Maa.ir, Hermon, Jac Netter - Beni, Albin Marna, 1401140.1 Flaseigas,•d be thought. Jerry Flanngtan, Tom Walker sod the prtaeeer no0lqumery. Preppie was sot there Harruo°, *Hies., Mesmer sad Finlay blackened their Iso,., others would not do it. Marmon thee called ter Weiser, wither, Nettarlieid and Moo -rhos to go to Fold's bow. Tbey LOOK • rope sad west in Fmld t There was • big goat of them, all the pronoun were then. The mimes then gars dotal* of their .saru14, sod stated that while upstairs be beard • shout of ming him out. sod that thee, Har- ruoa rushed upstairs tor the whip who* he touud and took with him. le oosolames, the wituw said that the night was a stormy, wlmlry the, with snow m the ground ; that be oo'ld sot say who was ringleader, Har Moo was at first, but, Hanson said that P*uppvn had takes the affair out of hes h.odr. Harrison was the brat to eater &- Ma.sa • Domes. Tbomaa,aged 20, sob ot deceased. was the aext wita.as. He stated 15.1 he worked la se tousles shop,taat hr Lathe, fast staters . ad brother Lived is the boom., sad 1501 es the night beton the 55.•0lt • WI es.ed F,sdl.y lorded in •.ass for hes father to sell ea • (Art Loyd. Tb.t he (encases) that to Mrs. Loyd, instead of Mn father and foul that the sot* was false, sad that be beard • t shout, mud est yew tether. That es Tuesday the pru•ser Har- ness muted 150 boo.,, .ad pointing • re- volver, seed bi would blow um aril...' brows if he did not produce kis father. Harrm.s's tam was bleckesd •ad 1 gave alas ne answer Afterward• ..,.r.l moo sewed •mal he reouan1sed Geo. Morrison He *destidod the prm005rs as bung u i*• bons% bat did sot mese Jerry Flamingoes there. They tees begm dragg1.g bis lusher o ut of the how, Harris= winos orders Belem dimness for laa.ae0, Jerry FI.. - swan was discharged at the request of Do- teeny, yeteeny, Rogers After lunch, ('hoe Field eo5tl0ued. Harness bad • revolver, mod .Met arson be ordered him out be told the "Mums he would knot* toff ht. bead *l he did ..e1 keep quiet No one had touok.d km that he could noolleet They took kr ether 'Wade, sod told wither w stay la. ado. darrres eau.. book 1.m shout live .tau's and asked bis if he hod • cart- ridge, and that if be had am be world save Mm Labor's lis. Hs west LO the front part 4 the how sad stayed there about • quarter d an boar. He tem west out, sad .soy were is the lam, oom*•g towards the loses, baa.iag he father, who bad only em sderob'rt sad ev.r•birt m. Hie lamb were pare sad ales hs. heed. Phipps., Messer, and Baron teres • wire aroma *. father. The throe berm to emit .soar tb.l..lv.t Up to tem cum they had held an father, bet they It go of him, sad wL1- sses took his father by the ares and took bis ate the Mase .red hid bun in the mdse. -- Lou curtain sae now os at Robinson's. The county board ot audit held • swim es Moeday. St. Georges Minn* was prettily dmoorat ed es Koster Day. 1, will pay you to take • loot at Robin so0'e lace curtains. Oa &.turd., there was in ea the lake as tar as eye could tee. Itotwa.os'e reooraisn no equal as barges - givers i0 lace curtains. 7 be warden pad his monthly visit to the meaty east es Moday. Skeane. sed ,snug es the 7th d...f April se • mooed for Goderiok. The Collegiate Institute sad the public schools will re -open on Monday. There Was • large ateed•aoe at the Mis- sion Bed- ea Saturday Conyers ibiweaa'e $1 00 curtain' with some of the $1.50 °aflame in tiara The 1•w library in the 00u5ty buddies, is asesmisg • ..ssertabe •ppear.s. O. Hoed Friday the ...io•i serer oe .t St Georre'e was vn.•I,edy the srgan being edam. Whoa yes buy the famous BRAVER C50wiyt Teeaeoo, be ears she word Beaver aes mob p,sg• There (fres • large attead•soe at the see ,set gives M the .Mies bond Le North et church os Friday. If you want to enjoy the oomfot to of bows bey • 10o package of genuine TONRA S.uokSag M,xmra The H B C. will meet( at the °lab rooms Monday emotes net at 8, sharp. ivory wheelies. is invited. Hens Ledge No 62; 1.0 O F., will 001. broth the sositeresry by atreadisg divine service o the 26th asst , in North -et Meth - did t.reh. N aides *caches hes • very bad hoed, the of ►m sone ave. •ocidesally out it with as axe. The wound ie painful and will be mese time hemline. The gigues", Craftma hes Men par - shamed by 8e.ptes parties sad is Was pet I. shape les the Ma'ss'e tents°. We mob the hew emirs guesses with their large vessel. A mese pusher asmide.* 000arred the other day A. • lady was'stag armed 1.b• Miser. sed Meet drawn by the sweeties" as The Fair, she mumbled sod fell i. 5t,h theft 50.45 sad press. Whoa .he rese.er- ed she fend she bad got jest what she wed, is Mlle, quality al prise. CIL U. The followist aro the lapin ler she dif- knot Femme pmph►_ millias whirl meet during .ext week * Lem Marsh 1.P.8.CR., Tss@d y wea- ves at 8 W.isik. Topes ler April 14th. "Will our meson Mead T• Ase mei 18-21 leader, Mile Lusa Ada... N orth -et Methodist d•reb L L d f H.. Friday meshes at 745 .'deet Apel 10. Y art will be eend.sesd by Mem ((..dry. Lest.. Peerktp•gias G1t..a k T. P.& C- Ii day wombat M 7 .'iesk. Tapir for April Nam 4. C. HlMea one. sae Wed r Mies asn,b, alaileslob tss•sblp T.P. 3 C It , rmidsp swilms, Ape I! "Wil sew enema Wed I' Asia sad Wit Lead- er Al!gae thwridlem are smear belled to sf8snd Wee BELFAS T. W m0xs@oaY, April 8. W. A. Haekeet, of Detroit .poet *today "Ahem.. A let's srswd •ttaled H•.5.tt'e Muria es Sunday last. A e..►er of the .1d is5Ntsaes were home for 9 .1' W50 ma it that wasn't at the pew •no ,wirer let weak t The Buis rams hares pawed through here as usual 8.5dsy smarm" A mother of pwusus around hes have b'w laid up wgh the "Gvtpp" Anes Hewell, who is •twdlne mama i. Deborah. meat his badaym .t home. 1.A• sea sympathies with peer Alex this (set week, es a* lessee amii engem regent - lye Yr. Stevenage, et 81esley. Arae has boos vyling treads ha the noisier re1r.e h oses Gm week. Wo weeder whet makes that toy w with the sorrel mlaud.vere'.t vara mid w visit Belfast so shot Oer wearable beck sly hes bees slat- ed oohed trust's •a the pass d James Apr who W loft the m'Mes. While wallies" agrees Ile (leer see day est week fi•e eel Sherwood'% Istsls by MI sod broke he I. We bps ems to her et 5e resevery. A Telma getemes mega M here ere. WOW teas, w their irartleaa. Whatever might be mid se the seers of aur•lity, the dt.p..ttiw se their part to take the law is• to tsar .wa heads was to De depreosted. Yeses the ether aids of the use mutt take the law tate their owe Moeda, bat this ..eery lad geed laws, and 1b law arse ad- ministered f.•rla..ly to all people. No weer - al ooa.iderat100 oould Justify • proceeding that would he so dsegero.e as this This ear .50014 be mad. ea example ol, or m- arshy sad 1001.5ser weed soots prevail 1s was aa ie..I$ to our laws, that were .e- qualled is any 0050117. Moral rehires stimulated with whiskey was sot to be tel• .rated He would have to remand the pri•- oa.re for trial at the nest .curt of compel - est lurtadlctioo ea • thugs et moa slaughter Ah attempt was mode to pr.our. hail for the priseaere, but the M•ot.ir•t. refused, •ad they were takes to G,dert.h gest set soratag. MUNICIPAL COU NCILS- 001.005x1. CAsiow, Mash 30th, 1896. Collura* owoctl met in the township hall, members .11 pre•e51. Minutes of last meeting rood sod stga.d The following •o- 00nata more pall : moils Knitted. $19 26 ; Kier prt0tlsg. $10 611 ; Peter McKean, ism her, 51 46 ; Mmwtu0l World, dos ta5.,et0 :s 36. By 1.w No. S. mulattos the tun aisg at largo of dors was read • Wird time .ad passed. Wm Joos. requested the privilege of doing ho statute labor on the 8th *opossum's. (:ranted The 000001 theta adimrsed to meet an the 27.5 day of May se • court of revaim at 10 clock A. r. F. W. Mclbxaau, Clerk. NEWS OF THE DISTRICT. ?u0941001111olar ownCorrespaideato risme m Mee *flee bast ba IesM Anewbeee Rtes --Meese et rte *Seed •peer.le7 t.persed ear The 51sa1l- DUNGANNON. Nance -The moat 551507 te for T at Bu5A1. i at the °Moe of Yin= l.P.. oo.vgesoor. io.. wbo will reedy* •y- Ann ter esbecrlptlons. advertising and 114 work sod is •.thoris.d to give noolpM ter snouts said tar the same Tt'xet.Ar, April 7. HLtt!ralo; RA1L5Ar. Prospects hopeful. moray. -Toe annual vestry mestl5g w55 h eld in tit. Pats'a ohurob here os MenAsy •tteraoo0- Memos -We have been credibly M- istimed that • medico will loo•te hero for practice in the WOW' holism Vtsirut - Joh* Robinson, formerly of this pima, sod sow of Algoma, u rosewfag . ad visiting former •ceual0twoes Vistroa --Mr. Foley. ot Looters. was in oar village m Monday, name, bis nes-i5- Mw •ad daughter, oar. and Mrs. Cosner. Too I1.0L0 Owing to 510101, weather being to ebe •eosed•et the robin and other .prt5 birds have been prematurely rushing 1h• Spnoo. INDtiiP0etp. W• regret to have to nate *bat Mrs. 'earnests, wife of Rev R am Friar AeswsLo. te, We hope her illness will beef Conned) met oe the 28th of sl.,rob. Mem short duration. bore all present. Miscue of last mess ag read and approved. By-law No. 6 was 50 allypeace •ppolstt0g palbm•etere. Nue mowers and posed keepers as follows P.thesast n -Geo. S.uoby, Wm. May, Nm. Johnston, D. Gorv's, S. Pentland. Jacob Kyan, Joe. Tiger', Geo. Draper. Geo. Yield., W. Hawkins, Joo. K.ttley, Wei. Grabens. Josses Grey, 1) J•rduse, W. Wil- soa, Toes Stewart, R J. Fmige. J.... Gordon Nat. Csohtnghe., Jos. Wiles, R• MoWslm.ey, 8. Welles. Ed. Hay. Wen. Lassos, P. Can, R. Homy, R. Finley, R. Treleaven H. Johnston G. HelL Joo. Lathan . D. H. Alcoa, R. Ddoog, Thos. Jas Lane, R K Lane, W Mo Milker, A. Hackett, Jen. Gardner, R. Nit- on, 1. Acidness. A. Mullin, R Redd. Jas. Baird. Jut Agnew, rhos Wenner, R. Mo- Ysith, 1) G. cKew.u, K, moRe.xho, Jot Morey, *d: Johnston, I K .ergs, D. Mo - Beath, Joo. M.Donald, 1). Fergus.o, R. Vntrua. Wm. McKay, prtaotp•l of H.n.oil public setool, Twisted friesds hem the latter part of last week and left ter home on Saturday •ttera000. Naw Kau. Rix...x. - W• have bees in- formed that George Westbrook has takes the position of mw,pul.tor of our tows bell We anticspata regular and oorr.o► aline. Rumor sr. --Joke McWbtaq. of (kaw.. Aahbeld, bevies 'soared a position with T. Todd, of St Hole', will move there with ass family in a short time. We wish kiss wooer. CON vaEasel Mb. -The many friends and acqualntano. of Mies Frank Crawford. wbo has been for some time troubled with 'ore throat, will be pleased to know that she u grsduslly renovating. Lour: CusrLNY.-Mr l'howan, of Mitch- ell, agent et the Berbeck Loan Company, Loodou, Got, was to our village, eodeavor- Hemtlton• R Bolles, Joo. MuDoo•Id, Das- tog to forma directorate for the compsoy. gam, M Kenzo, Geo. Huwbises, W. J. Mc- He okras that by tossing the oompsey, Kay, Joo. Cowan. Jao. McLeod. Chu. poor people clan m.k• and rave mosey. Stewart, Alex. MuL)oaald, J. W. Mussy, More •sot, Chat Wm...ley, Jas. Busby, 8. Kirk. Novo au [ssrri u_ Kew Mr Holmes. Wm, Wailes, Jae. Steadier, W. Ferries, K. Upward, R. Molatwb, Joe Hackett, Wm. Powell, Jae. O Ris.1y, Jae. MoNamard, Jots Leer, W. Dello, A Needs, Thos Wilson, Jot I)ramood, P. McKenzie, Jas. Dresses', Jas. Crawford, Tbo. Jobnstm, N. Jobe/sees, C. O'Co.asr, Jas. Cousins, H. Finegan, Jan. Agar, Jos. (reason Jas. Dmrdsoo, Jos. &loon, Joo, K 8.11'.0.. Taos Garvey. Jao. Cooke, Jae Mo9ay, D. McDo.old, Jao. ioes.tm, Alit dogged., C. Cathcart, M. Courtney. Gar. Tw•mby, Mrs. R,cberdeos, Jas. Loathed, Geo Dew son, Thos. Coagr•m, Jso Johnston, A Maio, Thos. Richardson, Jso. Kilpatrick. P. Shield., Jos. Dalton .100. Courtney, Chas. Bowels, Pat, McGlynn, D. MuN.v,n, H (Istria, Jas. Yalaad, R. Higgins, R Promos, Jos Sellivso, Joo. Tborbara,Thos khakis, M. D,aseea, A. Drowsy, Jar Retd,Jeo OnSis, kd Ftyaa,H Blake,Tb o. (,'lessor, Jas, Quaid sad A. C. Hswkie- F.nes viewers -Jobe Webster, John Mo- Dvosgh, R. Wetter, D. M•cinlyre. R. hely. M. McLane e, Jso. Bleck, H C1.I, A. Dreamy, R. A. Cernok, Thos 1.•5••5, Wm. Powell, Jas. Lane, A. C. Has kes sad Jae 8uyeasea. Potted keep see -R. J. H. Delver, Jae. MoDonagb, Paul Reid, D. M.sincyre, Jas. Dano. Jae. Bleck, Jeo. MoDosald and 1st Jobnsto0. Dr. F. MoL•han was appoistd .ed sal health othoer instead of the lots Dr Mo. Kay. 05 •notioD of McKessie and Dalton the foltowtar accounts were paid : R Fits ' maid, for plank, 1.907 : John Csmpbell,for breakwater at R,ohardvos's bridge sod in .p.otisr .• .,$21. A petinob was proseet- ed, aimed by silty ratepayers of A.5Wld, asks./ that the sum of $50 be granted to Astray part of the impious *.carred in mond- ial' • delegation to Ottawa to 'conte the Meter tor the Hares and Ontario Klecone Railway. Mewed by Kuckl-y,'soo.ded by Penne, yet the sem of 240 be masted far the purposes eat forth in the above position. Moved to •ss.sd,nent by Mekong's, mooed - ell by D.1tes, that the petition asking for the sum of 260 as Dart of the •xpose's to Ottawa to obtain charter for the Hurn and Omm.1*. •leotric railway be left over till the nest meshy of ooasod. Mottos carried, Reeve Gwyn. Totter yes. Mond by Kush my. „waged by Ferrwih, that each oounoil for be allowed the earn of 2200 to expeed is Moir several read divines's is road improve- atssM, but sal to erased that amm.1 ede- est dimitisir from this oowoil, sad that swab mono liar proclaim • written state - most at every oe0aml s ostein el all .twits expwded from previoes s ooseho e•sd tk*Ne sleek keep so .noose% of the same, Carried. Oe Mottos of MoR.*,e sal D.i•es, the .ess.t sdjmreed to .get es the 30th day el may. Th. court for the rse.ios of ea .es.mea1 relit. to os nesse its SIM ntti.g5 at 2 &desk r u es that day 10 the 05020•,1 ,waw,. W. Ryoo'i•s, Meth. Th. *.amt t•eee51*. T. the bailor of Ts ■ Mex At. Dear Sat. -The Get reempft el the hexon smeert was 11I12 10. ' The 000.etlea desire to th.0k Tog 8,a- NA1. sad The Star for grataitose advertent., sad jib work,,-ar, C.•.pigue ter redaction. is natal of O jma limns sod O. W Them- es for the puss ferwished. Also Moms. Wilmer Smith. Jamas Rnhtsees. H Wates. and the trustee. N North -t. Methodist ltle.es of trust Nth they held, alio win aerie fate f.rsfshta.pi loaned. plaited at the bead d she mosey mimed as T5 the waft sad gentlemen whose hid -wardens ler • term. They also deserve l thee their •steam and ep.em te • a m for- ! gust ,milt for their advise la ma.ieipal Mu the *poi of the enterat0mrt 0d Realms whsle bee helped .5 utake the semi .oke it mamba for the esesesittes to tiers*Fel Hems see el she Ivremost mes is mow n0tier the m. balsauses, we desire a Mader i Pr+etw et (hart. We jets with the Me twrthel• Masks of this@ maws imply gassy relatives ad .gadat.Mlwt of Mr Isegmtd. Team inly, Team is lstinm like se his My Tam Olgt.w . I Mirthhday, birthday k..pa0g a ll wiry seam ••a H melfen, Tress. wasivestimiga Da= ,i .i?. xv*DsN0.. Dairy Field, the mixt...-yeereld. daugh- ter et the doosessd. was Me mixt wt•a•t•. Her .v.&aee ares mseematory of what bar brother bad already stated CgrrsbMrsuve evadable was rives by maw death enthuses meted*.g De. Toady*, who ▪ d that be kepi the remand d the weather end that abet 10 o'.toek es the sight of Monk 1015 it Dom 100r degrees friar ser.. l'M a►gy,s..ewmsor was self-reaeterug and 50 believed that 11 was correct la demos the seas Yr. Lewis beefy d ated that tae ..de.ge i.plleated VI um pmmeeae, and prove that demagog duet teem the .fleet et etpwn .estreotd dor- eg the.m.adt Mr Vaoet..se pleaded fee the preemies, .spas .Uv her Mro uatmiry. '1,5. Mytmtr.ia in useimt$g se to sass g eed that he w.. stmt trying the 4.05I5. Alt he W to do was a satisfy himself test there was 5A.mest evokes@ i. jssufy tear ►5.y pl.e'd en trial The modems weenie show tat demoted hal hems dragged out el Me home sekmd sato the maps; that xis fast ad bees (roses: sad that sight Asps titer doe eusrresee Mad did at the Leader hospital from .xpe.sre.eeee as the &..weed wee eshjest.d M by the prisoners He meld 1st.t ssesme that their emus mooed Me Tb. &lases might prods.. *videos* s shim (hat same *saki eebereeset expos .re sassed deet when tae premium maw 5p for trial. Is w0. • prttsbl5 sus. •.d he pled the primacies, se they .vdestli W .rt estende ted* soF real harm to Feld, and had bean egged to de wet they fled by Mese who maim a haw Mme. sitei whip )and mated is • 1450rdly way, bet yg p. W to game. Ism .anp.anW. , Rhee .. year mess ea a rate IhSt s50nM hese gv wase • Wee •i. a apses ee him sH 150 o I- f -_$ sr $..day do MOM asses maid look W swell gleetbl sky. Ouesa.�e t p-Mh •miss Ua s, `.ski big Mat fear mdde e le berms d die deo chairman of the district sod pastor of Rat- teabury-at. Methodist oburoh, Clinton, 0on- ducted dittos ..rerun both morning and mama. u the Methodist church, here, en Sabbath het. donne which he preached two .xe.Umat .00100.. which were very •ooept- able. VIsnot Wm. finIland, formerly of A•h8eld township and now of u:odorio►, was in mr village on Monday, visiting friends. We wee pleased to see him leek se chirpy and vtroraus,but regretted to beer those Mrs. Holland was not wr11 We hope that as the warm weather approaches .he will soots be restored to good health. Rirtaso Minos our last, March retired like a lamb and April was ushered is like • lies The first, .cooed and third days, wh:ch ars oommmly called the borrowing day., were very rough and stormy, sad therefore filled the bill for the borrowing days to p•rfootim. The weather .loos is somewhat mild like, .Itho.gh Winter, to some extent, r here ye*. Hors. -- P. Milligan, A Glean, M. Spree's and J. Douglas, all of whom have atteodd • sumo* of military trainiar at the military 1o►ooi, Leedom. have retorted h ome is .11 probabil.i y, they will have to sxsa•.ge the G•tliag tar the I.Iough, and moist in farms/ instead of 50105 LO help the Brin.h in the Moud.n or quell the is- . urreotiti0s is South Afrim. R..uo..o ro )4A-imae. --- Thee Dar/t- in formerly • member of West W•waaot municipal unused, and now of Neep•wa, Mao., who had bees o* an wooded visit to relatives and lrie0d& in Wemt W•smash, lett here es Tuesday, the 715 toot ,ler beau via Terence. He reports that he Ickes the Prairie Provisos. '7., aloes, with 1..0 hod of friends, wish ht. greet .Doom.s is his n ow loo•tios. it gene. SARs. OD last Tuesday, Marsh 314, the ssotioa sale of tares .tock, im- plameat., ate., was held m the premiss el Robs M•Ileogh, 4.55.14. Orly to the popularity and expertness of the aactiooeer John Morris, the e1wlleat 000deloos of the stook sad implements sad the favorable weather, it be,.g very four that day, Me .ale wee • great .seoe•s. Then was • large number of .hardy yeousee of this •0d mr- roOsdiN omrtry preemie and good prion. were realised tar the nook. hunts, sa tes 1.n. Kees) ornate et ter isle =to. • geed prim. Mr ellough may e'.rea/slato himself es a.iog had woe of the beet .ales Mae have over been held is Mie vioidty. sear. DAY Gatemen/me --On Friday evening the 3rd day ef April, a very plea - we •ad etwgeNag time was spelt at she resides°, of WLUiam Yeses; sr , township el Colliers°, sod mimed M • Dumber of bin reisev...f.ede sod old titre manatees. the ...aiw being tee oelehrettos ot the v.serelle.e.tl.m•.'e eighty forth birth- day. Premises% •moaw i h. many gama present was Charles (brvie or , without where presentee the selehrst.m would use be son.piete, as the heat and hie venerable visitor were is farmer non ptoeeen of their reme,t(ve %ow*.kip.• sad together ee espied :bwhigheet teatime of trust In their ,Mp•ot•yw g.e.e15.141ie5 ler several years with grant wreak to themselves sed te these who bea.ad dans with t e high pee -