HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-4-2, Page 6i THE SIGNAL: GODSRIOH' ONT., TRTTRSDA Y. APRIL 2. 1896. Chewier /IL nwealbaseps. Headache CURED PERMANENTLY BT TAZIIBG Ayer's Pills 1 was troubled a long their with sIek headache. 1t WWI Irma)) r1.•,•v04p.uled with eevere pales In the temple.. a .rise of fufhr•s.. and tenderness lu ot,e eye, a !tail taste 1n my mouth t u.' coated, hands and feet cold, aim ale twos at the atoanach- I tried a Imod many retoedtes .ec,nnmeoted fur lata complaint , but It was Hot until i Began Taking Ayer's Pills that 1 received an hints like p.e%ns- nent I.enrdt. t .Ingle 1101 0r the/101,1111 Old the work for ale. +teat 1 am now fer0 from heada.'in•s, and a well hart:' -- t'. 11 Itt-1rxras. Bast Auburn. Me AYER'S PILLS Awarded Medal at World's Fair Ay. r'>. .Yu reaps rilris Al M• as.. HEALTH AND HOME. Mei water err east Bleed. Ito 1 : regory was calleed to !wet ee1n obstit ale ester of none bleed which had dirtied the skill of several medical oleo. and tried that much user, r•-medy, hot water, with toed ellect. 11. gave • foot bath with water almost aot.ear•hlt hot. The patient e feet were pat .n the water, and in • few minutes the hleed/og, which had continued for several hours, dimimehd d tioa:ly cease, hot heart beat mere tiro .nd she was out of dauver. lo another . he tied the sam0 rem&wy ID • law/..teat Cabe of vomiting. The not water is much better when the feet are put into It at a tempers tore not too high, and boiling water is grad sally added. It ie aato.uhine how much heat can he horse to the. we >. To Pamine Ilbehv's !feed. took each day, for two hour*, two table. spoonfuls of pearl barley to each pint of water. Whom it s done. steals though cheese cloth, and add half as much sweet cream, no. Pon rich Sweeten slight's and keep away f'om either kitchen or bedroom odors and so . cool place, warm enough for a n.eal every two hours Keepeverything need +bent the food perfectly cean, making •free tie of water. snap and 000eht0e. A. baby grows older .imply mode graham gem* biked very hard and soaked In milk aro very otos The two sad three-year olds would be saved many a burst of ill temper or spell of nervousness and wakefulness" by d.uymg them mom than • small portion o1 meet or other riots or stimulating food. tare Par %erre*. aeadarbr lorsto° iota -oaf An apostle of phyesc.l culture says that .n eioellent and Dever tailing cure for nervous headache s the simple ant of walking backwarb. Tee minutes are as lung as is usually 0e000Mary to promenade. It sometimes, however, re Noires more than ten minutes to walk .t •11 if oar is very "nervous. But 11 . mot 0n dsntood that one is to welt • chalk lint. Any kind of walkout will do. Provided it is backward It is well to get into • loog, arrow room, where the windows an high, trod walk very slowly, pl.cine first the ball of the loot oo th1 floor Sud then the heel. ifestdes outing heads -he, this exercise pre- emies a graceful carriage. A half hours walk backwards every day will do wonders toward prodneing • graceful trait. flesela. Slate eat/k. There are many receipts for tenovati•e Neck silk. but the fnllnwtog i have nese tried sur'oeefully. Naos each piece on • smooth, clean table, Deet • wad of the m. - torte you ere .1 .aim/ tier a sponge, seed rub with this dipped in the oleanteg fluid lo downward strokes until mach piece as well wet. Tho fluid may be wool parts of .leo het and luke•wwrn. water ; It may be cold 0o1.o well steamed, or water to which an old hl•ok elan• ked slave has treed boiled This latter mixture u • glove put into • pint of water and boiled dove to • half plot or two gloves in • go.rt of water. Foch and every nes of the.. fluids a exoellent is of Mot. Mpooge the. goads on what will be the right eido when mule up, as some alike o•n be turned after hwine worn. Haag each Ct.on • line 'o •Iry . when Dearly dry, t still quite da np, iron sub a moderately warm semi on taw wren, nds,pleot. apiece dof .t ttls.•k o.mbrw or mon dote between the iron and the good•. and Ironing each piece until it is pert.e•ly dry. Theo lay away the poems without folding them (1 the selvedge mite seem to draw after the Bilk is wet eat them here and there to give • leeway Memo erentes do not iron silk, Mabee •ng that if it drips over the life it will be perfectly smooth, hot this don not give e handsome an •ppeeranee as ironing '1`ke ironing most always he clone on the wrong side and over • second fabric, wheel; menet he black it the material is dark colored, 11 then are any /ream aunts oe the silk re. move them with naphtha rubbing it ee with • erne of the alk er with French °balk The latter is .ureped es the spot, left there over night sed Weighed eat in the smefiy If the epee remUhe, try the chalk yet•. Thi• meet be demi seed eke elk is eiwnmA remelt oWk mi he had from the druggists, and mar be sed on say fabric •1 Msl°r. Retitle* twill remove plat, hat it semetiww Issves a state like water, whisk may he removed with Preweb ellk An. ether plea to remove grams hem silk is to rah • la.ny ef wet ulaeasels welt the alhwt.g it to dry, end thew batiebis* ed lie powder. Ns matter mime material Is beteg idolised, w • pew r the same osier sad labrie to Ifs Che rabbi.* with. STRANGE MENTAL SPINE. W. W. Downs sew ries. Dello. thein breed!% f.se.ee. There ars few better rees.usre d1 the Weal tr 1. lk. Kest either, ler the OIONe, e t rel. Mina W. N. tlt.11) Emus, the mai- (Mal lawyer, who baa uselasbly defended MOM EMU ter capital crte.et tbae May .ether Weesmey i• the t1.0t lie te kauwo 0.ly e. • lawyer to moat of the new -semis!. 1A the Northwest. but the feat .. Mum ht hes ked • good des/ of Iodise erperteaus his early days, and be. always had • pesubant ter toe men whu .pent mem early 1.1e u. Ishii trustier, and knew all of then, wore ef lea intimately. Hd. brother was once • /widest of St. Peal, sad later • •mut 10 lee t:ovetumest employ, and he himself saw some serve.» to the isms Ito*. Pout filum wee aoutu r St. Paul toy who was ta 100 (.u'SrawouL ear nos as scout or "buil puncher, in the early day., end there was • se Non of .tees r toil tag the other sveatog omit. Omni a44 1 uta stet alter aeon years temasttot. Kt- wta Laid a .tory wbte0 myeloid wweter/6j of the oocult, but shwa was house to .om..f the.to wiit. sod W. unamioted.v trus. lie told it with !mat earnestness of man ser sad speech that ch.reictes11.0 b,. ad dreams i0 court, and e ery misuse or to be used that queettouwg ei•cutetl0 , H• that he au Ir.eieeuL . tt.rua• tato the July baa. Aad aa.oug toe people who Ist sten to biro were two mon who Luew of 11.1 ver Salt, of the renters..hie wear:w e n becauIs of hermit seen !!ccurr spoodsooe t..ytly i., it. The .tory detailed a Diweal 0040- muntosUo. that used between l:rmw Med Ysllowstoue heti ttio lam us true, les when Krum being la 'l. foul sad the suuut 1u the Yellowstone %'spry. .1 -•7.. i. U'aR/lira. "11 was 1110 epi wg Ater 1 met Kelly that I had dais queer exparlcuo., w►1otl 0. -ADO of the gentlemen nem know of st the wok mad krwta. "1 wee to Gas Ko.au.. pias at sixth and 11.0asu .4.1.01., ami attar u.wa, w ed 110.2 been dotwg In • 00.tr. ouddeoly 1 gale a wuoup Lie e, lt.daan, au 1 Diol down vu u.. Lame wttb my oar to the flout. Inn s wl.a h.uly saw. Tats le whet 1 sew Toe t•n.,o of • deep creek: oo sib side of the ...nun • growth of !!moor that- might hatmight have beeo a couple of yard' .nee, s saner sada of the etreem et the bottom of the g..lsh, slowly movwv sad deep. The creek rune w a south easterly dIrsvuuu, •lld in the timber, on the south side. 1 saw • motto 10011 muvwg along .lowly to the aide of • lion.. Some tow bundred yards b. b od hem were a party of ludta.., trailing aloof • featly and seeking to Dome up with ( the white mea Toy •tuppea Jur a women1 to ovur*rse, and !hos three of LOOM O.ade • detour, leaving the timber and ridins rapid- ly •hood. '1 hey Isere gown, I mw, to lest w front of the whir Ina. and Hoak• sure of him. The white moo knew here wee d.a ger, but he dada t seem to think tt wee e cls. H. to cod end looked about hem, ant. 1 saw au face. It wee Yellowstone Kelly, ha ' A. I got the entwine 1 14.000)1 excited over 14s0 danger of my trsesu. then i called out • Ysulowste*e ' Kelly and the moo lutked as though he heard 'They are !lanklog you. Kelly, I cried: 'they ere cutting off your head'' Ho earned to ta- terrorate we, at..t I dtstisctly- heard the •luelltuo, 'What shall 1 do' 11(). ,.1)T TI:I.a.: IIArI 1. "Prose the creak,' I said. 'Jump your horse .oto the creek, "len t be done, be says. "They will have nie like • rat to a trap is that Quoin. '..lump your horse," I urged. "lamp your hems, sod i got trotted aid te•ested is • way that I felt most mamma tutu. It seemed to be against bis judgement, but be forted ho hors to the 00re of the preoipse aid toe k the lump, which was w frightful one- The horse fortcnam1v boded ta • deep place in the creek and swam down the * trete' come d:steno*. Then he pushed to the bank to • likely -looking place to seek. tha aide of the canon. There was • *harp struggle, the pores did beck more thea once, but presently stood nonurtag at the top of the Dank. "Ride north, I sold in • time of ect,.•n$od. He thought he was to direct conmOo.oat1012 with the great Spirit whom be believed ta .e much as an lades dem. Am' 1 woke up, .ad I:a 'iambi told me I had voce crazy. He had tomtit the mutterings of the word' that 1 thought 1 was .hr uttnp at Kell 1 was .o impressed that then and there I wrote the statement of the affair, sod Knlgbt attests it. Soon afterwards i wrote Kelly at Fort Keough and asked him what he was doted on M•rch 11. 1 got no reply and wrote again to Fort Roston. Then 1 got • scrawl from him, and he told me 1 knew as well as he does what his was dome and mention. the Indian incident K►1.e.Y \TTRJT'TIII\, 11041day to the following Summer 1 was walking along Tbtrd street sod met Kelly leas to Moe I shook hands with him and asked him about the I Ith of Marsh at once. He dtdo t.psak,but put his halters tato the pocket of his Minting coat end took out two cigarettes. One he handed to me sed In the other himself. After a puff or two he spoke. “There are things,said he, '•that had better not be spoken about. Toms with me. W. went to the Meech ants' Hotel, and he got out o! the b.rgag. room a vert heavy an.l hendeomely trimmed Mimosas .addle. It was cunonely d.00rat- d, and 1 reeogoiied it as the saddle that had been on the pony t:s time i saw Kelly leading it down the oaaon. H. seemed to divine what I woe thiokmg about, for he said. "Y .e, that • 1t. The .addle was a pretest for me. W. went up to Knight', and opened the package containingtbo account el my e xperiesae. oat March . Kelly sat down, had • drink, and told the ideaticaI same story with • little introduottoe. "'4)Q that day I wasmakta my way down this mime creek,' bo said. i was goseg Gloag .lowly , for i had neo trod sired lathers oemop to the mer0ise. just lifter ward 1 met • noupl• of Kleckfet, seri know Mist it Cosy oould get u the vilifies I wee dries for They didn't go rotate village, Im .ted, •entanttoesly,`•nd 1 peeked ahead. 1• th•af•ernoen 1 knew that i ease par - S eed, mid well, y. u know the rant." it task some orgies to gat him to repeat the story, sad ,t was identical with mime, oven to the leagtmge used. Now, I don't pretend to soonest fro the oocorre.00," ootsofuded Mr. Rtwie. "bet the feels ere very well karma sad 'Weeded by severe! psei� New, what t. de you thk of it, Ht'" t. reel Nemo' Prem Nous. +*twee r•wmtri. A marvel d'he.per, lead'..d pee. ptlt.4e is contused i. • beetle that lasses' remedy. Pousei s Pald.w Cent ILtlewelee. it etloee right to the cwt of eke Nimble; nets gelekly b.i a paiaisetly that sodium is knows of lee operants said the .errs L .belled 111.•1, .4 whobew e tom few !'.!ahem'* I'able'e Oars [sweet- els •ad pudssa said by ell WHAT THINGS COST IN THOSE DAYS 1. Veabe, is 12+'14, • pig brought two @kafan& la 123b * bee was Weight ta Pone for • they. A bed is it Greek is i. A u. 527 oast twopeaes. 1. Rome, B.(', b, teem were • halfpenny • dose.. l'oppos. N.re's wile, mid twopence a quart for arise milk to bathe tn. In 1542 Pules. Greases were sold u Rome for uo posse • t hous'sd. la the year 1400 &teeth home, suitable few esvelr), brought £2 aptsm to 157b ogee 'bid to B•ro0w• for on. G hillies aid ma/pesos • bemired. Erma, th• favorite of ir-1 sab.th, had a set of shirts whiob coat £10 •pieta Pigs: feet 001d in Koine 1a the fourth em- tury at the rate of tweedy for t10095.os. Bread in Pompeii omit three bedroom • loaf The Imre, webgbed about ea emcees. Dives for awake is tie temple at Jetoa- al.m cast from twe•ka!tpoasy to fl,es- pwcs ssob. •n e1d .eannelt/e Medina As drtrtag a horse is semotbr•g diet al- most everyone bas to do, seen in tbts day 0 of electricity and stoat. and band's. r)' Youth's ('ompehta0. the peeper way to drive a bores is • manor of universal tater sat, and the following maxims, which are the work of au oN driver, will be found u.efnt for men as well w for the !!+tame "The more wktp, the lees hortsiaaae0ip. Iced tempered drawer-- bad tesep red teem. ALIO vret.e modifies the grain bill. There are more balky driven thea beky borers. The golden rule applies to tori es mob ea it does to men tt hips, lake emetics, are to be need very seldom. A hors's power is proportionate to his food. 1'.v. omits Invested in sugar is better thea • dollar invested a whips He who o$e.ot govern himself o.a.et govern hors.s. BEYOND RECOVERY. U se soy Carlamnem -BM fore wee a Sur - prim. A seer Aler[e..1 +.ad's aM- eoy esti.. F'ArrtvEArtILLS. M•101 30. (Speotal).- The tether of the hoe Lariamme Is one of the leading metche0ts here and wtlang u talk of hn sone cure, ho says My little bey Arthur, .fur scarlet h. er about a year &so, never reoovered and his ailment tea Into kidney trouble. His body wee ewoll.o to twice its nat01.1 siz-. The. .uflmiegs ;t the Islets fellow were very .,1ere and we h ad •11 given up hope of him. Rut three months ego we oommooced giving him ltodd m Kidney Pills, and today he I. romp tag and pia. Ing with other hoy■. This as an ustance tit prompt core is very remark able. The remits', Yard. Notwitk.teedt.g the moderate 'rioter, complaints that broody hens are d.tbzult to o`rtatn for sarly h•tohing have been burner. one. Many large breeders still do not avail themselves of the undoubted advantages of artificial hatcbtag, stilt looking with sue- ptclou on these valuable helps in the work of poultry keeping !Where chickens ere largely grown for table purposes 11 is nose. sero to keep ca hatching at .11 times. sad tim dela! and loss occasioned by having to wait for hens to sit Is enormous Rage ono almost ale ay s he obtained, and the meh- *tor is slways ready when wanted. It riv- er 1ors•k.e the 0001 or breaks the eggs, end se net affected with verma•. Chickemi hatched under the hen are .object to rose, Aril sad mishaps, which are avoided whew the artitiotal method le employed. The tae* that incubator -batched sato/-ns are de home and feehi. u absolutely err,oeeas. By the taw : tea• Incob•tor and brooder a ordinar- ily careful hands, u. rly .11 the ferule wire Can be hatched and . Serge pero.atage of the chink. reared The ',quietus are fertile eggs, • euthenist', moist •' mospber., even temperature, .ed turning the eggs .n often es is necessary. Iocab.ion t/ now mde w alrnp1e and yet oo perfs.t an 000.1 uct.o0 that the three ►otter condition are easily complied with : and the low price at which the machin are offered bring 'ham within the reach of everybody. They ma be placed is any outbutldlet fairly tree from draught, or ta say room in the house, as there 1• no disagreeable smell or inconvenience, .ad to missy people the pleasure of watobing the wooer. and e0.004 the chickens hatch is worth the price of the incubator. It as pro- fitable for even smell poultry keeper, who only require Wickes. for their own use, and not for role. In Loony of the large establish - meets in Frame, where poultry growing is carried on so ortrnsrvely, the oaten] meb- od of hatching hoe scarcely been used for many vsers,.nd iacuf.ato/ .re kept at work all the year roared. A large room is devoted to the incubators, and as many w 30000 mod 40,000 'hicks are hitched at one eeuan- luhment Across the line, else, artihoie hatching largely prevails. In Allentown, i'.seylvanis, is the largest iecubslnr room in the world, containing fifty ... 300 eat machismo, with a total of in,A00 04g spew it'. These fete should se euffncinet to prove to our poultry growers that there must be some ooaeiderahle .dvntato in the nes of taothetere. Th. rapidity with which croup develops, oath for instant treatmewt : and yet few hoo.holds aro pprepwrsd for its view. An admirable remedy for this dame* u Ayer's Cherry pttelwal. it has saved hundreds of lives add elbleald he 1n every hone where there am "swag oh:hires. WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. Excelsior Egg WU.l. REAP toes r.tea ►0a 12 11•01•11 0111. i.est ler --.0110P- Wash Day makes clothes sweet, clean, white, with the least labor. If, remark- able lasting and cleansing properties unakc SURPRISE MOS' Kunumau! ante Best ler.-J0 Every DaY Noah and the Slater Shoe\ It isn't every shoe man who knows enough to go in when it rains, like Noah did. Some of them daily on the outside too long looking for the rainbow, and then try to get in after the door\ is closed. Some shoe men don't know a good thing till their rivals have proven it good. We know a good thing at that's why we didn't let the agency for the Slater shoe slip through our hands while it was possible to obtain it. We hate to play second fiddle, and consider it poor satisfaction to howl in discord when some- body else plays first. So we secured the right to sell these Slater shoes, and now we are comfortably sitting inside playing first fiddle in the merry music to which these famous shoes go marching out. That's an old story abo'tt the dog in the manger, and the shoe that's envied is always the shoe that's abused. We will stake our reputa- tion on the fact that the Slater shoe fits better, wears better and will keep its shape longer than any other shoe in the market, which sells at half as much more money. Goodyear welt construction -black or tan. Twelve shapes, many widths. $3.40, $4.00, $5.00 per pair. We are local agents. sight, and WM. SHARMAN dr. Cor, East-st and Square, Goderich. To sleep well, no heavy meal roust he oaken within two hoar. of retinae ; bet a cup of warm milk, ..sup or light 1. 111.0.eas food Iwith milk) eboul l is drunk the lain thing before going to steep. IF YOU A►ANT a w 5. A SPRING SUIT of First-class Make Good Material and Latest Styles, -t•A1.1. UPON - HUGH DUNLOP. Tb. weeees. Caseose 111s.Mliea .r I1•wrresl PLAITING MILL.!. Efldgll4WED 111108. Buckaitalis & Rkyuas tsawpeac?V.aaY BASH, DOOR and BLIND Dealers le W kinds or LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Ad builderetmatert•t of every •leecriptlon School Furniture a Specialty. IT IS NO PICKLE. Yon simply treat the Eggs with PRESERVER. and lay these away M • bsaket ter bow. .............. .Av DOWN a aUP►ty mom route Ant CHEAP 0.11 taw betas giving 1011 tete----m. tree t shares 1►OR *ALS BY AL1. DRUGGIST/I. Tres Competition. ptybw T Oleg T!w/saarebelese Ais hes bass gi�w�les wiCb Mb t swami to Ns tits Iys �mauaae�misi/s bob... PrleNtltts w hs dieb 8 dessrws• tr apoireae st *very !)ewes was P01 reM1 w lean es= Maes, eeseeoelse Ma •11 three *.4 bsMa. Ilea Of IL 1111=Illreegar, Oa Yall. GRA EL. 1 UN DR STOVES. WB ABS HWYING IT. E 1 ... _ _The Graill Jewel Wood Obok 'terve-with Steel Oven is the ONE NOTE THE 1$LI NG POINTS. -1. The (:rand Jewel has • genuine steal owes. which makes bake tib about half the• fool rtgotred by ether Targe wood steres. 2. The Grand Jewel ores [dates are mad. eF Steel. They cannot crack. He w patent double floe In front of oven, which e.ak•s the oven ashe evenly all over. A number of eroond !lead Wood sad Co•1 st.,isa cheep. $ARPER & LEE. Tilo Kroll Oonble AcEioB WASIER show you how it weeks. 1r will poet yo. TAKKS TH[ LEAD overt +el ether Wanbsre. It oo*puled with over800 washing maids= t all krods at Chicago in 1893 .d car- , eel off tie First Premium and Geld 3i1de1. It is rasp .ad quiet. Ne we. -beard required. - G!VE IT A TRIAL - Rend me your address and the e..... .tae you Itwo 00. sod I will 00060 ed &tarma. H. HALE. tf Fie: 130. Otxierich. NOTICE. ALL PERSONS ()WINO R. We McICENZIE Proprietor of the CHEAP HARDWARE STORE, GO1.)ERICS, Will pleawt call on him and pay tip. He wants clean balaner'el hooks to commence the year's opesatioor SHORT CREDITS AND LOW PRICES gill be oar motto this year R. W. McKENZIE. y alba& tit fU MILL $1.00 & !m is lime