HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-4-2, Page 44
Biu $igul
dependence of Parliament has not I " Thank you," hasn't entered into the
a goodly number of
ration of the political beatific►
II [ally maiotatndd by it, inasmuch � however, it is never too late to
as members d cry.
e rvatas+sau Parliament, and even some Cabinet wend in that regard, and we w1ld try
no lucre about it.
CRY THURSDAY M(►RNINO Ministers, have been appointed to lu One more t and we have close
tredve position* from the door of the with our Patron friendsmdhos Idle done
se s. neauLawlrnt. Huns ala. that members have had
relatives paced in office, who lever i cv He enumerates Mr. l'Y in the listt of applicants tort the
registrarship, but in so doing be is in
error. Mr. Mi-OILLICVDDY is not an
applicant. He withdrew his applica-
tion from the hands d the Local mem
bots in this oonstitatency months ago.
lie doesn't Lure two straws who the
noutiuee to the vacant registrarship
may be, so long as the position is giv-
en to one of the lay workers of the
party, who, year in and year out, in
sunshine or rain, in prosperity or in
adversity, has fought the battles of
the grlrty without tun or reward, sal-
ary or indemnity, prestige or patron-
age, and in the interest solely and
only of the good government of the
Province --the only requirement being
that he possess the qualification mer
c „eery to personally perform the
woe of Publicsalbs- $ sad 10, Northatrem.
(3 %.rich` Ontario.
Terms of as5swipWa
mouth. in &dream ... • 1$
Use peter. ......... 1 M
. .1al floor Label.
tette lobei t• s •'+oiling rre'rt /i1 ton date
t, wui..••• ,-•• „p• ecce that it i. not
• owed to tel rr.
When s ohrn(re o' ,•msec• 1s desired. both
t e old sad the neer add ens Witold be 11►t en.
would have betel appointed, had there
been no consanguinity between the
appointee and the member. To the
first phase of sl.t.oiotwent we can
truthfully ray, Tit*: SII:NAL under atm
present taanagement, has always been
ppoee'd. The principle is wrong, rib-
sulutely, and has never been defended
or condoned in there columns. But
our correspondent must remember
that there ars spots on the sun, and
the spirit of true liberalist" i-. not to
condemn every good act •lone by a
Government '.,*rause occasionally a
cOg is slipped in the legislative ma-
chinery. We do not ask that the sun
should cease to •bine because the spots
are occlusion/di), discernible . and why
should we take the ground that be
cause spots are visible in the conduct
of an A•Itni ii.tratem, the glorious ef- dutiet, so that the greatest benefit
fulgence of its greater work should be will result to the public whose servant
tint bight. of in other words, why i he is.
should we be called upon to denounce We hope this statement of the
a Government w:,ich has been the em- stand which Tem SIGNAL and its edi-
Isdinieat of honesty and ability tor takes on this question will satisfy
in administrative policy, the drf.•nder`teen the captious Patron from Mo -
of Provincial Rights, and the bulwark K illop.
of our Provincial autonomy as against
the onslaughts ot men whom we know
to be of inferior calibre,
simply because, in a moment of weak
ness, the independence of Parliament
receives a wrench in the appointment
of some aged and infirm member who
has grown old and poor by devoting
p4ver,Isler duce.
•.weal and other ea.eal adv. -ether ..wet& le.
rline for tt••..r 't -.••1. n. 0O'13 ...We nor IW
t r sorb *ursisyu.•ot . u.err'. u. M0•ured by
e •en r.• ' 0 nl,
W.slseee cards of .. I:ses and seder. 115 per
s +r,
Adveriterr,.•n•s n a .'nvr T -n -d, goeyed
t-''tastloas Vie -act. a•irae Wanted rad
I:ytne-w C:i•irces Wasted. sot exrew'int 0
1 tee sonnets. 1. 111 nr• •wewtb.
Houses oL Saks red "kerns on -a e. not to
• .owed t 1... 51 h,r !trot iter ih. Yr, p r sole
. /ay e e i. notice, the oldest of +A oh is 10
/ay Wer' lv:.• M of err ,,id1-
rlyresole the parry. say
dtml or ontopany. to t,r roi.r.deeed an M
•iti'tleenient and ch,rweA roenrd'nw'1.
Lentil notices 'n nonpareil typo ore Dent per
word. no n o' ices lees than rete.
Leal notice* .n ordinary reading rept tae
• *ala per word. No notice for tars tuts Aar
'cues* tor churches and otber religious and
hes vole.t Institut tens brit rate.
der., ••T0e shiest" delIvsty
islsrrlher who fell to receive Tees SrOAL
r hely by mall. will c neem fairer( by se
• mustiest ss of this hot st s• early so Ratios
Infected tnasusertpts cannot lea returned.
0orrespnndenes most be wrl nos tis one side
u: paper only.
►sN/.Mersa Notts ,
J. 4'. 1.e Tousel, of Uodenrho hos been ap
.Intal I.o.•al Travellint Agent for the loon
. des of Oueferioh. (Colborne. A.bd•Id and Ws
• union.
fetal postmestern over the district are slay
,.ypowered to receive .ubscriptton• to Tea
An communications must be addressed to
D MoOlLl.ICl'1'1T.
Tete Hose At,
' elophams Col 110. Ooder'rh. ()•t.
e ODUOg. THURSDAY. Arltll. x
that •far. igsMr M .leelsssld•as• Or-
nedMoved by G. 1t[ktt is.aW W J. Maks
Mat W.J. Pa*sowe be rwW. J. Fu. '.
Roved Is endo M assume ,11.1/
Uwe W.
hes eemerSimippe,� declared sleeted.
W . J Pam«•
A .*ties to oseibtae that *farm .f sec-
retary and tr...sr•r woe le.'
Moved by K. Tilt .ad t' Peselsgtes that
Hy Co.•k be tr..ssr.r Owned
The appoiotmest of papa's wee loft ever
used come time tear, it beteg siereeeted
theta would to new es defer Me aP `
meat of .wh , fliter usul the few bad bean
es tJa• rammed
Archie lt•ckeua was appointed ufioiel
looter, with power to appoint hie .aka
Tb• fohuwtog oompinmutSSS were
Com. of s)aseeemwt--
Dr. A C. Halter
C. R Shape
Jack Nairn.
Grounds ooii
l ). Id Soon
Wm. N stoop
W (: Black
S. Moleomwto, chairman
Cho. Shepherd
Advertim•g coat -
K Doran. enamel en
1) Munroe
A Robertson
1; W Bleak.
The question of membership tickets wail
then t+kes up .ecoaded 1 y P�
Moved by A Rohsrt.o°.
.1. Curran, that the price of membership
tickets be SOu
Moved to amendment by J Satire, we
moiled by Fred Holm -s, that the prim be as
!set year, nem li 51. and that the tickets
be not d rawterable
Moved is ameodmeat to the .me.dme.t
by Messrs. sleek sod D. M. !twit, that
membership tickets be not issued, and that
a subscription Int be oirculated to raise the
oecessery epoodultx.
The amendm•ot to the smeodment was
lost, ae was oleo one by Messrs. T 1' and A
Robertson. Net the ma"er be left entirely
to the hands of the e.ermpr*committee.e
Atter a betted diecusa►oo
to the main mottos was owed.
Mored and seconded, that the secretary
be tneuuoted to write the council request
ms permiwios to arm the Agricultural
(:rounds for game during the season of
IfiGb'thee .d)o°r°ed.
The meting
The Winnipeg conference
to be marking tints at preo..a!
The Latest and
The Best
Every purchase wade of us is astepping_tame Wirer t�bn
Et2.0ry taaossditw
is • bargain, therefore a money saving inweelsssst'
Low Prieto coupled with Big Values is the combination that wins
your trade in our elegant aisurtwent of Spring and Summer uoveltie.,
esijstrng of
Stapl ? and Fancy Dry Goods,
- Who will Registrar
of Hurou ' may drop at the
F..et Huron
be the next
opprentien at Brussels.
e -holding d a Reform conven-
the eleicusg of • modulate for Ino-
There is a telling sowet)hing about our goals that places Aseur-
rmoat in your mind. You know you have the quality. you
ew have the style: yon know col have the right prier. 1Uis
_ __ y
y what we strive to give you ; this it what we de give you • We W7 te
his energies to public life instead of in mitten p
• the amassing of fiches for his declin-
ing years'
As to members appointing their
THE cash system, is now in %ogle- in
' ne business office nt THE Si,.. u, oil sub-
•-riptioes and cele! job work and ad-
. wrtisemente must be paid for when or.
AU mercantile and other a000uats will be
. ,lleotd monthly hereafter
1t ie the only w.v W do business prnper-
I j, and Tua in, AI. want* to do business
It Mt•c;1L1.1t't'DDY.
urposss will be the next order of
bummers in Wet Hemp
-The Local House has been in les
Moa six weeks sad the Tory representatives
relatives to office in preference to out: sod Patron, boo, tot litsle to their
in the way of biedslag bed legrlste.0 et
Riders, that only Prot -Ps that members
are human, like the rest of us, and
even " A McKillop Patron " sight be
moved to moiler action under like
We have never denied that the
principle of a member being ed 8800.0011
a nominee and a nominator is some one tell us why a
wrong, and we have never condoned -Willmember of the Legislature should travel
an appointment floc tree when M
I N another column we publish a leng-
thy letter from "A McK►1Iop Pstroo,'
taking '!'els h1GNA1. to task for, as be
imputes, endeavoring to steal Patron
reotis,ent and using It against the
'.arty wt Ottawa, without also allow
Ing 'its full fore to penetrate the ar-
tor of the Literals at Toronto. Our
. ►rrt•tipnndient asserts that we have forleave emir dwelling
promotlog good �ussst'ee-
_t� Mail and Empire has
mesad paradise the stateless& that the
sixth eosins of the present i'arlissest
will not be an giddieioo.1 exposes to the
country. Already the extra oast hem rewb-
make the fair and square deal that brings you to us the second tithe.
We have just receit►ed our new Kid (cloves : we expect the quality
elft Ole.
and price will scatter these gloves quickly among et prud people.
t made from the r i t Hese* u not in tltesio., and
of Parliament, although A McKillop i yet Patron leader HA►oocx is Mad to ap-
Patron " asseverates to the contrary ! prove of the schwas If be were cot in
and Tint SIGNAL ii* willing to have its! the House how be would inveigh against the
filen examined to supply proof, if our I Preteeel- -- -
correapondent be so inclined. On the (: T R , who w three -The ex -conductors of oh.rgd with oenepIr e
contrary, we have cried down the ° were [oared not
to defraud tic Camnpa 7.
practice on every occasion, and w"1 guilty by the jury at Montreal Saturday at
continue to do so to the end; and should teredwo. The verdict will not he the means
the prophecyof our correspondent' of reinstating the three exemsdlootere an
nin of the t'osdpanv
concerning the appointment of Yr. � tae good gr5ose
Cash Store.
Corner Square and West St
TcmiDAY. March 31.
Mac. Mercer, et Wiogbw, attended the
marriage of Robert Meer to Mus Mime
Bieck eland's. • in Wo-
Yn R N. Duff meat o few dal
waaosb last week at ths bedside of bus
u ncle, Wm. Elliott, who was tea of erine from
. severe attack of cesgeo
Was Jenkins, /vartgelrt, NK Thursday
for Elmwood, where elm will 000duot reviv-
al eervtor Before leavtsg she was pre-
sented with an address and • purse by the
Robt. M.msr was married last Vt dam -
day to Mian dame Kreckesndee, of Mor-
ris. The knot woe tied by
. A hooded
ley is the presence is orae
The bride was dread
end supported by Mee Klu+ Peacock,
while Marshall ereckeendee supported
the groom. Atter t he ceremony abs here filo
waNdrew to the dioiop room
table greased with the load of good tbiaga.
!wooing wea rhes kept up natal a late bear
when all loft for their home wishing the
happy coapts a half and prosperous poesy
through ids.
Mon have seen aved on your the
It's a good healthy though
are engraved
leave it there.
Send in your order for a " COMMON hNe BENBE " now
so that there will be no delay
riding season
opens.We intend to have a BIG BICYCLE OPENING
on APRIL lst. A finer display never before seen in
aodelrich. All are invited.
A number of (won 'fecund -hand wheels for sale.
MONDAY. Mar 30.
The Sunday school in the Presbyterian
church u to start out Sunday. All an
mode welcome.
The floods mused by the ios breakieg ne
on the nyer on Moodoy made • little ex-
ottemmsa in the vtslo0s Coe trimly bad tr
t••ars icer endeavored to screen, what registrarship Since the last session of the are, we
l Gliieot to the vac -int rtrarsht The pew milbre st Port Albert,
he considers to lie, the misdoing. d comp true, much as we would bks to mioioo('overarrra
Government, there have been t birt(ten ars i.to.w , door good work.
gee the der lining years of our old •aoiooi.e is the n,emberehip, all Govern,. Wm. Gordon .pent Friday right sod See-
the Mowat Administration, and bold- rev visiting friends and ecquatotasose is
TAs SIGSAL will moot cies hi the. nu it is well that a new
Iv challenger' the conduct of TRs S)O•
friend ins,' easy, •Le1ios is en, or there would be every •P• 1006.601c
vL, and not only of Trim SIGNAL, Got to crumble Tb. another io beg.pnipit to look owe
not. heaitwt, 'u denounce the appoint porta■ity tor she Tory Part?
of THIS SIGNAL'S editor and all cads riot of tb tne►tlo.
.undry who have stood by the inter -
esti) of Rekrin in the Province d ( he
Flo far as TRs Stt:NAL and the
conduct of its editor are concerned,
ttlj can plead not guilty to the charge
df slavish support that hes been hurleul
1•v '• A McKillop Patron." it is true,
1.•yond question, that we have sup
ported the po'icy of the Toronto Ad-
ministration for a long term of years,
but neither TRR 141GI1AL nor its editor
bei ever attempted to bolster up a iiad
a t ora wrongful appointment by that
4:overnment. So far es had legislation
iv concern( d, our correspondent has
failed to make a solitary charge. with
the exception of en attempt to belittle
he work at the Model Fann, Guelph,
when it was under the departmental
upervinon of the late Hon. Anti Rl
roll) MCKILLAR. the this issue we
may inform our torrespnndrnt that
I, 1, being a man who proem/see to 1e
thoroughly posted on political quer
anon for a third of a century, must,
therefore, he aware that the inception
of the Agricultural College et Guelph
was hedged around by difficulties that
cannot be thoroughly appreciated at
t his late day. A large pert of the
of an ex.wnmental nature,
'tient., ami hold the Government andaway, sot • e 1'b* roads see �7 ked,
the local Members responsible for the Remedial Bill disesteem. of this K[NOtg1fRIDGE
act. it ix time to Lry a halt on this'
-If the esteemed Star, the pet MONDAY, Sim 30
line of action, and the sooner the Ad• liars* deal reprice the article pep, of An !old, ban
ministration takes the ground that no tin° of Tws Seu'AL ea the C'o°tn•atal rep .t. • meAtte t.ritenone from tic "Old
tlnine iteetI•ts, which .pp•arod in Der ia- He bee oleo been appoiot•d ...outer
sitting member shall lie come appointed to di/ Imo 96 list thee. wnpld b. b °° }flwadan old lady's will who died r.omtly m
a petition which btu become vacant canon for it to e
account is balanced en polling day. The, death d Col. AIITOT, M.P.,
All pwrtlse gtrtIni thslr sale bin. prtstsd at
e i° Qaebee'$ represses- tib niece will have a tree notice imed at
The deist that a man has tont in Perlia- make* [oar ra.e.oi to thY Ilet 50 a the tame of ogee
Foshan, Mkteisgteei, gel. of form stock and tmplsmens on
ment appointed
not diets, him from be aeon in tMed Aad ase* The pettishness Thos. Millions form, lot 10, co.. 4, F 1)-
loft ar a sitting
to office, when he a n -o et t)ttaw• ee. blots[ the laeg seesic'w tea Glppr's*• °a MenAoy' April hob, commis
longer w cutin¢ ►nemher, if the vacan ostutne the Mow, etertolit7 *,,cages De- mag at 1 r is. Jobs Knox, soot.
say has not occurred during his term of minion o.osDete- in the onemie Hosea mens- farm
Tiarm me Grimmer, alotplmoop t,ents n Col
office, but neither should that fact I thine am dome differently and face, opposite church, on Tuesday,
I tar* MIM w kind. April 7tb,;o•mmesieg at 1 r. te .1. Rhos,
give him • "pull." - - ---
And, now, w word in regard to the Huron men hold their own ta under bale d term stock and implements en Yea
charge made by "A N••If:illop Patron" .11 ed..4itiose This hes Mee pars 7 farm of F. YaCtrthy, lot 10, lel. Rosas,
that Tux f4RitrAt. and its editor are in' exele11lttls'4 is the oven of fbe Mentaba AAS•Id, sea Kiagebndge, en Friday.
.•hong 'If s." sew gets[ en. Rtr April 3rd, commenotaI of 1 r. r. Jobe
reseed by the like Sprsee,
eo. gentlemen s truly is
k further yueotioee on tba& Asbflwld. The row. Res
during his 'tern of membership, t1►e thoors. THE giiNAL is not •o antoeeda+ (lock
Better it will be for theta when the hue never bad oases to swallow amen.
()f Wall Paper won't d4. today. 1hop1.
base their eyes open. sad you can'd pet off a
Woe boaored but old his/dosed
es thee. They knew we bare the legate As
*than and Canadian desegoo at lowest pride.
Let fes estimate on sty work you are anis[
to do cow. as we hate employed & first -claw
man to hang all Paper bought here
at 8 cents per roll.
the pay of the Government and the Csaat..s Teresa sad Premier B.wuu. did (trite, soot.
local members. Thr statement is un I 'vet iselised to swot Hers. Taoe sole of farm stook sed tsplmest. en ths
tx w linrm rs. los er with
true, absolutely and without reserve (jageNwAT wad dines the gs•atien lass of Freak Sa11,t111, lot 5 Cas 10, C01-
east Hen. Mmes. Dlcssv and boys*, es Friday, April 10, 1896 **smei•-
tion. 1n the past fifteen years Tits bite, Maw Ing at 1 P.Y.
Statist has not received one hundred , Dwanmits te 6'I the .nsditisas.
H "41141"e.On[s.wAY fosad Sawa Zmciiaatons - Now is the time to
dollars worth of advertising, all told,
1 sur old fere.
ibis to to tb• 1504. M Aeetlood s 010•.'4 111• vttd4year iris04s For the Easter hehdaye
\:mold, and delegated Hos. the Grand Trunk Railway wall ell at ore
from the Government departments of oepl•rwsee taco for the round trip, Thursday, April 2'4.
Ontario. WP never er:l[etd for it Yeeon Rtprow owd rooming ee sea 0►o t• tde.dy, April 6th, uelouv. All uoketa
Alen frost 0 taw. Tow Game- to reran 1•ortsg detasatim sot stellate.
And if it c5me in the way d a beth., mooed Smilers L� Tammany April 7eh, 18D6. TtAes,
anti outwide of legitimate bnsineaa we wAT, fwm•rly Al Ayres, w NUN"' yens tPalls Weeps, oar berths, and all is-
ofd es'r• inroad**, call, write or telephone R. Arm -
would not take i4 much an we require `_-__---
RICH B G street. G T. R tows ticket spat. Cana•
• sabot a►.tial bank balance. As to �� des Express Co. (1. N. W. Telegraph.
Ivor was w mild kw T\ard07 Worn street, (3deriob, Oat. A{test, Aller.
Ned then were few, if any. precedent* I the charge that the member* for the A pshts weosl.t isittg LiteI Dosi.ten, Asokor, and Cunard low trot
to go by if everything did not work ridii : Federal or Local -are in the *recto[ her rho trerpl'a* of svgs. *tease* to Europe. rhroig► railway
as Smoothly at the beginning .. it habit of giving pity -meet to Tel Elia (1 8 A C fdw 1f1e6 11• ai^ Y m Mears.
wee • 0iakw issued s 511 potato I. l..d..sd
PAL for support,the ebterraent is false, A}aak
A Dew shipment of
butt *owed. tea
,oes today --and everyone acknow
ledges that a gond work u now being
.lode the fault did not lx with the
peer„ to the scheme bet in their
lack of material and information upon
1. r the structure. As to
first., laid and always. Not one dole eerretary, ire tem ! Railway s ell pstss :moth; Nertb-west aM
lar has ever been received by Tea M.vd by j flair wed sea.sdod. Nat F'eoiae coast Fall enpply of lases miss.
ntati•e for its sas0•leems set e's^ e4* � 50id toss table, eta All I. oe..den sassrrussr
SIGNAL dram any rePr"°''ths of •stir• Itseaubed. ap his cog essd mossy. bsv
wppcit. That eupprxt hwa always mead.,. ie .at what we "meld wish ' Canadian Reeves (;o'e messy orders They
leets given anatintedly and onrtrer•ed'loved i. amendtsleet Irl C '*Mppard end I w obslasly safe, aid ms hs eblaised at
fleet de 11,110444 11;14 the !any ego* of i he ()assew Repress Ow. et
and A ttebsr(w. S • 11nitd Vsa Tiok•s t-sodtug v. Tse.s-
eppstsNd.►sireess, end W. J. Passssse to owl'
nd Nb
1ley ova (&.ethos ems.
'bete Album. below east All New le Hee thins M stet your wined* made
Season of 1896. '
1f you are not. yon oesbt to be, fes the
ones* *seem 1. !clog 10 be • wearer sums=
for bicyclla[ 1. Ood.rleb than any .f Its pr. -
for the training of Wbeelmen and Wheel -
women has been established in Oodeti•h, ala
OW esooeee thin Wooded It rat rear wsrr'asls
me is osstlnutag the work. Perfect 8edeh►
tam Terme reseaseble.
Ir A full IW of asst ea ss Bielsko tet
Tongs for Te. I hire
C bite red
Cuff Lists at lowest price.
10 Belt Buckles. Rhin Waist Sets and ready der the *saws. Neer) thing 1" the rinse
use kept OD head, and none Dot *killed Mode
whit". ,saw Ws are i ' R"'r,
t M againstM licit sines I ly, without fete or rvwwrd. Iestlea e1 egeeR se N M • [•tort ,'aR"am- the follewiteR lo. raw : Up to g6• b emu
h conduct may The .mood gb
1 serer e •
willing to admit that our crave si•etisa (nest was ser ore, air to 110, 8 *ens : ever q M
mobility, we can afford to set that go, asgsD, 10 ems :ore. g80 e• g30, 14 *Sets ;
d h t Tt1/ and g30
history will gine w higher plana to that
embus old Liberal and thorough-
paced leader in Reforei principles than
Tea Rtowat can give, or the " Me
Kilby Patron" take away.
The est nod whstanee ef the at meets of when in other !tees of boa Neve/ y O M.A. b
(ricrac, *5St W T. W sleb M psysidssa
fa!IA tofuh is maim o. the Mowat Ad nese, bet wo have done it, and (we Ca1rv1*d
MOM 4, be that the Meitner' than use 0ec cion the eiewont d moved N ! Dean and A. lt•kalwa
not have leen wise or htsin.ss-like in red.
no more, nght to advertise a would he be W. pr..•lt..•.a (hems. M elves pseehaner tsoartag ageism Ira
then it T 1t' era sashed es dentoid at 90,Og0
A lLneteereen, .....dad b Thg� pleas
statesman's wares for nothing natter J R yttaa.es be neeprml- r ijsaitdr end IM Vetted Rtota fly
Is to blab gratio the announces pest °wet d teen, tietar, eras p.. sea.
gibe lasielt .ae.ad*d ` J.
(1 R'aek. teat the over to 500. I6 ems : over gb M 0N.
this reelect, fora puhlir journal has flu was "l tic. (1 R Re ler 16 by eons : over g60 as sante masa Resolve
!speer G. Mw
7'we entrains
daily es feettrains. Timbals, Muter end
Rspres be all pars el iia IPSOld.
Pocketbooks at
W. haw* a fall stock ml .n ktada of
wkah we me swum
All blade of
Fen s•aoere. based a and remains ever
AP Tit TIIMM 116 15111 NM
Omsk and leo It as
,.. WORSELI & co.
T e Purest 7, Owe sad detects M.
asef Blordd* Livery. Rlegavas d(•
1tsTH w NY
" Flee *Mgrs• do not make a man,'
bet they go • long way towards keep
ing a man's respect for himself and
that of others for him. ft doesn't '"'Y
any more to dews neatly than it dose
to go around with an ill fitting twat e1
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