HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-4-2, Page 22 TAE R1GNAL: (N)DRRI('H, ONT., THITRSDAY, APRIL 2. 1884 VERYOU FAMILY •NINIw TN T rM111tP1AL &d 11TRISLI. me. W wet liesneds, MS Ilse TM seal 1e as hutch .. lass le sefrev. de..esa PAIN -KILLER ;; --• j :'g^ 1=4. Dior..•. D»r . t7agswa. ?AIN -KILLER r , a "Le' in Naor. Mrhaar►r.s Narkrkr at tiler. iarrstWtam PAIN -KILLER 11 Amish 1. 1,t o arcane' Ahp ri•wawey ' • .Ai INC •{ .m . ales COM rwwts .. Tow"stares. rte. PAIN -KILLER . r4 ite/ea•M..areae.. �1a�tort W . rttr.■ . • ...am{ala .,4 .ASrira r. .• " I.0r a, ounmerent .Waft .1..:rUwe, anslises Take ear be �a.a -r. Data Mr. MI Rwr Willi a leash. " bat ,sally 1 Mit like be take it. It Y tae lovely." " Net far • miteent of war. Memember , os are galas to sealiter the draggle !" "'That is so. ant the mutter ebasM hay* writtes • T4ie& .i she armed "the wean • pretty dress " " The foe •i;..u.t whom Miss Kosice Wild• proposed .rt,y.uK hereeif was the obdurate node of her handsome lover He had promptly sod pery sely oppaed the mar rigs of he u.pi.w. The young fellow would have ignored the refusal of his relat ire were it not bot the old o•otlem.s had always been eery kiwi to him -bait Malted. takes. the Mete el nae 4 -ed father. So he decided that Relies should meet his uncle and pet bis periodic. t•. ., •' He's coming to tuts on n14 tr end of hie Cyril had mid. •' bedr. ('h.rtreau. You know the I'h•rtroeu lamely 1N merest roe Mm. heard they are going to • 111011'7 dress ball next month in honor of the most in, out ••f their daughter Lisette Yoe TM' receive • card. You will locoed You will meet Poole AI►.rt awl %nu will take his heart by storm Hopefully had he p •eneel his itchiest* esthn.i.sue•'1y heti he explained it. But Roane protested. 1 was to he • grand hal' cad she bed &othi.& w wear. Resides, she did not like the .dsa of pintail, to make anyone like ',.r to.i- " Bless y, u, ,-reed Cyril, " he dooms , llslike lou doo't believe he eves knows your name. Nu resentme0t is general, net 'meteor, • fast partruolar. As s..'•o .s I told him I was it lova with a Southern girl los--IN (1 boy* to drop iota •tang, It ..hr 111 --est square dowp upon rt.- it seems 6 Soothe m girl jilted him when he was toting, and he in boned to elms in. from • like awful fete. But when ace he sere you he is bound to capitulate. He is • regol•r old brink Uccle Albert !" " Kut I hits owning to wear. Aod what is mon, l cannot buy a dress for the Phar ties. ball , W. --Aust Magnolia and 1-- are poor .s the preverbal church mice." But lues thee Mass Magnolia came to Rea in.'s relief like • regular little fury god mother. " The very thing ' aloe cried. ' My primrose tails ". Rosin recorded her dubion•ly, d*li.hted. ly she knew leer aunt had •aways guarded ieelooiy her trunkful of treasurers, her Jewels, her Imes, her riot, glistening bro- cde- ', De you mean it, auntie" Mies Meenolia's bright old oyes winked very rapidly indeed. " I do, my dear : 1 was young owes my- self." And that is how Resins Wilds game to bs the bale of lime Chartreuse tastily -drew ball. The proposed festival hied bees the talk of Neu Orleans for seven' weeks. The n ight, loot anticipated, w. cool, crisp Mad •.list. The broad bsloonied old residence was hrillianNy lighted. Many • /marriage rolled up, rolled off. Whom Ronne deposed • ed from the barons -he of her obaperse she felt • little nervous, . little tasted ..d coo - tale that has often been mous shat she was looking unoommoelt well, ae indeed she wee. Quite a picture was the pretty voting tigers io the elision, gown of pale yellowish satin, piutaresy•tely Web** onr father hat. I pwesd and quaintly fashioned. Th. o*r.•lt*, cut round, re.esed the firm, full throat - [Monty mouse -skin swathed arms, whish it slender were also exquisitely rouaded, and the small, olive -tinted two* was lighted to loveliness by pansy blank eyes. A gash of •donti.o suoosedd the serene nonchalance of Cyril Rodney's oouotenano* as he caught •iebt et her. He made his way ther t 'e. " (,!sees tine," he murmured, " You're by far the l ;West vara hero tonight. Poor Mmol. Albert ' How complete will be his surreod.r '• She swept him • mod. •og courtesy. " Ah she mid. em hug, " if 'that oonrio- tton were bolt miss- -" The seateoos ended io • long, 'oft sigh •• Si te pas mine," be began. " Confound it' 1 neva nen get my teams. around your ereolism. The set tog is, however, that it there wen se sighing in the world the world would sties. Nos, peepers to fade the NNW. On lis west. We torn returned and by his side was •sturdy old gen•leman. "The drag"n," he 1'r u►tereed. Silvery hair and • dark matt•obe bad the dragoon. A florid eomplexios bed the dragon and • manner that was grave, digni Bed end noarte.ros. "('Dela Albert,' •i phoned Cyril with beyhels sagernem, "this is Miss Reels* Wilde." "Wilde The old gnu'Iem•o wag startled pero•pt• ibly. Re totaled •t tb. binehiwg Hid. at the Yellowish masa He bowed. "And. ' avowed votive 14tdsey, ms.ding kis sweetheart ..wilt .mile of ••••••••04, matt, n. rstps- ment, "And --the rose loly of whom I spoke to yes ' "(hi r „evel•itre4 Albert Rllewnrta. Thai, ioferay.t••ivtl, : "Wild.. Was WARN Mitis Magnolia c•ret:Dlly your father's name (9.ytes Wilde !•' 4tbarew the A►.e from the great cedar Rawls. vuentad. trak..spiww.A the n141 damask sableeloth "And year stother's maiden mase wag w►leh .uv.lar.•a it sea reread nut he slits- Yagoda Ri1s.1.v !" as 1.14, for ate .Amintieu of her mama, "lyh, 40.e n1' 1 Aent Mareolio was Doves t.galh, that rami 104y elaapI her pretty ,tarried. My mether'e era was M.4.1.e ',.s1. anti hoot ea Rost. t Ki• s.I. •t A Mt., Maet,fel is • toy fersver." " 1'" caned the arena. Miss M.ennti• noddetd and sled. Rhe 1 .a d• •sl railer 1.d holed from his was pm•tl a'A round awl honer. as • .0.141.. ehseks H. was tngriwg nervnetsly at lady o1 A•441..4ly meted,. are email be But bis dark m..tache. Re leaked egitel.d Mr hears. whish bed ham hill of aesthmu,t •0141 .orpl.x.A Moos, woe • waren end ,w..+tire arise .till. "My mother died les yeas" ata," epic A.d.be tank • steel e( esteem* n R. 1..', Reese. "ssA does then 1 have Need with M.JRTALITY. ;.b, why s4•06ld 10. spirit of mortal be prow Ake • oath A..uu, slue,? t dash of the Iytkteiog, • break is pus t. ,tr+a1' fir( lea.e• ..f the u.. snit the willow .1361 1.•.. as seat tared 1.d the y u s. and the obi, and the low, .n't a rh Axon nt. '•ul.ler to drat and testah.r shall lee The infant • mother •twirled and loved, '"he soother 'het infant'• affection who proved, • 'M boeh."•1 that 10faot and mother who Missed. t:aoa, .11. •re sway to their dwellitir of by • remark she esneHmed rude. "it is 1t► MOM she preyed Ina W a lover wba preyed anwertby .f her " ••114. Y' eJeoal.ted Mr. r.tlswerte, saws sharply than 0efeew gddealy be turned and walked away. The tallns tag day he imeMted of twsemp anysg his .,phew to IA* g.wt, r.gsshaekle oeoe •ristssentio old hew ie the Tres' quarter, where Rodeo laved. its they were pesos, the vaultrl sateen a to taw Hills iotged oowrt yard Albert Dllsworta o..tbt sight of • familiar figure coring the trotted palms sad boas• of blooms "Go on, lt►a, be mad to Cyril. Re had peu.e•l and was look lag through the brat •venue ot gloom to the brightness beyond. Cyril wee about to question t'§ teee %metar0. welts the th•.Rkt of • peculiar pse- nhility ado km o•teb his breath and de as bidden. Ha k,oeked •t the barred hash door aa4 was admitted to R''.tne's radiant pree.voe. Meanwhile his uncle west hese the oourtv.rd. The little old led►.tssdinp hr the ben•°o tree looked up at the wad 01 the step on the ste.ee, "Magnolio," he Dried. Miss Magnolia wasted .t him is • dazed, calf-trirbtssed way Did "home over .p - pear io the daytime; Stouter than be whom she bad known sad with hair grows gray ; But the same. Armed her, in • fantastic .lame, the broken fountain, the long -leaved lanes• tree and the tient ole•oders went .•hirliag. SA. didn't faint, but she Game Dearer to it than she had ever sow i. her hie "Did vee think that I had deserted yeti, Mattioli•+ Whets I left yne to go North on husimeso 1 believed in you se I've Geyer be- hoved is anyone ,loos. While away I beard and red that yeti bad married that vowe Wilde I sed to be so Jealous of. So 1 west to Ramps sad stayed there." "Hot Clayton Wilds married Madeline. I always told you he came to see her." "Vas, I know that -sew. I wee • tool to have been en essay oo.vi.od of your falsity. You haws.'t Masted a bit. 1 knew you the 1001111011S I saw you." Mies M.g.011* smiled delightedly. She did not knew he had expected to las her. "1 mover forget the dress you wore the last time I taw yen," declared Mr. B1M- wvrtk, waxing fervent. "I reoogsixd it on your stew last night." "Last eight ! Are you -sorely yes are sot the drstoo'" "Tho -the drags.!" faltered Miss Mag- nolia. Mr. Ellsworth still leaked bleak. "That," m.rsered the little lady, feet. isg that she was ill for it, and might as weil make • clean breast of i1, "was what Rosin sod I Galled Cyrirs uncle, .ad Rosine was going te conquer him." He buret out lambing. "Nell, she did. The boy will merry M.delise's pretty daughter, And you, Menasha -you'll merry me. " "O4., dear, .e ! I'm too old." "Not • day.•, "Anal ugly --sow," "(wvliest woman le the world Mme," iasiped the droe'oos loyally. "Blom you, my abildaen," cried • votes frees above. The pair in the courtyard glassed up gn.okly. On ciao of the imam. baloosite stood Rosins and Cyril. "Vanish, you scamps," roared the dm- tse. "i shan't allow you to marry • Smatters •irl, sir 1" ghosted back Cyril, as be and R'•sine hest • brook retreat. Laughing mad bretthlsss they famed each other in the old dnwift, room. "E.erythieg M lovely, sweetheart cried Cyril in an oostagy.-Waverly M. 04 OF MEREST TO WOMEN. A fr' m life t.. his rest epee of the is the around and together be re.' • 'he band of the king that the scepter bath .'he brnw of the priest that the miter hath mann. '''be ate of the ewe and the heart of the heave hi.!'I'n end lost in the depths of the t rees. .'IN possern, whom lot was to sew and to veep, • be horde/eon. who climbed with hie goats to the of Cep rte 115,0.?. who wandered to search of he bread. '1•.e fated way like the grass that we tread. fin t4.. me" •Geer foe., 1.10 the flower or the ase! Tina wither. 0.6y to let other succeed. Se she nl•i'ode • on.e.. et.0 thole we be- hold, o repo•.' every toed. re For we are ieen- Ve we • ha Same . 1'••n, We drink •h. • .neean ''.d ren ,h. .,ma mare" len, the tams our fathers have same stream and view the ,...r fathers have rho tlro•uhts w. o1'• thinking our fathers a.ud•h.k. From Sha A.+•h . err ehrio►.ognor fathers ...u'41 eh.ink. To the life .e •r. rl:eeirg 'hey also would i1.t a speeds from us a11, like • bird on the wing They 10•..l. but !h • story we cannot 011 - 'They sonened. 0- 'l'hey.norne4. ho' the heart of the bwgh,y • . alai : They greyed, hilt 5o weal from their slum Mr ..ill ,nm.; rim j..ve4, h•• the tnegoe of their glad nem i. A,mh They died ave. 'hey died- and we Shirrs tbar err, now, l'11.t es'k n1' the turf that hes siva. thar ►aro. And make in their tlwellioge • crusader •heli. ;snot the thing. that they mei on their pil- tt im•; o rood Ysa, hope and de.paeleney, pleasure end nein We mingle together in remains and rain. A.d th..n •1• and the tear, the song and ho meal Atr,e, me11 1••11". pooh other like euro. upon • Ti. the weak nl an etre, 'tie th• draft of • hrea t t ..- P res thy. al...me of healei to the polymer a1 .heath, f res. tbs. ,.141.41 *aloes to the Ma and the ehronA Oh, Irby .bowld the spirit of mortal be reed f William Knox. ROSPP E'S ROMANCE. Stew llsings to anew. Common somber. ..ad will greatly be prove the sppe.rsao• of old velvet and re- move an the deet, Ilprt.kls the velvet well with 1ne •.•d, .tad tbto brush sett) awe rem.tas, blowy bassinet' the palette wrong way. TIN h•.=,omest leash .:loth. .re made ef tis" Goes, and have • deep border of rena- issance leo,. Italie, and t•ug.tt covers •reels° ..aged with the seams ',s.u'tfel luso 11 weMee well, and is headstone aa lona as it lusts. Hero is a correct way to cans • fen Rue • Lode down the back, cu" ing through the skim. K.wtuto the tine Thea out tale even pieces oD one side. When thew pieces aro sot red remove the hoses sod est the uglier aids the tams ..y. It u now optional with • widow if aloe keeps her I•usb•ud's initials or tut. IL .s quite prop.. ;et Sus !hem whet addressing her, soul Mrs Orusdy u mors aid more eanatiwiDV it, to it..usgasi the widow from the divorced woman. The Lotto takes her own initials. Crumbs spread oyer the tops et dishes .bo�id be mimed (mealy with melted butter over the firs. This is a bolter teethed than having lumps of butter dotted over the crumbs .iter they are screed. 1Vh.o the mime butril** tbroush the orients on top ot • scallop duh the Nokia, is completed. Ito icing for mike, that will be toned in- ',spea.:ve end good, may be made ivy tel tag three t•blesp•wluis of milk and lactase t nom" to • boil Then set it sold., and • hes r. as cool add o.. teeepn5Dful of vee ill• or other estreat and stir in 000fso- ttoe.t's sog•r natal thiel enough to spread wit hoot rummies. M dissbarte este of their •mpioye•, • mita was had bass tritb them severs! years ad bed ennessl tastiness of loaraist the Mode N bow everything wee down 1t wag sip passed that it was ►§ istto.t nn be sell the servals of th. mand.Mmre .l sty paper, or e.eh of Nana as be pe.oeseed, to • rival w aas.lactmrer do:tg hdanse5 os $ small seals to mother Sawa. Toe brothers im- mediately brought ..it against him by s janorioo to resteds has from telling what be knew, sad frons hiest§If mtgs./mg is the 4.[01.55. The suit hag set yet bees eat tied. it involves • ge.Mtou of law hover yet •djwdiu•ted in the Stat. and One that u .genially i.ter.ti.g N sausufactur.r. cad *Abney,. feMit.e. •• Yoe, my dear, It w • taaa, of beauty. Led to .hfeh 11.t 1 were ft bat twists. Deer, A.., r •' To. had • leu. them, assIde ? be. neared Rehm. • t Tes. p.•. That wag e.. el the demise Aust Mageolie " Mr. RWMw.rth retwled Me grimly. "le that," h. mho& abruptly, "your mea J«•gmsminot rete. After .ha o.sdire seata imam von have n. 1" had disappeared i took the hos for bait- The s. eltast.rw• of the Welty paper Tb,„ teff 1.ah nn M. awl% el.eak Ass". peas awl tIN Maks. to he) t .0y Noah ad began hushes§ shout twenty yeses We es • Ned....dl►1 .b. &.d It M111 keeps SIN male. giver M small ale. eow°- p isg • test-te in geese . my site/ fwrts bey to Ay, lino with • wlwrban dreg sten whit* the Lime. threes\ opges bodies. The '!!amps w that .t the t.. 'Naiad of the Academe d.e flala•oee s tae 5emt►rs were tal.esef that, M. 41.et.'. 1 . B •,.'e asprioesbe es the passage ,.1 or -flossy lieht threat' ewes" bodge• I.4,"see repeated wish geone sassess by other mass., 1•y D.. Armai* nae, 01 nefJU$MA. •o.l by M H 11ar.1, et Havre. T►. Liter ha.'..c .u.wne.L.d ter u!.t ttD• e04, by wean. it 0 d..t., y 1• b , ,..alit. •aoslorl, if ..•.. -011,1 •••I • 1 a leo t.4.twtued by mean.., •..o • It . :.a ..y. ASM The....d Tiro t A well -keepers bishop tells • story of • clerk at • village church who deliberately took half • Crows elf the plate as he lock tt op the owa0aaten table, rod dipped it tato hie pouts". "1 taw him take tt, said the bishop, and tste.ded to ob.rge him with tt at the end of the earvtm , but, oar ir.f •way by the service, 1 forgot 511 .bout it Kett day. I remembered the ci.rcums'•ow, sad spoke about it." "Oh, air, • said th. .11 Clerk, "never you worry .bout that That hail crown has dose good 'aryl•' for many years. I keep it to pat it dews fleet, sod then the gewry, maim • poor man hire me put down ball •crown 3• the pleat. coat for shame give less ' • Crochet bags to be used in boiling dump Inge are a useful addition to every kitchen The We will keep the dump) ng iu proper .Mpe. It is made of heavy oottootn • plate crochet stitch. Begin with • ch.is said th.n widen until the right sir... Fels' et be top with • scallop and through this ran • tape. Put the dumpling in the beg, drew 'be t+Fe to hold the dumpling and then At .t boll. Safe pillows are covered wtth plain alk in del.oate Valors and have a three ineh double frill around the edge. A square of rw.i'e5005 !hoe a then laid ever the pillow mid is large enough to partly oov*r the frill. In place of the plain silk two shades of pale satin ribbons may be and, weaving them is •tad out, basket tashios, and allow.., lbs ribbons to eztosd three .0obes over the pi►tnw •011 maw the sods for • finish Mothers cannot too e000 begin to teach thou small daughter. 1Pat to oars daintily . ad mostly for their belongings, 0o atter now mmple they aro, is on- of the virtues Gloves palled out and carefully pat sway ; nes folded and put in • hox with • sachet bei ; handkerchiefs similarly looked after, sod shoes mated and slipped in tbo proper peeksta sr stood os •'h*lt--all these little nuetia5 begun at a Moder .go bseon se mes- ad miters Carly 'binge soiled and crumpled are vulgar. Requisite neatness with the simplest beloogiogs Mtr.ys refine - 1111100t. Death Teemed Tevf►e*ble to lir Agemtesaa role. pita R.mAbesee, of Willenroft, P.O.. Ont., writes' "1 have used Or, Ags.w's ours for the boort since last fall, having takes is 6'1 sine bottles, and I new feel estir0iy like another unman. I am 50 veers old, mid have bees troubled with heart diems* far mon than twenty veer sometimes fey Ove hours •1 • time suffering soda army that death maenad parfait -able to the pals. The told sweat would stand net io evgat beide epos my foes Tb. Kean, (`are Rove me relief tram almost the flr.t dose and has proved • treat. Mesas, "Yeti are •t liberty to publish this letter if yes Stink that by se doing any toed ay be .tsomphaltial Sold by .1. R Davie. CONT INUOUSE t F9RING UNNE When ten he A-ytalrteg If your reit is to be one of leveret weeks or days, you mot make your hostess, tl she Lae not been wise p0ett4h isolate in her in- ytttitin, understand in your answer not ns ly exactly what time you will arrive, bot • meetly the day and hour when you will le..., and you will show great wisdom of. 0o stetter how much you .re enjoying your- self, you refuse to prolosg your visa. I)e- .es lour Hay you must find everythi.v pleasant that your hostels arranges for you Ask no epemal service of • ,errant. A foot bootees will always offer • maid to Rape k or peek your bores, et show yen mese win •.eery .ttestion. Thank • servant for an, loudness *be does for you, end when you are leaving give her, if she has devoted mach time to you, as karts • tip 05 you ciao &fiord. ladies aro not expected to tip men serv.ats You meet neither expect ort see your laundry to be done in the home. mut you mast take greet can not to leave the dainty toilet table or the pretty room in die erv[er I saw • beautiful duobw table e*• artily ruined by powder. perfume, and alco- hol which had boss spilled 0000 it, not to meati.• the damage des. by burns in the I.oe by the d•ngeroae curling test.. And this wee beoaues a girl nem careless and 1 .A ant been teneht, and did sot realise that s were wee sot a d..troyiag animal And after you return to your honk* yen should writ. • latter to the lady yes have hee risitiMg, thaokiog bar for •11 the killdeer she has shown you, and seeding year re- gards to t4.o members et her household. - Ladies' Home Journal_ dine or Two Deets M ttewrb Amm,tosa &M - em Care Will Gtre dolt t is /by 14.55 letstte..leg Cams et' timer tr.ehte. It is a fallacy to argue one'* self into the belief that sae.rieg when it comes upon us mast be p.ti..Uy sedated. Usually gaffer - tag eau tee removed, if oat knows of the mesas and way Much suffering is berme by those who are troubled with kidney du. - .•se. The datre.s at times is keen. Bat in South Amoricam Kidney Cure, medicMs that is • kidney epso.fio and ambling are though setbing tees, • sere, safe and speedy remedy is to be found. Relief is sore is less than ax hour.. Feld by J i•: Hari. N neellhemg U...y wart *•.•0M (tile..... If then is anything girls should esMN•te it is rape*. Simply do net allow your feet be swing mad your brows to peak•.• but *swipe' 60.. sod foot to mid year will, •.d te be .alta esti treenail ea the °staid" .f met botgath the w►f.e . A result of this all' bethat 1sott.g Beat and rewiring gest- sod hsldi..g yourself is .ostro1, will hiring .base • restful oo.dIMes sr mind. Yee will bei bolter sea 1e Ism serves" if yw pot doing the sop►essioo of .erveawem Idigemfen is at the Mortem of half of our sealdie. Seh.ol girls shoal' eat plasty of real feed ab the right times, sad •Isaac avoid too many sweets. Yany • 1 .Aeeeo sod It of the blase eat b. treed Mak to • pound of sway, d.l1ei.ns m -ay, tut leo numb feltw stomach to menage. Hsie- h..s and eare..b ..d all stab MDipti55 eesfaslbes.he.l4 by gats after • seal as dessert, epi mwschoi 611 day Mitre= times One .1 the prettiest ChMtitmee preesatm sent last year was • hex of he nams4e .•,dies, sent by • dear girl friss/ tete bas great skill is this fuss. The modem were laid fa • *fatuity Mesh -hart how las./ with paradise paper Thoe'het was ie ire turn S tied tightly hate a alk -Ilse/ hasher: reeo- eelered silk was seed sled quilted. lean it. Was uses •es• melee -Nested sachet powder The whole was Med with • lose of rem- tinsel netts ribbon, end se SIN very top, fas•...1 deters by the ri1bes, was • Mealy long nes. STICKY FLY PAPER. .'case'• t 4 L Tile (tire tiysprpet. For the NA eight years I hem. been • sneerer from constipation and dyspepsia -I tried dozens of dilierent medicines, but nothing gave me relief until i neon Dr Chase's Kidney Liver Pi11. which cored me Jame• HURD, Woodville, Ont Mass .r the Werad's sppty thaw■loused he *erre, 1. • glia.. Team. GttAIID RAPID., Mich., March 23 -The world's supply et sticky fly paler Dome. from this city. Then are three or tear .titer ansll factories scattered &host the ,eastrv, bot none of them ma'am *aoagb to est mush of • direr. is the market The treat prodoear is the single /.story is this °ay, • les concern employing 000 to 600 h .ods .11 the year round, and its product u .bippd to every land The factory is .erro..ded by • high hoard maw. fame, and guards are ea watch day and eight to keep out i.truders. Tb. beet 1rieeds of the proprietors most with ea cold • reoeptiow, wham the atter of going into the factory is mentioned, ee any stranger. The sticky preparation with "Muth it is ex- pected the glee will form estrieth t •lu- • nem hs prepared by the proprietors penoo- . Ily,•.d they •less know the exact formula. The preparation is Mot p&t.oted Dor oopy righted, as to gain the pnMotioo of the Goyremest it would be neoewry to reveal the material* that go hate it and thus make the fermula koowm to the world and give trade pirates • chasm to operate The •e- erN is pretested by not letting it out., and it hes bees kept eecoesofally for seedy sweaty years. The mao1inery ,sed in the Notary is guarded is the game immense spoken isfri.oemest imaged of being pat - sated. Moet of the m•t*isary was designed for the spesi.l purpose M NUN it to pat, sod the Nor brothers ewiaged be the beet - N es made the designs .f it themselves •.d had different parts of it oenetrms.0d at dif. Meet saehi...bop.. The sty pipor fair asry .oeptes four Imre two stere briek b&ildi.Rs, sad the employees is ewe depart - 'nest ate .et allowed soder any arum• .teleses to visit any other dep.rtswt. Nos" Mt trustworthy mow unemployed, sail ewes seg.g.d they have poetically • 1hf. job ; bet eves the matt teamed M sot rllew.d to knew more MN osis bramoh of the b.1mesa TIN sty paper is made M spread's" ear• tale Mills&ms sad rims es • Meet et Need sMsih paper. The .hest less • *.crew hor- des N was a premium the stlt*y "MR hem .Nur owl The border al was is p.1 es, the Misty p ep•v.ti.. ls wreak and tbo . beet ;. /,Mod ready fee i0.pe.M4. sled shir- tiest hitrotest by o.1' m*ehine, .a4 this mtae'1N ho. eapuslty 1'r about 50,000 .bees. • day. lime the m.nhiee the sheets pass te in- 5peetey', whet sea that the .tet i..1 the right atm ietsery, .ea this te the to he est int* hearse ler .hipenest Th. ra- per gee. to A/riga Acle, Ramps, Aeesr&li.. .1'A Saatb Awariea, bs4Nes all parte et this "Haw 1• the werl'l .114 yam tom r elm Ogg wove Dina Never d gid 111 eve marri.te. Set he west away_ 1 swmts geIMfesevi. letter of thanks the r pet wmlreff h *4.6, re beast ima Oneoliod l • Womb of 1',p d.v fess swam • OWN vile bag.wra One s/ SIN brothers 1'w bus...ss 1t w jest she gown 11" see A .seer, waving. sots was Me any gill N. satev hew au•tl t8.efrettelde sw.Md se the Sy Pelltee *Nom Area hill " /inertia at 11 s M ,. .g.ell0 ply Mises yea, roots it in a little Rem Ode isms,, mod .. fagot ..i amt ensue* as • et A •vi/. deet, 014 •.acme, tver ben. le Nile A e.01*erwis.a Whom .sesad. Ord gave •w memmikulw•r M .15947 • limited Meal 4.. "pass. tagged dw N •tis •asp Mose yam meld 4.i. lade ag wearier. g1•.•• ler the ~lash. t4...kveyour entertainers send. The d,tm04 eroloany grew, sad 11" dews. les call g' as • Wy •f leap „M Mrierr4L. ls w 0141 sad V. PIM es pin they Brit you..md the eatery • ane of the Mg i. .41 es tiepn as yes .eagle Mem torlle • it(es M lists et Sha slay,, mad the Amt beeehms v . •hreette year hawNati ti tb•.1tabee, g, end .mar• demote M N thou entire Nw.m.h 01P.•• les ns Hag .g ow. s miew. pletsgt- i -U As r,n 04 IR.sis Meng le deems@ i dhr M et ray moo Mem.. 1 eine isms or r. brMMw W .sedan A CeetIsver- The wile of • Calomel residteg in the country wee is want of • cook A te*d- lonktsg 7000( woman citified upon her with excellent reoommend•tioos, and the bay wee greatly plowed with tins otrl'. appear - Nee. She told her, however that theirs mold be am "follower.." "Modem," the young woman replied, "do .ot be uneasy en that point. I •m • quiet, domesticated person, end never allow men to he a-danwng round me !" TM girl entered upon her duties. and for several weeks rave the greatest satisfaction M her employers. At length, however. . friesd roaarksd to the ooloael that the cook was • very pretty tirL "Tree," repoimed. tie oeaom51, "and she is se Rod as she is good•lenrieg-" "That may be," said the friend. "bat MIN bas an admirer." Ot. the slalom*) expressing his disbelief of the allegation, bias fries(' werm'y aseona him th.t it was as he had said. According ly, the colonel resolved to keep •good look out : and one evening while prnwties about the how, bit etrerved 6 mysterious Genre stealthily •ppro•ohiog, sod 06• forthwith oosfre.td by a tall, good-looking young man. "WIN are you ••" ingnird the colonel "i s0ppom you've Dome •-courting " "Ys, oelesel " said the yew* etas:quite uaal§ehed, "1 &m 6-morttns." "hod may I ask.' rejoto*d the colossi, "to whew you are oeyimg your addresses!" "To your took, Sarah." was the reply "Indeed '" said the ooleel, somewhat taken aback by the visitor's osoloe+e 1 theegit that you EMMAA be after one of my anathema " "No, onl0mel,'' said the stratum., "1 did sot think of that ; but, of mane, if you have anything better upstairs to ell- ms, 1 don't mind .teppieg .lens with visa." THE LATEST DISCOVERY - sir. N. i 0...+11. Results Astonish MEN OF SCIENCE. AYERS_ Saillarilla A MEDICINE wrimour A N mai.; ss.bmo.t of n Well Maims Desist - Ayers Ierespersla r MOMS se awl as. bbM•per4Mr aM /pries ..*4.a,04 cum* eve praise secefib• I lame w0rfi/ its saute in ehreste mase, where Mbar easement was of no .hall and belt bees astonished at the resting. No other MOM mesiada that i bare ,ser Hued, aid IMP" tried them all, is so theesele d w Mho. and whets se sway pairmset seer 1'e Ayer's SerespsrWa."-Dr. R.11. IDomms, Augusta. Ka Ayer's Sarsaparilla Admitted at the World's Pair. aor's lYlle for Uwsr tend Aseeds. WE MAKE Sewer and Culvert Pipes (.04.es 1'e I.lt..e (low be rbeMpwpM4 fibroma ..Hops.. PAals. ODs of the resoles of the sew photographic dlseovwy by Dr. Roentgen is that • letter gas be photographed tbreeith it. semi* • ..d the Natant' read with as amok ease as though the seal had b'1'. broken. TIN experiment has been seeuessfelly side by several memhers of the staff el (.51ei•. I. the merge of experiments made with the esi•t..es of M 1).s.ls Losses. Deemer des-iw...es, •.d M. d. Aemi5M.., a .billed ear ewtsmosesry Maims M ve made $ now di.0*w.ry, of whisk mere will be said War. Oa IMtsrdey them sxpmimests wee* be - leg sap - -- 1 M 11. AI.1&.drs Hipp. whom be exclaimed : "Why, law yes trill be .►le M photo - swath Nelms Meese% their envelopes "Jose se r waw Me reply, tmg► at time time K wag .0k.ow. 0heeber welt • thing wag pseibea The mewl" et the M..vemu.flen was thN 11. Hopp handed ever we el several Meese .Meas" hal jest been writbs., .ed is isle d:Ase ban ea boor reeace& • segeelve widish dbtioetly sheered Me b..dwrl 11.4. r met psslbee, huero..r, with all ki.& of payer sad all kids et i.k, MN '110 As.lsi. amt .&y IA .easel ash e.Dmmgy r piessersoh the owbw•s of • 1st - ter wildest Mew the paper of the Ohoa.Mr of lbpmILe or of M. 1kso.M aged seemed do es et th. Gass* papeg. .eme'al sheets of pops to p- ggpr.ddp rested the 1.w ,044 if wepok..iilO Mirk Clete hiMN • Wear ..rasped es Its bbl crest be phML,,gW. Ops We ems lesseloo sl pi►stagrephy W alas Mega 4 la. M IM gs. Lim CN•eeeaese. WRITE FO•o PRSOES. THE ONTARIO SEWER PIPE CO. 0Od ADtt.AID* ST. •.. .comity etr tM.0roa TORONTO s CURES RHEUMATISM KIDNEY DISEASE LIVER COMPLAINT 1NDIGESTION ECZEMA CONTAINS THE NLty INOREDIEN T ,; ■r. V. I. es. Jargons, rr.prirt.r tw.aellt 1Mtaw wt1.wa, fared •r Msec..' rhwwe 1'r the Radsey.. Among travelling men. me ober. of Puller meat, and habitue• of the ('au.,.t,e . capital. tae mea le better known than Mr. r. X let. Jangle& the popul*r prow -tete. of the Roman Hetes. Ottawa, who .ufrered ire..tly from • dbiltre.eing trouble• he r h •ye el tie kidney. In the hops of efthsiltut a care be Metered regularly, but without s,cowm. Inerleg July he began the hes of ityrbnauti Knot n*y Cur. In ow week he wee nee wily benefited. but was eswt'ly gond. 411. owe weeds In writing to the proprietor of the medicine •best W ewe eve Sue few het eery si esg. Ho says (4'0.04. August 7th. Ines". S. 8 liyonM411. Iliac. M.P. Digs fit, i will gladly sed strongly 1eome- tnmM Knetw.y Cure to my frfen.I•4 after the g oad remelt it has time me lee -1 • pertmd- Wishing it every epees(.. t t s Brea dneorw.*. i am, dear air. F. 1 J Ask your Druggist fe" Murray & Lanman's FLORIDA WATER A DAINTY ^LORAL EIT1tACT Per NmedhSe. W. Twelet she/ Silo