HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-3-26, Page 10$ WALL PAPER. THE BIGWAL : GOD? 10/1, ONT.. THURSDAY. MARCS !t. 1111. ONE LOW PRICE TO ALL l'P T(1 DATE PEOPLE WANT UP TO DATE PAPER We have theta at Sc. per Roll, regular price 7c. Dining Room, Bed Room and Hall, 7c. per roll, regular 9c and 10c. Parlor, Bed Room and Hall, 9c. per roll, regular 120.. and 15c. per roll. our Special Drawing Room, Library and Hall Paper must be (leen to he appreciated. As credit is a thing of the past, no fault will be found with prices. These papers are all new. Any left from last season will he sold at a greater reduction, All Papers are shown with Borders, Freiaes and Ceilings to match, including the lines sold at 5e. Bear in mind no credit from this date. 1 EWS OF THE DISTRICT. From our ownCorre.PondIat/ There Is t.reresauea here tYat (mot he w.erd A.yw\ere L1.e-,ew•.f Ibe t'eemly specially aeper.ed ter The Ngmsl. NVPKEMI • A McLasiNAs a L1Wrylttlfr. -/Or external nae only, a a p..otun cure tor sinus' dowser, hip dowsers, IA- flsmtustury rheumatism, limo back, lum hag°, sore thro.t, weak and sore hones, bruises, sprains, Miff tondo, rupture, and all kiudred diseases. It hu also been found a sure cure for throat affections in horse.. Prick 75 carers. None gonoiue without hewing the trade mark on labels and wrappers cad A E UUNGANNON. McLenuai's L(i Uhlman'. .derlch, Ont., stamped on wax seal .•n each ht tile. Koreet--The local esteem/ (n Oung.nnM Marufactured only by Euphetom A for Tete aur.°. is at the aloe of J. U. Ward- J.P.. ooeveyanoer, to., who will receive or McLennan, sole patentee and pru- des for subscription•, advertising and nob Meetings Newgate St , (i..dench, Ont work. and to authorised to give receipts tori sit. .mounts paid for the rune TI•A I,Av Mare/, 24. KRA ti E. 1,01 - At the lame of wnt- tog as the weather looks footled, it would appear that the vernal t•iutnox g.lc ere over. i... Ti u. (.Al'- -. Curing last week we experienced quite, • eerie. of eyuto•wttal gale., which were an no degree p.«cant or congeries. i-dn.... During the tatter part of lain • week Joseph A. MaltouRh visited Ins father John Msltough, I.uckoow, and fr.ewds at other points. lan.t 1R.". (:R.AIto- Ai 1.'. -We, aloes with the numerous meads and ac.tuatet- a.cae of Mise Mary Davideoea, who has boon ill for some tom., aro pleeeed U. nee Chet she m gradually recovering. I.aerrha Arid lino akT. The lecture by (:. H. l'obWsdick, oa ' Rambles through Scotland, held under the .u.pi.ws of the Epworth (..ague, as oleo the concert, on Thursday and Friday ea eninga to the )litho dist church, owing to the demotic) of the weather were not w well attended as w.,uld have been otherwise. tits r'r..,T or (• ATT t.it. - O. Mo.day.yuite • large drove of young cattle, whims had boon bought by Messrs. Winters & (' • , of tkraforth, from the farmers in this sad sur- rounding country, were bruuttbt to Duo parson for shipment, via Locknow, to Al- berts. There were about 150 bead. soma of which were very Ieao,and e.ppearsd as if they felt the scarcity of fodder. Lit'IT►. IW_ -W• regret to hear that Mrs. Bamford, of West Waweuush, m very CIL We bops to hoar shortly of her recovery to her waited state of health, as also Mrs. John t'urrttm, nt Crowe, who is in s poor N ate of health. Owing to a great many in this oetehborbood beteg indisposed, tar 1'a.es services are tieing called into requei Lien, he has the:r(ore a largo practice and is very bunt. kelPinr Int S. 11 I 1p Satard•y, last, in cun.plt.00•, with the call of the Reeve, the mut. cipal council of West W swano•b, trent to the towwhip hall, .l1 the members were prse- eat,reeve, R Lockhart in the chair. l'artic Mora of betimes' transacted may be soon in minutes of session, as published m the loos) press. Next %orlon to he held in the usual place. on Saturday the pith April tore n'r.i. Houk Ituriog last week. Hugh MUMath, who hes t iso on an u tended visit to hie daughters at Pontiac, Mtol:txmn. and other relrtives at other points, returned home. We, aloog with his uumeroua friends and •c.luante0oes ar. pleased to coo the venerable gentleman home again, looking hale and cheerful. Ingot - viewing htin be remarked in a gray• amid solemn tote, 'what • change has taken place sine. I •t•rteol on my vett, three of my in Upsets sod old time scquaintanoes have been taken from this sublunary stage of action to an unesen world.- Thus remtodieg us how tune as it pesos, brings change• and un °ert•ines of life. Lxt? otba roil l)Ai..ne. De Wednes- day, of last eteek,Wtllam Fowler, Sr. an old pioneer of Nest Wawano.b,left baro an an extended visit, to his sea, William sad family, 10 D.knte, who have bow located there for wane year.and doing well. Comoid- eringhe advancvrd stage nl years bstag up- wards of ..vasty, we proems, the vM- arable gent demon, has groo' pluck sod posh, to nodsrtaks the trip, !.e was •000moaoied b.. his nephew, William .Jobs Fowler and his wits and child, who have Mesa ou an •s treaded ...it to relative., friids, sad ao onaintanom hen. and were r•teraug boas to Dakota. t\ a wish the venerable gs.ab- man • pleasant runt to bis fronds eel safe return OLD / p/ATTERNS_ Of Wall Paper wont do today. People have their eye. open. and you can's pat off a time honored hut old r.Ab.oned 77.TALL PAPER es them ericgn and .'anti lien (reigns at lowest prices. SPRING MILLINERY OPENING. Our first display of Spring Millinery will be held THURSDAY EVENING MARCH 26th., and the two following days. Miss Galbraith, who has just taken charge of our Millinery Department is making every effort toy have this display the event of the season. Our rooms will be open on Thursday Evening at 7 o'clock. We extend an invitation to every lady to visit our show rooms during our Opening days. J. T. ACRESONI IT WON'T cost YOU MUCH To decorate your house inside this Spring when you can buy all new BALL '.APE RS Direct from factory, choice patterns, at 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10 cents per roll Soler of the latest and finest patterns. 121-2, 15, 20, 25 cents per roll CEILINGS AND BORDERS TO MATCH. Urge stock Window Shades 50c. to $1.75 each. Shade Cloth, 36 and 42 inch, by the yard. 36 inch Window Paper, Spring Rollers, I5c. Special value in Stationery, Bibles, Albums, Fancy Goods, etc. N. B. Wall Paper all new and about 100 patterns to select from N.rit to JAMES ROBIN ' ON'8 1)ty UUu,.de Stunt A. L WEIR At IN./1URO'S Th.y know we have the latent Am j lalle For ISPILIIEGI and Let us.-st urate on any work you are nolo, es we have empl dyad a first -elan to do now man to hang all Paper bought at 8 cents per roll. A new .i..pnteat of -FANCY BASKETS here tort received. loc. Cnrlutt Teem fur 7c. Photo Albums bel .w coot. All Chloe reduced. Ladies Beit Buckles. Skirt Waist Bets and 1'utf Links as lowest prices. Pocketbooks at LEESURN. Trustless, Mac. 24. Mas Ida Foley. of Ktag brfdgs, le visit - lug her greed pariahs Mr. sad Mrs, Fol'', at Rosewood Farm. cost. THE FAIR. T.Arrtest and most Complete CATALOGUE OF Good Seeds Preyyr Flew* and F.rrn Seeds, issued in Canada e[ ail tRS FREE IT VILA Pair waive till The Steele, Briggs Seed Ci stt.rna. Tena .Olga 111111111111 OIL i R. B. SMITH .We beg to announce that our GRAND SPRING OPENING -OF - MILLINERY SHOW ROOMS. Will take place on Friday and Saai, larch 271h and 281. 81311=11 ...1886 140 rte.ASKWfrIVIS1 of Pal a.•ols Umbrellas ,..a -reef ,daps and styli h handles. GlovkA Fine So.siery ns tubal. z specialty. 5 per cent. off ST. PATRI. k••; 1)t'. -Proved all that any se. of Brie could ask, a aloe 8.o day ler everybody, but the etosiag days of the week were set es em lovable. 1..a r.. A Nan Is. nerr.etuT -An the Township of ('.Iberao len year shows te its azpmeses P11 1b •,<psad•d few sheep killed by dogs. oke township fathers .f this year have presided tar ter dews, sash with a camber ante of home whl h act octant has left ea hie resedn .ssesslag the various .wast..f maims se if the 411. ars Sank WWI sheep tee tow with tae ..mew ham y se its soils It cam he Wesel M its falba Owes'. New the torts' km to hey • • arse for his dog is ren sheet with awry dm y, 1f sees without b the ass 1101• sae he shot without ..y anon, we .notions ninaLa RESTA GRANT. The undersigned respectfully lovitse Your atteatlw to the fa a that he has renovated the above oleo, end died It tip in evert way fur the convenience and comfort of the pu..iie sad will he plass. ] to hate . on call and for our acquaintaec... enjoy yourself and matte your- self al home. °ace Iwide, you 'An .-sols rhe that we carr) cooly Tuw CHOicgsT CO1rrIICTlosaaf, Fusser Fauns, and boot band. of ('l(iARs and TOBACCOS. OYSTERS a hulk or served In our parlors any way your desire. . FL. ALLFINT THJE IGODERICH I'OUNDRY The suhscriber hs. assumed control of Ike tiodry ch Pond t •rid .. now prepared to de an kinds of oaa.n.r and nuehIM wort. Meo- w eut.•los paid In PLOW REPAIR. HOUSE CASTING Our 50.1 Corset pronounced the blot in maraa at the price. D .utile warp black Lustros, hardiamb tale. k .od colored aerrs.. A full range of Sottisen [h•pones, Art Muslits, white and colored Cwwpot (Swum mod N..ttiogbrtm makes. ) V•leocleones Looms and Mews. Swiss and Jacconet Embroideries with ia- serttum, ro mach Ladiesand children's Sommer Cadet - clothing better and cheaper than ever. for Cash, or 30 .days. A MUNRO, Draper. All are cordially invited to attend our . . !Spring Opening FRLIAY and SATLJKDAY, MARCH 27 and 28. Wben there will be on exhibition s brilliant collection of the latest creations and exclusive styles in HIGH CLASS MILLINERY. We will have a very tine collection of choice Millin- ery, including a pretty display of Artificial Flowers MISSES YATES. Easter Millinery GRATE BARS. sad all ,.'ea es of week turned eat by • int - rises foundry. The pores. a •Itesttem of the pe.r rester will h. atvew N Mom 01,..=„6 do.. en the neeastem ameba tem mesala oral to t.r,.d i from wM woo Orders by mail ..YNMd. w cal be • ..et.Nty. Perisadry 1a ear eif Readers.. !Nerds Mit troy softie esteems e.4mbri.et. H. D. itis PrsprtM.' O... y You are cordially invited to attend. R. B. SMITH. Seeds! Seeds! Seeds! Timothy, Clover, Golden Indian Corn iFEED nit SEED) Flax, Grasses, Mangles, Carrots (RED Ass WHITE) The undersigned having received a large importa- tion of Spring and tl.arly Summer Millinery, is prepared to supply the sweetest of Bonnets, Hats and Trimmings. The goods are Fashionable, of Superior Make, and are in Color, Design and Texture unexcelled. MISS CAMERON, 62-3m - HAMI LTON' 'START. And every other kind grown by Farmer. Florist or Towns- man. Rock Bottom Prices and Na 1 Quality is my motto. 1 RUN 08 STOVES. �B IBB HIVING IT. T. J. VXDE.63, The True to Name Seed Store, East Street. SPRING GOODS . . The Grand Jewel Wood Oook Stove with Steal Oven is the .e ONE 1MaD JEWEL NOTE THE FOLLOWING POa1tTR.-1. Tb. Growl .Jswod has • ga eine teks.sl etas, whisk sashes M hake wise sheet half the fowl required by other "anti weed stow R. The Owed Jewel eros Datsun are made of Steel. They muse* tease. Has • Ilei amide ism is trent of eves, whish makes the eves hake evealy all ever. A .bar of .emend head Weed sad ('e.•l stases akeso- E1 LEL The first items we want to call your special att.ottou to are Carpets and Dismal Rome Furnishings. In thee.IiaoL we us the foremost house an the Convoy, earry•ng w we do, shout four times the stock of any of our comysutors We has oak -o great pates to ..lest these Goods in the hest mmrksb, Mostly from the m•nufwt.ra., not os b ba awe w •sY them at bei track pnose. $I will pay for "The Signal" for a year CARPETS: Our Brussels end Tapestry' Cerpete are of the *sweet pe't.erne and designs, with border. W mooch, aod the o. I ra are amply el.gaat Yue .hou 1 -.e our Bremen at Ill. Our o.. Almanac/sr..b. first ever •bows in this town, doll/troll everyone who hes sass them They are gotog to he sellers for the !fpr rg Tra.l.. Our All -Wool. in three plies sa.d two- p1 .'. aro ahead ..1 .ny'ht..( herewfore to the market an quality, domain sad coloring Urosa t sep.es Ito...." 1..•.. .I.ncat as good as Wools of past mamas The growing trate .• have •w••te. u- ..rt•ly to increase oar nock sad we are Dow u a hot•er peat...a hon ever to nose• ' h. .•qu.resneate of the trade. When you want Cupws, give n.. b...k. W. are ea t.h-.1 o hot we aro All year orders to y ur advent ge acid perh.p..svr 7 •u moos) t•.. ivy '.u....r teem at All Cur. pets made and lad if ►.gs.red. Vi a can n.ke • 30 to 40)sr•1 Coop..' in about two hours wtth oar new ('srp.t Maohtns. Ws have the largest stock of Oil Ciotti* and Ltooleums .ver •l owes in I.odertcb, at prices to sett oversew. Our Laos Partain :)tock is larger than ever. It is nec.►Ie.. 1. quote prices Our Chemin.. Stock of Curtains and Table C..ven, dir.c Ir.•n. the makers, deems everything for quality and pesos*. Rocs and Mate nem of our •,w' spec.Lw, also eeaas lime of Damsek, aostehle tor furomh.sg.. We want you to wee oar Table Linnen sad Table N.i k ne •.n.c• from Belfast, blond. W. want yea to ntmemher our Art Sateen. sort Art Moans.... Oar general Sprong Stook is bower than usu.i in m•vt hn.-. 1. Prints. Cbaeshe.., Upham, Scotch Otngbanm, Nees, Spot Main., we are shee.l ..f 0. tier season.. DRESS C' O ' S : A large ssesrtme.t to ataxy of the 0sw fabrics oen.uttog , f •hs new Satin Royals, Book sad Colored Lustros, Selman and Suiting Ma eri.I. We lure a let of Colored [kw Ms .nab, double won go .ls, chat we are oferiag for about he11 price Tweeds, Clotho, Man. log. and %Vete. 00..1. err. variety. Basalt Wares : Hosiery and Gloves. R.hbona, ('.,roes for L,.be. and Cbtblren, Loess and fancy articles, • complete sseortmeat OULB -T)RNE BROS. The Groat Carpet Wareham.. of the t' n ty Tile Kb!! Oouflle Adion show you how it work. I' will oust ASHER TAKES T 1 LEAD marl -all at h• r W a -he►. It eosepeted with Dv. r800 wash•nt maobf.se f .11 kende s. ('h corn in 1893 sod tar- ried r,A the Fer.. Premum .ad Geld Medal It • easy and quick. No Womb -twat,' regei►.d. - GIVE IT A TRIAL - Send we your address and I h. *ewes - •ton you live as. and I will coos and yo..wtateg. tf Hex 130 H. HA Livery Business Changed Hands J. C. MARTIN begs to announce• that he ho.• purchased the livery hu.i msec Irately cared oe by MESSRS. (MATES McCRACKEN OPPOSITE COL SOU NB H( )7E1. He will renevote and thorough!) equip the stab1.w in first -clam style, amei sake the public for a .hare of their esteemed patronage. Rates siessonabk, J. O. MARTIN (Irl -1... $Ir NPRING. T►r slot. ....•at of NEW HATS We are Mr ting to th. pwMttt. lar h .•nosy with .star* as she Aon- net spry,.g.lIY'.Mid b yeer..lf • erases lir. w be Mw week of all the IMO 04-" t.. Sb.rtq Onliare. Ceti Neekeser. Nen ff. ma. et O. IL MANN & 00►'t�